HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-11, Page 7nobain abbantr.
WINGUlant ONT4109,, WEDINifiliA)77. 1050)
• t.
GOBRIB- -A regular meeting of
Ilowleig Township Council wee
hela in the elericat office on Thurs.
day. All "nembere were present awl
Reeve H. Gevialy in tile ellair-
The neineteSp th Met regUlar•
Meeting Were read, and on motion
of MeMichael an" Allan were
aaopted as reed. Carried.
Gibeog-liashine --That we renew
the Clem:rut Accident Ingurancet
policies, tied Robbery theoremic
with R, W. N. Wade, Carried,
Haelcies-Gilisen-•-That we ueeePt
the tender or Roe Hanna, of LIS -
towel at $1280.00 fee the Merkley
ln•ain, Carrier/.
Tbat we vae,
emit the tender of 16, D. Waceliter
of Formosa, at $810,00 for the
Miami Drain, Carried.
(libaon-Allep- -That the yowl act -
counts re approved be paid. Car,,
ried. •
• IVIeMielittel-Hael(lae- -That t h
• following eeecrunts be paid*. •Car-
• ried.
Harriston Review, advertieing,
a5,00; Wingham Advance -Times,
advertising, $2,52; Listowol Banner,
advertising, $1,60; T. Whittier &
Sons, (Aliupplies, $8,49; A. Har-
rison, 13, Hubbard, W. Hargrave,
S. Wolfe, G, Wilscia, H. Baylor, G.
Uttbliarcl, C Renwick, frac bounties,
$31.00; John Abram, fare to Sana-
torium re S. ,Ovington, $17,00;
County of Huron, hOepitalization,
$109,00; Eakins & MacDonald, p01 -
ice villages, malit 1954, $60,00; W.,
E, Vahltfield, exchange on cheques„
$3.45; N. Wade, •premium, $659.16;
•H.- H. Careon & Son, warbicide
powder, $4.05.55;,11. Dane, expenses
asSessor's meetleg•, $5.00; road ac-
count, transfer, $2902.42.
Gibson -Haskins ---That we do now
adjourn to meet again on May 5th,
or at the call e•f the reeve. Car-
K Gowda, reeve
J. H. Pollack, elerk.
Y7P,U..Plans for
GORRIE. -The GorrieNatozzeter
• Y.P.U. Inca In tire Wroxeter 'United
• Church on Sunday evertihg, April
• 80, with lie president, Bob Black
• in the chair. ." •
4nrietipg opened with the call
, to woesbih followed by ,Seripeure
led 'in virlikai wee followed
by ,reading cat etewerdship. Bob
Blackalga grt've a readiiig on prey -
' Sit ialey MOW elute! read the
Miriam of the Hist meeting. Plans
were 'eampletod for final arrange-
• ments of stage ',properties for the
play "Mr, Beano from Lima" to
be preaented in Gerrie April 18I•11-
1tuth Toeor is to be in charge of
music 'brItiabali WAS.
.St,. Stephen's W.A.
Makes 17 -tree
ORRIE,e-The .VV.A, of Si. Step-
hen's Anglicari Church met on
Thursday ,afternoon in the L.O.L.
Hall and (milted three quilts.
The president, Mo. Harry King,
presided for a sited; businees and
• deaotional• Periled. :las. Geo. King
preeented• the riotiwial report of
st, Patrick's da Y bazaar and din:-
ner, which Was quite gratifying. It
Was atanclanced that the annual
Meeting of the Huron Diocesan
Will be hold in St. PAW'S
• Cathedtal," Load*, on April 24, 25
and 20. •
Mrs. Ted NeWton reed the Script -
Orel. Mre..T. \tittle "'earl an
Eastet Peem And Mrs, 0, Under;
weed read "The Mez4age of Easter"
by Georet, MattheW Adams.
The ratelang elosed with • the
benediction by the president. Luneh
was ,served.
• ,! •
GORIaTE-Catol Parnard, daugh-
ter' of Ma, and 1."'re, Harry Bar -
)lard, tionecesion 2, Was able to re -
tern hortle, 1 rom, rho ListtiWel HOS-
pita! On Sattirday, $he if; recover-
nieely, feee*n.jries received
• When 13111 Orratilaacar in Whieh she
Svas riding .VMS In tolIfsion* with
an array trafek arivoithy Ken gray.
torweseion 6 Grtaa on a sideroad
heath of Highway 86 durifi4. the.
heavy fog lest Tudidity afternoon,
Carol received W bad cut on the'
forehead *ben her head trashed
Agalitet the Wirldellield. 'Foga stit-
• thee were required to Clink the
wOurid, Judy .9m1th and Mary Me-
ICerehor, OM Were Sit% passengers
in the car reeelved painful Injuries.
Snaith had his knee :s.rid ribs
The Smith Oar W8:6110211y danialP.
cd, Those In the truek eactiped In*
• My,
Teachers of .131gone Days
Did •111.0t,'!Spare.,the 'Roe
11,. W. N, Wado
(Cordineeci frem •lust week) .
We left off •attain from the
'Harem Gazette" of 1.861, abeut the
hist:clay of Behoove, situated on
the corner of four townahips, Cul -
rose and Carrick in Portise County;
Turnberry and nowick in Huron
County, We do not know how Bol-
inger: got its mune, but we do know
that there moat Louie Delmore In
the CanaciaaCompany and many of
the tewnshipe in Huron County
were called after these men,
Anethee item we found In our
SCarelliag for HoWiek Centennial,
WaS that 'when the Huron 0a4(3140
Was £irsL prinlerj, they offered to
„woo; tweIl produret as. beef, perk,
flour, wheat, barley, oats, prem.
butler, eggs, etc., 10 payment for.
eubecriptions, We often find that
trade was (Jae by barter, in those
In Helmer° it lists 24 Professions
and trades, One was Moffat, Irwin
& Cante.on, manufacturers of an
improved washing machine. There
were two ehuiches, three black-
smiths, three general stores, four
Shoemakers, or pitons, two pearl-
aeheries and the& hotele, ()no
owned by Chambers. Population at
that time was given as 210.
About this same time Belmore
wee in the public eye on 'account
ef. the maraca just south of the
eillage of Steve Neubeeker by Jack
Haag. The story is related In the
'wok "The Queen's push" by W.
M. Brown., M.D. He tells of Nen-
neckar's team and sleigh- being
Lound by Chambers in his aotet
shed in the morning, with the in-
jured man.
The Gazette further states that
Rev; W. 83, Young, IVIorrishank,
was •school euperiatendent for
flowiek, Schools were kept open an
average of 11 months and 17 days.
Highest salary paid a teacher in
the county in 1861 was $400.00, the
lowest $84..00, with the average in
the county $280.00, without board,
The average, for female teachers
was $186.00.
Discipline In mehools has chang-
ed greatly in the past century. Thr.
early. teaehere were strong believ-
ers in the Old Testament dictum
'Saar° the„rod and slain the child.,"
jaw writer was' told of,a 'little girl
'On•*tbe first day Ett schoorWae•
the result that etre never returned'
to that school. •
Strapping or standing in • the
corner were forms of punishment
arid' very often the misdemeanor
did not merit the punishment. Per-
haps it was all necessary as there
we're plenty Of jokes playedon the
Leacher. One day at noon whenlhe
teacher had gone for dinner, one
of, the boys agreed to conceal him-
self in an 'empty bookcase on the
wall. When school was called he
was missing and of course every-
one was smiling which gave it
Linda Johnetant and Brian 'Un-
derwood are recovering from tonsil
operations. Little Earl Lawrence,
who has been in the Wingintm
Hbspital after being scalded is
home. Mr, Milton Watson is also
home frorn Winghant Hospital. •
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger arid
Lordly visited Mr. Wm. Grainger
of Toronto on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Graham Elastic,
Hitrristori, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs.. Gordon Ed-
Little Sheila Ireland; Tetewater;
epent the Easter holidaye with her
grandmother, Mrs. Harry Fergu-
Mrs. Russell Lane and family, 01
Tillsonburg, little Tanis and Jac-
queline Pinnell,, Kitchener, visited
the past week at the home. of Mr.
and Mo. Elmer Downey.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Browe and
Jean epont Friday in Simcoe,
Mra, Robt. Ferguson accompan-
ied Mrs, Perot Patteraoh and Jim,
and Mrs, EL Hewlett, or Fordwich,
to, °Wen Selind 011 WednetidaY, to
vielt her Siliter, Mrs. Orlando
Mrs. C. Lawrence is spending a
couple or week 111 Toronto,
Mr. Steve King, W110 was It pat-
lerit in the Winghain General Hos-
1)11E11 for several Weeks is eienvales-
leg With relativeeIn Lletowel.
Mac Hutehisort of Thornhill, is
attending his Vacation at the home
of' his pareitte, Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Wk. Bella Ore:eves 15 in Toronto
this Week where the ealieete to
have an eye operation.
Miss Tria Newton, . student at,
Stretford .Teachers' College, is
practiee teaehing fh the junior
rOOM of the Gordo Public School
this week,
away, •(I bop; A, will forgive the
writer for Mentioning this.), An-
other ono was about two boye who
brelte inte the school, stole •the
itlevierh.ors • rawhide strap I lat italg
leather strap split, 1140 strips), •Mit
it into pieces:and tossed it into tile
One hundred years ago, Nevem-
bee 24, 1856, the klowleli Council
xnet to mai, out the different see -
tions and te appoint a man in each,
Ip call tha firet meeting.
The first school bn HOWICR Was
No. 8 hnown as Qough's School,
built in 1.807 of Jogs, orte mac west
of Fordwicia The tali/mos were
Henry Gough, John Salient arid
Wm; Wade, who acted as secretary
Miati Waugh Was tetteher. The firsi
school inspector was Archie Dewar
at it salary of 115(00.
Gerrie •aaci Orangehill settoole
Were built akellt. the • same Linn
foliowing CillSely others,
. .
Many of our Canadian youth do.
pot appreciate the advantages they
enjoy tochly in recetving an eciuca/
tioh, over the time W11.01 agile who
are yet 1vng, had to trudge mile:.
through intta pr snow, to the old
log schoellioupe, where ,they were
Perched Upon a' bench without a
back and in "ft, *cifaughty room:
Times' ha,ve • changed •'radically.
Education le neW more' entertain-
ing and expensive;, equipment is do-
wse. The teacher: had little to
work with in those days, but some
fine people came out 01 that little
log school,
Up to 1860, it Was the ditty of the:
council to visit. each school. VVe
find a metier' .foe Oritcibet 1'7;1860:
—"Resolved that.•• the Municipal:
Co.rpora.tiell do visit •,and .examine•
the chilarqn 1r. Wroxetcr.,school, t�'
distribute prizes to th,e .deserving
portion, on Wednesday, the Ord., ol
November at 9 ,o'clock;' Leeehville
echoel at 12 e'elock and john Wig -
gin's (Ross Earl's, 'corner)" at 2
o'clock, also Gougras school ort
, •
Taureelay the atla.at. 9 o'clock, and
Orangehill at 12 oailoelc noon saki
clay. Carried, '
In 1861 the number' of children
going t9 Sci1001 141 the township
was 663; in 180 thete•Were 831 and,
in this Oentenniel year. 19.56, 496.,
(7.1.1ls ,dos :net, inellide'.these who
"gdatbillritaatzhi4/44' '
(Te he cdatintred):
GORRjaaallte April Meeting. ol:
the W.I. ,was, held'at -the hiairte o.
Mrs. Nokmaii- Wade on :Tuesday
evening. 'The alieo.preeklorit, .,Mrs,:
Glenn.' jahnetdn; 'presided: • in the
absence of 1.1.ip president.- • •
Mr. keoWlsini ailiesston , was.aa
attendance' and spoke.of the Cana
dian, Cancer Society; whieliiis heir%
organized te Winghatn and will
Include local -riatinicipitlities. Mlst
Margaret Maze and . Mrs. Harra
Ritmo vverc named .representatives
from the
ConVeners', aeports svere giver'
for histealcal.research and (Aurora
events by Mo. Gordon Edgar;
community activities and public
relations, Miss ailargaret Dane;
agriculture and Canadian indus-
tries, Mrs. %pa ,,Johrieton.
The motto '"The history of out
country ean teach us, If We look
batik actoes the years" was taken
by Mrs, Cordon Edgar', who told
of many disitoVeries that have aid-
ed 'awn kiad.
Readings Were given • by Mrs,
Tont lildgar.eallatied "grandfather's
Arithmetick," "And Se, We Com-
inelnatate." Mrs. Andy Edgar read
"Grandpa's Vilood- Stove", and Mrs,
Gordon Edgar, gave "TreaSates 111
the Attic."
A shod eetiree on salads was
chosen•frepi the co-operative pre,,
grain. MO. Glenn Johnston . told
of the Girls' A'clileVenneat bay, at
Seaforth, Width was attended by
seven girls I:torn-Gerrie. Mas.. Ceeil
Wilson, eonyerier, spoke briefly on
tbe organizathia for food for the
Cententiial and also for 110sDita1ita.
Refreehrirente, Were served by
Mee, H, Man* Mrs. Vera Gregg
arid the • .
Infants -Baptized
Sunday After:0000
COrtitIPILAt the Presbyterian
Charch on thIIay alteriioon the
following infants were baptized by
the pastier,' Itef, W,. J, McClure).
Zlizaboth- Anne, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, DaVid'4e11s�rafld V�mIt
Mae, datighter 'or Mr, arid Mrs„
Gordon toiltitto
Mrs, Edgar Tells
Of indion Neighivrs
•Mrs. Harold iitabinson
was liostees for the W.X.S. last
ThOrtitleY afternoOrt, TAM mo-
Inines presided for the devotional
Beetion and Mrs. Cecil Grainger
gave en /Sumter retaline;, The
Serinturo lesson was read by Ws.
17, L. McInnes,
Mrs, Gorden • 16dgar gave an in-
Lereriting, talk about the indirtne
who were their neighbors Wirer)
they lived in the Peat* River lale.
trIct. Special Mat:1On WOO Made of
a faintly try name, or Ivronkman,
vlio wore very hind.
Mrs. Mad Edgar took charge of
rile Matinees and plane were made
to attend Lite Presbyterial in Ex-
During OW afterecent 0 quill
,vas quilted.
111.1616TIN1J •
clORRIE A public meetiag for
fIowbck Township Centennial will
be held in the Gorrie Contrrtunity
Hall, April" 1.9tb, at 8.30 p,rn. Every
fresidept o Howick is invited.
• —
• FORDWICH-- The W.A. of Tri-
nity Church met on Thursday at
the home of Mrs. Ruby Foster for
the April. meeting. •
The president, Mrs, Stan .Forester
was in the chair and the meeting
opened with the hymn, "Welcome
Happy Morning". 'Sixteen membere
andi, two visitors answered the roll
Call with a verse on the resurree-
..ton. Mre, Frank Russell gave a
'aaper on =the Study hook and also
ted in the Litany,
Readings were given by Mrs! 16.
Ferguson, Mrs. M, Arnistrong and
Mrs. J. Strong. •Membere 'were re -
Minded of the annual W.A,; con-
'yention 'in St. Paul's Cathedral.
LOndon, the week of April 24, 25
alid 26, and ale° of the W.A. slides
to be shown in the Clinton Parish
Ball en April 27.
• lanai plans were made for "the
:Brotherhood banquet to be held in
Thb" bead/tent. "of the chirech en
• '
: The meeting closed with prayer
,ind a social half hour was spent.
Officers Installed
At Annual Meeting
•- FORDWICH—The annual meet-
ing of Huron C.O.P.B.K.I, was held
in Blyth on Friday with it good
attendance. The' committee, report-
ed an Increase in membership.
•- Robert E, llibberd of Fordwich
' • '
135,. was re-elected CM. with other
safficers as *follows: TIM., OliVer
acques, Woodharn Chapter; Chas.
Stewart of Clinton; reg.,' W. F.
Campbell, Fordwich; treasurer, C.
'Falconer, Myth; lecturers, F.
Jamieson of Woodham, W. Castle
of Varna; censors, L, Hearne of
Woodham !and W, Scott of Blytii;
'standard bearers, L. Keyee of Var.
na and J. Lyons of Blyth,
J. • /3. Rathwell, past county
master of Varna, conducted the in-
stallation of officers.
The semi-Evenual, meeting is to
be held in.Varna the last Friday of
Mirni Poona Renwick .of Delmore
visited the past weeig with 11110
• Mary johnson. .
Mrs, Bess Doig received word
on Monday that her sister, Mrs.
Julie Orme of Detroit, )4101i.l. had
WWII a severe stroke on her way
home from lolorida,
Mrs. ,Chris. 'Weitz 0)1(1 Mr. Wtb
LIEtra jaelcarnt of Toronto visited a
couple of days last week witl 'Mr.
and airs. John l*Iolt.
Mrs. Ron Massey and .clihdren
moved last week to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace, ninth
lin, where Limy will have an apart-
Mr, and Mrs. Gari Stewart; of
Listowel visited last Sunday 'With
Mr. Mai jvtrs, JaMeS Vale,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
Were Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Tont Deeves .or mown.
Mr. and Mrs. .0eell Galbraith of
Chrelph viiited over the week -end
with my. and Mrs. Lindsay Gal-
Alm WlJlbam Marriner, LarrY,
Wayne and Ricky spent a day lata
week in Kitchener.
Mr. join) Tudan last wech took
over the chopping mill and feed
business In Artintr, withal he re-
cently purehaseda
Mrs. Peter Browne and family
visited with relatives in Toronto
last week.
Mrs. Stan Bride, distrait Tres'.
dent of the 'Women's Institute,
visited the Cranbrook branch on
Tuesday night.'
Mr, and Mrs. Royden Devitt were
In laltehener one clay 'lust week.
Min, 0, Sothern and Mrs, Fred
McCann of Fordwieh W.L, attend-
ed the leaders' school last Thurs-
day and Friday in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Tomlin of
Detroit, Mich., visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Forester and with relatives in
Mrs. George Trethewey ef Strat-
ford visited on Friday with her.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sahaefer
and Master Paul and Jimmie re-
turned home with her after spend-
ing the week here. •
Mrs. Tom MeClement and Mrs.,
William Sothern spent a day last
week in Kitchener.
A itemizer from here attended the
Cycles i Kitchener last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aldrich of
Galt visited here over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. William Marriner
were in Toronto one day last week,
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth
Peel from the Edgar funeral home
in •• Geraleeon 'Tuesday. ••
Mr. Etnd Mrs. Harvey 1VIeDermitt
visited one day last week with Mrs.
Clara •McDermitt and Harold in
Mies Beatrice Wade spent part pc,.,
last week with friends. la Toronto.
Mrs. Orville Guy of Mitchell was
visitor for it few day e last week
with _her sister, Mrs. Henry Howe
and Mr. Howe.
Mr. Earl Moore -visited on Tittles -
day with his wife in Kitchener, who
is a paLieat in the hosptal there.
Mr. and Mrs, • Glenn Johnson
'spent Saturday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bolander
and Johnny, and Mrs, Earl Ridley
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil Lynn at Orangeville.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith and
Miss Phyllis Visited oir Satitraay
with Mr, and Mrs. Scott:Keith in
Miss Isobel McCann of Listowel
spent the week -end with her Ita.
rents, Mr, and Mrs. William Me -
Master Paul Hafer, Ihree.year*-
old son Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haffita,
returned home on Thursday from
Listowel Hospital wham lest Mon-
day he underwent an operation.
kat !Ontalsite
Udeni ,Elitabeth II litspeeta, in London, a- friodol of the new
cathedral 'being erected !In !Coventry. The Queen laid the foun-
dation SUMO Of the struoture, which will replaer, the etie &Weed
.10,1,940 by Nazi bombers in their first saturstion raid.
. . ,
Euchre Winners
FORriviriCfr-Voll tables Were,
in play at the weekly euchre
in the .comniunity hal/ WI Tuesday
Tho winners were We, Wray
Cooper and John McElwain and
the eonsolation prizes went to UM.
Roy Chalice and Clarence Dietz,
The winner -of the special prize
Lor tin) cvaing was Mrs. Herold
,FORDWICIa—The 0.G.I.T. Met
tale week at the home of Sharon
Pollock with an attendance of 26.
The meeting opened in the usual
The worship eeaviee was taken by
patsy Ila.rris, Honey Winkle and
Jean Greer. Mrs. William Edgar
gave the girls a splendid talk on
general health and elides were
shown, or Niagara Fella, Welland
CEinal locks and lift bridges and
Hamilton flower gardens.
Mrs, C. Carewell, had two con-
tests, LUM:31 Was served by Eliza
heth Arinstrong, Doris Dinsmore,
Anna Mario Uspenson and Jean
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Diane Carswell on
Monday. The meeting closed with
• The • East Wawanosh Council
met, April 3rd, with all the mem-
bers present, the Reeve presiding,
The minutee of the meeting held
March Oth, and the special meet-
ing of March 14t1u, were read and
adopted on motion by Buchanan -
Hanna. •
A petition was received from
ratepayers asking that a portion of
the Hallahan IVIrmicipal Drain be
cleaned out.
• 1"urdooalVleCtowan -- That the
petition be granted and the Reeve
loolt after the work, Carried.
The engineer's amended report
on the Johnston Municipal Drain
was read.
Hanna-Buchanan.—Tbat the en-
gineer's amended report on the
Johnston Municipal Drain be'
adopted provisionally and the clerk
prepare the By -Law and -Court of
AevnnenLie netn en May 151' Car- lakes and become established.,
1, Original y a marine' fish, the
The cleric was instructed to ad- fresh water lakes alang the 'east
vertise for tenders for the con-
structien of the Purdah Municipal
Drell), tenders received not later
:than .1Vlay let, •al, one o'clock:
IVIcalawate-Purdon--That the road
and general accounta as presented
be paSsea and paid. Carried.,
Marks.' .Eightieth.Birt
''!" ' • '' ::'! •
FORDWICII—Mrs. W. Ettinger
of the Fordwich district was sur-
prised on Monday night when relaa
Lives and neighbors gathered at her
home in honor of her eightieth
Mrs. Ettinger is still quite active
and keeps house for her on, Nor-
She lias two daughters and three
eons, (Annie)) Mrs. John Hein -
miller, or Kurteville; (Freida.) Mrs,
gamy Dareey; John of qowans,
town; Carl, of Fordwich and NOP.
man, al; home, There areleven
grandchildren and one sister, Mrs.
3, Gibson, of Fordvviela Her has -
band passed away sorne'years ago.
'Mrs, Ettinger received card's,. • a
potted plant, personal gifts and a
lovely decorated birthdayeake. The .,
evening was spent playing carda
and a delicious lunch was Served. ,
Smelt Fishermen Prepare
For Annual Spawning Run
As soon as the ice goes out M I
countless Ontario streams, the I rim) °ups ATTEN
annual smelt ran will attract
MO tin
tlibusands of anglers, keen to
harvest, in dip nets, seines, buck -
ets, or what have you, the tooth-
WHITECHURCH— The 0,6.1,71.,
group held a: meeting hi the memo-
rial hall last Thursday night, wit ,
Ike members or the PreSbyterian
anil allytiteciAo
eh jillitili•e0:11 auttle.oh3dd.-
xeorths •
pte' oident of
the was in the chair arid
all sang the Opening ode: Joan
Casemore was in charge of the
business and gave a, report of the
past few Months' work :and the
Large runs of smell; occur In dstilaild;': aGrertot
bCancon Canadian Inada and the anis-
e -
practically all the stiearns flow-'
sionary work being de.ne among
ing Into Georgian 13ay and Lake
them All were interested, in the
Huron in the Parry Sound district,
layetto the girls had etwie ;which'
and throughout much of the rest
will be sent to Dr, Pahner for use
of southern Ontarin.'Parry sound
in the hospital at Hat -ellen, 13.C.
District J3iologist la A. Walden - •
Points out that the smelt 'eats Tile reader, Mrs. Clarence eMe-
plankton and some fish but that Clenaghan, told of the weak Of the
there is • no proof that it has group and of the 'VV.M:S. "schools
serionsly affected game fish. • In to which the girls were centribut.!
fact, it is au impertant item in ing their funds, Jean and ,Marlene
the diet of some lake trout, popu- Martin led in the Easter worship
lations. Rams a more direct value service.
In providing sport and fond during Mte, Dawson Craig, president 'of
ine raying spawning run. the Presbyterian W.M.S. and MO.
'The smelt serves as food for Milan Moore, president of the':'
native species, but its real place United Church W.M.S. 'Wok. the •
hi our waters is still limier study," pirdge from the girls in the affilie
some little fish which first appear-
ed 'in abundance here about 1936.
Like rainbow trout and carp, the
smelt is not native to Ontario,
though it has ellewn a remarkable
ahility Lo ardapt itself to inland
13uchwurai-Hanna.-That the '" ap-
pointment of Lloyd Montgomery as
orucellosis inspector by the brucel-
losis emulatee be confittned, his
concessions to be 8, 9, 10 and 4.
Mark Cruelly was present. asking
:or a grant for the Belgrave Pipe
Band. It was znoved by Purdon
aeconded by McGowan that the
council give Et grant. of $50.00 to the
Belgrave Pipe Band, Carried.
Road charities:
Stuart MeBurney, salary, $171).00;
'Wm, T. Irwin, wages, $38,60; Fred
Deacon, wages, $30.75; Philip Daw-
aun, welding plough, $4.00; Purdon
1Vbelors, bralreline grader, $6.50;
Sadao"' Hardware, shovel, $3,05;
G'arnpbell's Garage, 4 cross chains,
14.4.0; ;Canada Packers 6 cwt. salt,
$6.60; can. Oil Co., 265 gallons of
gasoline, $92.34; W. 8, Giberna,
grader insurance, $192.30; Domin-
toil Road Machinery Co., clutch,
$571.68; .1 -toss *Jamieson, ploughing,
sanding, eta, $106,00; Geo. Rad-
ford, ploughing, $345.00.
General cheques:
H. C. MacLean, :premium, $12.00;
The , Winginun Advance -Tithes,
at-Weal:41n, $2.52; Donald Cook, 1
fox bounty, $1,00; Ansociation of
Assessing Officers of Ontario, $10,
. Ilatina-Buchanan--That council
adjourn to meet May let, at one
o'clock at the I3e1grave Comlitunity
Centre, Carried.
Orval la, Taylor, Reeve
IT. Thoinpson, Clerk.
coast of North 'America whento
.some were introduced to Cryetal
Lake 'near Lake Michigan. Es-
caping into Lake Micbigan, these
smelt have formed the basis of *Ur
whele upper lakes population.
eays Mr. Walden.
The 1950 smelt fishing regu-
lations, permit residents to take
smelt in a (lip net up to 3 ft. by
3 ft. witimut a lieenee during the
monalie of April and May. A and Karen Groskorth gave read -
resident may AltiO it seine net up Inge. Elaine Conn danced the high.
In 30 11. ay a it or a clip Act Up land fling, Sara Caswell played the
piano, and the leader, lalre. Clar-
enee laleCienaghan was presented ;
with a teapot and salt and pepper!
)1101Ef•rs as it remembrance frenk
the group before leavirig for her '
um home at Rothsay.
The mystery mothers were call-
ed to the front earl each (1.0.1T,
Inemaer found out who her mys-
tery Inoilur had been. The Nee
ln:I:. Iloa! Anthem thesed the Meeting
limy bit' (ipi'i'alt'4 ilny 0
There are no willent in withal e
lieenee Is not rerprired, bet the
smelt seineN 0110 ilili ua tts 'luny tint
111'•used in (he waters nf Victoria,
. .
Hitting its stride, the 1.119G lted linrhtun Crandies, Trent River
Cross campaign for members and or lake alengeg, in Crow Lahr.,
Node, has rolled half Way to its Mow Rivet. or Beaver Creek itt
ation se:vice, with Frances Henraa
•Joan Caeemore, Muriel Moore and
Kathleen Fisher taking the parte
for the C.G.1.T. Karen sang
Ude llouse" and Marilyn Morrison
to 6 ft. by 0 fa to take emelt
under Lite authority nr a "Resident
Lieenee to Take Pmelt foe Per-
solval Use," available from licence
issuers al $1.
AThon-reeirient may take emelt
under the authority of a $5 "Non-
resident Liceeee to Take Smelt
for 'Personal Um"
and Mary Fisher and Marilyn lvtor-
rison were itt rharge of the re+
(*radian period. .
Peterhorottgla larirtinnaberiand or
goal 8111e0 OtWt1.iJ1I Mare,' 1.14,, it ilasilizgs +County, lit the Rideau
was announeed last week, by Mr. niver between ling's ihte'lf lnint
W, Lloyd Wood, (*aweigh their- mul the Ottawa River in Carletnn
niuUt fOr Ontario Divielon fled County, or itt waters set apart
Cross, under the Came and Fialieriee Art
While restille ere approaltrattely lor tlw regulatirme thereunder.
even With last year, 110 cautioned Smelt may he taken, however, Irt
against )088 of nioinenttlitt because Lake Ontario fronting Northam -
Red Cross needs- at•e greater than berland and Durham Counties.
In allY Year Since tile Itareall War- The nails, dippers mid such con -
He appealed to Ontario 'citizens not. frivolity» used by smelt fisher -
yet contacted Lo send their sub- men are tilt considered al) small
dip nets. As such, the resident
operator does not require a 'license
if the Mae dere not carved 8 It.
by 3 It., the Minister eXplained,
soriptions to their local Red Cross
branehee Or to Orltatie Division
Red Cross, 460 JarvIS Street, Tor-
onto, Ontario,
A good crowd gathered last
Thinsday night at 8.8, No. 111,
VVawanosh and after it short pro.«
grant with Lawreate Thyler as
chairman, Mr. and Mee, Larne
lin and daup,later, of Kirton, and
Mr. and 'Mrs. William O'Brien oi
Whalen, who had also assisted tt
ilie propene, provider/ Wield ft1i
dancing. Fred Deaten ealled ort,
This was the final get-tOgethiera'04
the heaSon for the t, Wttifteriaala-
Mrs, Robert Seat and on Mi
•ray, have been very lit with
asles• tinting the past waak.