HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-25, Page 81
Il--Tbortailay, February 'xr. 1t176,
(Continued from Page 1)
front Mr. G. I„ Persona that • meet -
lug of el* atam►ultt,.. and itaarostod
part** be held WeelnewIay. Fbbruary
24th. to cousider the nutter; that $811
Ie paid to the 'Blue Water Highway
Aswa•int'ion to wake up the $250
guaranteed from 'Go4Ierich last year;
Mai the request of Elliott Drennan
for the transfer of his poolroom it-
emise to the store formerly occupied
Ly Piersnns' Fair be granted; that the
same cltinens be appointed a band
committee as in 102:1, namely, P. J. Ry-
an. C. K. Saunders. Charles Black. k.
F. Sturdy and W. H. Robertson. and
that the sum of $3000 be granted for
Rand purposes, with the suggestion
that $600 be for the bandmaster's
Mary. $2fie for the bandsmen and
E260 to apply on the purchase of band
inntrnlinents and for other expenses:
the band to furnish sixteen concerts
by' not lea than fifiecn players at
each Concert and to give one day's en-
gagement. to he thslevated by the
council. and that all engagements and
other matters pertaining to the band
be-t+wder the ewntrol at the hand -.com-
mittee: that the woofers -ship fee of $10
be paid to the Union of Canadian
Municipalities. and that the council
through the Union protest against the
proposed Increase of Bell Telephone
Co. rates: that the police be instructed
to prosecute persons loitering and
using offensive language on the
streets; that the town solicitor 1* In-
structed to proceed to (iravenhoret to
take evidence in the Etur case: that
the council e'ndorni 1j risdutle►n of
the Hamilton city eounetI ealatliag the
Legislature to divide the amusement
tax between the Province and the
mnnk•Ipanues. .
The public works committee recom-
mended that •tise request of R. B. M.
Tl•hborn.• for p•rmisiion to plate a
g laolie r pump on West 'street be
granted. under the usual conddtloee.
The cemetery and parks committee
reported. recommending that the nut-
ter of a survey In the north section
of the Cemetery 'be left over until the
rrrmmittee CAR ♦1611 the ometery : in
the meantime the sexton bad been In -
'Howled to sell ao lots in this area.
Theme reports were all adopted.
('oancillor Craigie math some elm -
Mentions about preparations for the
dog races to be held on the Square 011
Saturday and Councillor Let• proposed
a revival of the horse reeve that used
In take plaee oa ;be Square year* ago.
All seemed agreeable and u motion
was passed to permit such races.
A requisition from the public school
board for $21.500 for public school
purpses and one from the Collegiate
isatTtute board fof $14.900.08 were
referred to the finance committee. The
requisition from the public mebo(d
board was not In detail. That of the
Collegiate tnatitute board was as fol-
'All owners of dogs are
required to secure their
tags before April 1st.
Provincitil grant ..$ 1850 0
Militia grant.
mainteuanes of
cadet uniforms .. 75 00
Sit rat henna grant
for physlea1 cool
tare 20 00
Adamtou memorial
nebolarsbip mist
rood 50 0►
County grants -
general, $8083.42;
special (sec. 16.
chap. 82t $1230;
share of deben-
ture $1152.22' -. 9861 64
Chemist Ty a n d
typewriter fees 65 00
Examination fees
-H.8. eatranee
and department-
al 870 00
$11795 414
Levy on town of
Godtrieb •
For general pur-
poses $12001 :.n
For share of de-
benture 2838 50
\for Rert
is now available for any-
one wishing ,to rent for
amateur shows or concerts.
For terms app\$" to
Wesley M. McLei
P. 0. Box 50
1.4900 Os
agreed that while 1hi snow was deep
the truck should not lw towel.
Councillor Turner said 1he was ie-
eroni ,g ashamed. After ever)' fire the
truck war a Iaughlogwtot•k. It had
coat- $ (.1 -. f wsssey. ret tbetru-*aa no-
body now poles -ping at the tire hall and
the truek was not in running shape,
C •Rider Munnings thought the
true'. should not he taken out except
when needed. it was purchased as
tin addition to the fire -fighting equip-
ment already on hand. not to take the
plate of It.
.art* -r some further remarks from
various mrmtwrs a • motlou by coun-
cillor C'ralgle was carried. that the
chairman of the are committee give a
Ilse of mcmiters of the tire company
and all other fufortuatiou in (•ontsv-
tion with the lire equipment at the
Mott meeting 41f the council.
.l suggestlou that a lieenst• fee be
imposed for billboards was sent to the
ate(-ial committee.
There was e,mc discussion, also of
the are alarm system and Engineer
Kelly made the suggestion that after
sn alarm the lowuaw,gle should re-
frain for a few minutes from ringing
the telephone e•illral. so that the 11 1-
sattes 1s•Iw1411 1h• 1. wcrhouse• told .the
other 14181. staliuu- might get through -
without i(tterfer•nc.•. els it is now,
initae•,liately no alarm Is sounded the
ventral 1s t,»(del with Inquiries as to
where the ore Is located.
Mr. Chas. Rate.. who has been look -
hag after the shut-off va1'e at the,
standpipe. I»•ing i11 the hospittll. Mr.
Jolui Hussy- 11714 las- ',laved in
charge temporarily. it was reported.
The e.um•u adjourned for a few
mtmttowArnd went -tate- a atnatitteee 445
Reserve Wetkueseday, March 17. for
the card party and dams- to he given
by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary.
TIis ('1tIIdrene Aid Sa•Iety"ig04tlwe4
next Tuesday. March 2/vi. at 4.1:0
p.m. 1n the superintendents resew
over the Royal Rank.
Gale rich Rebekah Lodge, No. W). In-
tends hokiing a euchre and donee in
the 5kklfelle'w'. hall on St, Patrick's
Day. March 17. Music by the Mc-
Ucnuid-Itwlm I Cook or•hest01
The regular meeting of the Go,k•rirh
11'0m,•u's Instlttnr will he held on
Thursday. March 4. at :( p.m.. iu the
home of Mrs. )IcPhall. There sill 1»•
an old -Cushioned dream parade and the
rill call will be answered by Irish qts.
The 5110 e11wlttu11411 tournament in
Use Mertes. tang Pante Club fins teen
e,11dxele1l after Whine interteating
ga u1.•s. The winners are Messrs. 11.
.1 Fisher and Roland Walker. Messrs.
W. A. 5'stilihurst and Stanley Mclean•
were the last (-outdo. to he ".•limlu•
n dell."
Exeter Times Advocate: Mr. Frank
Watt_ who claimed he find come from
St. Thomas and was uu his way to
Owen Sound, wandered into town
Sunday and was accommodated for
the night to the public library. He
a toped ret before Magistrate W. D.
Sanders Monday morulug and was
committed to the Goderich jail for
two months. Chief W. J. Bisset ac-
companied him to the county town.
Miss Noble this week mak an an-
nouneenno t. which will ise lttereeting
to many 41f the In(ll,s 0f 1`.esI • lit Sad
N/ri IPE. - - Tiuu: ►'AltTi' WHO
left a new dour lock at the boihr
of the late Mrs. McLeod. Angleeea
street. at the time of the auction Oak
hast lull --nuts Imre same-by--applein
at 'flit: S1GN.W. OFFICE uud pay
hag for this a4tertisemettt.
I, r. Nolo; utl'r that amowtl, 1f wunlha'
,1,4111 will 1.,• gtcea on furnishing ap-
proved Joint notes. A• 'Recount at
rate of n per mut. per annum allowed
1,,r task on credit amounts.
.,.Proprietor. Auctloneer.
Ooddlch, R. R. No. 6.
O'Brien's. Apply ALEX. BAUN•
street. Newly decorated; nee i
furnace; every convenience. It
1 furnished or unfurulahed ; Gated.,
ele•trk• lights: one room has a firml
place; centrally located. Apply at
14111 sell by p ublks auction at lot 27.
conversion 3, West . Wawanosh (2
miles north of Auburn), on
,•t,mmrncing at 1 o'clock:
One bay mare, 10 yearn old; 1 black
mare, 8 years old; 1 mare, rising 10
years 1 mare, rising 12 years; 1 Dur-
ham vow. ti yeura old. true May 20;
1 Durham vow. 7 years old, supposed
to be Ito calf. due October; 1 Holstein
VOW.. 4 years old. due May 15: 1 Hol -
istein coos.. years old. Just frr.hened,
of a road or right-of-way of tar fill
in width ezteading aleag the seethed.`;
limit of the said northwest half M
said block "D" from the frost of tI s
said block '•D" to the rear that'of en
the River Maitland.
TI RM8-Teu per cent. of the pet
chase money to be bald at the time el
sale, balance to be paid In thirty days
The ale will be subject to a raserveI
For further particulars aad condi-
tions of ale apply to HAYS & MAY&
Hamilton street, Godarkb, Ontario.
Dated at Ooderkb, Ont., this duds
day of February, A.D. 10'28,
Hamilton street, Ooderlch, Oat,
Solicitors for the Mortgagee. Mrs.
lEUs Fisher.
ours. For terms, etc.. tetepbaag
425. Goderich.
1 Durban" cow. fit years old, just CLUSTER= ACOOUNTANT
- I. freshened : 1 Hereford cow, 8 years
Dt:s11t &IILF: PROPERTY i o R old. just freshened; 1 Hereford vow,
street-. .apply to W. If. J.id`K"r\. I row. 4 years old. der In lkaober; 11 Stratford Phone Ike& Res. a.sol.
s.e1.1:.-Porner Nertll and .•sees 4 years old. Just freshened: 1 Durham a Accountant. 102 Ontario streets
- Jersey -etre, cave. due. liciobwe
pill SAI.E.-FORD COL'1.1: IN -1411111:41-1 Durham row. s years old, sue
tir,t-elass ,-oodilk.u. W111 1•• sold 1h•tolier ' 7: 1 Durham cow, 4 years
at a I.argaito. Algdy at THE Sh:XAL old. just freshened; 1 Durham cow, S
OFFI( I'. - years old. Just freshened: 1 red steer.
coming 2 years: 2 Polled Angus steers,
FARM FOR SALE. -IN THE 'fttWN' 1 tear •old : 51 Polled Angus heifers. 1
SHIP of Goderich, on Pr'ineal year old; 2 steer calves; 2 heifer
highway. live miles from Goderietn and calves; :t young calves: 16 white Leg -
six from Clinton. adjacent to •bureb horn pullets; 20 Rock pullets; 50 Rook
Iand ,shoed, comprisiag thirty acres of hens; 1 young goose: 1 Deering
ritwt•r•htes-i -well`--3411-•is+laed---Matter. 4 -ft. 44:1- Dutlutmuwer,
discuss sided
the Tremblay matter. It was vicinity. She is instituting rat her Gam: cement block seven roomed ft. Nit; 1 Mel'ormick cultivator: 1
lw•IQeI to consult the so11cI10r and re- •• receiving hedge: ergo'.• -hath 40x50; drh'leg McCormick Reid drill, 13 hoe; I lk•ert•
1•.1109:, 72 ' h mgr g
at 0f knitting Ri. fit e•
for sale nu comm salon. Members of :►, good slater apple; pct.!. falling Oliver plow; 1 dist• harrow; 1 turnip
evening. the txchauge lacy a fee of 51.011. which water supply. For further particle- seed drill ; 1 ...taller : 1 wheelbarrow;
sperial Meeting gives them the privilege of sending in Cars apply to OSWALD GINN. 11. IL 1 r,».1 pulper: 1 fauuing'mi11: 1 steel
to court- .ulta1 ortirlpa for sale. Ito this wail 1. Goderich. Phone 16.606. ; lanfl roller: 1 set sloop sleighs (new);
Salarle 4 of teach -1
ere. regular ..$11100 00.
substitute 2((10 to
pert ha(: to the connoil. store a womru ex, t
f 0rk le house and gunge 30130 or hand of ins has rake : 1 [wo•furrow {duos , 1
This esateltnksl the business of t he i
A spr-lal meeting f h
:3(10110 til was held 017 1 rls7T.h.}. t41R S.►LF..-1 I•F..IR
this week, all the •tnt•tutN'ra being wts' wish to urn a little Motley h) {rr 1 !wavy wagon gear, 1 cutter. 1 al
present. The .chief matter before the making 14$1.11 artte4Ps atilt those whet .4Ilt E frame cottage, e•rI.•'r South plc hotter ke•ttk• alnd stirrer: 1 large
175 00 council was in -- connection with the d
erecting of road sign, and the re•gula-
1Kn the
1'elntada-t e-.ceulug or u nos
is lnot•idwl bottttru those I 1 set Buick sleighs; 1 wagon and tax.
Salarle•s: ('aretaker 1100).
secretary and treasurer
llr{alrs to u,choot aoeominle
Permanent improvements .. -
I.thran.. eetence equipment,
etc. Books $50; chemicals
and science equipment
$123: typewriters $1000:
motor generator $32.5 • • -
Stationery. prizes. fuel. etc.
Stationery-. prize's. print-
21)0 (10 11011 of troth.- 011 the Square and prin-
ctpitl etrct+.+f taw- e4wa4. -Muses.
1.. Ihlrsoifs. A. Whiteside. C. A. Reid. r
W. Trhhutt /Intl Ior. 11'. F. Gallia%
were prr+e•tlt and offered suggestions.
The matter was laid neer for further
ensidernlloa 1.3 the council.
It 44:114 d,•cidel to (-all :t (41111•
meeting of the .•itizet-- of the t08n on
Flday evening. )larch 12th. for the
purpose -of setting- - tau'_ late_-s,f the
1 Hoek -rich centennial celrhnai011.
Mayor Ma*F:w-tul. Reeve M 'lugs i
and Ih•Islty Reeve Moser wer.1 ap
1»eluted to attend the Previts•ial good
Tor -
roads cn11r,•utiot0 t.-ing held at Tor-
t onto this week. It Is'th• eotutcil,
wish to have the work pf ',tiring the
Provincial I,ighwa gone out with this
10 year. The ....Only ,ouuill ;JUN. -141 a Mo-
- tion is i'• Inun,n ...slot. asking the
200 00-
15110 00,
1:10 00
(Jett. water. lairs 240 01
Eiuminatlons 1t4lar, wiwet-
Morons $2:0 740 00
Fuel 1501 (an
f •renin
vocational school :sal IN
lteloiret as reserve
against sorrowing in No-
vember and December ..Woo (
Total funeral ex4eeudituree $::79, 410
1) 0s•11n1r• pnclnrut. is iu-
clodel Ito alu,re revues --
our 1»,111 and er.npm+. due
Ud•L I. I!r.ti :111011 72
$2414x91 72
Mention was made of damage to the
Mei41.rtlii'l property on Wilson street
and Us- police were Instructed to at-
ttetsl to it.
1'ounellk.r Turner suggested thrt
the best way or tnaugnrating ihr' pro
pns,rt Goderich (entennlal sslebrati0n
8onld 1e to tall a public meeting and
have committee$ formed. This woo
agreed t0. 0141 a meeting will he called
The time for the rettlro of the NO -
lector's roll a -as extended to the date
of the next regular meeting.
councillor Lee started a discussion
by mentioning the fire truck. it was
not taken out In response to the last
alarm and Mr. i.4- said there was 110 -
hotly at hand to run It.
Councillor Sproul said it had hewn
Public Notice
Town of Goderich -
A•.public meeting of the citizens of the Town of
Goderich will be held in the
Town Hall on
Friday, March 12th, 1926
Ifor the purpose of organizing for the Town of
I Goderich Centennial Celebration to be held in 1927.
All Citizens are respectfully requested to attend.
r (Sgd.) H. J. A. MacEWAN
WE the un'Iersignej, lire ti(spls, Ipn's Tailoring, Clothing
and Furni-hing.:.1n; loot and Shoe Sttt -1+ of the Town
of Goderich agree to clue, our stores each evening not later
4.1\1144 -(ever► (:)-t+ qtr suet nitride before
holidaye,.and also '(e•eptin3 the 114014h of I)eembrr. 1*Ve
mutually agree -to tlo>;..-for the`i...riotl of one year beginning
Monday, Mfareh 1st. 1924; The some exemptions 10 apply as
under an "Early ('losing By law.''
Tailoring. Men's Clothing
and Furnishings hest* and Elbe=
Dry Goods
W. ACHESON & SON I •ll.%$. Itt,.1rK
The 8. A. GRAY Co, C. (1. NE VTON
ROYAL L. R. W. Co. 11'. C. AN ZEl.
11, L1.1N 1{Olt.
R-. c. PItI1,IlAM ! SON
411.0. Mae 1('AR
Provincial Highways dhq.r rins-nt tn• man} year- ser a K1.91'11011 menthe
defer 'the paving of'ilii, roast for n 1
few year,. but the 1own relined i• and regular attendant of Kueo\ church
vert 11111011 oppae'sl to this. The sertie•m at North street (lilted
cltnrrh tet. Sunday will be as fol
!,,8s. 10 tl.w.. 11.•u'. club. church
Gegen -for 19'g , e
Rant i ommitfee Geg •las•»•. .dud lli.su,q Band. 1'nlrli
would buy tlu'm. Only thirty mem-
em•isr, will 1s• accepted. and appllea-
ttos. will is- dealt with as they are
re•esit'eMl. - _ _--
and Raglan streeg.. e•on•:i r. ing six tunable syrup pan: 1 small mal a syrup
rooms. pantry, hathro no., idyl, hot and pen: 1 reserve tank: 1.'.0 spites and
.-d1 water, summer kit. l., cellar. buckets: 1 emery stone; 1 large feed
cement door, e•le•tric-11;i:tot. large (poker with t-ovts :r
; 1 (:roe %%'kite All.
tera►slsh.-Ike.•irarad-tA•t=te and ra --tractor, -14-os. hips er kero. OP'I'01 I'RY
;sowed ontslle e•
last May \s brae wen,.: 1 three -furrow tractor plow : 1
Telephone No. 119.
Sales attended to anywhere and evade
Mort made to give attliatact erste
Farmers' sale notes discounted
Elden Streak °se i al.
will conduct any sale In tba const/
of Huron. For Information apply W
P. J. Ryan, Hamilton 8t., or ordeal,
lett with him w01 receive prompt of
• for household offsets farm maser
ste., for the County of Hares
Address all comm toleatiess to J. Mr
STALKER. Ashore P. 0
111011.4. Full lot. goo.' e..nl.•, !and. „ern cutter, lox and piles: 1 set
New fe•new% wire and LtaN'r work. i.ras.-m.uatel team harness, new : 2 A. 1'R
I❑ Knox church urxt Suuilay the call and
ins. Fasy sevens. .1p1ty new collars; 1 pet single harass; 1 01"POMiETR18T, QPTiCIAPf.
-cru ices will he conducted by Rev. J. to owner oto premises. 11l:NRS 110R- set plow harness; 1 tat team harness • West Street, Goderieb.
W. 111.cNamara. 11.1.. of the 1'reshy- NFT -
L. CO R,0
-4.riau offices. Toronto. St.l.hath sehool
and ltit,Ie ch...., a o Redo k• AucTi0N SALE
Victoria street' t'tttte•d ebureb: -Ret
S.•it v Jeffer'.on. pastor. 11 a. w.. su1'- a t-lTI1rN SALE Or ill 01.S
Jest: "Thr Gess' Cheer .t 1:01." 3{ A NATURE .\`'.1 FI.1,11 5
p.m.. 1(Ihle ,a -h w l : classes for all. 7 ;It the residence of Mr- W.
p.m., subject : "The Treasure -seek 9. 4.1. - r,-, h 11 road. Gust, ;•h
Rug Solt ..f Man." SAT1'R11A1 FEIIIII 1111'
The Hewers which decorated the commencing ■t 1.31► (i. . k
;mlpit of Knox- church last Salmi. deicing r.snr, dining N. I
w. re 0•nctt.d by Mrs, catw'reo. in anti kitchen furniture card
mean,ary of 'her-hnphnnd, the late carpets; linoleum; eli e t
Jtsla•• M (:. ,d :tmcmll, tvh., for two amophone and /w
ember tette e
is rented.
TEItM$ -cash. '
T. 4:1'NI,111 Ai
. i Honor Graduate et the Oaaadid
1 t gag eengtnr.
--- - s k lore w" • • tbalmtc Goll d Toronto.poem washing machine with beach College
4 1 Ueist' churn No. 3; /Dye's examined by the later mettle
, and wringer:
• 1 circular saw' and mandrel: 1 etone-
si: FUR- R- Moat : 1 buggy pole; 1 long lathier; 1
111NGS .hurt Ialde•r: 1 .:.gal. coal 011 drum:
r. S8-af- I hay reek: 1 corn rack; 1 grain
„n roller: 1 Renfrew cream separator, in
27T11. _••est shute: 1 M.-rurtnPy m11kIng ma-
chine: 1 cont enitirator with Mean PROF. W. H. JACKBO:J. Organist;
std room harvester attachment; 1' s. -raper: and Director of ''oak Notts
.•n -\.0111: at»oat :100 bus. oats: 51► fins. bark, -street ltethodlat church. lnstrncttsa
ttli•r} : 1 shut : : n bu.. pas: 5 hose alfalfa given fo VoIee Culture, Org to, Ptanq,
.Alar ,,rat,• WI .• bus. timothy; ha► Lags pots Violin, Gnitat, Theory, etc. $t tido SLI
1 L x- s►IC buu.e• tees: a nttautity of good hay ; 1 Qts- residence, ST North street. Phone NA
1»s• heater stove. nearly new; 1 lip - -
hug ,tote: 1 conch: 4 chairs: 1 l'e•r- CHIROPRACTOR
t-tieueer. , less P'e'ninsular range with reservoir.'
ods, and the proper fitting of glasses
at moderate prices. Ontario Board
of Examiners Certificate No. 875.
TIs• leiuet „remi1?.•,• met • 1, 'Fit,-- a.r.hfl, at II :huge raid 7 It Ill. Set-
, day af7rrno1 and orgayiz,•d for the mon subjects: nlor11111$ "Thr Nord of
year. Mr. P. .1. Ryanand lir. W. if. Pardon.- This will hethe ew41nd
Rnbertwn, are ars 01 dot inn9l' awl ..,Alton' it, the se'riw InI "The Seven
secretary r•sp•tloedr. and ?Ir. 11'. it. Words from 1110 Pros,." 7 p.m..
Sharma11 0.0. 31l».inte•1 urea-ur•.r• -Jeremiah 2:13- Sunday a-11001 of 3
oft, ..i"., a lie. oi,..._ ..f 1L.• .•o,weattr,• 1•. m.
art: Meas.. C. E. Sounder-. A. F.
Sutrdv and Chas. I:bn•k. Mr. 11. 1:. Mr. 1lar.o1d Cooper. of Det roil.
lent1 a. ago
AI' 'TIe►N SALE o - ^ 1'I'ItF:i RED
511t Nf1'lh)RX 1:1'1.1.5 3 1'p'RF:
MR. W. L. IvrrrI-:It
n;lt •h1 by public unction at li.t 4.
ei sse,- 'ii11 !1, W. D. •'nlborM•. un
11'F DNESIr.11
with wo»i oud ,•ORI gratea: 1 Crown
Huron range. with reservoir; •1 barn•$
t vinegar; '2 -email parlor tattles; 1
lean mower; 1 apple peeler: 1 s'
platform scale... 240 pounds: 1 Cole-
man gas lamp; 1 Fonl Mar. 1920 mo-
del: forks. Chains. shovels. wliffle•-
tree' and other articles too numerousr1x,114
4. - Lave
Farm Is sold
•i Goderkh.
Chronic organic and nervous dim
eases. Consultation free. Odes
boors 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m.. excel*
ling Monday and Thursday afternooar
and evenings, and by appointment.
i• Residence and once -Cor. Ralf
and Victoria streets.
1.111('11 10. TF.ItMS--1'olatoses. hay:•-.5uS4o. eyed
ler , t .pent the ace owing: and all RU
- Pl'RF.BRF:1/ ('aTTLE.-The pure- over that amount right months;
i( been trpps.iuhsl band- k -en( l at h1. horn, here.1 ms r f $10 and under. cash
master. and his g...»► work with the flu• foll
Butt GL'NDRY'S SAIF REGISTER credit will be given on furnishing air
further suiv• s will IK attnlnrvl its bred registered I'nIl F'xnct I,ttddie
fusel lrst year uses a l lw--- warrant tirat
1020. nand i roetice he to te,mltlene•r
at once so (1191 When ill(' plating w•a
pout op»•ns Gt.Ierich and 1 Trinity will
fc,es 0f n first -•lass
11714. .. .. .
rhn,ie;ll organlzatlon. Ilan -urge.
We newlay, March 3. -Auction sale
Before the Magistrate of farm [stock. implements and house -
ales. 1110. Littlechild. oho appeared ( ilold furniture. MONTH' of Wm. J.
Andrew. at 44.t , t, concession 3. 1Ytst
' Friday. Fehruary 21;. --Mortgage
sale of farm in the township of Ash-
field. Ste advertisement elsewhere on
before Magistrate Reid Moudny morn-
ing(2 miles on the charge of stenting from the t R"e4ue.dtly Marsh 111.- .111ltlun
Steel store. to which she land pienoie.1 sale of purebred cattle. farm 011011
guity. ens allueei to go con sea»vd'•el impleno-uta and furniture. property I
sentence. . , rs. I n
n 4. en
'0 1 t
The ITlaurwlay s morning s'h,u•Ie•, 1 Nit. W. L. Potter. /It
!t W. 1st. 4'ollsornc.
(tell, greased of straliug grnin from l Sattrdut, March 13. -Mortgage
oho (:ole:it-11 Elevator Co.. loot n
hearing before 'Magistrate 11014 -olid
wens=- wrntml1teti -for- 4e:lul on awn
charges. one of the tillegrs! tleTt4
115.1015 committed in .Isuuary and the
other In February. The Information
again)*. William Littlechild tot it simi-
lar charge was withdrawn.
Great interest in befog taken io the
development of the whpnt-!,balling
charges. The eot11.11 ehamtoer, where
court was hold this morning. was
d rn*rl(41 to suffocation.
Did Not Lung Survive Remsfal
Mfrs. ttntw•rt 'entities. an old resi-
dent 0t' (;o (rich, died last week at
tree home of her daughter. Mrs. Wm.
('Mddts'k. Fee•erton. Ont. Mrs. Doug-
las and her hnshand lived for many
years In the stone hoose beyond the
C.N.R. track. Pearly last December
she was walking to town along the
truck when she fell and fractures' her
hipbone. Her ,laughter •stns to wait
upon her for a time. Rut (•0111!1 not 14-
main away from her home done•., lu-
definitely and about ten days ago eke
came again and had her mother re -
mored to her home rat Festa rton.
where she hoped to be able to gore her
better attention than was posed/de
here. air. 1)oitglas, however. pale'!
ant -ay the day after Ls'r remov*T rfi
Fewterton. and the funeral took plates
there. The hmehen1. who has been in
poor health for some time. Is retnnin-
ing at Feauierton.
Adam was a gentleman. IT he
wasn't R college man. fie never brag-
ged about being ,'elf-mede.--Balti-
mote Meriting Nun.
Go Into any nlwi9Rpeer office and
y0n'It find that the menneeripts In the
PIM/ hltRkets are Insg manuscripts.
--Atchtpoa (OM*.
Our idea of making the p(mishmpnt
fit the crime Whitt he to force the in-
vestor of sardine cans -to open a ease
at them` witM►ht sweeten.
sale of valuable garden pi$iperty and
r town ori Geskrrlch.
residence- in the
page. aa-th#
1i4CK1,1.'t -.1t Kingsbridge. on Fri-
th'''. I". -$unary li► -John Buckley.
aged ti. years.
SI'I,I,IYAN.--.'et Kingsbridge. on
Monday. Fehruary 22 Ellen Su111-
con. oinnghter of Mr. Jeremiah Sul-
livan, aged 441 years
SI'1{Irl L. -in loving memory of Mrs.
Mary Sproul, who died one year
ago-Fehruary 28th, 1925.
Peacefully eI'. ping, resting at Met.
the vl°rid's aeon' troubles and trials
• are ptapt ;
In silence she suffered. In patience robe
TI11 (ksl called her home to suffer no
Sadly missed by Haaband 'and
M9c)1ILLEN-In ever ioving tomer/
Of little Donald, only eon of John
MnoMillen, who permed away Feb-
ruary 20th, 11)20.
Whoa on the early sora A. !!odour
.From among the Sowers,
He Come to gather Mho,
And that morn ile gathered ooh.
Pure as a 111y was his little soul
Whit h ham gone to Not;
11'e all loved him dearly,
itnt (Ind fond him best.
[e ret 4•
1514 - 101-''.e4:1- c:; 14-11 February 6t1. proved tsdut notes. A dips -omit at
t. r annual al -
•r94' beret be Ito ^ rt t:lens t:eslerich, flip rate of ti per Ren le
Ont. This is an eae•ptiunall}• 'good lowed for e•qsh on credit amounts.
hull In every wa3 and ie. good (smell- WM. .I. :1NOREW, 'f. GI'NDRY,
Mom Mr. James 1 hisholm will sell 2 PriiprIPtor. Auctioneer.
voting 1tu11a• R.,I Duke of Gloster. R It. 2. Auburn.
calved February _'`the 1!25. i►am Ma-
bel Rennte, SirRl'(g,•lnnk Count.
'this hull is terra the 1x1114• dram ns
Rutty. Duchess •! 4arwter. that caused
,arch keen 11111(1. ,g at 11r. Glen's pale
I•Ist 4ktuts-r. L'e•u. Duke of (doter.
roan, calved Ma • :tooth, 1!r21. Dam iks-
Sin. ,• Count : o
0 ludo'. u
n m•Jtfl¢
sl• of (limner. ,
1 purebred reg -t,-red row'. 411seo.4prll
4t11: 1 purples) registered heifer. t
White Rose =3Klr t:t br•-n Mny 110.
1924. brel by Ur. 4thl•r, Clinton. Ont.. t
urn* fees- -- t
1 pnrehred re\$stere\ heifer. 1'prllta
._209407- red roan, Isom Jung 7th.
1924. heed by Mr. Older. Clinton. bap
leen bred to Fancy Laddie 21ad.
CA4TL0.-'*no. roan .-ow. 7 years
ofel. sine Apr`I (Oh : 1 H. T.te•Itl cow, 10
years old. do, May 7th : 1 red cow. 4
years old, de.. May 11th; I moan caw.
10 years '-'d. milking: :i yearling
steers: 4 Milers.
HOR13E8.- 41ne draft horse. 10
,rears .1i1; 1 draft mare. t( year. old:
1 draft Per. heron alt. 2 years' old: 1
general puri•o.e l'ereheron colt. 1 Teter
old: 1 gel' -•111 plrp ore Pemberton eon.
R months old ; 1 • -lrhing mare. 12
yearn old.
PIGS. --Two sows. sows. dot• in April.
GRAiN.-A quantity of trate and
some hay.
iMPLEMENTN.-5)ne Ma/Nee.-Her-
rho ender 7 -foot rut. nearly -new; 1
1Me•ring teower. 6 -foot rut : 1 13 -tooth
Froet & Wood cultivator; 1 10 -foot
Deering 1 arse rake; 1 4+ -fort steel rol-
ler; 1 54• of 4 -section harrowa: 2 No.
21 Pieter plows. 1 nearly new: 1 No.
12 Fleur, plow; 1 new National twin
plow; 2'vagnns: 1 rubber -tire boggy:
1. -spec ismorye i-1--11•Jwrae . power gag .
engine; 1 j3 -Inch (Bison entting bow.
with p •s s send d istrlbntor; 1 9 -Inch
Venot _rinder: 1 hors Mee outfit: Y
pet of ;fol ft*. Renfrew $sale.; 1 cut-
ter; 1 ' ,y reek: 1 pet of sloop elelgha;
1 Bat Lay rack for sleighs: 1 root pil-
per; 1 1 horse scnftler; 1 MappeyeIlar-
ria mn:onre, spreader: 1 Ford ear; 1
set of hoary team harness; 1 Ret of
plow I arnee; 1 met of single harness;
Muhl, trcee. neekyokro, fork* and
shovel.. rte.; 1 De Lewd (TPR/1 rrpar-
atnr : 1 Chinn ok steel ranee, and all
dther household fnrnitnre.
FOWL. -Forty -live pellets and 2
moot c rri.
11M r at 1 e't'her* ober,, and with-
out reserve, as the farm to tested.
tRRMs.-AR sew et $10111e tele-
XISITE1) r0(1111 'shut breakfast
and ether meahtlf pnAible. Moot be
New -rate in every way. Apply BOX
111,• f1HONAI. OFFtfll•
tate Rouse Surgeon New York O/b'
tbalmlc and Aural Hospital. assistant
at Moorefield Eye Hospital • alts/
Golden Square Throat Hospital. Lone
don. ling.
MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE 55 Waterloo 8t. 8, Stratford T1(1•
GARi►EN i'ROPERTY AND epbone 187.
RESIDENCE iN THE TOWN OF evening At Hotelf Bedford,
Monday oton
GODERICH. • month, from 7 o'clock, till the follow-
ing day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m.
1'11d•r and by virtue of the power
f t t aIr
(•ort alnwl in a certain
gage. which w'111 be produced at the
Imp of sale. there will be offered by
sale by pub(te auction on Saturday.
he Milt day of March. A.D. 1926. at
he hour 0 two °Week in the after-
noon. at tis• prPtnl$eu, a
town of Go(kerk•h. In the county of
Musts and being cotnpow'd of, firefly, r BEAGER. K. C., BARRISTER,
hlock '•(P• in Park and Marwood's v SOLICITOR. Notary Pabite suit
survey of the mid town of Goderich. Conveyaseer. ORe►-Dont MGMM
NM/sluing Revert scree. be the seine Oodsrich.
more or lees, and secondly, the north- R. DARROW, BARRISTER. ATO
west half of block "D" In Park and
Mammal's Surrey on the River Malt- • Successor to J. L. Killoran.
land In the town of Goderich afore- Phone 07.
said. containing by admeasurement Office -The Square. OodertcDe
three and two-fifths acres of land.
more or less. and which Raid parcel or
tract of land may be Netter known
and described an follows, that la to
say: Commencing at a post on the
northerly side of the Maitland road.
paid poet being due north forty -aux
Aegreee and twenty minute,' west from
the meths -ate angle of Klock "D";
thence dile north forty-three degree,'
and forty minutes east fourteen
chains and a -half, more or leas, to a
high water mark of the River Malt -
land; thence we14erly downetteam
following the high water mark of the
said River Maitland two chain,' and
sixty link(. more or ks*, to the limit
between blocks "C" and "D": thence
dse Forth forty tht(he degreeR and Oen
Tom. Isaforth P. 0.
forty tnlmtt^e wetR aTtrntti hart1 Directors --A. Broadettot, it. is
between ekte e•C•' and "D." a ' "
tame of thietdrw chole and sixty No. 8, lleatortb! John O. Grieve, Ib.
. t. Ilse
links. more or lees, to the northerly 4, Walton; r1L' Ju Alum, R.
side of a forty -foot road north of the 2. 1, $eato,tb; John Beanefteisa, tlittM'
Grand Trunk Railway track; thence bagen Geo. McCartney, R. R. llo. sit ;l
tape Rooth twee y-feer degree., east Besfortb; Robert Farris, Hans\$
'two chains' ami piety links, more or Murray Moos, Bromfield; •latasil
Inst. to the blare a beginning; ; to- Evane, Beechwood; Jamas CesnalVa
gewith read or rlght•of-way Oeelb.
alonethgr the ,'mothaerly Ilmtt of flu sa1d Agenerlets-J. W. Yee, OederI*$
northwest halt of the said Klock "1" Alex. Leitch, R. R. Its 1, Cl1attiaaf
nn the other half of the add lot ex- John Murray, $leaf rtb; 11. Hiseillefr
tending from the front of the said Ssatortb. Pellg•belders can Ay all
Mork "I)" on the Grand ?rank Rail- perinea and gst theft •arAs reealy&
way tract lip the rice thereof on the NI at 1. Morrt!'s •.Iotbf.g Stens
River Maitland. Wald road or right -et 1 CROtai; A. LI. Oi=l's Oveeery,
way being ten feet in width and re gfss sued. Osier 1, oe J. H.
endue este use John Hl$op the on GSasr 1 Mona Myla1L •
Barrister, Etc.
Odice-Hamilton ttrt'aL-_Qoderteb.
Phone 27.
111ap8' it Raps
Hamilton 9t., Oodericn
gra 8f1RANCE CO. -Farm and isolated
town property Insured.
Officers -Jaa. Connolly, Pres., Ool1
rich P. O.: Jas. Evans, Vice -Pink .
Beeehwood P. 0.; D. F. Meanies.
R 1,Pct