HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-29, Page 10Co TOki. W1/1,10004/ 4flaelkee4Intere WIlltirentla, Veit. '40, iliO4
This Is the Time for Apples
When apples ate shipped from one province to another their qua-
aity is cheelted by the inspectors of the Fruit and Vegetable Division,
of the Canada. Department of Agriculture to be sure that the quality
Of the apple is in keeping With the grade noted. on the ,eantainer, The
grades are extra .fancy, fancy and commercial and they are governed
by the Condition of the apples, the maturity and color and the manner
in which they are packed, They are also sized and must be no
smaller than ail; inches in diameter.
The 'Consumer Section has been doing a great many cooking
tests en apples in order to revise a few of the older recipes and develop
some new ones, We have here a few of the tested recipes which have
been. approved by the Consumer Section,.
Apple and Chicken Salad
I'm in love with a wondedill .
is the tune your husband will hum when you serve extra good meals for
less money. Follow these tips to cut down the high cost of eating and still
having tempting goodness on your table:
Buy fruits and vegetables that are plentiful. They cost less and usually are
in the peak of their i,eason which means the peak of their flavor.
Add inexpensive glamour to your meals (or refreshments) such as
this Valentine Appetizer.
r? .lete>agt at • ;:tiak:...,04.i0,
. .................. . . . . . ;
On the- clay of hearts make your dinner table "sparkle plenty". Rave glasses
filled with lint V-S juice. Serve witlra pat of butter and .green celery.' stirrers".
These natrillous juices are squeezed healthfully,from '8 different vegetables.
Keep thent'on hand to capture appetites at any season.
S-t-r-e-t-c-h your leftover meats with a can (1.1 cups) of rich-beef gravy. For
'example, make a double decker hot beef sandwich with .slices ,of leftover beef
between and. over pieces of toast and pour .warm brown .gravy ,over. ell.. (A
man sized meal for the-man of your heart.) . .
Check grocery ads for items, at special low prices.' Do this each week .just
before you do the week's marketing.
Read labels on cans and packages and frozen foods to see exactly howameh
edible food you are getting. , . • ••. ,
Use lower priced meats and fish in' your menu planning. There.is.•qten a
plentiful season (such as now, when pork. is so reasonable) 'for differen&Meats,
fowl and fish. •
Augment a "short" meal with a •Piping hot bowl of soup. It warmsathe soul
and tingles all the way dawn to the toes and gives the eater a feeling,cif well.
being which makes thoroughly enjoy all of his meal and get pplront the
table.humming: I'm in love with a wonderful gal.
, ,0,00,..04A.0"..YMS•04-
e Have. a Corner
Low-cut little pump with single instep strap and gold-coloured -nail-
head trim off-side on vamp. Right, just like'Dad's, these neat-looking
loafers for the teen-aged boy. Trim and well-made in polished leather.
For party-going or a special out -- Trial, neat .and eye-catching 'is 'this
Mg with mummy, these sparkling shoe for the. young girl. It has4Wide
little single instep strap pumps in fringe effect at throatline of vamp
bleak patent leather with white and contrasting piping' around sole.
stitching on vamp.
A classic little low-cut Rump in
black patent leather witkelsparkling
buckle at throatline, A shoe for the
little girl who likes to dress
Pale blue and White calf in this
summer shoe for the young damsel,
The white calf is perforated and
gives extra ventilation during hot
weather as well as •a decorative
Nylon Tricot Sheets
It Canadian textile mill recently
developed ti new type of sheet. It
will remind women of nylon tricot
lingerie because it is made of the
smile knitted fabric and dyed the
same soft shades SA well as plain
Because the manufacturer feels
that a lower sheet is the best way
to introduce the comfort and con ,
Veitienee of sleeping •011 nylon trio'
cot, Only bottom: contour sheets
will he on the market at Like
the lingerie, they can he washed,
dried and put hack in use in short
011.010001?•111911.11110.1111.(1.010.111•1.14•11.1.1•111/..1111.11.1.1111.10 04111VIIII Mai
Has the Combination!
Washer' and Dryer
Costs less to buy than any other washer-dryer
combination. You save — on soap, hot water,
clothes, space, time and money!
But iron your clothes!
BURKE Electric
Electrical Contracting, Motor Re-wind & Repair
Distributors for Leland Motors
W'ngham Phone 474
ON MARCH 7th Be sure to attend
the Moffat Cooking and Laundry School
Leo M, Zamory, Architect House No. A'122
TT'S lovely from the outside and just about per--
A feet within, this long, low ranch-style house that
brings you extras that happen only once . in a
An outstanding feature of this design is its
superb circulation. Note how each area is pro-
vided with.complete privacy. The bedroom wing is
compactly set off from the living quarters. The
bedrooms; larger than the average, feature spa,
cious closets with sliding doors, and have cross
There is a super-sized den for the master of the
house which will also serve admirably as a TV
room or as extra bedroom. The convenient back
vestibule saves living room traffic and. is easily
accessible to both kitchen and cellar stairs. Note
ingenious placement of bathroom, with glass-
Oslo/10A tim wk.t
rag the convenience of rootlets
who AvLah to' study this plan in
tvoritar deta, ws have propared
a complete ItkOtch plan which gait
bb obtained by iehilitiq 2b0
cola to Vforlero Maki Service, De,
Patunom Lincolo 144;aint
Vornon, N, Yr
Area: 1,590 sq. rt. Cuhtiget 30,855 cu, ft
\al tart apples, diced
2 cups diced, cooked chicken
1 cup diced celery
%. eta) grated raw carrot
Salad dressing (about 102. cup)
Min the ingredients lightly, Pile
in nests of crisp lettuce. Yield:
Variations: Lobster, tuna fish,
6old barn, veal er salmon may be
esed in place of chicken.
Apple Crumble
4 cups sliced apples
3 to .1 tablespoons. sugar
", cup 'shortening (part butter)
% cup brown sugar
ai cup flour or cup flour and
% cup finley relied oats
ii teaspoon salt
Place ' shoed apples in greased
baking dish and sprinkle with the
;Alger and cinnamon. Cream shot).-
ening and brown sugar well to-
gether.. Blend in flour, salt and
rolled oats (if desired), Sprinkle
mixture on ton of frpit. Bake in a
moderately hot oven, 375 degrees
F., until fruit is soft and top is a
golden brown, about 40 minutes.
Yield: 0 servings.
Apple Meringue •
medium apples
11/2 cups custard sauce
2 egg whites
3 tablespoons sugar
Apple jelly
Remove cores from apples. Prick
the skins, place in a casserole and
hake in a moderate oven, 350 de-
grees F. When tender, remove
from oven, pour custard sauce
over and around apples. Top with
meringue made from egg whites
and sugar and garnish with a
spoonful of jelly. Oven-poach in a
moderately slow oven •325 degrees
until meringue is brown, about 10
minutes. Serve hot or cold. Yield:
G servings:
• Velvet has returned to popularity
this winter. It is being used for
purses and belts and in the smart
'detachable collars.
Can Feed Family of 10
On $34.04 Weekly
The Nova Scotia health depart-
ment has issued a booklet telling
how to feed a family of ten for
as little as $34.04 per week and
still follow 'Canada's food rules,
Dr. Juanita H. Archibald, divi-
sion director, said "the nutrition-
ists show that for every dollar
spent wisely on food the careless
buyer can spend as much as two
dollars for the same food value,"
A sample menu for a week starts
thus for the first day: Breakfast •
grapefruit, bran flakes, poached
eggs, toast, jam, milk and coffee;
luncheon or supper—cottage cheese,
graham wafers, salad greens, oat-
meal cookies and milk; dinner---•
roast pork, baked potatoes, .boiled
carrots, butterscotch pie, milk, tea
or coffee.
Meat is suggested for five days
a week. Wednesday is traditionally
reserved for baked beans and Fri-
day is fish day.
seedless raisins combine beautifully
in a lattice top pie. Use the two
fruits in equal amounts.
MANY PEOPLE believe that wa-
ter is harmful to the foliage of
African violets but that is not
true. Water at a temperature much
below or much above room temper-
ature is likely to be harmful, but
not water at room temperature or
just a little above, Apply the water
as a fine spray. Do not allow direct
rays of the sun to reach the plants
until the foliage has dried.
Wife Preservers
Clean a leather bag by smoothing on
a thick lather of pare white soap. Rub
hard and let the soap stay on a few
moments to dissolve the grease spots. If
any; then rub with a clean piece of
For an' cconqMiCal and speedy
Main dish, sophisticated flavor
and appearance, try baiting fish
fillets with a simple and. savory
topping, They come to the table
handsome and haughty, for the
"self-sauce" is atettiallY puffy .egg
white cap, The piquant seasonings
ere the perfect flavor foil for mild
fish, Fresh or frozen fillets take
only ten to fifteen minutes of coelt-
ing time, yet they come from the
oven tender, .moist and flaky. In
fact, if you cook them longer than
necessary or with too slow a ternn-
erature, you'll be doing an injustice
to the fish. Overcooking causes fil-
lets to toughen and dry out, as
well as to 'lose flavor.
Fish Fillet Puffs
1 package frozen fish fillets (cod,
haddock, ocean perch, sole or
other white-tneeted
Salt and pepper
1 egg white at room temperature
cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon minced onion
teaspoon Worphpstersh'ire sauce
Dash of tabasco.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees
F. (hot). Separate fillets or cut block
of frozen fillets into four pieces.
Arrange skin side down in greased
baking dish. Season with salt and
pepper. Beat egg white until stiff
but not dry. Fold in mayonnaise,
onion, Worchestershire and tabas-
co. Spread topping on fish fillets,
Bake in preheated oven ten to
fifteen minutes or until fish flakes'
easily with a fork and topping is.
golden brown. Makes four servings.
A doctor in Sydney has cautioned
Australian women that they run
the risk of getting cauliflower ears
if they use earrings that are too
heavy, Continuous irritation of the
ear lobes caused by hard pinching
clips produces the same kind of
swelling that afflicts meek boxers
after they 'absorb Coo many blows
on their ears, the doctor warned.
Child ren -Like the
Grown-up Look
In Their Shoes
Children's shoe fashions for
spring and summer are keeping
right in step with the important
trends in grown-up patterns.
Gone are the days of the heavy
soled shoes. Now, youngsters have
a wide variety for every occasion
to choose from, with styling com-
bined with proper construction for
growing feet.
With the trend in adult. shoe
fashions very definitely on the
slimmer,- sleeker look, children's
shoes too have followed suit and
have taken on a new simplicity in
The sloppy look is out. The
smarter, trimmer, neater look is
in, and. it appears that the story
for boys and girls alike is one of
dressing up ,gather than dressing
One of the predominant styles for
wear this coming season - is the
single instep strap shoe. This style
-has been slimmed down with decor-
ative detailing small and delicate.
Shell ,pumps too, cut low, 'giving
a really bare look to. 'the foot, will
be another popular style for spring
through summer wear, Often these
shell. pumps appear abeelittelY
plain, giving a real sleek appear-
ance. Then again, they aro often
dressed up with the addition of a
grosgrain button or two, or a little
tailored buckle.
On black shoes, particularly pa-
tent leather, white stitching is used
to great extent in effective designs
which add slimness to the foot,
Two-toned shoes, mostly in the
single instep strap style are in the
news. For semMer wear there are
such combinations as white and
pale blue, or white and pink and
other pastel shades. Open toes ate
in the fashion spotlight, as' is the
assymnletrical look, usually achiev-
ed by the skillful combination of
two leathers of contrasting color,
Be Feminine
But Not Frilly
If you would like to know how
to avoid that frilly, over-dressed
look, you had better cheek these
tips from a New York designer.
Unless you are an artist with a
sur e eye, keep your costume re-
stricted to one color, plus black•
or navy, Concentrate the, glitter of
your costume on one spot. If there
are jewels, sequins, or jet on the
dress wear matching costume jeW-
eiry or simple pearls, Either the
neckline or the skirt should he
cleareut, "A frilly rieelt and ruffly
petticoats make a woman look as
though she were gift-wrapped,"
warns this clothes specialist.
When shopping look for the in-
ark story, vvhich is told by the
Witdth and stitching Of seams,
netts and billdliige around neek
and atifto
:Little Girls Like the .Slim Dainty Look
Wallpaper Offers
New .Prospects for
Interior Decorators
A softer, mote elegent decor ia
forecast for home interiors in 1650.
This subdued atmosphere has solv-
ed the problem of many home-
makers today—making small rooms
look larger,
In daily color do-ordinating dem-
onstrations at the homemaker show
in Toronto recently, it was official-
ly made known that color stylists
are adding width and length to
small rooms by - using light, one-
color themes throughout a trio of
rooms. This "sweep of color," as
the experts call it, is varied by
changing the design and textures
of the wallpaper in each room.
For example, one color stylist in
her daily show chose biege as the
basic color to illustrate her point,
For the hall, she used a contem-
porary-patterned paper, Wander-
lust. The cinnamon brown back-
grOund is accented with gold. The
living room walls are covered with
a rich, fabric-texture. Two beige
tones were selected by the stylist
for 'the dining room; the Whisper-
ing pattern with a soft, miniature
leaf design in light beige tones is
offset by medium beige basic
The wallpaper itself offers en
tirely new prospects for the ama-
teur decorator. Already pasted,
these papers were desigped for the
do-it-yourself home decorator, The
pasting is eliminated; paper-hang-
ing novices attending the show'
found it easy to handle and apply.
A carton of water and such house-
hold items as a pair of scissors
and a cellulose sponge are all the
materials needed to hang pre-past-
ed wallpapers. In fact, a housewife
doesn't even have to wear an apron
to wallpaper her home!
The slim dress • and slim coat
pair up for elegant spring en-
emble - duty, making for some in-
teresting and attractive costumes.
This twosome consists of a cardi-
gan coat all over embroidery in
beige or brown' and a slim dress
of black sheer woe]. The coat, of
course, is wonderful to wear over
many, things and is most attrac-
tive. The dress . goes in for
scooped neckline -and tiny sleeves
and has nice pocket detail with
seaming continuing uP, to the
midriff. Lovely for• late day
wear when • spring really gets
under •way._ .
Don't mend, read or AO petit-
point by the hour without getting
up and moving around. Your eyes.
need that change of focus,
IE YOU POSSESS beautiful are
and shoulders, by all meads the
strapless evening gown or sleeve-
less summer dress. But if you don't
the dress with- the cover-up is far
more flattering.
Eyes Tell a Story '
GOod looks begin with your eyes.
Whether you are 16 or 00 the‘
tell a great deal about the so
of person you are. As the years go
by the lines under thew eyes are
hound to come but let them he
lines of laughter and living, not
the result of eye strain and abus-
lag your eyes.
When you read, always place the
light properly. Be sure thata there
is enough light and that, the shade
does not destroy its effectiveness.
It is not enough to Se P, You should
be able to see easily. Don't reed
bunched . over your work at a desk
or in an easy chair,.. or, in bed, Sit
up and let the light . fell 'on your
work, •