HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-22, Page 7rlartt Willgbunt 043', .0.11), 22,, 1100 Sivieel* • •
St. Marys vs, Winghaln
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Patrick St., Wingharn
Phone 770
Husbands! Wives!
Weak, I Run-down' Old?
Thousands of couples are weak, tired, lack
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me bodies lack iron at 40, 50, 00. Try
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orator you, too, may need to revitalize, stimu-
late, energize nod (wild-up entire body. Feel
years 4olinger. "Cct-aciplainted" sire costs
little. Or start with big, ponder "Economy"
hive and save 75c‘. At nit druggists.
41 •
Time was when an automobile bristled
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is simpler than driving with new De Soto
push-button PowerFlite controls (shown
below). Just push a button ... and GO
De Selo Fireflite V-3, 4-doer Sedan
Today . the modern way to g o)s
There's one smart way to travel the road to success. And that's
in a fabulous new De Soto with Flight-Sweep styling!
For De Soto brings you the newest of the new. YoU'll
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the finest automatic transmission—PowerPlite
Then, with De Soto's great now 255-h.p. y-s at
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acceleration, smoother cruising, safer passing.
And once in motion, De Soto will introduce you to a bright
new world of handling ease. Pull-time power steering is avail-
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Push-button controls for Power-
:Hite automatic transmission aro
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There are no sleeve-catching! levers!
TELEPHONE FAMILY. Mrs. J. E. Masse, scaled on the right. was once n Bell
operaivr herself. Now all six daughters 8114W» here are members of Bell's
Montreal staff. Left. tO right: Suzanne, Michelin, Lice, Mrs. IVIasso„ Denise,
/Ma (Mrs. Lavigueur) and Claudette (Mrs. canthier).
They followed in their
mother's footsteps
It happens over and over again.
A daughter sees how much her
mother likes her telephone job and
decides she would like to follow in
her footsteps. So in she comes •
to work at the Bell.
When daughter' follows mother and
brother follows sister and son
follows father you can. be pretty
sure that people have found lots of
good reasons for joining the
telephone company.
They know from firsthand
experience that the Bell is a good
place to work.
A Good Place to Work
strenc9d to
onicl moderation
jives it cliartn.
can Pati(Ricriter
the Pouse
who ;71'1)4 iontomtv pm? maerallog today
BLUEVALE — The Bluevale
Belles made a fine showing at the
Achievement Day in the Wingham
High School on Saturday.
There are 14 girls in the club
this year, Eleanor Smith, Phyllis
Elliott, Elaine Kirton, Sharon
Montgomery, Carol Greig, Loretta
Fischer, Mary Fischer, Joan Mc-
Farlane, Brenda Breckenridge,
Marie Johnston, Audrey Gamble,
Kay Johnston, Joyce Hoffman and
Shirley Johnston,
The tile of the course this. year
was "What Shall I Wear?" and it
was ably directed by Mrs, Joe
Horton assisted by Miss Emma
The club girls made blouses and
these and the work of the other club
girls in the district were attractWe-
ly displayed in the auditorium of
the high school. The girls modelled
their blouses, parading to the
music provided by Mrs. Alec Cor-
rigan. Brenda Breckenridge spoke
on a display of a costume suitable
for a special occasion.
Altogether it was a : Very- nice
event, Quite a number of Women's
Institute members, who. sponsor
this project, were present, These
included Mrs. Carl Johnston, Mrs.
Mungo McFarlane, Mrs, Wm. Pea-
cock, Mrs. Jos, Horton, Mrs. Alec
Corrigan, Mrs. Harry Elliott, Mrs,
A. D. Smith, Mrs. Eldon Kirton
and Miss R. Duff.
Seven Tables Play
At WI. Euchre
BLTJEVALE----Seven tables were
in play at the euchre held in the
community hall on Friday evening,
which was sponsored by the Wo-
men's Institute,
The prize winners were as fol-
lows: High scores, Mrs. Nethery
and Bob Powell; low scores, Mrs.
Darling and Burns Moffatt; lucky
chair prize, Mr. Nethery; birthday
prize, Mr. Joe Walker; door prize,
Mrs. Wm. Nicholson.
BLUEVALE—The young people
of both..churches met in the school
room of the United Church last
Tuesday evening, The meeting took
the form of a Valentine party, Bob
Fraser was in the chair.
A short devotional period was
followed by a sing song led by
Joyce Hoffman. The accompanist
was Etoile Moffatt. Games, under
the direction of Ken Johnston and
Joyce, Hoffman, were followod by
a sumptuous repast.
W.1. Cancels Event
Because of Illness
BLUEVALE-• Owing to so 'much
sickness in the community and
other circumstances, the Women's
Institute has decided to cancel
Family Night for this year.
This affair is always . held in
February and it is regrettable that
it should have to be cancelled.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, or New-
ton, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gor-
don Hall. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black, of
Toronto, were visitors with their
daughter, Mrs. Elmer Sellers.
The regular service was held in
Knox Presbyterian Church on
Sunday with the minister, Rev. M.
McNabb taking as his theme,
Psalm 27, "Wait I say on the Lord."
WROXETER -Several members
of Wroxeter Institute and mothers
of the Junior Homemaking Club
attended Achievement Day held in
Win ham High School auditorium
last Saturday. It was a very speCial
occasion as awards were given to
the four -girls who completed the
Elaine Statia gave the commen-
tary on "A Well Planned Winter
Costume for Church," Each of the
girls had completed a blouse. Those
taking part were Daisy Gibson,
Elaine Statia, Aim Douglas who
reeeived a silver spoon and their
leader, Nil's, ,John Gibson, Sr., who
completed ten projects.
• Mrs. Lloyd Magee also assisted
with the class but was unable to
attend Achievement Day. •
Interested friends attending were
Mrs. Herb Patterson, Mrs. Thomas
Burke', Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs. Roht,
Gibson, Mrs. Les Douglas and Mrs,
David Statia. Also in . attendance
was Mrs. Tait Clarke, president of
South Huron---Distriet, who Spoke
briefly, Mrs. Clarke is the mother
of Mrs, John Gibson, Jr. "Supper
Dishes" was the project chosen for
the coming year.
It is hoped there will he suffi-
cient interest to continue the Home-
Quilt Being Made
ray Ladies' Aid
kiJEVALE -• The monthly meet-
ing of the Morris Group, Knox
Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid,
was held at the home of Mrs, Bar-
rett, with eight members and two
visitors present.
The afternoon was spent quilt-
ing and lunch was served by the
hostess during the afternoon..
Entertainment Held
By Community'Club
WROXETER—The Community
Club held a euchre and dance in
the new community centre on Fri-
day night with a fair attendance.
SangSters' Orchestra provided
music for the dancing.
Progressive euchre was also en-
joyed with Mrs. Ivan Haskins win-
ning high score for the ladies and
Mrs. Wm. Wright, playing as a
man, also holding high score.'1Virs,
William Hart won the lucky chair
WROXETER--The annual World
Day of Prayer for Wroxeter and
district was held on Friday after-
noon in the United Church hall,
with a. good attendance. Leaders
for the service were Mrs. Ken
Edgar, vice-president of the
Woman's Missionary Society; Mrs.
William Hart; president of the
Woman's Association and Mrs. G.
L. Dobson, president of the Tues-
day Starlight Grout).
Assisting with the prayers was
Mrs, George Griffith and Mrs.
Glenn McMichael, leader of the
C.G.I.T. group,
The speaker was Mrs. Frank
Russell, of Gorrie, wino gave an
inspiring message on compassion.
The speaker stressed that we for-
give those around us and spoke of
the compassion of Christ upon the
cross when he said, "Father, for-
give them for they know not what
they do."
Mrs, James Doig was organist
for the service. Mrs, Charles Me-
Cutcheon and Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Naughton sang a duet "Somebody's
Praying for You," accompanied by
Miss K. Hazelwood.
Mrs. J. H, Wylie and Mrs. James
Sanderson received the offering.
Mission Band Has
Friendship Theme,
WROXETER—The Buds of
Promise Mission Band held the
February meeting in the United
Church hall on Tuesday evening
following school. Helen Magee,
president, was in charge. Elaine
Statia read the minutes,
Friendship was the theme of. the
meeting. With quiet music in the
background members formed a
circle for the devotional service
with the following assisting:
Louise and 'Catharine Edgar,
Wayne Sanderson, Gail Statia and
Sharon Elliott,
Ian Wheeler gave the prayer and
Carol Louttit read the Beatitudes,
Hymns used were "Jesus Bids Us
Shine" and "Gentle Jesus, Meek and
Mild.", All repeated the Purpose.
Mrs. Jim Sanderson was story
teller taking the third chapter from
the study book, "The Boy with the'
Busy Walk," Harvey Wheeler re-.
ceived the offering. Following the
benediction the children enjoyed
a singing game.
Leaders are Mrs. Merwyn Grain-
ger, Mrs. Jim Sanderson, Mrs,
Lloyd Magee and Mrs. Ken Edgar.
Group to Affiliate
With W.M.S. Soon
WROXETER---The regular meet-
ing of the Wroxeter group of Cana-
dian Girls in Training was held at
the home of Nancy Newton on
Wednesday of last week with nine
girls present.
The worship service for girls
prepared for The World Day of
Prayer with the theme, "One Flock,
One Sepherd," was carried out.
Shirley Reid, president, took the
leader's part. Others assisting were
Nancy Newton, Gwen Gibson,
Catharine MacDonald and Faye
Smith, Mrs. G. L. Dobson told the
Ilynins used were "All People
that on Earth Do Dwell," ."rhe
King of Love My Shepherd Is,"
"Shepherd of Eager Youth."
The girls continued their Indian
head work, In the near future this
group will affiliate with the Wo-
man's Missionary Society in a spec-
ial service,
Group to Gather
For Transportation
WROXETER—The Tuesday Star-
light Group of the United Church
will vineet on the evening of Feb-
ruary .28th at 8 o'eloelt at the home
of Mrs. Andy Gibson,
In charge of the meeting arc
Mrs. John Clarke and Mrs. Cecil
Yeoman, Members are asked to
gather at the borne of Mrs. William
Wright for . transportation to the
YOU CAN DEPEND ON ,,,,,,„.1,,,,,,rail e:i _.- , le
rimers ekeett set& mid mantel, bselc- - ....— DODOS
oche, tired feeling, ,-. KINNEy ....:
disturbed teSt Men -:.
N"".. "6'1'1'4 "' PILLS Win, nth Weill)* , / e Lave kiencys Le
normal duty. Yen. t.',;-.1,'',,,,___L...,r_ .•.,, feel ho(ttr---skeil
teller, work bettor. 4.,:',..i.2.".,:::..::::.;;;;', Gm, nold's nt. my. Anss Rom, 'Cm can 1.. lie depend 0n bo(14'0, SO
Rev, W. J. V, Buchanan will in-
struct a church membership class
each Sunday from 2 to 3 o'clock in
Wroxeter United Church for young
people, fourteen ye.ars of age and
over, Parents or candidates are
ask to contact the minister,
Mr, and Mrs. William Hart en-
tertained at dinner on Saturday
night for their son, Lyle and Mrs.
Hart, Toronto, on the occasion of
their first wedding anniversary.
Those present were Bill Hart, of
St. Catharines, Mrs. Reg Newton,
Betty and Nancy and ,Miss Erla
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton was in .
Listowel on Thursday where she
attended a trousseau tea for Miss
Maxine Roberts, whose marriage
to Paul Smith, Toronto, took place
in Listowel United Church on Sat-
Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Eldred
Nichol on Thursday were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim McIntosh, Kincardine,
- Friends of Mr. Thomas Brown
will he glad to know he is making
good progress following an opera-
tion in Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and baby
daughter spent the week-end with
their parents in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Gibson
and Vance left last - week for a
vacation in Florida.
Saturday visitors with Mrs. D. S.
IVIacNaughton were Mrs, Frank
Forster and Miss Mary Corbett,
Toronto, Mrs. I. J. Gamble and
John Gamble, Fordwieh.
Mrs, Ben -Hyslop, who has been
ill with pneumonia, is greatly im-
Mr. and Mrs,. Jim McKee and
family, Elmira, were week-end visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Tylerwyn
Friends here learned with regret
of the death on Thursday of Earth
Patterson of Fordwich, Mr. Patter-
son, a native of Howick had been
in poor health for some years.
Members of Forest Lodge A.F. &
AM, attended a memorial service
in the Edgar funeral home on Sun-
day evening, Funeral services were
held on Monday from Fordwich
United Church.
Ladies' Wednesday League.
Queens, 68; Spades, 67; Hearts,
58; Clubs, 55; Diamonds, 49; Aces,
43. •
High single, NIA's., Tom Jardiu,
270; high triple, Mrs. MaeTn-
tyre, (100.
Ladies' Thursday League
Mrs. .T. Kerr, 1457; Mrs. J. Mac-
Intyre, 1454; Mrs. G. Cameron,
1353; Mrs. D. Nesmith, 1344; Mrs,
W. Henry, i333; Mrs. R. M. Mc-
Kinney, 1292.
High single, Mrs. Tt. Spry, 21(1.
Commercial League
The last game of the third series
was played on Tuesday night. The
fourth series . will complete the
season then the finals will com-
mence. Teams that have qualified
so far are Cardinals, Canaries and
Final standing of the third ser-
ies: Cardinals, 24; Orioles, 20; Blue-
jays, 18; Canaries, 18; Wrens, 16;
Bluebirds, 9,
High scores for the night, ladies'
high single, Mrs. D. Cameron, 245;
men's high single, J. Smith, 226;
ladies' high triple, tie Mrs. V.
Laughlcan and Miss J. Bain, 559;
men's high triple, W. Johnston,
Team high score, Cardinals, 2652.
High scores for this third series:
Ladies' high single, Mrs. J. Mae-
IntYre,- 295; men's high single, W.
Johnston, 308; ladies' high triple,
J, Maelntyre, 717; men's high
triple, W. Johnston, 790,
Team high score, Cardinals, 2902.
Lloyd's R. & Club
Office, 2443; boiler room, 2408; •
machine shop, 2302; shipping room,
2876; veneer room, 2296.
High single, Bill Johnston, 282,
High triple, Bill jonnston, 720.
--- •
Crop Report
lIntermittent snowfall coupled
with the occasional thaw continues
to augment the water supply. With
little or no frost and an excellent
covering of snow, hay, pasture and
Wheat fields- are wintering well re-
ports G. W. Montgomery, agrienl-
torah representative for Huron
County. / •
Approximately 800 farmers at-
tended the annual County Hog
Produecirs' -meeting this week, The
majority -of those attending the.
meeting gave their approval of the
program that the Ontario Hog
Proricersv Co-Operative is carrying
cirri On behalf of hog produoern.
Pot-Luck Supper
41 Institute Meeting
WROXETER.---The March meet-
ing of the Wroxeter 'Women's
Institute will be held on Wednes-
day afternoon, March 7th, at 2.30
o'clock in the community hall. The
motto will be "Teenagers Need
Models Not Critics."
The president, Mrs. Herb Pat-
terson will give her summary for
the year, Standing committee re-
ports will be given by the conven-
ers and Mrs. W. T, MacLean will
tell of the 19.55 ploughing match at
which. W, I. groups of Ontario
sponsored a tent.
Roll call will be "A Hot Supper
Dish." A pot-luck supper will be
served at the close of the meeting,
to which all members arc asked -to
In some communities the Red •
Cross Homemaker fills the dual
role of mother and hotisekeeper itl
homes where there is illness, or
some other family emergency. Here ..
is someone the father can count
on to give hie children constant,
loving care while dunning, his
borne with the utmost efficiency,
A, Nicholson Takes
' Charge of Meeting
BLUEVALE--The young people
of the United Church met on Sun-
d ay evening.' Bob Fraser presided
and the program, was in charge
of Alan Nicholson. Lloyd Wheeler
gave a paper on "Choosing a Vo-
Prayer Is Theme
.40 I Joint Meeting
Al. BLUE:VALE—The World Day of
prayerr. was observed in the United
Chureb''On February 17th with Mrs.
R. 3;'..14tolVfurray and Mrs, jack
wickstecid in charge of the meet-
ing, .Thosc 'assisting .were Mrs. M.
Frase'r,.. Mrs. • Sparling ^ Johnston,
Mrs: Harvey Robertson and Mrs,
A quartet composed of Mrs.
Hoffman, Mrs, Corrigan, Mrs. C.
130sinare and Mrs. Horton sang
"E're -You Left Your Room,"
Rev. Maurice McNabb gave the
address taking his text from the
6th chapter of Ephesians, verses 18 a nd 19 and gave an eloquent and
earnest address on the subject of
-Mrs. Eddie Wadel, Terry, Rose-
mary, Marlene and Jimmy of Tees-
water, were visitors with friends
in -the village on Saturday.
Rev, R. A. and Mrs. Brook spent
Thursday with their son and his making Club work in this district.
family in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Neil McLean of
Toronto, were week-end visitors in
the village.