HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-29, Page 1•
With which is amalgamated the G nrrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
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wHI)Np...suitor, rrinicuAny 29, '1,956
Form Cancer Society Branch
At Organizational Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Goalies, of East Wawanosh, who celebrated their
51st wedding anniversary last week at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. John Gaunt, of Whiteehurch. Lifelong residents of the township,
Mr, and Mrs. Coultas were to have celebrated their golden anniversary
last year, but sickness postponed the celebration until last ,week,
—Staff Photo
Lions Lay Plans for 1956 Version
Of "Frontier Days" Celebration
Celebrate 5.1st 'Wedding Anniversary
The capture of two of Canada's most wanted criminals as the
result .of pictures from police files 'published in newspapers, has
sharpened interest in -Wingharres own `rogue's gallery" of wanted
crinninaV, in the office of Police Chief Bert Platt, at the town hall.
Chief Platt has a file of well over a_ thousand pictures, front and
profile, which Inc keeps up to date and checks over from time to time,,
to keep posted on, the criminals wanted by police departments all over
the country,-
The Chief's "wanted" file .consists of over a thousand file cards
of criminals at large, missing persons and released convicts, arranged
alphabetically under both real names and O.liaSes. In' most cases the
cards have pictures on the back and particulars of the criminal and
his crime. on the front, but in the case of missing persons the picture
IS often not available.
Cards kir the file are sent out
by the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police headquarters, and afe
available to all police departments
,1:101,tvh:vecroutrhi country, Platt explainsoffices
Most Wanted Criminals in
Chief's 'Rogues' Gallery"
A meeting to organize a Wing-
ham and district branch of the
Canadian Cancer Society was held
in 'the council chambers on Mon-
day night, with representatives of
about 30 organizations in the dis-
trict present. J, P. IVIeKibbon, of
Wingham: who has undertaken to
arrange the organizational meet-
ing on behalf of the sponsoring
body, the Wingham Lions Club,'
was chairman at the meeting,
Chief speaker of the evening was
John H. Stratton, president of the
Perth-Huron Unit of the society,
who outlined the work of the so-
ciety in this district and through-
out the country, Illustrating his
talk with a moving picture "To
Save These .Uves," Mr„Stratton
gave sonic startling statistics on
the incidence of caeca, claiming
that one in six female deaths and
One in eight male deaths in Ontar-
io were attributed to the dread dis-
ease, He said that mere people
died of cancer in Ontario between
the Yeats 1935 to 1045 than were
killed in World War II from the
whole of Canada. "There isn't
One of us who can't think of a
friend or netnraintance who died
of mincer," he told the meeting,
brighter Side
Mr, Stratton pointed out that
although StatiAies presented a
grim picture cif the disease, there is
it brighter side to the Medal. He
told the meeting that approximate-
ly, 80 per cent of cancer eases earl
be cured If caught ia,time, due to
the "terrific strides" taken by mod-
ern medicine in the past few days.
Surgery, k-ray treatment and rad-
ium have Contributed Immensely to
fought by the Seelety," the speak-
ee said,
Mn'. Stratton told the audience
that the wet against cancer Was
bohig Waged en three fronts-.-re-
CARD 0.1.i"rHANKS •We would
like to take this opportunity of ex-
pressing our sincere thanks to the
family of R. G. Coupes, of the 10th
eoneession of East Wawanosh, for
tiqkluable assistance, in pulling our
firuck out of the ditch on Friday
afternoon, Without their help we're
sure it would still be there,
- 0 - 0
Altehleon, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs..Doug Aitlaniaon, came home
broken-hearted the other day, after
a 'array big dog had made off with
her favorite doll. It seems that
Linda had set the doll down on a'
Sleigh when the dog came along
and ananind it up. A posse of par-
ents and other childrep failed to
find either the dog or .the doll.
0 0 - 6
SLEETED 'UP Friday's ale e
storm provided lots of fun for those
motorists foolish enough to venter,
forth in it. While the highways re-
in/tined in fair condition due to the
salt and sand applied so liberally
to them, the sideroads were Smooth
as glass, and many an, unwara
motorist found himself Anithe ditch
-before he even kneW what had
0 - 0 - 0
ALMOST MISSED- .-Satarday's
blizzard proved a nice sequel to
Friday's sleet storm. But it could
have been worse, in fact it define
4 ` was out, along the lakeshore,
s isn't the first time this season
t fat a bad storm almost missed.
Wingham.'. Usually We get all that's
coming and then some. If this sort
of thing ,happens much, more often
this district will be getting the
reputation of being ion the banana
. ^ .
The regular monthly meeting of
Maitland Lodge 11.9,- LO,O.F., will
be held on Thursday evening, Mar,
1st, at 8.30 o'clock in the lodge
'rooms. Bervie Lodge will be pre-
sent to receive the First Degree.
All members are urged to he pre-
sent. , f29b
0-111:111UNITY HALL
he Bluevale Ball Club is hold-
dance in the hall on Fri-
day, Mara 2nd. Music of George
Smith's Orchestra. Everydne wel-
come. '• • falb
The monthly meeting of. the, , diese , Auxiliary to the Wingham
General Hospital will be held.in the
Connell Chamber on Friday after-
noon, March 2, at three oo'olpck. •
The Wingham Klnette Club is
apiainsoring the Moffatt Cooking
and Laundry School at the Wing-
ham ToWn Hall on Wednesday,
March '7th, at 8 p.m. Moffatt
ranges and Bendix Automatic
washer and dryer will be demon-
strated, plus these added attrac-
tiona, door prizes, free bags of
groceries, also one electric frypan
iflid one percolator. AdMission to
deMonstration and Inlay draws,
590. ' F29b
'All Town licenses are due and
payable before 1st March, This in-
cludes dog licenses, , Tags ,are
aVallable at Town Clerk's office or
police office, Instructioaa have
1,1Pn issued that summons MUST
Lid ISSUED to dog owners and
other licensed businesaes If thinae
licenses are still unpaid after 31st
Mardi, 1956, ICindly co-opetatc and
save court costs.
T. W. PLAIT, Chid of Police
10r soq.cet,
,The Women's Association, Wring-
(tier United Clilitch will hold a hot
aiippqr er Tuesdoy, Match 0th in
aka au Pch 8choolrothn, Supper
MerVed' front 6 to 8 o'clock. .Adrala-
(doh $1.00, publie school children
3,0„tebte. V20 4'
Huron Chapter No, 89, Order of
the Easterit Star is sponsoring
ogressive euelire and bridge fa
region Horne, Wednesday, M'ar,
t P.M., tanieli. Good priNs.
Admission 500, Everyone iveleorne,
search, treatment and lay educa-
tion. The tusk of the Cancer So-
ciety is to provide lay education
for as many people as possible,
and to enable them to get early
diagnosis and treatment of the dis-
ease. "Pear, ignorance and pro-
crastination are .the things to he
fought by' the Society',, the speak-
or said.
Outlining the type of work that
would be undertaken by the Whig-
harn and district branch of the So-
ciety, Mr. Stratton spoke of some
'et the tweempliainrwnta of other
branches in the unit, including the
providing of apeaki.nra and films
for various organizations; the dis-
tribution of cancer literature; the
arranging of press and radio re-
leases of educational material
about cancer, and the setting up of
exhibits at fairs, exhibitions and
bazaars, He also spoke of the
services rendered to cancer pa-
tients by the society -and of the
raising of n'ioney for CJIlleer re-
search, •
In his closing; remario Mr, Stmt.
tonA SlIggemLed that a nominating
committee be set up to bring in
a suggested slate of officers for
the next meeting, The following,
were named to the nominating
committee! John MeKihhon,
Wingham; Robert Wallace, Blyild
Lions Club; Mrs. Stan 'Carnabell,
Cranbrook WI.; Lorne Merlin,
West Wawanosh; Miss Filthy Duff,
Bluevale; Mrs. Wilfred Henry, of
Wingham; Mrs. 0.. O., Anderson,
least Wawanosh; Mrs. Olen nen-
thee, .Cettribreolt and Mc-
Intosh, :Brussels.
MO nominating committee 'will
bring in a slate of twelve execu-
tive officer's for the next; Meeting,
whieh Is scheduled for Monday,
March' 10th in the council cham-
and Diagonal Road, Orville Still-
liners, manager of the local branch
of the Bank of 'Commerce, has
consented to the use of the property
for' such a purpose, and the local
breech of the' Beaver Lumber
Company will provide lumber for
the building, .-•
Members learned that there is a,
possibility . that this year's cele-
bration may be televised over
CKiNix-Tv, and the question of
talent to be hired for the eele-
braLion was also discussed, It is
expected that a meeting will be
held in the near future to form
a committee to look after the
In connection with the festivities
Don Nasmith expressed the hope
that the committee would give
some thought to ways and means
of having the visitors actually
participate in activities of the cele-
Jr, P. MeKibbon spoke on the
importance of the work of the
Canadian Cancer 'Society and
stressed the fact that a knowledge
of cancer on the part of every
member of the communaity was a
primary objective. of the Society.
Slippery •wallung conditions it
the district continued to take their
toll last week, as several people
were treated at the hospital for
falls on the
Sydney Thompson, son Of Mr,
and MI'8, Frank Thompson; Itjt. 5,
Wingham was injured on Satur-
day, when he fell on the lee and
damaged his left shoulder. He was
taken to the hospital for X-rays,
hut was later released.
-Miss A/faith:CI Simpson, of Wing;
ham, received painful injuries to
her left ankle on Friday after
falling on the ice on her way home
from work. She was allowed home
after the anitie WAS strapped at the
Miss Mary Graham, age 86, suf-
fered a .fractured hip on Friday,
when she fell at her home. after
tripping over the cord - of the va-
cuum cleaner. A pin was inserted
in the hip at the- hospital, where
her condition is reported as fair.
Mrs, Evelyn Cascmore,
Wingham, injured her lower spine
on. Monday, when she fell off a
clothes stand, She was released
from hospital after X-rays had
been taken.
Harpld Foster, Wingham, injured
his left shoulder on Monday, when
he fell over a chair at work, He,
too, was released after X-rays,
George Procter, son of Mr. and
Mr's. Stewart Procter, R.R. 5,
Brussels, suffered A fractured left
ankle while tobogganing on Tues-
day. He was allowed home after the
ankle had been strapped at the
A new firm providing pada and
s'er'vice for television dealers and
owners, the Wingham TV Factory
Service Depot, will open offices in
town tomorrow, Location of the
new business will be In the bund-
ling owned by Harold Edwards on
Victoria Street between Josephine
Street and Diagonal Road.
Expected to employ four men at
the start of operations, mid pos-
sibly as many As Leh in the next
few months, the new firm will
supply service to dealers not rat
present equipped to look after their
own TV service Work 7t Will carry
a large stock of television parts
of various Makes and will he
equipped to erect' anteimae for'
dealers or. for TV athiers,
The firm presently has contracts
With three manufacturers of tele-
vision sets to provide extra service
when needed in an area, extending
from Exeter to Owen Sound, It Is
hoped that other matured:tire:es
will enter into ageeeinents with
the company foe similar contracts.
Owned by two London men,
kick Sheldrick and Tex allburg,
the 'fi'rm Operated for the past fear
Years Inn London,
before moving to
Need exerciee? Tama of spectator
spoorta? Here's your chance to get
in On 'some real fun guaranteed to
tone up your mnacles and make you
foal young again.
Vie ..Louglileran is organizing a,
broainhall league, and all he deeds
is two or three teams to make up
u. leagt113 :for this falichiaL44; •
sport,,,, Aireatly the Wingliam fire-
men end the naafi of CKNX-TV
have ,a',.olouteored to provide Learns,
and Lo or Oren extra, teams are
needed out the league,
viQle a bit hazy as to what this
broonalball is ail about-, but ap-
pnre4ly it's played on the ice with
ti bronni and a volleyball. Authori-
ties at the arena have agreed to
donate, ice time for regularly
scheduled broornball grves. •
Anyone interested In icing a team
Should' get in touch, with Vie
Loughlean, phone 754, after 0
The..February meriting of !Brandt
180, Canadian Legion, was held on
Tuesday last in the Legion Home,
with the pre:indent,' Clarence Ohm,
Applications . for "Mein be rah ip
from Edward Chandler, John -Ca
Jay, j.. O'Shaugnewsy and Melvin
A. Donahue were presented by Don
Adams, chairman of the member-
ship committee. Members voted to
accept Lireeandidatem and standing
()Alen were rescinded Lo allow the
candidates to be initiated at that
A, letter from the Canadian Can-
cer Society asking that a represen-
tative of the branch be appointed
,to-Otterea-an vegan izati on al meeting
for 'the purpose of forming a
Aclvirse weather conditions cut
attendance at the Actors' -Work-
shop, held in the town hall on
Friday and Saturday under the
auspices of the standing commit-
tee in drama of the Lake Huron
Zone Recreational Council. The
course was held in co-operation
with the community programs
branch of the Ontario Department
of Education. Classes were sche-
duled far Friday night and Satur-
day morning but classes on •Satur-
day afternoon were cancelled be-
cause of the weather.
Sketches were presented by the
Liatowel and Wingham drama
clubs, under Kinthleen Jordan of.
Listowel, and Mary Louise Mali,
of Wingham.'
Mrs. Marianne Johnston, of
Stratford, director and adjudicator
at drama festivals, attended in the
abrienee of Doe Sinclair, of Guelph,
who was unable to attend 'bemuse
of illness.
Representatives from I/anthem,
Liatowet, Hanover and Wingham
clam attended.
On the exeoutive of the attneding
committee. for this .district are:
President, Margaret Oehm, Han-
over; first vice-president, Kathleen
Jordan, Listowel; Secretary, Mary
Louise Vlach, Wingham,
Fora cars were involved in an
ambient On Diagonal fioad on
Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock,
during the height of a blinding
snow storm,
A oar driven by It, Reetsmith, of
Hamilton, was proceeding amain.
east along Diagonal Road between
Carling Terrace and Catharine
Street, when it skidded into a snow
bank on tire icy road, Two other
ears, following behind, driven by
Jim Lockridge and Jack Tervit,
both of Winglaun, crashed' in suc-
cession and a fourth car driven
by Harry Footer, Centre St., Wing-
ham, which was proceeding in the
opposite direction, became involved
in the smash-Up-
A total of over $1,000 damage was
donne to the four vehicles, $200 to
Mr. Reetsmith's car; $700 to the
Lockridge car; $175 to the Tervit
ear, and $50 to the Feeler vehicle.
Slippery roads and poor visibility
were blamed for the accident. Pol-
ice Chief T, W, Plat investigated,
In Brriasela Rohm I., Walker, Wm
klf1,0 Ill, liatadd. TIminaa, Roy Ken•
Hedy and Roy Cousina are the are
paantees. East Wawaniviii. is repine
.4miterl t.y tlettna, Shrum
ham R. ll. Tiiompson„lohn Mr-
Cci', Bachanan 'and 0. re
Taylor, Thin chairmen in Grey are
Rtueiell IKaarght, Iti"irlipatriek
George l iertreon, Alex :Pearson, 3as,
Smith and Wilbur' Turnbull.
Town. hip Ihr reline
aionbillves are ll, A. McDerniill, .1
T1, l'ollock, Kee Edon., lavvart
Whit lien!, Wnsy t'ooper and it 13
COWL; The oppolametas Ira MeLlIS
tut Jr-is, Mail', Shaw, Slew
art P roc I , l:Oht,11 [-'e0:1.01', Ito
belt Grasby and Clamor Melia'
NOS. Flintily, irr Turnberry Town-
ship, A. Corrigan,„ Waiter Woods.
'W. B. Cruickshank, ,Misr! R, Duff,
Mrs. In. MacNanghton and William
Mundell are the appointed chair-
Eat i s of 01,-,:ne people has as dal-
alto job 'to do and together Willi
organizations in the .other
districts of Huron County ate go-
ing to (,XNrt every effort to make
this TI) suvey the most successful
ever undertaken irr Huron County,
Of course, everyone can do iris
part by taking advantage of this
tree service in the hitercaa of
public health and welfare.
,for' Kell' Smi his Whighan"
siettekon firin %vele hollOre.1 11A
week dining Ilse G(orl leads
venation in Tot Ord o when the teener
was presented with the third
fieate in the Ft f' Aridly Men1411.
ial Safely Award.
The certilleate algnifies Mat Ilia
local firm hue been selected a:. one
of the three construction compano.,,.
In the province width have rindli
bided notably to the cause it
Safely on the, public roads and in
the operation of equipnicitt, The
aWneci was Made (luring the animal
banquet of the Ontario Road 1-.11 11 Id-
ors' Association at the Royal York
Motel In Toronto,
By The Pedestrian
The regular' meeting of the tion of the midget; hoeirey team. A I
Wingham Liona Club was held at prize, a Het of eight Lions glasses,
the Brunswick Hotel on Friday, was won by Mike McPhail,
with President Hugh Carmichael During the business Part of the
in the chair. A sing song was en-. meeting, members decided to go
joyed under the leadership of Jack ahead with plans to hold a Fron-
MeKibhon, with Floyd Blakely at tier Days celebration in nWingbeel
the piano, President Carmichael on August 30th, 31st and „September
Welcomed a guest of the evening, 1st, Johnny Brent, who master-
Chief of Police T. W. Platt, minded last; ,year's celebration, will
Following the reading and 1,1)- again he sheriff, arid plans are
proval of the minutes a draw weir underway to erect a sheriff's office
held to raise money'for tranaporta- on the. corner of Josephine Street
egion Discusses Raising of
Money, for Local Hospital
• branch of the society In Wingham
' and district, was read at the meet-
ing, Members decided to appoint a
representative to attend tine meet-
ing and John Currie was named as
Legion representative,
Dick Burbridge, chairman of the
house committee, reported progress
in removing some of the fire
hazards around the Titania as ad-
vised by the deputy fire chief re-
cently. lie urged members to sup-
port the rendes of euehres being
, President Clarenee Ohm reported
onr a meeting In GOderich regarding
the memorial chapel to be erected
in the county courthouse, In which
will lid, inscribed names' -of all
those residents of the county wino
served in the Second Great War.
He told members that tine branchai
share of the expense in furnishing
this room would be in the neighbor-
hood of $100, President Ohm said
that a list would be posted in tine
Legion Home to which members
arc asked to add narnea of ex-ser-
vicemen who enlisted from this
Hold Raffle for Hospital
John Pattison, ithairman of the
ways and means committee, told
members of a plan to raffle off the
cash sum of $000 to raise money for
the -Wingham General Hospital.
Under the plan 1,00(1 tickets would
be sold at $1.00 each, the draw to
be made at the annual V-11; Day
banquet in May, Net proceeds from
the sale of tickets will bin turned
over to the hospital, When the plan
was put to a vote the majority of
the member's Were in favor of it.
Verdun Ducharme, -chairman of
the canteen committee, told mem-
bers that he knew where he could
purchase a piano for $100, and he
suggested that perhaps the branch
should have two pianos, one for
downstairs and one upstairs. It
was decided to have the piano
checked by in untl8leian and the
matter reported back at the riext
President (non explained. that
inanninere of the langion Auxiliary
had offered Lo match any donation
by the branch to the Wingham
General Hospital nu, this thin', up
teonlinued on page twelve)
Lt, and Mrs, D, Ooodridge, who wore married in Toronto on Sat-
urday arterneeil, Wedding story appears on Page night,
The appointments for the Wing-
ham -district of the _ committee
heads, respoosible, for,
of the .Hurpn County gags: :Cheat • .
X-ray survey have been announce
ed. Tire survey, which 13 sponsored:
on a county-wide basis by the Mu-
con County TB Association and the
Onta-Crio Department of Health
commences on May 14th with' two
units covering the area.
The appointments in the 'Wing-
ham district, which includes the.
town of Wingham, the village of
Brusse=ls and the townships of '111
Wawanosh, Grey, Howiek, Morris
and Turnberry are as follows: Dis-;
trier, survey chairman, Frank 3716-
dill, Wingham.; district training
chairman-, A, D. Smith, Bluevale;
projects chairman; F. D. Blakely,
Wingimai; area chairman, Gordon
Knight, HR. 2 Brussels; ,profes-
alons chairman, T. S. .Beattie, •of
Winghem; nuippl,y chairman,e
For-tulle; eenrillS Pal chairman
Jack Woolfrey; clinic chairman
Jack Mitel'avish; publicity chair-
man, Ross Hamilton; schools chair-
Mee, P. J. McMurray; indinaries
chal Munn, Jack I ,loyd : reeruitere
chairnian, Barry Wenger.
The preceiling mcn are all net
Inn on a (Iberia level, and air well,
similar appointments have been
ninelc in each or the se ven arm.
in LA" Winglatin district,. In tin
town of Wingliam, W. Grose, W. A.
(Ialbraillt Mrs. 'V. houghlean and
A. B. Adana; are serving as urea
keep a file, because of their size
and the 'work involved in keeping
sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary. r the file up -to date. Each week
about half a dozen. or so additions
and deletions are sent out by the
and constant revision • is
needed to keep the file in order.
-'1Kortn SeinionS'erinies ''•
'Most of the people in the file are'
wanted for the more serious erimea,
such as robbery or murder, but net
all of them, In addition to the mien.
ing persons, who may be warbi4
for' perfectly legitimate reasona,
there °are cards for released con-
vict', notifying the police that
they are at large again. l'Unfortun-
ately, most of Ahern are in trouble
again within tt. - few months after
their release," confluents the Chief,'
If ex-convicts can stay oat of
trouble for three years, their
cards are removed from the fig'.
Chief Platt says that at till
moment there is only one Wingham
man in the collection and he, isn't
a native. A resident; of •the Iowa
some five yaws ago, thin nr£rir Pi
wanted for the 'murder of a jewel-
ler in Buffalo. Several thetriet men,
some of than rider-need convicts,
arc' included in the gallery,
The file, along with lists of stolen
care that. come into the office'
regularly, is of great assistance in
apprehonctieg criminals widen imp-,
pen to be in the district, according
to the Chief. It also serves ne
useful cheek on people who are'
picked up on other charge,.
quick glance at the file often 1.--
veala that such criminal; ana
wanted in other 'deem for other
crimes, Many wanted persons have
been, picked up in this way,
Keeping .the file up to dale
Means a Jot or work, be Id.
wits, and of necessity caul b'
as corn} letan ea amine of -thoae ea. a
in the big cities, But perhaps:
day Canada's Public.: Enetny No.
may enthe through town, and if' he
does, the file may lead to in,;