HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-08, Page 1Oh • With which is ntrittiginnated the Conic Vidette Wroxeter News e 'a a leffNalliAel, ONTARIO, WIlliONESILAs 8th, 1006 WOOD CARVER PLYS . TRADE AFTER 65 YEARS 'ALONG THE MAIN DRAG fly Thianra440-flap Local Hospital Shows Deficit After Heavy Expenses During Past Year The annual meeting of the Wing- bara General Hospital Associ"-tion Was .held Monday , night in the Nurses' Residence at the hospital, with an attendance of approximate- ly 75 persons., Vice-president R, B, Cousins of the board acted as the chairman in the absence of II, Mee/sean, who is ill In the hospi- tal. Mr. .Cousins opened the meet- lag with the hope of a speedy re- covery for Mr. MacLean, In his remarks Mr, Cousins out,- lined the important work accon1P-• fished at the hospital during the past year, in-eluding the opening of the new 50-bed chronic patients' wing, the completion of the new boiler room and repairs to the hospital and the nurses' residence, Shows Deficit for Year A, D, MacWilliam, chairman of the finance committee, gave the financial report for the year, He termed . 1955 "a big year with a good deal of money spent and a good deal ,of money to he spent". Total revenue for the year was $164,060,30, with expenditures total- ing $184,044.48, leaving a deficit of $19,084,/8. Mr, Maegfilliata explain- ed that the deficit wasn't as bad eB it actually appeared, due to the extraordinary expenses incurred during the year. He mentioned that $7,000 had 'been- spent in heating and repairs for the nurses' resi- dence, which ordinarily would have been spent over a period of several years, -He told the meeting that $11,000 depreciation on the building and equipment had been included in the deficit, Mr. ItiamWilliani said that the deficit was actually in the neighborhood of $2,000, which he considered to be very good in the light of undertakings over the past year. Auditors' figures showed fixed as- sets of building and land at $767,- 378.38 and accumulated deprecia- tion of $98,460,52 for a total in fixed. assets of $668,917,86. Committee Reports F. L, Davidson, in the absence of H, Lloyd, who was on vacation, reported for tile building commit- . tee. Mr, Davidson reviewed the work of the year, mentioning the parking lot, which had been made across the road from the hospital. He said that the parking lot, as Well as other areas around the hospital would be black-topped this spring. Chairman R. 13, Cousins„. of the management committee, reported that 91 persons were employed on the staff of the hospital, as well as six part • time employees. Twenty students- are taking the certified nursing assistant's course. Mr. Cousins said that the expansion of the hospital is necessitating extra help, and that a qualified engin- eer, dietitian, male chef and labor- (PleaSe turn to page nine) TO EACH DOG— 'WS DWN HYDRANT The ?dogs in Wingham a•re tit have their own personal hydrant, according to notice Chief ,; Bert Plat., who also 411014 the dog licenses In town. Not 19136 dog tags 'are in the -form Isof a green, stamped, metal hydrae, _calculated to gladden the heart of any clog, FJatt is hoping that the new h'igs will also appeal to the dog: ii*ners, who, in the past few Tetra, teem to have been tiftlitiOWNIV reluctant to purchase the eemtments, ro- Lags are now on sale and 411;0* wishing a tow license eiteneter is advised to purchase iimnediately. A hOUSO-to-house. caniatSs of dogs and their own- ers is, planned for the near fir tore with a view to increasing galeatjef the new tags: Thnew hydrants will be pric- e' at1$2 for his and $4 for hers. Five New Members Initiated At Canadian Legion Meeting Leaves for Shilo Jim Wild Still Active After Lifetime Furniture Trade IS R Five new members were initiated into the Canadian Legion at the regular meeting of Wingham Branch 180 last Tuesday night, W. R. Wormi4orth, D. 'W, Aitchison, ,James Lee, Allan Walker and Henry Ross were installed 'is mem- bers of the branch by Vice-Presi- dent John , Pattison, assisted by 2nd, Vice-President Dick Bar- bridge, A request from Ross Ham- ilton for transfer from the Sea- forth branch of the Legion: was ap- proved by members. Recommendations framed at a meeting of the executive two weeks ago were presented to the members for approval, it was recommended that expenditures in excess of $10 be presented to the executive for approval; that a roster of execu- tive and committee members be set up and displayed on the notice 'board and that committee chair- man be made members of the ex- (Please turn to page nine) Off1GERS APPOINTED ACCIDENT VICTIMS TREATED AT HOSPITAL Sgt, William E. Grover, who for the past seven years has been stat- ioned in Wingham as vehicle mech- anic attached to the 21st Field Regiment, -RCA; 4ef L -on Felder ear- Shilo, Manitoba, where he will'take a 9-week course in field artillery. Following the course he expects to return to London for further post- ing, Mrs, Grover' and their two children will remain in Wingham during his stay in Shilo. • fOR TO- VEY , , Plans for this year's Tubercea; osis X-ray survey in Huron County were. put on an active footing on Friday evening when almost ninety persons from every municipality in the county met in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Need a* Job? A complete list ofAobs available in Canada, prepared by the 'Unem- ployment Insurance Commission, has been posted in the library in the town hall -for reference of the people of Wingham. Persons in- terested in securing employment are invited to consult the list, and to apply -for' 'any positions aPpear- lag thereon. Jobs on the list have beernplaced haa., 4JPhalinfitgalCalg9.rfa reference, along with the location of the job, 'the qualifications, pay, and other information. Persons in- tucked in any job may obtain • fuller information . from the local branch of the 'Unemployment In- surance Commission, in Listawel. The list at the; town hall will he changed every two weeks. Kinsmen Plan Easter Dance The regular meeting of the Wingham Kinsmen Club was hold in the Qiinens Hotel on Thursday evening with President •jack -Got- butt in the A progress report on the raffle for the trip to New York was given by Kin Harvey Fisher. The sale of tickets was said to be good. The draw for the trip is to be made On or about the 23rd, of March. This will be time to give the winner a chance to prepare for the trip which is over the Easter week-end, $200.00 in cash may be taken in- stead of the trip, - Plans for the Kinsmen East. dance are almost completed, The dance will take place in the Wing- ham District High School audi- torium and dancing will be to the music of The Esquires. After discussion led by. the ways and means committee chairman Kin Lorne MacDonald, about fu- ture projects, the meeting adjourn- ed, Your accidents, two of them of a serious nature, were reported at the Wingham General Hospital during the past week. Miss Eleanor Perkins, age 65, of Gorrie, fell at her home and frac- tured her- left hip. She was taken to the hospital, where the hip 'was pinned, but her condition took a turn for the worse, and she died there on Monday. Debbie McDougall, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mc- Dougall, R.R. 2, Wingham, was badly scalded at her home when She pulled a kettle of, boiling water over herself. She was admitted to hospital, where her condition was described as fait. Donald Gurney, son of , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gurney, was injured while attempting to cut a tree off tr sid-run near town. The axe hr was using slipped and cut his ler foot, causing 'considerable loss o' blood. He was released from the hospital after treatment. Robert Brown, Wroxeter, was in- jured when he caught his left wrist between two I-beams while working with the Huron County road gang. He was released from hospital after it was found that there Was no fracture. SI(4.1INGEXE(UTIVE PtANS ICE- REVUE The :executive of the Figure Skating Club met on Monday eve- ning with all members present, to make 'further plans for the ice revue of 1956, to be held on March 14th and 15th at 7.45 p.m. • It-=-Was' reported that a fine pro- gram .aonsisting -Of scenes frain ".Alice in Wonderland", solos-, pail* dances,: comedy and ballet by the• club- Ipembers are well under way. As "Wirest skaters, the .club has se, cured,' four members of the Guelph Skating Club who will include Witigham's John Wild and his skat- ing . partner, JoAnne Markham; James Hutchinson and tiny Bron- wyn Brothers. Itawas agreed to have tickets us- able for either evening at the same prices as last year, With pre-school children being allowed in free and reserve. seats to gO on sale the last week, ", The executive decided, to offer prizes to the 'top ten club members for the advance sale- of tickets.' A.' •' aist, the 'past,. the aNsoelate membership card is admission to one performance and it is hoped that associate members will work behind the. scenes for the other performance It was decided to invite the town banti to play at the beginning and tiering 11w intermissions, The costume committee has de- cided to buy materials for the bal- let and red and white rose costumes in ,order to have them uniform. A small rental will be charged for their use. Plans arc -being made for alms trip to Galt on March 24th to at- tend the Canadian championship competitions being held there. All members Wishing to attend should enroll now with either Mrs. Har- old Wild or Mrs. Harold Burrell, Expenses will he kept to a mini- mum and should be slightly less than last, year's trip to Toronto, If there is room non-members will he welcome and will be accept- ed in order of registration, -By the time you get to be 80, most people feel like slowing down a little, and Jim Wild, foremast of the cabinet room in the Fry and Blackhall factory, is no exception. ,whia 65 years i n the eurniturehueia ness behind him, 52 of them in Wingham, Mr. Wild has started to take things easy around the shop, fie now goes to work every morn- ing at 8 o'clock instead of the usual starting hoar at 7. A Wood carver by trade, Mr. Wild has had a remarkable career in the furniture business. Starting off with the London Furniture Factory at the age of 16,,,he showed a nat- ural aptitude for wood carving, and when the carner at that factory left for another job, six months after Mr, Wild's arrival, he was able to take over • the job without too much trouble.- He's been at it ever eince, In those clays Wood carving was a strictly manual oecupation. Each carver had a set of tip to one hu.n- cited different types and shapes of chis'els, and these, along with the Inevitable mallet, were the tools of (Please turn to page nine) INOONCLT,JSIVE1—L as t T II u re, day being,:Clround flog Day, there wits considerable „interest evinced loeallY and nationally as to whether Ytiro ground hog would see • shadow or not, Unfortunately, nobody ,seems to know whether he, actually did or didn't, Reports vary according' 'to local conditions, hut' it seems like a safe bet that there won't be too much balmy 'weather Before the end of six weeks, ;to matter what the groandbog saw, 0 - 0 - 0, a EITTING — THE GATE -!-- In amongst a' finatielal repOrt, an re- creation in Wingham during the past year as reported to the towns council by Councillor Bill Conran, 'was this little gem.: "Receipts for season from Midget Softball—$4.05". With a gate like that, it's small weader' that recreation's a bit on the expenSive side, It isn't much encouragement to the midgets, either, to have crowds as infini- tesimal as theirs rhea have been, 0 - 0 e 0 PAGE MR, ROBERTS--Any- body looking' fat' a good Oldefesh- lotted howl, at the movies should take a trip - to see "Mr, .Itoberts,"' playing at Witighain's Lyceum Theatre tonight. Guaranteed to kill the old rnia-Winter cleraiiiiits with beautiful South' , Sea Island Cin- emaseope, the pica° has so ,many faughe it kept BroadaveY.audicnce$ in stitches for several months'. Just the thing for those of us who can't get to Florida this winter, ' 0 - 0 - 0 laaNELY HEART—police Chief I Platt, who used to, share his office with two charming ladies of the local branch of the ' Muria Health Unit, has been .alone in his Flory thiS week since Miss Mary Love and Miss -Janet Thoinson moved their quarters up to the Wingham General Hospital, -, 0 - 0,- 0., - IN BED, TOO—The minor 'flu eltialelnie, which has been taking Jkaieet011 attlatin.d -t9S1S1taa-Me_aarOlic,' have spread to the hospital, Several Members- of the staff are reported to' be patients there. Wonder who nurses the nurses? 0 - 0 - 0 STARTING 'TO HUM -Things are going into high gear in Morris these days. Councillor Bill Elston reports that letters in reply to the fhousande of invitations sent out recently arc beginning to pour in, file of them from as far away as eonver, From the looks of tuns the centennial is aoing to be a great success. A meeting is being held next Tuesday under the chair- manship of Milo Casernore, to make plans for the giant centennial par- ade. ._....._,— EUCHRE AND SOCIAL Euchre and Social to 'follow in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, on Monday, February 13, at 8.30. Inineh to be screed, Tiffin's Or- chestra, Everyone welcome. anni ANNUAL MEETING OM/FELLOWS' BINGO The Wingham Oddrellows holding a bingo in the Odd-fellows' Hall on Alfred Street, on Thursday February 9, at 9 p,m. The 'prizes for the regular games will be cash and the special prizes will be turkeys. There will also he one free special prize and a door prize. Admission $1.00. Proceeds in aid of C.P.T. Fund. Fgh Plan Open House At High School An open house in May is being planned at the Wingham District high School for the display of work done at the, night school classes, held in the high sch'ool during the winter months. Night classes ended lash week, after running for fifteen weeks, About 150 persons attended class- es on a variety of subjects, with 18 New 'Canadians studying Eng- lish, and 31 enrolled In the shop-. work class. Popular with the women -was a chip in sewing. The following instructors con- ducted night classes during the season: Basic English, Robert Hit- ter; shopwork, Ross Vogan; sewing and smocking, Miss Dorothy Com- ber; art instruction, Mrs. Charles Krug; commercial, Miss Alice Heard and Mrs. M. Chopin; metal- craft, E., S, Stuckey, Oil Heater Causes Blaze Chairman of the gathering was Judge Frank Fingland, .who heads the county organization under the auspices of the Huron County TB Association. President of the as- sociation is Prank Madill of Wing- ham. The survey- is slated to open in Huron early in'May, with two X-ray units in operation. It is expected that it will take -about three weeks to complete the survey of the en- tire county, and a working force of almost 6,000 volunteers will be required to haridle the tasks which are entailed. One of the biggest of. these jobs is a house-to-hi-nese can- vass of every home in the county, when cards will he filled out to in- dicate the humber of persona to he expected when the units commence. operations. - Although results of previous sur- veys -have been most .suceessful, and the incidence of TB- has been. sharply decreased, Provincial De- partment of Health officials have made it clear that too many per- sons have failed to avail themselves of the facilities of the free chest clinics. It Is the intention this year to come as close as possible to 100 per cent coverage. Divided into Dietricts For purposee of efficient organi- zation the county lies been divided freezing, Leaving the heater for a into districts, Wingham being part feiv minutes he returned to find of an area which covers not only that it had caught fire. the town -but the townships of Tuthberry, Morris, East Wawanosh, (Please turn to page nine) PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE NI WM./NETER Wroxeter Women's Institute will hold a progressive euchre Thurs- day, February 9, at 8.30 in town hall. Special door prize, Admission 25 cents. Ladies please bring leech, Come • and bring your friends. sese A fire at the home of Owen King, Turnberry„ last Wednesday night, did considerable damage to the interior of the house before Wingham firemen were able to get the blaze muter control, Mr, King has been engaged in pointing a wall, and was using an Oil heater to keep the mortar from ALL THE WAY „PROM SCOXLAND Fifteen Tables At W.I. Euchre Fifteen tables 'were in play at the Women's Institute euchre held' in the council cambers on Friday night. High lady was Mrs. Chas, Coul- ees, of Belgrave, and high man was Charles Cathers, of Wroxeter. Prize for lady playing as a man was won by Mrs. George Deyell. Mrs: Frank McCormick was winner of the mystery draw. • NOTI cE 0 Cameron's Billiards will be °atm every Saturday night until :12 p.m. for the convenience of the rural customers, Fr8rh LEGION EUCHRE The Ladles to the Legion Auxil- iary of the Canadian Legion are holding a euchre in. the Legion Home, Monday, February 13, at 8.15 p,m, Good prizes, lunch served, admission 50c. y F8b . — VALENTINE DANCE AM') ItlitICiirtE AT WROXETER Wroxeter Community Club will hold a dance and progressive (Mohr° on Friday, February 17, in town hall, Euchre at 8.30 with prizes. Saiester's -Orchestra, Booth in hall, All are Weicoine, F8:155 Wingham firemen atteeded the call and had the fire under control in a short time, NOTI ( A public meeting for llowick Township Centennial will be held in 'Gerrie Comraunity Hall at 8 p,m., February' 15. livery citiaen in the township is invited. F8b HURON JR. TARSIERS alt. INSTITUTE WIETTING A regular meeting will be held in WDRS1 Thursday, February 9. Rev. Watson will he the guest speaker. Recreation. and lunch Will follow-, All folk betweeh the ages of 15-30 are Urged to come. F8b Public Works Department Plans Tree Planting on Town Streets The, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, Friday, Pebivary 10th, 1956, at 1.30 p.m, to receive the Annual Statement, elect Directores' appoint two auditors and such other business as May pro- perly he brought before the meet- ing, The retiring Directors are Messrs, W. Robert Graham and Ewart Mc- Xercher, both of whom are eligible for re-election, 8 PEaT,AL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a resoltition will be 'introduced at the Annual Meeting to confirm a special resolution of the directors of Howick Vaerners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company at a meeting 11 '1 on the 27th day of December, 1; r, "The Corporation be and is hero- by authorized to make application to the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario for the issue of Sappicenentary Letters Patent extending the powers 'of the Cor. pbration to include, in the ease of property that it ineuree against fire, the following elasseS of lia ettrance; Wrndstorm, hail, light- ning, explosion, riot, impact by aircraft ol' vehicles, sitiolce damage, Water escape, earthmtake, tornado, etwitiklea leakage, end' cOremoticei, trialfekrue damage, Weathet, and each other classes of insurance as May be prescribed by regulations passed pursuant to section 27, of The insurance Adt, ILS.O, 10), Cbaptct 183, Provided that in the ease of Weather Lasers-nee, all li- ability for loss in eXeeee of $1.00,00 'lily 'risk Shell be redneated a. licensed weather itentrance rtily." NORMAN TI) HARI:4Na, President Z. if. VVVIAM, $ccAlteaS. PICOT(1.01 AND IRISH VARIETY CONCERT A variety 'emit:era. "Salute to the Shamrock and Thistle" sponsored by the Pelgrave Women's inetitatti will be held in the Foresters' Han, Belgrave, on Friday, February :10 and also' on Tuesday, Febtinity 14 at 8,15 P.M, Admission Adults n00, School children 25a, pre-school children free, planting, The question of orgailialeg a committee to plan anti supervise the planting of treea Was left, with Alexander, who will draw up a schedule of planting and will ()ut- ilise on a map of the town the areas Which should be planted. Af- ter the ptelinithaty work is done on the platithig, it is hoped That pertimileat tree-planting corrimittee can be formed to carry out the work each year. TO Trade lelew? • Deputy-ReeVe Joe Iteet brought up the Subjoct of the town plow4 Which he said was not suitable rot the type of plowing done on the (1510180 turn to page nine) Curlers tlatiag Mat the new stone lot 'the rita time are, left to right, to INIct)o Bruesels, A. MacWilliam, Mts. It Ii McKinney, Crawford and Lloyd Casemotc, NOT W' Owners of dogs in the 'town of Witighein ere requested to Pitt's their 1456 dog tags immed- iately, Available from the Tow') Clerks' office or the office of tit? Oh toe of Police, T. W. Platt, Met of Police, Fab Alexander said that 41 program of tree planting at the present Lime would provide shade In another ten years or so, and at a time when .a largo number of the older trees may have been removed. He ask- ed council ,ito sanction, the use of the town Men for this work, and suggeSted that a tree planting committee he set up to plea and di- root the planting, • Contdde.table disettesion followed on the emetic/a of who're trees could be procured for the Object. It Was suggested that 640ot Maples could be dug froM the bush 'arid Reeve Rey Adair offered the town trees of this' tym from his fatm, Which Would be suitable for tee New matched stones which came all Oe way from Scotland were welcomed tit the Witigham Curling Club on Sattitday night, Costing $2,240, the hoW reeks' will be used as replacements for the tdub's old stones, which will be 'sold to the highest bidder, t'1:811, A Moamar of tree planting, aim- ed at teplaeing older town trees Which are being cut down OS a re- sult of poor condition, was sug- gested by jack Alexander, chair- man of the .public Works commit- tee, at the regular meeting of the town council on Monday night, Ma Alexander told council that many Of the trees Which now grace the streets of town are in pont shape arid May have to be re- moved Within the next ten yeate. A number of the trees considered to be safety hazards have bee li tak- en down 'this Winter, and each year Mere trees will bane to be cut Penn:lag: out that something Should be done Malts it now, Mt. rr