HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-25, Page 4pour the Whighain AdVance-'Tines, WetilletidaY, Jan, 25, 1956 5341!) "AHOY FOR BErtreg • • • PERSONALS ,f . I . .• r —Mr. and Mrs. A, R. PoVal spent the •past week in Montreal,. where they. attended the January Fut Auction. —Mrs, Fred Crump returned home after six week's vacation in Toronto with her slater, MrS, —Relativevirtem out of town 'at- tending the funeral, of ;the late Rol M. Williamson were the following: Mr. Archie WillitunSon; Mrs. Alex McDougal and Mr, Harold• Williatn son, of Toronto; Mrs. W. J. Arnott and James Arnott, of -Ingersoll; Kenneth , aad ,"Richard,,; of.' Hagersville; Mr, and Mrs E:.2ieg= Jeri, of KitchentrO. Stewart WOirOtr(Sciiii i tof wyiteidoNt'nf, Mrs. Git'frirtt ,l; ditetV Crith and Mrs, O. Colo,' Mrs and Mrs. Jas. V. Beeri, Lon-: don; Mr. arid Mrs. Northam ElliS,1 and Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Waratn, and son, Bobby, of 'Sault' Stec! Marie; Mr. a/1(1.11,1ra, VY. VariSlyek,! Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Gectige'; Breen, Tillaonbarg; Mr, acrd MtS.' Robert 1; Breen, ntraii a Ur. and Mrs, Howard 8reen and Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Breen, of Low, don. L trips - VVeddiligs Otnietalls PHokE : 185 r) S, , • Taxi andCO Wish C Loe4ok,dit, aolle4hi'ne. North or O.N.R. Iritaelo .• ' S 11? A ;OS% • ' • * 1101VALD'fi. KANN Public Accountant Office.: Royal Bank Bldg: . Residence: RattenburY St. i • .iliones 301:i' 455 CLINTON' - ONTARIO V' WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 184(1 An all Canadian Company which/ has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head 'Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham • , . • . - 4444.44o44.n.ommiimprosnemop•owlemli4epro.mmo44..o.owneow 0440 n.t ° IIF You didn't get a BUDGIE for' Christmas There are still a few available • at ALEXANDER'S youR,$4 95 WHILE .ckio!cE • , THEY LAST , ► POULTRY SUPPLIES Chicken Founts, Glass Founts, Feeders, Heat Bulbs PENETRAY grooderk 250.watt 4. „ , . , 1064-red frosted bulbs for . $1.15 tt ,1 FOR SALE BEST mileage by far in a Votits wagon earl -.. Weilees Garage, Walkerton. 25h CHOICE BEEF by the quarter for sale., Cut and wrapped for the 'locker, Phone Wingham 651W or Wroxeter 12R4. . 25b GOOD USED PIANO for sale in excellent playing condition. Phone Wroxeter 51r2. 25b FARMERS: Stan-Hoist tractor loaders, Pax hog feeders, Con- tinental stalk cutters, post hole diggers and field sprayers, Booms portable feed mixers and ensilage feeders, power glide chain.,sawsfeLean silo unload- ers,hew and'used cream separa- terar Our fAlclers and prices will interest you. New Idea Distribu- tors, Goderich, Ontario. Phone Carlow 2821 4;11:18:25* QUEBEC COOK STOVE for quick sale. Reasonable, Apply to Frank Spielvogel, Victoria St., or phone 230R. * , 25: tts8r1 1±, ANO 'for sale. Apply to Mrs. Wm. henderson, Josephine Street, phone 314. 25* ALFALFA for sale, Grimm, $18.00; Ontario or Ranger, $20.00; Red Clover, $19.00; Timothy, $5.25, White Sweet Clover, $7.00 per bushel. Grade 1. R. Cramm, Pinkerten phone Cargill 68w3. 251) Vt5LKS Wagon cars and trans- ports. M[111 Tractor arid plow. Weiler's Garage, Walker- ton:: L ,*-1,•w, 25b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 SCHOOLED PALOMINO brood hitt% Ter: regigtered, in fee', kkith western show saddles, silver , *frimmed; eaisco ,,Palornino• filly. ittliply Harold Clarke, Winchelsea, 5 miles east of,Eiceter. 25: BABY CHICKS )31C-4 HatcherY 4 agthit 'here can give full information about hitItt"o'nentesritrerthere's • a r4pecial discount on chicks and tasted chicks for delivery Janu - I - ry-February. Pullets for top ngg production—Broilers, Pilch WhiterRicieks, tote' profit; makers, Ames.1.nprp,s,s „Standard breeds Oind crosses. Weekly hatches all ;car round. Canadian Approved, RALEchery' sewn complete breeding,: program covering more than 33 years. Full information, Blueva a Milling Co., Bluevale' ;Ohorile 1R21 Wingiram or 30R14, Oririk FstOk 25h MISCELLANEOUS IS- YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? jforjnfofmation phone 293, Stew- art ..1(t,,SAptt Wihgham. .2rrb AYE w' 24-.HOUR SERVICE on all fur- oacos -vairid, oil burners. Apply to Hiseter c Son, phone 426. 15rrb DEADSTOCK REMOVED from bur farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone e o 11 c c t: ialinerston 123W, Durham 398 or W GORDOWYOUNG 1.1vtitEri' . irrb SA0IITAI3Y SEWAGE disposal septioednits, cesspools, cellars, 6fc„ripliin.Ped and cleaned, quick Service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, pruqsolp4, 15rrb „LA' WATEFRLOO CATTLE BREED- INC.,ASSOCIATION "Where. Better Bulls'Arc Used" Artificial insemination service for all breeds of nettle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 or Mildrrip 130r12,F), collect, between 7.80 and 10.00 a7:in, on week days and 7:1)0'and 9.39+'•x. 'on Sundays. errb • IF YOU ARE BUYING a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insur- anoe.,'Our seryjec is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb REAL ESTATE ONE HUNDRED ACRE farm for sale in Morris 'Township with good gravel business, Apply to beat 3 Advance-Things, 18,25,1,81) LOST TWO IDENTICAL KEYS lost, at- tached together. Reward. Phone 45 in business hours, 25* D1t:10nm* WANTED DEAD STOCK WANTED---$3,00 far dead horses and cows; higher pricea for Old, sick arid disabled homes; and cows. Phone Atwood 153 'collect, 30 rr.F24.* iMN1116 coLoWi -11661 wanted, Must be in good condition, not less thari 12X16", Apply to Wallace Doilitglir pbOne 54R22, TeeaWater. 54' One year memberships may be obtained for the sum' of One dollar ($1,00) from the. Wingham Hospital, the Secretary, the Treas- urer, or a member of the Board of Direetors, Everybody welcome, I-1, IC. MacLean, President. John .Strong, Secretary, 2d:4b CARD 'MANUS I wish to sincerely thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital, ,,Special ,thanks to the nursing staff and Dr, B. Corrin, I wish to take this opportunity to thanks my friends and neighbors for their help at home. Their kind- ness-was very much .appreciated— Ernest Casemore. 25* CARD OF THANKS We wish to convey our heartfelt appreciation to our neighbors and the whole community for the help given to us at the time of our fire, A special ,thank-you to the Salva- tion Army for its kindness,—Harry and Barbara Pegelo. 25* CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neigh-, bors, to The Fire Brigades, and to all those who assisted at the time of the fire.--John and Agnes Lane. 25* CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my good friends and neighbors, espec-. ially Mr. and Mrs. A. R. DuVal,, Mr. and Mrs. George McGinnis, my minister, the Rev. H. L. Parker, the Altar Guild, Dr, W. A. Craw- ford, the hospital staff and all others who were so kind and thoughtful of me during my ill- illness—Mrs. Edwin (Annie) Lewis, North Street. , 25b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the sympathy shown to me at the time of my recent bereavement, These kind thoughts will always be re- membered.—Mrs. Joseph H, Miller. 254' CARD OF THANKS I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all my neighbors, rela- tives and, friends for their cards, gifts and visits during my stay in the Hospital, also Dr. W, A. Me- Kibbon and the hospital staff, Rev, MacRae and Rev. Nimmo. Special thanks to the neighbors for their' kindness to my husband while I was away.—Mrs. Gershorri Jolm-, ston, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreeiation to all my friends and neighbors for all the lovely gifts, treats and cards sent to me while I was in thew ingbam Hospital. Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses, Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Mrs. Webster's class and the Brownie Pack—Faye Yeo. 25b IN MEMORIAM MoGREGOR—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wil- liam Roy McGregor, who passed away one year ago, January 26, 1955. It was cold January As I stood by an open grave And I watched them lower a loved one, I would have given my life to save. But I knew my prayers wouldn't waken Him in the silent clay, So I laid down my heart beside him, And silently walked away. —Lovingly' remembered by his wife and family, 25b IN MEMORIAM ARD—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Phoebe Arcl, who entered into rest, January 23, 1954, Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory she left behind. Ever remembered by Jean, Donna and Gordon. 25'1 ' IN MEMORIAM AITCHISON—In loving memory of a dear husband, James Allen Aitchison, who passed away one year ago, January 23rd., 1955. You left me quietly, your thoughts Unknown, But you left a memory I am proud to own, Though absent, you are ever near, still loved, still missed and ever dear. —Ever remembered by his wife, Ethel, 25'l' NOTICE to, CREDITORS IN THE MAirTER of the estate of Frances Elizabeth Earngey, lath of the Village of Gorrie, hi the County Of Huron, widow,. deceased, TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having dal/ha against the estate of the said, Prances Elizabeth Earngey, deceased, ate required to file their claims duly verified with •the undersigned on ,or before the tweatyl-ninth day' of January, A.D. 1956, and ,after the aaid date the Executor will clis. tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he Will, then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, :Ontario, this ninth day of January, A,b, 1956 A. H, McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the EXectitor, 11:18:25b BIRTHS DIcKLESON—At Wingliern &Inv- al hospital, on Tuesday, .January 17, 1950, to 1U and Mrs. George Diekieaen, 1342,. *1, Formosa, a daughter, GASEMORE---At the Wingham General hospital, on Friday, January 20, 1.956, to Mr. and Mrs. James Casemore, R,R. 4, Wing- ham, a daughter, - LINDSAY —At the Winghani Gen- oral Hospital, on Monday, Jan-,. nary 23, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. William Lindsay, R.R. 1, Green- ock, a son. POYTON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 24, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Poyton, Wingham,. a son. RILL—In Women's College Hos- pital, Toronto, on Friday, **Janu- ary 20th, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rill One° DoieMcG-uire) a son, David Norman, brother for Robert, IN MEMORIAM PYKE—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Etta Pyke, who passed away one year ago, Janu- ary 22, 1955. Dear mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. —Lovingly remembered by the family. 25* CARETAKERS WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL , BE ac- cepted until February 4, 1956, for caretakers at East Wawanosh Schools. Duties to commence on March 1, 1956. Lowest or any tender Roth necessarily ,qoceptecil East -Vawanosh School Beard, C. H, Wade secretary, Belgrave, Ontario, 1:1:181.)5b Wirigharri, 'Ontario, •Solieitora for the ExeciitiTe''es. . 1.1.1'18"2: NOTICE TO,EREDITORS: ALL PERSONS having claims, against, the estate of. SARAH ELLEN FARQUHARSON, late' of the Town of 1Vinghain inoothe County • of Huron,' Spinster, who died on or about the sixth day of December A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the eleventh day of Febru- ary A.D. 1956, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immedi- ately after the said eleventh `day of February the assets of the said intestate 'will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-third day of January, A.D. 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Winghnin :lOritty I °„: ", Solicitors for Administrator, , 25.:81;). NOTICE TO' cREDITCYRs • All persons having claims against the estate of Lyon Findlatef, lato of the Village of Bluevale, in the County' of Huron, Labourer, de- ceased, who died on or, about. the 23rd day of 'December, A.D. 1955„ are notified to send to the under- signed, on or, before the Eleventh day of February; 1956, full 'particu- lars of their claims in writing, Im- mediately after the said Eleventh day of February, :the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice, DATED this Twentieth day of January, A.D, 1956, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON WINGHAM, ONTARIO Solicitors for the Executor 25:1:81) BEHINJD RECENT HEADLINES WARNING ISSUED TO BOOT- LEGGERS — Magistrate Dudley Holmes of Goderich has warned bootleggers. Their penalty will be stiffer than usual if caught selling beer, to minors. "X will take it into consideration when ihiposing pen- alty." HURON CLUB OWNER CHARG- ED—George Campbell, proprietor of the Crystal Club, was charged with keeping Winer for Sale, A quantity of beer• and ale was seiz- ed. Only one of many such charg- es during the past year under' the C.T.A, ARMY CANCELING NEW YEARS RITES—An 11.4a, West- ern% Ontario Area directive has ordered all Military messes closed in view of the extensive safety campaign. LIQUOR CHARGES TO .THE PORE—Most lines in police charge books in Ontario centres during the Christmas Week-end were taken up With liquor charges. Three out of four charges of the more than 400 reported .:were breaches or the Toronto more than 8130 portions were ari ested between' P.11'i. Friday and midnight Monday. grib Frank Vanner Was TwozWar Veteran . A former resident of the Wing- WWI district, .Frank Va'nner died: in Westminster Hospital, London, on Tuesday. January 17th, In his 00th year, lie was a resident of London at the time of his death, . Born in England, he came to Canada as a child and lived in Wingliam and district before mov- ing to London in 1039, He was an employee of. John Labatt Ltd., of that city and for the past four years had worked at General Mot., or,s Diesel Ltd. He was an adherent of the Anglican Church, An overseas veteran of both world wars, Mr. Varner was with the 35th Battalion, Canadian Ex- peditionary Force in World War 1, and in the Second World War was overseas with the 7th .Field Co,, Royal Canadian Engineers. • Surviving besides his Wife, the former Louisa Batley, of Wingham, are four sons, C'irl, Percy, Arnold and Wilfred, all of London; two daughters, Ethel (Mrs. ,M.- Need- .ham), and Mary (Mrs, Wallace Addley) both of London; three sisters, Mrs. Nell" Hunt, Mrs, Ethel Bailey, and Mrs, Maud Window, also of London and 10 grandchild- ren., Funeral service was conducted at the Evans funeral home, London, on Friday, at 2 p.m., by the Rev. Graham Lethbridge, of Old St. Paul'S Anglican Church, Wood- stock. Interment was in Mount Pleasant cemetery, London. Miss EV'a Greer Dies in Hosp44, Services for Miss :Eva Greer, who died in Wingham GeneraL•Hospital last week, were conducted in ,Luck: now on Saturday at 2..30, p.m. in the McLennan-MacKenzie' °.memo'rial- uhapel, Rev. G, A, Meiklejohn of-' fichited and interment: wits iii Greenhill .ceirietery., • A native of West Wawarrosh, Miss Green at one time lived in Wingham, where she was employed with the Bell Telephone Company. `Surviving is one sister, Mrs. La- verne Aiken, of Kingston. William_ H. Kerr Passes in Toronto There passed away in East Gen- e'ral Hospital, Toronto, on Thurs- day, January 12th, William Hamil- ton Kerr. Death was due to injur- les. received when Mr. Kerr walked from behind a parked vehicle, and 1.6s struck by a car, • • Deceased was in his 91st. year• and had been in, good health. and was, very active for his advanced years. Iir,earlier days he had..been a baker by trade and lived in Wroxeter and Gorrie. Kerr had been married] twice. His first wife was the former Francis Higgins and ,they had two daughters, Pearl (Mrs. Robt,•Mc- Donald ) of Jainestown, and Violet (Mrs. Russell Prudham) of • Tor- onto; and two sons, Leslie, of Ter- onto and Robert, who predeceased him in 1948. , • • In later years he married' the former Ida May BroWn of Toronto; who survives with one daughter Hazel (Mrs. Bruce Wilson) also of Toronto. There are nine grand- children. The funeral was held on Satur- day, January 14th, from the Mc- Dugan and Brown ftmeral home on Danforth Ave., with burial in Mount Pleasant cemetery. By PcL, Byron Adams . (Too 'late ter last' week) • The. 1st Wingliarn Boy Scoot, Troop held its regular Meeting on Friday, January 13. The itorsephopf, was fernied at 7,30. In the how- Shoe, inspection was beld• and points were added* or Subtracted , from the patrols, The 'game, stone. age Football, wa's played, 'with the Swans arid the Wolves:against the Panthers and Beavers,' Instruction Of -Tendeifeet; "CeSts, 2nd, class 'signalling and lashings Were given in the. patrola. Two of, the bbys, Donald Murray ..and Bob Angus passed their . Tenderfoot tests. P.D. Walton .MeKibbon' ducecl a .new. game into the. troop, Incliftn Staff 'Wrestling.' -.In •the' circle, Mr. 0Oerend shoWedlhow..to, light a campfire without-paper. At the end of the mbeting.'the boys ,were shown the ,,Honor .Cup, which. will he preielited , to, the patrol with the bigh,6,44paltits oat the end of the month. P119a,were made fer a hike 46,.lbe..held .on Sunday at 1.00 p m. from pf,f13.6n- nett's home. At 'ilieendOcef • the, meeting the , .,• kicky enough to get the remains. of a, yeast held;,-„,im,tho, ,s4i4so .opo,:r. . • groom. • 'The Hike A ' The, patrols ,met, at..PL,..Bonnett'a house at) 1.00 p:m.• for Abe.hika'ion, Sunday.- They Jett '..at:-.tenOlainute, interVals 'for Wingharri'lluation,, with sealed °. 'orders, *.Fronir they followed' ,the tracks - to .1.,on 4. don Bridge.' "-" • " One''Oastialty `was '-"Bab O'DeYell,!1 Who hurt :his knee and"the 'Swan' Patrol heroically made .1:C steteher. and crutch and carried the' rest of the way. Bob 'seemed to be' enjoying himself. The boys .camped and', tests were passed...-.Im.'4ife:.4.'vaiis,- Doug Davidson and Bebin,M,..antyre, passed fire-lighting; anty:`,Ooking tests, and Doug DaviciSoti.4441...Bob, McPhail passed tracicilidiOn-r.tho - Panthers everyone. on.f the• .'hike passed tracking. - In the Beavers. George Jen 90 t, p,ossed)hisiceOking' and in tO Frank Rhibi; Bob crahtittet • BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL -:- DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & IIETHERINCTON Barristers, Solicitors,' Etc. Winghani, Phone 18 J. H. URAWFORD, R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSIIFIELD • Q.C.— Barrister'„ Soifeilsri1;" Notary, Etc. iMOliey,te Lean Office Meyer` Block, Whighana • • .3.!: 'r !It *,•'. • • ..... •••• owl) of 'Wingham • a.- 1956 Taxes . • , :A!i..klAiv ers may make payments On account 0U.956 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1955 taxes. at' the rate of Vow.- per cent, pet. -‘)?ijt .bk \•7ed oil such prepayments, ,Piefiayntetits ,taxes must be niade ;at the TOlrffeitstitees Office, TOwl1 it 'Treasurer, Town of Wingham Get your Poultry Supplies Now! •-,••••••••.•W..A.*%•*•••••••••••••4,".."4,4Anne..A • LEXANDERS HARDWARE .11100111461110.141611.11111tiapoulialialliAlailif.14/11.1611111,64fflotilmillipaiiikiaiNI/6111101.6 fl ,• )3EST mileage by far In a Wilts wagon earl Weiler's Garage. Walkerton. 25b LADY .SEEKS POSITION as com- panion, would also pay board. Apply box 1, Advance-Times, 25* HELP WANTED—FEMALE TYPIST, experienced, neat appear- ance. Excellent working condi- tions, good starting salary, Apply to Box 670, Goderich. 25b EXPERIENCED stenographer. Ex- cellent working conditions, good starting salary. Write, giving full particulars of experience to Personnel Manager, Box 670, Goderich, 25b SEWING MACHINE operators, Experienced or beginners. W. H. Gurney & Son. 25b SALEMAN WANTED ANXIOUS TO MAKE a place for himself and family. Experienced in saleswork is not necessary. The big qualification is that you must be willing to work. Your chances of advancement with our Company are excellent:. Please do not answer advertisement un- less you own a car. Write box 2 Advance-Times, 18 ;25b EARN $54.00 OR MORE a week. Part or full-time opportunity in Huron Count35, for a farmer or ambitious man with agricultural background. Age 25-50 preferred. Car essential. Take orders in ex- clusive territory, Be home every 'night. No investment, We provide complete training at home office plus field assistance. Reply giv- ing age and experience in first letter to Na-Churs Plant Food ' Co., 2 Langarth St., London. 11:18:25b SALESMAN WANTED—,Man to represent Singer Sewing Machine Co:, in Wingham area. Two weeks training period on sales and service. Salary and commis- sion, hospitalization and comp- any benefits. Car essential. Good steady employment with pro- motion for right man, Apply W. G. Henderson, phone 665, Wing- ham. 25:1b RAW- EIGHbusiness now open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at - once. Rawleigh's Dept. A-453-189,' Mont- real, P.Q, 25b • , TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Tenders for Warble Fly Spraying in the Township of Howick for the year 1956, will be received by the Clerk to 12 o'clock noon Febru- ary 4th, 1956. Tenders to state price per head for warm and also ordinary water, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. Harold Pollodk, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 18:25b TENDERS TO SUPPLY POWDER Tenders for supplying 1000 lbs. powder for Warble Fly Spraying in the Township of Howick for the year 1956 will he received by the Clerk to 12 o'clock noon February ith, 1956, Powder to he stored and packaged to the instructions of the inspectors. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, ' Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 18:25b APPLICATIONS FOR INSPECTORS Applications for two Inspectors to supervise the Warble Fly Spray- ing in the Township of Iicavielc for the year 1950 will be received by the Clerk to 12 o'clock noon Febru- ary 4th, 1056. Applications to state price per hour including transportation. Lowest or any application not necessarily accept- ed. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Ifowick, Carrie, Ontario. 18:25b ANNUAL MEETING Wingham General HospiCil The annual meeting of the 'Wing- barn General Hospital Association will be held on Monday, February sixth (0) at 8 p.m., in the recre- ation room of the Nurses' Resi- dence, at Wingham. All matters of business pertain- ing Co the Winghain Hospital Association including the eleetion Of directors and other °filters and consideration of the By-Laws. .of the Hospital will be transacted. In Order to east a ballot lit the election of directors a person Must be a member of the Association. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Sarah Fin- en, late of the Township of Turn- berry, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 23rd day of June, A.D. 1955, arc notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Janu- ary, 1956,.,fult particularO of their claims in Writing. Immediately after the said 28th day of January the assets of the said testatrix: Will be distributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto,, haVing regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice, • • DATED this fourth day of Janu- ary,' A.1:1; 1956. ' • 25, CRAWFORD ,.& 1.IETHERING7ON' J. Stanley Elliott; new director of, guidance. .for •St. Catharines, was the subject of a newspaper story' in the St. Catharines Standard 're- cently for his work in minor sport. in that city, The column "Through the Sports Gate," by Jack Gate- cliff, was devoted to the life and . work of Mr, Elliott, who started organizing hockey in the rural area between Wingharn and Bel- grave hack in 1910. Mr, Elliott is a brother of Ray- mond Elliott, of Eluevaic, and Bill Elliott and Mrs, Roht, Montgomery, of East Wawanosh. "It was Dr. Louis Blake Duff, historian, author and retired news- paperman who first introduced J. .5, Elliott to matters sporting," Gatecliff says in his column, "Duff was principal of a rural school south of Wingharn, taught Stan and was also one of the district's outstanding athletes." After' graduating from high' school in the Wingham area, J. S. Elliott became principal at Dun- dalk afterwards obtaining a posi- tron in St, Catharines, where he became active in organizing minor sport, Over the years his teatnh won "an arnazing number" of titles, almost 20 provincial thampionships in nekkey alone having fallen to teams with which he had been connected, Interested in all types of minor sport,. Mr. Elliott has been connected with lacrosse, hoc- gey, football, Soccer and softball organizations, He was winner of the- OMITA "Honor Award" hi 1048. For almost three years Me, El- Roil was a member Of the St. Catharines City council but resign' ed in 1938 when a "test ease" in Oshawa ruled that school teachers were, not eligible to sit on a civic body. Ho has held every position on the Ontario Teachers' Federa- tion, was president of the Niagara District Hockey League, and a eetor of the YMCA for Many years, as Well as being active in other sports bodies. icOUT CORNER PAP ER PAYS TRIBUTE demonstration of lashing:a teaatio' TO FORMER RESIDENV2114i ftlyoustturdy. but: no one. 'OF WI1till4NI AREA By "the way; the Bea-Vets art,i A former Wingharn district Man, The, Swans' and tho-Beavers,:theni vsotonneaoguet filbaitOblaTikd than'initieePt!' eing. closed in.. the horseshoe. *- leading -with • a very short, tottrgini in the patrol Competitionr and cookin 6:- oy6 prole na! at 6.30. There' were about. :25.'1)64:and' the hike `tbolc aboat:Seveo 'lioili s; They all, agreed that, this Was the, most sueceSaful hike„. yet.' • . 0, -,..0 .- 0 . Theis' NVOIF) The 1st Wingham 'SOmt sT rocip held its regular meetingOn FrIcia , January 20th. The Meeting pkened' at 7,30 After' the h•orseshoe, waS forined, there' ,Wa,a, ,the break.' points were then •giyen rth, the patrols attendaqe and tidy ness. „ ° , The four patrols h,c1: 'a knotting race with foar ,The Beavers won three and the Swaria one. The' • patrol leaders then'.gave, their patrols instruction, the Wolves in. the compass; the Panthers, in .exec-; cises, the Beavers in, first aid, the; Swans in lashings. " — . • A game called 'The :Crows.' and • the CranesO :followed .: With • ` the; Panthers the`Winners.. •'>= The Scouts ,were,then 'oalled to. the circle arid the Beavers gave cO and believe it or not, the trestle l URLERS' MOVIES n "British Consols. Finals', 1955" • AUSPICES OF WING11A111 CUILLINO ,CounCil Chambers, Sat., Jan, 28 R, • "Ken Watson7.300Lo..C 'Ailing Tips" UNDE All Curlers Welcome! NOTE: The Curling Club's new stones will be twriving early in February, •old stones will •be available for' sale. A:.H MCTAVISH . 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR ana• NOTARY PUBLIC ;TEESIYA'f'Eli - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater 'Wroireter—Every 'Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by 'appointment. iV_,•"" l'4 4 Fredepiek F.. Hoinuth I • . Phrq.P., R.O. Carol.E..HOmuthi; R.O. Mrs-' • A ..1,, i ...: . Kfillt"10'W.P. VI, ; :...°*T griVI'''''-,flarristati, - ' Ontario 'Lk ••• ' . ,a 4 t. a • MONEY BY .„ triNa . ••