HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-18, Page 811/111111, 11 * tl ght The wingliu n ,P1,4vt !we-Tin1ei, WedAeidaY,. atm, i$ :1210 '. Prizelffinners i<',IARI,VAL' '-PrtSe winnersat the eNohre party in the community lt&�lt, sponsored by the Bluevale WRmeles Institute, on January 1U.th were Oliver Campbell, Carl. John - MON Mrs, Jamas Johnston and 1iarry 1liiett. Lucky Prise winner Was. Mrs. C. B. Hoffman, The next euchre will be on Friday; January 20th. NOW ;..aNew t Revolutionary Treatment To Stop ACETONEMIA Practically Overnight "Not One Failure" was experi- enced, ivith Nixon's PROPION- ;EX LIQUID during the clinical tests conducted recently on sev- oral Ontario farms. ;Ws is remarkable new product is quite simple to use and the most inexpensive, costing less' than '$3,00 to treat the average case. In addition, animals respond rapidly in from 12 to 24 hours. PRoYIONEX LIQUID is guar- anteed to give results or MONEY BACKYOUR • Use L'ropionex Liquid (Nixon) to help prevent or treat Acetonemia Proven n Clinically Tested - Farm ro.c ' - Guaranteed 1956 Of facers. Elected ay Church Choir.. BLUBVALE The United Church choir met at the home of the organist Mrs, Carl Johnston, for Its weekly practice en. Thursday even- ing. Officers far MG were elected: President, Mr. Ross Smith; vice- president, Mr. C. B. Hoffman; See.- treas., Mrs. W. J. Peacock; librar- ians, Kay Johnston, Kathleen Craig; convener of gown commit- tee, Mrs. Jack Fischer; convener of social committee, Carl Johnston. A social time was enjoyed at the close of the business session. Mrs. M. L. Aitken .Tells of Trip i3LTdl!wALE.-.The Bluevale Wo- men's Institute met at the hone of Mrs, Jos, Horton on January 12th, the president, MiSs Ruby Duff, presiding, The roll call was answered by giving an item of interest about any Canadian town or oity. Letters of thanks for Chrismas cheer boxes were read. It was• decided to give a further donation of "ten dollars to the need wing of the Wingham General Hospital'. The financial report showed' a satisfactory balance in the treas- ury. Reports of two recent Institute euehres were given and it 'wag de- cided to hold the* next. one on January 20th, the comtiiittee,"being Mrs, C. B; Hoffmap,..'Mrs.; Alex McCrackin, Mrs Roy, ,Til voy, Mrs, Charles Coultes. • Mrs. M. L. Aitken _save ht$r;.h i- pressions of a trip. to the,,, West Coast In the fall, with pietureS of mountain scenery, ' andCalifornia scenes submitted by, Mrs -'Eldred Nichol. • Mrs, Sparling Johnston read.• a Poem appropriate • to tile •"season, Tennyson's "Ring O'ut Wi!dr Bilis." Refreshments were served,1 by: the committee, Mrs. Stanley- • Darling; Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Ii'arry Elliott and Miss R. Duff. : ` TURNBERRY COUNCIL INAUGUR MEETING The inaugural meeting of Turn - berry Township. Council was held in the council chamber at 11 a.m. on January 9th. The reeve and Members of coun- cil took their declaration of office and devotional exercises were con- ducted by Rev, R. A. Brook. The reeve extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Brook and spoke to the coun- cil regarding the coming year's work, Councillor A. D. .Smith atga addressed the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and..adopted. The car - respondence was read and consi- deration given to it. The officials were instructed to apply for the balance of the road subsidy for 1955. The council adjourned for dinner at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, where they enjoyed a steals din- ner as the guests of Charles Henry. Following the dinner the mem- bers resumed their meeting and. it was moved to join the Ontario Good Roads' Association, Assessing Officers' Association, Rural Munici- palities' Association and the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Asso- ciation. The clerk was instructed to write letters of appreciation to the De- partment of Highways, regarding the improvement at the corner of lqo. 4 Highway and the B Line, and to the Hay Stationery Co„ for the donation of a picture of the Queen for the council room. The following a PP ointments were o made: Harry Elliott, Bluevale, streetlight caretaker; A, D, Smith, Wingham Hospital Board; J. J. Elliott, livestock valuator; Thos. H. Abraham, representative to the Saugeen Valley Authority; Mon- tieth and Montieth, auditors; Huh Gilmour, brucellosis inspector; Leslie Fortune, Harold Elliott, Les- lie Douglas, brucellosis committee; Mrs. Carl Johnston, Wm. Peacock and Mrs: Alex Corrigan, represen- tatives to Bl,tevale Hall Board for two years.; xJohn Fischer and A. D• THIS BIG �40" RANGE For Only $339 Look at these FEATURES! • A surface unit that gets hot instantly .. , reel hot in 30 seconds' • An oven that lets you bake perfectly in any rack position! i• Automatic cooking con- trols T•-• that cook a cohlplcto Meal while, you're away! • Controls that tell you instantly what units are on , , , and at what' speed --anywhere in the ititolien i Regular $397.00 No other range gives you so many Auto- matic Cooking features as the big Westing- . house 40" range! With a Giant Miracle Sealed Oven and completely automatic cook- ing controls, the Big 40" features 'lavishly beautiful ultra -modern styling which beauti- fies any kitchen. Best of all, look at the price of this beauti- ful big range, at Pattison's special January White Sale! It will pay you to drop in to Pattison's and find otit how easy it is to own the Westinghouse Big 40" the range that has everything ! Don't Delay - Come In Today! RADIO & P 0 11 ELECTRIC. Our Phone Number Is 1714 t Wingham H1GkI SCHOOL Highlights Smith, as counoil representatives to the Hall i3oard for one year. Bylaw No, 1, to borrow up to $50,000 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce and /3y -Law No. 2 to apply for road subsidy on an 'ex- penditure of $35,000, were given their first reading. The engineer's reports on the McMichael and Markley Drains were received from Howick Town- ship, These reports will be read at the next meeting of council on February .6th, A11 •aecounts were ordered paid. . •Uenerui Accounts Hydro Electric Bluevale street lights, $130.00, Wingham Advance - Times, ballots, $7,9,25; Ross Willits, compensation, $47,25; . Dave Haugh, tax refund, $2;66;,,J3ank'of Com- merce, Wroxeter, $7.80; Geo. L Day, reb ite,, $20.00;•• . relief, $60.00; Joe Montgomery, tax refund, $2.00; Geo,, Thomson; part salary $40.00, supplies, $1.75, $41:75; Huron Co., Crop Improvement, $25:00; Associa- tion of .Assessing Officers, $10.00; Ont. Good . Roads Association, $10.00; Hay,,Stationery Co„ $7,20; C. E. Walpole, $2.00. ]loud Payroll. Ken Felker, $84,75; W, A, Hogg, $97.96; Geo. Galloway, $124.80; Wm. Mundell $109.00; .load amounts, $729.18, Council' adjourned to meet again on February 6th, at1 p.m. Reeve, John V, Fischer Clerk, Geo. T. Thomson BLUEVALE The annual meeting of the Blue - vale Public Library will be held on Monday evening, January 23, at 8.30. Mr, ar/d Mrs. Floyd' Moffatt and daughter,' of Clinton, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Burns Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. George Paterson of Toronto, spent Sunday with rela- tives in the• community;':-•, Miss Foster, of Toronte,; s visit- ing Mrs. Stanley Darling; Mrs. William Blackmore and son, Lobby, of Toronto, are `visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Elliott. Mrs. J. J. Elliott is a patient in. the -Wingham Hospital. '1' • ••WUVIG NEWS Men's Town League Standing in Men's town league: Aces 59, Lee's 50, Burke's 44, Tay- lor's 38, Creamery 23, Kinsmen 17. High singles, G. Pcrrott, 288, F. Burke 274, I. Gardner 273. High triples, G. Perrott 714, W. Brown 675, G Burke 647. 0-0-0 Thursday Afternoon League Mrs. J. Maolntyre, 1663; Mrs. J. Kerr, 1454; Mrs, W. Henry, 1441; Mrs, D, Nasmith, 1402; Mrs, •R. E. McKinney,' 1274; Mrs. G, Cameron, 1121. High double, Mrs. J. Maelntyrc, 135. 0-0-0 Lloyd's R. Club Veneer room, '2576; Boiler room, 2154; Shipping room, 2101; Office, 20b6; Machine shop, 2057. High single, Bill Johnston, 280; high triple, Jack Gamble, 644. Ladies' Wednesday League+ Queens, 50; Spades, 49; Hearts, •44; Clubs, 37; Aces, 29; Diam&nds, 23. high single, Mrs, Robt, Rowsell, 254; high triple, Mrs. Murray Rae, 565. 0-0.0 Commercial League The final game of the second series was played on Tuesday night. Results as follows: Cardinals, 27; Canaries, 23; Wrens, 19; Bluebirds, 15; Orioles, 11; Bluejays, 10, High scores. for the night: Ladies' high single, Mrs, J, Maclntyre, 2314; men's high single,, E. Walker, 318; ladies' high triple, Mrs, J, Mac- Intyre, 612; men's hightriple, 712, High team score, Cardinals, 2776. High scores for the series: Ladies' high single, Miss J, Bain, 268; men's high single, E. Walker, 318; ladies' high triple, • Mrs. M. roMplenian, 636; Men's high triple, E, Walker, 712, High teats score, Cardinals, 2858, ONE DAY A 1VIOTl•IIbR sardine and her two babies were swhiiniing through. the ocean, when a sub= marine approaehed them, *rhe frightened .babies darted be- hind their pother. But she'caliaily. said, "Don't be afraid, it's 'orlly a. can a,i people," Basketball At Luctutow On ].Friday, January 6, WD,H,S. sunt its two boys' basketball teams to Lucknow for exhibition games. In the first game between the juniors, the Wingham team was outclassed to the tune of 38-17, Points for Wingham were seared by Peter Nasmith, 3 points; Rae Hetherington, 5 points; Peter }I 'ln- ingway, 6 points; Ron Lane, 3 points, • The senior game which followed was a .different story. Although hampered by a small gym, the Wingham boys won 33-22, Scorers for Wingham were: Doug. Murray, 12 points; Jack Horton, 6. points; Don McLean, 4 points; John Con- gram, 4 points; Jim Campbell, 4 points; Bill Foster, 3 points. Danny Stuckey 0-0-0 Basketball at Winghcun On Wednesday, January 11, two exhibition games were played in. the W.D.H.S. auditorium. In the first game the senior boys met the. Lucknow senior boys and defeated them 32-16. But for some erratic shooting by Wingham the score would have been fifty. Leading scorer: for Wingham . was again Doug. -Murray with 13 points, fol lowed by Jack Horton with 4, Don McLean 4, John .Wilde 4, Jim Campbell 4, and John Congram 3. Bill Foster, Bruce Lott, Danny Stuckey and Bill Martin completed the line-up. The second game brought to- gether the Wingham junior • boys against Lucknow junior boys. Aftety being soundly defeated by Lucknow on the previous Friday, Wingham came back to win a close; hard-fought game by the score of 22-21. It was a see -saw battle all the way, with Wayne Brown pot- ting the winning basket with only a few seconds remaining. . The boys showed a great im- provement over their first outing and should provide. many interest- ing games throughdut thc basket - hall. scasbn, Leading scorer,, for Wingham was Rae Hetherington with 14 points, followed by Ivan Walsh with 2, Peter ' Nesmith 2, Peter Hemingway 2, and Wayne Brown's 'big 2. Other • Wingham players were David Kennedy, Ron Lane, John Moffat, " and "Big' Dennis Smith. John Congram 1. Fred Muggs Travel's in Style • When somebody 'telephoned the Central Vermont •Railway, ticket agent at Waterbury, Vt., recently, and asked for a sleeping car reser- vation to New York for J. Fred Muggs, the agent promptly oblig- ed and assigned lower berth five• in car 394. To the agent Muggs was just another name. However, in confirming the res- ervation with the general passen- ger agent, Walter Regan, the Wa- terbury agent was astounded ,when Regan refused to confirm the space because, "Don't you know J. Fred Muggs is a chimpanzee'? The law doesn't permit animals to ride in open sleeping car space." They finally decided that Muggs could •be classified as a pct„and could •therefore travel in closed room space Out not in an open' berth. So double bedroom. 'A" was substituted for lower five and everyone, .including Muggs and his human travelling companion, was satisfied, Muggs and other members of a television production were on an assignment for the National March of Dimes Campaign. LYCEUM Theatre Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jn:u, 19-20-27 John Wayne Lana Turner in "The Sea Chase" A good adventure melodrama with enough suspense, euelte- Ment and romance to satisfy everyone, • Matinee Saturday after- noon at 2.00 p.m. Mon,, 'L'tie$,y .. _ ... n..�n..,�.w.i.v lam 23-24 Stewart Granger, Jean Sinitnons in "Footsteps In The Fog" (Adult Entertainment) A critto melodra.l ls, i.lt which a man poisons, his wealthy wife. Organization Had Successful Year ST, I3LLk;hi$- Mrs. .Lori►c Wonda was hostess for the annual meet- . Ing of the W.M.S. and the W.A. of the. .United Cliuc'cii,. Mrs, W, I. Mtlier presided for the WM,S, and Mrs, John Cameron read tlio .Scrip - tura lesson, The treasurer, Mrs, Frank Mc - reported that $203 had 'teen sent to the Presbyterial trees- urer, .$53.0Q .above the allocation, Reports. of a successful year were presented by the sLeretary, Mrs, Wood; the convener of coininunity friendship, Miss W, D, Rutherford; oR literature, Mrs. W. I. Miller; of Christian citizenship, Mrs. Wood, and of associate helpers, Mrs, Cam- eron, Mrs, Alec Murdie read from "Anna and the Indians," the inter., esting story of the wife of a mis- sionary to the north west territor- ies, It was.announced that the Day of Prayer would be I! riday, Feb- ruary •1.7, Mrs, McQuillin read a letter; she had received from Mrs. Mary Nichol; of India, Mrs, T, 'J; Todd was in the chair for tije, meeting of the W. A, Mrs, McQuillln read the Scripture lesson an thodugh Miss. Rutherford, the lesson Mrs, G. MacPherson reported a good year With many activities and Pictures Shown At Euchre Party , WI% I U LN:NS ].'here wore four- teen tables of progressiva embed at the community hall on Friday eVoning With high honors going to Mrs, Vomit McQulllin and And- rew Gaunt with Mrs, Lorne Dur- ni� and FrankQ uiiin winning i b sceRnd pries, Leon Ledaux. showed moving pic- tures of Calgary, Snow Lake, his . home town of McCreary and other Western points, as well as some of local interest, These were much enjoyed, . It was decided to hold Otnother card party on Friday, Jan. 27. Invitation Accepted To .Attend Course ST, META'. ---•Members of the W, 1, please note that an invitation has been received to attend a short course "An Ounce of Prevenion," by Miss Grace Hamilton in the Whitechurch Community Hall, on Wednesday, January 25th at 10 a.m. Ladles take lunch, tea will be provided. a balance on hand of $192.19, It was agreed to send a gift of $10.00 to Miss Nichol of India. o A pleasant social hour followed with lunch served by Miss anther - ford and Mrs. Todd, ST, HELENS lnueh-appreelated gift of :$25.00, irons Mr, George McRoberts. lists liven .ibceived by the ri;onlens Ili* stitute, Miss Naiguiet Millerr was t i from .Stratford for th'o weeek-el)'tl. The annual c.ongrogc&I:io84i meet - Mg of the United Church wilt be held on Tuesday afternoon, Janu- ary 24, at 2 o'eloclt ,„with Rev, Geo. Watt of Dungannon in charge, .All the members of the congregation• are urged to attend. Mrs, .D, Todd loft last week for a visit with her slaughter, Mrs. 1): J. McIntosh and Mr, McIntosh at St, Catharines, GOSPEL EL N.LL. Regular Sunday Servicee Sunday School 10;15 a,in, Remembering the Lord at 11.1.5 Gospel Meeting at 7,30 pan. IDucll'Thursday evening at 8 p,rn. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study e •MiQ10•11.U.11110.„.10V.11•„0111111104•111•„...VM1q•O41.V011111V�V4•11•1V•V .V1111•,V.0111I,1•111.Ug1. ,,V.IMUsueM„.111.„1V1.1(1411•1•0,1,„•1•N,.11•V,M1V.111.01.,1/ $:TORE. WIDE January. earance Sale: • Ofltln�eS to Jann -• •-2•14a2l:st MN'S NYLO-GAB. TOPCOATS • Zip -in lining, wind and showerproof. The ideal coat for year round wear. Sizes 34 to 46. A In 'Grey or Taupe. Reg, $29.50 SPECIAL $4050 MEN'S JACKETS An•assorted group of Men's Heavy Jackets. Values to (19.95, SPECIAL MEN'S JACKETS ` A second 'group of Men's Jackets, wind- Q� Q Q breaker style. Values to $13.95 SPECIAL .111 .88 SUEDE JACKETS n's Suede Jackets in Navy or Brown $ ®0 Sizes 3.6 to. 40. Reg, $22.50. SPECIAL . e BOYS' JACKETS $9.88 fine' Selection, including some C QQ Corvette.. Coats. , Values to $13.95 SPECIAL $6. A very fi ' SPORT .SHIRTS A fine'rarigc o4)f doeskin and rayon Sport 4 3`.0 Q Q 4 Shirts. Values to $5.95 SPECIAL MgN's TIES Anoutstandingrange of Ties. Reg, $1.50 to $2.00 at 2 for the Price of One MEN'S DAMAGED HATS Ideal as a scuff' or work hat ONLY HALF PRICE TABLE Clearing of odds and ends of broken lines - while they last Men's and • Boys', Pants, Sweaters; Sox, Ladies' Sweaters 'and Blouses, Children's Underwear, Children's Stockings, , , Mp>n's 'and Boys' Underwear. • Ladies' Winter Coats - our COM= plete stock at 1/z Regular Price Group 1 Reg. $39.50 FOR $19.7' Group 2 Reg. $49.50 FOR $24.75 Group $ Reg. $5930 FOR .. , :$29.75 Group 4 Reg. $69.50 FOR $34.75 Ladies' Dresses - Special Clearing Prices on. All Dresses Group 1 Values to $14.95 FOR . $5.00 Group 2 Values to $19.50 FOR . $10.00 Group 3 Values to $24:50 FOR .$15.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS on all unadvertised merchandise throughout the store. PLEASE NC/Tn.-For your shopping convenience store 1tiolli'$ for Jaittiary, February and March sire as :rollom: • STonto "Orion , itIDAY EVENINGS UNTII.'9' ' STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT 6 1'.111. Flannelette Blankets (SJ1IGONDS) Size 70 x 80 . Reg. $5.50 line SPECIAL $3.88 pr. Size 70 x 90 Reg; $5.95 SPECIAL $5.29 pr. 500 Yards Cotton Print and 'Broadcloth Reg. 49c to 69c yd. SPECIAL 39c pr• i $, i WOOLLETTE and 01 YAMA CLOTH Printed and Striped . ,. Reg. 69c yd. SPECIAL 59c yd. [ 'Get your share of the many unadvertised Specials in our Dry Good$'.bcpt. See the exception,a4.. values, on our Remnant Counter'`` LADIES' SUITS All at '/z Regular Price Regular prices $29.50. to $69.50 Sale Price $14.75 to $34.75 LADIES' HATS A group of' Ladies' Fall Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices: LADIES' BLOUSES A group of Ladies' Blous- es iii wool jerseys, pongees and rayons at % PRICE Reg. prices $2.95 to $9.95 NOW ONLY $1.47 to $4.97 . �IGHOf PERS, UJIIIGHRt1 "The Friendly Store" 1.>:►o�.d�o}�A�Iril.�i►i P�iii.11'iY�ry��1'1�f,�Hi�GA�o..�D.�n�rA�woi.6'or+b"i'o�.A:iwB�i►irw,rfili jii IPwwo�iPili4wilwi'flriry�iwi►riiifiiiS�iitiiL 1 1