HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-04, Page 6.... 4;f:,;Wf fle*STr.IMIMit
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ENEF-AN '' my-7AM P°.• Atemism ti, ii;:-.,
1949 '57 'it '65
since the original introduction of
this exclusively Canadian car ever-
growing public acceptance had con-
firmed Meteor's destiny as the
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Year after year, more and more
buyers become Meteor owners—
and more of those owners become
conaistent buyers of this fine car.
the one car in its field that reflects
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acknowledged style leaders, No
Wonder it's a winner. Priced. with
the lowest—styled and powered to
put you ahead of tiTh crowd—
Meteor is Canada's greatest value
continually going forward in the.
fashion of the finest.
Meteor proteCts you' and yours
with Safeguard steering wheel and
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seat belts, optional, Safety-Beam.
headlamps, hall-joint suspension,
optional power steering, power
brakes, give easier, safer control.
Afe miles ahead with 67We
on TV every Sunday evening.
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No wonder the '56 Meteor is driving into the
future on the wings of high-flying success. Yetix
after year, -Meteor wraps up all the foremost
fine-car features into a value package no other '
car in the low price field can match.
Meteor offers you more for your money.-Eittra
pride of ownership. A standard of beauty and
value above the,,ordinary. A combination Of And-,
car elegance, miles-ahead performance and built-
in safety that adds up to Canada's greatest autO7
motive value. The. Meteor line, now expanded to
23 models, offers the newest of V-8 engine's, and
in Niagara and Meteor series both V-8 and G.
Once you've known the distinction of driving •
a Meteor you'll never go back to anything lesS.
Call your Meteor dealer now, for a drive "on
the wings of success".
'1 •
FORDWICH —The annual meet-
ing of, the Women's Institute was
held on Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. R. Nichol with 32 members
and four visitors in attendance.
Mrs, Clare Harris, president, was
in charge and opened the meeting
with the Ode, Mary Stewart Col-
lect and the Lord's prayer. Devo-
tions were taken by Mrs. Ross
Doig followed by the hymn, "The
Old Rugged Cross".
.Mrs. William Campbell gave the
motto, "You've heard, ,you've read
but what have you done?" The
roll call was answered with an
Irish. joke or by singing an Irish
song and many sayings of Pat and
Mike were used,
The secretary-treasarer gave the
financial statement for the,. year
which showed that the past twelve
months had been very good. A re-
port on the Institute condert show-
showed receipts of $123.30.
It was decided to send donations
to the various organizations which
take on the responsibility for polio,
the blind, CARE, library, muscular
dystrophy, mental health, Uni-
tarian relief and cancer. Reports
were given by the conveners of
standing committees,
Officers Elected
Mrs. Howard Harris, convener of
the nominating committee .brought
in the following slate 'of officers
for 195G-57; President, Mrs. Clare
Harris; 1st vice, Mrs. C. Gibson;
2nd vice, Mrs. A. Demerling;, sec.-
treas., Mrs. S. Bride; assistant see„
Mrs. C. Carswell; district directer,
Mrs. H. Harris; branch directors,
Mrs. W. McCann, Mrs. .E. William-
son and Mrs. R. Foster; pianiSts,
Mrs. L. Siefert and Mrs. Devitt;
auditors, Mrs. H. Doig and Mrs.
J. Vittie. .
Conveners named to the various
committees are as follows: Sun-
shine, Mrs. E. Moore; agriculture
and Canadian industries, Mrs. K.
Graham and Mrs. F. Dernerling;
home economics and health, Mts.
W. Hargrave and Mrs. W. Sothern;
historical research and current
events, Mrs. W. Gibson and Mts.
J. Hudson; citizenship and educa-
tion, Mrs. W. McCann and Mrs. C.
Sothern; public relations and com-
munity activities, Mrs. W. Cainp-
bell and Mrs. R, Nichol; noinihat-
ing committee, Mrs. W. Sothern.
Mrs. J. Hudson and Mrs. E. Wil-
District President
Mrs. Stan Bride, district presi-
dent, paid her annual visit to the
branch. She chose for 'her subject
"Mental Health", She said 'this
made her think of a wheel divid-
ed into four parts, health, . honk,
friends and InstitUte. She suggest-
ed one might in later life take ,Up
a hobby and also plan to do kind
acts for other people, The happiest
and most successful people are
those who get along with , others.
Four things to remember in lir'Ller
to accomplish this is ,to b,e Our-
teous; remember that tact dispels
all friction; be gracious; be co-
Mrs. W. Gibson prepared a.paper
on "Life and Customs in Holland",
first telling that God made ,the
sea, but the Dutch made Holland..
She stated that Rotterdam aa. its
largest seaport, nineteen miles
from the North Sea and 45 miles
from Amsterdam. The Holland*
are noted for their beautifia.fibids
of tulips. The first Ship to skill up
the Hudson River was niatmed,'hy,
Dutch sailors and the first and
only royal child to be born on
Canadian soil was, a Dutch prin-
cess in 1943, after Germany had
invaded Holland. . .
The president thanked both
speakers and the meeting closed by
singing the National Anthem. The
hostesses were Mrs. H. Doig, Mrs.
C. Gibson, Mrs. K. Grahain and
Mrs. F, McCann.
• Saturday inui Sunday visitors
with Mr. and. Mrs, Harold Pollock
WPM Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Pollock
Of Windsor and Mrs. J. D. Pollock
PiinteY, Mr. and Mrs. Grfint
Fraser grid family of Toronto, and
Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Polloelc of
Isift. and Mrs. George Simpson,
and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Chainney of Estevan, Sask., were
visitors over the week-end with
Mr, and Mrs. W. Gibson and Mr,
and Mrs, Earny DarecY. Harold
Gibson left on Monday with them
for the Western provinces, where
hp will work for the summer.
Miss Eeita Harding of Victoria
Hospital, London, visited over the
Easter holiday with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Harding.
Week-end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Everitt Allen were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hibbert and family of
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Hol-
land and children, Misses Mar-
garet and Jean Allen, Mr. Nile
Seigner and and Mr, Eddy Mundle
all of Kitchener,
• Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bender and
family of Gowanstown visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stan
Miss Thelma Orth of Listowel
is spending a few days with her
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, E.
, Master Jimmy and - Paul Trethe-
weY of Stratford are spending this
week with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Schaefer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith
of Wroheter visited on Sunday,with
Mrs. Emma Williamson.
Mr. Bert Reid of Palmerston was
a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Hargrave,
Miss Marianne Doig of Kitchener
is. spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr; and Mrs. Harold Doig.
Miss Shirley Ashton of London
visited. over the Easter holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ashton,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Wildfang,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons and
Mrs. Roy Simmons spent Saturday
in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Soctt Keith, Kitch-
ener' visited over the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
dVkr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and
ily of London spent the week-
end with the, former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Baker. Mrs. El-
mer Giles and sons of Arkona were
visitors at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Willoughy• Pat-
terson of London spent the week-
end with Mrs, Pearl Patterson,
• Week-end and Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Fred
*Taxably Were Mr. and Mrs. Weldon
Hambly and children of Toronto,
and Mr. and Mrs. Max Humbly
of Kitchener.
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Thousands of couples are weak, tired, lack energy and pep; they feel run-down, old be-cause bodies lack iron at 40, 50, 60, Try 0§trex Tonic Tablets today, Supplies invig-orator you, too, may need to revitalize, stimu-late, energize and build-up entire body, Feel Years younger, "Cet-rienuninted" size costs little, Or start with big, popular "Economy"
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Rob your Rest..
Many people newer seem to get a good
night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it
en `nerves'—when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids from the blood. If they fail and
impurities stay in the system—disturbed
rest often follows. If you don't rest well
get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
help the kidneys so that you can rest
better—and reel better. 136
Dodds Kidney Pills
This man.aan give you
delivery of
an InterriatIonal
'Housewives, ousfnessmen,
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the world read and enjoy this
international newspaper, pub.
lished daily in Boston. World-
fartous for constructive news
stories and perietrating editorials.
Special features for the whole
The Christian Science Monitor
Or. NOrwoy Boston 15.. Mass.
Send Our newspaaer for the time
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1 year $16 CI 6 months $8 (3
months $4 (3
' tone " 'State 41
003." ''he Wingharn. Advance-Tinliea, Wedneittiliy.p April 4, M15 Tight Tables Flay
AfiWirOly itchre
FORDWICH—Eight tables were
in play lag week ,at the regular
pregressiveoenehre party in the
command* hail.
Mrs. Roy Ashen held high points
for the ladies and Clare Harris
for the geatlemea. Tao consolation
prizes went.3n Emma ,Ashen and
Warren Zpirigg, Mrs. "Jack
Willits was the Winne!: of the
special prim:,
Areberley. last week when the de;
gree of the, ',Red Gross was con-
ferred on f,ifteen 'candidates. Mem-
bers wdre, 7preserik, ,from Tara,
Blytii, Varna; Clintaii, Woodham
and Fordwieh. 16 X' 44,
Mr. and Mrs. Trey. Hainstoek
of Milton visited relatives' in the
community over the ,week-end.
Miss Dorothy Campbell of Hamil-
ton spnt the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Camp-
bell, ,; •
Bruce Williamson of London was
a visitor over the week-end with
his mother, Mrs. Emma William-
Everitt Cooper of Hamilton and
Allan Cooper of Toronto spent the
week-end with their -Parents.
Week-end visitors • with Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Schaefer ',vete Mr. and
Mrs. George Trethewey•and family
of Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Don
Schaefer and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Petznick .anci family of '
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Matthews and'
Barry spent -Easter - Wdelt-end in
London with Mr: and Mrs. Mac
Corbett. •
Master Andrew Fraser, Toronto
is spending Easter week with his
cousins, Sharer; and rraser
Mr% and Mrs, Don .Cillion ond
family of a .Catharines spent thb
week-end with Mr, and. Mrs. Boas.
Misses. Blaine and Joiui Dtnittli'-
lipg of London spent the week-end
With their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs, Mr, Wes, Gilmore of
Meaford visited friends here over
• Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bride and
little daughter of Niagara Valls
visited on Saturday with, Mr. and
Mrs, Stan Bride.
Mr, and Mrs. Doug Wildfang
of Toronto visited over the week-
Pnd with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sim-
Mr. Gerald Harris of Regina,
Sask., visited relatives here over
the week-end,
Friends of Mrs. Earl, Moore will
be sorry to learn that she is at
present confined to the Kitchener-
Waterloo Hospital where later this
week she will 'Undergo a major
Dickation Armstrong and Miss
Elizabeth visited on Saturday with
Mr, and Mrs. Victor O'Breeht at
Miss Phyllis Keith, Mrs. Johnny
Tudan and little daughter were
visitors over the week-end in Port
Friends of Miss Elizabeth Peel
will be sorry to hear that at pre-
sent she is confined to the Palmer-
ston Hospital, .having suffered a
slight stroke,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gibson of
Toronto spent the week-end with
Mr. :and Mrs. Doug, Holt.
Miss Anne Lindsay of Toronto
spent the Easter holidays with her
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Al-
bert Johnson,
,—contras Preen Canadian
Growing pains for Sudbury, Ont., have led to the need for
amalgamation of the town with its immediate neighbors to make
it Ontario's sixth largest city. Prize assessment plums await the
outcome of the merger of Sudbury, Copper Cliff, Frood, and the
townships of McKim, Neelon, Gerson and }Vetoes. Tile new city,
if it conies into being, would include in, its borders some pf, the
wealthiest mines in the world—International Nickel alpnp being
assessed at $50,000,000. The town itself is bulging at the seams
with what is believed to be the highest birth rate in the world as
shown by the chart held by Anita Hakomaki and Glenna Sanders.
The new city would have a population of 40,000.
• ta..4.vic.,,r 4
lllllllllllll ll lll
l lll
—high-flying succes
and heading higher!'
Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto
spent the week-end at her home'
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray and
Brian of Toronto visited relatives
in the community for a few days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson were
Kitchener visitors on Thursday.
,The many friends of Mrs.
Foster, Newbtidge, will be sorry to
hear she suffered a fall at her
home on Thursday, breaking her
arm and hip. Mrs. Foster, Who is
in her 84th year, is confined ,to
the Palmerston Hospital,
Mr, and Mrs. Blake Witmer and
three children of Toronto and Mrs,
Norah Witmer of Listowel, visited
on Saturday with the Boehler and.
Hibberd families, Sunday guests at
the same home were Mr, and Mrs.
Warren Zubrigg and Stanley,
Visitors over the week-end'"witli,
Mrs, Dora Ridley were Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Ridley of London 'and,
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and, Karen
Of Orangeville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fleischauer
and family of Stratford spent the
weekend with Mr, arid Mts. .1tts."
At the Easter service 611'81111day
in the United Church, Mts. Anne
War-tell placed an Eager lily in
memory of her, husbattd,. Prank
Warren, Who was killed in World
War IX.
Mr. W. Campbell, Norman itard-
Mg, Albert. Hell, Lloyd jaernies,
Tom MeGirines arid Robert nib:.
bad attended the H.B.P, Lodge at,
ross ett
Motets. Lima