HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-22, Page 5161,0111111•10AMOUR.110310•110.11,106111.100.101•11.11M•11...0.1•••04110111.0WIMINM111.1.M•IMMO.=WI MMOMMO .061,10.1•1 84th firANWORTII CONSIGNMENT SALE 1 0 Holsteins WE DELIVER II Likisig-111211110141Ilaillilliilliliiiillillitililiiiiiiii1161111011101 0 91.71.4) Wintglam Ativaucil^allyel4 WexingsA1:4', Feb, 3?,,, lava roil, Tiff COIX4R8 petiteliable collars are smart, felt one con be Made of two sectiona mitt trim with an Nig- Ver of seed pearls, 41061alanalaranallik "Every :Why Has A Wherefore" a(Aullior'n name below) There are Many reasons "Wby" you bring your prescriptions to lle for Compounding with complete confidence in our knowledge and integrity. You know that we .Pharmaeleta have had many years of study at a College ,of Pharmacy, and have passed a Provincial examination to prove ay. knowledge. We know that you place your health arid life in our care when you entrust us with the com- pounding of your prescriptions, We pledge ourselves to merit that confidence, • Pick up your prescription if shopping near us or let us deliver promptly without extra charge, A great many people entrust us with the responsi- bility of filling their prescrip- tions, MaY iVo compomul yours? • PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 'i'Quotation by 'William Shake- spears 1593 Copyright 9W155 111111=1115167113•72121.014111114110=111130OF yY 1 iY c,. DELHAVE Mr: and. Mrs, Charles Allen, of Windsor, spent Monday mil Tees, day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith anti attended the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs, Jc#1tn Al- len at Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph McCrea visi- ted on Wednesday evening with Mr, and. Mra, John ;Veiling, of Blyth, Mrs. Thomas Smith spent a few days last Week with her brether, Mr, John Allen, at Mimico, ()aerie, Miss Mildred .Higgins, Preston, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelsen .Higgins, Mrs, Thyra Townsend, Miss El- izabeth Townsend and Mr; Jack Allen, of Manico, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph McCrea, Mrs. Richard Chamney is eon- fined to bed after suffering aaheart attack early last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Robinson .and Keith spent Sunday at Goderieh with relatives. Lloyd Anderson, of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Honking 'and Vaughan, of Auburn, and Keith Anderson, of St, Thomas, visited over the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler and family and Mr, and•Mrs. C. R. Coultes visited with Mr, C. R. Mc- Gowan at Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson of Smithville spent the weela?end with the formers parents, lVtaaand Mrs. Howard Wilkinson. G. Higgin,s Winner Of Special Prize ,.t ; BELGRAVE---The :regularpro- gressive'euchre naafi, was 'held in the community centre , on -.Wednes- day 'evening. There were six tables in play, ^3.'r. High prizes were won Mrs. Jesse Wheeler' and George John-, ston. Consolation prizes ,went to Mrs. Cliff Purdon anal HertiaWheel- er. Special prize winner ,was Gor- don Higgins. • ' ' • Knox WM.& Hears Sealorth $peaker 11K,QA,A,vg — The ,rebruary meeting .,the WKS, of Knox Presbyterian church was held en Wednesday .afternoon at the home of Mrs, • _Clifford Purdon, The Meeting was opened by repeating the•IVreed in tinisok .followed 'by singing the Psalm "Cod's Law Is Perfect," The aecretary; and treasurer's reports were .'preeented and adopt- ed read. Arrangements were eoMpleted for participating In the World Day of. Prayer to he held in 'the .Anglican Church on Friday, February 1.7. Visits to the sick. and , shut-in were reported. The list of , national missionaries was presdnted, .fOr each member to choose .- one ...for .whom to offer sPeelar ,pkayers and' to, study their work, Tito Scripture 'taken from 11 TimothY, and the- Gospel of Luke was , read', by Mrs..„ Purdon, Mrs, Bruce -led in prayer. • The Brat, and second chapters of the study book, "They Reach for Life"' were reviewed by Mrs. 0. G. Anderson and,Mre. YOungblut. This is a very interesting account of the' needs of peOple in undeveloped countries of the world. • Mrs. An- derson spoke on the theme, "We, too, are Men": They arc, striving towards the freedoms which we just take for granted, Mrs. Young- Wit spoke .on ."The Cry of the Empty Stomach", telling of the great. need.: for,. trod -• and how agricultura.missions. are „trying to bring help to -them , • •• Mrs. B. Russell,. of Seaforth, waS.4imat speaker ,and 'spoke on Stewardship,. stressing our need to be ,gooa, stewards of our time, our abilities,;, 'our; material poasessions, one mins and our influence. There is no better investment to he made than ..that .Christian influence in Mara liVena;. homes, churches and Comnitinities; - • .It: was ,decided to use the week- ly pledge- in -raising our missionary funds this -year. •Mrs. 0. G. An- derson thanked the speaker for her Very interesting and informative, address. The -.meeting •elosed With, the hymn :`,'NoW the Day. is Over" anti' all repe'afed file Lord's Prayer in -Unison. Tea was ;•sor-Ved• by.. the hostess and a social, half-hour enjoyed. AUXILIARY PLANS EASTER MEETING -BELGRAVD—The regular meet- leg of.the Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's Mi4sionary Society of Knox United Church, was held at the home ,of Mrs. Ralph McCrea on Thursday 'evening. The' president, Mrs. Rosa Ander- sOtnawas in charge and, opened the meeting' With a hymn and prayer. genOrta 'were. given by .the secre- tary ,'and treasurer and six, hospi- tal and ten home Visits to the sick Were repotted. Nineteen members answered the ,roll call; A was dt:eideittolnvitielthe After- noon Auxiliary to the 'Easter meet- ing' and the president' and vice- president. were Warned a committee to ant:litre a'speaker for this meet- ing, • Mrs, George Michie read a letter froin i the• missionary for. prayer. The..worship t.period, followed With' Mrs. TP,c1 Fear: in charge .and she binned it with a hymn, and prayer. The study period was in the fotra of a festival of stories' with Mrs. Pear, Mrs.• Edgar. Wightman and Mrs. George, Michie all taking part, Recreation was, in charge of Mrs, Rohprt Grasby after which lunch Ifaa served. • Funeral-Services For ,BELGRAVIaa.-Faneral service fin. Mis;' Jelin' 'Allen, who 'died early Saturday evening, February 11, in her .78th yeat, at the home of her e'onairialaw 'and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Harier, Fullarton, was held on Tuesday afternoon, at 2.30 o'elock. The body rested 'at the Heath funeral home, Mitchell, where ser- vice,was held. ReyaB. EaNewnhain of Fullarton officiated and Mrs. T. 'W. Heath sang' "Whispering Hope" accompanied by Mrs, Ecl- ward Glick at 'the organ. Beautiful floral tribut'es bespoke the high esteem in which deceased was held. The pallbearers were Lloyd Davidson, Harold Davis, William Felling, Clifford Pomeroy, Reed and Carl McNeill. Temporary entombment was in the Woodland Mausoleum at Mitch- ell and burial wild be made in the Wingham cemetery at a later date, Those attending the funeral were front ,Windsor, Toronto, Belgrave, Stratford, Motherwell, Mitchell, Fullatton and district. a • MADE BY COMMITTEE The committee in charge of the -Parade for Morris Township Cen- tennial met in the township hall last week, to. discuss plans for the event, under the chairmanship of Milo Casemo re. It is hoped that at least one float will be entered from each school section, To encourage entries, each section Is being given $15.00 to as- sist with the expenses involved, Prizes for the three winning floats will he $50 00, $35.00 and $25.00, Prizes will also be given for the hest clown, decorated bicycle, comic couple, old vehicle and the oldest motor vehicle travelling on its own power. The committee is planning for several- good bands to take part in the parade and entertainment,. Answer Invitations To Centennial Event The following letters have been received by George Martin, secre- tary of the Morris Centennial Com- mittee, in reply to invitations which had been sent out, Souris, Man., February 3, 105G; Mr. George Martin, Brussels, R.R. 4, Ont, Dear Sir: We received your invitation to Morris Township Centennial of August. 4, 5, 0 for which we thank you very much. We would like very much to be present with you' all and enjoy the good time of being together once more. Owing to Mrs. Miller's health she doesn't think she could make the trip, however our thoughts will be with you and our best wishes for a good time long to be remem- bered. • - • Yours truly, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Miller. 0 - 0 - 0 1147 Hilda St., Victoria, B.C. January 28, 1956, Dear Sir: Thank y ou for your kind invita- tion to attend the Morris Township Centennial, Even though we are almost three thousand miles away from good old Morris Township, d memories still remain many fop with us a nd if our present plans work out favourably we shall be there for all the fun on August 4, 5 and 6. eantime we shall look In the m forward to Meeting all our old friends back home. Yours sincerely, Jack Merritt, - 0 - 0 294 Vansickle St. Catharines, Ont. Dear Friends: Many thanks ,for your kind re- quest, I think its a wonderful idea and I wish you every success and grand weather all the way. As for myself I cannot promise, but nothing would give me more pleasure than to see old friends and if health permits I shall do my best, 'Thanks again. Sincerely, Agees Denhom • Prayer Service Held At Anglican Church BELGRAVE—The World Day of Prayer was, held in Trinity Angli- can Church here on Friday after- noon. Representatives from Knox United and Knox Presbyterian Churches were present. Leaders in the service were Mrs. Lawrence Vannan for Trinity Anglican,' Mrs. Jack McBurney for Knox Presby- terian and Mrs. Edgar Wightman for Knox United. Mrs. Clarence Wade sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence Vannan. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Athol Bruce and Mrs. George Michie. The address was given by Mrs. Walter Scott. DONNYBROOK . Miss Margaret Jefferson, Mr, and M. C. Jefferson and Mr, and Mrs. H.' Jefferson attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Florence Hingle- man at London. Miss Gladys Jefferson, .Reg,N., of Woodstock, and Miss Irene Jeffer- son of Dunnville, spent the week- end with their mother, Mrs. Jeffer- son Sr., and other 'members of the family. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Chamney,. Larry and Paul, of Auburn, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, Brenda and Carol wore .Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamney and daughters. Mrs. W. A. Griffiths Dies in Montreal In Montreal, on 'February .1.80), Elizabeth Sanderson, beloved wife of the late William A. Griffiths, died in her 81st, year. Burial was in Mount Royal Cemetery,, Mont- real, Silo is survived by one Km, of Montreal and one granddatigh- ter, Betty, Mrs. Griffiths was brought up in Bluevale, the eldest daughter of the late William and Mary Sander- eon, She was predeceased by her parents, her husband, her elder son, William Jr., and her four sisters, Daisy, Arabella, Bertha (Mrs. George Donaldson) and Harriett (Mrs, Robert Hutchison), MINOR ACCIDENT VICTIMS TREATED Victims of four minor accidents were treated at the Wingharn Gen- eral Hospital during the past week. TiVo of the patients were allowed hoMe after treatment and two were kept in hospital for short periods. Melvin Craig, R.a, 4, Wingham, who' is employed by the Auburn Sawmill, was injured on Thursday when a stone boat fell off the hack of a truck, fracturing his right ankle, He was admitted to hospital Vlore Ids condition saes described as satisfactory. On Friday Carl Mowbray, 2-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mowbray, of Wingham, was taken to the hospital after swallowing a quantity of javex at his home. His stomach was washed out at the hospital and he was released on Monday after treatment. • Mrs. Mary •Rome, R,R. 3, Tees- water, fractured a hone in her left elbow when she fell on the ice on Friday, She was released from the hospital , after a sling had been applied. Donald Edgar, Brussels, suffer- ed injuries on Saturday when the car in which he was driving was involved in a minor crash with a. truck driven during a snow storm. Mr, Edgar suffered injuries to his right shoulder and back and was taken to the hospital, He was al- lowed home after treatment there. there. Church Club Receives Charter The Men's Club of the Wingharn United Cburch met for a dinner gathering on Saturday evening with Rev. D. J. MacRae as chair- man. Highlight of the evening was the presentation of the charter uniting the club with the National Assoc- iation of A.O.T.S, Clubs of the Un- ited Church of Canada. . The pre- sentation of the charter and induc- tion of the officers 'were carried out„by .Bill Eyre, of Sarnia, assist- ed by several members of the Exe- ter A.O.T.S. Club, sponsors of the localgroup: The officers of the Wingham Club are: Honorary president, Rev. D. J. MacRae; president, W. W. Currie; secretary, W. A. Tiffin; treasurer, Dr. A.' D. MeMurehy. Dr. Cowan, president of the Exe- ter Club, took charge of the pro- gram. The speaker for the even- ing was Aubrey Oldham of Sarnia, who took as his topic, "Third Di- mensional Living", Before closing President W. W. Currie thanked the Exeter and Sarnia Clubs for their fine turnout. • AT SPECIAL RALLY OF YOu F OR CH R 1ST Itev, Wesley Milan, who recent- ly directed the choir and congre- gation ,during the Wingharn and District Crusade for Christ, will be guest speaker at a special Youth for Christ rally in the Wing- ham District. High School on Thursday, March 1st. Rev, Aaiun of Buffalo, N.Y., former p11-star athlete, is the new est figure on the horizon of Christ- ian evangelism, A graduate of Buf- falo Bible Institute and Bob Jones University, he was ordained at the age of 25 in 1952. A brilliant pianist, he has also had# experience in dir- ecting choirs and other vocal and instrumental groups, During the term that he served as assistant pastor of a Buffelc church, he organized a Christian High School Club which became the largest daily club in the United States. Then he took a small com- munity church and pastored for two years. Now he 'launches out into the field of youth evangelism. During Mr. Aarum's short mini- stry God has seen fit to bless his efforts and many have made de- cisions for Christ. With him will be Don Stevens, au outstanding organkt who has been to Europe with Youth for Christ International and Eddie Lawson, pianist, both of London, CO' NCIL RONNIE% RADIO, TV [MITRE A radio and TV institute is be- ing sponsored by the 1Vinghain and District Council of Churches today (Wednesday) from-10 a.m. to 5 p.m The institute will be directed by Orlo Miller, well known radio and television freelance writer from London, Classes are being held in the United Church. The course will include a, tour of CKNX radio and television studios, and Mr. Miller will give instruction on radio and television techniques as they concern ministers of the Gospel in their radio and television appearances, Young Women's Mission Circle The February meeting of the Baptist Young Women's Mission Circle Was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Collar on Thurs- day evening. The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn "When We MI Get to Heaven" and prayer by the president, Mrs. Merrill Centel- on. Miss Betty Collar rendered a lovely solo, following which Mrs. Frank Collar, Miss Mildred Jones and Mrs, J. Coyle participated in a season of prayer. The hymn "Blessed Assurence" was sung and the Scripture lesson taken from Galatians 3:19-29 was read. Miss Thelma. Clark, a missionary home on her first furlough from Japan, gave a very informative talk on her work in that country and showed many interesting slides. The meeting closed by singing "When the Trumpet of the Lord Shall Sound" and prayer by Miss Betty Collar. A delicious lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. Induct New Members Ai Kinsmen. Club The regular meeting of the Wingham Kinsmen Club wilt: held on Thursday evening at the Queens Hotel, President Jack Gorbutt in the chair. Guests for the evening were five Kinsmen from the Goderich Club headed by their president., Bert Such. The visiting Kin from Code- rich were present as an initiation team to induct three new members to the elub, Following supper and .the 'Med- (less session, the initiation of Wit- halt Allin, Tommy jardin •rued Roy de Groot took place. These three fellows were heartily welcomed into the Kinsmen Club. DIED MARTIN Passed away in Wing- ham, on Monday, February `20th, Elsie A. Martin, in her 01st. year. Dear mother of Arthur St. Clair, Santa Monica, California; Mrs, (1, G. Peters, (Bertha) Banff, Alberta: Ma's, C. I3. Armi- tage (Vetn) Wingham; Mrs, R. Ic, Asselstine (Harriett) Tor- onto. The body is resting at the Douglas-Haycock 'funeral home, Wallaceburg. Intertnent in the Riverview Cemetery on Wedneia day, Mairitaey 22nd, 1011.1mrfolla,,, The regular meeting of e Pres- byterian' Young People's Sue;ety was held on Monday evening with a good attendance. Don Gurney led the groi) in a sing-sung after which the P.Y.Paa Purpnsc was rtinetted in unison, and the president, led in prayer, Gail Shaw read the Scripture from Matthew 6:5-15. Mary Frances Currie led in prayer and the offer- ing was received and dedicated in an'Offertory prayer by Doug Har- die. Mary MacMillan, in the ab- sence of the secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and. the roll call was answered, . SCOUT CORNER rle The forthcoming father AN Vilit banquet has kept everyone "PAW • passing Second class work. and proficiency badges, Mr. Mil Con* roll the examiner; 1.)..0011.• •, • .•. badge• . • . • • kept busy the last couple•,of,:.$ntlip, days. Mr. 'Platt paaSed ,one .,et the Scouts on the Marhomali....badge this week and his nerved Sti4OPM to be in good shape, At a fall wedding.in Angov4. the .Six bridesmaids were dressed in bouffant pink tulle gowns and each had her hair sprayed The Same pale sbade of pink, The .color coiffure is the big news in bah dos for winter parties among 04 smart set, DUN .KIN T V AND RADIO SERVICE COMPLETE RADIO and TELEVISION REPAIRS PHONE • WINCHAM TEESWATER, 703 J.1 ; FOX' Fast Efficient *mice SEE CAMERON'S BILLIARDS a i for guaranteed WATCH REPAIRS EVERYDAY LOW PRICES 15 oz. lb. . SHORE HOLSTEINS ltd. -- Sales Mgrs.•11.11413M11.0.1•10.1•10.1).••0111M/(1.11.111M.14M.IMEN.IIMPCHM•0111011,41•1100..”41•1•011411M41iONP Accredited - Blood tested - Vaccinated THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 13 41). AT THE GLANWORTH SALES XRENA TSN I THE WELLINGTON RD., 21/2 MILES, • SOUTH OF GLANWORTH 70 fresh and springing cows, and heifeiS 15 grade cows and heifers 5 service age bulls 10 calves and yearhngs Featuring a springing daughter of Spring Farm Fond Hope from a 20,000 lb. cow. Cattle Financed. Ap FIRST from Cottons to Cashmeres and Plastics AS LOW AS.,.,,.,,$1.79'95 Low Down Payment-- Easy Terms OF ONLY $2.50 PER WEEK SAFE for ALL FABRICS Burke Electrie Electrical Contracting, Motor Ite-wind & Repair Distributors for Leland Motors Wiughatu Phone 474 In ALL Consumer Surveys The NEW NORGE Electric Dr with it's EXCLUSIVE 4-WAY DRYING ACTION SHOW AND SALE 11 — For catalogues apply to: itil W 14 itAlq, lil'ilAitiont W. P. WATSON, Seeretary 1 OUBLI111 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, i TortoNTo nu ...s,-- ke — ()aerie Reef Cattle IiiiproVeMent Asseelatinit, a- tii ilithilllilthOWIMiffillAWOMIMilliiffilitliMUMW4MOMOOMAMICOMIi ON of 283 BEEF BULLS = 283 under the auspices of The Ontario Beef Cattle Improveinent Association iii The Sheep and Swine Arena ROYAL WINTER FAIR BIALIMNO TORONTO MARCH 7th and 8tho 1956 Herefords and Aberdeen Angus will be Sold on hitch Ith. Shorthorns Will be- sold On Mirth gib, Se lea conemenee at 10.00 a:in. on both days, Only officially approved bolls Will be. offered in these auetioes. Every Ontario :limiter who buys a bull in this :Meilen will lie • cligilrie for toilet of e3 Per -cent of the pttirehese price, hilt riot eaCeeding $150.; in accordance with the'terms of the Bull =7 Policy. W.M.S. and W.A. Met At Jefferson Home DONNYBROOK — W.M.S. a n d W.A. met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. Jefferson with eleven members and seven child- ren present. Mrs. H. Jefferson pre- sided over both meetings. Hymn 41 was sling in opening, followed by prayer, The responsive reading from the program for the World Day of Prayer as, given in the Missionary Monthly as uSed. Hymn .286 was sung and a prayer was read by Mrs. Stuart Chamney, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison and the singing of hymn 280. The offer- ing was received by J John Johns- ton, Minutes Of the January meet- ing were approved as read and words of appreciation wore spoken by members who had received flowers and cards, A specihl col- lection was taken for the flower fund and a reading, "The Secret of Success" was given by Mrs, Sam Thompson, Hymn 586 was sung in closing, A bazaar was held to raise funds to buy material for supply work in preparation for the spring bale. t a. A myst6ry auction was held for the AMMIIIIIIIIIIIIMMW1111111111MOWOMMWOMMMEMIMIIIM10111WWIMMCIUMUMMI 4 W.A. Leech was Served by the hostess. w i BOX SOCIAL HELD AT MIME SCHOOL n BELGI4AVIiI—A Valentine patty Z- and box social was held by the pupils of the Belgravc School on it Tuesday of last week. Some very nicely decorated boxes were tits- played In the senior room and con- tents were enjoyed at the noon WI hour, A short program of games and musical numbers was held followed N by the distribution of valentines, The pupils of the two rooms ex- press their thanks to Albert Bacon for donating apples for the party. __— A hot, bright spot of rouge was the fashion a few years ago, but nnw We all agree that it is ageing and makes the weary look' more haggard, If you have diffi- culty picking 0111; a rouge get one that is designed to blend with the akin tone, Presbyterian Y,P, Meets TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE AYLMER CHOICE RED PITTED P' OREEN tlIANT This new hair color is a non- metallic solution sprayed on the - is. entilrc- gaInt ‘Iv)ausrtydeco4ndedsat touri if_a:lyd ilymiirmarfmtelersist tkisnddrneossne-dpriult Feb., 25th, The Young People are s washe out with water and any to meet at the church at R o'clock.• "Turn YoUr Eyes upon Jesus" was shampoo, 41411 sung, and Helen Ford led a very in- teresting discussion on the Lord's Prayer, "Whisper a Prayer" was sun°. and Mary Sent pronounced the benediction. •Games were ee- loyed under the leadership of Wayne Woods. The meeting closed with Taps. The 1st. Wingham, Boy Scout Troop met at the Wingham United church on Friday 17th. for its regular meeting, After the Horseshoe a game of "Snatch the Handicerihief" was played, Instruction in •Socomi Class tests continued with inure being passed ' every day, Mr. Water taught the boys a new game called "Bung the Barrel" which proved to a good one. The meeting ended with the pre- sentation. of the P.L.'s hat badge for Walton McKibben. 01filliN11101181112111EMMIZ1REREE11101110111a21111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111•11111111- I HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION .ANNUAL MEETING: COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH • FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1956: SPECIAL SPL.'iIIER — HON. PAUL :MARTIN Milkier of National Health and. Welfare. An ontstandim-' speeker, 1.7r, Martin has played major roles- in" the 'United Nzeloas and in the establishing of a glen of hepith • inaurance for Canada, • The meeting mill be preceded by a Dinner, cominencing_i at 6.30 p.m. Tickets to the dinner are available from municipal •• chairmen. The publie urge I to attend, and a Particular invitation is extended to ladies and young voters. HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION 'HAROLD suoRn, Secretary — Goderich, Ont. filliallIfilli2i1141111i1aillal:311fEiligilinil1IRI1iM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111•111.111111 tliallE11118111011i111111IREVIMIllaillEIMIIIV1110:111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t FANCY PBS KAM JEWEL SHUT ENINU MINSON'S HARBROSS MEATS TAlmieurrE SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE AND WI N4 59c VEAL HUNT 'OLLS (boneless/ 39c WIENERS 2 lb. pkg. 67c POEK LIVER Sliced - 19c TAPLERI 'E SIDE BACON Ili. 55c MINCED BEEF, LEAN ,3 ,,,,:$1,00 GROCERIES MIES 2,0.35c 2 ,,,,„29c Large tin 37t 35c 26c Pt ' 57c