HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-11, Page 2The :formation of a Booster Club will be welomed by those in town, and there are a goodly number of them, who feel that local sport and those who engage in it, do not receive proper recognition ira Wingham. Aims of the club will be to foster an interest in local sports, and to provide incen- tive for boys with sporting talent to remain in Wingham rather than to take jobs and positions on teams in other towns. There is no doubt that there is a good deal of local talent right here in Wingham. The Juvenile team which this year came within an ace of win- ning the Ontario championship, con- tained several members who would be an asset to any team, and there are other boys, not on the juvenile team, who could give a good account of themselves on a town hockey team. What has been lacking, up until now, has been the organization to get these players together, and a sufficiently solid backing of fans to keep them to once the team has been formed. , Down in Bowmanville, where the Juveniles played their final games, fans waited in line for five hours to iget:' tickets to see their team play. :50isOn tickets for next year's games WTelf. 'on sale immediately after the tirr series was over. . Everywhere thtisiasni .and co-operation sparked tAftoniOt,ea-ni's efforts,'and this may nrsOme measure have been responsible. final win which resulted in •:ttawmanVille taking the Ontario Championship. Attendance during ' the playoff m11..0 (e..burtb • (ANGLICAN) indfall Second:'" unday after Easter., 8.30 Communkin 1L00 rani.—Mourning Pra Sermon Rev 1,13 VrieS,. Blytri • 2.30 p.m.—Church School., 7.1)0 p.m.-7-V,vening Prayeri&Sermon 'Wed., April 11i—Deanery of 'Huron B.A.C.' Thurs., April l.2-j---Altar Guild Meeting at home of Mrs, jack Myers. Banquet in Vordwich, Tries., April 17—Evening Guild t. The Bible is, becoming "common grennd for ,Ftorpan „Catholics- and Protestants in France." This fa-et was stressed' by m. 10 ,pasteur Dr. Marc Boegner; formerly .president of the Protestant chtirches of France, at a United 'Bible Societies .conference at Hayward Heath, England. In this report of Bible distribution and ,use in France, Dr. Boegner claimed• na difficUlty is encountered "film the side of the • church ,or state" there, "For over fifty years there has' been true and complete freedom of religion." he 'stated. He adinitted that id the 1Vbvince6 of Alsace and Lorraine, priests, pastors, presidents of churches and ecclesiastical officers are appointed by,the state. Never- theless even here there is closer relationship between church and state than ever before. Many priests and members of the Roman Catholic Church are using Protestant Bibles published by the British and Foreign Bible Society today because Roman Catholic translations are, sometimes out of Print and very'expensive: This use is' not only permitted', but 'encour- aged by the Roman 'Catholic Church, • . During the past five 'or six years, .three•,.neW Roman Catholic • trans- lations of the Bible have appeared in French.. One translation, is.---that Made by the monks at 1V,Iaredsous in BelgiuM, another is, by Lienart, ' of 'Lae: Viifs 16" Roinan'dafhblic tranglathin in French and has had over 200,000 SIXTY YEARS AGO Principal Musgrove and J, W. Hogarth, of Lower Wingham, are in Toronto attending the Ontario Teachers' Association, Miss Rob- ertson is at her home in Goderich and Miss Mathieson at Ayr. Mr. John Ward, who has been working in Woodstock for some time, has returned to town and ac- cepted a position in the Union .factory. • W. J. Chapman has Purchased` the FordW:ICh, telephone plant for $120., Mr. Frank Angus has moved into town, having secured work in the Union factory. 0 - - 0 FORTY YEARS AGO Arrangerne'nts -have been made for a big. soldiers' day in Wingharn,, .on Tuesday, April 18th. ,The mem- bers of the Brussels, Blyth and Wroxeter companies of the ,161st; Battalion will join with the mem- bers of the Whigham Company in putting on a day of drills,. The 161st Battalion Band will'be in at- tendance from Clinton and will as- sist in the day's program. There should be in the neighborhood of four hundred soldiers here for the day and this should be the Means of .bringing in a large number of people, The Ladies' Patriotic Soc- iety has undertaken the work of billeting the soldiers in the homes of our townspeople. Mr. L. Kennedy will receive on Friday, April 17th, three. car loads of Overland cars of to differeut models. This is the largest ship-, inent of high class automobiles that has ever been made into the Coun- ty of 1-10rOn and is undoubtedly evidence that the Overland is the popular ear, Seeding yid]) be late this Spring Unless there is an immediate change in the weather and ground Conditions. In every Section Of the county farniers are anticipating a late 'start oh their sp-ring plowing. The frost IS not yet °Pt of the ground, and even In sandy soil' plowing IA still an Impossibility. The detachment of the 1110th tenon, stationed at Lucknow, made a route march to Whitechureh this morning (Wednesday) malting better than three miles an hour. The ladies of Whitechuren treated the hbYll to a fine 'lunch which was „E 'Y V** if "ko II:is At-AO Owing to.,the late .sprn4 the Wlaftiwn .;;,;n1i.trtt!,:igort company will not ,eotinne,nee werlt .on the Teeswater-Wlugliam road until about the first of .May. The Chamber pf Commerce has. been in touCh with a wood working factory employing about 100 men with a 1/41v to ,having them locate zit Wingham. aast what they have attained has lint yet been made A Lucknow man ,apqulred a load of .spirits, not the Waster .hind and came aver to Windham on 'Satur- xlay afternoon 'when the rush of commerce and bright .fights affect- ed 'his wett.4 mental status. He at- tracted .01W a lot of attention on the corner of John 'and '.Josephine streets and -in a moment Of rash- ness ventured- to lick any ten men Wingham. A quiet, unassuming chap gently picked him up and deposited him in his ear, where he Showed his pleasure bK smash, Ing the windshield, It is tiporaood that he will accept an,officiel in* vitatiop to eXplain matters before the , , This has been a ;strange spring With oornailratiVely little rain, but a lot of 'warm sunshine, It had the necessary effect of melting the snow ,gradually, go t hat during Wednesday night the fee moved off both branches. of the river and without damage, - 0 0 FIF'.ifEENI,CARS AGO During the past week six deer met their fate in the Maitland Riycr. .0n Wednesday last -week, two deer of a herd of 'eight chased by dogs:. attempted td 'cross the river below Wingham and were swept' away; On Sunday three dead deer were flOatirig about the flats south of town,' which is covered: with water due-'to the spring thaws. One of these Was dragged ashore - and - hiiii•ed. Another deer, was reported' under the•cpR bridge Saturday. night, but it went down the river duping the, night or early Sunday morning when • the • ice, went out. It had been planned by the Cana- dian National Railways 'to close the line froni Clinton Junction to Wingham junction on, April 12th, bUt a change has been made and now this line Will'remain in opera- tion until April 27th. The change in date was made' so that :the closing would take place at the same time the new time-table goes into effect. Mr. Ross. Johnston, County Corn, Borer Inspector, is • busy in this part of the conntry.- He reports that the borer was very bad last year and every effort will be made to stop ,this pest, He is.eseeking co- operati,:iriNt: the - farmers in •tiria important`'Work--- For A ccomAis her s . The Accompl ishers 'group of the Wingham Branch of` the c,G.I.r.r, met at 3 o'clock on Tuesday last week at the home of Mrs. (Dr.). A. D. McMurchy, The aftArnoen was spent sewing, followed by a deli- cious pot luck supper which was prepared by Mrs. McMurchy and the girlg. stit $: •• • • Dismission 'Of favorite TV pro- grams, sewing and chit-chat brought the pleasant evening to a. close, HURON PRESUYTEKY LAUNCHES PROJECT The Reverend R. G. Mael‘filleni. Ooderich has. been named director of the stewardship sector project for the 'Presbyterian Presbytery of liuron-Maitland, Co-director will be the Reverend T, McKinney, of Teeswater, A steering committee compris- ing the minister and representative 110(.1ki 1:1081. tile IJoAtip.vv,4141ucttl will- ing to .participate was named. The f011owMg congregations to" date are participating, Godemieli, forth, Veswater, Molesworth. Gorrie. The sector ,project is a combination of the eVerY person canvass and visitation evangelism, Congregations which have used it, testify to, the increased spiritual interest through church attendance and individual comnrittrnent to Jesus Christ as Lord, greatly appreciated. They marched back in the afternoon. • The continued increase in the cost of producing a newspaper makes it necessary that we in future charge three cents for single copies of The ,Times sold over the counter in the office. copies put into circulation, A third is a very good pew translation •pro, dp_ced by the. Dorninieon Fathers of a school at Jerusalem. Thus to- day many thotisands of Roman Catholies have- the Bible in their hands in France. A protestant radio-broadcast ser- vice IS aired each Sunday -morning between 8.30 and 9,00 a,m, Jnereas., Bible readings And medita- tions from this broadcast are used by Roman Catholics. Priests often write their appreciation of this ser- vice. Some priests have added in their letters that they have chang- ed the hour of mass in their churches in order to hear this broadcast. The only difficulty encountered in Bible distribution today, ac- cording to Dr. Boegner is through a lack of Bible colporteurs, men who go from door to door selling them. He sees a tragic irony in the fact that in France, the country of the Huguenots; many of whom gave their lives for the sake of the Bible, the church of the Hug- uenots (Protestants) seems to be falling behind the Roman Catholic Church in stressing, the Bible's im- pOrta,nce and circulation. 0 - 0 - 0 Suggested Bible readings; Sun- day—Hebrews, 12,1-29; Monday— Hebrews 13.1-25; Tuesday, Acts, 13:1-25; Wednesday—Acts 13:26-52; Thursday—Acts 15:1-12; Friday— Acts 15; 13-41; Saturday—Acts 16 1-24. Pot Luck Supper (Hola 01.11911110MTS ii I S "111*Itrapv,1111.110,IS1110.0 tt I tttt t tt ”1111tIliViV. Tile Bible Today Seer Upper Canada Bible Society 1 BY Rev. 0". p. ParSoll, BA, 41144.41141.11.g.040/1.44.1140414-94.1•1.411114-040140.411,10.9..041411.0411.0411Mp.40014•11.4=1.411011461,041011.1.1494.4.0411.4 THEY'RE HERE . • Evangelist DON HOLLIDAY Songleacler Geotge Shuttleworth Crusade for Christ begins tonight (Wed.) and continues until Sunday, April 22 Week nights at 8 Sundays 10 to 10 - 11 - 7 A Christ-centred rnMistry in Song„ and Sermon which will bless your heart and sitr your soul. ittgbarn Cbtirt `01"1"-•_••••!••••••••n •••••10.••••••••••••••••••,•010••••••••••••••‘:imm...**0Nos*NeoNN•••••••IN.N.**ifn And the Checks Will Take Care of Themselves ' Terrarnycin . 'Poultry Formula Stimulates feed intake, 2. Maintains iveiglit gains. 3. Increases egg production. Cheeks mortality due to • respiratory and infectious diseases, e.g. CAD. and Blue Coroh. A quick and easy way to STOP Coccidiosis I, Coreine • in the 2. Vioxyline Drinking 3. Sulfamethazine Water —Simple to use. —Economical. 1 Remember If a product is good, we have it. ' Consult our Veterinary Department early for I prevention and control of diseases which may inflict heavy losses on your poultry flock. IAA. WEEKLY SPECIALS-- CASCARA TABLETS 33c 100's Cold Cream SOAP 2 for 23c 12 $1.29 Bath Size ' ' : 'MILK of MAGNESIA 49 MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 59c MINERAL OIL 87c oz. TOILET TISSUE 223c -,.High.. quality TOOTH. TASTE 89c Regular 57e for VANCEI 11.D.A. DRUG STORE Agency for— DuBsirry, Iltatmt, Ayer and Revoker Cosmetics PRESCRIPTION WIN IU0GGI eiGir IA v1S8Ti - Complete Animal Health Department ..00 0 00/1/0001011,0•11•000.....1.040.1M1011.11.0i.0.=10MM110,00100.M1001.M1.31•0.1011., Savings for YOU . Mr. Farmer on Steel Roofing Standard Gauge Picked up at yard Cash Price ONLY .9 ,50 Per Square ' • Let Beaver Help You make Your Dollar Go Farther! We have FREE PLANS for-- MACHINERY SHED PORTABLE HOG HOUSE PLYWOOD GRANARiES CATTLE SHELTER BROODER HOUSE 32 oz. 300's BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED Phone, ss Wingham The new smiling face presented by -the , Russians on the international scene has been met with hoots of de- riSidtr -by the Western Powers; the general attitude being that nobody amongst -the neutral nations would be naive enough. to swallow such .non- sense. There's no doubt that it will tW<ea. good deal of nice talk on the part. of the 'wild, .lead Russians, who • have - won all unpopularity contests hands„down for the past forty years, • :before their former reputation is en- ti,rely dissipated. Of late; apparently, they have learned the wisdom of the old saying that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar, and as a result pictures of their beaming smiles and friendly visits have appear- ed in the newspapers 'of the world, a good propaganda for the Rus- sians; and although we 'may not be- lieve a word of it 'could conceivably infuence other nations who up until • now have-straddled the fence, between East and West. iK y.•, ewise people in 'th e Western ,,'.ountries have laughed heartily at the .''sight of present. Russian leaders -tak- „,..4ingpotshots - at the late Mr. Stalin. ''The idea' of Stalin, who up until a Year ago was regarded as infallible, being taken to task for his sins of omission and commission, being .:accepted comfortably by Westerners 'as an indieatiOn that they were right all along in their views about Stalin. .:gveryty9 cly seems to come away with the idea that. nobody but the stupid. 'Russians would take so long to tumble to facts which were obvious to the . of the world for so long. It's doubtful whether the Whole -buSiness. is as simple as all that, The new... party line whiCh causes us so much arnusement at the moment, may, in the future prove to be a boom- erang foi- us, and one of the smartest things the Russians ever did. By condemning Stalin and all the things,he stood for„ the present Rus- sian leaders are in effect wiping the slate clean, and making history of all the evils of Which they have been accused for the past forty years. The Winghani Advance.Times Published at Wingham, Ontario Wenger Brothers, Publithers, Oartst Weogor, V4.1to member Atidit tinrealt Of Circulation AUthOrited as Secend Class Mall, Peat •Office Dept, Subseription sate One Wu lg.0o, Six Months $1:tk in 9,4Vanee $, Af 14.0 pet ,yor tpielsit BOO" $4.04/ per year Advertising Rates, 'Oh aPplidatial There's Danger in the Soft Approach rage It'wo- WhhOnint, Mvainee4inicsi April 1030 rooster Ciub. Will Do An .irnpoxtapt. JO b. Everything that has met with the disfavor of the Western nations since the Revolution can be laid at Stalin's doorstep, and the present leaders of the country are receiving absolution of their sins by the simple expedient of .confession, from now on the an- swer to all charges of inhumanity will ,be, "Ah, but that was in the days of .Stal,in Now things are,,different'.', Nat many people in the Western world will swallow the new party line, or go alOng with the idea that there has been an overnight reformation of the part leadership. 'The RUssiarts probably aren't expecting them to do SC). TIowever, the fence-sitters,: the Iron 'Curtain straddlers, the countries who like neither the East or the West, illdy take the latest Russian .move as an. honest desire to mend communist ways, and the dawn of a new era of htunanities in the Soviet Union. Therein lies the danger to. the West. What, No Opinions? Letters to, the editor; or lack Of 'them, was the topic of a recent edi- torial in the Wiarton Ech6. We reproduce it. here in the hope that somebody may feel moved to write a: letter to the Advance-Times. "Why is there such a dearth of interesting letters to the editor in this paper? Other weeklies have the same problem. About the only, way an editor can, yet some good spirited letters are (a.) to write them himself, (h) to attack the church, the Royal 14"amily, temperance or motherhood. "We'd like to see a couple of columns of lively letters in every issue. In fact, if we could get enough interesting letters to fill the space; we'd gladly stop writing uninteresting editorials. "Surely somebody who reads the EchO has an• opinion that is worth reproducing in print. We know very well that many people disagree with 0111' own opinions; expresseg here. "i't is possible that all our public bodies are functioning to perfection and that there it nothing to Criticize in the actions of town council, parks board, school boards, hospital board and others? Come now, don't be lazy, Put pen to paper, "All we ask is that. letters be kept brief as possible, be free from malic— iousness, profanity and libel and be signed. 'Lees hear from you , games iii Wingham was good, During the season, however, attendance was pdor and soll1QtimpQS there was not enough money in the gate receipt to pay for the services of a couple of referees. Up until now Winghatn fans have shown that they will turn out to see their team plaY only if it is lucky enough to get into the playoffs, and although a Wingham team has done that each year for the past four seasons, it is a too much to ex- pect as an annual event, The Booster Club can do a lot to change the hockey picture in Wing- ham, once it- gets into high' gear. By looking forward now to the hockey needs of next fall, it can do, much to assure, to begin with, that there will be a hockey team in 'Wing,hatu worthy of the 'support of.Wireo,ham -fans. Having done that much, it may he able to do more by stirring up .a hithertofore apathetic public and sell- ing it on the fact that ,< good brand of hockey is being Played right here , in Wingharn. Only when these two things are (lone will hockey again be: come the faVorite it used to be in Wingham, and the' time, to start think-. ing, about ways and Means, is now, not next October. Yuture plans of the Booster Club will be discussed at a meeting- in the council chamber next Monday evening at 7.30. Over eighty people have thought the organization of sufficient merit to invest $10-each. Let's 'have every one of them out to keep the wheels turning.