HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-15, Page 8MUTUAL
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ST. HELENS--The Tees‘vater,
Junior Institute and,, Junior 'Far:-
mers delighted a large, audience
in the community hall on Friday
evening under the auspices of the
Women's InStitute,
Gerald Baptist was master o
ceremonies for the fine program
of Choruses, musical numbers,
(lentos, monologues, a short play
and tv mock wedding, Music for
the dance that followed was fur-
nished by Bruce's orchestra,
Nothing IA Isisl ter.-+Isene or skin naive;
free of *Om coif,
Save hearing - save money; The
Hearing Aid can help you enjoy
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Aceusticen's Written 1.0-day
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you muse enjoy aft these
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Wingham, Ontario
By Y.L. Byron Adams
The regular meeting of the 1st
Wingham Boy Scout Troop was
held',on„Friday, February 10th, at
the Winghain United Church.
After tho opening ceremony in
the horaeshoe a game called "Pris-
oner's Base" was played. , The
Beavers and the ,Panthers won
over the Wolves and Swans.
After the game the boys were
instructed in Second Class work
and quite a few tests were passed.
After instruction another game
called; "Snatch the Handkerchief"'
was Played and the Beavers and
the Panthers were again the win"-
• A, hike was called for Sunday
and the meeting was dismissed,
P.S, The hike 'was called off due
to the weather.
• 9 - 0 - 0
All the leaderd 'and Brownies of
Wingham wish to thank Dave
Cameron ter the little figures
Which` he -made out Of ., plywood
for each papk. It was very nice of
you, Dave, to give yotir• time and
material ' so' willingly and we all
apPrbelate it.-- '
• • Girls. who will be eight years of
age by 'February.29, 1056, and wish'
tb -became Brownies ,am .aSked to
COM° to an Open meeting to be
belkWednesdayr February' 29th in
'the -regnlar ,mie eting- place.- Bring
Ycur mother if: ghe ;would 'like to
Conic. •
Every Feature
Westinghouse Imperial NM
Luxury big-range features In the popular, compact 30" size!
Completely automatic oven cooking, with Single Dial Oven
Control and Signallto and Four-in-One Automatic Clock and
Miner, The Miracle Sealed Oven is really Binge Size, with
room for two turkeyS or ten loaVes of bread, For surface
Welting cOnveniertee, there are Color. Glance Controls and the
"Super Corox" Unit that gets red hot. in 30 seconds. Phis
features include Look-in Oven Door, Automatic Appliance Out
let, giant easy-roll Storage Drawer, Platform Light, Titanium
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Width 30", Height 471,V, Depth 27:4 4
See it to,day! At
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Radio and Electric
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30 TalActs . 144 Tablets
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Certainly the most attraetive, and possibly the largest shiPm
()Vet of nov Spring materials have arrived at Edighoffers. Space
does not permit a full deseriptiam.of the many heautiftd•Mater-
.• ials and patterns, so do come in and see tlion0
One ,of the ever popular materials with.
thaSe,Whe trijoY sewing, and this year
many beautiful new shades have been
added — Pink, Maize, :Green, Turquoise, •
Bitte;''Ray and White.
45" width
1 •00 yd. • •
A. Iltiney name far a fancy material,
'Y:ou'll;agrett it, is different and most
4tftgetiyti — an eyelet type material is
our, best description, Pink with Char-
coal, and White with, opti n
Blue. Price 01.11.•AU yd.
Glazed Materials
We offer a most exciting range in
many, many different patterns, A
host of fancy glazed cottons from
Pastel to Deep Rich Tones in gay
Spring colours. Illxtremely tame-
Uwe designs in Modernistic and
conventional patterns. We suggest
you become . familiar with these
new "Jilverghtze" materials air
"French Goldtones",
krieed frown
$1.10 to $1.95
Swi rls i!rlgsuatticy,,, of an exceptionally
pr Glazed Materials
Fancy cottons in 'Floral Patterns,
ic0 A
$1.00 yd.
"The Friendly Store
0 — 0,0,011intionenisiiietilinsebninnes•o-iniiikeistaronio ,
.. eeswater. Juniors.
Denght Audience
The:Wingimin . District Medical
AsSociation.'Was given. an outline'
-• tire7Plal)PSO,. and 'WOrlf, of the
'Canadicirt, cancer Seciety,"Tuesday
bight;hY,:the pOsident of the soc-
ietY's"'-ilerth-Huran Tait; 'John'
Stratton; of Stratford'. .
IIc stresed, the import nee of " . • •
the work being' carried On' by the'
;Cancer SaCiety, and cited ,aceomp-
liShmenta•by the unit•Since.it' was
formed 18 months ago. During that
'time,- he added, doctors' had sue-
ceSsfullY treated eight eases which
were diseovered, as, a re•sult,"of the
edueatianal..program of the Society.
Thri•• doeters endorsed the, work
of•tliejaY erganization and offered
.ally assistance they could -give. Mr.
;Stratton Was, asked several 'ques-
tions regarding the , work ' of the
Society, and 'particularly regarding
the proposed 'branch of the society
.to .be formed ih Wingham,
meeting to organize a Wing-
ham branch:of the Cancer Society
,will •he Meld on. Monday,- February
'27th, 'introducing. the 'guest
speaker' at Bic- medical meeting.
,John .Melcibbon'nrged any organi-
zation.which , is interested in the
formation, of a local, branch of the
Cancer -Society to attend. '
Mr, 'McKibben spoke briefly on
the work Mr. Stratton has been
doing. in, the area for the past two
years, •and urged everyone .inter-
ested,nt combating cancer to attend
the . organizational meeting in
Wingharn to' learn • what can be
expected' from such a 'group.
• The formation of a Cancer Soc-
iety branch in the Wingham dis-
trict Will Complete the organization
of the -county. The area covered
by the Wingham, branch will ,be the
townships of •Turnberry, Howick,
Morita, East and West Wawanosh,
Groylas•well as the town of Wing-
ham.. The branch will serve the
northern, part of the county. Other
branches, already fornied in Huron
are Goderich, ENeter, Seaforth
and ClintOn.
' The organizational meeting to
form a Wingham branch . Will, he'
held in the Council Chamber on 4611(167, February 27th, at 8 p.m.
;•lp .
k •
Charles. L„. rillespie
Passe,41 Toronto
VVIIITgaitaftca Charles Lloyd
G illespie,l younger son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie, passed
away in his 57th Year, on Sunday
morning in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Toronto, after a shut illness from
He went overseas and served in
World. War T and after returning
home had worked at construction
work, He was twice married, first
to the late Mabel Hodgins, who
predeceased him over nine years
'ago, and six weeks ago, he married
Kathleen Morgan, of Toronto, who
He leaves to mourn besides his
wife, one son, Donald Gillespie, of
Holyrood and one (laughter, Mrs.
'Donald Bushell (Betty) of Holy-
road. There are four grandchild-
ren and one brother, J. Gibson
Gillespie, of Whiteehurch and one
Sister, Mrs, Chas. Martin, of East
Services will be conducted Wed-
nesday at 2 p.m. at the MacLen-
nan ,.funeral home, Lucknow, by
the.Rev. R. A. Brook, of Bluevale.
Interment 'will be •made in Toronto
on Thursday.
Call Stewart A. Scott
Phone 293 Wingham
Dudley E. Holmes
Fri., Sat., Feb. 16-17-18
Rosalind Russell
• Fernando Jannis
Gloria Deffaven
"The Girl Rush"
A comedy with music with Rosa-
lind Russell, singing, dancing
and clowning. The picture has
b'een taken with actual Las
Vegas backgrounds.
Matinee Saturday after-
noon at 2.00 p.m.
AM.; Tues., Wed., Feb. 20-21-22
Bette Davis Joan Collins
Herbert Marshall
"The Virgin Queen"
. Adult Entertainment
Set against the pageantry and
colourful atmosphere of 16th
Century England this is an ab-
SOrbing historical, costume
drarna, lavishly produced and
finely acted.
meeting of the W.M.S, of the
United Church was held on Wed.
nesday last at the home of Mrs,
Ezra Seholtz, with twelve present.
Mrs. Jas. Falconer presided, and
led in the Bible study period, based
on the theme, "Our High Calling to
the Mission of the Church, through
Service and Citizenship," Mrs. W.
,T. Watt, Mrs. H, Groskorth, Mrs.
Milian Moore and Mrs, J, D. Bee-
croft assisted with the Scripture
passages, and Mrs. John purcion
led in prayer,
Mrs. Beecroft had charge of the
study book, telling of the work of
the church among the Indian
people in Ontario and Manitoba;
of the work of the Department of
Indian affairs, who have built new
schools and how they are getting
away from residential schools, so
that the Indian would be better
equipped to live among other
Plans were made to assist with
the program of the Day of Prayer
to be held this .Friday at 2,30 in
the Presbyterian Church here, with
Rev, W. J. Watt giving the address.
Mrs. Milian Moore led in the mis-
sionary prayer. Mrs. Scholtz played
a violin selection, areompdnied by
her mother, Mrs. Chas, Martin.
Mrs, J. G. Gillespie was in charge
of the temperance clippings, show-
ing that Canada almost tops the
world in mishaps, and that of the
2586 killed in Canada in. 1954, 400
deaths in Ontario were directly at-
tributed to liquor.
Mrs. Falconer closed the meeting
with prayer.
E'. Wawanosh Shows
$1,426.65 Surplus
The East ° Wawanosh Council
met on February 7th, with all the
members present, the reeve pre-
siding. The minutes of the meet-,
ing held' January 9th„ were read and
adopted on motion ' by McGowan
seconded by Purdon.
A. M. Harper gave his audit
report showing revenue for 1955, of
$79,664.77, expenditure of $78,238,12,
leaving a surplus for the year,
$1,426.65 and unpaid taxes on Dec-
ember 31, 1955 of $14,563.40.
Buchanan-Hanna -That the audi-
tor's report be adopted and he re-
ceive his fees of $200.00. Carried.
The Puroon Municipal Drain
engineer's report was read to the
ratepayers in the drain area.
Buchanan-McGowan - the
Purdon Municipal Drain report be
provisionally adopted and the
clerk prepare the necessary by-law
and court of revision be held on
the 14th day of March, Carried.
A request from the Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital was
read, It was decided to give some
Purdon-Buchanan—That the road
and general accounts as presented
be passed and paid, Carried,
Purdon-Hanna --That council ad-
vertise for tenders for warble fly
inspector stating salary expected
per hour including transportation,
the lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted, tenders to close on
March 5th, at one o'clock. Carrie‘d,
Purdon-McGowan--That council
hire Wm. Irwin to operate the
township machinery at 85 cents an
hour to • start February 1st. Car-
Hanna-Buchanan—That the road
superintendent advertise for ten-
ders for crushing and trucking
7000 cu. yards of 5/8 screened gra-
Movie Pictures at
Poryjice School
WI ITEC/WitCal.--The people of
Fordyce School, Section gathered
at the school house last Thursday
evening, when Allan Reid, of Dun-
gannon was present, Mr, Reid
brought the Federation projector
and showed many interesting pic-
Included in the movies were plc-
tures on wheat, the fishing !Mins-
tty In Newfoundland, and safety
projects for children and older
people on farms.
After lunch euchre was played,
Mr, Idrrington announced ' that
euchre would 'be held in the school
on Tuesday evening.
Layette Started for
Hazeiton Hospital
group met last Thursday evening
at the home of Mrs. Ezra Scholtz,
with eight present, Karen Gros-
korth presided and led in the
Scripture lesson, Mary Fisher led in
Karen gave a reading on theo-
logy, and Mary Fisher led in a
sing-song. Marilyn Morrison con-
ducted a quiz contest and the
girls; worked on the layette for
Dr. Palmer's Hospital at Hazelton,
The meeting closed with Taps
and the next meeting will be a
Valentine social and will be held
at the home of the leader, Mrs.
Clarence MeClenaghan,
Forum met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Falconer on Monday
evening with eighteen in attend-
Following the broadcast R. Mc-
Intosh of the Wingham branch of
the United Co-Operatives of Ont-
ario was introduced. Mr. ,McIntosh
led in an interesting dismission on
Co-Op and farm marketing pro-
blems. 'He described the help that
the Canadian Produce Council gave.,
to producer and consumer on' tryj'
ing to market a good product well
processed. This year there arc very
few eases of eggs stored, which
would indicate that there should be
a high price for summer eggs.
vel, tenders to close March 5th, at
one o'clock, the lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted. Car-
By-Law No. 2, setting the reeve's,
treasurer's and, cleric's salaries, was
read the first and second times,
Buchanan-Hanna—That By-Law
No. 2 be read the third time and
passed. Carried,
Accounts Paid
Cheques issued at council meet-
ing of February 7th; 1956," were:
Roads: Stuart ,McBurney, salary,
$175.00, bills paid, $.1,37; WM. T.
Irwin, snow removal and sanding.
$58.50; Fred Deacon, snow removal,
$45.00; Murray's Machine Shoo,
angle iron, $8.82; Farrier's' Weld-
ing, $7.00; Jack Alexander' Hard-
ware, links and, bolts, $1.60;
ic's Service Station, brakefluid
$2,25; • T. Morrison, brake fluid,
$1.50; Purdon Motors, batteries and
labour on grader, $82.25; Rriss
Jamieson, snowploughing and sand-
ing, $181.50; The Wingham Ad-
vance-Times, printing, $1.62; Can.
Oil Co., fuel oil and gasoline,
$56.43; Dom, Road Mach. Co., grad-
er repairs, $101.87; Treas. of Ont.,
tax on 205 gals. fuel oil, $22.55;
Geo. E. Radford, snowploughing,
$514.25; R. H. Thompson, army
truck licence paid, $2.00.
General: Blyth District Fire
Area, levy, $132,00; Village of Blyth,
relief account, $31,05; The Muni-
cipal World, supplies, $17.44; A. M.
Harper, C. A., audit fee, $200.00;
Fred Deacon, 1 fox bounty, $1.00;
Don Cook, 2 fox bounties, $2.00;
Superior Food Matket, (Blyth),
relief account, $34.96; 'Huron
County Federation of 'Agriculture,
levy, $609.18.
McGowan-Purclon --That Council
adjourn to meet March 5th at one
o'clock at the Belgrave Community
Centre orN at the call of the reeve.
Orval E. Taylor, Reeve
R, H. Thompson, Clerk,
In any record of Canadian 'firsts'
the City of Halifax can claim a
high place. According to the Book
of Knowledge Annual, it was the,
scene of our first printing press
and newspaper, the first post
officecthe first naval yard and the
first grammar school.
Mrs, J, L, Currie
Hostess to WMS
WRIT100I-WitC1I-The regular
meeting of the 'W.M.S, of Brick
United Church was held on Wed.'
nesday at: the home of Mrs, John .
L, Curdle, with thirteen present,
Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft presided'
and Mrs. Clarence Chamney read .
the Scripture lesson. The prayer
hymn, "Thine Arm, (.) Lord, in
pays of Old, Was Strong to Heal
and Save," was ,repeated in unison.
Mrs, Beecroft had charge of the.
topic and told of the work of t h e
church to nelp :Wiwi Missions in
Canada, The meeting; was elosecl .
with the Mizpah benediction, •
Mrs, Currie served lunch..
folks of the Y.P.U. of Belgrave
Chtirch were guests last' Tuesday
evening of the group in the United
Church here, and had charge of
the worship service,
Miss Da Pengelly presided and
read the Scripture lesson and led
in prayer, Ruth Procter had charge
of the meditation period, and,Glenn
Coultes had charge of the topic,
Claire Chamney was pianist. Karen
Groskorth gave a humorous read-
ing, "Little Mary's Essdy on Hus-
Raymond , Laidlaw and Jack
Coultes had charge of the recrea-
tion perjod. Lunch was served and,
a social time spent. -
Belmore United
W.M.S. Meeting
BELMORE—The January meet,:
ing of the Women's Missionary
Society of Delmore United Church
was held at the home -of .Mrs.-NeF-
son Hunkin on Wednesday after-
noon. Mrs, West, as leader; fol.-
lowed • the theme, '"Our :High Call
lag". . ,
The hymn "Jesus, , Our Divine
Companion" was sung; after a Bible
prayer, Hymn "Behold Us .LOrd"
was sung.
Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe gave a'
reading on 'The Lepers" and Mrs.
Farrell gave a reading, "Open
Doors", Roll Call was a favorite
hymn, . .
Tile study book on "Canadtan In-,
dians To-day" Was taken bY•
Hunkin, who spoke of the great
work of James 'Evans among .thb•Se
too often neglected ,peoPic and:hew
$13„000,000 is spent yearly on health
among the Indians here in Canada;
Mrs„ Davidson Closed ',the meet-
ing:With prayer.;
A regular meeting of the How-
ick Township Council met in ',tile:
cleric's office on Monday of last.
week. 'All members were prethent
and Reeve H. Gowdy in the
The minutes of the ,last 'regular
and special meetings were read
and adopted as read on motion of
Allan and McMichael. -Carried.
Haskins-Gibson --That we appoint
Reeve H. Gowdy to the Saugcen
Valley Conservation Authority.'
Carried. •
Gibson-McMichael—That we en-
dorse the petition of protest re
Fire Chief of the Listowel Fire
Area Brigade. Carried.
Allan-Haskins—That• we instruct
the clerk to prepare the appropria-
tion,. by-law for road expenditure
for the year 1956. Carried.
Haskins-Allan—That We anther-
ize the reeve and clerk ,to sign the
application for statutory 'grant for
road expenditure for 1955, Carrried.
Gibson-Haskins---That we .in-
struct the treasurer, not to collect
the following 1955 taxes as per the
attached list. Carried, •
Haskins-Allan---That .we. give the
Howjek Lutheran Cerrietery Board
a grant of $25,00. Carried.
McMichael-Allan—That, we in-
struct the road superintendent to
call for tenders for gravel for 1956.
Carried, -
McMichael-Haskins---That we ac-
cept the tender of J. R. Engeland
for warble fly spraying at 10%e a
head for warm water and 1.9e for
ordinary water. Carried.
Allan-Gibson—That we accept
the tender of R. H. Carson for
warble fly powder, Carried,
MeMichael-Allan---That We ad-
vertise for two inspectors for
warble fly spraying. Applications
to be in the hands of the cleric .by
4 p.m. on March 2nd/ Carried.
McMichael-Gibson—That we hold
the court of revision on the Mork.,
ley municipal drain at 2 p.m. and
on the McMichael drain at 3 p.m.,
on March 2nd, Carried, 111
McMichael-WM.1i .-T hat the
road accounts as approved for
$4,159,15 he paid Carried.
Allan-McMichael—That the fol-
lowing accounts be paid:
Howick Municipal Telephone
System, service and Mita, $14,50;
County of Huron, hospitalizatiOn,
$156.00; W. IVIarrifter, relief, $49.91;
T, Whiliier & Son, assessing sun-
$55.21; Wingham Advance-
Times, advertising, $2.40; Win.
Austin, balance salary as brucel,
losis inspector, $161.65; Brucellosis
Committee, committee meeting',
$15.00; Jim Renwick, fox bounty,
$1.00; J. II, Pollock, part salary;
ost O. ge etc., $94.92; W. p X Whitw
field, collector's salary and part
salary, $150.00„
MeMiehael.GibSeil---That We do
now adjourn to Meet ixgairt
Mardi 5th Or at the 6611 of the
reeve, Carried,
Pollock, Clerl1 /4,
f. Dowdy, goavo.
the Currie funeral home. in .Wing-;
ham on Saturday with lacy.; W,„
McClure : and Rev, Almittaer
'Minna) officiating, Interment waa
in Stone .Church cemetery! atelena-
Pailbearers were .Cleorge
ell, Mac Stewart, /toy Vogail, Weir
Icy Moore, bawson Dolg and
clam Polg, Flowerbearera'at Wing:
ham were Robert Mitchell, .Arcitie:
Campbell, William Simpson, And-
row Simpson, Cameron Stewart
and Charles McIntosh,, Flower
bearers cat the cemetery were MS
veteran comrades who served over'
seas with him,
Regular Sunday Seritiees
Sunday School 10,15 a.m.
Remembering the Lord
at 11.15
Gospel Meeting at 7,30 p.m.
Each. Thursday evening at Sp.ta,
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Tag. 1411011 The WirtgitAn't Advanee-Thnes, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1,654 Victor H. Adair Was
Native of Belfast
yktot, ,U. Adair, a resident of the
kliatriet, for the past 15 yeare, (lied
suddenly at his home in Wingbam
Jest Wednesday,
Born in Belfast, Ireland, he was
the son of the late William Adair
IMO Mary Duggan, of that city, He
was educated in Belfast, Attending
college there, and came to Canada
prior to the First World War. He
served with the Canadian Army
from 1914 to 110.8,
Mr. Adair lived in Beaverton for
a number of years, and was tun-
ployed by the Canadian Pacific
Railway. He was a merchant in
Molesworth for 15 years before re-
tiring in December of 1955, He was
a member of the Molesworth Pres-
byterian Church, the Masonic
Lodge in BeaVerton and the Can-
adian Legion in r,J is! to we 1 ,
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Catherine Sutherland of Bea-
vertail, four daughters, Doris and
Joan, of Wingham; Mary (Mrs, Al-
bert',Aitken) of Woodstock and
Helen (Mrs. Colin McIntosh) of
Molesworth and a son Jack, of
Funeral service was held from
Mr. Adam 'Robertson :was able
to return home treat. Wiogiann
liospital on Friday,
Mr% and Mrs. Ross Smith of Tor-
onto spent the weelc-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Chapman and With his parenta.
Mr, and Mrs, J. Smith, of Turn:.
llir, and Mrs. Itelison Falconer
and Brian, of Sarnia, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Cecil Falconer arid with
Wingham relati'ves.
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Wall and Mrs.
George Fisher attended the funeral
of the late Joseph Wall, in Tees-,
water on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs, Jasper Snell, of
Westfield visited on. Sunday at the
home of her mother, Mrs, W. Dow.
.Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft
and children visited on Thursday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Watson, of Biucpfield,
, Mrs. Walter James is, employed
ceit at the nurses' residence,
Mrs. Harold Sparling, of Wing-
ham, and Mr, and rs. Allan
Barger of • 'Amberley visited on
Sunday with the termer's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore. Mr.
Dan McGregor, of Lenore, Mani-
toba, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
Moore this week, and with other
relatives in this district.
The February meeting of the
Women's Institute was held on
Tuesday at the home of Mrs, Geo.
YfeClenaghan. •
Miss Marjorie Currie of London,
spent .the week-end with 'her
mother, Mrs, II. Currie.
Ann and Bruce Currie, children
of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie,
were able to return home on Sat-
urday after spending two. weeks
in Wingham HoSpital with pneum-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron
and children, of Ashfield visited on
Sunday at the home of her brother,
Mr; Wm, Rintoul.'
Mr, and Mts. George Currie and
jean spent the week-end with
their family at' Landon.;
Mrs. Harold Walker received
word tram her sister, Miss Gert-
rude Stewart, who has been spend-
ing the winter -on• Majorca Island,
off Spain, and she reports that it
has been cold, •and that they had
an. inch of snow. The -natives had
never before seen snow on their study period , Mrs. West led in
Mr, Elmer Ireland has been laid
up with flu over the week-end, J.
D. Beecroft was laid up last week
with flu.
.Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth,
Paul and Karen, ;spent the week-
end with her ,mother; Mrs. Bagg,
of Willowdale, and other relatives
in uniortvillo.
Mr. and Mrs. Coen -Falconer
made a business trip to Woodstock
last Thursday, • .•
Mrs, Jack, Siebert of Montreal,
is visiting for two Weeks with her
Parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank
Thcimpson, and other,..relatives . in
thjs district, • .
.The folks - of S.S. 'No, 9, East
Wawanosh are planning for 'an
old-tithe program an 'dance in
their school on Friday, kebruary
24, instead' of the ettehre. :Planned • • for this week.
• • Dortt• forget the Day of Praybr
service in, the Presbyterian Church
here this Friday at 230.• p.m. •All
the ladies in the community are
urged to attend.
-Mr. and `Mrs. W. F. Farrier were
able' to 'return ham: tram 'Wing-
liar» Hospital on Saturday:
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McClena-
ghan 'and children spent Saturda •
at Kitchener at the home of her
sister, Mrs. G,oudie, and with her
father, Mr. J. F. Knowles, who is
a -Patient in the K.-W. Hospital
there, Mr. Robert McClenaghan
has been visiting over the week-end
at the home of his brother, Mr.
Harry 1VIcClentighaa of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Falooner and
John, of Glamis, visited On Friday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Miss Eleanor Mitchell', of Tor-
onto, spent the week-end at thp
home of Mr, and Mrs, Will Henry.
Neil Rintoul returned home last
Friday after visiting at the home.
Of his aunt, Mrs, Mack Cardiff, of
Brussels for a week. Neil is allow-
ed to go, out for a walk for awhile
Mrs. John McGee and Cecil Fal-
coner held high points in euchre.,
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, John McGee.
Mason Robinson, Clarence Cham-
ney, Coultes and Grant Wilson
were at Guelph last Tuesday at-
tending a bonspiel, but failed to
bring home the honors.
Y.P.U. Entertains
Beigrave Group