HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-11, Page 6PILOT OR OTIStILVIElt Single Melt 17.24 YearS of Age Or XII EdueittiOn er Panivalent 'o - Canadian Air .Force y. Who Winglaint AtIVItnee-ThileSi•:WolnestlaYi 4011 11, 7I411i6 Fighter Centre' Op. Supply Technician. Clerk Typist Clerk Abeataiting Safety tairipinent :Recreation. Spec. WOMEN Phone 237 • I Dorothy Difillian was an army nurse in Korea before she be samean air ambulance nurse in Saskatchewan. Since the service started in- .1046, there have been 2,000,0.00 miles of mercy flights logged without .a fatality. .1 1,110111•114M16.411•••0411.0.10.•=.1110.•001•1•••11.1.1111.10/00.11•11P.M100410.1.11,001111.00.1.5114111•0.•119.1•61111.0 'SEE YOUR CAREER COUNSELLOR Now is the time to buy that new Ford Tractor. Come in to Huron Motors arid let them show you how much more you get with one Of the new 600 or 800 Ford series tractors. 30% more power than ever before - live power take off - improved hydraulic Rest-O-Ride Seat. Proof meter and dozens more advanced features OR . For Diesel Power that costs you less— let. Huron Motors show you the Fordsoh Major Diesel and see how much more you get at a cost of hundreds of dollars less than other diesels. GO AIRFORCE at WINGHAM TOWN HALL NOON to 7 p m WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL Tractors Tractors Tractors TRADE TRAINING AVAILABLE FOR Huron Motors Ltd. AIRCREW TRAINING t. A. D. MacWILLIAM Ford Si Fordson Major Tractors CM SERVICE FOR ROYAL ARCH MASONS WROXETER — Huron District Royal Arch Masons held a hat:Act elitireli service in Wrcc,- eter United Church on Sunday Morning, More than ,sixty members Were in attendance. The sermon was given by Rev. 'W. .3, V. Buchanan, minister of the church, who said anything which links the church and fra- ternities is well worth working for, 'Men of all ages have found com- fort and strength in helping to build the temple, , The speaker pointed out how in the days of the building, of the temple, as in all histop', great men have been raised up to rebuild with faith and cour- age in spite of discouragements. A men's choir led the singing and a, quartet, Gilbert Bowes, Art Gibson, Harold Robinson and Dick Carson sang "That Beautiful Land." Mrs. Rhame was organist. The meeting was arranged by the host chapter, Lebanon No, 84, Wingham. Members from Huron District and, other districts attend- ed, Two local men were elected to -office in the Royal Arch Masons .this year, Rt. Ex. Comp. Thomas Burke, grand superintendent, and Ex, Comp John MacLean, district secretary. Gift presented To _Newlyweds WRpXETER—Mr. 'and Mrs. • Robert Brown (nee Irene Blake) of Teeswater were honoured by the community at a shower in the town hall recently, Sangster's orchestra pro-Vided music for the dancing. John Gibson Jr. read an address and Betty Newton presented a gift of money. Mr. and Mrs. Brciwn have taken up residence in the vii- W.A. WELCOMES TWO NEW MEMBERS WROXETER—Two new mem- bers were weleenied when the Wo- man's Association of the United Church held the April Meeting in the church school room, Mrs, W. T. MacLean and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Michael convened the meeting, The openingiymn was "When I Survey the Wondrous Cress". The Gospel was read by ..Mrs.. McMi- chael followe,d by thoughts on "The Measure of the. Cross". The roll I call Was answered ,by a verse con- taining the - word septlehre. "There Is a Green Hill" was sung after which the president, Mrs. W. Hart, presided ier the business. Re- ports were received on the paint- ing of the chairs - which' are now completed. A new catering com- mittee was setup, the members b•a- ing Mrs. Ken Bennett, Mrs: 'Andrew Adams and Mrs. Rae Leutitt. The quilt made by the" members has been sold -to the .HoWick-.Tunior In- stitute. • The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting. A pot-luck sup- per was served: by the -committee in charge. BUDS OF "PROMISE EASTER SERVICE VWROXETER,--The' , The" Btids of Promise MiSsion Band held a spec- ial Easter- service . in the church schoolroom on :•Friday, • afternoon and guests'.were.:, members of the Winen's MisSlonary Society. The childres had gathered snowdrops which made a lovely setting for the meeting. Mrs. D. W. Rae loaned her Easter lily. The president, Helen Magee wel- comed the visitors and gave the call to worship. All joined in the Easter hymn, "Crown Him with Many Crowns." Bryan Sanderson read the Easter story as found in Luke, chapter 24:1-0. Edith. Wheel- er led in prayer. 'Spring was the title of a poem read by Catharine Edgar, Gail Statia, Catharine and Louise Ed- gar favoured with a trio, "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam," Mem- bers of the Mission Band joined in singing "Heavenly Sunshine" and "Fishers .Of Men."• Carol Lout- itt played a piano solo, "Farewell to Thee." Mrs. W. J. V. Buchanan was the- guest speaker 'and' delighted her audience with ,fe.. story, "A Pair of Shoes." It was story abotit new Canadians and their gratitude for the help of the church missions who helped supply clothing when needed. The roll call' was answered by naming something which re- minds one of Easter'. ; • MrS. D. S, Maellaughton express- ed thanks on behalf of the`W.M.S. Members and the meeting closed with the Singing of the hymn, "Can a Little Child Like Me," The child- ren and their leaders served re- freshments and a social hour was enjoyed. ' Leaders of the Buds d Promise Mission Band are Mrs, liferwyn Grainger, -Mrs, Ken Edgar, Mrs, Lloyd Magee and Mrs. Jim San- derson. „Mr, and" Mrs, Wilfred "MelIls: Ifippen, Visited the GibSert fairedlies on Sunday. Mrs. Menlo Is the form. er Mary Mho)). R Mrs. G. McMichael Opens Home to CGIT WROXETER—Mrs. „Glenn Mc- Michael opened her home for the April meeting of the Canadian Girls In Training on' Wednesday afternoon. President Shirley Reidt presided and opened the meeting with all members repeating the Purpose. Plans were made for the affilia- tion service to be held on' Friday night,' April 13th, at which a dis- play will be put on by the members of their Indian work. The C.G,I.T. will be guests of the Women's Mis- sionary Society and will be pre- sented with badges. Some time was spent 'on making recipe books which will be display- ed at the bazaar of the Tuesday Starlight Group. 'The girls will also have candy for sale. A sing song, games and contests were enjoyed after which refresh,- meats were served, by the leader and hostess, Mrs, Glenn McMichael. WitOXETER. . • . Mr. and Mrs. William Lowe and children of Barkway (nee Iren'e Wright), spent a few days visiting friends here. Miss Jeannie Howes, Chatham, spent the holiday week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert HoWes. Master Andy Ste Marie of Clif- ford ,visited during the holiday with his aunt, Mrs. Andrew Adams. Mr. d'nth.,-Mrs.• Lyle Brothers and children, • of Wexford, spent the holiday week-end with Mrs.. Vic- toria Brothers, Miss Donna McLean, London, visited over the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton visited on Friday and Saturday with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. William Hart spent the week-end in Toronto, 'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer, Andrinc and Fred of Sault Ste Marie, visited during the holiday. with Mr. Tom and Miss Beatrice ,Shearer. During the week Mr. Shearer attended the teachers' convention in Toronto. Miss Marguerite Ford and Miss Ferne Bennett are practice teach- ing this week at TurnberrY S.S. No. 2 with Mrs. Wilson Thornton. Miss Ford has been gaged to, teach the coming year at near Toronto, Mrs. Ben Hyslop Has 80th' I3ifthday .WROXETER There 'was a happy, family gathering at the hornd of Mr. and Mrs, Ross San- dersori on Thursday of last week in honor of the 80th birthday of Mrs. Ben Hyslop. Her fandly num- bering sixteen enjoyed a takey dinner. The table was centred by a 'lovely birthday cake flanked With candles, Flowers, gifts and cards added to the happiness 'of the eVelit. Mrs. kysibp has five daughters and a son and all but pile, Mrs. Jim Sanderson, of Resettinni, Sask., were present, Mrs, Hyslop is in fairly good health, Though she cannot knit or Sew, she enjoys reading and is quite a television fan, • Ho; many neighbors and friends in the eonuntinity join with her family in extending best WisheS for goOd health and many more happy birthday anniVersaries, Euchre Winners wRoxgrppi — Eleven tables were in play when the WPIllen's Institute held a euchre party last week in the colnrivin* JAIL Har- vey McMichael WO the special binge, the prize being a relish dish, Ladies' high score was held by Mrs, .1, Crunli? and Mrs. 40 Sim- mons, Justin Will and Boyd Mar- shall wen honors !Pr the men and Gordon Bastie wen ,the door prize. Novelty prizes were won by Mrs. Gordon Hastie and Mrs. William Lowe. Mrs. 3, H. Wylie and Mrs. Thomas Burice convened the party, Mrs. James 'Sanderson 'and Mrs. Stuart Higgins are in 'charge of refreshments: Mrs. Glenn MelVlich- ael, Mrs,.Frank Earls and Mrs: D. S. MacNaughton will, be in charge of the service and Mrs. Polltick,; Fordwieh, will he gnest speakeir, Guard -painted areas around the door knobs and jambs frequently' soiled by ebildier byti> coating them with paste wax or :a creamy clean- up ' • wax.: " ' " 0 - 0 - Is your furniture light in color?* If so,' -remember that it will 'not show up to the best of its ability against a :light-liac4grPhnti.ri-ChoItSc- a darker tenet° tiling out the:b6St; in your furniture, Veratile Soybeans Because of the many end uses it could he put to, the soybean is probably the most amazing crop grown in Canada, • It is used in the manufacture of meat, A soy-bean derivative, lecithin, is used to prevent sediment for- mation in itthrleating ells and gaso- lines, and. as a wetting agent , in ink and paint- manufacture. Its 011 is used in the tanning of leather, dyeing of textiles and in making soaps and water-proofing agents. 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St„ Wingham •• Phone 770 Wingham MEN . Airframe Technician Air force Pollee Munitions At Weapons Airtraft Control Electrieal TeChnleian Wi. Mernkrs.Tour New Broiler Plant WROXETER .--4110 1.90-0,57 pro, grams were distributed when the Women's Institute met at, the home of Mrs, Thomas Burke on Wet:14es,, day afternoon, The printed pro- grams are in gold with blue letter- Mg,. and contain the complete year's work under the headings of the standing committee, a full list of officers, the Ode, Creed and Institute Grace. In the interests of public relations, extra copies were purchased and will be distributed throughout the year to, other groups ,and officers, Mrs, Charles Cabers gave the motto, "It is right to. iray for a crop, but keep on hoeing." Many helpful suggestions for W, I. work were made. Mrs. Thomas Burke gave the secretary's yearly report. It has been a most .successful year. Financial assistance was given to the new community hall to the tent of 8800.00, a gift was made to the Wingham General Hospital and the sick and. lonely of the commun- ity are remembered through the year and at Christmas. All shut- ins receive gifts.. Mrs. Thomas Burke will attend the conference at 0./1,C. in May and two members are invited to at- tend a banquet in June given for., Mrs. Berry of Australia, president of A.C.W.W., who is visiting in Canada. The roll call, an item. from Home and Country, gave interest to that valuable W.I. magazine, edited by Miss Ethel Chapman. The highlight of the meeting was a totir of the Burke Broiler Plant, Wroxeter's newest industry. Members found this modernly equipped plant most interesting. They were told people. come quite a distance to look it over. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Howes and Mrs. Walker and a social hour en- lage I joyed. Easter story, as found. in St. Luke's Synodical of WA18 To Meet at Thorold AI filialiQn Service Friday Night wRoxerEri„agomberN ,of the Canadian Girls In Training, their leaders and mothers will be gnests at the meeting of the Women's Missionary Society on Friday.,night at 8 o'clock. The girls will Conduct the meet ing and the affiliation service with the presentation of badges will fol- plastics, synthetic fibres, paints, low the worship service. ' salad oils, candy and cosmetics, It is a valuable livestock feed supple- Delegates"from this district will attend the forth corning thrce,day annual meeting of the Hamilton- London Synodical of $the Women's * Missionary Society of the Presby- terian Church in Canada, to be held in St", Arvifews` PreshYterian dhurch, Thorold, April 3.8.2e. Guest speakers will include Miss Isabel McConnell, Reg. N,, mission- ary on furlough from India; Miss Laura Paton, director of overseas missions and recently returned frpm a trip to West Africa, and Miss Anne MacBaehern, regional secretary, Mrs, Arthur Hamilton, Atvveod, synodical president, will preside, It's easy to keep track of your money with a Current Account at The Canadian Bank of Commerce, You may wonder where your money goes. 'But 'one thing is certain, you. can't save much unless you spend wisely and budget well. For good reason, you'll be far better able' to keep-• track 'of your expenditures when you open •a Current Account with 'the Canadian Bank of commerce. This gives you these outstanding advantages: At the end of each' month,: you receive a typed statement from 'us. this ShoWs every deposit and every withdrawal you have :made---as Well as the balance standing to your credit. You Also receive all your can- celled cheques, You'll find tihiS CoMbination a great help ih keeping an exact record of your expemditures and receipts: !;fit;41 hh WATCH FOR THE' MAR-SHALL- SPRING .SALE NEXT WEEK! FREE DELIVERY 14. FURNITURE 01111111840111111MOIM011.1100•11 Use Advance-Times Classified Adi fpr Results; J Open a.-current Aoactirtt with us today. Our nearest branch will be Owl to help you. lOOM THE CANADIAN 'BANK or COMMERCE 064 e' 0 n, A N ( ANA"A