HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-25, Page 6Parable of Talents
Theme of,Meeting
WHITE CHURCH—The monthly
meeting of the W.M.S. of the Pres-
byterian Church was held on Wed-
nesday at the home of the presi-
dent, Mrs. Dawson Craig, who pre-
sided. Sixteen ladies were present.
Mrs. Donald Ross led in the re-
sponsive reading of the •Scripture
lessons from Luke and gave the
meditation on the parable of the
talents. Mrs. Earl Caslick led in
prayer for the success of the work
of the missionaries. A letter was
read from Missionary Angus Mac-
Kay from Jansi, India, telling of
their work there, and Mrs, Mc-
Quillin read a letter from Mrs.
David Kennedy, asking the ladies
to continue to carry on in the fine
work of the W.M.S.
Mrs. Frank Coulter gaye the re-
port of the morning se'ssion' and
Mrs. Craig gave the repOrt of the
afternoon session of the recent
Presbyterial annual meeting' held
in Wingham Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Donald Ross played _a piano
solo, "Star of the East," and all
joined in singing "That Shall Be
Showers of Blessing."
Mrs. Albert Walters closed, the
meeting with prayer. The ladies of
the United Church has been invited
to attend the Day of Prayer to be
held this year in the Presbyterian
Church, on Friday, February 17.
All enjoyed the .lunch and social
Mr, arid Mrs. Dona.ld Street and
Children, of Listowel, spent Sunday
With Mrs. Alice Aitken,. Mrs. 'Ait-
ken returned with them to ListoWel
for a visit,
Mrs. Jos, Smith, Of Brussels,
spent,the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. arry Elliott.
Mr: and .Mts.. Mei Craig ' and
family spent Senclay With-Mr. and
Mrs, Mark Armstrong at Donny- . hrook. - •
Mr and Garniss and
Children spent Sunday with Mk.
and Mrs. Walter Willits, at Salem,
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Darling,
Mr, and Mrs. George Darling and
Mr. Jim Darling spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bradwell, at
Mrs, Stanley Darling, accompan-
ied by her son, Donald, and her
house guests were visitors , in
Guelph last Week.
Mr, and Mrs. Neil McLean of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
Mrs. George Thornton.
Mr. A. H, Wilford, of Toronto,
was a caller in the village IAA
Mr. Chas. Coultes htIS been con-
fined to., his home recently suffer-
ing from a severe attack of Milani,
ation of the eye.
Miss Lilian Fostet, Miss Jean,
Falconer arid Mr. Dohald Deihl*
returned to Toronto en Saturday,
after spending two weeks With
Mrs, Stahley Darling,
W.I. Sponsor
Euchre Party
BLIJEVALE — An enjoyable
euchre party sponsored by the
BlueVale Women's Institute, Wag
held in the eomnatinity hall oil Pei-
day evening, Fifteen tables wore in
Prize winners were: High score',
Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, Mr, Harvey
SlinfriOnS; consolation, Mrs. Stanley
Moffatt, Mr. Rosa Abraham; lucky
chair prize, Mrs, Sperling Johnston,
WA. Quilts for
Missionary Society
BLUEVALT1---The BItieVale hod
TtirnbetrY group, of the Woman's
Association of the United Church
met at the •home Of Mrs. Arthur
Shaw on Tuesday, January 17th;
A quilt was quilted, tot the MIS..
SlOruitY Malay and plaint Were
marla for the church sapper on
January g7tri.,
WHITEGITURCH----The Memorial Hall berg was well filled on Friday
evening, when Rev, W. J. Watt Was
chairman for a Scotch concert put
on in the interest of the local. Lib-
rary Board.
Mrs, Albert IVIcQuillin and Mrs.
Milian Moore gave •readings and
Chas.. Martin played mouth organ
selection%. Walter James played
accordion numbers, Mary Fisher
played piano solos and Garnet
Farrier gave saxophone numbers.
Elailne Conn and Mary Fisher
danced the Highland Fling and the
Young Adult Group of the 'United
Church presented its humorous
skit, "For Whom Did the Telephone
Ring?" and , a pentomine "Her
Beaux" was humorously presented.
Donald Gaunt sang a solo,
Altogether, a splendid evening's
entertainment was enjoyed and
over -$50 taken at the door. Lunch
was served and local talent pro-
vided music for dancing with
James Martin helping to call off
for square dances with the same
old pep.
Wednesday, Shuitriity 15.
3.55 Preview
4,00 Rgitnd, Round World
4.30 Take a Look
1.45 Polk Songs
p.30 Howdy Doody
6.00' Biick Rogers
0.30 Focus-Weather
6,45 Focus-Farm
7,00 Focus-Sport
7r15 Focus-News •
7,30 Dangeroils Assignment
8,00 Vic Obecit
8.30 I Love Lucy
9.00 'Hit Parade
9,30 Jackie Rae Show
10.00 Big Town
10,80 Requestfully Yours
11.00 CBC /lows
11.15 News Nightcap
11.20 Pajama PlayhouSe
Thursday; January 29
3.55 Preview
4.00 M'Lady
4:30 Story Book
4.45 Maggle,Muggins
5.00 Cartoonia
5,30 Howdy Doocly
6.00 Range Hitler
6.30 Focus-Weather
6,95 Focus-Farm
7.00 Focus-Sports
7,15 Focus-News -
7.30 Hopalorig Cassidy
8.00 Bishop Sheen
8.30 Fireside Theatre
Roy' V. Pattison was re-elected
chairman -of East. Wawanosh
Township School Board by unatii:
mous choice at the inaugural.meet-
ing held on Jantiaty 17, when Mr.
S. H. Kinkead preSidcd.
Mr, Pattison, on assuming the
chair, thanked his felkiw trustees
foe the honor of a third teireit as
chaitman and welcomed WM. Cai-
ter as the new • member 'of the
board replacing Jas, E. Walsh; Who
retired last December,
Mr. Pattison asked for the help
and counsel of the members in the
coming year.
C. H. Wade was appointed as
seeretary-treaturer and truant of-
ficer at a salary of $500.00.
Wood contracts- were let to Jas.
McCallum, Harry Cook and Gordon'
Carter at $5.50 per cord deliVeted
and a contract to Edgar 'HoWatt
at $5.85,
Representatives from two school
supply houses were present solicit-
ing business for next term but no
decision was made. The gentlemen
asked to meet the board again at
the next scheduled meeting on
February 6th at U.S.S. No. 7,
The treasurer reported a balanee
on hand of $10;230,09 at end of
1955 as compared with $10,164.75 in
the Previous year. The accounts
and books are now undergoing
annual audit.
Caretakers' contracts expitihg on
February 28 will be tonsidered at
the next meetings Applications are
open until February 4th,
C. H: Wade, Sec,-treas,
\terriii'e Pli R IT
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Join the switch to
Day Prayer
Planned by W,M,S.
wiirmeguRcH The Brick
Church W.M.S. met on Tuesday of
last week at the home of Mrs. Her-
son Irwin, with 23' ladies present,
Mrs. Taylor's grows was in charge
of the program with Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Harold Currie and Mrs,
John Jamieson led in the Scripture
messages from Luke, and Mrs,
Gilbert Beecroft led. in prayer. Mrs.
Ronald Coultes, Mrs, Chas, Shiell
and " Mrs. Taylor took the topic
from the study book, "Home Mis-
sions with the Indians."
Rev. K. Krug who was unable
to attend the December meeting,
was present and installed the new
slate of officers, Mrs. Ronald Caul-
tes, treasurer, reported that almost
$160 had been sent to the Presby-
terial treasurer from the WM,S.,
and Mrs. Taylor reported that $86
had been sent in from the Mission
Band, The Baby Band treasurer,
Mrs. MeRitehie, sent in $8, Mrs.
Irwin reported that the special
church fund amounted to over
Mrs, Alex Robertson invited the
ladies to hold the Day of Prayer
at her holne on February 17, and
Mrs. Norman Coultes and Mrs.
Gordon MeBurney were appointed
as program committee for that day.
The meeting closed by all repeating
the missionary benediction, Mrs.
Irwin served lunch,
and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw, fell On
the ice one day last'week and broke
her right arm,
Gordon and Kathleen Fisher
were laid up with flu Over the
week-end and Mildred McClena-
ghan was laid up with flu oiler the
week-end also.
Mr. W. R. Wormworth and Rus-
sell Farrier of Wingham, were in
this district on. Sunday hunting
out places where deer would gather
and leaving rist44ply of had'v to feed
The VI :10114 arg; holding -Rica
Short 'course, -4.A.n Ounce of Pri-
`vention" this Wednesday at to a,ni.,
With Miss/Grace Hamilton of .the
Department of Agriculture as sped-
ial speaker. The St. Helens ladies
will also be in attendance.
Mrs, Harold pparling, Wingham,
visited. on Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bietritin Were
in Walkerton on Monday attending
the funeral of her aunt, the late
Miss Inglis,
Brick Church congregation held
its annual meeting in the church
on Monday 'afternoon With ReV. K,
Krug presiding. Chas. Shiell was
appointed as elder to finish John
Mason's term of office and Roy
Pattisoii arid ,of Coultes were
elected to the board of Stewards.
Mrs. Chas. Shiell and Mrs. Gilbert
Beeeroft Were appointed atiditors.
Mr, and Mrs, Ross Smith, of Tor-
'Onto, spoilt the weelt-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Chapman and with Turnberry rela-
Mr,' William Currie left after
New Yeat'S to spend a few of 'the
Winter Months at the hoitie of Mrs.
W. J, O'Brien of Whalen's Corners,
Mr. Clark Aitken ,of Eyebrow,
Sask., arrived last Week to spend
the winter at the hoMe of his
Oriole, Mr, Robert Aitken of Cul-
frets and With E. Wawanosh Currie
Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Tor-
Onto spent the weekend With her
harenta, Mr. and Mrs, Far-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and
Leis visited on Friday with Mr.
arid Mrs. Calvert Falconer,, of Blyth
and Mrs. Valetiner attended the
nominating einntrilttee meeting for
the Huron Presbyterial
held at the home of Mrs, IVieVittie,
Of Blyth,
Fordyee Selidol ehildten and their
teacher, Mr. Ross Errington
a toboggan party on Angus MeThan,
aid's hill on Monday evening.
'airs, Fred Newman and sons
itichard and Billy, al thilteif,
ited . on Sunday with Mr and Mrs,
Aldin Purami and Mrs, Pardon aea
cot/Maniod them back to Clinton to
Stilid o feW t1Ay6 therei
hidian Missions
Discussed at W.M.S.
WHTTECHURCH-----The meeting
of the W.M.S, of the 'United
Church was held on Thursday at
the .hdate of Mrs, J. G. Gillespie,
With 'twelve ladies present and Mrs,
Milian Moore presiding for the
wrship service.
Tie theme of the meeting was
"Our High Calling," Mrs, W,
Watt and Mrs. E. H, Groskorth
read the Scripture passages from
Luke, -chapters 6, 10 and 14. The
Meditation readings showed that
we must worship, even as we lab-
our. Mrs, 3, D, Beecroft led in
prayer for the missionary workers
and the success of their efforts.
Mrs, Moore presented the presi-
dent Mrs, Jas. Falconer, with a
life membership to the society, and
Mrs, Falconer thanked the mein-
bets for their kind gift. A vote of
appreciation was tendered to Mrs.
T, H. Moore for having the meet-
ing's of the Mission Band at her
home on the Sunday afternoons
When they meet.
Mrs. E, H, Groskorth read a
prayer poem, "Oh God, Let Me Be
Aware" and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz
• sang "Trust and Obey," Mrs. Rus-
sell Gaunt had charge of the Chap-
ter of the study hook and told of
the missionary work among the
Indians at. Oka and with the Mo-
hawk Indians at Rice Lake in
Eastern Central Ontario, This work
was done at first by the Methodist
Church -and Mrs. Gaunt stressed
What splendid results came from
Christian leadership among these
Indians, •
The meeting closed with all re-
' peating the Mizpah benediction.
At the W.A. meeting which fol-
lowed, the roll call was answered
by payment of fees and a letter
was read by Mrs. J. G. Gillespie
from Angus MacKay, in Jansi,
India, saying that already their
passage home this summer was
booked, A letter from Miss Agatha
Coeltesi. missionary at Nanaimo, B.
C. thanked the ladies for contri-
buting t; Christmas parcel of gifts
for her. Chinese children. Another
letter was read from Mrs. Ada
Sandell, 'of . Korea, thanking the
ladies for a parcel of clothing sent
Mrs. Beeeroft closed the meeting
with prayer.
good crowd
gathered on Tuesday evening to
see the pictures presented by Ken-
neth McAllister.
The pictures on plastic were very
colourful, "Monkey Tails" was es-
pecially interesting as a safety
measure for young people who use
bicycles and "Montreal Crime De-
tection" showed the new equipment
and devices being used today.
"Eye-Witness" a picture of the
migration of birds, butterflies and
wild life to Point Pelee was educa-
tional. There was also a hockey
game and a movie of an Indian
trapper on James Bay with his
husky dogs.
The next showing of pictures will
be on Tuesday, February 14th,
Car Brakes Fail
Runs into Garage
got a surprise one day last week,
He was driving into Whitechurch
in his car, when a eloss chain on
the vehicle broke as he turned into
the garage, When trying to stop his
car he found he had no brakes.
The chain had broken the brake
fluid line, so he aimed for the door
frame of the garage and struck it • square on the bumper. The ear
stopped, but the people in the gar-
age thought it had moved off its
Farm Forum Holds
Social Evening
Forum held a social evening on
Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs., Gordon Elliott with fifteen
After the broadcast and business'
meeting Mrs. James Falconer and
Cecil Falconer held high points bi
euchre and Mrs. E. W. Beeeroft and
Aldin Purdon held low points.
Mrs. George Fisher won at crib-
cage. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Fisher.
Mary Ruth 144,0kie
Passes in West •
WIETECHURCH-s-Word was re-
ceiVed bete thia week of the pass-
ing of Mary Ruth Markle, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Markle, of
Vancouver, 1$.o, Mary, who was 23
years old, had bet.ri paralyzed with
meningitis when in her' teens, and
had bebn an Invalid for about tell
Interment was in Mountain View
Mrs. Markle will be remembered
,ed in this district, as a daughter of
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hector
MacKay and is a sister of Gordon
MacKay, of Wingham.
Brook presided at the annual meet-
ing of the United Church held in
the Sunday School room of the
church on Wednesday evening and
opened the meeting with a message
from Luke; Rev. W. J. Watt led in
The session reported that the pre-
sent membership -is 95, with 15 , non-
resident memberS, and fifty fami-
Dies, Over $2,440 had been contri-
buted to the .General Fund, and
$450 sent to the M. and M. Fund.
The W.M.S. had sent in $165 and
made the president, Mrs. Jas. Fal-
coner a life member. The Mission
Band had sent in $52 and the Baby
Band $4.
Milian Moore was appointed
clerk of the Session and J. C4, Gil-
lespie and J. D. Beeeroft again
were elected on the session. John
Purdon was appointed chairman
of the board with James Patti-
piece, Ezra Scholtz, Herb Laidlaw
and Russell Pui'don' elected' on the
Committee of Stewards.
Rev. F. A. Brooks, pronaturieed
the benediction and the litilieS
served lunch during the Social -half-
Euchre Winners
wHITECTITAICB—Ten tables of
eitchre was played • at g.S. No, 9,
E. WaWatiosh on Friday evening.
Mrs. Alex Leaver and Harold Con-
gram held high points, and Mrs,
Coen Coultes and Norman Coultes
held . low points. The mystery
prizes were won by Mts. Lawrence
Taylor and Lloyd Montgomery.
Lunch was served and they de-
cided to hold another euchre in
two weeks when they will play for
two hours and then have J. D. Bee-
croft show his moving pictures.
, Elmer Henderson, who returned
home from Germany about two
months' ago, left • last Thursday to
re-join the Army 'Signal Corp at
Mr. and Mrs. W. R.' Farrier were
taken by ambulance to Wingham
Hospital on Monday. Mr. Farrier
suffers from arthritis and Mrs.
Farrier has phlebitis in her leg,
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor-
onto spent the week-end with her
parents and returned to Toronto
On Monday.
Mr, and .Mrs, Clifford Pardon
and family, of Belgrave; Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Morrison and children, of
Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
McClenaghan arid children gather-
ed at the home of their parents on
Friday evening, to celebrate their
mother's birthday.
Mrs. Irene Patersdn, of Toronto,
spent the weekLend with her
Wm, Taylor of Kin-
Mt. and Mrs. Mack Inglis, of
Highgate, spent Sunday' at the
home-of his parents, Mr: and Mrs.
Thos. Inglis, of W. Wawanosh.
s Mr. 'and' Mrs, Robert purdon
Spent Sunday at thb thotne of. Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Outran, St. Helens
and Mr. arid Mrs. Floyd Bott and
children of BelWood also visited
there on Sunday.
Miss Frances Henry was laid alp
last week with a sprained ankle
twisted when tobogganing.
Miss Mary Ross, who has been
atteridieg business college in Tor-
Onto, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ross,
of Turnherry,
There are not many homes in
,this district in Which someone has
hot been laid up with flu, or the
heavy cold that has been going
Mr. George Irwin has been in
bed all week at the home of , his
nephew, Mt. Herson Irwin.
Many in this community took
bad tumbles during the past Week
en slippery roads and Walks but
the hills and fields were in grand
Condition for sleigh-riding and
toboggans, We 'sympathize with
Mrs. Orval Taylor, wife of the E.
'Wawanosh reeve, who fell Oil the
lee, striking het head. Quite a, few
Stitelids were required to close the
Welind when she, was taken to the
Wirigharil Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell,
Of Blyth visited at thb home of
their daughter, Mee.. Witt, RintOul
bn Wednesday last, and Mr, and
Mack Cardiff, of Brussels
Visited there on Sunday.
Mr, Alex Robertson hag been con-
fined to the House Over the Week-
end suffering from pneuMonia
Mr, and Mrs. Albert COUltea Vials
ted On Sunday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. ,t. M. Coultes in Morris.
Patsy Laidlaw, daughter of Mr.
Euchre field at
Brownlothn School
BLUITVALIEA euchre was held
at itrOwntown sehool on January
16, when the hostess was Mrs. Bert
Oarniss, There were bight tables
In play, Prize winners Were As fel-
lotva: '
Mrs, Wallace Agar, Mrs. Robt.
MeMuritty, Mrs, Bernard Thomas,
Mr. 1Preidt Shaw, Mr. Roy Turvey
and Mr; idernard Therm s.
0,0u cianitass
9,30 NHL Hockey
10.45 King Whyte
11,00 CBC News
11.10 News Nightcap
li15 Pajama Playhouse 9.00 1Craft4 Theatre
10.00 Circle 8 Ranch ,Tanuary. 29
10.30 Paragon Playhouse
1,55 Preview 4
11.00 CBC News
2,00 Junior Magazine 11,15 News Nightcap
3.00 You Are There 11.20 Pajama Playhouse
3,30 Climax
Friday, January 17
4.30 WindoW on Canada
3,55 Preview
5.00 Perspective
4.00 Round, Ftourid World(
5.30 Fighting Words
4.30 Looking Glass 6.00 Exploring Minds
6,30 Father Knows Best 4.45 Smah Fry Frolics
7.00 This Is the Life 5-.00 Oartoonia
7,30 NeWs Magazine 5,30 Howdy goody
8.00• Ed Sullivan 6.00 Range Rider
9.09 Four Star Theatre 6.30 Focus-Weather
9.30 Showtime 6,45 Poet's-Farm
10,00 ,CBC Folio 7.00 Focus-Sports
11.00 CBC News 7,15 Focus-News
11.10 News Nightcap 1.30 The Falcon
11.15 Pajama.a. Pleyhouso 8,00 Wayne & Shuster
8.30 Plouffe Family
0.00 Ford Graphics
9.30 Star Stage
10.00 Gillette Fights
10,45 Jim Coleman Show
11.000CBC News
11.15 New's' Nightcap •
1.1.20 Pajama Playhouse
Saturday, January 18
$,55 Preview
4,00 Western Theatre
5,00 Wild 'Bill Hickok
5.30 Pisheylane '
6..30 Mr: Fix-it
6.4 tile Clue
7.00 k Allen
7s30 Holiday Ranch
8.00 gtage , Show
8.30; Jackie 'Gleason
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Magazines Wanted
By C.G.I.T. Group
met on Thursday evening at the
home of Sara Caswell, at the mane
with eight girls present, Karen
Groskorth presided, Elaine Conn
read the Scripture lesson, and
Marilyn Morrison led in prayer.
Kathleen Fisher and Mary Fisher
led in a sing-song, and Marilyn
Morrison had charge of the games
and contests. They decided to
gather used magazines to send to
the patients at the MacKay Rest
Mary Fisher thanked.the hostess.
Lunch was served and the meeting
closed with Taps.
E. Wawanosh Euchre
WHITECHURCH---Eight 'tables
of ''euchre were played on Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Robinson on the 9th Con.
of E. Wawanosh. Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house and Wm, Kennedy held high
points and Harold Woods and Miss
Betty Woods held low points.
The children took advantage of
the hard crust on the snow and a.
good long slope, and 'went out to-
Sandwiches, cake and ice cream
were served. It was decided to.
hold a etichre this Wednesday
night at the home of Mr, and.Mrs.
Calvin Robinson.
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