HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-18, Page 7Carnatien
Tall Tins .Reg; a for 40e
Milk . . . 8 for $1
Holiday lien, for 57e
Margarine .. 4 for $1
()Hutt*, No. 1 10 it.s.
Potatoes 29c
ire fors
No—nottit Conmiutlist, but the
fire-engine red that goes with
clanging bells, screaming sirens
and racing fire trucks.
. The Kent, Fire Brigade, in
England, has gone against
tradition and now uses vehicles
of aluminunl—for three good
reasons; No more paintint. Less •
gas... we mean petrol And
better roadability and bandiing
because of the lighter-weight
aluminum bodies. We'd guess
there's a further premium. that
the Kent „folk enjoy: pride in
their fire brigade when it flashes
by in its gleaming new dress.
Few materials can match alu-
minum for its fresh arid lasting
good looks.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
r. 11. oirtANVFORD,
Darrister, Soliiiitor,
Money to Loan
Office-41cYer Block Witighairn
Itisuranee. GoiitliaYi
fist. —
Au all Canadian Company which
has faithfully served. it's 'policy
holders for over a centurY.
Bead Office — Toroutin
IT. C..Wfaaran Insurance Agency
GORRIE—We oItencl sympathy
to Mrs. Manfred .Irwin and Mrs.
Robert 'Harrison, who received
word last week , of• the death of
their brother; Charles Douglas, of,
Brandon, Man.
He was in his 65th year and had,,
been ill since June.i'lie was a resi-
dent of the Molesworth district
until he went West.' some 32 years
His wife survives,
The human brain is vvoricler-
ful thing. It Starts to work the mo-
ment you are horn, and never
stops until you stand up'to 'speak
in public.
Rae Kernahan, Ben 13ridge, Nell
MeTaggart and Den al) of
Brussels were week-end galests at
the borne of Mt, and Mra, Bower
Mr, and Mrs. Arnold HailiclaY, of
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .
Harris and Leone, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Petrie, Mr, Bob Aitken. an.
Mr. aid Mrs, Roy Gowdy worn
supper guests of Mr., and Mrs.
Harry Gowdy on atuz'day,
Miss "Marie Felgel, of the Strat-
ford Teachers' College, is student
teaching this Week at Kitchener.
Miss Irla Newton and Miss Thelma
Bennett, also of the iStratford Col-
lege, are teaching at Gait and
Stratford, respectively,
Reeve Harry Gowdy is attending
county council in Goclerich this
Mr. William Armstrong pf Wing-
ham, visited his daughter, Mrs,
Knowlson Hueston and Mr. Hiles-
ton on Sunday,
Mr, J. Jacklin, of Chesley, ad-
dressed a meeting of the Feder-
ation of Agriculture in the Gorrie
Community Hall on Monday even-
ing, January 9th.
Mrs, Bella. Greaves, Fordwicb.
and Mrs. G. Wright, Lakelet, have
moved to the old Cathers home
which Mr,.John Cathers haS had
converted into apartments.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Sanderson
Visited with relatives near Ripley,
on Sunday.
Gordon Auitman, of Camp Bor-
den, was a week-end _visitor. at the
home of Mrs. S. Zimmerman.
Mr, and Mrs, E, H. Strong spent
Saturday in Port Credit.
Miss Kay Cathers, Toronto, spent
the week-end at her borne.
Mrs. Bradley Galbraith and
Karen visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Armitage, of
Wingham, were guests on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. George Beattie.
Winter Is the Time
For Farmers to
Maintain Machinery
The 1955 eropOias been generally
a good one. Grain bins 'are over-
flowing and potato yields were
high and showed excellent quality.
One of -the best apple cropii in
Canadian_ history was pickled. The
Canning crops were far superior to
those of other years.
Whiter is the .tiine for farmerS
to relax after the long season of
ploughing, planting, spraying and
harvesting. It is also a time when
they can accomplish a number of
chores neglected during the year.
The tractor needs cleaning up and
perhaps an overhaul.' EarM imple
Merits, probablY require:a new Coat
of paint, With depressed farm
prices, this is more important than
ever. Next -Year the':61d tractor and
Ocnilpriterit have to be
Used. PrOtectiOn of such substantial
investments becomes of prime im-
'portaiiee. •
Perhaps the' farm. home interior
needs a hit of cheering up with a
new paint job. This isn't as ,
as it -once' was. Odorless
interior paints in lively colors have
been developed in recent years
which enables one to paint the in-
side of' a home without any dis-
comfort to -the occupants.
Winter is also a time to 'catch
up oil reading the accumulated
literature on the latest in scientific
farming. It will soon he seed dress-
ing time so.what's new in seed dis-
infectants arid how can losses to
plant diseases and soil insects be
reduced? What does the -federal
governmdnt's entomological report
forecast for insect plagues next
year? '
`And how .abdat the 1956 fertilizer
reciairements? Will the early buy-
ing. discount be taken advantage
of? Is,thc fact that fertilizer order-
ed during winter months is better
cured, a - farther inducement?
'y'es, Winter can be a most profit-
able season for the farmer,
aom114--One of the oldest
landmarks is being tern doWn,
Irving 'Toner having purchased tied
old blacksmith shop,
Situated or the Main street, be*
side the Maitland ttiver and close
to the bridge, lb Is Believed to have
been built in 1800 by Edward
James, The second .owner was
Richard Ross. Next 0.Wiiers were
Isaac Sanderson and Jas, Walk-
In 1820 it was purehased by
James Shera who was the village
blacksmith for nearly 55 years,
until ill health forced him to give
up shortly before his death in 1954,
Since then the building has been
The blacksmith was once Very
necessary in a country village, At
the beginning of the century there
Were two in Gorrie, but with the
coming of the tractor and the de-
creasing use of the horse, there
are very few left and practically
no young men learning the trade.
Mrs. B. 'Parrish Opens
Horne lb
GORRIE--The regular Meeting
of the Gorrie was held on
Monday night at 7.30. at the home
of Mrs. Bower Parrish, The toll
call was answered by 14 menibers.
The theme of the meeting was
"Canada and the World". The call
to worship, Psalm 95:1-2, was kead
by Mrs, Bower Parrish, Karen IVIi-
Owl 'read the first Scripture les-
son, Acts 17:22-28 and the second
lesson` was read by Ruth Grainger
from Bphesians 3:14-21.
A story, "The Indians' Paint
Brual4", was read by Mrs. Parrish,
Dell Irwin closed the worship
p,eriod with a .brayer.
The rest of the evening was spent
discussing plans for the study hook
and 'filling out the first report.
A delicious lunch was served by
Ruth Grainger, Margie Hastie and
the - hostess. The meeting closed
with the Purpose and Taps.
Couple Honored
On 15th Anniversary
GORRIE—Mr. and Mrs. Addison
Jacques, recently returned from
Summerland, B.C., were pleasantly
surprised on Tuesday evening, Jan-
uary 10, on the occasion of their
15th wedding anniversary. Friends
gathered at the home of Mrs. S.
Zimmerman and presented them
with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. JacqUes
expressed their appreciation in
suitable words and the evening was
spent playing cards. A dainty
lunch was served at the close of the
enjoyable evening.
Guests present for the occasion
were„ayIr.,, and Mrs. Jack, Shields,
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Terriplernan, Donald, Susan and
Kenneth Mr, and Mrs Tom Hutch-
ison, Mrs, Albert Gallagher, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom NicClement, Betty
and Kennie, and Mr. and Mrs,
Gladstone Edgar and Katharine
vvinglisoi Advance-171ms, $yointerfil;iy, Paso1.41
fiaht.1417 24 at eight o'clock,
freshments il.l be served atter-
Wards i.n the chtireb hail, Thhi js
a family Skating party,
the fields to gel. aroma the woad.-
felled .snowroaaS, That Worry went,
But a new Worry has takell
plaeei "X wonder when they ate,
going to get these reads plowed'
so we eau get out with the ear?"—'
Exchange, •
IVOItl(Dilti,. 'OWN AN41 Nt/W
With worries, it VOallid appear
that when oats worry goes another
worry cores,, Per insta.neu, time
was When, In the winter, people
: raga, about "the terrible Piteb.-
5,,e and finding a road through
HQ.CkeY n k h1 tiWOOk
Gorrie Bantams
1.AftYci two games of hockey this
weelt. In the first game •on. Mon-day night with Kurtzville, in the
Gorrie arena, the home team took
a beating with a, score of 7.2 for
the visiting team,
On Friday night the. -Gerrie boys'
were more fortunate. In 4 game
:against Trowbrkige, the locals
came up with a two-goal victory,
the score being Corrle" 4, firow-
bridge 2,
In the Kincardine arena on Sat-
urday night, a .Trl-county Inter-•
mediate "B" series game was play-
ed against Ripley. -Gorrie won the
match with flying colors, having
11 goals to Ripley ;s 4.
ecl rant rocery
United Church News
.0013.RIE---.The Woman's Asso-
elation will Meet at the parsonage
on ,Thursday evening, .JaMiary 19
at 8.15 p,m, Eastern Willing' Work-.
ers will be in ,charge of the pro-
gram. The lunch committee will
be Mrs. A. Ryndman, Mrs. I-I,
I-Tyndrnan,. Mrs, H. Ferguson and
Mrs. Gordon Edgar,
The Young People's union will
meet in'Wroxeter on Sunday, Jan-
uary 22 at 8 p,rri, Marie Hastie anal
Shirley Wright will be in charge'
of the program,
0- 0 -• 0 ,
The Y.P.U. is holding its .annual .
skating party on Tuesday evening,
PlIone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
500 We Keep Down the 'Upkeep 'Delivery
for .givaranteett .
Cee• Walpole
Custom Woodwork - Carpentry Building
Telephone 260-w • Wingharti
Palley ii qt. basket
Spy Apples 55c
Florida, Size 252 Doi.
Oranges 33c
AlYIMer - Xl. O. Beg, 22e
Ketchup .. 5 for $1
R eg, pa 0014, Deg'. 2 - 39e
Kleenex . „ . 6 for $1
Stokely's Reg, a fee 35e
Fancy Peas 6 for $1
Stoicely's Rog. 2 for' 29e
Fancy Corn 8 for $1
!CAN( Reg. 37e
Pork Loaf .. 3 for $1
'Maxwell Dense Reg. $1.10
Coffee .. .... . — . $1 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL
Telephone 23 Tetaiwater
afternoon, 2-1 pan., or
by appoint:moat.
Frederick F. Hornuth
Phm.B., R.O.
Carol E Homuth, R.O.
Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O.
.'PHONE 118
Harriston, Ontario
Molesworth Native
Passes at ,Brandon 5HUR-GAIN
flies and leafy pastures are just a memory she a
Public Accountant
Office: Royal Bank Bldg.
Residence: Rattenbury St.
Phones 561 & 455
This cow is right and she knows it. Whew Snow
wants SHUR-GAIN Dairy Concentrate supple is
menting 'her other feeds. She knows she mustit -11
I take care of her own body mairtteriarice and also
keep your milk can full.
SHUR-GA1N Dairy Concentrate mixed with
your own grain will provide the necessary extra
P- protein and minerals in your Dairy Feeding
6 Program that grain alone cannot provide.
Come in and talk your feeding problems
it over, with us. We'll be glad to help . you.
DODGE Mayfair 11.8
glamour car of the low-priced field! iii,
%,,cteiR 4
gives, •
Ice Cream , ttricks 29C
Half Gallons „ 99c 1,
(illurch iiruilt IVO •
Redeakated Sunday'
GongiF,There was a large
congregation on Stinday afternoon
to witness tile rededication of St.
Stephen's Anglican_ Church, after
decorating of the interior had been
Mr, King, rector's warden,
Went forward and requested that
the church and egrpet, given by
the Guild of .St, Martha, he decli-
cated to the glory of God,
Rev. H. L. Parker, rural dean
of Huron, assisted by the rector,
Rev, Frank/tussell, .conducted the
The junior choir and organist,
WilliamConnell, of St. Paula
Church, Wingham, led in the Sing-
trig and sang .4h offertory anthem,
"Take My Life and Let It Be."
Parker,. in speaking of the
beauty of the murals, One Of Which
is of St, Stephen, patron saint of
the church And the 'Other of St.
Paul, commended the Words of St.
Paul to the Galatians, "Walk in the
Spirit," to the congregation.
The painting was done by Brown
Brothers of Fordwieh and Toronto.
It is a coincidence that their fa-
ther was the artist who did the
murals and other painting in the
church in 1926.
The first Anglican. minister came
to Howick Township in 1656, which
coincides with Howlett Centennial
taking place this year, Services
were' held in the homes, -halls and
various other places until the pre-
sent .eharen was built in 1870. This
makes it One of the oldest church-
ea in the district, .
On the Sick, List
GORRIE—Mrs. Gordon Under-
wood underwent' an operation 'in
the Wingham General Hospital on
Monday, January 9. It is expected
that she will be able to leave the
hospftal on Wednesday.
'Mr. William Kroner, COncession
14,• who has been a patient in the
Wingham Hospital for .two weeks,
Underwent surgery on. Thursday.
'MrS, L. Neilson has bebn a pa-
tient in the Listowel Hospital since
Friends are hoping that they' may
all he restored to health very soon.
L.O.L. EV011itt PARTY
GORRIE—The Gorrie L.O.L, will
hold a euchre party on Wednesday
evening, January 25 at 8.30 in the
Orange Hall, Ladies please bring
lunch. Gist
True happ
springs from
0081.. ,i832)
...:011askakzaWaIitaR *.W.M.'"WV-V,Mansaiaigaiam
Mannfarivrtyl in Canada by
Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limiter:2
Push a button . . step On the gas take a thrilling demonstration drive #
Try the smooth getaway of,
P 6,0 et PI iti I Abre's the eagle*
Mose'effortless Way to drive . .
Powerrlito automatic transini§-
sion with new pash-biatoh
controls! Just touch button .
step on the gas . and GO!
Push buttons tire oonverdeiitly
placed on the driver's Mit,
OptiOnal at Moderate extra to6t,
See this spirited family car
with the Forward Look
now oh display at your
badge be Sofo dealer's!
Admire the soaring lines °Might-
Sweep styling! You Can feel that
"lot's-go" spirit 'at first sight!
Porward-tlarusting hood and taut,
body metal give your. Dodge tin
eager, ready-to-go 106k.1 RCM'
fenders sweep skyward in dra-
matic fashion to set the trend for
cars of tomorrow. Visit us soon
for a ciciuottstration drive!
thrift to the exciting go-power of
10040, V.8 with Power Palcl
Power Plit , this
great tieW V-8 puts 200 horse-
power at your conimantl. And
there's .rieW -higher torque for
response, Higher compres-
sion and unique combustiOn,
chaiiiber design squeeze extra
itilaitke froth each 'gallon of gas.
the 3-toue f Seaaram ir
11,et1 who thiak If tomorrow /n dice moderatiog today WildCiiinax Slrnwer ni Stars Wieldy en TV,
Check Yilet NeWstqator tar Oils 411t1
iliorke /SO 'I'S • 17,1
• • 1: