HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-15, Page 5The. Vingh.api Advanee-nnets) Fete, ,G, 1POO riNe rt,of OUTPOST POSPITALS AND filligiiitISR; STATIONS In the remote, and isolated areas . of Canada your Red Cross Outpost end sled. y.pur sopon ,of popr Hospital or Nursing Station often Cross'znakes, poSsible Ow cot -, means the difference' between life posts •or mercy, :.',. 7t: and death, some vases Rei.4 Cross nurses Are .t.he BOulsou.rce.f.4 qualified care in these areas, amid minister to residents by car, 10(4, Aircrew cirowidcrew Whether you want to fly jets, learn a•trade or seek a top adininistration, post the KAP' can show you the- way. • See' the career/counsellor '• • at Wingha Thursday 23 Feb. NOON TO • 8 PM RCAF U • Bowls • • Indians Prepared •. . • wiloxwriat- 'Pl'io February • Mrs, Kee Edgar on Friday after- noon, Mrs, ;Jim .Dig arranged the meeting and presided. meeting of The Woman's Mission- ary Society of Wroxeter 'United Church was held at the home of Opening Message • The Anceting opened with a IneS- sage for the New Year prepared by student Indians from. a residential 'school, On tile work of the W.M.S. The hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign" was sung, The theme of the meet- ing was "The Call to Missions. through Service and Citizenship." Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Edgar roast] Scripture lessons in keeping with the !Menlo. Mrs. Harvey Tinim led in prayer. Mrs, Doig conducted a questionnaire and Mrs, Munro reviewed the first chapter of the study book, this year on Canadian Missions. Mrs. Howes, convener of citizenship, gave a splendid topic on that subject, The first vice-president, Mrs. Ken 0 Edgar conducted the business Ses- sion, A letter was read f rom the Presbyterial North section Presi- dent, Mrs, Dennis announcing' the. date of spring meetings, in the Presbyterial, A gift from a former • member, Mrs, John Clowily, was received and the secretary, Mrs, II, Wylie was asked to write a letter of appreciation. A second. bale of and used clothing valued at $85.00 was Sent dbring the week to Rev, Douglas Muir, Dunehurch, ,pntario, This is the scoond halo sent this year to Duncharam where Mr, Muir has eight preaching missions and where he says there is much need among the people, plans were eornpleted for the World Day of ;Prayer. The hymn "1-fe Liveth Long Who Liveth Well" and the 'benediction pronounced by Mrs. Huchanan, brought an interesting meeting to a close. Tea was served by the hos- tess and a social hour enjoyed, That usually arduOus shovelling snow will be made 'Mach easier if you give your shevel two thick coats of automobile wax, This will prevent the wet snow from sticking to your shovel. • • WROXETER Mrs, Charles McCuthhcon, Wrox- °ter South, .entertained OP Friday, night iri honour of her small grand- daughter, Doreen Riley, of ,Brus- Sels„ who was two years old, Those present were Doreen's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ,Riley and her boby• sister, Miss Evelyn Huger and Mr. and Mrs. °Wylie Higgins, Word was received here on. Sun- day of the death of Herbert Edgar of Edmonton. Mr, Edgar suffered a stroke . about a month ago, formerly lived in this community and was a brother of Arimald and Alvta Edgar, of London. The many .friends of Thomas Brown will be pleased to know he is making good progress following an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, ..and will. wish for him a good recovery, Mr. Norman Patterson, London, who was in his 78th year, died at his home there on Monday. Mr. Patterson has been ill since Octo-,.. bar, He was ,predeceased by his wife a month age. Funeral services will he held from the :Needham funeral home on Wednesday with lilterment in Exeter cemetery, Deepest; sympathy is extended to his brother, 1-b'rb, and Mrs, W. MacLean, a sister. Mrs. Andrew (irant and son, Rae Grant, of :Unionville, spent; part of last week with Mrs. .0„ 5, Mac- Naughton and. John. Mrs. Ben Hyslop is ill with pneumonia at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross Sanderson. We hope she will soon improve. The World Day of Prayer will be hold on Friday afternoon, February 17t,h; at 3.00. Mrs. Frank Russell of Gerrie, be guest speaher. Mrs, Ken Edgar, Mrs. Wm, Hart and Mrs. U. L. Dobson, will be the leader's. Harold Ridley, of the C.P.R. section is in Wingbarn General Hospital suffering from pneumonia. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery, 2339 Canadians diedkof cancer of the bowel in 1953. Gilbert Howes Wins. SVecial Bingo Prize WROXETER --- Eleven tables were his play on Thursday night at the community hall. when members of the Women's Institute held rr progressive euchre party. Mrs. Harvey Timm, Mrs. John .T.tarie and Miss Margaret Jardine arranged the party.. Mrs, Allen Munro won the high prize' for the ladles and Boyd Mar- shall for the mop, Consolation awards were made to Kiss Jean Wilton, playing as a man, and Mrs, Arthur Thompson, Mrs, Wil- liam Hart won the door prize. Tile special bingo was won by Gilbert Howes. Refreshments were served by the committee. Ladies' Night Held By Masonic Lodge WROXETER—The annual Mas- onic turkey dinner for members of Forest Lodge, A.F, & A,M, and their ladies was held on Tuesday night in the Wroxeter Community Centre, with an attendance of one hundred, In the absence of the master of the lodge, Crawford Gib- son, who was ill, Gilbert Howes was master of ceremonies. Among the guests 'of honor were Rt. Wor, Bro, Adam Dodds and Mrs. Dodds, of Listowel, who is D.D.G.M. for this year. Following a toast to the Queen, Gordon Gib- sop. proposed a toast to Grand Lodge to which Mr. Dodds replied. Arthur Gibson proposed a toast to the ladies and Mrs. Gilbert Howes replied. The. speaker, Ronald Watley, of Owen Sound, was in- troduced by Carl Smith and thank- ed by George Gibson. Mr. Wacky gave clever impersonations which were enjoyed by all. Les. Douglas ,moved a vote of thanks to the members of the Tuesday Starlight Group who cat- ered and Mrs, William Wright. re- plied, The blessing Was, asked by District Chaplain Rev. Harold West, of &Amore: FORMIC!! Mr. and Mrs, Anson Demerling spent several days visiting in Tor- onto, last- week, Mrs. Lorne Siefert is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Siefert, in Galt. Mr. Earl Ridley, of London, visit- ed a few days last week at his home here. Mr. Jack Doig and James Grant, of St. Catharines Spent the, week- end at, the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rose. Miss Marianne Doig, of Kitchen- er, was a week-end visitor with her parents. Mr, William. McElwain had • the misfortune to' fall on the ice while attending the bonspiel at Belmore last;, Wednesday. He suffered, a broken collar bone and was attend- ed! by•Dr. Forde of Fordwieh. • Mr. Orville. Guy, of Mitchell,. visited relatives in the community one M rd,aayrr Mt r\sv.e(Cjttir Campbell, of Mdlesworth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and MrS, Bob Campbell. The 'flu bug is certainly in our community, It seems there is hardly a home free of it and there are several cases of measles. The February meeting of the Fordwich W. I-, will he held on Tuesday night, February 21 at the home of Mrs. Anson Demerling. GueSt speaker will be Mrs. Mollie Graham of Llstowel. Mr. and Mrs. Barfly Darcey and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibson visited on Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Jack Welsh and Mrs. Jessie O'Gorman in Toronto. Mrs( Earl Cober is confined to the Listowel Hospital, where on Sunday she underwent an ap- pendeetoMy. She was also treated for a ruptured blood vessel and her, condition is well as could be ex- pected. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Wildfang, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly and Janie, visited on Saturday in Pres- ton with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny. Miss Joan Hainstock, of Milton, is spending this week with relatives hutch Miss Nancy Sothern visited over the week-end with Miss Mary Johnson. Mrs. Robt. Gibson spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Johnny 'TUdall was a Toronto visitor on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling and Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1-lanibly spent Monday in London. Mr, Harold Pollock Spent a few days this week in Toronto. Birth GIBSON— On Sunday February 12, 1956, at General •Hospital St, Catharines, to Mr, and Mrs, Don Gibson, (nee Margaret Doig) daughter. Hockey Team Has Ups and Downs 14'ORDWICH Fordwich defeated Alma in the hockey match played here oh Wednesday night 18 to 8. Glenn Johnson tallied with five goals With 2 each going to Ben Gibson, :Tim Stewart and Jim Duke, Mervyn Wallace and Doti King scored' one each, On Friday night Branhills and the local team played in Palmer- ston With Brainhills winning ti to 4. On Saturday night Fordwich played Drew in Harriston winning 7 to 1, A DRIED OUT PIECE of wood can fret2e and Will dilinfte when struck, says the Reader's Digest. 'the board sidewalks in Nome, aSka, thing under the footsteps of Pedestrians, and' when the wind burls a piece Of Ices against the walls of a wooden house the whole strueture Seeing to ring. DIRECTOR 28 YEARS filiAtiAlli RESIGNS WROXI00TI0B, The Liowiels 'Mut- tail Fire Insurance ,Co., held its .83rd, annual meeting in the Gorrie Town Hall on Friday. afternoon, with more than 200 in attendance, the largest crowd in the history of the company. S. H, Wylie, ,secretary-treasurer for the company read the minutes and reported an increase in busi- ness of over $2,000,000 with $2,000 added to surplus. Robert Graham, who has given 23 years of faithful service as a director and was elig- ible for re-election, resigned. At the regular meeting held recently Mr. Graham was prqented with a gift in appreciation of his work With the company. Ewalt MeKercher was re-elected and Harold Robinson of Gorilie, was elected to replace Mr, Graham, Harold Couseds, Palmerston, former warden of Perth County, was chairman, The following policy holders spoke briefly; Clare Hut- chison, Wm, G. Tildon and W. H, Zeigler, all of Harriston; E. H. Strong, Howiek; Walter Woods, Turnberry; Dan McTavish and John Yuji], of Brussels. Following the annual meeting the board of directors met and re-elect- ed Norman Harding as president and Les Douglas as vice-chairman. Swart' Whitfield and Gordon Gib- son were re-elected auditors Trinity Church W.A. Met on Thursday FORDWICH—The W. A; of Trin- ity Church met on Thursday after- Foster. The meeting opened with a noon at the home of. Mrs. Ruby - hymn. Mrs. Russell read a portion of Scripture from the 10th chapter. of St. Luke verses 38-42, followed by prayer: The president, Mrs. Stan Forester presided and gave a read- ing on worship. The roll call was answered with a verse on praise. .The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Correspondence was read by the secretary consisting of cards of thanks from shut-ins and a lother of appreciation from St. Paul's School at Cardston, Alberta, for the layettes that had been sent by the branch, A letter from the mission school at Brantford, telling what knitting was needed. and a letter from the Deanery Prayer Partner secretary were read: The_new bulletins were distributed and interesting items read from , them: . Tim first chapter of the studY book, was given by Mrs. _Russell. Arrangements were made for the World Day of Prayer to be held in Trinity Church on Friday, Febru- ary 17 at 3 p.m. The meeting closed with prayer and luneWWastServed. — • ' • Progressive Euchre :Well Attended • • VORDWICH • The progressive card party held in the community hall this week was well attended even though the weather was 'not. co-operative. Miss Beatrice Wade was fortun- ate in carrying off the high scoro for the ladies while Ernie Dins- more held the high honor for the gentlemen, Consohition prizes were won by Mrs. R. Doig and Ed, Gor- don and Mrs. Jim Wray won the lucky chair prize, WINS MEMBERS ADOPT MYSTERY DANTERS FORDWICI-I The Fordwieh United Church W.M.S. met at the home of the ,president, Mrs. Wray Cooper. Mrs. Glenn Johnson was appointed secretary for the day, The meeting opened with a hyrim and a poem. Roll call was answered by naming the little things in everyday life that lead to good citizenship and . brought meny and varied answers, Minutes were read and adopted, The shut-in for the month was Mrs. William Carswell and two members were appointed to visit her and take a signed card from the meeting. Mrs, Stan Bride read a current event from the last issue of the United Church Observer, concern- ing racial discrimination. It was told that Miss Muriel Alexander, Northern Prontenac and Miss Lily Adair, Toronto, have been named as the missionaries for prayer this year. Mach member was given a Mystery daughter from thea.o.vr, group, Affiliation service will he February 27th and will be held in the church, The World Day of Prayer will be held in the Align. can church on Friday, February lfith, Time supply committee will hold a supper on Friday, March 16th, for W.MS, expense. Mrs, Stall Bride, had charge of Worship, Mrs, W, A, Gibson told of some Indian customs; Mrs. H. Dolg conducted a quiz. THE. SO-CALLED four'-letter words of the English language went underground a long time ago and for an interesting reason, ac- cording to Wilfred Funk in Read- er's Digest, When William the Con- queror Invaded England in 1030, native Saxons who warded to move hi court, circles or prosper In busi- ness adopted the speech of the Norman-French victors, 'Tints the Old English dialects fell into 'dis- use among the better classes and the old Anglo-Saxon words contin- ued in use only among serfs and yokels. Previously these words had been used by everyone, front lord to villain. FREE. • • Guess this Slogan FWBIW AND WIN A Beautiful KENWOOD All Wool Blanket Double Led Size 72" x 81" ; $13.50 Value FREE You have nothing to buy just come into the store write down your slogan andtdrop it into the entry box that is: all yodi havi to do; Tire first drawn with the right slogan will be the win The Blanket will be drawn for a later date by The Mayor R. E. McKinney The winner will be announced by a card in our window. (Children not• eligible.) 414/0-Melb sue, .e The Store Where YourtMoney Goes Farthe4 A • U GROCERIES 'ERNI MARMALADE 21 07.• SALADA TEA BAGS 60's 10e OFF ROBIN HOOD OATS 5 lbs. CLOVER LEAF TUNA 7 oz. Set of 4 heat-proof Dura-White Mixing for 99 c with $5 order. MEATS lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. NW MIMI MOWN MOS 4111111111a. "•,•••••••••••••,•••• ... Phone 139 . .. ..... • .... Dr. Ballard's fleet of new 1-Ion panels and pick-ups--100% Chevrolet! Dr. Ballard's Animal Foods Ltd., Canada's outstanding Pet Food Com- pany, has made a big business out of satisfying the discriminating appe- tites of the nation's pet population. The Head Office and plant is in. Toronto and an ultra-modern $500,000 Varictitiver processing plant adds to the output at the rate of 300 cans and 4000 dog biscuit's per minute! Today, Canada is sold 00 Dr. Ballard's — as enthusiastically, let us add, as Dr. Ballard's is sold on Chevrolet trucks! Let your Chevrolet: dealer tell you why alert, Modern Companies like, pr. Ballard's give such remarkable acceptance to Chevrolet trucks. Let him tell you why trend-setting features, industry-leading, iinprofttnetits make a Chevrolet truck best for yotit needs. See your' Chevrolet dealer soon — no other thick dealer has such an imprdssive story id tell! evrole ucks e pets as well as people! 11.101110 •=1•10 MOWN' amONIMM mom. wow= Plire,e4 rrrnr. • ' • • .5..4 ex.). . . . it's a mighty popular truck about town! Ask Dr, Bal- lard's — largest pet food supplier in Canada, long- 'time user of Chevrolet trucks. Reason for the prefer- ence? PERFORMANCE! in Every Way. Well over 50,000,000 cans of Dr. lin I IS RI'S pet foods moved out of the processing plants and into the stores last year. Chevrolet trucks helped keep them moNiing — dependably and profitably, Dr. Ballard's Animal Ltd. offers one more in- stance of Ch'evrolet's overwhelming popularity with Canadian operators. Wherever a truck may serve, whomever a truck may serve, Chevrolet has proved itself the leader, Year after year, Canada's best- selling trtiCkl CT.19550 Ingham Motors, Wingham A General Molars Value i: W. R. HAMILL 0: . , _ . OPTOMETRIST . ,.. .• ''. i • Thoroughness — Ability -.--- Time' test441,,,,,..l. , .1,.,, i Phone 37 for appointment .. • • ow . • FnA11111111111111111111111111111111111111131111,I1101111611111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111,110 t.-4111111111111111111111111111111111111111MINIIIMIIIRIIINIIIII1113111111111111111.1111141111111111115110lliplit„ WE bELIVER filiforimmoilloottnithotiounointiolimiloithitutliohnuommti 11111k, U U U j U U N U U N NESTLE'S QUICK CHOCOLATE POWDER U MT! NEW COFFEE MILL Gel your IGA Coffees freshly WONDER BOWL PREMIUM ground. N N n • U tiq U Its U iM U U Tail LEU OF LAMB LAMB IN A BASKET RIB LAMB CHOPS SWIFTS READY-TO-EAT PICNIC SHOULDER swirrs HINDI:J*4S SIDE BACON MAI LE LEAF BOLOONA lb. 39c : a 59c 1 — , -- i 2k: I 1 S EVERYDAY LOW • PRICES 75c .0 49c -4 29c t 49c ; 49c 47c I 33c . •