HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-25, Page 7THE SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT.
County and District
Mb.* Grace Chapman, of )(cured, Lip ulireing• ,Ras gone to Hamilton to take a ,vurrc
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Me( rash, of St.
rolumbuu. eelehrutel their silver
ereddlug on February 13th.
The death of Mrs. Margaret Hawley
goo, erred February ares at the home of
Beer daughter, Mrs. Joseph Melluald.
31.Kilkip township, at the age of
wieldy -six years.
II. Jetk.uu has lau•eha.el tlw Itur-
mows furca near Walton which was
*,h1 al Unction. There are 1 114 acres
of 101141, u goo*I brick hotow' and darn
and Ube pt•i,e paid was $5,11 25.
The death occurred ou February 7th
of E,,,44,. Hrlsrr•u Jul.., wife of
Godfrey Niehols4., 4•relltou, in her
efty-elxth year. It.•sides the husband.
a daughter. Mrs. Wilfred Muck, of
Cr-dltou, survives,
)1rs. Wein. widow of the hate John
Wein, of 4'r.dlt44. departed. ilia life
....... on February loth at the age of ....vete
ty-live years. Iler hu,luutl tiled less
theta two years ago. and two sats and
two daughters .urc•i4e.
.M -r. Mild Mr.. V. J. Meltrieu,- of
litill•tt. atmmatu,e• the engagement of
their eedtrht daugliler. Amy Viola. to
Fletcher R. Gibbing., of Kinderwde7•
Bask., yuuugest cam of Robert line
Mugs. furmerly of Ilullett. The mar -
[huge is 10 talcs mdse• in March.
The marriage 4.1 Miss Mary Pearl
FaIrlalrn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George' Fairhnlr.. of Tueke•rstuith• to
Lipids George 11'Itrl.•n. of Zurich, was
oolemnlael oil Wednesday. February
IT1h. it the--Vernet-.'leare•1
Beneath by itev. A. Sinclair. Mr. and
Mrs. O'Brien will reside In Zurich.
where Mr. O'Brien is interested with
his father mud brother lu the produce
firm of Kilierwo d' Limited.
John Rupaun. nn old rarnid.•nt of
tax Mullett towus1ip. departed this fife
t"t doh
aewn+e+, w
Letter Tolls of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
L Pinkham's V
Coniston, Ontaris.-"After a se -
are o 3 . tion and a three weeks'
y in a hospital
1 returned home
so weak that twos
unable to move a
chair. For four
months 1 wu al-
most frantic with
pains and suffer -
mg until l thought
sure' there could
not be any cure
for me. I had very
severe puns in my
left side and euf-
ered agony every month. One day
when 1 was not able to get up my
mother begged me to try your med-
icine. My husband got me a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
I took it. 1 started a second bottle,
and to my surprise and joy the pains m
in my aide left e completely an'
am able to do all my work wit 11 -on
help. 1 am a farmers wife, so you
see 1 can't be idle long.In all, 1 have
taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound. five
boxes of the Compound kha flets, two
t two
--bottles of Lydia E.
Medicine, and have also used the San-
ative Wash."- Mrs. L. LAJKUNEsgss
Bos 103, Coniston, Ontario. V
a short Illness. Mrs. Rogers had beep
I a resident of Ih'4s,e•1' practlewlly all
1 her life until a fen* year, ago. wizen
she went to Mount Forest to reside
"MI her ehtughter. Al Christmas she
10 Visit her daughter in Ifrus-
sels,, Mr.. A. l^.. -Maines. While Iwre
she was seized with u Stroke that
-wuswt bar ---death. '1'wo daughters
shrvive, Mho. Nina of Mount Forest
and Mrs. .\. C. halm. of Itruvc1s.
Il•v. F. 1;. Fowler. 14.14.. of Wate•r-
forei. Pennsylvania. has scripted tout
)1n:1lluous 411 11 ectended t.. hint by
the e.logre 94ion of \h•It'ill,• Presby-
terian church. Ile will preach his
first sermon on Sunday. \I:Ir1•II .1. and
Ids iidne•tlou 'will he held the week
press fou,..
Alt's. Itnll•rt ltai and daughter. Miss
11,1,,:. of 1tadl,.uu,.Sask.. are vf,ttors
at the home of Alex. and Mrs. Siva -
:444. Queen street. The harmer 114 to
ile•.• of Mr. :111} Mrs. Stewart and a
daughter of the lube uliver Smith. w'h.
at one titer eps•ratdt a phoning mill li
uu Saturday, IStlt host., at the home of
his (laughter, Mrs. W. L. Jumieesm, do
that tuwuship. Mr. Itapson was born
In lWah•rtuu- t'uunty ' elghtvslx Tear*
ago and value to this e•ounty at the
ogee of fuurte'ru. For forty -lire years
Ito termed of the 41111 conversion of
Milieu. on the place now. epeupled by
his son Albert. Fifteen years ago he
left the furca and settled with Ids
wife and Ills daughters In Clinton, but
last fall he and his wife went to stay
with Mrs. Jaudesuu. 011 .lanuury 2nd
Mr. and Mrs. flumen' ,eb'brutel the
six th•t1: annlversury tit their marriage.
Besides the aged wife. three sons and
three daughters survive: Albert. lsaac
and Mr-. W. 1.. Jamlewoi of Milieu.
Jerre: of Kitchener, Miss Nellie 'in
Toronto. and Miss Eva 111 1_111114.11.
.\n illustrated dinar, by Frank BABY'S OWN TABLETS
Veigli. of Toroto. "New *Mimes, of
Ow told World." yeas given int the
Presbyterian church one evening Last
week trod was well attended.
ILr.•tying!). will he sorra to hear of
the death of Jam.* It. Hunter '1"Sing-
Ing Jiwtay" 4. who is owes of Lue•k-
oow•'p best-known charneter.. Ili"
daughter, Mrs. It. Iwrie. of Toronto.
Is here to take cure of him.
Lucknow is again to have a picture
show. The It. 1'. Taylor building Is
being fitted up for the purpose.
11. 1 r; -f lt•tts--haw-- rsej4F--440.
Id444 k a','tlp1et as the pestdlk''. .41:44•
store and t1e'utal ottice t, his faith',.
Samuel le•itx. who take's Imuie1MB.
V'en414.1 Smith, of %oriel), lens sob'
bks 11111 -acre firm. 1e few miles 140)1111
of the village. t.. hits enol. Ad,'B,eri
Snaith. The latter has 1111,1 th.• farm
rented for a ultmlx•t' of years.
Large eUlehrw of herring butte been
monde through tile ice by tarm.re 11.11-
ing Moog the shore of i.ake !Citron.
11s fisli ere e•gugbt slit: nests .s't tin-
der tie. lee. -
large Ruslneo.s Done In Elle., F'lewf.
Revues, Worth's. nil the tike:
There pre curious drugs that
thrive -1a summer selling a type of
"live stock" that most people would
regard as pests--BII'L fi.'as. beetles,
worms. and the like, rays a writer In
a Loudon paper.
They do a large bustnr'rs with
schools, laboratories, museum auth-
orltles, sports outfitters, collectors,
and others, and employ hundreds of
tnteect hunters.
There are several extensive Ifutter-
fly farms in England where you can
buy caterpillars, butterflies, chrysa-
lldea,.and butter/ler' Nam In ,'hun-
dreds of thousands. You can buy
lovely butterflies for a few crate. but
some specimens fetch fabulous
While a black -and -white mallow -
tail butterfly Is worth about 25 coati.
an all -black specimen may bring you
over , 5100. There are only forty-
seven species of butterlltee in Eng-
land; 300 in Europe. But there aro
700 varieties In Brasil and :00.600
1• all over the globe.
Flea culture doesn't appeal to one's
aesthetic tastes; but the business
ARE OF GREAT VALUE pays. Paris L the headquarters of
the "Jumper" specialists.
- outatde one such shop malady was
Tburrday, February ::,, 19I0. -T
!ty I'ABEI.11A\111.T14N,
44.1.1sriul+, 141:1. l- -
41 Master. lel tut• walk pith Ther•
In howl)' paths of ..'r:4,1' free:
'1',•14 m1. '191)• secret. help w, bear
The slruiu of toil, the fret of ,'ere.
Teach i1' 'CLy Iwli.ucr: 141111 with
In closer. dearer cuuqutuy.
lit nark 11011 keeps faith sweetloud
In trust that triumphs over wroila.
W. Waddell.
them al;alu.t the dangers of ambition.
They were to be nut rivals but ser -
anis of each inks•,, ruunIfeetIog the
same spirit that'll.. did and expecting
the same treatment from others.
Wiwi: Mau')' Slecs,r. of t'talabar.
44t4w'l on. in January. 1915. the word
nrnt ,wit. "FrWr'dwwly's et4iier...l1
dead' nod the natives eamr from fur
:u4.) near to share with missionaries.
government uttl,ials, nier•hants, and
Ilio pupil. er her school ht the funeral
exer.•l.es. she was literally the te•r-
vaul of all. Iter tinier hand sen won
by her devoted seryire. Ilex• Is the
way a missionary t'isitor described
her: "One never knew shut she would
lie doing. One lour she might be has-
iug a Is•litical discussion with a dist
riot 1unuuhrduuer. the bent building n
house. mid later of judging native pal.
;Iv.•rs. Late nue evening 1 heard a
good deal ..f tanking and ala the
111.11 ER 'fluid of :corking. I went 'i44 to see
4;raciotls rather. ne thank 'Ther. { what e:,• doing. aid, there was 'Ma'
that being justified by faith in a Hefei I uwktu4 ....meat and the bairns spread -
Redeemer. we dun'.• :aero to Thy lupe it on Ila• flu..r with their halide In
throne of Gr:o•e•. where we may n- the candlelight." .\ gevernineur doe-
, rive daily clean -but (tutu sin. dully tor who one,. u biked her found her sit
strength for daily mer) awl hole tar ting on a e11111r rocking n tiny .\frl.•an
• n' eternal rest. Attn.n. baby. while fire others were sleeping!
tt rapped up in bits of brown paper
S. S. LESSON FOR \L4K('H 7T0 and a newspaper. ii, other parts of the
To All Children
Mothers Having Young a notice otterieg to buy seas. When Lesson Tifk+-•lerus Washes Ht+r •.-m. Tram Mimsk+twr! .tiumunItl1,.
in the Home. asked why 0 as prepared to par
for what most people regarded as Disciples' Pert.
undesirable vermin• the dealer re-
t.ee,sett Paswagt- -.John 13:1-17.
A Hate another Hun
Nu other un.lieiue• is of such aid t.. plied: "While.I buy my animals at Golden Text -Matt. 20:211.`The grit tle•st hen we know of belong,
mothers of y.fl,g children as is Ito- three francs a hundred, 1 can sell lu the pr.eediug chapter n.• read, to a tbr,s.her in Erin. Her right to be
by'., own Tablet-. 1'he'- Tablets are them at fifty francs a quarter 4Itre.- shout the 1riuutphal entry of Jesus'' eall.rl brave has Isere tested. She is
11, I' i mother 3au•
11L best customers were vendors o! foto Jerusalem. The people oriel' not only +1 bran*. lieu. but u "stre•uu
e c.-ry best
Ica•, ll ie a neo lr ' 'Insect tww'den, who need the "res
y, tier litllr our+ tinting the dr•111e1 emonstrste th. •11- Iln.uuuu . Iilrs.rl is the Kiug of I ons" Leu.
gf live beasts to d
teething time Is+sus•• they regulate
Ly of their wares. Israel that cometh s the name of the She belonged to one of the Hay ll
the .u,ur.1.'h uud dowel- :old 111)1 - Sometime ago Glasgow was a 4..n -.I... broth,•,*'. They also ow ii a threshing
Irlve 4.111 .'ou.filetfun and lenge, large buyer of fleas. The filters at In today'+ 11..w11 we read of Hist machine. elite!: was taken out of the
clad for the Heel [im1
• IAN: full, and a
:lou: pre•t.•n 1i,' 1m lT3tPTFA°R-'Wm heir sewage puri/cation works became .1,ring ,he tart to a -.want t.. sh-os to
break up 4.''.l. Mal sinno, 1ple fevers. periodically choked with a gelatin- , di..'i .less the urn,• nwaning of small field of grids was threshed
1'undd•rning I:nt,y's Ilan Tablets. 4.u• matter, the clearing away of df„fpl,••tllp. Its gluritiel innetlity. see• that the warbine nus in gals) run -
1 1 I 1 it I n and The authorities thereupon enlisted L.A. V Ira 1. thtied ,• firstep to .after the Job wit. tlnisherl. the m:1-
Mrs. Attn. Patterson. Scotch Village. l which was very costly. 1 It is turd ..f .Augustine that on being
uiug osier.
N.44.. says " lase . x ,' 1 , tee , t :1,
toll the un •li,in, they ever get is. the aid of large numbers of laaeotr. , Leuy.u' r1.p11te1. ''Iluulflfty.'' Aud the 1 chlor was returned to the shed. when.
ltaby's uw:, Tablets. 1 ponid uses of the flea tribe, with remarkable re I l,. Ilumiiin'" \nd the to the 1Imarenvent of :all. there In the
nothing el-- for th, n, and caul' sults. Eacb of the insects absorbed
s:risugly reeeminend the '1111.14.1. to all time
other kosher.." seara�
Baby's Iran 'Tablets art. sold by "CI.Is
medicine :11,11er. or by (wall at - roe
Th D Willi
to Co. Iiror•'y nt. ed that' some ens are e . thing uh . ,s . ,
�- -- - weight fp radium The rarest spec:-' provided water fur _foot.. arising punrys began to whiz. when the n
oundo per week of the troub e" ins hen
gelatin, and thus allowed the ''m1 1i..-fples ,apr.•ss the ree3 •T'•n,' s hlr her was a nest of .1414. that
to be converted Into water of ,.1 lira than ill 1-erviug uthel*. .\nay
1 clearness. 1 hark .in Abraham's day' car have a' site was emir:tiering to hat.ti. She
see who regard the lea u a drth111'' illustration of ho.pitalit)' bad 1»en'oi the nest when the machine
rents 1 ipo'. •frond 0 r. ams plebela} creature, H may be mention- w'hieb imiteltr1 as It: first :letthevery wwehte. o Nus,/t1lrrr wh.•i the belts and
\ledlt•in k ill U g worth their p i Jesus lid for 111-' tliw•i ors He {
-EXETER found th bl t coma4 Is 4t ne nett Hf•, ,H.41slw began to d a
s•idao ..o
thiel'' "Ilunti!llc." li 11,4 other way''ortlei• of the separator -at the str•in-
mens sr on r Ue oz, 1 r q4. 4. . e. sin ud when tins- riektlr•rs
special o the Polar bear, and a eer- 1 hail.walket to from Itethaifi the ,,-,n.1 began to shake and rattle. 'Cb'• wind
tale brie of Eskimo deg. f tl 1 :h4. fan ruffled her feather,. and
(''I.INTON -
Mr. and Mrs. Santini 4411,1 .,,, Clin-
ton• announce th.' engagement of their
daughter; Grace Freduru. to Glen MI: -
ler McKnight. son of Mr. and Mrs.
John T. M,'Knlght. of 'Cuekersinit4,.
the marriage to tato. elude curl)' in
Mrs. .1. F. Wavoniit4 pissed away oh
Tlutrsday. 11th Inst.. in h.r ,ixty-thir.l
year. She is survived b)• her huslaid
and a family ,.f two esus uud three
dualghter44. Berms. moving f4. flints)
twenty -nue years ago \1r. mad airs.
\\'a+mai reside) f4., some !H t• nI
-Tilt• deaf 11 ,eeurred :,t \Wel furl un
iWedltaesda�' of last week of harry
Ctu4u•1o1, furut.rly--dor-t-'ifnfnu. 1Tc tits
eighty-third year. Tim rennin's were
brought to Clinton for interturut.
('..1. Wallis is away nh x trip to
the \\'est 4•1 buy horses. '
.1 fu_rmrr w l4 -know a resident of
Exeter. Micl.ael 1:nerett. diel February
lath at ltnultf•nd, iu hl. eighty -11111th
v,'tr. While hiring h1 . Exeter air.
}:acngp was fur,amtn .'f the faint de.
pertinent of tin' Verity 1'tow 1'... aid'
for. tweelfy-fly.• '441/1' b,• was clerk of .
the village. When the Verity Co..
went to Brantford Mr. 1:acr.•tt :011 his''
family hovrd there awl h4. 1.0111 hilted
Ili. v01111,41 1011 with the eo111t,111y tint f1
hos rerlr•m,it tas-ely' years :g,•. Ile
theta returned to Exeter.-. ,114 i• sur- .
rlv,d b4 four daughters and three
sem.: \urs. Einar Kiiiirmell. Richard
J. and Nylvrjster 14.. of Brantford:
)Jr-,'. 1W.. A. '1uunlu11 and \Lr.. I:. 1C.
F_ mart-rs._uf 1':x., .' .••1rge...4 Erl-
ueomen, and )lis. .11114-. of Toronto.
\I r. l:aerett wain pnouii.-111. \11I.ou
:unl Iced 101.01 n 4un1 mast0r of the Or-
der for sixty years.
14,re, u. the little ,lun_ht. r of Air.
mei lir-. beim Slut-. had .her trf1 81111
lil•ok 14 n4 ar the 1111.1% 1a -t 44-.`ek. when
she !'ell 41.111 8 -1"i h. Thi• i.ethe
Haran' Smith. who milli 11444111 a year 1 ..''.,ud tial• the 11111,' girl has met
Fuller Brush Service
Orders taken for Fuller
• Brushes -of all kinds.
Residence cretin, Trate/gas Street
and Caaabria Road, Gederici.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
promptly to
All calls promp J
day or night
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street• Goderlch
Brophey Bros.
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day
Your friends- can buy
anything you can give
them except your
No other ren1•mbranee• will give
sAN•Io happiness.
Telephone 187 Gederlab.
People augbed when, a few Tears
ago, Prof. orrier, of the French In-
stitute, vel ed a particular sea -otter
lea at $5,0 O. But a British collec-
tor prompt! came forward, paid over
the stoney, nd tucked the treasure
'carefully a y In his waistcoat
In Japan th re are firms that spe-
cialise in catc ing fireflies and sup-
plying them t garden parties and
festivals. Som Imes the fireflies are
hung as decor& inns In cases about
the gardens
•a.wc • feast. Serene.- frow
• IIIg a 1P
meats hnd_ leen tuade beforehand try almost took 1,.•r breath: hut. like the
4'ete•r a1d .1ohi for th.'to t. eat .upper'; boy on the burning deck. she *1ayel
fi t1•.• home of a friend. ts,ssiIly that 1 ,tnll'tr 11het s'.1ftat,;h,'r thoughts weer began re
er M.Ir,..1he mother of .lulu' )lark.
.ludas Iscariot, who had leen in cum- chew' up the straw cannot be gneeet"L
ulntic:ohm with the chef priest.*' and ''(hen found she was nnlnjtirrtl.
eaptnin, aimed betraying WS \la t.•r. There was dust in her mouth. and a
did net know .If 111,5,' arrangements, .snweha4 frightened leek in her env.
so that they were nndisturlwdl at their but she, was of her nest. Of the ,'ggso
f,llonehlp meeting. The were all all tier.. -are .41 Vi. nuc. Acton Fr.e
.tinted and Jesus look none,• that ne Press.
nue had offered to pine'"' water anal)
they are released ' b:ulm the 11nas- f,et or the travellers.
among the guests like showers of t •I'he)- term mere concerned) about which
:hem ,h..uld h:sur the he•*'t seat at
the t ible 11mke 22:241.'
Jesus r4. -'..aid aside I11s•mrte'r gtir-
1111•114. iTri•a 'a Ti. -1414 tfirnttgh His girdle
and went from "he 0. :a nothcr with Ihr
basin of water. No one 4.11twardly ex-
pr,s.. d nntvilliucn,•-s t.. I..• 11111" rcwl
IN1ti1 Jesus came Io Peter. Wt. e1inot
111,1 Is'lls•s' they ,low Ih, rebuke :and
were :nit:nled.
1,1,1 it WA.. h" 10 Peter -
to i(itc+• nitcittinguts• and surprise.
Lord. dna 'I'h.nl 44:104 111y 4.4r•t ','.
'Phil 044•nrr,•1 that cont.•,-1ti4.la ill
nh1eh P4.I.•r 4,04 0111110 11011 tom 1111.4
f '1n uedl,d 44. 44,- w 11-11,•41 141410 day'
by 11.10. ''Ile that has reee:51.11-
''r 111 the 11:11 of in-titi•:ui.n1 Deeds
nothing a\rent the constant aploli•a-
0rrat i .ion of ewansiuz in his daily life. -
The firefly hunters employed by
these firms go forth at sunset with
long bamboo pole* and bags of mos-
quito netting. The eo on till they
come to a pent ne r water. where
the fireflies maks' th water sparkle
and twinkle as wlth'4 e7 gems. The
hunters etrlke the w111•wa wtth their
rellee fall to
swept into
poles, whereupon the
the grocnd and aro ra
the net...
ego neck 1 to Lower \\'inglmil. diets w'tt1,�Ji4 sxtiu• mtfrrtml•. ;THE (IR I.: RHITI'
Inst week 11 the home of his ,hingh-. I;x,.trr alarm- buss• I.':l 1..,4.1.80 .1
ti'T. Mrs. ,n,t f;rew_-.. at F r.•..ril1.• ''1* Blit 1 "fah ,,.....t-u.•.d•s- Tho The Jess' Mus. \bake Peace
N.\. 'rile remain.. were brought h' :t.1,.•:n, to Le 1,4. e, in on, -stir' Enemies'.
Whhgham and the funeral took pI1.e ply of the grub•.
Alberta Coal
First in Quality
Two cars expected this week
Those depending on this
yard for a trial order are ad-
vised to place their order im-
medidtely..as our allotment is'
being sold rapidly.
With Hie
\11 0
Id Loudon inn 1s to make way
fur n "4•11.'1." That is the Kit... of
•attiring f.4.• a tourist trade' p'hlclt can -
nor 043.1.1;1 fsl.i World life it finds
ef.' T•.routa GIu1'•.
oh iat,rlay from the revidence of hie Yom Kippur, the Day o
night r ..f I F:msa
,e de44 fos
r ay• kl..iu1 White Fast, berai'e of the
and Levi x ter): dreadful_ ase. •.hand l in the 44y natcogur I. No work .4.
sou. EI. Smith.
Mi.- Dorothy Pollen. .1
Mrs. I'ublcu.- Windham.,
1111111es. .f W.1111u11. n,'rt'
Tuella)-. Pith het.. ,in tl
'tan street 1'1111..1 cluing
:Rets. .1. AV. iIlht*'rt "411.4 llug The math tn
'conn¢ eont,lr Will take 4141 residence In l
'II Michlt',• 110,114.1 plying tor1111. ear.
}nt. .
M. C. Itry)g.•. of Ila• staff of the lo -
,'al branch of the Rank ..f Commerce.Commerce.th
has leen prpromotedto ben..rnuuaut
thebranch of the }bink at Ingersoll.
\1r. 111141 Mrs. hrydge• h:n•, been 414114111 -
lar rr'idelits of V'ligham.
.A to.** tome is being sought for th''
Wiiglailn Tutted cltnr.h and members
of the congregation are lasing asked
for suggestions.
m'eot 1s sometimes railed th
'811'•0 mcasltis. W,•II, is ,151,. praying -shawls and white cap.
Atone -
white ' };
worn c011 .Judo- tc:,- iu the eo141111111/11Y141111111/11Y141111111/11Y..f
done 'thus' also., 11.1.131,11.tiu.he11 01111 be
11111 11 4.m ,lounu11. on this drib. and rm fond M rate!
le \Welling one will even drink a glass of
1. 1en111ot1. I!• you ire hnue11 you .1.31'1 strike a or ernoke.
•Ieu,k at . 1h. .:w ih•tfl yua On the PVenlpg
Rosedale Coal
will give you satisfaction
Bright in appearance
Hard in substance
High in heat
Low in ash
Entirely smokeless
Get in touch with us
The death of Reginald A. Wilson.nuly sun of 4'ul. Alex. V'Ilso4 of 1'ot-
,into, formerly of KPttfmrth. ,weurred
.nddenly February 12th at Albany.
N.Y. Mr.'V'llsn wits ih,' Legislative
corr,.wsnldled and polth•nl reporter
for The New Work Herald-Trihmie
told been had bn Lt urw54ap4.r work fiir
about fifteen years. During the 1920
I're'sldenttnl campaign be treerlled
with President Harding and els) re•-
ll with 111m at Marlon. llhlo.
.when became Iwame n per. 1 friend
and confidant of the President. Late,
lie travelled with Mr. Harding 4.0 his
trip In the South. Mr. Wilson w'n*' in
his forty-first year aid wee born in
Senfnrth. Resides his %rife. himut
and two sletears ,urvi'e. The funeral
took place at Toronto un the 1:1h.
WS. 1/11 1,91 11um11ton left Inst week
to train its a nurse in Hamilton gen-
eral hospital.
Mrs. Mil
I'K" left Inst week for Icor
► • 111 the Vest after n' visit with
her father. It. 14. Scott.
Dean. Coal :: BRUSSELS
those Jews who are In possession
L•'. made are command
fust other perp g
to make restitution. All Jews mu
also ask pardon of those they ha*
Plan Now for that Pacific Coast and injured and forgive those who have
.►laska Trip 1ou Intend to Take injured them.
Next Summer At suna't alae worshippers proceed
to the synagogue. There each man
Next mummer forget the cares of lights a taper. prays, and eonfesees
business or profeeaiou- au11 hake a trip! hie stns. After three hours of this
t. V'esterh Panora, the Pacific Toast 4 prayer and confession, they may go
or .Alaska. There's sot 1 -lection 111' hunt' to bed. Many, however, remain
this kind of n va:'atiota .a swift Jour-, in the synagogue all night and all the
hey through never -before -eel' country.1 next day._
maul sums_ - at splendid resort-h0.1While the evening service Is in
tele, ane ilieh you reach the Cate pr'ogr•*14--+K- t11 --synagogue the w0-
adieu Hdwl'hr,, gorgeous chains almen, who stay at home, Richt candles
laic, forest,nnel tuw•erieg 1111)11111411i! and lamps, carefully watrhing how
they burn. For this night the future
There Is never an idle moment if may be dinned by those who have
you travel the Canadian National skill to road the menage of the
/lekering names.
route un radio -equipped trains. Cross- Next morning those Jews who went
hog the vast prairie country. the gran- home atter the three hours of prayer
me of the Empire hs always interest- again repair to the synagogue, and
Ing. Then there in Jasper National remain there throughout the day say -
Perk end Jasper Park Lod1, of con- les prayers, etc., as before.
The atmosphere of the Day of
Atonement and the evening which
precedes 1t to solemn in the extreme,
and affecting scones are witnessed as
old quarrels are made up. Rut occa-
sionally the reeonrilletlon Ie only skin
deep. 1n 01Ie such case. after the
reconciled had shaken hand*, one of
them said to the other:
"1 wish you all that you wish me."
"Thee- you are. beginning aglow,
was the disgusted reply.
80.000 -Years -Old "Venus."
in the "Matenieth" caverns at
pert . Pollan. near Ntkotshnrg, In Moravia.
now in Cr., rhe-Slm'ekta, het only a
few miles from Vienna, has been
found a wonderful "Venus," six
Inches high. estin: 'PA to be 50,000
,Fara :ltd. *aur Ttt'lttr: -
it le of fine-grained ondetone,
end date. from the 01d Stone Age.
Pollan's hills are urns reit ibbve
the sea. and there the prehistoric
men dwelt towards the end of the
fee Age. They knew nothing of the
Venus myth. of course.
About a dot.n skeletons of mam-
moths have been found near Pollan.
as well as those of reindeer. toles,
ti1eht-w1111' fame. There are moon•
tains on all Mike. sky -piercing thiols.
snow-e•appe•d, auessive, many of which
have never been scaled.
From Jasper National Turk 1s a
never -tattling e•w
ing smeslon of mountains
- mud more mountains ---lovely val-
leys, turbulent rivers and dashing
trtterfnlls nett! you reach the Coast
ht Vane car or Prince Itupert.
To make the most of your trip the
voyage thrnutgh the sheltered scenic
gene of the North PeMfic should be
token from Vatoon•er to pow,. nu.
r Alaska. 4111 the voyage you
w111 see from epleneId nes-going steam -
,rs alluring Iuleta towering headlands
1�and tumbling Icy .tream$ and glarlere.
l � 6 _widow' of tlu' Jat,10h the return Journey see Kltnanga
Plums �"'�' "" I 'Mmlitt Knept►a,
Orono. fi 1 1 Tllnrw.a.. anal ITS fiR11m 'l4At•lr
after I the highest lava
• Rler,'rs• 1 er "'r,' k In the Canadian
ulRht,ln her eighty-second year. a ' 'levities. and soda to Jllftper National
Thiel' trips, as mapped out by l'an-
adian Natlopal Railways, are not snrt
- for -' a<...
Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Rooting Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm Lighting Plants
f'f` Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.
pealed anywhere and fnrnleh a littera
ehteatlon en Canada to our Canadian
Slimmer tourist fares are effective
betweenbetween May 15th and September
and many kinds M fish.
20th, with return limit of October 81st, The.Pollau "Venus" is remarkable
ata minimum of rash. for the delleaet and finish of Its work -
link.. more of your \Western trip this manshtpft represent" the ideal we -
:41101 er by planning sheer. Any ('an- ash 0f 50,000 seen ars.
Adtan National agent w111 give you full
information and illustrated booklets. era
initim - t.rticern- n'�-'-o*.".'i.'H'4+"ew...f the
fact 'that tiler, 44as a :rail"r in their
number. "Yr ars tee Ai .•lets." _
.\ft.•rpar.l. 11.• resumed Ills seat fu
heir mho -t :u:d pr.e',el.'4 to apply the
u1•anhng of Iris n'tinll. S • have
taken 11,1- as the iu,titntiug of a 1,1'0-
u,ony •4114.1'-lbot1.! lot. oLscrvt.d for ail
lithe. Ifkr baptism or the herd's Sup-
Is•i. II pas not. Ionryer, eon lhnl441 I
.y the apestI.' or early4'hrirthtus a.
religious Ht., 10.1.44,1 Petr, '1145• 4111'
irftnal ,iglitio•aile.. .4f the \luster'+
;n a lu•❑ he e\elain.!
o'. "L n•d, not m)'
.1114. but 11.4. 1113 head- 11111 uta'
h4•,1 ." Ity' Ili. o.
is .1,0114. their
\14, r Ruud 1.0111. taught theta that
they light to le' a11!fug to eimeleeeend
to tit.. most humble outlies for the
fatten! of other,. 1'h,)- were Io te' the
retold. of the church and Inc **flied
Business College
The leadinge•etr
cnmmert iul school •
Western rn Ontario. Experienced in-
stnocter., giving thorough courses.
4;raeluat' placed h1 pennan.
Write for our (lye catalogue.
4Iel..\I'IiI.1N, Principal
Wash with Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap.
General Line of Hardware
How about a new Stove'.' Quebec with Oven.
Call and see our 5 -tube Radio Sets before you
buy one.
We sell ammunition, qtr.
0 "!'ttli '*ver x84..'tx,'gU4.i
• • -m -.'.
PHONES : Dungannon, 5 ring 3: Blyth, 32 ring 12.
flat crepe, satin -faced
inset citcular godets,
that enol' in long ties
Spring styl . are developed in excellent quality Canton crepe,
and georgett • , and you'll know them 'by circular skirts, or
long sleeves t at sometimes puff at the wrist and high collars
and all the ne et shades
--------- ---
A few Sampl • s of Misses' Flannel Dresses left. Very Special
1 I.
e ,1
Values, to clear at $3.95. 44
Come in a t d be convinced of the Bargains
we are offering.
Ladi : s' Ready-to-Wear�'�►o �l