HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-25, Page 5
ii Comfottable Waiting ROOtii 4
41! Where Your D e olimtiotia
A Tillii106011104141011011141MOMNMOMORAMIMUMOMOWIfflOMOMiliii4114411661414M11061MOWL116
Phone 383 Wingham ' .Plwh a 385
Dunkin TV and Radio Servic
Jackson M. Dunkin brings you the BEST IN SERVICE ;441,
12 years experience in Radio and TV."' '
Radio College of Canada
Radio Electronic ,Technicians' Associatioik,
Wingham 703J1 Teesw!Oi,
: ROUND, W1Nfi STEAK 65c ti
BOLOGNA 1... 23c
i REmINGTorn
oi N
The Band-Box
Vecueef Saeo
" in gharn w — Phone 860
Hovers 9 to 6 Daily -and Evenings by Appoiaticidtit
FREE FINGER WAVE with each permanent wave .given .for
• the first 'moth.
. . , .. „ . ..
We are a lion-profit, member -owned .fted controlled ASsolciatlim • whose general policies are formed threugh our intiabird at the
Annual Members' Meeting.. The policies are carried -oittiNe the
i board of directors, elected by the members, who,:bi turn.liite ▪ the staff to carry out the 'details, 4 # • .• ' ' • :• ' ., The members are, composed of people With Purebred., herdS,
. Grade herds, mixed herds, and many Who 06 cratet breeding• (kW
I breeds included). All banded together foe_ :the. TurpOse of
i getting at a modest cost,- the services of good balls that •WiLll
transmit money making qualities to their offspring,1: ,:' ' ,. - '
'lie County Breed Clubs and National Breed AssociatiOnS,:are
Organizations operated separately from-ours: ' Flewevak,;rtially-
People are members of these as well as 'of the Waterlog Cattle . ...
Breeding AsSociation. .. . •.''•
/ courage people to give co-operation . to • the .0egatiqations
mentioned as »melt good comes from their, aitiVitieti: .In
addition, we encourage your yoUng folks to•eneer - the 4' WOO;
work. We often co-operate. in matters ' of comitiOtt' interest
with the Agricultural RepreSentattVes. Many'.,grOuPs are,
i brought to our headquarters each year to inspect our, Omit,.
I and bulls. • .
AS A WOMAN. was driving along
a deserted Country road with three
vomen passengers, a tire went 4, 1. She had no idea how to change
a wheel,
"Nobody in sight, of course. What .
we need is etn angel from heavee,r. „ she eel-perked,
During :1955, We inseminated over 47,000 cows, an .increase over
the previous year of more than 20%, Let's do it again. ' ' WINGFIAM, ONT, a .
lkinilell111111111111101111110111111111111,11.11111111111110/11.11 •1101/111111111111111.111.111.14111.1411111101111101/10.11114411111111111111t
t Downie 's Sunocti:Servite Station 1-..!.... i --, DRIVE IN FOR . ,.,
i ,-) ' COMPLETE A' to Z' LUttRIGAtiON
, SW20, 10W30 - I-16 4faild i;temion; ;Oils . .
rI.M.4101.0.0.2•111.nmo•l,..1•*111•MPOomi••.•••0•1111 nmIlM1.1•011,•raMOO 44#41 1 104
Waterloo Cattle,
IBE SURE A141) 'SEE 11(11V F''' - '''' ''
36" wide 3 yards for,
• • . ,
fl, New interest you'll like with knitted stripe cotton"
trim on collar and cuffs, three-quarter sleeyes.e. i .4,
EACH •' 1
See Them at,
A. Smart and drossy with stand-up canvas lined
far, yoke front, open neck and short sleeves, •.
... of easy-to-care 100%
Viscose. handkerchief linene
...Crease resist and washabliW
Delicate shades of pink, shrimp;
coribbean blue, mint and white:
Sizos 12 to 18,
Crisp! ,•.t
"Where Better. Bulls' Are isid
beside a telephone .dole at the toil..
of which sat there 'aiugcl," a line?
To their astOriiiinnent • obee,iYi :inStallation,gfioffiebrs, A birthday
voice above their; heads said, "I'lld,g4e.4,‘,vas Enjoyed elurtng the social
• half:boar . -with ..the Legion racCrn-be down in a Minute,. lady."
Unknowingly, they. 'bad'. stepp'eti3 ' -••••.'"%"•`.,
r' e" • " • •; eoeiO.:•••••• •
• A.
, r ' .-7-FOrdWi00 hockey
teahlJ091PPiewiffir .§ewlitto alit
'yin; in the garn ;IdAt MednOday
night at.:Feirdwich: ;Goal getters
Were i‘Vet cach e ejiiii'Stetkrart ' and
Mervyn, for.Jin
Patterson,'' Ben 4ibsOn•-arid Fraser
1,` MeClenent. and Bob' deepen got
I ,the,`, lone tally for , Drew. Percy
HarelSton was referee,
•I' ° FARto,jucli .
1+ ORDVVSCH The I community
hall 'titre Was Well ;,fil)eil :on EridaY
nighteelcie •reeeptioni4ed dance
in 'honor' oft`Mre; and. Scdtt
Keith, newlyweds.:
Theye weree :presented.. with , a
Chronic kitchen ',suite and; several.
Wier' gifts "frotn;• friends,. Miss
Ethe1',11ilee"-read the address and
Scott and Marione both made suit-
able replies. •
'The dliffotd Rhythitnaires sup-
plied musie`YO:reda7ticing.
DEW 'has'' !teen; OrganiZed to
'Ole' helpful speolelized service
for the protection* of PART-
. ' Be' ASSURED COtisillt,-:-.-
'. Canada. Life
0 , dorife
;Played at 'by a
' got 4
goalfi; `2 ,each for' tTona- Ci'Krafka,
Bcl.b"BlaCk and Ron :McMichael and
j1Q1).. lack'; Edgar :and. W,
fi 44 .
F,didsei•Cle; '
three and' one each " Patter-
Son,: Jpri SteWart and Feaser ' Mc-
plemerif. '," ' •
Larry '.'Morgan, LiSteivel 'and
l3bWer, Tartish, of Goirie' refereed.
stql1S Oftice,rs
FoliDNweji-z-Trbe ;1,0'06,
, • .
Officers Elected
At Vestry Meeting
FoRpww-,The .gimual vestry
meeting .and pot-hick supper of
rrinity Church Was bold in the
0aaernent on Tuesday
After a, very bountiful meal,
.Rey, Frank Russell presided fin
the business part of the .meeting
which was -evened by nrarar.
Frank Graham, vestry cleric, reap
;he minutes of last year's meeting,
Fillectio.n of officers for 1956 were
as follows: Vestry clerk, Frank
Graham; rector's warden, Lloyd
Jacques; peOple's. warden, Emmet
:con Ferguson,"' rector's board of
management, Robt. Graham, John
Armstrong, Jack Douglas, Robt.
.Allan, Jim Foster, Emmerson
;rave; people's board of •inanage-
runt, :Mrs, Stan Forester, Mrs,
Frank Graham, Miss Elva Foster,
Spence Brears, Roy Sirnmens, Stan
forester, Bruce Sothern; treasurer,
Mrs. Ruby Foster' lay delegates,
ROA; Graham, Robt, Allan; substi-
tutes, Emmerson Hargrave and
John Armstrong; sidesmen, Glenn
Allan and Rernald King; ushers,
William Sothei!n and Marshall,
Armstrong; auditors, Mrs. C. Soth-
erail and Miss Beatrice Wade,
Mrs, Dick Aldrich is spending
some time with her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Siefert and Mr. Siefert, in
Mrs, Mel Allan is spending this
week with relatives in Toronto,
Mrs. Geo. Ashton returned home
last week after visiting several
days with Mr. and Mrs, Everitt
Ashton, at Brockville.
'Mrs. Ruby Forester, 'of Toronto
spent the week-end here,
-Mr. Peter Chiomey, of Port Col-
barne, was a week-end visitor at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. AleX
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore' attend-
ed the funeral on Saturday of the
late Mrs, Jack Wilson, sit P'almers.-
• Mr., Jack Folder, of Toronto spent
the week-end with his mother.
...'Sanday., visitors, with Mr. and
gra; Walter Borosvitch and Nancy,
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
:Graham; of Gorire; Mr., and Mrs.
Clinton, Horteyford, of Palmerston
and Miss Helen Milligan, of Wrox-
eter visited Saturday at the same
' Mr. and Mrs. Max Hambly, of
`Kitchener visited over the week.:
end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamb-
. Friends of Mr. Robt. Nay will be
sorry to hear that at present he
is. Confined to Winghain HoSpital,
Miss Marianne Doig, of Kitchen-
er visited over the week-end with
her 'parents.
Evelyn Nosworthy, of Pal-
merston and Mr. H. Nosworthy, of
Newfoundland visited. Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pries, '
'Mrs, Harvey McDermitt was con-
fined to the ListoWel Hospital
'several days last week,
Mr. Bruce Williamson, of London
Spent the week-end with his
Miss Isobel McCann; of Listowel
spent the week-end at her home.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. bar' Ettinger were Mr. and
Mrs. 'Ken Maynard, of Arthur.
Owing to the illness of Mr. Pries'
father, Mr. and Mrs. MiltOn Pries
spent several days last week in
• Mr.. and Mrs, Tom Vittie, of
Gorrie visited one day last week
with Mr. a'nd Mrs. Jas. Vittie.
3/(r. and Mrs, Victor Gibson, of
Listowel visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Hutchison.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman and
Kenneth, of Listowel visited Satur-
day, night with Mr. and Mrs, E.
Win at Euchre
FORDWICH The.' peogressive
euchre party held in the commun-
ity hall had a fair attendance.
Prize winners were as follows:
High lady, Mrs. Fred Hambly;
high gentleman, Edwin Delta; con-
solation prizes, Mrs. Wray Cooper,
and Mr. Robt. Connell and most
lone hands, John Weak.
Curling News
FORDWICI-I—Well, what do you
know, we have some curling news]
Yes it's about the ladies, no lesS.
Eight of our local ladies . were
at - the rink this week trying out
their skill and the reports we have
are that they started with a bang
Keep up the .good work, Practice
Makes perfect,
Appointed Jaycee
World Chairman
Congratulations to Jack Herd, a
former Wingham boy, who has
been appointed world chairman of
the Junior Chamber of Commerce,
FolleWing. a meeting in Edinburgh,
Scotland, Jack received Word of his
appointment, his field being leader-
ship training,
Jack is the soh of Mr, and Mrs:
'George Herd, of Kiidoss, and at-
tended high school in Winghani, At
Orte time he worked in Hanna's
Men's Wear store and later was
manager of the Chainway store ih
service overseas with
the ItC.A.10,, during World War II
'e went Into business for luiiiiselt
in a ineri's Weat attire in Chatham.
His Many friends hi Wingham
are pleased to held of his appoint-
tent and wish him every success
n his neW position, '
dejklaNa iikatitS
,A notice In the Windt:at. of
fish And Chip shop in Sheffield.
inland, said: "Woman Wanted foe
frying between $,A0 and 10 P.M,"
Couple Honored
On 48th Wedding
PEI, MORE.--On Sattirday night
the peighbeurs and
bering close to 50 people, ,gathered
at the .home of Mr. .and Mrs.
Fitch to celebrate their 48 wedding anniversary,
The evening was spent •PlaYing
progressive euchre .and erokinole,
After lunch Mr, and gra, filch
were presented with a number of
lovely gifts for which 'they op,
tended their: thanks and appreel,
.ation, Everyone sang "for 'They
Are Jolly Good Fellows,"
The party, in itself, was a sur-
prise but the couple was fuLther
delighted to find that old nZigh-
.bora, now living in orrie, were
present. These were James Doug-
las and his daughter, Mrs, Whit-
Happy Helpers
Hold Meeting
I3EL•MORE—The Delmore Happy
Helpers' Mission Pawl met at the
manse on January 17th at 4.15 p.m.
The Meeting opened .by repeating
the Mission Band -Purpose and the
singing of the Mission Band Hymn.
Merle Fitch read a Scripture
lesson and Lucille Mcrkley led in
prayer. Keith Mulvey and Ross
Fitch took up the collection.
The minutes' of the previous
Meeting were read and approved
and, eighteen answered the rod
The juniors went to the junior
room and Mrs. West read them a
story out of the' new study book.
The seniors went to the senior
room and Mrs, Doubledee read a
story, "Sidewalk Kids".
The Meeting dosed with 'a hylan
and, the closing prayer, •
Mrs. Robert Nickel
Passes in 96th Year
BEL1VCORE—One of the few re-
maining links with pioneer days
Was severed on the morning of
Januark .11th, when' • ?Are Robert
Nickel passed away. -She was born
4n' 1860, and if• she had. lived till
April • 12th would have' been 96
years of. age,
Mrs. Nickel was forinerly Marg-
aret. Hamilton, a daughter of the
late Robert Hamilton and Margaret
Lawson, who came from Glasgow,
Scotland and settled first in Turn-
berry Township. and later on the
B Line of Carrick Township,
With her parents she experienced
all the rigor's of pioneer life, and
enjoyed recalling the experiences
of those early days, Her father
was a stone, mason and she often
helped him in -his work, building
stone houses,
Mrs. Nickel lived a long and
useful life. She was a good neigh-
bor, always. willing to lend a help-
ing hand.
She was married to RObert Nick-
el - over 72 years ago, and he
Passed' away 38 years ago. Four
daughters, predeceased her, two
died when quite young; Ella passed
away in 1928 and Mrs. Wm. (Marg-
aret) Tremble, in 1951.
She is survived by 5 sons, Robert,
William and Rudsell of Howlett
Township, James of 'Toronto and
Thomas of Culross; also 15 grand-
children and over 30 great grand-
Funeral services were conducted
from Knox Presbyterian Church,
Belmore, of which' she was a mem-
ber, on Friday afternoon, January
13th and were largely attended,
Rev. Maurice McNabb officiated.
Burial was in McIntosh cemetery,
were Alex Sangster,
Farrell, Wm, Darling,Elmer
Zinn, Harry Metcalfe an Lloyd
Four grandsons, Howard, Jack,
Lawson and Gordon Nickel car-
ried the floral tributes.
WROXETER—Winnifred Munro
was hostess fot the meeting of the
Wroxeter Sewing Club, This club
sponsored by the local Women's
Institute is the first to be organ-
ized since the W.I. formed in 1919,
Leader for the club is Mrs. John
Gibson with Mrs. Lloyd Magee as-
sisting. Mrs. Gibson has taken
much of the club work before
coming, to Wroxeter to live and is
proving to be an able leader, Seven
club members arc showing keen
Interest according to their leaders
Miss Daisy Gibson was elected
club president and Miss Elaine
Statia, secretary-treasurer.
Stay lining, a new method which
takes the place of basting, was
demonstrated. Blouse patterns were
designed and blouses Cut out. Roll
call was answered by members
showing progress On the costume
chpalrat.ns for the Achievement Day
to be held in Wingham High
School auditorium on February 18
and in which the girls Plan to
take part, were discussed.
Starlight Croup
WROXETER---The Tuesday
Starlight Group of Wroxeter United
Church will meet at the home of
the president. Mrs. G. L, Dobson.
on 3attiary 31st., at 8 pan, In
charge of the programme will be
Mrs. 'G. Li. Dobson, Mrs, Glenn
Michael, Mrs, Bruce Chambers and`
Mrs. Crawford -Gibson,
Mystery Writer
Honored by Queen
Agatha Christie, famed mystery
story Welter and creator of the
fictional detective /Retitle Poirot,
was honored in the Queen's NeW
Year's list, She is now a Coltman,
der of the Order of the British
tinpi re,
Miss' Christie is the atithot of
more than RI mystery novels and
numerous short, stories,
Mrs. N. Patterson
Passes in London
11711,0Xiialfale—At• her home -$31'
Dufferin .benden,•swidealy .on
Wednesday there .entered into:
rest Mrs, Norman Patterson, be-
loved wife of ligation Patterson
and .sister-in-law pc Mrs,
McLean, WreXeter.
Mrs. Patterson, who had given
devoted care to her husband who
has been seriously .ill for some
months, suffered a heart attack.
She was In her 76th year,
Sara Margaret Makins Patterson
was born at Varna, .Fifty-two
years ago she was united .in mar-
riage with Norman Patterson, who
with four sons rind one daughter,
survives, Clarence, Maurice and
Kenneth, all of London, Victor, of
Toronto and Mrs, IvIae Besterd,
also lives in .London. There are 17
grandchildren and 22 great grand-
Funeral services were held on
Friday afternoon from the Need-
ham Memorial Chapel, London,
Grandsons acted as paldbearers,
Interment was -made in Exeter
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn McMichael
were recent visitors with friends in
Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Mrs. Mary Meills, Kippen, spent
part of last week with her sister,
Mrs, Thos. Burke and Mr. Burke.
Mr. and Mrs Eldred Nichol, Mrs,
D. S, MacNaughton and John Mae-
Naughton spent Thursday in Lon-
Mrs. W. T. McLean spent part of
last week with her brother, Mr.
Norman Patterson, His wife, Mrs.
Patterson died suddenly from a
heart attack on Wednesday, Deep-
est sympathy is extended to Mr. N,
Patterson, who is known here and
to other relative8.
Mrs. Tate Clark, Goderich, spent
part of last week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs., John Gibson, Jr, Mrs.
Clarke, who is W.I. district presi-
dent for South Bruce, paid her of-
ficial visit to Wingham Branch on
Donald' Gibson, Toronto, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Doig visited
with friends at Drayton on Friday,
including their two sons, Lorne
and Mac and families,
Miss Reta MacEwen, Durham,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn McMichael.
Mrs. Bradley Galbraith, Orange,,
hill entertained at a turkey dinner
on Saturday in honour of the
birthday of her husband. Mr, and
Mrs.' Jim Doig were among the
guests. •
Art Gibson, deputy-reeve of
Howick, and Harry Gowdy, reeve,
spent last week in Goderich' where
they attended county council.
C.G.I.T. Groups Bold
Skating Party
WROXETER—The W r o xe t e r
C.G.I,T. group held a skating party
last Tuesday evening in the local
rink, They had for their guests
members of the Fordwich and
Gorrie groups,
Following the skating all return-
ed to the church schoolroom foi
games and refreshments, Fifty
girls and their leaders attended.
C.G.I.T, leaders in Wroxeter arc
Mrs. Glenn McMichael, Mrs. G. L.
Dobson and Mrs, Art Gibson.
Ten Tables Play
At WI. Card Party
'1,VROXETER---Mrs, Chas, Cath-
ers, Mrs. Win. Taylor 'and Mrs, D.
S. MacNaughton arranged a card
party sponsored by the, Women's
Institute and held in the new
community centre.
Ten tables were in, play and Mrs.
Geo. Day won first prize for the
ladies with Mrs. Wes Underwood
second. Tom Vittie and Boyd Mar-
shall won honours fee the gentle-
Tony St, Mario won the special
bingo prize, a double boiler in
aluminum. Novelty prizes were won
by Mrs. S. Griffith and Toni Vittie.
Refreshments were served,
World Day of Prayer
WROXETER—World Day of
Prayer will be held on Friday,
February 17th in W,roxeter United
Church. Mrs, S. H, Wylie, Mrs. Ken
Edgar and Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton
are in charge Of arrangements.
Mrs. Frank Russell, Gentle, will be
guest speaker.
Still Time. to Help "
With W.M.S, Rale
WROXP.7.0„31A—If Anyone in the
community has a further contri-
bution to make to a hale, please
leave It with any w•Jvc.5, xnemher
or at the church this week,. The
minister of Dunehureb, requested
children's clothing, especially for
boys between the ages of 6 and
With $ preaching charges Rev.
Douglas Muir says the aged is
Young People Plan
Skating Party
VVROXETEFt- The members of
the Young People's Union, Wrox-
eter United Church, are planning
to hold a' family skating party on
the evening of Tuesday, February
They hope those who have laid
their skates aside will get them
out again and come along, Follow-
ing the skating refreshments will
be served at the church hall,
Each has its separate -part; ;to pla y : in -the 'total program.
1 Matters effecting. all of these Organizations are fremiently•
i, discussed across the conference table with representatives from
!, (emit group. The efforts of all could easily Ito hailed ttowit to
I the - Slogan: BETTER CATTLE FOR .P.ETTER. 1.AMING:......Eer
artificial breeding service from bulls •of all. breeds, (this1 • will
Soon include Red Polls) or more information, phone collect to:
4 CLINTON 515 or MILDMAY 130rn , • ,.
Between: 7.30 and 10. a.m. Week days' '
7.30 and 9.30 a.m. Sundays and hollidaiie ' :'
Co*vs noticed heat later in the 1day, should' be 16red" next
Champion Spark Plugs Sold and Serviced 4 Tires Repaired
Mufflers Installed
CARS WASHED AND rChromle0-earked Inc, Sprayed
POLISHED. outhitelot
CGE Head Lamps - Wheel [Waking Frain .Filters
FOR.P1111q-lt—The Oanliary meet,
ing,ef the Fordttch W.I. Was hold
at the home, et Mrs, Robt. Gibson
Tba president, Mrs, Clare Harris,
opened the !rooting with the In-
stitute Ode
Mary Stewart Collect
and ,the Lord',6 peayer,
Mr?. Cr0.03! 89therall had charge' , devotions, After a word of
welcome and a New 'Year's greet-
ing by the President, Mrs; Harold
11 tOiV save the motto, "Wholesome
'homes are .the' stepping stones of
to; great nation." She, said, "No
'natiert is :able. to ;rise higher than
the standards of its homes."
'Roll pall was. answered by. 21
enernbere who Aaltled ajtEnglish
p10. and told what 'was noted for
...,.1rieluded in the correspondence
Was a letter from the English In-
8titilteand on displak were the
dp2en Silverqeaspoons, s: gift from
this English Institute, ;'
':•Tit'ank-Yott 'letters were read
from the Vnitaria.n• Service and
the Children's Aid Society for bales
that were' sent, '.,The annual con-
pert dilicussed , and. - it :was
dpeided'te havP.It 'On ;Mardi 23rd.
,.11rs. Fred Hambly :gave a' ;very
interesting talk,' het trip to
England, inustrated.:by snapd,• pie-
Wires 'and booklets; Anson
Deinerlin,g had current events, •
; TIM meeting cloaca , and , lunch
wa:S• served .by Mrs.. Dick Aldrich;
Mrs; -Lyle Sitrunon*:, Mrs,Harold
P011ock. andr hoyden. Devitt,
, • .
1- tat ry,
OWY:40'1103'l"kik114102V,,P•lot foi" the
Minalee 'Meeting in Abe .Legion
roorr(s eiVithel .the;epeesiden't, Mrs.
Marie.Mogegitii the chair;
..Arr• iipplicatigivfOr ')a new, mete-
bee. ,yeas received; and • .passed.
Th, asik:yeti cilirds were, read and a
I'deke 'front One of the soldiers Who
reeeived ,,:Ciga!eft0 , was:: read by
the,:segeetary t i' '•
The:nySteryi.:'1?-ii7,0, was won, by Mrs. George Ashton were Mr. and itlrs: ;Jim ',Vittie.'''Atcorninittee of 'kers. Jack Watson, of Blyth. le Art Sothern',,, and.: "Mary' Moore Sunday guests at the home of
iVere. narned. tee Make imoney plates „ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham were fie? inennoera.lor Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Montgomery, MrS; • Aitistiii",:conclucted the Graham and Gibson of Weston•
U a
Tice Winxillanl di4vaapo-TinReo, We4ne4day, ISO rtft
The tongue VMS fastest Wh4I44 or
brAiln is in Aenteni. " •
• '• #7;,
ow you can rallie Pie w(01400,,:
set-famjia nr illotts* dui, to
defidell-OY ififit*Pri
MIX will help you get pion LIP,
market in record tinac.,7 V1,4.
1-•AGREN 741PC co hairs!
a "balanced blend" of the' vita-;'
mins, minerals and azitibiotieS'
found by extensive wsperiMentai,
Lion to help increase the' ..fgod,'",
conversion ability of pigs 'and'::
help prevent the incidenee of`,.
deficiency diseases, with restilt-':
ant steady weight gains,
This remarkable additive assuirea',
you, pigs in record time `without t;
set-backs due to. deficiency,
diseases and with greater "than!,
ever profits,
12c OFF
We can all do better than we have
And not be a whit the worse;
It is not loving that empties the
Nor giving that empties the purse. '
M , ,7.friif
EVERYDAY', , i.„.:::.
LOW- .:
, . A