The Signal, 1926-3-4, Page 6Bargains in Wall Paper
r.•6 A x:
To make room for new goods
we have marked down a number
of patterns to half-price.
See Show Windows
for a few of these papers, or come in and let us show
you the complete range, including the new thirty -inch
Our quality is the highest, and our prices un-
usually low.
Slit Oa -
Porter's Book Store
"On the Square for forty years."
J. R. Wheeler
Purest Director and
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Star! 331 Residence Iliiw
Hamilton Street. /iodide!
Brophey Bros.
brd8rs carefully attended to
at .11 hours, night or day
That Chicago man who was found
to have no appendix need not jubi-
late. The surgeons will doubtless
find his tonight and adenoids.- San
Francisco Enlletin.
w� 14,t,kj
The ,,(Igqexatioq Society
By j. S. Fletcher
(Copyrighted l
(Continued from last week)
Chapter XVI.
Jimmie dropped into a' chair and
read the advertisement through oute,
twice, thrice. marvelltug all the time
at the quicknetet of the people who
had caused Its insertion. Ile wag. be-
ginning to cultivate a belief in what
Schmidt ,•old -that there was more be-
hind the mese aurfate facts of this
business than he had thought. Cer-
tainly the advertisement hinted as
"The young gentleman," it ran.
"who by accident beanie powtestied of
the wickerwork Damper In Paris the
other night• and who. doubtless from
curiosity. unpacked It and appropri-
ated certain of its trententa. la earnestly
advise for his own sake. to abstain
frost -eking to satisfy any further
feeling of ingnisitivtntste He
done no material harm up to now, and
the Inserters of this notice are dis-
posed to regard the incident as closed.
provided he leaves their affairs alone,
and attends to his own business. But
he it. firmly warned that any attempt
nn his part to follow up this matter by
investigation or inquiry will infallibly
result in grave trouble to himself. pals
_! LPO dry will be ono of silence and
-Quick work:" mused Jimmie, hav-
ing read this extraordinary announce-
ment a fourth time. "Very smart
work: That must have been stuck in
• at the Times once yesterday, of
Woodrow Wilson (extra•. Here, S hmldt :" he eon-
, XOte% (meeting
Jetted your Fourteen ['Dints. W(Ison
on the Golden Streets) -Well. \Vont- tinned. as he looked up to see the de -
row. 1 understand your aorto re- te•ttye advancing towards their break-
fast fast table, "read that and tell r what
rest at that until afternoon. anyway
Ile hurried upsutlrs to the -private
sitting -room. passing on Ills way the
supptsed American lady. who looked 55
If site had no other thought* in tilt
world at that hour than those which
properly belong to the question of
breakfast. The man of the cropped
moustache Jimmie Lad already seen
that morning; h1' was lounging at th
door of the hotel and asking the hall
porter Mule question about gulf-lluka.
He hooked innocent etfluugh. and JI
lute Lound It hard to believe that Mlle
he or the AmerIcanish wtmatl were
Jimmie found big charges well wed
In good ,pints-nOthiug had hap-
pened to them other than a good
night's sleep. He leo them breakfast
before he told them the news; that
communicated. be had suer serious
conversation with them a% to future
ehdnge, and he was to tic midst of this
O tell him o
f the
-P waiter Caine when 4
arrival tot two gentlemen from Lon-
don. He ran hastily down to find
l'uc►e standing in the hall and Seraye
on the steps outside. giving rnttrne-
dons to his chauffeur.
Don't chide IDP They're certainly you think of It
playing Nitro, with your ten. -A1111- Schmidt rapidly read the advertise -
Fuller Brush Service
llyders taken for Fuller
Brushes of all knots.
Residence corner Trafalgar Street
and Cambria Road, Goderich.
for. aufRtwr ate_.
Massey -Harris Rlachtnery Frost. Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies__
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Godefich, Ont. 1:1415
d read the para- mutionle. e, R
Lev Your lye
Ment and smiled
fit•attune are wi,h•.pnad: that they
WISP Indrrfiulie r•w,ur..'. 1hri1 they
are puwlevaie l of rare means of carry-
. hug out their objtets. ply aeeldeut.
•Monsieur Tricker d11a•oyured one of
their ways of conveying the proceeds
of their thefts in England from Lou-
don to Parts; ojn "f their agents --the
man ('harles- -touud this out ; they
took ,Immediate steps to pruveut pie.
I lice nada In sloth Park
l 1n ,11-y'
in Lundos it stems
Idill not stop at murder. And now- -
now they warn Monsieur Tri.•kett
"You consider Mr. 'Prickett In p•r-
conal danger?' asked Seraye.
ISchmidt bowed grntely.
"In the greatest personal .hanger.
iuy lord:' he answered. "Thr most
e serious personal dauger-if he p•rslto.
- In. pursuing this matter further. That
is my deliberate protes111ouul uploiot"'
scraye• awl Paeke turned to Jlmptle.
m .
"1 really don't know. why 1 should
pursue it further." he remarked. "Rut
I'm going 1o•
Schmidt spread out his' hands.
"Me u.ieur Is pommeled of -a etrunit,
will." lie ela.erivrl with a quiet smile.
"Hut it is as 1 say."
"Vat won't do anything. at any
rate. without. further consideration,
Jimmie:: interposed reeky. "'lemem-
ber theR'I another war in which de-
r is
- nay. o lr may- S
section of theta 1 P
ablest certain to -locule about. The
polo won't let' through.
ut i Motion
street affair drop shot nnin wait deliberately
dered! That will have to be followed
tip. Why not keep quiet yourself --
ourselves. tat -and gee what (Imes of
the tatter I,'estig*ttons?"
me to ask you a sew qucetioua. Where la•eu very well the previous evsaluei
did you make up your parcel?' sir, and as you were away from horse
"In toy bedroom at the hotel," re -1 I remained In shed later than usual. 11
plied Jimmie, halt sulkily.
"1'aing, appruxhuutely, just about as
Much paper as there is herr, about toe
sumo rmuunt of string. and sealing
Ile- paekage as this is soiled'''•
"I say that's the sale parcel. 1 tell
would be about ten ,•'clock, sir.
"But you found chi- pored lu the
usual puler' :asked Jimmie.
"Yes, sir -In the usual place."
Jimmie turned to Schmidt.
"Auyttdug you can suggest?" he
you." •'1 should like to know where that'
"Very goal. monsieur you. al any usual place 11t," said Schmidt,
rule, see no different4 ,,Now Moil- 1 Where is it. Kt•utover?' inquired
deur Trickett, a little but it very
pertinent quesitivn. Atter you had
made up that panel, addressed 1t.
sealed It. prepared 1t in every way for
the post, did you lour sight of it for
ecru a tnumeIt before you handed it
over to the. clerk at the postomte''"
Jimmie suddenly started. A dull
red stole over his face as the others
turned quickly to him.
Jim ••pity gad.: -I did:" he confeatnvi. "1
Jimmie smilwl did -that's true: i left it for it few
m{netes--perhaps ten minutes."
"How, monsieur?" asked Schmidt.
"I left my room for about ten min-
us's. Hut --i larked the do,r, don't
you know.-'Aud/t was only a few
yards away."
"I'recIwrly, monsieur. And you also,
1 am sure. Inked your door while you
went to the post -office. and when you
returned the larger panel eontainhlg
the wk•kerwork hamper was stolen."
• 1'bat'a true enough.' muttered Jim-
mie. "acid Lord! -there people must
11e devilish clever:"
"You have a theory. 1 think?" said
St•rnyr, turning to the detective.
"('certainly, which 1 w•i11 outline to
your lordship." answered Schmidt. "It
is this. }'roue the moment that Mon-
sieur Trickett left the man whom he
knew ate -Monsieur Charles at the Care
Au Nord he w•a, ,,haduwed. steadily
and cleverly. by one of Charles's Pads -
'series. agents. This agent (wttarIl-
etely tusk a room at the hotel In
chose proximity to the room occupied
by Monsieur Trickett. He watched
him. When Monsieur Trickett. having
male up his pomp!. left his room -
by -the btu malsitiur. when that hair
prsirl w1u'n• Old you heave the par-
cel''" 1tb.1
••stn my- dressing tahlP,"' n•p
Jlmmi.•. '
"(jttite -*o, open to observation.
When, t any. Monsieur Trickett left
his room. the watcher quietly stippled
Into It --hotel i.edroom doer 1.eke are
simple. gentlemen' --and within less
time than it taken to tell this he had
made hlm..'If se thoroughly ac-
quainted with that parcel as he
doubtless in with hisown twee. So
nitwit ordinary brown paper. so much
quite common stout [wine. Ire much
hlaek sp'llng wax--t•but : And -the
address iu imitation of printed caps
rola. I'st-the dummy facsimile pt
eel could be made up by -tiny sharp
scoundrel. This man. gentlemen.
memorized the appearance of the par -
e•1, he memorized the simple address
Jiro s went out of the room as
he bit+ of snap anti a toasty as tip had torte ile was not
Inggage, and I found t n 11."
"Not x word, not a word twill were
fu privacy!" exclaimed Jitumie, as the
two travellers began to discharge ques-
tions innumerable upon his head. 1 "t scraye murmured sometnulg Plot
re•kou we shalt have 41137gh ng' 1 s„ Ill like assent t» this, #nit -ism -
then. to last for • pretty good time.
"Now•," he continued. when he had vile laughed and shook his head.
You forget thin I'm blessed or
hustled ooraye and I' hal foto s pri- cursed with an insatiable inquisitive -
• tart. and had Intralttcr,l He". Puekt•," Ill• timid. "It's been
Schmidt to them. "perhaps 1 had Meters thoroughly ly aroused• and—"
cher een, up byi telling r. lop When. this moment Kentover appeared,
I've been. why I'm hare, It own ushertet In by a waiter. With n po-
thdngs stand. Let's all alt down lite Nov he produced and handed to
ji• nn seg , then?"
get to wor�C.-hr'nineterthe p•ekage_wblC Jlmmie
Shall I begin, thea?' had patters from farts.
"We are certainly in the dark; "Tit...registered parcel. Nr," he said
answered Parke. ' We know nothing quietly. "Arrived yesterday` noon,
" \Ve undersand_
..This is all of a piece, Monsieur Of yrirtt ti�astys•M+. t us �:-'-- ' rete
vu:' he answered. "ft Is a gang. here. far -me outside. Now.
bite• that is at work: its mem ^\cost wilt preaettly,-- sold Jimmie, then:' he conttnutd, when the valet'
Trickett. with what I have Ween tt41- nothing of why you bare brought Thank yon. K ver," told Jim -
lug you." ..
a earl after I tad left the room.
lora are on butts side* of the Channel. ••NOw-111,imi. The morning
This is part of their labors; they want had dined with you two at -the Ritz 1 gossip. just as'} sent 'em off. t shall
you to keep off." - weans over to Paris on an affair of my h1{nd them over to you, Seraye."
"There's one thing In that adcer- own. I happenee! to travel with a He pinta! out a penknife and deftly
ob. Miss Ralwhn. who 'was out th- wrappings open enol spread
ed miaT . 'don't undora1)07 l - young. lady.
served Jimmie. "What do they mean assistant at Valerie's in BoiitL�+dT`[TiFaf-Mist"- All tkr--at•ott-pruuant he
by saying that I have done no great tau sulcal. She hwith
tenea wick* fell t .. fol pP bark in his chair with a sodden
et -items. haven't collared e' e• wrapped In cotton
t reminds me: Lord Madame Charles. of Valerl•�. t•• her row limps of *lap
-h ,•re are the stolen
harm so fur. Lords Haven't 1 upset ,-rw•orl- hamper, which let from The puree! e/ntattnel nothing but a
their f their oI The ose was a present l tt n
Ah: that swag!
• to
`ltraye and t'ue•kt' are (,.ming along by brother-in-law In fart*,. %I,ta1N•sr wool; Chapter XVII.
unrt?r those morning. - and 1 'stint to Charles --she was in the bat:' .+1 send -
hand over to Seraye his .•rot's 1B go lug him 141.11 presents, and y1 Wills -
.THE 1 1'MMY . PAItCEi.
and telephone to my servant t, bring
the pat•ket along by t11 -'next express;
hell get here nearly as sown as they
--When Jimmie came -back.. from the
telephone, Schmidt passed' The Times
over to hint, indicating a paragraph in
1 Que. of_ the inside pages.
•Head. _monsieur," he said; with a
d significant gesture. "You syr W1• 'fours. and that Old _
Peen that. I think. That is. to my ' fou r"
mind, •atnch more _important.. than the
personal udtrrtiscwent,.. The two new arrival :: 1:1 and
aurin at the
lith a sat Schmidt'
ut narrator of this matt ti--- tt. -1t
graph whit•[- S,•11midt' {attutd�i tont'._ Ion time '4•r:eye
den carried them in period, .,I c sits The three men wlr.. had warh.d
to Paris. er ax•Itixed, t'.' wicker• _ �, m*tiptlatiou of the pack: then, h4 e
lurk hamp,o. got autos up n ith m7� stared from t 1
J Iwmie. .
"There Is u room. sir, next to ills
other, ht whieh lettere are placed -la
pigeonholes -for perauns permanently
resident in the hotel;" replied K.ut-
over. "The people In the °Mee sort
the letters into there pigeonhole, sir-
%uurs has your name over it. .Sr.'.
Schmidt nodded to J(mmfe. au4
Jlurntle nodded to his man.
"All right, Kentover, you can go,"
he arid. "1 shall want yon presently.
Well," he ,•ontinud whteu the valet
had left the room. "what do you make
of 1t. Schmidt? I'm not wiser."
"1 make of It. monsieur, that m7
theory is a perfectly correct one,*
answered the detective. "In [tact. F
aw now as certain as our can be eee
twin of anything that ix out absolutely
provable. that I know ho•.:. the affultt
was carried out. It could not hove
been carrletj out if it were ods 1„r our
1.t -r y k
I and telephone
M II YII 111
{ d postal
between farts and Lodon. The male
who carried out this thing in Parte
rent off a dummy panel --11111--- made
up erectly like yours, addressed ex-
actly like yours. On the, outer over
he• placed et secret sign -that Is It,
that animist Imperceptible cross In the
top left hand cornet. Then. by tele.
ph.nte, hr told a confederate in Lon-
don of what he bad done. and Rave
him, or her. Certain lnxtructiona. 'Che
emfederate Immediately proceeded to
your I.unliva 1N:t•1, put up there, ace
quainterd himself, or herself, with the
postal arrangements, and next morn-
ing -fits pttsew'salon of the parcel yogi
had Mout off and left the dummy un-
touched. That. Monsieur Trickett,
was what. 1 am wore -ager': -alai
Petite nodded his head with a ges-
ture of satisfaction.
"Ingenious!" be muttered. "Highly
But Jlmmie 'noweel signs of leei0*
very far from satisfied.
"Tell me." he aid, earnestly. turn.
its to Schmidt. '"Why was it owe♦
tt*ry to tend a dummy parcel at all?
Why was Okla .tummy parcel sent?"
Schmidt bent forward. tapplug the
''It was sent. monsieur." he an-
swered with emphasis, "to warn your
To warn you that yon were diaeoverfd
- to•war,t you If your --danger:"
(To be continued)
1 i i bedroom
at the Grand Hotel. Hot ---s teen' their wraly/dnge of cotton wool to the at 1411 sure of what he wettest when
aston1 I d and dittimy'ert tad t• w11i49t Ile ettt0101) it. Mit hr was cert' suer of
eilriosity t opened it ttt-t+•eli--sat -the w -:I t l»•udinit oveP them.- A -few 'min-! whet he ha•t got wINvt 1N• went out." The
goose. And peeked bw'nentt, tit, geese
urea IMdon• that fa,,• lead worn all ex- Scrap. and 1'ackr uttered murmurs 1 l
found certain things of r t incl erase un very near akin to ask -I re- I of nseent at the end of this expinna-
>ver exerted to lino r Iva: -1 ,Lbecoming tion, but Jiapmie growled. w
Durst-r.�nr Tlfa[a r .:: Ttis�T: ,,. "'w" 1t K ><_tti /Wily 114"p
at...attire -I-And pr•I- , Th111t_lt�'," 'L
1 d•,a ln.
1 tlr -aurid come from its lilxt- w the molt nim tt l -" to ae. all t q
Fashion traders are so-called Ire -
entree they follow the fashion.-Chl-
cago Datta News.
_j_ for OLD end ODD COINS of all countries. 1 th early hours of yesterday Its" med t III. tonyns•
m tsar Inns in emu morning. +.. wt.
i �e� There a 1
• Penult � 1 I 1 •u amuuWrring for toms N here aro• thr7.
Talion ahii ty= it ran, ^a Are w
x k
ing e'r.und in drnwurl .that ince great vahle: For example-th,- 11j' It is not time. broke out to the premises used- -1•II put them In �1tr'finials- in a
short time. anetkrr' d Jimmie. "1
sent them by regi-', rc'1 Ise•t tram
I'arb*k.m7own111 r They'd la•
ek.11vrred there 7' I.t� tmrt►eitrtt
and I've telephone[ to Kettereer--my
rfian, you know-- bring 'cin down
here by the next .telt. : he'll not for
long. \Mall, now what do you think
of that, you two's"
"The most extraordinary thing I
ever hoard In my life:" exclaimed
Packe. "Fiction is not in It with that.
Jlmatle! A fat ',motor! -W'17'--- • -
Scr;ye motioned Parke t., sllene••.
He turned to Jimmie.
'Tell me precisely what haPe•nPd
after your dlsr•+oery of the crow and
the other thing,- lie 'sairl' "IN,te t En•
terrupt him, I'sr'k.•.. 1 want n clear
baht dot"wratel7 net on fire. as there narrative."
were uma.stakable evidence% of the y�phalt have it, res{mnded
use of petroleum No one connected Jt
slated 1831), with the Bank of Montreal on 11* face Is today worth ; •,. ,
. s Hunch the age that count* ---it is the scarcity of particular coins at certain dates
TIff. RARE COIN CATALOGUE tells pt/ about deo rare coins of different
countries, inelndingCan*t*iisd--tbe�ettr Caked.-a>fd give+*7"a-ti!' "
1 guarantee to pay for amt•. .
• sF.NT'POSTPAID FOR EIGHTEEN CENTS (Six Three-Csat Stamps will ds).
James Carson Doherty, 96' Wurtemburg St., Ottawa. Ont.
General Line of Hardware
How about a new Stove:' Quebec with Oven.
Call and see our 5 -tube Radio Sets before you
buy one.
We sell ammunition, etc.
PHONES : Dungannon, 5 ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12.
.77 t ...
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders
to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, - King George
design, given away with each 25c worth.
'21 tars Soap, MIeEwen's Special, $1,00.
6 coker Palm Tree Toilet Soap for '25 .
3 lbs. loose Cocoa for 2fre,
6 ibt, of Sulphur or Salts, suittib}r for stock pit rposes, for 2ric.
Just to hand n tete hundred pounds of a real ptoses b)aek Tea.
We' will give 1 lb. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, 1/2 lb.
Biscuits, 1 bar Soap for the lame price as a pound
of any package Tea. •e wv*t
Special price on large Flanti ette=Blankets. x * ••„
%leeist price on Fancy Blankets.
We ate cutting the prier on Men's all -wool Underwear --ate
Men's fleece -lined Underwear.
Good linen roller Towelling, 254' per yard.
Good large bath Towels, O0r, iter pair.
60nte nice table and floor Oilcloth%, different widths, it right
Now lithe time to buy a wet. of dishes. 10 pet c"nt. off.
Frye 44'4'ery to any part ref the town.
South Side of Square
by the Arm of Valerie et Ci. Mt a
bonnet makers. in South )1oitnu street.
audlattained -such violence that wit�hij
-aa -hour the -entire_ pian
old-fashioned- hodte--was completely
gutted. No sign of occupancy of the
premises was tern at the outbreak nor
during the progress of the lire, and 1t
was believed by those called to the
house that it was untenanted, though
it was known that the manageress of
the business. Madame Charles, lived
with a servant and, it is believed. an
assistant above the shop. It was
some time before an entrance could be
effected to the ruins. and at first no
trace of any a•cupente could be found.
1t was at once surmised by the fire-
men however. that the house had
with rhe matrass - turned ftp during thing up t0 this moun•nt." .\ud he
the day. Late in the evening• the went on to rite them a full awl par-
aren't'''. Investigating the d. -kris in
room at the rear of the shop, came
across the much -charred and dis-
figured remains of a wotnau. it was
-Impossible tit-itN./tifF•lhem•-Litt the/._
are strongly believed to be those oTtbe
uufortnnete proprietress. Cprn ex•
amination by a medical httman it was
found that the p%
had been shot --a bullet having tray-
ersrl the front part of the head from
the left to the right temple. At late
hour last nb;tht no farther elucidation
of the mystery had been reported." on his
Jimmie dropped the papa
plate and %tired *t Schmidt. who was
Wetly Petting a )Inver sole.
"Illy gad. I %ay!" he exclaimed.
;'That' Schmidt? W** ithit thick! \-wan ithat omur-
1 •
Ocular acemot of his doings wit
Monsieur Cherie', of his vielt to the
laollrr, of th'• ha entire of the deserted
house in Ow Itne de la Pak. of the
ppw)pg t t ah hC advertise-
ment In Ile+
"IVe ate ween that: remarked
Seraye. "Also we are fully ac-
quainted with -Wm dptnti of the strait
in south Melton street as reported in
The Tim••+. Het Packe knows more
than that."
"Yes," -old Pneke. %lowly. "} know
more thin that. 1 got :some informa-
tion Ont of the police late last night.
There i= nn--dmth that the body die -
covered in the back room behind the
"'hop i' ihnt of Madame , Chartres;
there. i- also /to doubt whatever that
she m' 1 her dentia by a revolver shot.
fir ..: Tired I" . M,me other parson. beelines
The 'detective shook his heal. no tree.• of any revolver can Ise
"1 think we have it lot to hear and fopedl "
to teal u." he replied. "!t may 1a' 'Te be piRtn -stir was nnrrl.•rel'C„
th*t this woman knew too much, that .s -'1 Jimmie,
'Wine danget0U*,-t1•at-pt was Il _."Jn,'t__ ." replied 1'acke. •'X
.r"aary to "'Hence her for ever, and' fjletn,I"'
that when she wean SO d'ene4d the I Ther., Was it brief silener.
horse was horned over il�r'Txt -stn' _-"W011, that's all: and thMta--w•Istt-
w-.• roast snit." *4 4' up Against." said Jlmsll0 at
Jimmie h0rrlelty finished hie [make Ns. rn•e,,, told y(41
1to tnil M•t'It4.'
"Ill have to tell MI%A \Val :,lr n of 1 on doubtless have 11 theory in re -
111(8 ' he said. "I'm jolly glad m7 gard to this. Monsieur Sehmidt?" hr
1111111.4 herr. t say. we're got to er- 1 paid. "Will you tell me what It i%?'
rang•• alsnut this getting ntf ,-ecretly to 11 ••('PrMln'y, my lord." answered
St. \Inrgir'•''t nay. yon know." ! M-bmklI. iolrh alacrity. "it 1. this -
"That. moneleir. had !alter watt I •1,111 these thefts of curins(tic. And nh-
nutil ou here had your "conference I -ts of virtue of great Sable nee the
with i lir two friends from 1eondon," work of a remnrkahly clever, nn-
*otd s m1dt. "They may have some-' w'rnpnlous and ts•w-erfnl gang or
thing I tell to suggest. There mai .combine. .\ ,r,mhine. t suggest. IN Well
he new devetnpmenta. And at present, 111 not of ordinary prnfe%s(onAl rr(ml-
nndrr 111r ohsertnl(On, alto ladle% ere. nas, 1701 of superior people who flare
*ate" probably reaped A r1)t h*rve•4 el- I am sun,.7
"Well _ - should -_ .'.-. .....t. ramI- .leer." Answered Sehmldt. "Allew tera," answered Kentover. ' i had not
sl"w•ly lout decisively. I well. 14•hmidt. but let m4• as you two
'`lilt" mid Jhnmk•• in a ,Dorn- or•thre• quettioft. First -wily didn't
traded a hipper. "that -knocks- me- slit agent r•hal' collar the Moral then'
conn - amt_- (leen out:" - - _. i and then?"
Hi' thrust his hands deed' in .ht% "1ks•ause he watched where you
ta,ckt..ts--;lu,.ptel Ws chair a little way went. and knew that you would be
hack frau the tains. and with hanging hack within a few t -Ile knew
head and drutywd jaw surveyed the the detective prompts,'.
things before him. Before any of the that your would immediately raise an
others wad,, speak. he muttered) fried) o,lI,•ry. and that unpleasant thing%
observation . - more to hinmelf than to might at once occur. He was certain
that you intended the Panel for plat
its 4 any HA,nx,
l[ aaylw,1941find [Did -me „. that; .--1tm►wing its destthe pa Ac -s post
woni�l halys•ur" growled. I'd IsAed:'
hare told him that rd as soon believe! J(mmlp looked unconvinced
thnt i ,•Quid PPP the Duke of York's 1 -second quetlon." he said. "i1 the
column walking down the steps into fellow was aatitfied about the smell
the Mall! I'm settled! - I'i, why. after T left the room for
Schmidt wan the first of the ahem the ,.evond time. did he steal the large
there to .move. He quietly picked up ono-
the-wmFlolois of the g1tckage• Their' "He was not mare of the contents of
cunslsted of sheetn of brown paper of the small piercer` answered Schmidt.
varying size and of pies.•% of stout I ••When 1 may he watched you. I do
twine to'which !broken pieces of Neal- not say that he kept such a watch as
till clang. On the outer to enable him to see you actually
Ing !was,', r Jimmies
• stoat of t� briown DMPP handle the valtahl,es. lair took the
name and a trees was written in 1mi-' larger parcel• recognizing by Its. shape
tatlon of printed capital letters. I and Mel that. it eontdned the wicker -
"Yon took paint. to print the addrese work hamper. The declaim to elite
r Trickett." 011' ' ''titute this dummy panel for the one
very served earl,v.-.�[ttilalYlt_ was [riot Mt'tvat-fat
"Ex Schmidt. you "thele up Tm' y
"Extra {wins grunted JimastP. _ 1iaf1or the large one had hcr'mr1amlfPd
"it would have heat better it lou 1 and your %mail parcel &sn tchet.
hod written the iddrees in your orth- I There watt ample time for the dummy
nary. hanoM'r►ti C- rnl(1 Schmidt. to
be prepared before the night mail
dryly. "Handwritten imitwtlon of 1 for London left."
printed letters, monsieur, is Itself very -oh!" said Jlmmie. "Very Ro.d.
pistils Imltlitst'_ - -•v--° --. }.Now, then -where, in the Dante of, all
Sterne• glanetel gnl41tly , at the de- thet'te wonderful, did they mune' to
laths. i'%nhstitute the rhinlmy for the real,
"Ah!" he exclaimed. "Ton. suggest thing? Answer me that!
Schmidt Wowed
"Pardon me. my lord. This paper.' "Hatbrt I answer that." he said, "1
now.' continued Schmidt: "lou recoil- ,[Onto like yon to call in your valet
ntae It. Monsieur Trickett?' 1 and ask him • e let Pre inoyourti'uut dothne
"Oh. hang it. what'* the nee of ask- .leilvery •tf y0tl
Ing that?" exclaimed Jimmie. "Of rooms, His replies may %lmptlify mat-
eourse I recognise It, and the string. ten,-
made ins the
and the wax! Didn't I inky 'em all Jimmie jumped up
myself In a stationer's shop round the doss,
corner of the Rite de la Pahl? Of
"That'* catty done." he geld *e he
connle !„ np,ened it and looked out into the eor-
"Yon air sure that those letters-- ridor. "Here. Kentover!"
made la Imitation of printed capitals The valet clime In. quietly alert and
-were penned by your asked ready, and stood at addles -ilk* atten-
Sehmlit. I tion.
A"' %1114- as 1 am that i see rout" { "Kentover." paid Jimmie. A. he re -
1 'tented himself nt the table.
Baby's Cold
with internal 'redo, no
asserts dente! settle
stomaeTee•�r•ia colds
ed•raSlly wtM V uhf.
Yes last rut, It on.
VAI- o Rua
Ie "how d4
at- replied•eJimmie.-te
"i: StrPrtq: m not, mons(ru[:'ILL' we get our letters at the hotel?. 1
armed the detective. "i will go re tarrmean. how *re they delivered nt my
as .W._tskef .!!yI._ fen"lonal rrpnt*- r rtsom'?"
h*ed* * nWTb' p*net'l whtrh 4 The onNy morning lrttrn
yontion mtadeefalp fault yon did not write fetch from downstairs.' replied Kent -
that address. Tour parcel is In the over. "Lettere that arrive during the
hand, of the combine. That, mon- 1 clay are usually brought. tip fey- one of
stent. Is what the advertisement the staff. or. If i happen to be down
meant when It Informed you that yon stairs. air. and per Any In your box. 1
Wed dour little• harm e0 far." [slog them 11p."
Jimmie drew his hands out of h1' ( "This pled. now. eontlnnrd ,ill
pockets and rubbed h1* head with ale, pointing to the wrappings Op t�e
holt frantic. Impetuon' gestllrra.
table "hid you (rich that up.
"‘VItnt !" he said. "bio yen mean to "Yesterday morning, *dr. Yee, sir
tell 1114' that that isn't the peril i at: natal." replied Kentoter.
made up that that isn't my writing? "What time wax that?" netted Jim
it's nu1Nr'ulP, i tell yon: 1M your ale.
think 1 don't know? -knowti'" I "Yawterrlay morning. air, It was *
ou do nt know. mon- little late when 1 went down for let -
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