The Signal, 1926-3-4, Page 7"v--- I
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County and District
Thos. Oliver. of Centratic died Feb- .
/nary 2lot t II eventieth year.
17-4; Moreton's Proviorkal 'woolen/
Of rhe l'.F.O., has. beets holding meet- i
ing* at oweral plate* in the county
this week. •
Mr. and Mra. Duman Simms of
Ripley, have left for a cruise to The 55
West holies.. They expect to be ith•
lent about six weeks.
The 100 -acre farm at lot 21, cones".
gton 7, Grey, owned by Mt pi }hums.
who Is now In the West, was 'told to
Angus Carmichael. for 11:3011. Ther'
are no buibtings un the farm.
Mrs. l'eter Mt•Ewen, of Turnberry.
died February 23rd in her seventieth
year. She is sutvivell by her hus-
band, two ilitueliti.ris and four sons.
one of whom is J. 1.. Sit•Ewen, Reeve
of Turnherry.
The searardst in the 11r15 combined „,
Minding field erop and seed grain
,competit ion • in (sanest iota with the
Zurich Agricultural Soeiety bare been
announced. us follows: lst. Harold I
Klopp• 2:1,1 (bear Klopp; 3rd. John
A. Mammal: 4th. Edgar Broderick.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cartersof the
conesssion of Hollett. on Tuesday
if last week Celebrated the fiftieth an -
lives -wary of their oyddiug with a
foruily gatheriug. They were married
it bean ' and came immediately to
where.they have lived ever
millets They hare two mons and two
daughter's: Mrs. Fred Shobbrook and
Stanley, of liullett ; at home,
and Mrs. Herbert Oakes', of Guderielt
After isevet•al years of Invalidism.
Mrs. Robert Willits passed away Fele
riutry 2.3r0 at the age of eighty-one
years. Her huoliaud, who way one of
Senforth's leading toodures men for
two senerations died In 11110. Six
sons survive: Harry. of WM14111111;
Walter. of Seaforth; Chariest. of Su•t-
tler. Alherta ; Fran'. of Winnipeg:
Joints,. of. Seatiorth. anti /toy. of las
Mr. tool lira. Hugh and
Mr. and Mrs. It. MeKetiale have re-
turnee/ from a three month.," motor
trip to Florida and the Southern
State. They were able to motor haek
as far as Kitt•hener. where they 'vete
foreed toleetve their ear.
Alex. K. Purvis has returned to De-
troit after spending a few weeks with
his parents. Mr. alai Mrs. Jaw l'urvls.
•At Toronto, on Tuesday, February
Bah. the marriage took Oise of
George J. Allder5111 and M1514 Mary 1•'.
$114V1 rt 51---toektrow. -the- Isrisk-
'arr. ii\'mo were:dud wall a life -mem -
In the W. A. of the Diocese of
Muskat Instruction is to be cutil-
utenced in the Clinton public eenool
after Mester, with Prof. Anderton att
the Instructor.
This Was the Condition of & P. E.
I. Woman Before Taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills
-My illness began," satyr Mris. 31..1.
Aiwrn R It No. 2, Atherton, P.E I.,
-when sly husband went overseas and
1 was 1141 With 11w .‚ere of a farm and
stock, with no help but that of•a young
boy. My health broke down and for
the Drat time In my life 1 became uti
terly diseonmged. 1 lost my appe
tite. had no strength. and was ready
to have a crying pell any moment of
the day. as the work loomed up ahead
of- nis. A friend happened to *peak
Doe day of the good. Dr. Williams'
Pink had done her aitd urged
the 10 iry them. 1 had 1/111. energy
e•notigh. or perhaps 1.01111411.111P .P001101,1
to try Owns but Idle V1011141 1101 I
denied 111141 /41•111 Om+ 'boxes. and
by the time 1 hod taken them t knew •
they were helping no• and was anxiohs
for MOW. 1 isantinned taking the pills
for nearly six months and hy that
thne 1 11a11 setf,•ly passed a ..ritleal
!webs) 111 Iny 111'4• 111111 regained my
usual good health. TO 1111 .111.1-
t1,prkeil. nerve-raeked wonwis-and
there are 1 grrnt many Of t11,'111 --I
still .ay and at all times. take Dr.
WilliamsPink Pills and I know you
will n -gain
While playing hockey at the Areeit
Floyd Carter woe struck on the head
b. soother player" skate. cutting
gash which nisssraitated tire atitehes.
The (teeth of 'toy Nettertiel(1' occur-
llow lame WM It Me Motors We Have red on Monday, Yetirttars' 2241.1. at his
-11bertode el 011, Iron. Timber. 11.004 In Lort•er Wifighom after u pro -
saw %-best,..._estob prom Falkland traeted Illne-Sa. The deeenation. wIte,
dry, was in his thirty-fourth year. 11.
%::11u4,. 80 „mpio)-,... of the Western Foun-
ts survived by his mother. Mrs. James
Netterfield. and Ity his wife and one
It•Ing the (laughter of the late Mr. anti
Mrs. Walter Stewart. 'The cert•mony
, wes performed hy Iter. lir. J. E. Ilan
n.. St. Andre•W's church. Toronto.
The funeral took 011141111 lineknon
.eineti•ry on Monday of Mrs. John
Little. bite of 1.istowel. Th.. diseased.
who was sixty-three. years of age. 1.
sorvired her losoband and Iwo Anis
01111 NO daughters. Moo by three bro.
the•rs. Joules, Oliver Joseph
Johnston. of Lucknow: and two sis-
ters. iirs. Boyle. of lawknow. and
Mrs.. Morgan. of Winghnm.
Your Family and
Friends want your
Make the appointment today.
Your friends can buy
anything you can give
them except your
- Photograph
Igo other remembrance will htix.•
such happiness.
Telephone 187 Gederlds.
Business College
The leading comtnercial school
Weetern Ontario. Experienced in-
structors, giving till-m.)10th courses.
(raduatem placed in positions.
Write ler UM' fire eatalogne.
1). A. MciA(111LAN, Principal
Mlso Ilelen Wethey, daughter of
Mr.. and Sirs. E. .1. Wethey. left last
nook for Orange. NI.. %here she will
take 11 course of training us a nurse.
Before her deportier,. the elioir of the
Trieitt :Memorial church presented her
with 11 gold in
The remalun of the late Mos S. W.
Rime, who died A1 her home in Galt
nen. brought to Exeter for Intelment.
'The deceased, who before her mar-
riage was Miss Lotti.• Pl•rkitus W115
for 1118 113 years a resident of Exeter.
She was In her fifty-fifth year. Be -
5141/5 her halsband. two daughters
3140 live misters. two of V% I
UV*. 111 the West, two. Mrs. Thos. Har -
Vey and Mrs. M. Ni. Sonollero. in Ext. -
ter. and ole. .Ir'. Albert Johnston.
At Caren Presbyterian manse. on!
33'ednesday-7 February '24tik. jag.
Foote milted in marriage Mies Kath-
leen Pfaff. daughter of Mr. and Miss
lobo Pfaff of Turkersunith. and John
E. Neil. .4 Usitorne. The voting tett-
We will live on the groom's farm in
your 14f11.1"a7;
There are mans; tronbles dais to
weak. • watery blood easily overvidue
hy fair use of Dr. Williams' l'ink
Pills. The whole mission of this
tin -divine is to purify and enrich the
blood. and when. that is dome all the
symptoms of anaemia disap-
pear and sow' health returns. l'ott
ran ger Dr. Willlans.SPink fr
any druggist ..r by mail ot 7,15 mute
box front The Dr. Williants'
Itruekville. Ont.
At preseat two thousand new
motor vehicles are being added week-
ly to the hundreds of thousands that
already uss Britain's roads, says *
writer in Tit -Bits. This means that
la Britain alone the demand for pe-
trol hi Increasing at the rate ot eve
to six million gallons yearly - and
they are already Importing 16$ mil-
lion gallons of petroleum each year.
Britain's consumption is not a
twentieth of that of America. An
expert has announced that the
world's remaining supply of earth oft
is only 70,000 million barrels, and
that at the present rate of increased
consumption we shall come to an and
of our stock in about half a century.
141011 4)11
'rite marriage took place at •Paluser-
Fe•bruary 17th of Elmo Ger-
trude. only daughter .4 Mr. and Mrs.
Lincoln }tenthly. of that Olive. to Dr.
.101in It Riddell. H,. sante town
Ts41111.ff.. bride oat: a teacher for some
years on the 1111 IU piddle o•lo,..1
Mlks 1.47.11. 114•11,1•111110).11 110,4 been
hy the piddle school hoard to
till the vacancy on the teaching staff
.•reated by the resignation of Miss
11.•nahly. who was ntorried last 51eek.
gellee1111.1on• husiness itiok stoek
of 1 11111110 & 1.41. have been 411111 to
Gordon MacKay 4/ Co's T40'411110. Mr.
Hanna retaioing the gents' furbish
The human race is very short- loss 114141 11 1114.111 01,1y. The 111-W °Wu
S ighted, and already the few who
, take the trouble to look forward into last lo her tifty-tirst year. She hal
aos oris oiled 1,1,01 appreknn_ i.., -ii residiet of Win:sham for 111114
d on as to the coming scarcity of IP"' years. Iller husband 111141 1%0
Many articles of everyday use. children survive.
Take iron, for instance. James J.
MO one of the greatest authorities
Mit the subject, stated some years ago I
that by 1150 nearly all the iron ore AlOwlE1•11- Mar. 1.• -We urs' al"
la the United States would be ex. to Alert that Mr. John MacKay. jr
bausted. English ore has already is Imilmle
• visit -
tiodetich, Ont.
Lord and Master its all!
•Whoteer our name or sign.
ewii Ti.'. away, we bear Tby trail
W.• test our lives by Thine.
noosing, showing Itios that we are Ig-
norant and He alone Call guide uel we • • • •
yiltits. •
• •404.•
• ▪ -eV 5•55'.
are sinful, and it Is only by Hie merits • '
that ste me Is. pardonett: we are • .
blind. Sod He alone tan etsliirbten un
When lestits said lb- was the way 1
the Esther. 1%1111, weld If they could
ouly lite Father they wotthl be .at -
Jetted: thin Jesus replied that the
sight of Illut is the sight est God wad
..311,s1 upon to exercifte faith, ,
faith in lien and (alt h in ills works.
aDd showed then, how filth aud pray-
er were the fottioialloto, upon which
they could receive power to
Then would they do greater works than
He hail done for 11,' was going to the
tur EirAhn.sdid. our Brother. and our Father and would seed another whit
would abide with them always. With ,
What may 'Thy service be)- . , swell eonoolations did 11.. soothe and
\or name. nor torus nor ritual word. inspire 111/4 sorrowing disciples. put
But simply following Thee. ling thought's of His 111411' approaching
: I..,. G. Whittier. . death away In the background.
Thou art the Wrta. the ,Truth, the A party 1,1 1.---"Stiatis were going as
,t‘Itlaut.T. r joystiti1,...tekrz•ipl, iti :L.. Li 1,111,t„ri.smirttaik..:::::1,1":iitti;.11:1:114111Ni.,:;:s111:14:4:71:11,1-:713,:klai..ulliirtaN- ft.t71,11
Life. ilnint us that
G. W. "...Inc- I rall.,q11.41 uos•ting 110141•• a great 'satires-
--- •ion ou the audience.
POR NIAlt. 14th. 1926.1 James said: "I am greatly shed to - •
Lemma Title--Limt Words of Beaus he here with you and 1 alai thank- •
wish Idaelples. flit to go this wyok 1 sant.. this far '7.,1t1,,,f13,-.14tst
Emmen l'ateiage--Jobn. chs• 14•11 ; th.• ;strength et' .11•1415 I'larist. Att
goldfish Text -John 11:6. ' lie ,u 1111,4 this world to suffer. so • ,05:fi,,,,r;-V,5„4NItAl
Hanle. ill toillinentar1 on the II,. will make us strong to stiffer. It
\t'w TesIttlitelit stirs of !heel' ehale necestyary. I came with this message: " f,r414:
ters. -The. disciples. hod bets' greatly , whatocsr 1;444 4.0111. 1115111 11114. 10 4). 4
11.1 r, -s41 -4i at what 1 h. had said about o HI het:, it,- to (I,. it. 31111 ••••• I Oar
leaving them. Perhaps. they had in- not.- sys.
divans, thydr distress: to ilitu in $01111. .10111 saki ' •• 1 stand 'forth, before
neinto•r Isv their count enanee or their yen. a 'young maw to say a few words. ,,,,r,..10,
..‘111.44..4144115: .11111 III• proceeds now to to you. utv elders. FS bile "*f
0,11111111511T 1.. 1 114.111 1.1141. rdlab01/141011 !wars 1;1111H.11 /1111111K ' ;Ix
Mr. litigh un 14 their ciresoustiowe4 1111111e ',roper. for help and I said. •Isd girl' it:.
been practically worked out, and bas
-to -be 4mm:feted from -Spain end
dinavia. There is still Iron ore la
quantities In China, and perhaps in ,
, Africa, but an iron famine is plainly
1 in sight.
The timber famine is actually upon
as. For paper -making alone Great
Britain requires ten million tons of
' timber yearly, while America con -
1 gems. seventy million tons • year.
1 To supply the newspapers of New
• 1 York filth paper for a day, sine..thou-
r sand spruce trees Inuit be cut down
and turned into pulp. - Mises use tree
' treats for timbertag purposes, and
whole forests are thus burled yearly.
Yet all this consumption hardly
matches the terrible toll taken by
Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. ert•igliton linv.
moved to 10%11, from lipllett township
Sir. 111141 Mrs. Cowan. of .Mana
1111111are visiting the former's brother
Itrorge C,Mun. and the ba' ter' broth
IT and sister. Geo. Matt- nod Mr*. 1
, sill" dred million feet of soft timber year -
cook. It Is ovflr_ tifteeo 3 *
M r' 4.1""11 13'4 at' his ly for housing purposes. There is March 4 at the . l • of -..........4, ...dab must suffer and die.
Charles .111,•kson passed away Sow a scheme afoot for making syn- NIalllonald. of ;tow 1 1117.4111‘ say the 11111,14 of the bag
home in 1113th on Thurolay. February Miss Belle and Mr. liugh MeKenzie.
discourse. told them that their conso.
The saviour. in the beginning of His 01"/ x.,„„
t them iinligestions- Tor- •
forest Area, which yearly destroy mil-
liens of pounds' worth of growlag
trees. Australia. though she has fiae
hardwood forests, is short of soft
Ora. Co 1M. in the 14th chapter was otts told that they taiglit kill awl eat •,,,„1,0„„,,,,,,,,„...„_.....;,.
Mbot Andre"• Iele'l•O'r in S. s• - "- deli% ,•issi. dotila 'vs.., while they wen' ie. Ilit:i'e. but 1 WW1 Mil !druid IV *wet
A IR 111 speut the week -end at her „it i i„,,: -La au, („bi.,. ,,,, , , 1, Ing.-:.asof the that. It is gladm !NS 144 1114- 10 Take ---s71,p4z4F7517?,..7,1'1°;,saa--
home in Luskoow. slipper. That in the twu following the Ilospel of Christ to thooe .Iii dark- Lzt4,,t4t4,t,.•Zi'rtiraaa',
Mrs. 301111 F,•rgeo...ii. ,,f AmberleS• .•hapter.s. and the prayer in the 1711,, Hess, It is all right with nue.' . sss...Ss^'t'''".-1'."..'".tr''
is improving a little t b is „ yt eek. chattier. were. while they were going 'loner' 54141: •'.31 3 150111 rejoiees to ,e-S,L1/4)11•11d'•y.•.kS,F,..1,sti
Slower Tom Ilitekett has 1....s. on to th.• Mount 1,f 1 111Ve". Theis. is to.- loos moon you today It is true that :-.t.t.i.-,ir.5v.7.1...44.4.1.,i,o.r, .
the -h( list for the 1511 two wo'ks• Where 1.. lie found a dIsentirse so beau- we differ Wo aro Week. you are s.sstssiliseissist•si'.1:;,,Vote
, Mr. Harry McDonald entertnined a Idol. st., louder. so full of weighty whitc. hut our souls are the ..iluir, and
,.. ; .,r,,,,,,,,.
I 4. lllll h., ..f. iik 1'11'41'1' ''" M'""1"s iltoeglits and -.., adapted to proihwe we are alike also in faltli. We bare
s wood, and has to import four hun-
evening. awl a very plea.iiiii ,oening souttort• i" tsm.olotory tort thrown away 11111' 1111311, 1111/1 1111e Conn -
was enj..y,s1 by :111 present. of our re•ligiou. In She lame of the try to do this work. and Ile alio loves
Mr. 51.t It.. .t. M,•Keissie. on Fri- s.,ss, t.I.-' ,
Isere, ells uttleh to trollads us and died for usnil/ rare for us
day night. Iselin:airy 2C.. 1111ee111111141 1111111. They were about to part with where we so. It is our mind to *m-
ills 1111110 friends, at a 4-114.111•1• and their belovedtender friend. Tb -3 dere any suffering and pain whit+
dame. A g.s..1 time is reported. were to he lett atone to meet perseeit- ow,. may '6%3. 1114„I11 order that we , .
Mr. Burgess. ilf Tor.m'm 1."1"'r`41)5. Hon. and trials. They Wer.' without may serve NUT 1•1401:11-
1r11Ve MO inspiring sermon* to the
-.........1.'. %blood friends. without 11011- -
- 4ittlaaa.#41
Immo.. a A,401-1.1 1•1.1"" ors not iniproluible that Never ti' s' the hoy all the allow -
Both serviees were well. at• .,rnirNrrier
11.•y ••,t ••ss se .. atstook) over- once yen eau afford. Keep hack sump
chord'. ss.
ti•mle.l. throw their 111111/S. :11111 114.1111011513 all hint lit
The Klittatl W tttttt st'slustilute will their .1.11/111114. for they had not Yei
hold its rissainr monthly meeting fully learned the doetrine that thea Anything ina/ 131 (‚‚‚5.. ("s-
ls /1'11 SS<
After an ilineso of about two years
Mr-. W. G. Smyth. of Clinton, passed
away February 22ntl. at the age of
-11114t 3341ro. Tlie det•eased
spent nearly her whole life In Clin-
tim. She was twits, married. her first
Intsbotol being William King, who
tiled over thirty years ago. Some
1.406. in- tifty-eiglisli year. Mr. thetic timber out of sugar -cane. Misses NI. I Sti rt and Amino%
The rise in the price of cotton
stiowshoed alter to John Cowan's. •r..
Jnek''"a a" his wir''''''''' rt.' Mani" goods troubles millions of house- to 1,,,„„ ti„nos, „
, ,„, (s.,:ning hist
'obit to Myth three years ago. a,141 1115
wives. American cotton is toeing de- • week.
health bait ,'ver sine gr.... n worn,
stroyed by the boll weevil, and farm-
Ilt,•sidis: his wife Ite leaves (hr., Iwo -
era are giving up planting It. We an ...herr parental interest would two
thers: J1101141: of Lllek1111W: W11.11/1111. looking to Africa to supply Lance- "
% n viler to Th.. Mall atilt Eiii.or.•
rd Manitoba. and John. of . shire but it is going to tie a long
it •ming
An teethe building season in illYth lion before the American deficit can ""13''''' 111".e 1'. 1141 '14'n ' 11141 Y
is wipes -fist this year. . 'ni• be &de up. people a re pre% viit,s1 f rom meet i lig
-The 4.4114, sir mrs• Wm. 11Mrr, "l'i'l.' • shortage of wheat is certain In through -cooventiooanty." rout sione
•weittred recently at, Detroent
it. riive.1 the near future. The area of land AFT '"1""I: TM- W"T" fen-titr" of it
a former resident of Myth. The .1.- , that will grow wheat is very limited all is !hat it i. the hest .4 1h..... 111:11
r'll''.11 Wa' 3 ‘Ittlighter " r j'" Wil- when compared with the ever-inereas- suffer fr.,n, *4111111 ,-3u- the ino•t. I
son. sr:. who resides at Auburn. .11.• ins population of the world. The tltIt,k • s • • v..ry . di to it111111.1
4%114 1141e11 ill iilln1111 , township meant •i yo....7_ man._ Llut t Ls at 1 ei11.1141,
Wheat grown would be quite turn -
forty -eight ,‚.t r'. :11,141. 11111i Offer her elent fqr the white races for a long ulrl. and 1.4411itse a1 /411111.1111111111111
Marriage to Willhon Barradman , time to COMP, but the shortage arises satinosa
t sil: to lo,r. .11.111,1 Is. etc
i yy enty-tive N'1411.4 ago they resided in from the ever-increasing use of ....imaged to tell his father or mother.
Illvtli most of the time until their re- wheaten bread by colored peoples. and they shonid he ahle to speak to
m.o.& sons,. years -----1,, London. A generation ago the million* of r pa
Ile- in-
from which „place they welt to De-. India, China. and Japan lived upon introduothas ritir' 1 too
Trrroir fleshiest her
• • era leaVes tiVe 4.11
1111 41114"11111. LIP -t rieit and wheaten bread was almost
Mrs. Arlin unknown. Now, all who can afford
Carter. Itoy. Mary. Kate and William • it eat white bread, and the stock
all of Detroit. The funeral took pine,. available for importation into Europe
at Detroit. Is growing less and less.
Another fasnine of the very near
MOST 4W NEW PHONES IN HOMES tutur.. 141 In tblh. The war a,,e the
n 32.47telephones last y,s: North Sea'a rest, hut during the past
to telephones
according t. 11111111111 report of the live years every yard of trawling
eround has been scraped and hsrrow-
Bell T.14.111 C 4 , moony. It wtes
y. ors after she nas married to VI. G.
Smyth. who survives her. A son and
daughter by her first marriage 11141/
survive: Mrs. Is E. Doherty of Strat-
ford owl W. I.. King of Hamilton.
Tin- hoard of Ho. former Wesley
Niethoelist tnow Cultist 4.burch has
that the name of the church
-bail hereafter be the Wesley -Willis
v1111'.11. in token of the union with
the eongregation WiLlis Presley-
!' Hatt
114.3-.Y. Itilkey preached bis fare• -
sermons iti St. Paill's (Anglican)
ou_Suntlay. • At it meeting o
the Women', Atitilli-try -1113T eet11
ISirs. 1111key. the manes wife. 300
has been the peeSiliell1 111 tile AlrCii
er. st taken 1.3 parents hei r
children's' welfare. and the spirit of
lintepetolenee I If their :1.• i, another
eau.... Pi is, ma's aeuiallitaii,•.,
1.1eked on the street ear may
...onetime. inn' "lit all ilt.tht. Ion in
1113)11.41,1' v.-.••-. yr.nht
be worse than at' 3Y-wr..IN
01.),11.1 tlic Young Peoltle I"
hring their friends hoot,: .41,1 litttc
• ts Would invite
1 1
cl smary to instal 1 2.s.IMII instrument. ed so that Set fish me rapidly 14e- 1111rIY. 111 N111111 1411-111
In spite of On. 711.42'• 11.1131111111114 11110.1, taming extinct. The Iceland hanks lb.,. 4, ti„... 1 1,....• ,.....:: people want
out. this uei olio of 32.47:1 W11. the are also over -fished, and 3...ready ar- 10 1111,4-1. Wolliii 41111-14%, l,.. • Net i 4.-.
i 1 . com onlys history movements are being made to go all
largest t t
)1.,-1. 75 1..r thy the thousands of miles to 1 to I. alit-
• •14 lands, whence the fish will be brought
1111111144 WPM 13111iletltt Ste% Pe:
)1111. taken .114111111111i011 11 1i1111111-
1.1111fe erMelusively thal IteoPle will
tiny anything for a labels- Life.
An inquiring *old 1* /1411111
whereabouts of the whose goblet,.
hair onS hang ng ba,-k.It
o',1,1.1 4m-5145ite -pertinent te athwhot 1.1
1.114 hellInle Of file hair. - Be11111i111i.
Pimples, Eczema,
Rashes, & Routh
irritated Skin des -
appear as by maic.
noN neglect any skin
A-# trouble, however slight and
-unsuspicios !Unless attended
to right away, ihat-ietch patch
or persistent irritation, may
eaTy develOp Into eczema or
other serious disease that may
be difficult to eradicate. ,
Your safest and most certain
temdtly Zam-Buk. This
amisseptic herbal balm
quickly soothes pain and irrita•
non, stops germ infection, allays
inflammation and soon makes
the skin sound and healthy.
Zam•Buk owes its superior
remedial virtue to its herbal
origin and its penetrati ve power.
It searchea out the hidden toots
• of diseage, Zam-Buk is safer
too, because of its freedom
from the rnidfats and coarse
drugs found in mere ointments.
Begin with Zam-Sok to -day and
make your skin clear and healthy
Zam-Fink Medicinal Soap is a spkm-
did aid te the treatment.
AU D•seeris sowl ishrectellPort-Pto*
RAN% eth hate. hs• 40.2s: the
A:41,,, • as Soo 21e d cab'
In iceholds by fast steamers
Making Monkeys Wolk.
In Patten', a southern province of
Slam, and in Kelantan, on, of the
nnfederated Malay States, inonkevs
are trained by the natives to piek
'Cocoanuts and edible seed pods for
their masters.
The romantic outfox,. any r, -a writsr-
k Science. that monkeys naturally
1 climb cocoanut PRIMA and throw
down the nuts out of minchief or
Tbe monkeys must be caught )(omit r -„s, OVER BODY
from a desire to oblige it pure fiction.
and carefully trained to their Johr --- •
he altos:Mae them to a lona peleoa
Two More Cases of Feminine III -
fuss Relieved by Lydia E. Pink -
11111. 011,4•11, 111111 1,111 11111 114
1111011. old a a 1111111 1.3 stamen:4 hi-
Kingston Standard.
Non ....tiles the tisit. Will pe.4.15
air ATI they not stick to the substi
1 11115 the)
Toon10 Star.
the top of which is fastened a bunch
1 of fruit. The animals quickly learn
to run up to the fruit and throw it
down for their own food. Hating
once mastered the main idea, as It ba's Vegetable Compound
Were they can then be perfeeted in
their profession in the palm trees.
Gialy the larger monkeys are sue-
eessful with the cocoanuts. Ti.
smaller monkeys can manage the
pods which grow in small eittaters
on the ends of the branches of th,
sataw tree, and which proyide the
natives with an Important food Item.
The seeds reaemble it broad bean and
are eaten as a vegetalde. both raw
and cook..d It is said thnt si
trained monkey (an pit k as many
pods in as day as a mn, thus en-
sy. sibling his fortunate own. r to earn a
full day's wages with a minimum
.15glef), amount of effort
High Ethane*.
Barrington, N. S. -"I had terrible
feelings, headaches, back and side
aches and pains all over my body. 1
would have to go to bed every moni h
and nothing would do me g.s.d. My
nuaband and my father did my work
for me as 1 have two children anti
we have quite a big place. I read in
the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetsble Compound, anti then got a
ittle. book about it through the road.
and my husband sent to Eatons and
got me a bottle, anti then we got
more from the store. 1 am feeling
line now and do all my work and am
able to go out around more. I tell my
friends it is Lydia E. Pinkhams
Mat& Crimgmmi that make -lime feel
well. ' rsVirTne RicuseueoN,
The Chinese find it diffictilt to lin- Barrington, Nova Scotia,
damtand the British point of view as
bas been evidenced . recent eves's,
Dull Pains in Back
and perhaps. Illustrated by the ex. St Thomas, Ont. "I took four
perience of a gentleman visiting Can- hottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
tate • short titne ago who its w sante r•t•I.• Compound and found great re-
Mah-Jongg sets being sold at 16 each. 11. from the dull, heivy pains in the
He inquired what he would be har- en .11 of my back and the weakness
told 16 each. "YoU see," was t be alt-.' my bog was born. After taking
troobir to maks 210 sots thin it is 1.,ydo. Pinkham's Senative Witch
t seven years, and advise ;ay
latlon N114 1141111 found at this flute111
in 1.1111 :11141 ill ;
11.- intimated o hat lie tool so often
told them tool the Jeo 4. that there
1111. 1111111.411111bie 1111;011 DetWeell
Mill owl the Father: and that iii
.l'.int: Ile %%:1+ .11141 r. moy ins nem
HISI Itod's universal dwell
lie hall
tarvut thysir
n4(1113141 to another, whe
work or another kind 443
:dent to .104. 1111111. 11.•
Wo11141 1101 :au ays. ah,tint. 11..
yyould (.01111. asstin/t the day of }lids
tilent. and gathcs• all ilis friends to
Iliniself and Itty should he ever WWI
.1zetoet had :ye, told
thens Ills approaching death and
ressurr.ssliou. yet it ...t_s•7 1:7 dill
not tinder -Gold Hini. Nor ,Ii.1 they
fully comprehend Min until after His
Thomas confessed lair ignorance ami
'Jesus again patiently explained 111.
e4"." s • s
--,./..-1414441-141441 .1"14i SA*.
l'arittC On441-41.441.4
16(40 4.1.144'it
"You Can Get Strong
and Well Just as 1 Did
by Using .
Dr 1E S
nun FOOD
4,P4, „1„rti4 tte
a-1,71`era' <
r-A,'","Yt+ IfolV
. .
Id if he ordered lie mots, and w.ut fr st which I euffered for five years
explanation, "ft is so much more tie. Vera le Compound and usini
to maks oao w. limo to shams am ',fling better than 1 have for the
MOW, ! trends to tali* it." - Mr.. F.JoMnION,
New arballo. lemma osisiwss7SHISssistors
tr% 114
sistrerstelTreistue43,114.-Aortiettri",40,1244% 'gen
'4"115'5% i41'4" .2 la t )41'4i 1" « « opt 1 liy « , „•-•. 1« «
. ,
.("$". rrt k.,,,.., ' ,',' -14.r.,,;0.t. 4 .
NI Moors stress, st. Thomas. Ont. c
14' or the first time in the history of the world, the award of a medal
I. for life -no ing oas made over the radio when, on the night of rib- -
° \
rt$TIN r
/4' t'f'414
ruary 17th, Sir Henry Thornlaiinivoi, TIEktili.ank.affitt the fiarrarliart National Rails
aftetety 4e -14m. s wife of a givil engineer In the
pen ice of the Conipany. Mrs. Polyblank was in her homealO'lliOn tlia
ways, speaking from CNR() Ottawa presented the medal of the RoYal . 91,
northern part of Quebec Province and as Sir Henry Thornton, In Ottirora,
rea•hed tht• appropriate moment in his address, the medal wax hati
to Mrs. l'oly blank who, with a number of friends, listened to the address 1411'
through a receiving set installed in her home.
The deed for which the award was made took place •:rboLorail Lae,
Ontario, in the sunirner of 1925, Mrs. Polyhlank plunging from
a motor boat to save the young child of a friend who had ;dipped over
the side. Mrs. Polyhlank swam to the child, maintainikti it afloat, ellvialt-
lid herself of clinging clothing, and calmly awaited ths arrivkl OF
tsseuera, being practically exhausted when reachd,
bsm presented with the medelp
The photorraph shows Mrs. Poliblatilsimys /MIthd22at after 3,,14:4111.H
4'kot - irto)owitsilitirpeA, rtiriiear' 4,03 0 • * ,15,1 t
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