The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-15, Page 3HOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTS OFFICERS BELGRAVE The. inaugural meeting of the Belgrave Commun- ity Arena Trustees Board was bold last week. The appointment of of- ficers and the various committees for the year .R i6 were as follows: Chairman, 0. E. Taylor; vice- chairman, Stewert Procter; sec'y.- treas., L. Vannan; board members, Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mason Robin" sore Leslie Bole Gordon Pengalry, C. W. Hanna; baseball, George Johnston, general chairman with power to add to his eommittee to organize a committee to sponsor various hall teams; booking agent, Mrs. Ross Robinson; custodian, C, W, Hanna; damp committee, C. W. Hanna, Walsh, Sam Pleteb, Gordon Peng,elly, Garner Nichol- son, Ross Robintion; grounds corn- mittee, Gordon Pengelly, George Cook, Rohl.. Higgins and Fred Cook Diamond markers and ticket takers, Leslie Bolt, .1, McCallum, Ken Ilarber, ,Jan.'s Lamont, The matter of culling in the Belgrave Community Arena was left in the halide of a committee appointed for that purpose and consisting of C), 141, Taylor, C. W. .i4uuua,3oltua Mason Robinson and Leslie Receipts Balance iorwareed 1951, $640.65; turkey supper, $1,059,50; barn dance, 267.79; routs, $220.00; skat- ing, 1;184A; dances, $148.52; water rate charges, $39.00; donations, $35.00; baseball, $27.85; hockey, $25.00; broomnall, $12.00; rental of water hose, $10.00; proceeds of puehre, not including rent, 116.00; sale of timber, $1.00, total receipts, $2,676,4 -1, Expenditures Salaries, $700.08; ,turkey supper expenses, $614,01; hthurance, $312.; fuel, $128.80; hydro, $76.43; Mann- ing & Sons, refinishing floor, $72.30; baseball ecor 'Innen 1., $77..05; And- er:1011X miseellanvone hardware and wiring, $68,93; Ilelgrave Co.-Op, .Association, misc. hardware, $20,80; repairs to pump„ $1 9.90; C. W. Hanna, Meaning supplies, $6.53; A. Jamieson, removal. of snow, $3.00; CKNN radio, annonneements, $3.110; Wingham Advance-Times, advertising, $.1.10; Bank of Com- merce, exchange„,10e; Barn Dance expenses, $76,19; total, $2,176.02,. Beek balanee, luveember 31st., 1.955, $525.39; less outstanding cheque, $25,00; balance, $500.39, 41111.11.11"111111111.1111"....1.110111111110811180.. FORMER RESIDENTS HOPE TO RETURN FOR CENTENNIAL The invitations that have been sent out by the committee for the Morris Township .Centennial in August, are bearing •fruit and Rich- ard Precter, Chairman, :has re,- ceived many replies. The following .W9 etterS will be of interest to Morris residents and ex-residents, 111110 Wintlievn Adtatnee-Times, 1956 :ealr.1) tehrefi Relieve That Tired feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suffering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, Feb. 21 WEDNESDAY (morning), Feb. 22 Sincerely You'rs, J. E„Nivins. 0 - 0 - 0 Grand Prairie, Alta., January 30, 1956 Dear Mr. Procter: I just had to write a few lines and thank you for the wonderful invitation to Morris Centennial next August. I would certainly love to he there to visit old Browntown : (No, 8) .and to meet again the schoolmates of long ago. It is almost forty- three years since I left Ontario the last time and if the others have changed as much as I have, we would not recognize each other. I am enclosing a poem clipped from a newspaper years ago—I don't know•wbo.Wrote it, but it is a true picture of the old days. started school in '97. I de not know George Martin but I dimly remember you. Wishing you every success with your plans and program and hop- ing the weather will be perfect Tor the occasion, Sincerely, Mrs, Edgar Stirling (Lizzie _ Knox) JUNIOR RED CROSS HOLDS MEETINfi BEI GRAVE -•• The Junior Red Cross met recently with Dorothy Cook presiding. The 'meeting open- ed with the staging of the Maple Leaf, followed by a' regular busi- ness period, John de Yong, on behalf of the class, moved a' vote of thanks to the visiting teachers, Miss 0. Wil- son and Miss J. Cumming from the Stratford. Teachers' College, who were practice teaching in the 'sen- ior room with Mrs. Clifton Walsh last week. A varied program of music, a skit, "Piehing," was enjoyed. dances and-games, highlighted with The singing of the National Anthem closed 'the Meeting. Euchre Winners BELGRAVE—Miss Edith Procter and Charles R. Coultes were the fortunate ones atthe. weekly 'pro- gressive euchre party' in the com- munity hall' on. Wednesday evening when they carried off the first prizes. Mrs. Jim Young and Bert Vin- cent were the winners of the con- solation. prizes. There were eight tables in play. 'THE OLD SLATE Say, what has become of the little old skate _net we used at school, hack in —say '98? The little old slate that with red felt— And don't you remember how mus- ty it smelt? Or, maybe, that smell that I'm • • 'thinkiag about, Belonged to the sponge that we used to rub out The words and the numbers we'd awkwardly writ. (But some little reseals, my good- ness, used spit.) was bound And then as they dried it—it's hard to believe-e They used nothing less than their hand, or sleeve! That seems like a terrible thing to be told— But things are so. different, before you 'grow Anti don't you remember that sharp little sound, The slate pencil made, as we scretched it' around? And oh, what a screech, now and then we would make— bet teacher thought that her .eardrinits would brealr! ' What 'wouldn't you give to be back in that seat With yette little slate when all life was so sweet, And wouldn't your like to take bark with you too, That same little happy-eyed gang that you knew? But I don't believe you would be different men If we could go bark and start over again, But oh, if we could it would surely be great TO start out once more with n, new and glean slate, BELMAR Mr. and Mrs, John Spivey and family, of Ingersoll, visited over' the Week-end with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and MrS, Harold Procter. Mr, John Allen, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Smith, over the week-end, W.I. Meeting 13ELCRAVU---Mts, W. A, Arm- strong will be the convener of the home economies meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute, to be held on 'Tuesday afternoen, Vebru- ery 21 in the Community centre. The roll ettli. will be fthIrevered With a household chore done by the, husband. Mrs, 10. Anderson will .give the address and the Unli- ke Will be in charge of Mrs. G. Mrs. M. Taylor will per- tain'demonstration. The lunch eoininittee for this meeting is Mrs. G. Michie, Nits, Herb Wheeler and Mrs, C, Hanna, SEE IT "TODAY AT BURKE Electric Electrical Contracting, Motor Re-wind & Repair Distributors for Leland Motors Wingham Phone 474 .ma imim ntiPoionnagtopp.oapt. ncopnlaumosmpoommomomp.marawn,apa.mipsimommeamPoPabommomsonvmpoomPS, TOILET TISSUE , ROLLS 230 INTERLAKE WHITE CROSS onE TORONTO -DOMINION 1'HE E118'1* 151 IMANKINO N. L. SMITH, Manager Winglunt Braneb wart' tOURtobl‘MitoR Fort PULL DETAILS ABOUT "FAMOUS 'BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT" Mission Band Meets At Church Sunday BELGRAVE—The regular rneet7. ing of the Happy Hearts Mission Band was held' on Sunday in the basement of Knox United chareln The meeting opened with the Mission Band Purpose, ' followed by a hymn and the roll call.. Routine reports were read by the 'secretary and treasurer, Jean Hanna read the Scripture leason. A musical manner by Anne Wight- man was followed by prayer by Marilyne CaMpbell. The offering was taken up by Margaret and John Wightman. A short business period was held, and the -groups each heard interest- ing stories. The meeting Was clos- et} with meditation by Roger :We' man. CAPACITY CROWD ATTENDS CONCERT Discuss liather.Son LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS Partnerships at Forum • (Too late for last week) BELQRAVE—The meeting of the Bodmin. Farm Forum was held at: the :home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Procter with an attendance of 22. Father-son partnership was the subject under discussion. Financial matters were consider- ed to be the most important fae- tor In drawing up such a partner- ship and it was decided that in order to make arrangement for transfer of the farm business to the son, a partnership should.: be formed at the commencement of father-son operations, There were no members of the• group with such a partnership arrangement. Euchre was played following- the discussion period with high scores going to Cora McGill and Walter Bacon. Mrs. Stanley Cook and George Bacon had low scores. Lunch was served by the 11.014064. BELGRAVIE—A Scotch and Irish concert, sponsored by the Belgrave Women's Inatitute was held in the For es Hall, on Friday eVelling,1 The hall was filled to eapaeity. Rev, Breit de Vries was chair- man and numbers on the program were as followe: A song and &peee number from the B.elgrov.e School; solo by Clifton Walsh, ageompen, led by Mrs. Elaine MoPowell; high, land fling by •Ruth Procter; sole by Bill Coulter accompanied by Lois Coll; skit by,,Ross Robinson and Donald Coulter; readings by Mrs, Walter Scott; Mrs. Stanley ,Cook, Mrs, James Michie' and Mrs. Earl Anderson; There was a trumpet duet by Joyce Proeter and Ruth Michie, accompanied by Mrs. George Michie; piano solo by Gwen Weigh; vocal solo by George Procter, accompanied by. Mrs, George Jehru- ston; highland fling by Marilyn Goll, Janice Walsh and. Tonic _de Yong; saxaphorie solo by Russel Fear accompanied by Lois Goll; chorus numbers 'from schoolsi the district; solo by Clark Johnston accompanied by Mrs,- Elaine Mc- Dowell and. musical numbers by Bruce's Orchestra.: A ladies' 'quartette, with Mrs. George Johnston e Mrs, Clarence Wade,,Mrs„ Clifton Walsh and Miss Dorothy Cook was accompanied by Mrs. Elaine McDowell; solo by Mrs, (Mire 'Chimney, accompan- ied •ley Mrs.' Elaine McDowell; 'sev- eral numbers by the.Belgrave Pipe Band; sole. by Sandra Chamney accompanied by Mrs. 'Elaine Mc- Dowell; flute numbers by Murray Scott , and John McDowell accom- panied • by Mrs, Elaine McDowell. There was a play with the fol- lowing east:. Mrs. Walter Scott, Allen Scott, Bill 13nehannan, Lloyd McDowell, and Cordon Smith, The final nutuber was a 'chorus by members of the Institute aecorn-' ponied 'by Mrs. J, M, Coultes. AT WELWOODSI RITYS' .and GUMS' LINED -JEANS ITTAMONI) B JEANS Well made, Full cut :From $1.05 Calgary, Alta., Vebrtrary '7 Dea;.M1', Procter; Thanks for ,the invitation .to at- tend Morris Township's Centennial next, .Angust. I certainly would like to be able to he there ifrid. time will tell, Since leaving the 7th concession In 1912, I have been with the Cana- dian Pacific and in the passenger traffic deportment, Would I be asking too much for fora copy of the list of-the old 'Morris Township err' to whoin these invitations are be- ing mailed? With such a list we might he 'able to work -up a party from Western COnado at a special rate, and also arrange :for them t. arrive in Brussels, -Blyth or Wing- ham, yes, or even Walton, in a body. Wishing you all success tier the reunion, 15% OFF PM NT ENAMEL OFFER PRIZE FOR BEST OXEN TEAMS GOO quality Atlantic Paint Indoor or Outdoor Ideal for touchup - most colors Morris Federation of Agriellkare will offer three prizes of $25, $15 and $10 for the three best-broken teams of oxen in :the eMorris Cen, tennial parade it was decided at a ;meeting of the 1j . Federation execu- tive, held at the home of President Howard Wilkinson:' The past prekdent and president of the Federation were named a committee to approach the Morris Council to ask for clearly marked road signs on. all curves,, bridges, culverts and bad hills, in view of the fact that Centennial eelebeae Lions will bring many strangers into the township this summer, Officers appointed at the meeting were: Vice-president, RosS Smith; seeretary-treasurer, Earl Anderson', auditors, George 'Mar'tin and Geerge . Michie. A. Bacon was aPPoilited delegate to the Hog Producers' an- tler:0 meeting to he held in To- ronto, Grants of $20,00 to the Belgrave School :Pair and $1.0490 each to the Brussels and Blyth fairs were ap- proved. 0 Mrs. A. Allen Passes $1.00 Q T. LADIES' WILD MKS PLANS FOR YEAR GIRLS' 8 1;o 14 INTERLOCK BRIEFS CALLAN SHOES BELGRAVE.--The regular meet- ing of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican Church . was held at the home of Mrs. A, . M, Perdue on Tuesday,- afternoon of last week.' The president, Mrs, L, • Vannan, was in charge and opened the meeting with prayer, followed by Scripture reading by Mrs. Mel. Brad burn, Routine reports were given by the .rueeretary, Mrs. R Procter and' the •treasurer, Mrs, C, Nethery. Goon wearing cottOn briefs for active girls, Worth 590 Phone 12 Wingham 29c PR. Welwood's VARIETY STORE • During' .the business session, the plans for the. year were discussed with the St, Patrick's tea 'iii March being the first event, Plans were made to do some missionary work and also to pack a bale, The pro- grams for the year were given to the reemberS. The roll call was answered by naming a favorite hymn. Mrs. Wm. Brydges gave a reading. The topic on "Work of the' Anglican Church in British Columbia-and Australia" was given by Mrs. Richard Procter. A reading was given by Mrs. Neil McCrea and Mrs. Mel. Bradburn favored with a harmonica selec- tion, The meeting_ closed with prayer by Mrs. Vannan, folloWed by the singing of grace and lunch' Was served by the hostess, 16.11-0 IMO 1.11.111.•11.1.31111.M.0 1.11.11i 0 MB ONLY BENDix • uomatic SATISFACTION' GUARANTEED At Daughter's Home BELGRAVE—The death occur- red on Saturday evening after an illness of several months, of Mrs. Alice Louise Allen, at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Lorne Harm- er, Fullerton. She was in her 78th year. Mrs. Fullerton was well known in the Fullerton area, haying spent the last few years there with her daughter. She was also known in Morris Township, having lived there for a number of years when she, her husband and family took up residence in Canada after `com- ing from England 1913. She also spent some time with her daughter, Mrs, Thomas Smith, Belgrieve, Mrs. Allen was the daughter of the late, Mr, and 'Mrs. Thomas Harris of Reading, Berkshire; England and she was' married to John Eward, Allen, who predeceas- ed her seven years ago. She is survived by two sons, John of Mimico and Charles of Wind- sor; three daughters; Mrs. Thomas Smith (Winnie) Belgrave, Mrs. B. W. Watts (Doris) San Diego, Cali- fornia, and Mrs. Lorne Ilarmer (Irene) Fullerton, Ontario; two sisters, Mr's, Rose Dear, of Surrey, England and Mrs. Wm. Brown, or Reading, England. A brother, George, predeceased' her a number of years age.. There ore. eleven grandchildren and five - great grandchildren. ' • Funeral services were held on Tuesday at 2,20 o'clock from the Heath funeral home. Intfirment in Wingham Cemetery. -41 • ' " 1 0 *et- ono a W. • sr,. REAL VALUE) RICHMELLO—WHOLE MILK—PROCESS I OAT 90 CHEDDAR CHEESE RICHMELLO — INTERLEAVED 25 B OZ, PKG. 0 . CBE...ESE SLICES RICHMELLy—Canadian colgypact KRAFT, — REGULAR Mild Cheese lb. 43c CHEEZ WHIZ. Oz: INGERSOLL CHEESE B Oz. Jar Has'the Combination! 310 PLAIN OPI PIMENTO—CHATEAU CHEESE 330 SPREAD BEAESIDE BRAND — FIRST GRADE C EAMERY RUTTER SWEET FLAVOUR TENDER KERNELS VACUUM PACK — FANCY NIBLET CORN 14m.350 310 Washer and Dryer IN ONE. 10 I.B. PRINT PURE TOMATO 110,21LE 230 HEINZ KETCHUP SEND AWAY FOR QUALITY NYLONS AT A TREMENDOUS SAVING Insmaror . PUDDINGS gA.250 . SHIRRIFFS — ASSORTED ECONCIvIICAL SPREAD! REGULAR MARGARINE 1,m. 310 ONE SETTING WASHES, RINSES, DRIES Costs less to buy than any other washer-dryer combination. You save — on soap, hot water, clothes, space, time and money! .91•1 11.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111011111111110,11M111141113111111/1111E1111111111/1111101111111111 W A N We have buyers available for FARMS and HOMES in the .WINGHAM DISTRICT U U U lid U U MARGENE .101 NATIONAL CHERRY WEEK IS OZ. 210 cur..vEnHousr — CHOICE RED TIN PITTED CHERRIES CHERRIES LtIt 250 CHERRY JAM 3c.,°2' no Club House—Red MARASCHINO STAFFORD'S. PURE CUT LENTEN FOOD COSTS CATELLI MACARONI 2 READY CUT OR LONG CLOVERLEAF B.C. FANCY DUOMATIC DOES EVERYTHING But iron yourclothes! • LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH 1G OZ. PHGS,330 Club 20 Meets BELGRAVEMr, and Mrs. Geo, Marie were :hoks on Thursday evening,- February 9, when they entertained "Club 20', The evening was spent playing progressive endure, ' with .Mrs. ,Tames R, Coultes and Clifton Walsh winning high prizes. ConsOlation prizes went to Mrs, George Johns- Ion and Lewis Stonehouse. A lunch was served, ROBERT Li E. REAL ESTATE LIMITED Central Ontario Headquarters for (FARM SALES Write or phone 26 Mount Forest Phone Fordwich 60r11 - mornings only WE GET RESULTS .90 'TALL TIN PINK. SALMON Broad or Fine-Plain CATELLI CHRISTIE'S RITZ • Or, Plug. 210 NOODLES • 2 210' BISCUITS Aylmer—Condensed TOMATO CLOVERLEAF—Solid Willie Mast S OUP 2 ,7.1z•250 TUNA FISH 1 ,.?2* 370 CATELLRI PINZ REAL FINE ry-Avom — ADDS ZEST TO MEAT; ° . 2 MEAT SAUCE - 0 "A Place For Everything, and Everything In its Place" ')'(Author's name below) U PICNIC BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES 1•3.6tu Oa, 250 RED ROSE—ORANGE PEKOE Z560 790 TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE Red Rose Tea aPIcOS42. 670 CUT BREAD COSTS! WHITE OR BROWN—SLICED CLUB HOUSE—PURR BLACK PEPPER Shaker LOAF 24 OZ 50 'RIC ELLO BREAD It's the girls at a Toronto-Dominion Bank that help to make it the friendly place it is. They make the difference with their efficient and courteous service ... by the pleasant and understanding way they help you. They don't expect you to knowsall the answers about bankii/ig „ and, if necessary, will gladly help you with your ' cheoue or deposit slip. We're proud of our girls every one of them hi the 450 Toronto-Dominion branches throughout the country. We believe they're the nicest girls in banking. But don't take our .WOrd for it drop in to The TorontoDominion Bank 'nearest you and see for yourself the competent service they SO pleasantly provide, Our prescription department contains many thousands of different drugs and Medicines, Every single one of them has its particular place. Ricummixo COFFEE intcr: ;H; et Yr A NEW LOW PRICE—FRESHLY GROUND A big part of her job is to treat you nicely! 2 Pk "r0. of 390' 200 o00 WHITE FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX New discoveries arrive, are properly elaSsified, and stored in• exactly the right, place to • keep theft. poteney. Because of this orderly arrangement, We can locate any medicine in seconds, and compound your' prescriptions both . carefully and speedily. gib,` P 7 RUM SEVECE10 g " :) 51: G' 48's 2 BIINCTIES • , 19c 31 OZ. CELLO TURN • 27c m Oa 43c in tit 13A0 . 39c TENDER, (311SP GREEN PASCAL CELERY STALKS FIRM 1111l1) RIM tAriloirt,TEri TOMATOES Pick up your prescription if shopping near tug, or let 118 deliver proirippy without extra charge, A gleate many people entrust us with the respensib, lay of filling their prescrip- tions, MAMMA' MARSH stiuntEsS WHITE GRAPEFRUIT , WHITE PLITINPV COOKERS No, 1 P.E.I. POTATOES • O `bet we eolnpotind youirs? McKibbons V.A.LtYtei tritdrtvr, .4511R duArtAtettt' .All triekohti1Idl8P geld at dtit Dattilnlaa State la toteetidt ion 'flI1V glitthill16811 to glvo you Venn Clotena '114no 1'4. )10 % 100 * DOMINION :STORES LIMITED, ritESOItIPTION 6111101[18TS glibtatIbb by Sablbet 18121064 Copyright 4W1,ti6 A. BEATTIE, Manager (Ionic Branch