HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-29, Page 8feed Freshness IS MIGHTY IMPORTANT TO BABY CHICKS! In has been proved at the SHUR-GAIN Demon- stration Farm that fresh feeds make an im- portant difference in a chick's growth rate. And , you're assured of freshness with SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter — made right here in our mill. Chicks grow 25 percent faster on high efficiency SHUT?-GA1N . feather out earlier mature sooner. This year, gel faster grolpth and earlier maturity at economical feed cost with the feed 'you know is fresh — 1SHUR-GA1N Chick Starter. CANADA.' PACKERS LTD, WINGHAM 40111.1111111111111111.6111k YOUTI1 FOR CHRIST Good.ii.dge,OttawaY Wychwpod ,Citadel; Toronto, was • the scene of a wedding of interest to local residents on Saturday afternoon, February 25th, at 430, when 2nd, Lieut. Elsie M. Ottaway, of Hespeler, became the bride of 2nd, Lieut. Donald V, Goodridge, of Wingham, The bride is - the daughter of -Mr. and Mrs„ V, Otto- way of Toronto and the groom is the son of Mr. and. Mrs, E. Coodridge of the same city. The ceremony was performed by Major L. Pindred, secretary ror c0000ri or war of The Salvation. Army, Mrs,',D. Ottaway of Tor- onto was soloist, accompanied by liapt, A, Miley, of The bride, given in =Triage by her faller WEIS altirlqi in the uni- form oP a 2nd. Lieutenant, in keep- ing with the traditious of The Sal- vation Army, She carried a WhiLe Bible crested with red rose buds. Matron of honor was Miss 301111 Ann Martin of Toronto, wearing the navy uniform of the rank of soldier, Mrs. D. Randall of Dimities, was attired in the :uniform of the rank of 2nd, Lieutenant. The groomsman Was 1st X.iieut Robert: Allan of Orangeville. A j'eception was held at .0aledpit Hall, Toronto, where one hundred guests were present, Sr, Major ,i.tvoinslogoilimoicilicilipoilmlopitionimiciminimitainitorioptimatt-t i • :1Air. R. HAMILTON wl t ow, _ 04 OPTOMETRISTs, .II. i • tit Thoroughness --- Ability..—. Time tested iio '..ii ' • i I Phone 37 for appointment • i Oi tioiminummawangliiimitowerinotoimmititioriniiiitimisittignisiFii of Cluipere tam cascaded to cathedral train, Hoy finger.rtip veil of French illusion, was arranged from a small .satin and lace cap. She carried a white Bible topped with pink rosebuds. Her attendants were Mrs. Mervin McCullough, New Hamburg, twin sister of the bride, as matron of honor, and Miss Joan Allaire, Tor- onto, and Miss Patricia Stunts, London, sister of the bride; as bridesmaids,. Tney wore identical dresses of ice blue crystallette, fashioned on princess lines with-,V neck and full Petalled skirts, mat- oiling Fitts and mulled calm-Ott! hompods or white ,mmin a and pink rose) ni Following a reception at the Ti4,0r.ord ITntel, Coderich, the couple left on a trip, with. the bride travel.' ling In a blue dress with white trine,.; a grey Persian lamb jaeltet and navy and white aceessories, — Rosher Wits master of ceremonies, For their -wedding trip to New York City the bride donned a nov- elty taffeta dress of ice blue with matehing accessories, 41110 Lieut. and Mrs, GoOdridge will reside in Winghatil• "What a lovely fur coat you have on, my dear, Your husband must have changed jobs." "Oh, no., I changed husbands" kind -of safety—Meteor ur loved ones with -the all-new "Safeguards". . .) equipment 156 Meteors, and. a foremost! idea ill safety for statistics show that, pas- sengers are twice as safe, if, in. an accident, they remain within theprotec shell of the car, METEOR'S, NEW SAFEGUARD INSTRUMENT PANEL CUSHIONING PAD is five times as shock-absorbent, as foam rubber. It's extra protection against, a cornrrido cattse of accident, jury, and gives a new, rich, smart; appearance. ThiS, tegether with Safeguard sun visors and seat belts is an option 0.1 S a le guard package that costs leas Chan $35.06. METEOR'S NEW SAFEGUARD SUN VISORS' are, cushioned, too, for your extra protection (01111°11rd, u'efi abOVCO. safety mirror .34 Wale!' THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW on TV every Sunday Evening CKNX TV Channel eir Y,VMAI'VriOotnew,V., • •?:"- • •-• Foremost star in its field ..... $ Pcur fine terit., V it Mom-lard in nil macle14. /Wear R,tieau Viacria, Foremost with a new surrounds you and yo built-in protection of METEOR'S NEW SAFEGUARD STEERING WHEEL is designed to protect -the driver against serious injury caused by impact with the steering post-: a hazard that safety research •studies p.roye is responsible fer nearly 40% of all driver. injuries: 'rho wheel rim, supported by • 6 equally-spaced spokes, is .more than 3 -inches above the recessed steering post, trod acts as a cusl lion on •impact. Standard on every '56 Meteor, .it's a real Safety "plus". METEOR'S NEW SAFEGUARD DOUBLE-GRIP DOOR LATCHES are designed with a gi.gwial high- tensile steel plate that works like i oterlocking lumfiel asp Co keep doors safely shut; even tinder tin, usual stress. They are, standard IT'LL iPAY YOU.TO SEE YOUR All4410 arrive MERCURY LINCOLN METEOR PHONE 459 WINGHAM, ONTI FOR A SAFE BUY USED CAR . . SEE YOUR METEOR DEALER trite , t Ie a e 4 0 11140 WIngitato WoOneaflay, Feb. 29, 179 GUILD. MEMBERS TO ruckermThs,iarnis Vows . „ „ „ Fur Farming industry Mrs.. MacLennan Goderich Clatrch EARN "TALENT MONEY 50 Years in Canada Hostess to Group Knox Presbyterian Church, Tlie monthly meeting of the " Ci oderich, WaS the setting for the .Actlordirip:to the Huoit of :mum. The Evening Anxillary of the Chorch held its February Ladies' Mild at St. Paul's Anglivan wedding when the Rey, R, MOO- TInited ledge Atinual the groat fur -farm-Milian performed the into meeting on Tiiesd„y evening of last Q11111'111 was laid "" 7.1itira(laY ceremony when Margaret Marion ng Industry of cainota t.1 tried about. fifty yearn :et(' on Primp MacIientian, The theme of tin- Edward .litlaull, some trap- imputing was "Ileing a Vhristitin." Writ showed that silvei"foxes could IVIrs, 1,1. Shera was iii eharge. be raised in pens, pioneers Aft" tut (welling h ymn A,T.r n. Mule Millions of dollars and flu, ch u.n. salt er 4.,,,nd the 5eriplru'e industry midi spread ihr,4 4011 44 1;00,4 from ibe sixth chapter 01: all the provits ei '.1`ht.n nr Mkt it St. Luke. wirn..shora roa d nu article mink could be to keeping with ow seripun.„ Ti it, she said that love was the law ol. the christitot and pointed tint . charaeleristies necessary to be at ranch mink were cloak brown in Christian in daily lire. Miss PbYlils color. By briaging togetlur what Johns read an appropriate taieln by had originally been wild stook from Edgar thirst, "'Pile Day's Work." faraway points, Alaska, Labrador, Another hymn was stu nt' and Mrs. Quebec, Minnesota, and by in- flarold Kerr offered a prayer, A piano duet by Sandra and breeding closely, new types known Brenda MIteLeiman was very much as mutations develtiped, 'lie re- eajoye( 1. suit hap been that today there are Mrs. Ross Vogan eontinued with blues, greys, pastehi, blaelt and the study book and gave a most white and other. varieties. interesting aceott .1 it of the wtirk of the ellureh among the Indians along the British. Columbia coast, in Manitoba and North Western Ontario, South Western and Con- .teat Ontario and in Q-Itebec around Montreal. Much Is being done by the vols., pin to help these Indians not only spiritually, Mil. etlimationally, physically ' and indostrially, A iteener .interest• is tieing created in' the growing of more food and fol- lowing better health habit 8 with the result that, the Indian popula- tion is Increasing. ItIdueation also showing great progress. Ins, Evans was responsible for inventing a Cree alphabet far the Cree Indians who wimpy an area of land comprising about 5,000 square miles in the Deer Luke dis- trict and this has helped foster a greater desire for learning, Miss Alice Heard read an article on how to become a Christian citi- zen and entonerated several rules everyone should follow to be One. At the close of the meeting lunch was served and a pleasant Lime was spent Presbyterian Young People Gather The regular meepng of St. And- rew's Y.P.S. was held in the Sun- day School room on Monday even- ing with President Mary Scott Lit the chair, with a good attendance. inghani -Distria Ugh Mr. Nimtno back, who led in tile Members were pleased to have sing song. The call to worship and School the opening prayer were given by on the president, The Scripture was read by Audrey Gilmour from Thursday, March 1st Psalm 103, followed by prayer by at 3 pan. Ken Gilkinson. 'Everybody is Welcome The topic took the form of slides shown by David Scott. on mission wjlionnineinOtiglimilmaitliwoturi ary work in Western Canada, beeame .olear that produced in' large vainly Man more Present's Rev. Wes Aarum Youth For Christ Evangelist with Don Stevens, 'Organist and Eddie Lawson, Pianist in quantities even foxes Al Viral week, the 11°L" of M rs' 4' M' thi' Parish "(MI "ltil thirteen Samis, Coelerieh, became the bride of Hugh Nicholas , Tucker, Taber, Alberta, The bride is the daughter of Finlay M, Slants and a grand- daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred lYfaeLean, of Wingham. The iVOOM members present.. Mrs. Faller opened the Meeting with prayer repeated in 01115011 by those present. 'rho secretary roast the minutes and the treasurer gave tin' financial report and an aecount of the proeeeds from the Valentine lea which amounted to $129.00. A letter was •read from the Can- Soviely retniesting that, a rep- resentative of the Dodd attend the oweutit., orb noway night and Mrs. Faller was appointed, It Wit's reported that Mrs, Miller Davis has accepted the °film, of press representatiw. Mrs. Armitage outlined the coat Of the installation or cupboards and door,, the amount of which was $40,00, Mrs, Fuller expressed appreciation to all who lutd assisted .in any way to the Valentine tea. -During the month of March the members are - requested to earn a sum of money by ,t heir own bor80-041 talent's, Ma Parkei—elosed the meeting. with prayer mid Mrs. Fuller served lunch, assisted by Mrs, Armitage and MN, Roberts, Panel Discussion At Goforth Meeting The regular meeting of the Go- forth -Evening Auxiliary or Si. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was. bold in the Sunday School room on Tuesday evening of last week, The meeting was opened with the call to worship and the hymn "We Love Thy Venerable House" was sang, The Scripture was read by Mrs, P. Campbell after which Miss Irlma Harrison led in prayer, Miss Norma Sherwood then favoured the group with a lovely solo, "A Perfect Day," • Mrs. .T. Donaldson gave a report on the study book and the hymn "Rise up, 0 Men of. Cod" was sung, A Bible WY, was conducted by Mrs. S. Forsyth. The offering was then taken and Mrs. Van der Kolk gave the Offertory prayer, A vote was held on the matter of dividing the group, bUt it was decided to leave it as one with the possibility of dividing next year, A pant: discussion followed, the topic of which was "What Does It Mean to Be a Mother, of the Church?" Those taking part Were Mrs, L. Phillips, Mrs. Chopin, Mrs. jack McKibbort, Mrs, Men Leitch, Mrs. Men Baker and Mrs; C. Scott. The }Winn "0 Lord Speak to Me" was sung and Mitt's Emma }lardy led in the closing prayer, Lunch was served by the lunch committee, • A man, after admiring a new model ear in the window of MI automobile concern, went inside and bought the car. "Would you like to take it whip you now?" the salesman beamed. "No," murmured the than retlee- tively. "I think I'll just let it stay where, it, is, VII natter find another parking place this -good." Problems of the Canadian Indian Discussed at Meeting The Young Woman's Evening Auxiliary met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Nels Cunning- train. The worship service, led by Mrs, R. Zurbrigg and her group, took the form of 13ible readings, which emphasized the theme of service to others through personal nets. An example of Christian ser- vice was taken from the Mission- ary Monthly. Mrs, Jack Lewis led in prayer, and the offeridg was re- ceived. A panel discussion of the pro- blems of the Canadian Indian in assimulating into the white man's way of life was presented, The re- serve system was found to be in- adequate largely because it en- couraged. segregation. The influence. noon the Indian of educational. and economic changes .was examined,- and a thought-provoking question was raised: "Arc the policies and methods of the church geared to meet these changes?" the business Portion of the meet- ing was conducted by Mrs. W. Caslick. The roll call was taken, followed by the secretary's report which was read by Mrs. J. Wont- /NI. As a missionary project, the group decided to sew articles of in- fants' clothing for a bale. It was announced that the next Meeting will be held .1'11 the ehurch with the other auxiliaries, when the guest speaker will be Miss Caroline 'Wellwood. The meeting closed, with the benediction. is a Sou Of Mr. and Mrs. WiMatil R. Tneker, Taber, Allitatri. Mrs, .Tames Bisset, tioderich, soloist, was rtecompanied by James McArthur, at the organ.. (liven ill marriage by 110r rothot% the bride wore a gown of slipper satin, fashioned on princess tines, with a fitted bodice, portrait neck- line and lily-point sleeves, Ifia' floor-length satin skirt, with hands ivy y family the protection of •Meteor's-, sign 7N:A driving comfort. Easy one- hand adj ustment. (Option al, at slight extra cost.) THERE'S NEW SAFETY, TOO, IN METEOR'S GREAT V-8 "GO" AND POWER ASSISTS! Meteor's split-second V-8 response gives you :faster control, safer performance. You enjoy extra margins of safety with optional Power Steering. and Power Brakes: "no shift" ease with optional Merc-O-Matic Drive: easier flan-, better stability with Angle-poised ball- joint, suspension : surer stopping with Meteor's big weather-sealed brakes. See the '56 Meteor— feremost in. s tyle, performance, safety mid value! in all '56 Meteors is designed to minimize shattering. And Meteor's 1,098 sq. in. of safety glass gives safe all-around visibility. New safety- beam .headlights give you up to 80 ft. more effective seeing distance. METEOR'S NEW SAFEGUARD SEAT BELTS. are stronger than airline safety belts. They -are anchored to double- reinforced steel floor sup= ports to give desirable -pro- tection against; many injury hazards rind add, to your • A rwria v-a VALLIV FROM FORD OF CANADA NOW PRICED 14/ITH THE LOWEST I • DEALER FOR A SAFEGUARD DEMONSTRATION BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR! • Be safely ahead . *"---- Be miles ahead.. with--ENaV ,4•••••••• CROSSETT MOTORS LIMITED