HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-22, Page 4POLE NATIMNO THE. .ORIENTAL TOUCH will be Goo or tne most popular '"bonne t very noticeable in spring hats i;ey services" of Red Cross is itS calm' tree Montreal in Home Nursing, Every year, thousands of wives and mothers across Canada learn the .fundaxriep- tals of sick room care. through the Rod Cross. They apply their troin. Mg in tune of local disaster, in helping out as VOIllpteeer hospital aides, and in being better prepared to cope with illness within their 'own homes. MUNDYS' Free.Delivery - Phone 82 .Quality and Service since ltitti SAVE—on these iWeek.End Specials Pitted Red Cherries 2 15-oz. tins 35c Kraft Cheese Slices 1/2 lb. pkg. 29c ••••o W.% r, • Heinz Cooked Spaghetti 2 15-oz. tins 29c LE,NTEN OFFER 1 pkg. Kraft Dinner 1 ,1/2-1b. tin Clover Leaf . Pink Salmon BOTH FOR 39c Heinz Catsup 11 oz. bottle 27c Crossett Motors Ltd. Kounty Kist Peas Phone 459 Wingham lust inailufactttrt,rit, ROUGH' WEATHER sWidi5::0.7;----k CANADA'S TOp WINTER Tiu *PULLS IfiRU SNOW *SMOOTlifirDOIG *SHF•CLEANING *GRIPS IN ,'ADO Get alfseason supeetiaction with Firestone Town & Country Tires. They zip through scm grip on.ice „pull through slush or mud, and are silent arid safer on bare ii wet pave, went. Put thins on now and be ready for anything, Len Crawford Motors Win g-tram Phone 710 ..1.110..11•01•11.100iiiillill14.1•10Yorawl CARD Olj"PHANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank our relatives, neighbors and friends for their kindness to us while sick in the hospital. Also thanks to Rev, A, Nimmo for visits. A special thanks to Dr, McKibben, Mrs, Morrey and her staff of urses, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Tervit, 22b APPLICATIONS FOR INSPECTORS Applications for two Inspectors to supervise the Warble Fly spraying in the Township of nowielt for the year 1956 will be received by the Clerk to 4 pan, March 2nd, 1956. Applications to state price per hour including transportation. Lowest° or any application not necessarily accepted. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gerrie, Ontario. 22:29b BARLEY CONTRACTS Barley contracts now available, Improved price from last year., Elliott's Seed House, phone 154-J Lucknow, • lrrllApb Tenders Wanted for CruShing. roil Hauling. Gravel Sealed tenders will he received until 10 o'clock noon, Monday, March 5, 1956, ' for crushing • and hauling approximately 7000 cu• yards of gravel, gravel to pass through 5/8 screen. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. A marked cheque for $500 to accompany each tender. Stuart McBurney, Road Supt, 15:22b TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR; WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 1VTonday, March 5th, 1956, at one o'clock, for Warble Fly Inspector for the Township of East Wawanosh, stat- ing salary expected per hour, in- cluding transportation, dut'es to commence April 1st. • The lowest or any, tender not necessarily accepted, Please mark envelope tender, R. H. Thompson, Clerk. 15:22h BARN FOR WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL •;Sealed tenders, plainly marked, "Tender for Barn", will be received by the `undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, March 10th, 1956, for the erection of a barn for the Wingham District High School. The building is-to be 50 feet by 30 feet, of concrete, cement block and frame construction. The contractor is to supply all materials. Specifica- tions may be seen on application to Mr. John A. Jackson, Agriculture Teacher, Wingham District High School, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted,, Tenders to be addressed to the .Secretary. Mr. W. A. Galbraith, Secretary, Wingham, Ontario. Agriculture Committee, Mr. Frank Thompson, Chairman, Wingham District High School Board 15:22:29:7h EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE f Real Property, Implements and household effects of the Estate of LYON FINDLATER at the home f the late Lyon Findlater at Blue- vale Friday, February 214th, 1956 t 2.00 p.m, REAL PROPERTY: 'he North half of Villago Lots 7 and 8 ill Cantelon's survey of the Village of Bluevale, On this pro- )erty is situated a small one torey house, here will also be offered for sale L t the same time and place a 1949 .M,C. Truck, Tractor, tools and souse furnishings. TERMS: cal Property 20% down and bal- ance in 30 days. The property will e sold subject to reserve bid. urther particulars and conditions f sale will be made known at time of sale or may be had on pplication to the undersigned. Personal property cash, rawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario elicitors for the Executor, • L. G. BRYCE, Wingham, Ontario Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against he estate of ANDREW CAMP- ELL, late of the Township of urnberry, in the County of Huron, armor, deceased, who died on or bout the First day of January, 1956, are notified to send to he undersigned on or before the 5th day of February, 1956, full articulars of their -claims in writ- ng. Immediately after the said 5th day of February, the assets f the said Testator will be d'art- Uteri amongst the parties entitled ;hereto, having regard 'only to laims of Which the Executor hall then have notice. DATED this Fourth day of 'Web- °nary, An. 1950. ItAwroorin & HETHERINGTON WINGHAM, Ontario. Solicitors for the EXeeutor 8 :16 :21b rage Four Tiro VaughnM Advance-'.Tinges, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1956 Y FOR BETVEit 1-1 2 15-oz. tins 23c Fish, Frozen Foods, Large Variety A YE MO BY PREPA ,•••••••••••4,,`• * WINGHAM • +L44.41&.41'47* 14*. INCORPORATED \ • • /a79 . •iii ............. Town, of Wing 1956 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account. of 1956 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1955 taxes. ..Interest at the rate Of Vour per ccut, pct• annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at. the .LV-\,:f.t"Pi'easurer'8"Office, 1,1!oW'i1 I I all. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham WS:NESS and PROFESSIONAL INI DIRECTORY anawrIms.o.rwroorbospawn.....vonno A, H. VTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter--Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment, CRAWFORD al HEEPERINVION Barristers, Solicitors, Vie. Wingitatn, l'holIC 48 J. 11. CRAWFORD, Q.C. 17. S. 11ETIIERINGTON, QC. Frederick F. Homuth PInn.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth R.O. Mrs. Viola 'H, Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHOI\M 118 Harristo'n, Ontario RONALD fi, KANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bat* Bldg, Residoheel Itattenbury St, Phones 361 Ss 455 CLINTON - ONTARIO J BUSlirlail 0 Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. Money to 1,0an Office-Meyer Block, Wingincrt • WELLINVION FIRE Insurotsete. 1(81040nPaltY An all ('anadlan (101)11)1111Y w hich Oa IS fai thful ly ti Cr ti o1• servalit s over contrary. po li cy Head Office — Toronto 11, GIVItteLcan Insurance AgelieY Wingham FOR SALE HEINTZ1VfAN GRAND PIANO for sale; suitable for home, church or music hall. Priced low for quick sale; lrade-in accepted. Also new and used pianos, Garnet E. Farrier, Whileehureh, phone 711,11, ZVinghaui. 15:22-;' 3-TON 1‘,IERCI.711,Y TRUCK for sale. ^with Closed-in van, Phone 207. •' SOFTWOOD SLABS for sale, 12" long, 1. year dry, $2.75 a cord de- livered, 4-foot lengths, one cord delivered 84,50. Phone 502W2. 22rrb 2 QUAKER OH, EllIZNEB.S for sale; good as new, large (Inc has air circulator built-in. Apply to A. Burixsteati., THREE CHAIN SAWS for sale, 1 Clinton Model 3A, 20" Bar; 1 Clinton Model 5A, 26" Bar; 1 Disston Model DA-211, Twin 36" 13'ar Demonstrator, Reasonably priced for quick sale. Thos. A. Jardip„ or, phone 1:17 evenings. 9 . • ; . 2., °r.' ,'ii.: . : i'FIDS for sale: Grade 1. Grimm Alfalfa, $1.8,60.ner bushel; Ontario or certif16anger Alfalfa, $20 per buslie,,, ed Clover, $18.00; Alsike, $18.00; Timothy, $5.25; . Sweet , Glover, $7.00 per bushel. Special prices on Pasture grasses. 1No., ,:gommorpial ,Rodney Oats, ', Bar -sjii,Ind; Seed Peas. Expert 4. cleat iii'g ' service, Roy Cramm, • Pinkerton. Phone Cargill 08Vii3, 22b ..4-Ins,,,,,-.•-•••••-a-,,,,r-^ • i $ ' # 414V- gig:CRS ' BIG-4 CHICS.,,, "A special discount ,from price list, if ordered this month, Any, time—they are bar- gains. When,y6U consider quality. 1.1-latchery.4mS "Wide choice, Ca- 'inadian. Approved, chicks---dayold and stailteill-gandard breeds, crosses and "specials" like Ames, Piletwete. tIf you want to cash 'in on the good markets for Grade A Large — Get >your chicks now. :Agent Bluevaki, Milling Co. Ltd., 'Bluevale, Phone 6111R21 Wingham -.anal 301.14 Brussels. 22b dirESTOCK FOR SALE PpREBRAT) 'YORKSHIRE Boars fot sale,. ready for light service. Long noses. Clean herd. Top O.R. !blood lines. Priced right. Apply to Robt. Wootr,"Lakelet, phone Clif- ford 306r7. 2.24, 3,:GOOD FALL CALVES for sale, , Hereford ' steers, 1 Durham :liege)°, • .4P6ly ,,,to Roy Hastings, +9i1r. Jai., IT iirnlk-rry. ' 22r:, afV''' . '' 't. - ' . • El I CI-KINKS OF PIGS for sale. Apply to Gordon Hall, Blue- vale, pliOni: .610312. . 22b REGISTERED 2-year-old Hereford Bull for sale, Apply to Carl Jack- lin, R.R, 1, 'Ethel, phone 21r9, I Brussels. ',- . w 22 4' MISCELLANEOUS qATERPILLAR TRACTOR and . blade available for custom work, snow removed, logs skidded or what have you. Phone 740 or see ,Ross 22* IF Y611 a're buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate .on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inex- penalyri; Pima now and ask ..SteArare A. &lett, Phone 293. rrb IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insmrtd 1-for all.' risk coverage'? ',Fortinformation phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrh 24-HOURI SERVICE on all fur- naces and oil burners. Apply to Hiselef,,& Son, phone .126. • ltirrb DEADSTOCE REMOVED from your farm promptly' for sanitary disposal. Telephone colic e t: Palmerston 123W, Durham. 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrh SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, collars,1 etc., pumped mid cleaned. quick service, all work guaranteed. Ap'nly, Louis Blake, phone 121°6. Brussels, 15rrh I • • WATERLOO CATTLE BREED 1NG ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ArtifieirdInaeminittion t:ervive for all brehs of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 212 or Mildmay phi.% collect, between 7.,00 and- 10.00 a m, on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a. in. on Sunda,•1.;.• Crb . _ " LOST LARrIE ANTIQUE CAME() brooeli lost. Prized as family heirloom. Sul table reward. Phone 160. 22- ,! ra.AL ESTATE ATTICACTIVE.HOME fn Ripley. OlitarlO, for sale, five years old, on acre of $rOund. Reasonable tektilg. Apply' to 3, Powers, -Rio- cardine, plrnn' 2P, . 22:29:V CI E'N'T 'MACK BUILDING 10x 130,71or nale dt lease, suitable for, barber shot.); novelties, hardware, ete,, with living quarters, fur ;Uwe, hot and cold water. Apply' to Box Advanee-TiMe3, 22b . _ .. _ ...._......_ WANTED TO RENT MAN AND WIFE and two children require 5 or 6 room house or apartment immediately. Apply to Box 11, Advance-Times. 15* BUSINESS PREMISE'S or small offices wanted, Main Street loca- tion not essential, Will consider second floor. Apply Box 10, Advance-Times, 1522287* -_---- DEADSTOCK NVANTED DEAD STOCK WANTED—$100 for dead horses and cows; higher prices for old, sick and disabled horses and cows, Phone Atwood 153 collect, 30rrF24* WANTED __._..•______________ ....___ — LOGS wanted, Hard maple, soft maple, cherry. Also standing timber, Highest cash prices paid. Contact Harold Pocock, phone 576, Wingham Sawmill Co, Ltd. 8:15:22b OLD CANADIAN and Newfound- land -coins and all Gold coins wanted. Write Bill Allan, 27 Dota- 1 tre-Street, Woodstock, Ontario. 22:29:7;14b HELP WANTED—FEMALE YOUNG WOMAN for general housework wanted, live in, Apply box 209, Lucknow. 15:22:291' MALE HELP WANTED EARN WHILE' YOU LEARN, Men or women willing to work part or full time make good living selling home necessities. Write for details and free catalogue FAMILEX, Dept. 1, Box F Station C. Montreal. 22h APPLICATIONS for the position of manager who will be respon- sible for bookkeeping will be re- ceived by the Belgrave Co-Op- erative Association up to March 5th, 1956. State salary expected. For further particulars apply to the manager or any of the direc- tors. Duties to commence April 1st. -Chas. R. Coultes, manager. 22:29h TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Tenders for supplying Warble Fly pOwder will be received by the undersigned until noon on Monday, March 5, 1956, Geo, T. Thomson, Clerk. 22b TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Tenders for Warble Fly spraying will be received by the undersigned until noon on Monday, March 5, 1956. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk. 22b TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Sealed tenders for the crushing and hauling of approximately 8,000 en. yds. of 5/8" gravel will he received by the undersigned until noon on Monday, March' 5, 1956. Gravel to be spread not later than June 15, 1956, two sets re- quired, contractor to strip and maintain pits, work to be satis- factory to the road superintendent, marked cheque for $300, to accom- pany tenders. Lciwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk .. • Bluevale, Ont. 22•29b. • APPLICATIONS AND TENDERS • WANTED Applications will be received by the Township of Morris for a. ' truck driver for Warble Fly spray- ing at 85 cents per hour. helper at . 75 cents per hour and 'Warble Fly 1 inspector at 90 cents per hour plus 7 cents per mile. , Also tenders will be received to supply approximately 1000 lbs. of 1 Warble Fly powder. Tenders to be ] in by 12 o'clock noon, March 5. ' Lowest or any tender not necessar- ] ily accepted, ' ; Geo, T, Thomson, Clerk, 22:29b TENDERS WANTED , Tenders for the contract of sup- plying, crushing and hauling ap- I proximately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel for Morris Township will be I received by the undersigned tip un- . til 12 o'clock noon, March 5. A three-quarter inch screen to be used. A certified cheque for $200.00 , must accompany each tender. Low- 1 est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 22:29h i i TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up until , 12 o'clock noon, March 5, for the contract of building two bridges in 1 Morris TownShip,one bridge be- ' ing at Lot 12 on Concession 2 and I the other V. miles west of Walton between Concessions 9 and 10, 1 Plans may be seen at the office of i the Clerk. A certified cheque for ; In per cent of the contract price , must accompany each tender, Low- 1 est or any tender not necessarily 1 accepted, Geo. 'C., Martin, Clerk ( 22;29h I TENDERS FOR PAINTING I Sealed tenders marked "Tender" will be received by Morris School Board until March 5 for painting 1,,forris .Sehhobg Two coats of best grade paint. 1. All woodwork, walls and ceiling I of intvrior of 5..f1. No, G. ', All mtterior woodwork on each V Ow 10 township' schools, Please submit a separate price ror ea.f+ school. Work roust be .torripieted before- July 31. The Oviest or any. tender not necessarily atecepted. R. A, Shaw, Bluevale, Ont, 2!2illi BIRTHS KIEFFER-- At the Wingham Gen- eral Hoapittli, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 14, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. George Kieffer, R. 2, Teeswa- ter, a daughter. VANDUYN-,- At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, Feb, 16, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Gerard Vanduyn, Wingham, a son, COLLINSON -- At Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Thursday, Feb- ruary 10, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Collinson, 11.13., 7, Lucknow, a son. IRWIN • At the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, February 16, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irwin, R.R. 3, Wingham, F1. daugh- ter. McGEE --At the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Saturday, Febru- ary 18, 1956, to Mr. a'nd Mrs. George IVICGee, R.R. 3, Wingham, a daughter. THOMPSON—At Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Sunday, February 19, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, R.R. 1, Holyrood, daughter. DARLING—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Feb- ruary 20, 1950, to Mr, and Mrs. Alan Darling, R,R. 1, Wroxeter, e daughter. MeCALLUIVI---At Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, February 21, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Wen- dell McCallum, Belgrave, a son. ADAIR—In Dr, Myer's Nursing Home, Brussels, on Friday, Feb- ruary 17th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adair, Molesworth, 'a son. GRISDALE—In St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Toronto, on Friday, Febru- ary 17th„ 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. , J. H. Grisdale, Toronto, a, son. PYM-In Kincardine Hospital, on Sunday, February 19th, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pym, Kincar- dine, a son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary 'Guest, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of January, A.D., 1956, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 3rd day of March, 1056, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 3rd day of March, the assets of the said Testatrix will he distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of Which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED this thirteenth day 'of February, A.D., 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 15:22:291) NOTICE TO- CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having-°' clt-Vims against the estate of JOHN ADAM SIMPSON, late of the Villagd of Whitechurch, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer; who died on for about the -26th day of 'Dec- ember, AD, •1955,- are notified to send to the undersigned on or- be- fore the. 29th ' day of February,' A.D. 1956, full particulars' of their claims • in writing. Immediiiiely after the said Nth day of* Febru- ary the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to claims of which the -executors shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of Febru- ary, A.D. 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Sdlicitors for the Executors 15:22:29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate. of, , LOUISE' HAMILTON of the Town of Wing- ham in the County of Huron, Wid- ow, who died on or about the four- teenth day of January A.D..1956, are notified to send to the under- signed on or before the tenth clay of March A.D. 1956, full particulars of their claims in writing, .Immed- iately after the said tenth day of March the assets of the said testa- trix will be distributed amongst the parties,entitled thereto, :having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then, have notice. DATED this twenty-first day of February, AD, 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the executor 22:20:7h THE CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT This law was passed by the Fed- eral Government in 1876 to assist Provincial Governments to, control the liquor traffic, It is a County Local Option law which can be carried on a majority vote. Huron County voted it in by ,a majority of 2,608 in 1014. The law is very restrictive. No legal outlets for liquor sale, Such as Beverage Rooths, Lourig,es, Cocktail Bars may be licensed by the Government in C.T.A, Counties. Twice the law has -been tested in the higher courts, Both the Supreme Court of Ganada and the Privy Council hi England rejected the appeal to have it declared in- valid, It was declared "good law." It is just as enforea,ble as any other law that forbids sale, if the in. tegrity and efficiency of the en- forcing powers are assured, Those who have lived all their lives under the C,T.A, find It dif- ficult to believe it perterable to the Liquoro Control Act. Not so many others, Who have moved into Huron from LA.C. counties. "You just don't See drunks on our streets," declared one; living now in at, Huron town, Another, who hall Hired more than ten years in an- other Huron town, has found con- ditions much worse in the little five-legal-liquor-outlet town to which he moved, We in ,BtlrOn are fortunate, Let us think 'twice before We Make a change, 22 J uven iles Take Port Elgin 11=5 wvighnni Juvonlirs trounced Port -Ehtin 1.1-5 in a round robin playoff lame for the Western Ont- ario Athletic Association Champ- kinship in the Wingham Arena on Wednesday night. The locals gained an early lead in the first period, outscoring Port Elgin 5-0, and maw baelt in the second frame to fatten thehl load with six more counters to Port Elgin's two, Port Elgin came to life in the final period, blanking the locals 3-0, but were unable to batter down the big lead- gained by Wingiuun in the first two periods. Top seorer for the • locals wO.S. Hodg,lcinson with four, followed by Fry and Murray with three each and Campbell with elle. Nickel with two, and Wallace, Walmsley and Leith with singletons were the marksmen for Port Elgin. Eleven penalties were handed out during the game, seven of them to Wing- ham. The next game in the series will be played on Friday in the Wing- ham arena, between St. Marys and • WINGHAM • -Goal, Storey; de- fence, Bain, Carter; .eentre, ,Mur- ray; wings, Hodgkiason, Campbell; subs, Politer, Struthers, Eryfogle, Stuckey, Gardner; sub goal, Merit- ley, PORT ELGIN Goal Roppel; de- fence, Lamont, Ehy; centre, Wal- lace; wings, Nickel, Woods; Walm- sley, Underwood, Bell, Paddon, Leith, Hearn; sub goal, Eagles, Juveniles Trounce Port Elgin 10=4 Wingham Juveniles continued their winning ways %with a 1.0-4 victory over Port Elgin in the round robin series between Wing- ham, St. Marys and the- Port, at Port Elgin on- Monday night, The local's got a one-goal edge on Port Elgin in the first period, outshooting therm 3-2, and in the second frame came hack strongly with four counters to the Port's one. They added three more in the final frame, allowing' the home team one goal, Doug Murray and Ken Hodgkin- son led the scoring parade, each getting a hat trick. Jim Bain scored twice and Jim Campbell and Bath/. Fry each got singles. Scoring for the Port were Woods with two and Hearn and Leith with one each. Ten penalties were handed out during the match, with Wing- ham getting seven of. them, WINGHAM---Goal, Storey; de- fence, Bain, Carter; centre, Mur- ray; wings,- Campbell, Hodgkinson; subs, Foster, Struthers, Fryfogle, Gardner, Stuckey, PORT ELGIN--- Goal, Roppel; de- fence, Lamont, Eby; centre, Wal- lace; wings, Hearn, Woods; subs, Paddon, Underwood, Snyder, Bell, Leith, Walmsley, Nichol. Mrs. I. Mitchell ,Passes in Wingham Mrs. Isabella , Mitchell, a lifelong resident of this district, died at the: home of her 'daughter, Mrs. Robert Galbraith, Minnie Street, oo 'Sat- nrday after an illness of about six years. She was in her 89th year. Born in Morris ToWnship, she was the former Isabella Moffatt, daughter 'of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Moffatt, pioneer residents of that township, She was educat- ed in Morris, and was married on March 20, 1894 to Robert Mitchell, who predeceased her 19 years ago. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell farmed for a number of years in Howick Township before retiring to Wingham in 1921. She was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Gordon (Agnes) Elliott of East Wawanosh and Mrs. R, J, (Laura) Galbraith, of 'Wingham :4 four grandchildren and six great-grand- children. Funeral service was held on Mon- day afternoon from the residence- of Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith with Rev. D, J. MacRae officiating in the absence of Rev,' Alex Nimmo. Burial was in Wingham cemetery. Pallbearers were George Orvis, W. A. Galbraith, Norman Keating, Paul Vanstone, Athol Pardon and, Howard Ma,cham, BUTTERSCOTCH TOAST . Blend a quarter cup of • butter and a half cup brown sugar. Spread generously on • six slices of ,toast, Heat under broiler long enotigh to melt sugar, Serve at once. Serves six, la c. SASI-1 FRAMES 1611414.1.101*Ill PBOARDS On Parade! The evening began quietly with. Kane target practice on the dart board. Frank took the honors, but the game lasted three hours. Par- ade time breke it up before -Sgt. Dawson and B,S.M. Wells could fin, ish, The latter brought his dog along in ease anyone disputed his recently acquired rank, 0 - - 0 We are fortunate this week that Gar, Rintoul showed up to play the bass drum. Bdr. Jenkins was nearly a casualty in the QM. stores last week in a vain attempt to get into the carrying strap. He seem, ed to be wearing it too high, Be- fore he could he rescued it wore most of the -hide off his Adam's apple. The core was all but visible. However, after getting straightened away he did a good job on the drum. • 0 - 0 - 0 It pays to advertise. We enlisted a recruit. He is choosing radio as his career. Little does he know that this does not necessarily im- ply listening to the radio broad- cast. 0 - 0 - 0 Things were quiet in the drill hall at the Monday night parade. There was another lecture or sleep per- iod. 0 - 0 o Lt. Ritter made out very well 'on a scheme in the .sand box. He won every round. - Things- were rough- around here for a time. Pneumonia, set in a counter-attack and I. halve to beat a hasty retreat to the. hospital. 111 be around next week,. • Juves Defeat. St..Mary. It was "Doug Murray Night" at St, Marys on' Friday-, when the Juveniles defeated the Stone 'Town sextet 13-9 on their 'own ice. Doug Murray, popular ,centreinan:for the locals, was - rOspOnsiblei for 'five of the counters,. ,• , The Wingliarn crew. racked 'up five goals In the opener,, following through with another four 'in. the second frame. In the final stanza they added another four to put them solidly ahead of the home team. Scoring for Wingha,m were Deug, Murray with 5, Kent Hodgkiiison with 3, Jim Campbell and Bill F6ister, 2 and Barry 'Fry, 1. Marks- men for St, MaryS were Vrana, 5; Hearn, 2'; Douglas ' and Better':- ridge, 1, , . .PERSONALS.' —Mr. Stewart .McBurncy at-, tending the Good. Roads',.Conven- don in Toronto this week. ' —FteV, L. Parker ' has re- tilled' to Wingliam following at Pre- terit:en retreat d. 'the- Anglican Monastery of the, Holy', Cross at West'Park, NeW'York.' • —Mr, and Mrs. Earl Furtney, of Parkhill, and Mrs. Nellie Furtney and Mr. Alvin Furtney, of St, Marys, were in town on Monday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs, Isabella Mitchell. • —Guests at the hope of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Deyelf . for the past, week were Mrs. Deyell's brother, Captain and Mrs•• Angus McCaskill, haf Port Hdron, Michigan and Mrs. Deyell's sister, Mr,. and. Mrs, Jack Fenton, of,,Toledo, Ohio, , —2nd. Lt. D. 'V. Goodridge visited The Salv,ation Army 'Congress,- Tor- olito, from February 10th te, which featUred the' opening of the new National Headquarters Build:.° ing built on the old ,sight in 'the' heart of -downtown Toronto. ° For the Finest in Taxi Service LEE'S 'TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE Weddings, Funerals and . Shopping Trips' Going Downtown . •Crosstown „ Out of town , . • CALL LEE'S - 185 Change of Management Commencing March 1st— THE WINGHAM BODY SHOP . will be operated by • r SID ADAMS • I would like to thank all those who have patron- ized me and I wish every success tQ Sid Adams. —CARMAN LOUCKS inifaiPOie Pittsburg SCREENS PAINTS IN HARDWARE GLASS STAIRS Custom Woodwork . Cixrpentry - Building Telophono 260-w Wingham