The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-03-28, Page 8putillimilliptillilli11111.111111111111101111,111111.1111101111111101111411111$1 110.111141111 Fast, Efficient Television Ifistailations end Repairs 1410,40-14: The WI-04,14,14 4.0111tAteelrittAes„, ii'VeOetidA)",, it 28 0 • with the formm"s sister, Mrs. Bob Montgomery and Mr. and1VErs, Harold Curriespent day last week with until Mrs.,- Bob O'Brien, of Whalen's Cornoei1, WHITECHUROH Neighb o r 8 and relatives of Mr. and -Mrs. Clarence, MeClenaoltan gathered in tine memorial hail on Friday night for a social evening hefore Mr, anti Mrs. Meelenaghan leave for their new home in RothstlY.- Ell Gyre, pedro end erokinole were played. After lunch Hugh Simpson called the eotlhle to the front and read an address, Mr, and Mrs:- :Russell Ross anc rs. Simpsoe presented. them with a TV lamp and chair, Beatrice with a brash and mirror set, Eldon with as brush set and Mr. Robert MeCtenaghan was given a desk lamp. They, thanked their friends Cur their thoughtful gifts and kindness and itivited them Lo visit them in their new home., Presbyterian Church this FridaN at 11 a.m. with Rev, N. Caswell conducting the service and Rev. R. A. Brook of the United Church giving, the Easter message, Everyone in the community is in- vited to .attend. filFTS [PRESENTED. BEFORE DEPARTURE Service 4q2 Be AREA .1111SSIONARY-. Euchre Winners F`riday. Morning Mrs. Craig gave the call to wor- ship and Mrs. Jas, McInnis read the .Scripture lesson of the Easter message. Mrs, Victor Emerson spoke act "There they will Crucify Him" and Mrs, George Fisher led in prayer. Miss Mary McLeod gave an interesting' reading, "Hope for the prisoner," telling of a God, who never forgets. Mrs. Henderson, of Lucknow, district president, as.,,,Orle of the three teams speaking on Christian stewardship in Maitland Presby- terial, addressed the ladies telling of their responsibility to use their time talents and money for the furtherance ,of the missionary work. Mrs, Graham .had an exhibit of literature and library hooks for use in the meetings. Mrs, Gordon Rintoul led in the offertory prayer. Mrs. N. Caswell introduced the special speaker, Mrs, (Rev.) Paul hornbill of Prieeville, and Mr. and Mrs, Rumhall and their daughter sing in thy Korean language, "Down at the Cross; where My Saviour Died," Mrs. Rnmhall based her talk on Corinthians, chapter 15, "Death is Swallowed up in victory," Spe said the Presbyterian Church hurl over 100,000 pvt'sons in their cilium' there, and spoke of the Tt l I MI N T , P7 !A' ; • SIZE 45 ONLY 9 5 AND YOUR ,RECAPPABLE TIRE BLACK SI EN LL • • • • e 0 • 0 • • 41 BIG SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER SIZES BLACK OR WHITE SIDEWALL'S ALSO AVAILABLE FOR USE WITH TUBE oEitra Blowout ' Running Protection • Extra Puncture 0 Lifetime Protection Guarantee • Extra Skid Protection • Smoother Ride *Longer Mileage CO E F ATURES..;COMPAR eR1CES With A Y FI ST QUALITY MULES TIRE Surprise Visit bu d Currie rs.• , ••_ 14COMington Team wiiITECUIIRCII- Mr. t Mel I'' ate had a surpriet, visit 011- ;today when group of »wit walhed up his hate,. headed by his nflettlay. Neil Paterson, of Leitm- Ingttat, tell is tagui t .of the Falcons,. the L'-?atatlitf/ton basketball team, who 'pleyed on SAtardaY night agaittItt, the Gwen Sound Raiders and .won the intermediate Ch aMpliono MI a. On the rehire trip tlat mill tie. chted to arOlt on Mr. team:soil. Those on. the team.are i bou Role inson, `:,trinity .1aetwoit„ Cecil etew, Harold Wilde', liruge 81:4,k .lilts Hill .lung.:, Pat It wie, Don Moore and Bill Stobb,.. Holstein Dispersal 65 PUREBIZEDS Th.ursday, April 5th - 1 p.m. The Elgindale Herd owned by the estate of J. D. STEWART, EDEN, ONT., selling at the farm 61/2 miles South West of Tillsonburg on No, 3 highway, east 1/2 mile, 3 miles straight west of Eden. Accredited - Vaccinated - Blood tested This herd is of the type whieh hkdienles heavy msnieetion and the records bear Ibis out. Mature records are from Gat lbs, of fat 1-o 81.8 lbs. fat and average over 1.e,c.„ reeords 1(10 HA, to ever G00 Ins. of fat wi th many over 4'/. The more, recent sires used wore Woodland Designer Gth, Springitank Sovereign bream Boy, Spring learnt i-hiprerne .1femima, Eigindale Bag Apple Master, and 'Edgewater Sovereign (selling),by fi he is sired e exeellent son of Rockwood Rag Apple Romulus and from a "very good" dang,hter of Sovereign Ritg Apple Netherland, she. has a:3 yr. old Winter List reeord of 093 milk and 780 lbs. of fat, 4.5e% test, 4 yr. recanel of- 18,688 oldie 857 fat, 4,59.% test.. Most of the bred (tows and heifers carry his service. Regarding type, 7 are elassified "very good", a great ineey "g.Oett ithIS"' and it is planned to have the herd re-olassitied • before the sale. Ake one daughter of "road Hope." 15 WILL BE FRESH OR DUE AT SALE 17 DUE JULY TO Sf%'T., 12 DUE OCT, TO DEC., 8 BRED HEIFERS, 13 OPEN HEIFERS AND 3 BULLS, Be' st)aT and attend this sale as there will he cattle to fit any- one's:needs, either top breeding cattle or commercial milk cows, and they freshen throughout the year. This is a long established herd and high reeord bulls have been used from the strut. Sale under cover J. D. Steward Estate - Proprieters aisomilWammomu.waiiik. 1.4....n......611.116....mo.a.m..firo..usaonaso-amalmrevra.brootextrommaag ot•ff.1.00.namornom.....momp9l Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" •••••WIWW*,,,,,W4 We received a news release from the Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada stating that Lochinvar Bonheur Rocharm made a record of 33,108 lbs, of milk containing 1,326 lbs. of fat, 3,98% Argentina. This is tiatew ;Smith American record. This cow was exported as a cal( coming from the herd of Lorne B. Reid of Ripley, Out. She is sired by Keendale I./with-war and her mother by College View Governor, making her a '% sister to Maple Lea L. 0. Rdsine, Ex SL All-Clan. who is the dam of our young bull, Maple Lea Skokie, and. has 5 records on 2X that, average over 20,0e0 of 3.8% milk. Then we remembered that another close relative of the Rosine cow had made a high record and on checking back found that her 100% sister had produced as a two year old 22,765 lbs. of milk, test 3.64%, 828 lbs. of fat. This record was also made in South America. Wonderful proddction far any country, This Is the type of family from which we are choosing ou r Ming hulls to Carry on the high production established by the bulls that we are using now ,licit) have used previously. For service or more information, phone collect to: Clinton Hu 2.3441 or Mildmay 130r12 getween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days 7.30 and 9.30 aorn. Sundays and Holidays. Cows noticed in heat later should he bred the following day. WIIITEGHHCH Mr. and. Mrs. Amide Purdon and Mr. mid Mrs. Russell Pardon land ehildrcn spent Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Mri, Floyd Bat of Beiwood. Mrs, Irene Paterson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs, Wm. Taylor. The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian Church, met on Tuesday at the home nf rs. Russell ;Ross and. (milted a W.M.S. quilt, Karen Groskorth has been laid up with searletinn during the past week, and the folks from' that house were in qoorantine. East Wawano,till folks extend sympathy In Mrs. Lloyd Mont- gomery, whose I ii0,41 t.r, Mr's. john. bath Sr., passed away on Satur- day in Win tram General Hospital., She had been suffering' front, a fall, in whieh several. bones In her elbow had been. broken. Funeral verviee ‘kas field from the Edgar 1e/1'W home, Cookie and inter- ment was in Wenxeler Cemetery MI '1 'll l.41.:1,Y. Mrs, Albert Walters. held, a4 quilt- Mg at her home on Monday. Mr. ami Mrs, Welter James, who have been the mail-carriers from the post office to the station here, for some years, have resigned and Mrs. Albert_ lVfequillin takes over Mai work on MOrl,day next. Mrs. Willis and her sons visited. on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mra. Bennett Mitchell, 'of _Molesworth. Mrs,- leekinier, Huron County librarian, was in the village on 'Fri- day and changed two hundred books in the library, I'm' 200 more, which will supply this community fur' the next three months,... Mr. and ,Mrs, (;,eett leeleoner left on Saul rIlay with Mr, Aft)) P1117- (11)1/, hi spend the week-end at the hi)»e .of theil• son, Mr. ftellson lealconer, of Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. James Irwin of Hamilton and Iiii Pp, Ebara .Irwin, of Toronto,-,.snieft.the "week-end' at the home of their' 'parents; kr, and Mrs. person Irwin. - t , • Mr. and 11tirs,i, ,Tabnes' 1.4idlaw visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Oliver MeBrien and other relatives in Coderich. A good crowd attended the two Sales in this community last week, at. the home of the fate Mrg, Jos. Tiffin, in the village on Tuesday, and at .the home of Mr. Clarence ,MeClenaghan on Thursday. Cowl Prices were realised at eaclesate, Quite a number from here at- tended the funeral of the .late William Hugh Young, from the R, A, Currie & Sons 'funeral home, 'Wingham, on Sunday afternoon, 'Mr. and Mrs„ rtobt. Laicllaw and eons spent Sunday with `Mr. .1. Holmes of Clinton.. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Long of Wal- kerton, spent the.'weWteild with: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Biernan, On. Sunday, they and Mr. and Mrs. Bleman and. Ann, motored to '1'or- onto and visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. Ted Tschirhart. Their --Parents, Mr. and Mrs. kfityry Mackay,, who had spent the past five months at Toronto, re- turned home with them and with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Long, returned to their home at Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Currie; newlyweds, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and. NH's. (leo. Currie of: East Wawa- nosh. Mr, Harold Walker accompanied Mr. and Nri8, Jack Reavie and Mrs. Rutherford Reavie to London. on Sunday and all 'visited with. Mr, ftatherford ROaVie in Victoria 1 Hospital. Barry Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Scott, was laid uP,'with measles last week. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Smith, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..Russell Chapman and with. Turnberry rela- tives. , Miss Margaret Taylor has been a. patient in Wingham 'Hospital since Friday. Miss Annie Kennedy; of Wing- ham Hospital, spent - the week-end at her home here. Mr. Thos. Morrison spent the week-end with his father, Mr. J. B. Morrison at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. 'Victor Casemore of Brant- ford. Little Ann Weber has been on the sick list and under the doctor's care during the past week, Mr. rind Mrs. Cordon Wall and children, of Langside„ visited on Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. Ira Wall, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie and children, of Wingham, moved to their home on the Boundary on Saturday, We. welcome_ them to this community, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, of Atwood, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Alfred McCreight. Mr. an.d, Mrs. Wm. Tiffin and children and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tiffin and son, of Wingham, visit-. -ea on Sunday at the horne ,of Mr. and .Mrs, Chas. Tiffin, of Langside. Miss Marjorie Currie, of London, spent the week-end. with aer mother, Mrs, R. J. Currie, When here on Wednesday, Rev, and Ait.r.s. Paid Rurribbil and their daughter, .'tenet, visited. With their former friends of the tne,ftS0,• Rev. and Mrs. Ce.gwell, They also Visited with Mrs, David Kennedy and as they chatted, they round that Mrs. Kennedy's aunt had , married into the McLean family in Altnonte, and Mrs, Rurnhall was a deSeend- ' ant .of that family and knew many of the former relatives in wheni: Mrs. Kennedy had been interested ,in years. gone by. Mr. Net Thomson, Mrs. %Mil- 'trod :Lott and Mrs, Mary. Roberta Spent the week-end In Port ittlrorl the Kb concession of East Wawa.. nosh met on 1P ridgyevening at the • school with Mr. and. Mrs, 'Frank Eckeuswiller In charge, right tables played euchre. Mrs, Kennedy and Clarence Chamney held high points and Mrs, Harry Cook and Kenneth Mason held low points, NU, and Mrs, Gordon Naylor will be in charge of the euchre in the school this Thursday evening, successful evangelistic work done. They have comniurtion and baptis- mal service twice a year, at Easter and Thanksgiving, Those wishing to join are put en a year's proba- tion and have a, strict examination on religious questions before they are baptized, All were interested in the little dolls she showed, giving a better idea of the dress and work of the Korean people, She told how earnestly the Christian people there work for their churches and the spread of the Gospel, and how important it is that they can preach a living Christ, not a Christ on a cross. The speaker said it is a great' satisfaction to see the re- sults of their work in changed lives. Mrs-, ,l'ohnston Conn gave' Mrs. Rumball a vote of appreciation for het' splendid address, and Mrs. Henderson also spoke. • The meeting closed with prayer and all enjoyed a social half hour in the Sunday School romp of the oh urch, : • You can depend upon installation and repairs 10 our factory-lroined tech- nicians to keep your TV set at peak performance always. We're as near as your telephone. Just call 380 McGill TV & RADIO SERVICE • SHORE HOLSTEINS Ltd. -- Sales Mars. I 1 Mr. fuel Mrs, Bob Arlmekle ,Suaday with Mr. mud Mrs. Elmer t reland. XVirts, Mystery Prize WHITbICHIJRCH----A good crowd gathered at S.S. No. 9 East Wawa- , nosh on Friday evening And thir- teen tables played ettehre. Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery and Chas. Suite held high points and Mrs. Alex Robertson and Norman Cold- Hass held low points. Mrs. Harold I Currie was the winner of the my. istery A groliji from the section volut e- leered to take charge of a program 1 1,0 Is' held hi the school. .on April All enjoyed the social time In- , grther. WHITECHURCH- The Good DESUBES WORK I WIJITECHUll6H---- The folks of Prklay service will be held in the WHITE( HURCH- The Easter 'numb:offering meeting of the W.M.S, of the Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday with the president, Mrs. Dawson Craig pre- siding, Over Seventy ladies were in attendance. Guests were the ledies from the W.M.S. of Laagside, South Kinloss and the United/ Church here. iii' E. Philips, Dumont,' Motorola, Sparton ii Television Sales and Service , WI ii :-.-ailimillailtaimilkorsinaviimillanalmnomminarniuminivisimaimispiviliro Use Advance-Times Classified Ads for Results