HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-03-28, Page 4rao ',the Magnm. Anvanee,Tianes, inVetnnaatan, Alan, 4.tr jeaa .00P-AHOY FOR IBMS% • i;utue ry,,aagricultutin representative for Huron .County., Each year because of labour obnrtngea,. fewer farMerS are Ma Mg maple syrup, 'nose who ha' tapped this yee,r report Very lib runs of sap. "My battery is weak . . . put in a new one. I don't want a dead battery smelling up my motor" • This is a new one on Us! However the old reasons for giving a fading battery prompt .attention are plenty good enough. If your motor is sluggish, get a battery check now. WINGHAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingham REPAIRS GARAGE SAVE MONEY MONEY BY PREPAYING ... .... N ..'•!•••• WiNGHAM 2,41I • • " • ,W.Pt* tINCORPORATED L•••<' /879 nnna• • ***4-n-nn- .. * Town of Wingham 1956 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on' account of 1956 taxes up to 80 per cent or 1955 taxes. Interest 'at the rate of Four per cent, per annum he allowed on 'such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the . Town ,Treasurer's 0 f flee,' Town. T Tall W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. II. IFTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter--Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitor's, Etc. Phone 48 J. IL CRAWF.X1R1), Q.C. R. S. HETHEILINGTONIO.C. Frederick F. Homuth Phm,B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 • Harriston, Ontario J. W. BUSIIFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office-..-Meyer Block, Wingham 'USED WASHER---Maytag —com- pletely rebuilt and reconditioned. Thoroughly cleaned and refinish- ed, only $59.00. Stainton Hard- ware. 28b QUANTITY OF HAY for sale, Apply to Berson Irwin, R,R, 3, Wingham, Telephone 620w1, 28b 1VfONTCALM BARLEY, treated and cleaned for sale. Apply T. Edward Powell, R.R. 1, Wing- ham, Ont. 28' 8 OR 9 TONS of good hay for sale. Shorthorn hull, 10 months old, red, from unit sire, price $125. Apply to Earl Toner, Gorrie. 28* TWENTY BUSBELS red clover for sale. Good color, plump seed. 1955 home grown, Phone Cyril Hither, Teeswater 46r3. 28,4* A MOW OF STRAW for sale. Apply Harold Finlay, Belmore, phone 15r2, ELECTRIC RANGE used only 2 years-40" model—a clean stove in excellent condition. Special at $195.00. Stainton Hardware. 2$b BUDGIE BIRDS, popular, easily trained pets, in stock now at Welwood's. Just the thing for a wonderful Easter gift, 28b If MRS. LOIS DAUPHIN, Charles St., Wingham, takes this page to the Lyceum Theatre, it will be good for a pass, for ,self and companion, to see "Shepherd of the Hills" on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, April 2, a or 4. 28' PREMIER ELECTRIC brooder to accomodate 300 chickens for sale. Excellent condition. Apply to Jas, O. Stokes, phone Wrox- eter 20r5, 28* GIRL'S BEIGE spring coat for sale, size 8. Excellent condition. Phone 646w in the afternoons. 28* SEED for sale: Grade 1 Grimm Alfalfa $18,00 bu; Ontario Alfalfa or Certified Ranger Alfalfa $20.00 bu; English Red Clover $18.00 bu; Ontario Red Clover $20.00 bu; Alsike $18.00 bu; Sweet Clover $7.00 bu; Timothy $5,75 bu; Commercial Rodney, Oats $1.05 bu; Beaver or Ajax. Oats $1.55 bu; Montcalm or Galore Barley $1.85 bu, We carry a Complete stock of grass- es. Pir "ail hay n and pasture seedings, R. Cramm, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68w3. 28h USED WASHER--Gilson—c o m- pletly rebuilt and reconditioned. Thoroughly cleaned and refinish- ed, only $49.00. Stainton Hard- ware. 24b MEAT FOR. SALE. Good beef for sale by the quarter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings, front quarters 27e, hind quarters 36c, Maynard Ackert, Holyrood Phone 24.30, Ripley 21:28:4:11:1$* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN WEANLING pigs for sale, Apply to Ab Bacon, Belgrave. 28h 6 NINE-WEEKS old pigs for sale. Apply to Don Montgomery, phone 701w2. 28b BABY CHICKS SEASON IS GETTING ON, Your chicks should be in your ponitry- house growing towards good (Grade A Large) egg markets and putting on firm weight for the table. Big-4 Hatchery has just the birds, A wide Choice, with apeeials like Pilch White Rocks, etc, Canadian Approved plus 35 years of good Hatchery experience. Mixed chicks, pullets, eocke.rels, broilers-dayold, and some started, Ask agent •for full particulars. Bluevale Milling Cd. Ltd. Bluevaley phone 6108.21 Wirighttni, 30R14 Brussels, 2811 500 nrz.StISMTIX ptdleta for sale 2 Weeks Old; SOO Suasex-Ited pullets 2 weeks Old; 30 tons of .baled hay; 4 y6iing e4.1vds.. Apply to 3. tt, Coulters, phOne 743W2.. :18* MISCELLANEOUS FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy aalt about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete insurance coverage. Henry Jo- hann, phone Belmore 21, 28,4b FOR TV AND RADIO REPAIRS call Dunkin. Television and Radio, Teeswater, phone 27 or Wingham 703J1, 14rrb IF YOU are buying a ear on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inex- pensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, rrb IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- . art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb 24-HOUR SERVICE on all fur- naces and oil burners. Apply to Hiseler ..8z Son, phone 426. 15rrh your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone colic c t: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG, LIMITED, lrrb WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 292 or Mildmay 130r12, collect, between 7,30 and 10.00 a.m, on week days and 7.30 and 5.30 a. m, on Sundays. 9rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrn SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r5, Brussels. 15rrb TV SERVICE DEPOT offers used TV completely rebuilt, new TV warranty. 10-in., 12-in., 14-in., 17- in., 21-in,, 24-in., $69.00 up, All in popular name brand TV. High- light .special-29" Westinghouse, walnut, full console with. doors, 1 year Old, originally $879.00, our price $289.00 Full new warranty. Antennas installed. Areas deliver- ed to: Goclerich to Exeter, Orangeville to Owen Sound, Southampton. Write TV Service Depot, Victoria St., Wingham, or phone 966. 14rria If A. G. FURNESS, R.R. 2, Wing- ham, takes this page to the Lyceum Theatre, it will be good for a pass, for self and corn-. panion, to see "Good Morning Miss Dove" on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday, March 29, FOR TRADE WOULD YOU LIKE 32 instead of 20 miles per gallon? Do you own or know someone owning a '50 Tudor in excellent con- dition, preferably blue in colour. I would like to trade a '51 Van- guard in excellent condition also many extras. Phone 512J4. 28' PERSONAL HUNDREDS of interesting cactus plants—All different---Send 500 for one—$1.00 for three prepaid. A luvely hand painted flower pot comes with each plant, Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Libby's Plower House, 530 St. Clair Ave., W., Toronto, Ont. 14:21:28b FOUND SIGNET RING with initials TW. Owner may have same by apply- big at Advance-Times and pay- ing for this ad, WANTED MORTGAGE MONEY required. First Mortgage required for good security on good 5-room brick house situated near Wing- ham. Home is 'valued at $4,700 or we require a first mortgage of about $1,500 will pay 6% interest, Robert B, Hart, Real Estate Ltd., phone 60r11 Ford- wich, 28b HIGH CHAIR wanted in reason- ably good shape, Phone 512J2, 28b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD STOCK WANTEE—$3,00 for dead horses and cows, higher prieest for old, sick and disabled horses and OWL Phone Atwood 153 Oiled, t rllay80* HELP EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC help wanted, Live in, Apply to Dr. M. H. Corrin, Box 209, Lueknow or telephone Lucknow 17. 21:29:4 MALE HELP WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS in: Wing- ham and surroundings. Sell pro- ducts needed in every home-- nigh commission, Write now for details to Familex, 1000 Delori- mien, Montreal, 7 :14 ;2129b RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity. Full time, Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. C-453-189, Montreal,' P, Q, 28h WILL PROVIDE light full time employment for middle-aged man. Apply to Box 26 Advance- Times, 28,4* THREE PROTESTANT TEACHERS WANTED PRINCIPAL for two-room school in village of Fordwich. Give age, qualifications, name of last inspector and ' salary 'expected. Also in the' same area, two rural teachers, Both schools in first class condition with basements, located on plowed road. Apply giving age, qualifications and experience and name of last inspector, if any to East Howick Township School Area Board, care of H. B, Collins, secretary- treasurer, Fordwich, Ontario. Phone 22r3. 28h BARLEY CONTRACTS Barley contracts now available. improved price from last year. Elliott's Seed House, .phone 154-J Lucknow. lrrllAph REAL ESTATE 2-STOREY FRAME insul-brick building for sale near centre of Wingham business section, Corn- plete modern apartment above, room for store or apartments below. Concrete block building at rear 28x40, • Small down pay- ment. Box 19 Advance-Times. 7rrb HOUSE for sale in villsagd of Blue- vale. Newly wired throughout, situated on 3 lots, small barn, never-failing well, small fruits. For particulars phone Ed. Wadel, Teeswater 120r3, or contact Burns Moffatt, Bluevale, 7rrb 5 FAMILY APARTMENT house, fully furnished, centrally located, in fast growing airforce town, Good income. Good reason for selling, Malta good pay for itself, home for working man or retired couple, Owner will sacrifice for quick sale, Easy terms, Act now. Phone Clinton 73J, 21:28h HOUSE for sale, in Wingham, centrally located, modernly equipped, oil heated, Write Advance-Times box 25. 28* 11.6 'STOREY FRAME building on Alice Street, with roll-brick siding for sale, 18x40, suitable for shopwork, can he moved. Apply to Roy Bennett, phone 960. 28,4,11b SEVEN ROOM HOUSE for sale, Built-in cupboards, three-piece bath, hot and cold water, good furnace, George Soiling, phone 431J. 28b • 6-ROOM INSTJL-BRICK house for sale, centrally located, early possession. Phone 1061 Wing- ham, 28* ROBERT B. HART, Real Estate Limited, Central Ontario Larg- est Farm Sales and Businesses, Mount Forest— 6-acre chicken farm on the edge of a friendly town with 6-room frame house, 7 years old, with hydro, Price' $4,900. 50-acre farm in good location on a main highway, 6- room house with hot and cold water on pressure arid 3-piece bath with painted barn, whole farm in A-1 condition, 50-acre farm on highway a mile from town at $6,900. A large number take of fafrns ranging in size front 6 acres to /533 acres at reasonable prices, Farms for sale or will take an exchange for house or business in city or town. A number of pool-rooms, motels snack bar and bowling alley, hardware and grocery stores, a service atatiOri. with 90,000 gal. yearly turnover. Mort. gages can be arranged, For further information phone Mrs, Tefinie IlifeIrinis,Inordwieln phone 60r11.. Agent for Robert 14.1, Hart Real Estate Ltd, 28,4b rou lam 100 ACRE FARM for rent, 11i miles east of Belgrave, Apply to Carl Procter, .14,13,, 5, Brussels, phone 13r12. 2/311 FOUR ROOM apartment for rent. Phone 329, 2$b PASTURE 'to rent by the season for 15 head- yearling cattle. Apply to John Fraser, Wroxeter, phone 75r1. 28,4r.' AVANTED TO TRENT MAN AND WIFE and two children require 5 or 6 room house or apartment immediately. Apply to Box 11, Advance-Times. rib NOTICE NOTICE TO FARMERS-- We will be shipping hogs free of trucking charges, Struthers Transport, Belmore, 21:28* NOTICE—Mrs. Harold Foxton's Beauty Shoppe will be closed April 2 to April 7 inclusive, C28* NOTICE . Township or Turnberry The regular meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday, April 4 instead of April 5 as previously announced. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk, 28h TENDERS WANTED Knox Presbyterian Church, Har- riston, calls for tenders by April 15th, for a warm-air-Church heat- ing system. Lowest or any tender • not necessarily accepted, Apply Rev, L. 14. Fowler, Harriston. 1 21:28:4b 1 1 1 TENDERS WANTED 1 Tenders for the contract of re- 1 pairing the Warwick Drain in Morris Township will be received 1 up until 12 o'clock noon, April 2, 1956. This contract consists of the construction of 3585 lineal feet of j open drain. Plans 'and profile May I be seen at the Clerk's office, . A certified cheque for ten per i rent of the contract price must ac- company each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ad. .. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk i 21:28b 1 DRAIN TENDERS 1 Township of Howick Tenders will be received by the : undersigned until 4 p.m., Tuesday, : April 3rd., 1956, for constructing ( and supplying materials for the Following Drains. Tenders - will be received separately for each Drain. (1) Merkley °Drain-consisting, of 7000 lineal feet of open drain (6300 cu, yds). (2) McMichael Drain-consisting 1 1,1i1,114 Or THANKS • The family of the late Mary Graham wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to their friends, relatives and neigh- bors for the lovely floral 'tributes. and kindness shown them during their recent sad bereavement. 28 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Isaac J. Wright wish to express their sin, core thanks and appreciation to all their friends, neighbors and relatiVes for the floral tributes and • sympathy cards received and kindness shown to them in their sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, H, L, and .Mrs, Parker, Dr. W, A. McKibbon, Township of Turnberry and to all those who helped pt the house, 28* CARD OF THANKS John and Ruth Pritchard and son, Eugene wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who helped in so many ways and for ,the gifts and cards sent during the time of Eugene's ill- ness, Thanks also to Dr. B, N, Corrin and assistants. • 28* IN MEMORIAM WEIR---In loving memory of a dear husband and father Waldo Weir, who passed away March 26th, 1947. The rolling stream of life goes on But still the empty chair Pnminds us of the face, the smile, Of one who once sat there,—Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family, 28* EXECUTOR'S SALE There will he offered for sale by June Auction at the premises, ..ot 2, Sanderson Street, Wroxeter, Mario, the dwelling house, house- -lad goods and contents of the ate Isabel MacDowell, on Satur- ay the 7th day of April, 1956,. at he hour of Two o'clock in the fternoon. The household goods 'and con- ents, among other items are as ollows:' Wingham Classic range, mffet, day bed, radio, table' and hairs, bedroom suite, Quebec eater, hot plate, step ladder, 2 add beds, quantity of bedding, fishes and cooking utensils, 2 runks, wash tub, quantity wood and coal, There will also be offered for ale, subject to a reserve bid, he dwelling house and lot in roxeter, of the said Isabel Mac- °well.. Terms of sale: Chattels Cash seal Estate 20% deposit at the- inae of sale, Balance in 30 days, when possession will be given. or further particulars apply to the undersigned, . G. BRYCE, Auctioneer RAWFORD & ff-IETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario.' Solicitors. 28,4b INi• AjE1110101Mt RINGLER In loving memory , of my aunt, Mrs. Will .Ringlet, who passed away one year ago. April 1955, "nil memory fades. And life departs. You live forever in my heart,---Al- ways remembered by your niece Edith, London, Ont. 28* WE, QUOTE BERNARD SI-TAW-7" If a not- ural course between drunkenness and aobriety were possible in our city, I should leave the people to choose. But when I see an enor- mous, capitalist organization push- ing drink under people's noses at every corner and pocketing the price while leaving me and othera to pay the colossal damages, then I am prepared to smash that• organization and make it as easy- for a poor man to be sober if he wants no as his dog." ALBERT I SCHWEITZER—"You must give some time to your fellow man. Even if it is a little thing, do something for those who have need of help. For remember you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too," Advt, 28b. COUNTY 4-H CLUBS - GETTING ORGANIZED Organizational meetings for the 1956 4-H agricultural program have now been held with 445 Club members enrolling in the pro; gram to date, reports G. W. Mont-. FOR SALE BARLEY GROWERS--for best barley contract available see John 13onistead,Wingharn, phone 955, 7rrb APPROXIMATELY 75 bushels of seed barley for sale, Galore variety, Apply to Ross Smith, 2nd eon. Morris, phone 11r5 Brussels. 28* LOOSE OAT STRAW for sale, will hale if preferred; also Clin- ton feed oats, 60 bushels, Phone 741w21. 28* DEADSTOCK REMOVED from drain, including 2 catch has; ins and necessary bulldozing and brushing. Plans and specifications may be obtained' from the Clerk. A marked cheque for 10% of the' contract price to accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. J. Harold. Pollock, Clerk Gorrie, Ontario. 21:28b 'FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER. • • -• Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Satur- day noon, April 7th, 1956, for the purchase'. of the East half of Lot No. 38 and the South half of the North half of Lot No, 39; both in the 10th Concession of . the Town- ship of East Wawimesh in- the County of Huron, being the farm property of the late George Irwin, deceased, subject to a ldase ex- piring on December 1st, 1956. On the said premises, there is 'said to be a barn with straw shed attached, with stabling; under-. neath and silo, frame house, hydro throughout, About ten acres of - hardWood hush and fif- teen acres of softwood bush. The highest or any Tender not neces- sarily accepted. For further par- ticulars, reply to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 20th day of March, 1956. J, W, BUSTIFIELD, Q.C. WINGHAIVI, Ontario, 28,4h Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of JOHN WEBB, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on. or about the fourth day of March, A,D, 1956, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the eleventh day of April, A.D. 1056, full particulars of their claims in Writing. immediately after the 'said eleventh day of April the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard Only to claims of which the exe- cutor shall then have notice.. this fifteenth day of March, A,D, 1956, CRAWFORD ,gc ImTnortraoTort 'Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 28,.4,11b For the Finest in Taxi Service • ... it's LEE'S' TAXI 21 HOUR SERVICE ‘Veddings, Funerals and Shopping Trips Going Downtown . . Crosstown , . Out of town . CALL LEE'S - 185 MUNDYS' Free Delivery Phone 82 Quality and Service since 1915 Save on These iWeek=End Specials AYLMER Choice TOMATOES 28 oz. tin 25c .....,•,•••••••,..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• E. D. SMITH'S Pure Strawberry Jam 12 oz. jar 33c Clark's IRISH STEW 15 oz. tin 27c CUDNEY CHOICE PEACHES 20 oz. tin 21c Blue Bonnet Color-Quilt MARGARINE 2 lbs. 65c %Wenn* Frosted Foods Fruits & Vegetable's •1111•M•111.111111111•1111111••• Cee. Walpole 'SASH Pittsburg SCREENS FRAMES` PAINTS HARDWARE CUPBOARDS GLASS STAIRS Custom Woodwork Carpentry Building Telephone 260-w Wingham I NOTICE - of BUSINESS HOURS STORES IN WINglIAM WILL BE OPEN ON SATURDAY, MARCH 31st AND THEREAFTER ON SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL *FURTHER NOTICE. STORES WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY NIGHTS WING A BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Harry' Merkley, PrOdent TV SERVICE CENTRE a ANTENNA REPAIRS SPECIALIZED SERVICE Insurance Jobs Phone Wingham 966 RONALD G. KANN Public Accountant Office; Royal Bank nicig„ Realtlenee: fiatohbury S. Pluniert, 561 ti 455 CLINTON g, ONTARIO ea.moolinwnimweintoimurifigilmiumimailosemelmosementidgeownnen.me WELLINGTON FIRE 111811111itlet, Company USt. 1840 An all Canadian Company wididt has faithfully /lotted its. Hoy holders for over cenin Head Office TerOti 1. 0. Mart ean Ithihrance Agenejl, Win AM