HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-29, Page 4retie eriiv 1'0mM:if a Afivithe-There", IiVeticteettey, letle, 149, ,11,eti OOP -AHOY FOR .011110b must accompany each tender. Low- MAN AND WIFE and two children est or any tender not necessarily require 5 or 6 room house or, accepted. apartment immediately. Apply to Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. Box 11. Advance-Times. 15* 22:29h BUSINESS PREMISES or small offices wanted, Main Street loca- tion not essential. Will consider second floor, Apply ,Box 10, Advance-Times. 1522287* WANTED TO RENT—House, pre- ferably with barn and some land, vicinity of Wingham. Apply to Box 13, Advance-Times. 29* WANTED OLD CANADIAN arid Newfound- land coins and all Gold coins wanted, Write Bin Allan, 27 Dole.- tre Street, Woodstock, Ontario. 22 :29 :7 :14b GANDER wanted. Apply to Hugh Rinn, Brussels, phone 33r13, Brus- sels. 29* If Stanley Darling, Bluevale, takes this page to the Lyceum. Theatre it will be good for pass for self and companion, to see "Lucy Gal- lant" on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, March 5, 6 or 7. HELP WANTED—FEMALE YOUNG WOMAN for general housework wanted, live in. Apply box 209, Lucknow, 15:22:29e MALE -11E1.1.' WANTED APPLICATIONS for the position of manager who will be respon- sible for bookkeeping will be re- ceived by the Belg,rewe Co-Op- erative Association up to March 5th, 1956, State salary expected. For further particulars apply to the manager or any of the clime- tore. Duties to commence April 1st—Chas. R. Coultes, manager, 22:29h - SALES HELP WANTED RAWLEIGA ETISINESS now open in. Huron County. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity, Pull time, Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept, C-453-189, Montreal, P.Q. 29b AGENTS WANTED to sell high quality products at low prides Wingham, Dublin, Varna, Walton, Zurich, Good cominissien. Spec- lots each month. Do not miss this excellent Money-making pro. position. N:1AMILEX, Dept. 4, Box E, Station C, MOntreat. 'ROOM AND BOARD ROOM arid BOARD wanted for bueineasWeinati and tech.-age high school daughter, Box 15, Advance- Tines, 29b WORK WANTED YOUNG MAN desires work iri gene; Milt, factory or garage. Apply to Altrift Perigelly, IleiOrtIVe, phone 822W8. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up until 12 o'clock noon, March 5, for the contract of building two bridges in Morris Township, one bridge be- ing at Lot 12 on Concession 2 and the other 114 miles west of Walton between Concessions 9 and 10. Plans may be seen at the office of the Clerk. A certified cheque for 10 per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk 22:29h NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of JOHN ADAM SIMPSON, late of the Village of Whitcchurch, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 26th clay of .Dec- ember, A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 29th day of February, A,D. 1956, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 29th day of Febru- ary the assets- of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to claims of. which the exceutors shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of 'Febru- ary, A,D. 1950. CRAWFORD & HETHERTNGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 1.6122:20b *BARN FOR, WINGITAM DISTRICT IIIGH SCII0OL Sealed tenders, plainly marked, "Tender for Barn" will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, 'Sat:Imlay, March 10th, 1956, for the erection of a barn for the Wingham District High School, The building is to be 50 feet by :20 feet, of concrete, cement block and frame construction. The contractor is to supply all materials. Specifica- tions may be seen on application to Mr. John- A, Jackson, Agriculture Teacher, Wingharn District High School, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be addressed to the Secretary. Mr, W, A, Galbraith, Secretary, Wingham, °Mateo, Agrieulture Committee, Mr, Prank Thompson, Chairman, Wingham District High School Board 15:22:20:7h NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Nitate of Mary Guest, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of January, A.D., 1058, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 3rd clay of March, 1056, full particulars of their claims in writing. ImMediatcly after the said 3rd day of Meech, the assets of the saki Testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there: to, having regard only to claims of which the Execntor shall then have notice, DATED this .thirteenth day of February, A.D., 1056. (rtAwPont) ITETHERINGTON Winghion, Col:aria Solicitors for the Excelitor 1,5;22:29b of SHORTHORN CATTLE and HOGS on WEDNESDAY, MAR, 7th at 2 p,p). LOT 09 Coo, 2, EAST WAWANOSII TOWNSHIP One mile .north of Byth and W4 miles west of No. 4 Highway 38 head of Shorthorn cattle; 1 bull, 2 years .phi, Royal Joke, sired by Royal Sort 2nd, 311014, Dam Rosewood Gem 359104; 4 fresh cows 3 cows due time of sale; 2 cows due in May; 2 cows due in June; 2 cows due in. September; 2 heifers doe in June; 2 steers, 2 years old; 2 heifers 2 years old; 3 steers 1 year old; 6 heifers, 1. 'Year old; 4 steer calves; 4 heifer calves; 1 bull calf, eligible for registration, All cows TB test- ed and vaccinated. 1 grey mare; 4 York 5 weeks; 19 chunks, 1 International cream separator, No. 2; 1 sleigh; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; 1 Massey-Harris manure spreader No, 7;.1 set of brass-mounted team. harness; 1 set single harness: horse z.ollas; 3 good horse blankets; 15 tons loose hay; 6 or 7 hundred bales of hay; A or 5 bus, of Timothy seed with some alfalfa in it. One 1938 Dodge coach, in good running order. NO RESERVE—TERMS CASH Orval McGowan, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 291) AUCTION SALE of REAL ESTATE and HOUSEHOLD Epircars of the • LATE JOHN A. SIMPSON at the premises in WITITECTICIRcif SATURDAY, MARCH 3ril, 1956 at 2.00 Pm. Property including brick house, Small .garage and stable and five lots offered subject' to "a reserved hid. • Binile MacLennan, Auctioneer • Mrs, A. A. S. Simpson, Robert Simpson,' Kintail, Ekecutors. 2229b sows, bred BARLEY CONTRACTS Barley, contracts now available. Improved price from last year, Elliott's Seed House, phone 151-S Luelinow, 11.01 Apb SPECIAL BELL IMPERIAL THRESHER 24 x 40 To the first two purchasers we are offering a.-special. DISCOUNT of . 10% -.on a new and custom-equipped i»aehine.. BUY NOW AND SAVE - Robert Bell Industries Seaforth, Ontario STARTLING STATISTICS The latest report of Ontario's De- partnient of Reform Institutions contains startling statistics. During the ten years since the war, yearly convictions for crime have risen from 19,132 to 46,899 and from 478 per 100,000 to 905, The report declares these figures "extremely disappointing", even granted that an increase in the ntimber and efficiency of the police force has naturally resulted •in higher per cent of convictions than foemerly. The great: majOrity of crimes Sere those against public peace and order, And of the 35,376 convic- tions on this score more than half (18,253) were for drunkenness, with drtink and impaired driving con- tributing another 3,182eand breach- es of the Liquor Control Act ac- counting for an additional 7,630, To sum up, liquor was a factor in 28,- 974 of the 46,899 convictions regist- ered during the past year. In a word Ontario's crime stetis- ties prove conclusively that the more liquor people eonsuriee the more work they tritece for the po- lice, the courts and the Reform In- stitutions. 29b BIRTHS GERMAN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Febru- ary 25th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. William German, Blyth, a son. GUEST—In Wingham General Hospital, min: Sunday, February 26th, to Mr, Mrs. George Guest, 1Vinghai9, a, daughter.. • GURNETT—At White Horse, Yu- kon, le, on Friday, February 24, 1956, to Cpl. and Mrs, D. A.: 'Garnett (nee Norma Bruce) a daughter. A sister for Douglas, A VISITOR TO a church arrived late, but made np for It by listen- ing attentively to a long, drawn- out sermon, Finally he* turned to his neighbor and whispered: "He's good, How long has he been preaching?" "Pour years" the other whisper- ed, 4.A1 "I'll wait then," the visitor re- plied. "He should be through be- fore long." For the Finest in Taxi Service . 4 WS LEE'S TAXI 24 HOUR, SERVICE Weddings, Funerals and Shopping Trips Going DowntoWn — Crosstown , Out of town . - CALL LEE'S 185 bet,' ee. Walpole Pittsburg SCREENS PAINTS HAltDWARE CUPBOARDS GLASS STAIRS Custom Woodwork - Carpentry - Telephone 260-w Winghatn SASH FRAMES BY PREPAYING c,, 4/4 WiNGHAM A -Pitt : 410it* • 1\41* —y " —4 • %..,INCORTATED Town of Wingham 1956 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments On account of 1956 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1955 taxes. Interest at the rate ofyour per cent, per annum be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes ,must be made at the own Treasurei''s Qffice, Towut Nall, W. A. GALBIZAITH; Treasurer, Town of Wingham BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY • WELLINGTON FIRE lCompany An fill Canadian CoinfiattY Whielt has faithfully served ita polio holders for OVelr a ectilltry. Wail Office Taranto (I, MaeLeati Inanratiee Agency yvaig'lrtr iii Tin trd reriod 6 --St, Marys, Blackmon, Stopbenb, 3,05 7,--St. Marys, Oliver, Sparling„ 0.30. 8—St. 'Marys, Atkillsen, Dott8.1 7.05 9----St, Marys, Wingharn .Bantams were .climin- 1-1.51; oted from the W.O.A,A. Bantam B, Penaities—Stephens, 9.15; Span, Championships on Friday at the ling (slashing) 10;50; Henry (hole- Wingnare arena when they dropp-ell- 15%011 Snarling (tripping), 19.- a 5.4 decision to St. Marys, after 301 Merkley, Jardia (inieconclitet) a hard-fought game which saw the 15,51• locals in the saddle until the final stanza, i4LOYD BABY CARRIAGE for sale, light blue in colour, excel- lent condition, Apply to Mrs. K, Leitch, phone 175J, LIVINGROOIVI 'SUITES—Visit the lerildrnay Furniture Showrooms and select a "Flexsteel" er "Fry & Blackball' or "Kroehier" ches- terfield suite, Wide variety of etylee, fabrics, colours. Trade- ins accepted. Show cushion from your old suite for trade-in oval-' nation of suite, Godfrey Sehuett, 29:7b COMPLETE LINE of high-grade office equipment handled by The Wingharn Advance-Times. Desks, chairs, filing equipment of all types. Call 34. lrOR THE SMARTEST .in floor covering, see the new patterns at the Wallpaper Shop. Prices are right. 29b If I, A, Mactity.re, Josephine St., takes this page to the Lyceum Theatre. it will be good for pass, for self and companion, to see "My Sister Eileen"- on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday, March 1, 2 or 3.. 29b BROADLOOM CARPET — Select yours at the Mildmay Furniture ' Store. Rugs or wall-to-wall in- stallation. Schuett's also sell new-and used pianos, television, linoleum and wallpaper. 20:7b INCOME TAX WORRIES?--Speed the job with a new Remington- Rand adding machine. Also on hand, McCaskey multiple key ad- der at $50.00. Almost new Bur- roughs adder, regular $150.00 for 00,00. Call 34, Advance-Times, at once. MISCELLANEOUS TV SERVICE DEPOT offers used TV, completely rebuilt, new TV warranty: 10", 12", 14", 17 warranty. 10-1re, 12-in., 14-in„ 17-in., 21-in., 24-in. All in popu- lar name brand TV. Antennas installed. Areas delivered to: Goderieh to Exeter, Orangeville to Owen Sound, Southampton. Write Victoria St., Wingham, or phone 966. 29rrb IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inex- pensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb 24-HOUR SERVICE on all fur- emees arid oil .hurners. Apply to :/tselgr & Son, phone 426.• lfirrb DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone colic c t: Palineeston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb SANITARY. SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed, Apply Lines Blake, phone 42r6, Brueeels, • l5rrh WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- /NCI ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130r12, collect, between 7,30 and 10.00 a,m, on week days arld 7,30 and' 9,80 a, in. on Sundays, Ore)) • STEWART A, SCOTT can now save yeti 15% On your eat` or truck in- euranee. Yearly or six months pinkies ere available. Special rates for farmers,, For further Information phone 203, Wingham. 291Tb BABY CHICKS I " ' CHICKSeeelayelci, started. Pullete. Brellets. Ceekerele, Canadian Ap-, proved. Plue 131g-4 complete 'breeding program covering Mote than 30 Years, Deeing that tirrte lellfteltetie of pourtryttddobtg have ttentie to rely Oil this Hateliery. Staildeta breech, oroises, and eneciale. Ask 1J$ for StiVihg prie- ee, Get your Meier hi now to catch the geed egg inarkete late entiteler, inforretatiore Agent, PhieVale Ltd„ Bine. Vale, phone 6101I21,. Wit latIn and 61 i1i, kf wool*. 201i • TWO GEESE and a gander for sale. Apply to Stewart Finley, Wroxeter phone 20r18, 29* EIGHT CHUNKS of pigs for sale. Clarence Galley, R.R, 4, Wing- ham, phone 507W3, 29b • ql PIGS fez' sale. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery, phone 743J1, 29*:' THREE SOWS for sale, Carrying second litter. Due in 1 to 4 weeks. One sow with litter 2 weeks old. George Dickson, Bel- more. 29•e REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIVE HOME in Ripley Ontario, for sale, five years old, on acre of ground. Reasonable terms. Apply to J. Powers, Kin- cardine, phone 383. 22:29 :7* _ - SIX-ROOM house for sale, Hydro, garage attached, barn 30x18, oe half acre of land, School bus passes house, Apply to Gordon Rodgers, Wingham, 29:7 100-ACRE FARM in Wingham area for sale. Modern buildings with water throughout. Good farming land and hardwood bush, Apply to Box 14, Advance Times, 297e 147-ACRE FARM for sale, High- way 87, two nines from Wroxet- er, seven from Wingham. Ten acres hardwood bush, large barn, cement silo, implement shed, hen house, brick house, hot water heating, bath. Good farm build- ings, excellent location, Apply Mrs. D. Stewart MacNaughton, phone Wroxeter 4r8. eee Prevent Chimney Fires Use Fire Chief Chemical Chimney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove pipes and chimney. No need to remove stove pipes. No fuss, lie muss, no odor, For use on coal, wood, gas or oil fired units. On sale at Belgrave Co-Op and Chambers' Hardware, Wroxeter. • 29:7* TOWNSHIP OF TURNDERILY Sealed tenders for the crushing and hauling of , approximately 8,000 cu. yds. of 5(8" gravel will he received by the_ undersigned until noon on Monday, March 5, 19 56 Gravel to be spread not later than June 15, 1950, two sets re- quired, contractor to strip and maintain pits, work to be satis- factory to the road superintendent, marked cheque for $300. to accom- pany tenders. Lowest or any tender not, necessarily accepted, (leo, T. Thomson, Clerk Bluevale, Ont. 22:29b ApPl ATIONS .AND TENDERS WANTE 0 Applications will be received by the Township of Morris for a truck driver for Warble Fly spray- ing at 85 cents per hour, helper at 75 cents per hour and Warble Fly inspector at 90 cents per hour phis 7 cents per mile. Also tenders will be received to supply approximately 1000 lbs. of. Warble Fly powder. Tenders to be in by 12 o'clock noon, March 5. Loweet or any tender not necessar- ily aceepted. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk 22, 29b TENDIMS WANTED Tenders for the contract of sup- plying, crushing and hauling ap- proximately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel for Morris Township will be received by the undersigned up un- til 12 o'clock noon, March 5. A three-quarter inch screen to be COMING EVENTS JACK THYNNE'S annual concert and dance, Brussels town 'WA Friday evening, March 9th. Aus- pices Lions Club, CE297b CARO Or THANKS Mr, and Mrs. .,T, R, VanCamp, Of Belgrave would like to express their apnreelation to Dr, E. N, Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and nursing staff at the Wingham General 'Hospital, Currie's ambulance service, Rev, B, deVries, of Blyth and Rev, pI, L. Parker, also the committee of the Brenda VanCamp Fund and all those who contributed to it. Many thanks to The Wingham Advance- Times, CKNX Radio and Television, Rev. C. Krug of Pelgrave and their many friends who extended help at every turn and for the many prayers said which have beep ans- wered, 29h (lARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who sent cards and presents to me while a patient in the Wingharn Hospital. Sincere thanks to Mrs, Morrey and staff, Rev. A, Nimmo, Mrs. W. Con- nell and Dr, Corrin,--Mrs. Scotty Ross, 29* • CARD OF THANKS, We wish to express our heart- felt thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for the love• ly floral tributes and kindness shown to us during our recent sail beteayement, Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her staff, of nurs- es, 1)r. 13, N, Corrin, Dr. M. H. Cor- rin of Lucknow. --Lloyd, Mary- belle and Herbie Hunter. 294, CARD OP THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin and all those who remembered me in tiny way while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London.—Mrs; Fred Por- ter, 29* CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for all the kind thoughts and deeds and flor- al tributes extended to us at the time of our sad bereavement. Spec- ial thanks to those who offered blood donations, Dr., McMirrehy and Mrs. Morrey and staff and Rev. H, L. Parker, —Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Foxton and Julie Lynn. . CARD OF THANKS I wish to acknowledge with sin- cere thanks the kindness of all my good friends for their flowers, gifts, cards and phone calls which I received on my birthday.-:—Mrs, Robert McMichael. 29* CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Ro- bert Mitchell extend sincere and heartfelt thanks to all friends, neighbors and - relatives who were so very kind during. a long illness and sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Crawford, Dr, Mc- Murehy, Rev, Nimmo, Rev. Mac- Rae, Mrs. Stover, the Currie bro- thers, pallbearers, and also for the beautiful floral tributes and cards and those who helped in any other way. 29*: CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, treats and vis- ited me while a patient in Wing- ham General ancryietotia Hospi e tal, London, —Mrs. Percy DeyclI. 20b TENDERS FOR PAINTING Sealed tenders marked "Tender" will he received by Morris School Board until March 5 for painting Morris Schools, Two coats of best grade paint. , 1-All woodwork, walls and ceiling of, interior of S.S. No, 6. 2. All exterior woodwork on can of the 10 township schools, Please submit a separate price for each school. Work must be completed before July 31. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, H. S. Shaw, Bluevale, Ont. 22 :291) APPLICATIONS FOR INSPECTORS Applications for two Inspectors to Superviee the Warble Fly spraying in the Township of HOwick for the year 1056 will be received by the Clerk to 4 p.m, March 2nd, 1956. Applieations to etate Price per hour including transportation, Lowest or any applicatiori. not necessarily accepted, J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howlett, Gorrle, Ontario. 2e:20b NOTICE TO CreErirTOTIS ALL PERSONS having clelerie against the estate of LOUISE HAMILTON of the Town of Wing- ham in the COUnty of Huron, Wide ow, who died on or about the teerith day of January A.D, 1.066, are notified to send to the under- signed on or 'before the tenth tillY of March A,D, 1066, full patticitlete of theit die:Mee. in Writing. tined? lately After the sold tenth day of March the Meets of the said teeth- triX will be distelbeited amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to elairels of *bleb the eXectIter shall then lieVe netted, DATED thiS twenty•first day of rebruttry, 011A.Wil 01,15 1 1 EtitrERINGTON, Wing/Mtn, ,lOrktarlO Solicitors for tho executor 22i29.11b LOOKING FOR Bargains, customers, attendance.. at meet- ings? Then use the clas- sified ads. Quick, econ- omical and convenient, classifieds do the best lob at the lowest cost. On Parade! That seems like an erroneous statement. I came in late and if the door hadn't been unlocked I would have gone home, There was another lecture, If you listened real closely you could hear sub- clued snores, 0-0-0 Sinnamon and Captain, Jackson left in a cloud of snow on Saturday for London to carry on a telephone, duel at Wolseley Barracks, Neither one has arrived tbore to date, Approximately one mile south of Brucefield Sinnamon struck some foreign ob- ject with the front portion of his car. Being naturally curious he endeavoured to stop but his signals couldn't have been too clear, be- cause somebody else struck his vehicle from the rear. So he attached himself to somewhere in Hensall for rations until daylight Sunday, No clear report from Capt, Jackson. 0-0-0 I was hoping for a report on this telephone battle procedrfre. We have one on our line every day. 0 - 0 0 It pays to advertise, We have a new recruit tonight. B.S.M. Wells or B.S.M, Blackwell will have new material on gunnery. NaMe is Car, G. A. Harteford. 0 - 0 - 0 From the sound of things Tide Jenkins is staving off the enemy in the rifle range, 0 - 0 - 0 I understand from. as.m. Cam- eron that Sgt, Grover is a reader of this eoolumn. I hope by the time this reaches him, he is not freezing as badly as last report indicated, I would rather read this than write it: 0 - 0 - 0 To-night is the final pay night for the year 1955,. Although the general feeling was one of being over-paid, you could never tell it by the remarks. Thank you. Mr. St. Laurent, 0-0-0 Sgt. Dawson got tired playing with his horn in the attic, and to- night he passed down through the trap hole enough brass instruments to outfit a complete band. Sgt. Newell by-passed alt this and got his bugle hand off to a late start, The new recruit stood his ground for a while but he couldn't take it for long. Perhaps Capt. Thomp- son from Lucknow will be able to coax him out again next week. 0 - 0 - 0 Gnr. C. Casemore blew a raucous note on the trombone. Out came the note, his eyeballs • and four spiders. In the opening period Temple- roan notched the only Marker for either team giving the locals a one- goal lead at the beginning of the second period, During the period they' added three more counters, with, St. Marys getting a single, to leave the score at 4-1, In the final frame St. Marys came back with) few: goals, getting the winning goal with less than ten minutes to play. Marksmen for Wingham were Templeman, Loekridge, Fry and Walker. Oliver with two, Sperling, Blackman and Atkinson were the scorers for St. Marys. WINGHAM—Goal, Merkley; de- fence, Loekridge, Carmichael; cen- tre, Walker; wings, Fry, Craw- ford; subs, Henry, Templeman, Jardin, Carr, Wild, Kerr. ST, MARYS—Goal, Marshall; de- fence, Blackman, Douglas; centre, Oliver; wings, Sparling, Atkinson, Nairn, M, Stephens, D, Stephens, Galloway, Hawkins, Slater, Me- genney, Anderson; sub goal, Min- ter. First. Period 1--Wingham, Teineteman, Kerr, 7.50. Penalties—Henry (interference) 14,15; Douglas (cross checking) 19,50 Second Period 2—Wingham, Lockridge, 4,50 3—St, Marys, Sparling, Oliver, Step- hens, 14.17 4—Wingham, Fry Crawford, 15,18 5---Wingham, Walker, 1.020 Penalties--Slater (hooking) 6.47; Hawking (hand on puck) 11,11; Oliver, (boarding) 10.29 "I hate to' tell you, darling," said the wife, "bet I scratched the front fender a little today." "Badly?" asked the husband, "Oh, note too badly," she replied. "If you'd like to see it, We in the trunk," MUNDYS' Free Delivery - Phone 82 Quality anti SPrViee! shire '1915 iWeek,End Specials MEDItin StIgaripe Prunes 1 lb.pkg. 29c TREESWEET Orange Juice 20 oz,- tins 2 for 35c 48 oz. tin 39c Chocolate Cake Mix pkg. 33c Swift's Prern 12 oz. tin 35C Fish and Frosted Foods • .0001.03.0.r..00...••••.. CRAWFORD IlETHERINCTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Witigham, Phone 48 X. If. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. IIETIHIRINCTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solieitor, Notary, Eta, Atones> to Loan Office-4Ieyer Block, Winghani FOR, SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT used. A certified cheque for $200.00 Man WIN PM BANTAMS OUT OF WOAA RUNNING A. IL IFTAVIS11 RARRISTPR, SOLICITOR and NOTARY P11131,10 TEESIVATETI - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Weilitesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by a Intel tuicent. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mts. Viola It Nomad' 11.0. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 ' Harriston, Ontario RONALD fi. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Reyel Bank Bldg, Iteeiclerieel Retteribiley Phones Sill 455 CLINTON ONTARIO Blecliman,