HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-04, Page 124#414l4 TW011ys Witigham AdVIO-uee.-TitneS, Wednesday, April 4, 1956 EASTER SERVICES AT UNITED CHURCH "Christ )cs Risen" was the theme for the Wiaster morning service in the Winghum United .Church, The Hallelujah Chorus, played by Mr. Richard Gray, organist and choir- master, set the musical theme. The choir rejoiced in Singing, siwiow of the World," and "King of Kinga," arid Mrs, Richard gray. sang "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth," EaSter lilies were banked around the pulpit in front of which a white cross and Bible were centred, A large congregation heard Rev, D, 3. MacRae preach the sermon on the text "Christ 'Is Risen," The resurrection is a fact testified to by eye witnesses in all four accounts in the Gospels, You must .knqw that your Redeemer lives after learning of the burning testi- mony of such as Peter, Mary Mag- dalene and the Other Mary and Thomas„ 'They saw and they be- lieved. DOES ALL COOKING JOBS A RIG .! STANDARD MODEL., CAN on4/24"aiiiel SPACEMAKER AUTOMATIC PUSHBUTTON 'ItANUk. Pick up your prescription 4f shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us• with the responsi- bility of filling their prescrip- lions. May we compound yours? • PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS *Quotation from English Pro- verb 1622 Copyright 6W3-55 =`61471NUES HYPNOSIS FOR CHILDBIRTH DONNYBROOK MDR HALL Regular Sunday Services Sunday School 10,15 n.m. R0MenTalering the Lord at 11.15 Gospel Meeting at 7.30 p.m. E. Thursday evening at 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study An faster Sunrise $ c rvleo. vi4 held by the Young People's Or011 at 7,0Q, This -was followed by break fast, Late)r an open SeOliell Sunday School featured strip, famous pictures of all special maSic• At the evening servIcikRev. MacRae spoke of the .two diseiPle on the Enarnaeus Road 'Who hrelt bread with their risen Saviour, A services brought out tk fact tha because He lives, we to0,ahall live Proof of the living ow* pay be found in the heart of every true Christian, There are people in Our community whose lives have been transformed by the risen Saviour. The greatest miracle in all history is the rising tof Jesus Christ, but the greatest miracle in any Christ- ian life is the birth of new which eoles when Christ enters the heart;' Are our lives renewed each Easter by the miracle of I-Rs presence? The fact that the church of Christ is the chdrelt of the Resur- i4etion ought to revive our failing faith, The Easter cross is an empty One surrounded by lilies to remind us that Christ walkS in our church, es today, Our church has the mis- Sion of creating a new community where Jesus is loved, all live at peace and Christ's Kingdom Is a fact. We know that Christ Jives because the church lives, It is a fact that Christ lives. Do we be- lieve it to-day? The congregation enjoyed singing the favourite Easter hymns and the children received Easter bas- —Central Press Canadian ' I . -Exponent of hypnosis for childbirth, Dr. C, T. Fink of Ottawa, explains his technique to two of his patients, Mrs. Roy Boulaine, right, and Mrs. Anne Biirroughes, both enthusiastic about the hyp- nosis treat. A Roman Catholic and father of ten children, Dr. Fink Induced a hypnotic trance in both patientS at the births of their four children. All of the dozen children, born to mothers while in a trance by Dr. Ifink, are thriving. "Too Many Cooks Spoil The Eiroth" *fAtithor'a name below) Very wisely the laws of our province require, that Pharma- cists must complete years of study in a College of Pharmacy, and pass an examination before we can practice Pharmacy. Every Drug Store is also licens- ed, and regularly inspected, to make certain that our medi- cines are fresh and potent. That is why you are always safer when you get your Vita- mines, Medicines, and Health- Aids from us, instead of gam- bling en the limited knowledge of door-to-door salesmen offer- ing products of unknown man- ufacturers, "72 PERSONAILS` ownt.^0,440,4040.1‘0640.414vhcau0..v.temtmumm...ftolvwesiamomootamt.,, CASH if you live, ProteGetAionH Ielfr youd rAie. the r:111131 Comfort for your retirement All Consult —epolley, FRACNaKnaCd.aHLO:E: r.--Representative— . WINGHAM, ON1, The Donnybrook W.M,S. and W.A. meeting will be held -at th e home of Mrs. Wm. Hardy on Tues- day, April 10th, Mr, Hugh affersori, of Niagara Palls, spent the wech,,end with his uncle, Mr; Chas, Jefferson, Mrs. Jefferson and family, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Webster, of St, Helens, were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamney and daughters, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Cliaroney, of Belgrave, spent the week-end with Mt-, and Mrs, .Sam,- Thompson and Miss Grace Thompson, of Simone, and Mr, Reit Thompson, ,of Wing- ham, visited 'at the same home on Saturday. Miss Irene Jefferson, et Dunn- ville, is home for the holidays. Other visitors at the Jefferson home included: Mr, and' Mrs. George Reeves, Carol Robinson and Larry Reeves, of Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. John Jefferson, of Munroe; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Chessel, of Mit- chell; Mr, and Mrs. George Jeffer- son, of Clinton and Mr, and Mrs. John Wickstead, of Morris. Miss Joan' Doerr, of Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney, of Auburn, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chamney, PR, W. A, .GRAWIVBJD NAWALli PlICSIDEINIT. AT ANNUAL MEETING OF CURLERS (Continued trom page 'one,) Irreneb, skip; M. Keating, J. Burn- stead, McKay; consolation, A, MaeWilliam, skip; L. Gardner, Maantyre, B. MacDonald.; runners up, J. Bowman, skip; W. flaselgrove, A, Leaver, Q. King% A, discussion took place regard- ing the Rae & Ratz Plaques, Dr. Irwin brought to the attention of the meeting the fact that the names of the annual winners had not been placed on the plaque and it was going, to cost $5,00 for each rink to have its name put on in the manner originally in- tended. It was decided that the Rats and D. Rae plaques should be brought up to date. The pre- sent names on the plaques are to be taken /off and replaced by, less expensive records using smal- ler suitable inscriptions. Casey Casemore reported for the rock committee and stated the total cost of the rocks were $1,999.47, of which the sum of $1,584.23 had been collected, The balance owing Was $41.5,24. It was moved that the committee be complimented on their excellent , work, the report of the chairman be accepted and the committee re- appointed to carry on 'their good work for another year. 'Plan Improvements at Rink Dr. Crawford, the new president, then took the chair -'and asked for the co-operation of the members for the ensuing year and a dis- cussion concerning our heating system took place. It was decided that the matter of . the beating be left in charge of the building, maintenance and repairs commit- tee who are to bring in a report to the executive and the proper steps taken to assure that the= building is properly- heated for next year. Considerable discussion then took place concerning the im- provements to the Ice and it was suggested that the rink be ex- cavated to the extent of four feet throughout and crushed rock be used as fill. S. Sweeney stated that he had a bull-dozer and he would let the club have the use of it without charge. This state- ment, brought hearty applause from all members attending the meeting. It was decided that the matter of excavating, etc., be left to , the maintenance committee, who are to report in six weeks' time to the executive. The exe- cutive were then empowered to take whatever steps they deemed proper under the circumstances. Following the meeting a dello- us lunch was served by the la- dies. GENEROUS, TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE: spend the week-end with 'relatives in town. —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCul- lough and baby, of Clinton, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Currie. --Mr, and Mrs. John McLeod of Guelph, spent the Easter holidays with her Mother, Mrs. Janet Buch- anan, —Mr. and Mrs, Jeffrey Hawkins and family, of London, spent tit: week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bateson- --Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Bonnie, spent the week-end with their parents at Hensall and Exeter. —mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mac- Donald and family, of Kinlough, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Machan. • —Mr. Allen Chariton and Miss Dorothy Broughton, of Hamilton, Visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charlton. '—Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Karen, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Henry. ..—Mr, and Mrs, Ken Johnson and Terry, of Birmingham, ' spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Murray Johnson, .—Dr. and 'Mrs. 'W, Davis sinnt the hOlidays with their ,•daughter, Mrs. J. T. Biidfell and family- at Camp Borden.. *Dr, and Mrs. , Bruce Fox and daughter, of Guelph, spent Easter with their parents, Dr. and Mrs, A. J. Fox and Mrs. A, J. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowland and `children of Burlington spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Parker, of London, spent Easter with their son, Rev. H, L, and Mrs. Parker and Elizabeth. —Mr. and Mrs. Muffett and fam- ily of Toronto, spent• Easter with Mrs. Muffett's mother, Mrs. A. J. Walker, - -Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Smith and family, of Tillsonburg, spent the week-end with friends and relatives in town. „ —Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shiell and sons, of London, spent the week- end with his father, Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Shiell, Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Elliott and son, Brad, of Sarnia, spent the holidays With their parents. Mrs. Elliott and Brad are remaining for LYCEUM Theatre 414"4"/TNOWAT, Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 5-6-7 Jeff Richards Edmund Gwenn in "IT'S A DOG'S LIFE" The story of the rise of a homeless Bull' Terrier from a pit-fighter on the Bowery to National Champion of his breed at a swank clog show. Matinee Saturday after- noon at 2.00 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., April 9-10-11 Aide,. Ray Mitsuko Kimuro in "THREE STRIPES IN THE SUN" • Pushbutton Controls • New Huge-Capacity Wide-Opening Master Oven • New "Focused Heat" Broiler , • Removable, Washable C.,alrode Oven Units— \ No open coils—Calrod Unita are fully enclosed. • Automatic Oven Timer , • New iii-Sp,ced Surface Units, One Extra Hi• Speed Unit • Wide-Spaced Surface Units • Timed Appliance Outlet and Easy-Change Fuse Receptacle. • No-Stain Oven Vent_ Barbara "Paxton, of Lon- don, spent. Laster in.New York --1Viayor. an51 Mrs. .R, E. McKin- ney haVe returned home after holi- daying " Gild, Mrs.• 'John .Hopper, of London, spent the •week-end with their ppents —Master Bill Dauphin` is spend- ing. a holiday iic . Tees water with Mr. Mrs.'Frarik Mr; and .,Mrs,: Marvin ?S,mallinan, of London, „spent the holidays with Mrs Gwen Adams. and MrS, Neil'IVIcLear, of Toronto:. spent Easter With Mr. and Mrs.i "E!rriar Walker., . Mr„ rind Mrs. Andy ,Bell of Pet- rolia,arezl isrrit'the holidays .with their p —Mrs. J: Sloan. arirved home after, a' Month's visit in Florida with ;her and sister. and:MrS.'MarVin Brown and babY,, Kingston spent the week=end with' their, parents. —Mr:*'Ancl Mrs :Michael MCP1mil and faMily, spene.the Easter holi- day relatiVeS "in Chicago.' Mrs Wm B: McCool have.1 c ti iconic - aftCi." slier) di ng seve'tal; W4se,f4' —1,11Skpoi,oen ,IVEtichan aPiint the EaaPi*,heiAlaYs• with friends in Toronto spent the week endrwith h'is father;; Procter and f -;ChfetZgo, 7sPent. Easter • • --MiSs,..Shirley.„Foxten;-of Lon- don,,,Spent Easter with,. her. parents. Mr. ...and Mrs: T. A..Foitton... —Mr,- and-Mrs., HoWard Braden, of Toronto,' Spent .• the week-end with::.3V3i.. and Mrs, Dori Adams, Mfrs ',1Vladelipe 14einbuck, of StratfOrdi,..SPent 'the -week-end with Mr, atiir:Mri. LOrnC.MCDonald. MeBuyiley, of King- ston, is '..Visiting With. his sister, Mrs. Victor YoUng; Frances Street anti; his .brother, John, of Marnoch. --Oas Shirley. McLean and Jerry Maudsley, of London, spent the week-end' at the home of Mr. and *Mrs. Harry Merkley. —Mr. Coo. Love, and son, Bob, of Chatworth, spent the Easter. Week-end with Mr.. and Mrs, R. G. Gannett. --Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gannett and Mrs. pee. McMartle, of Toronto, la Hilo la Radio and Electric . Electrician: "My wife talks to herself." Boss: "So does mine, but she doesn't know it. She thinks listening." OUR PHONE ,NUMBER IS 171-J SEE CAMERON'S BILLIARDS for guaranteed WATCH REPAIRS 0,4 sal A.. .1!." a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heal and daughter, of Hensall, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Heal and Mrs. A. J, Wal- ker. —Mr. and Mrs. George Town and family, of Owen. Sound and Miss Mary Louise Town of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town. spent Easter with their parents, —Miss Verna Showers and her friend, Miss Helen Townend of London, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Showers, —Mrs. Athol Pardon and family, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Leggatt, Mr. Leggatt and family, Betty Pur- don is remaining for a week. --Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephens of Campbellford, spent the Easter holidays with their son, John Stephens, Mrs. Stephens and fam- ily. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Galbraith of Kitchener , and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickinson of Ottawa "were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A,, Galbraith. --Mr. and Mrs. Carman Coutts and daughters, Barbara and Mary- anne of OttaWa, spent the week- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs., R', A. Coutts. —Mr. and Mrs. Weir EckensWil= ler, and Misses Babe and Pearl Echenswiller, of Mimic°, spent Easter with their aunt, Mrs. E, A. VanStone, John St. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forgie, Misses Marie and Joan, of Toronto, spent Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forgie. --Dr. 'arid Mrs. Bill Bergman, Rickey and Janef of Kirkland Lake; spent the Easter holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman. —Mrs. Edgar Vincent, of Spring- field, Ontario, visited over the week-end with her sisters, Mrs. Geo. Olver and Misses Flora and Mary McCallum, --Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sander- son, of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Miss Alma Jane Elliott returned with them for the holidays, —Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Kukur- uciza. and Mr. Lorne Fitzgerald, of Belleville and Trenton spent the week:end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mach- an, —Mrs, Keith Tomlinson accom- panied by her son Robert and daughter Shiela, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Hamilton, Patrick Street. —Miss Ruth Showers, Reg.N., left for a ten-hay Visit at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Seeaga at Kingston, Jamaica. While there she will he a guest at the wedding of, Miss Laurice Seeaga, to Mr, Rodger Smith, —Miss Donelda MacDonald, of Toronto, Mr. -Rey Bridge, Bramp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Jr., Jay and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald and Lou Ann' of Lower Wingliarn, spent Easter with Mrs. Roy MacDonald tirid family. —Mr. and Mrs, H. Ferisham and daughter. Linda, of °.roz'onto, *tit the Week-end with her father, Mr. James Smith, Carling Terrace. Mr. J. E. Smith, of Ottawa, spent the taster week-end with his father at the same home. rapery Ti A good human interest drama about a Jap-hating G.I. who is assigned to the Army of Occu- pation in Tokyo. IIIIIMINIMINNINLIMINION11111141111111111•1110, rr Weekly X-Word Puzzle Tractors Tractors Tractors NOW IS THE TIME TO TRADE YOUR OLD TRACTOR IN on a Edighoffers announce the arrival of a selection 'o Curtains and Draperies as beautiful as you Will se Anywhere. , LUXURIOUS SCREEN PRINTS* • , In rich crew shades consisting. \of floral or convetittonal patterns, which will it new benuty io your home. Popular boric dents in 36" or 48" widths and lustrou printed rayon fabrics in any Outdo ,you could wish for. Priced front 98C to 3.95per yet; 'CURTAINS . New Model Ford or Fordson Diesel b S Z. 3 4. tO It HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE LOWEST NEW PRICE LOWEST OPERATING COSTS Come in and let us show you the small amount necessary to change your tractor for a new and up-to-date model. $2.98 t'0 $8.95 Frilled marquisettes, fine tailored curtains, dotted marquisette and the new rut looking "Trillion" tailored curtain, Pepular stYlits and Sine duality add to beauty 'of yOur window, A wide price range, from • Yes, with Spring conies housecleaning A5,41,11 TM 16dighaffers carry Witlideirtid,,i,Schteti of INTEIHIOR I.W.CONATIONS 11 PARC)SS ' '' 2. !Acne -, '' ' 20. Small' L Aleevelitia 3. Stroke) depres. 1 garment ; gently 1 sion ' ' Z. Detest . ' 4. Before . 22. Burrow., S.CeValry,, 5. Dwellings animallag ' syvord 6. Below 10. A fruit (naut,) , t 23. Foot of Italy , -, 7. Metal 41 cover. 1 12. Island , , 9, Not so, i ing off Green uneven. 25. Frozen. 13, Cash , 9. Dart 1 . water,, . 14. Not in 11. Ogling 26. Harbors 15. Secure With 15. One who, 27. To graft' stitches vouches for (Bot,) 35. Norse gods • 17', Bone (anat,) the neck 30. A quadruped "to be" ', .,' :6?.: NAtatict:regl ,, ' . awno,tzh,er). 29, Crouch, ' 36. Ward off (0.m.) IS, Back of 16, Short; bleeplp 19, Tribe 32. Cheeps, as 39. Warp-yarn) • a chicken 40. By way of , in fear 38. Part of pulpy berry , 11. kloating c• ' 4nbiss of ie. 24,A belief '\ 324'8::P}1:117li ' ' t of '''' Seotland 63, Single unit . ':*-.$2. Bard.' ,, ,;: ,e,:itte4iituniat,17; , .0.13angnags' .4 .:.,': (sYnl.) ., 35, Over foet,5 .". 36. Any piniv ' •. ttens tree :. .., $7,EXchafig4 ",, 39. Mt herb ,; ! : paper spree.ot1) , 1 48, Female 1(11 !.41.,,x)ictoros. a ' llowg. ••• ". If itlitat tint* , •P . 4 .. • 6 OA ' .4111.S.Ve tt will lie blind On page 4, s IT 2.0 lb 19 ••1111•••1 LACE CLOTHS in populai size from , — .$5.59 to $9.9 Chenille SPREADS .. from $9.95 up VENETIAN BLINDS, made to yo REVERSIBLE MATS hi two sizes at , $8.9$ and $12.95, ZS 2b Pig 21 30 Z9 sz measurements Drapery Track and Curtoiti R Always M stock. 33 31 HELP YOUR RED CROSS 15 34 36 A Always a Good Range of FLOOR COVERINGS on hardh EDIGHOFFERS WirIGHA "The Prkndly Store 41 Huron, Motors Ltd. A. D. Mat‘VJULLIASI kiird its Fordson Major Trtiatirst 42 40 39 441 Phone' 237 1VInghineet