HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-02-01, Page 6t'04.1,4A' N1.11404,1' lalsalice• fate',
On these grey winter days, add
daSii of color to any room with
a gaily pointed lampshade. Coat
the inside of any heavy paper or
cardboard. shade Arith aluminum
"oomir MAKE MC LAUGH !
"I know what I'm talking about. No
wise inan or woman would be without
the services of a trust company in matters
concerning their estate—it's fats ruo
important. So, take my advice, write for
the free booklet, "Blueprint For Your
Family," It will tell you, a lot you should
know about estate administration."
372 Bay St., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop Barrio 3,1
WIIONKTFIZ The spirit of geed
neighboring„ to which this corn-
/nullity is noted, was manifest
again during the past week when
e, party wae held in the Wroxeter
TOWn Hall for Mr. and 'Mrs. Peg-
olo. olio lost their personal belong-
hogs when thoir house was destroy-
stroyed by tire on Sunday. Janu-
airy '41..tel.
The litmus was owned by John
:Lane and occupied by Mr, and
Mrs. Pegele and their two children,
age eighteen tenths and five
Imenths, At the time of the fire
Mr. regelo was at another barn ,
lloing chores. Mrs. Pegelo called
th e fir s brigad e from Wingham and
"root:water Most of the downstairs
I fifirnEStlir.p: lt. ETU carried out and
taken to Salem 'Milted Church but
upstairs furnishings and personal
!clothing was lost.
A benefit dance was held for the
Pegeld family on Friday night.
Mrs. Ken Bennett read an address
and Everitt Callers presented a
gift of more than 6;200.00. Mr,
Pegelo expressed heartfelt thanks
to all for their kindness. Snngster's
Orchestra provided music.
During the fire women of the
neighborhood provided refresh-
ments at the home of „Mr. Wm,
Taylor for the fire fighters. Fire-
men from Wingham remained at
t h e scene of the fire until late in
the evening.
It was eighty years ago in the
month of January that the first
house on the Lane property was
burned. It was then owned by a
pioneer John Gallaher, Stanley Gal-
labor's grandfather. Caused from
iverheated stovepipes, it is recalled
that nothing, was saved. Part of
the building. just burned was built
that winter and completed the fol-
lowing year.
The farm remained in the Gal-
laher family until a few years ago
when Albert Gallaher retired to
Wroxeter. Mr. John Lane had com-
pletely modernized the home while
living there.
Mr. and Mrs. Pegelo came to this
community from Chesley.
Floppiness is spiritual, born of
truth and love. - It is unselfish;
therefore it cannot exist alone, but
requires all mankind to share it--
Mary Baker Eddy.
!paint, Then paint the outside
The aluminum will reflect the
light inside the shade and will pre-
vent light shining through the
brush marks on the outside.
with label, sales slip or box
top from any one of the
fine PURITY products
Le' .• than 1/3 Regutar Price
GEMEY delightful perfume
by Richard Hudnut, is a fra-
grance beloved by women
everywhere for its romantic
sparkle. Not too sultry,GEMEt'
is lively and exciting , . truly
gem-like, for the enchanting,
srl•Z MN"
Station Q, Toronto 7, Ontario
Send me . bottle(s) of GEMEY PERFUME as
advertised, For each, I enclose 250 rind box top,'
Sales slip et label from any PURITY product.:
NAME.. 4, • r r • • • • .1 4.4s
ADDRESS. 0 4'0 0 1#08,10.8000804900/141
00000944. 0 00400110 .88009,40ROV*
ANA uttiglt clh Anituy seaeulehcla
throughout the world are working
on cancer as on any, other medical
problem, scientists still have
discovered the cause of cancer,,
You' Cato
IF you feel
These days most people work under
pressure, worry more, sleep less. This
strain on Body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lese—liarder to retain.
Today's tense living', lowered resistance,
overwork, worry—any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes _
remain in the system. Then backache,.
disturbed Jest, that "tired-out" heavy-
headed feeling often follow. That's the
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better—sleep better work
better. Ask for Dorld's Kidney Pills al
any drug coupler.
rorsoon S
"Mr, Berm from Lima" is the
title of a three-act comedy for
which rehearsals have begun in this.
village and district. Sponsored by
the community club the play comes
highly recoMmended. Wroxeter
and district nave a reputation for
good plays and everyone Will look
forward to the latest, "Mr. Bean
from Lima,"
The Young People's Union of the
United Church is planning a family
skating party in the local rink on
Tuesday, February 7th, at 8 p.m.
Get out your skates and go along
with the Young People, Following.
the skating, refreshments will be
served at the church hall,
My and Mrs. Harvey McMichael
and Mrs, Charles McCutcheon left
on Monday for Pontiac, Michigan,
to attend tile funeral services for
their uncle, the late Solomon Ring-
ler, Mr, Ringlet., 83, was a native of
this community and a brother of
Mrs. Robert Hupfer.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rae and daugh-
ter Susanne, Brantford visited on
Sunday with Mrs. D, W. Rae.
Members of the Tuesday Star-
light Group, United Church, cater-
ed to the local curlers and their
guests on Monday when twelve
rinks were entered.
Mrs. J. H, Wylie returned home
on Saturday after a two weeks'.
visit with Mr, and• Mrs. George
Bradley, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. John' Howes and
daughter, Jeanne, Chatham, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Howes,
We welcome to the village Mr.
and Mrs. Geo, Galbraith, of
Orangehill. Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith
retired to the village from their
farm and purchased the property
of Dr, R. B. Palmer.
Forest Lodge A.F, & A.M. have
planned the annual banquet for
Wednesday, February 8th, at 7.2()
o'clock -in Wroxeter Community
"Nothini IS So Easy
As To Deceive
One's Self"
Author's name below
When a Physician becomes sick
he always goes to another Phy-
sician to diagnose his ailment.
He knows that no one can
properly treat himself. Symp-
toms of illness must he carefully
noted and studied Impassion-
Do not, deceive yourself by at-
tempting self treatments, it is
worth many times your Phy-
sician's charge to know that
your health is in capable hands,
When he Leila you that your
illness is not serious, as most
often is the ease, it is a wonder-
ful feeling. Should some more
difficult Sickness threaten, your
health, an early treatment usu-
ally prevents any serious con-
Pick up your preseription if
shopping hear us, Or let US
deliver promptly without extra
charge, A great Many people
entrust us with the responsi-
bility of filling their prescrip-
tions, May we nernpound yours?
"'Quotation by.IDelrtosthenes
Copyright WA (1,1W4)
Meantime, pour 1% tops
'evaporated milk into
refrigerator freezer tray.
freeze till Crystals line
sideS to depth, Turn
into chilled howl and
heat until stiff.
Beat in I limp. grated '
fernon rind and if cup
lemon juice. Gradually
beat in 1 cup sugar, then
the partially thickened
fermis tuft
until lnIzItIre
fornit tuft peaks.
Mrs. Tena Watson, Brussels,•
visited with relatives over the
Miss Nellie Ruttan, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home
of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. David Neilson were
in London on Sunday to see Mrs,
L. Neilson, at Victoria Hospital.
They found Mrs. Neilson resting
Congratulations and best wishes
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ruttan (nee
Doreen Latronica), who wore mar-
ried on Saturday.
Friends will be sorry to learn of
the serious illness of Mrs. Bert
Wright, Concession 17, Mrs. Arthur
.Chapman has been confined to bed
;for the past week and Mr. Wm.
;Kreller, Concession 14, returned
'home front' Whighain. HoSpital last
Prize winners at the L.O.L.
euchre on Wednesday evening
were: Ladies high score, Mrs. Win,
Taylor; men's high score, Bud
McInnes, Walkerton. The euchres
will be continued every two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Agar, of
Moose Jaw, gask., and Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Patterson and family, of
Mount Forest, spent Wednesday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. T. L,
• Mrs. Garnet Wright returned
last week from Delhi, She was
accompanied by her brother, Mr,
Arnold Aldrich, of Delhi who has
been ill and will spend some time
here convalescing,
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest King re-
turned home on Saturday after
spending several weeks in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs, Percy Colmer accom-
panied them and spent the week-
end with relatives 'here.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Brown, John
anti Jean visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mier, Archie Scott, of
Miss Ieobel Aitcheson, of Dur-
ham, Was a week-ehd guest of Miss
Mrs, J. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Wood and Kay and Mr, and Mrs.
Earl 'realer were Sunday guests Of
Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Warrell, Ford-
Mrs, John McCreary visited Mr,
and Mrs. David Cathers, in Wing
ham on SunclaY,
Mr, Wilmer Kuhn has purchased
the former Lynn reaidenee 41.11c
north of the' village,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon. Ritchie,
Teeswater, visited on Thersclay
with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Galla-
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Woods and
Judy, Mr. and Mrs. ?Donald Bekaa
arid sort, Kitchener, visited Mrs,
Zee, Sherri? on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, W111116,1' Nulm,
Myrna, Anne and Leonard spent vi Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold [
Sachs, of PArriWeed,
MrSI, SteWitrt, MiSSCS Jenn
and Violet Stewart, of 'I'drOntor
visited Me,. and Mrs, 006, t-trOWn.
arid other' friends trlt SattirdaYi
eastuon filemo
Of 1471, Meeting ,
WROXETER !Mrs. Harvey
Timm will discuss spring fashion
news at the February meeting of
the Women's Institute on Wednes-
day, February 1st., et 2,30. Mrs.
Herb Patterson will give a tallt on
new wonderefahrics.
A paper on mental health will be
given by Mrs, John Lane and roll
call will be "Compose a Valentine
Verse—or Pay." Hostesses will be
Mrs. Wes Newton, Miss M, Jar-
dine, Mrs, D. Statia and Mrs. D. S.
The meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. J. H, Wylie, The
program and nominating commit-
tee will bo. named and plans to'
the short course to be held in
Twelve Rinks at
Monday Bonspiel
WROXETER--Twelve rinks took
part in a bonspiel under the aus-
pices of the Wroxeter Curling
Club on Monday,
Winners were a Bluevalo rink
with John MacTavish, skip, and
Alex MacTavish, William Dettman
and Eldred Nichol, A Gorrie rink
came second with Gordon Under-
wood, Gordon Edgar, Jack Strong
and Thomas Edgar, skip. In third
place was a Brussels rink with
Jim Adams, skip, George Brooks,
Wes Paulin and Bill King.
Consolation award was won by a
Drayton rink with Dick Potter,
skip; Dr. Bill Martin, Herb Thomp-
sod and George Day.
Allan Adams and Wes Paulin
were in charge of the bonspiel.
Members of the Tuesday Starlight
Group of the Wroxeter 'United
Church served meals at the com-
munity centre during the bonspiel.
Euchre Winners
WROXETER--Mrs. Harvey
Reidt and Mrs. Carl Smith arrang-
ed the progressive euchre party
held in the community hall on
Thursday night with eleven tables
in play.
High scores for ladies was'held by
Mrs. Harry Adams and second,
Mrs. Charlie Lathers. Bill Taylor
and Bill Brown won honors for the
Mrs. Andy Pocyuloko and. Tony
St. Marie won consolation awards.
The special bingo, a towel set, was
won by Mrs. Ida Griffith,
Mrs. K. Dickson
Hostes to W.M.S.
(Too late far last week)„
BL'UNfORE -'Th e Tartu ary'arieet-
ing of the Women's Missionary
Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Belmore, was held at the
home of Mrs. Kenneth Dickson, on
Thursday. January 19th.
Mrs, R. McKague led the opening
devotions for which Mrs' Dickson
read suitable Scripture passages.
Miss Jean Dickson chose articles
from the Glad Tidings appropriate
to the New Year season.
Reports on the annual meeting of -
Maitland Presbyterial were given
by Mrs. D. McPherson and Mrs. A.
Mundell. The roll call was answer-
ed by quoting from the life or
Gospel of Matthew.
A letter from Mrs. Jas. Dickson,
of Formosa was read by Mrs, Robt,
Inglis. Mrs. Zinn dealt with the
topic "Christian Missions in a
Revolutionary World" dwelling
particularly on the racial problem
in Africa.
All the ladies are invited to at-
tend the World Day of Prayer in
McIntosh Church on February 17.
Y .1).0 . Meeting and
Skating. Party
GORRIJ The Y.P,U, of the
United Church will meet irk .Gorrie
Ion Sunday evening, February 5 at
8 p.m, Ferne Cooke and Barbara
Linton are the citizenship com-
The Y.P.U. is having a skating
party in Wroxeter on Tuesday;
Feb. 7.
Two Games Won in
Intermediate Series
GORRIE—Gorrie hockey team
played three games in the Inter-
county Intermediate series last
They lost to Teviotdale 8-4 on
Monday night at Palmerston, but
chalked up a victory over Alma
9-3 ill the Harriston Arena, on
'Wednesday- evening. Saturday
night at Harriston they again
scored another win over Drew 12-2.
They will play with Bramhill in
Harriston on Monday night.
In the Tri-county Bantam
League, Kurtzville won over Gorrie
8-6 on Wednesday night at the
Kurtzville Arena,
United Church WMS
To Hold Fee Tea
GORRIE—The W.M.S. of the
United Cnurch will hold its fee tea
on Thurtday, February 2nd., at
8.15 p.m. , •
Mrs. K. H,astio, Mrs, W. Tremble;
and Mrs.-, J. W. V. Buchanan are
in charge of the program, Mrs,
Geo. Gibson, Wroxeter,• will be the
guest speaker.
Family Night to
Be Held by WI.
GORRIE--The Gorrie W,I, will
have ita • annual Family Night on
Tuesday, February 7th, at 8.30 in
the Gorrie Community Hall.
Members of the Junior Institute
and Junior Farmers will be guests.
A Junior Farmer, Jim Needham,
of Ripley, will show slides 'and
give comments on his trip over-
There will also be a short musical
GORRIE — Doreen Latronica,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Latronica of Molesworth and Lloyd
Ross,' only son. of Mr .• and Mrs.
Anson Ruttan, RR. 1, Gorrie, were
united in marriage at 3 p.m. Satur-
day at the' United Church parson-
age, Gorrie, by the Rev. W. J. V.
Their attendants were Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, Finlay, of Lucknow.
The bride wore a street length
gown of blue brocaded silk with
blue accessories and a corsage of
pink roses,
The matron of honor wore char-
treuse brocade and a corsage of
pink roses.
The couple will reside at Cooks-
Scissorettes Meet
At Edgar Home
GORRIE--The Gorrie Scissor..
ettes met for the sixth time this
season when the members gathered
at the home of Faye Edgar.
Notes were taken on making And
putting on bias binding, the rules
to observe when setting in sleeves
and the proper method of making
a buttonhole.
Doris Dinsmore will be hostess
to the group for the next meeting,
to be held on February 4.
If yott want to get hack on your
feet, just miss a paythent. on• your
", •" -
"That woman is the best house-
keeper I ever lrnev;," Said
Filbert. "Been cliVoreed three times,
and each time she kept the house,"
Girls Rewarded for
Perfect Attendance
The regular meeting of the
Marian Williamson Girls' Group
was held - at the ,home faf Joyce
Crotners, on Tuesday of last week,
There were eleven members pre-
The meeting opened with the call
to worship by Helen Ford and the
singing of "Unto the Hills." Scrip-
ture was read by Edith Scott and
prayer was offered by Joyce Croth-
ers. "God Reveals His Preeence',
was sung,
The secretary's report was read
and the roll called, Barbara Mer-
rick then' gave the Offertory pray-
Miss MacMillan presented life
membership certificates to Helen
Ford and Joyce Moffat for five
years' perfect attendance, Seals
were received by Joyce Crothers,
Audrey Gilmour and Barbara
Merrick for four years' perfect
attendance and a certificate and
pin were presented to Sharon Guy
and Sandra Smith for one- year of
perfect attendance.
Mrs,. Lloyd read two chapters
from, the study book, "The Tur-
quois Horse." The benediction was
prdnoariced by Helen Ford
Y.P.U. Meeting Will
Be Held Sunday
WROXETER — The Young
People' Union of Gorrie and
Wroxeter will hold the regular
meeting on Sunday evening, Feb-
ruary 5th, in the church hall at
The program is being arranged
by the citizenship conveners, Ferne
Cooke and Barbara Linton.
All young people are cordially
Guild of St. Martha
And W.A. to Meet
GORRIE—The Woman's Auxil-
iary of 'St. Stephen's Church will
holm. its February meeting at the
home of Mrs. M. •Gilkinson on
Friday (note change of day), Feb-
ruary 3rd at 2.30 p.m.
Theme for the roll call will be
The Guild of St. Martha will
meet on Wednesday evening, Feb-
ruary 1st at 8.30 pin, at the
Phone 139
\z/\[—E.N.1-FIN CAKE
Not anywhere near as expensive as it lookS,
because the Cherry Creme filling and frosting
are one recipe made with evaporated milk
This eConornical form. of pure milk saves
pennies while it enriches your
cooking, Desserts taste creamier, soups
are richer, gravies film out smooth as.
velvet, Evaporated milk is useful'
dozens of ways. Keep it. handy,
and be a better cook,
. ttotpit oaf la"fi ,taloidgeeiter2mko, thine
Chke,ctit-treagh .,
deep, wails:
Dissolve 1 pkg.-cherry
jelly powder is cup
boiling -Water; teal -until
it heging to thicken,
Mon vroadirildi rielpeil Write for Made
Chill, folding occasionally,
until Mixture holds its •
shape. Spoon into trough
intake. Replace lop slice.
frost take with remain-
ing MiXture. Chili till fine.
DAIRY PAIRMAISRS Chu CAINIAIDA 400 f-turpn,. jreett Tosphto
treated and bagged
$1.40 f ER BUSHEL
Limited quantity available.
& Sons Limited'
Hensall Phony 32
raseils new Evaporated Milk Redo llooldeit
..perio(lic, scieptif.ie erigipc,
i.ime-up is the t.
:;ecret of real
economicitl mileage • • .
\TV can (lo the 301) right I Otir
mechanics are thoratAghly the
perienced ; OBI C(IlliptliClit,
latest? Have
solve, yortr
mileage problems VIDANF