HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-18, Page 6'Alto Whigainot A44.vanee.1)0.nee t WO:we:lay, 0:41:. 15, vg).11 Aura County Mass ilay Sirvey 'Planned .for May A special Meeting waf held in Clinton. on Wednesday night to map 'plans for the forthcoming • Huron County Mass Chest .Sarvey, which is being eponeored . by the Huron County Tuberculosis Aseppiation. The survey is schedul- ed to get under way May 7th, and it will last approximately one month, Huron County Jndge Frank • Finglend, Clinton, has consented to . act as general survey chairman. Judge Finglancl is the 'honorary • president of the County TB As- sociation, Assisting him will be the association's president, P. B. Wingham and a management committee, including Mrs. J, B. Russell, Seaforth, executive secre- tary; Dr, R. M. Aldis, Goderich, director of the Huron County Health Unit; who will act as medi- cal advisor; Elmer •Bell, Exeter, vice-chairman of regional Rev. A nintni0. Whighatri, vice-chairman of professions and W. H. Roberts, Seaforth, vice-chairman of trebling. 0f Herron County's population of 50,000 people, 38,000 are eligible for X-ray, including high school age and .Over, Since the last limes sur- vey In the county, conducted in 1952, there have been over 70 ad- Missions to .sanatoria, from within Huron County. Over the last 10 years the TB death rate in Ont- ario has fallen 76 per cent, but the 'incidence of cases has dropped only 1.5 per cent, and according to C. H. Bray, of the Ontario Depart- ment of Health, Toronto„ who *- tended, the meeting, the main reasons for the reduced death rate are the early discovery of cases and the improved treatment through drugs. "Chest X-ray sur- veys find a higher percentage of early eases than any other ease Azaptooweeme4 OPENING FEBRUARY 1st he R.and4iox Eeacte ettoo at RUSH READY,toAVEA Wingham Phone 860 Hours 9 to G Daily and Evenings by Appointment FREE FINGER WAVE with each permanent wave given for , • the first month. PROPRIETRESS; JUNE COOPER PERFUME by RICHARD HUDNUT with label, sales slip or box top from any one of the fine PURITY products • DON'T DELAY-OFFER LIMITED G,EMEY delightful perfume by Richard Huanut, is a fra- grance beloved by women everywhere for its romantic sparkle, Not too sultry,GEMEY is lively and exciting,- truly gem-like, for the enchanting woman. 544,12. .11•0 PURITY PLOPR MILLS LIMITEb Station Q, tortintti 7, 01116110 Send me . . bottle(s) of 6EMEY PERFUME at advertised, For each, I enclose 25$. and box top, sales slip to label from tiny PURItY product, NAME,....004b..*41114fratliOilltt•941190,91.9 f ' eitlesE rtin4i), 849'04 4111 4.10 .410.m v v1* •1• lr i 4iPittiV-04 9.17*41F. WIN MAIL toDAYI L latuary .Clearaoce Men's Women's' Boys' inter Wearables Reduced up to 50% MISSES' SWEATERS Values to $7.95 Cardigans - Pullovers $2.99 $3.99 $5.99 LADIES 20% REDUCTION HANDKERCHIEFS HATS; SCARVES Slippers, Tams, Skirts Substantial Saving For The Men 1 WOMEN'S ,WINTER COATS Values to $59.50 . I REDUCED 20% to 50% $19.50 uP ENTIRE- STOCK NITE GOWNS PAJAIVAS 20% ftEDUCliON $1.99 up WOMEN'S DRESSES Values to $24.95 Entire Stock Reduced -20 to 50% $3.99 up SPECIAL :Ladies' NYLON HOSE 79c MEN'S SUITS SAVE $10.00 to $2,0.00 150 Suits to choose from Values to $69.50 $29.50' up Men's Lightweight TOPCOATS Values to $59,50 $29.50 up ENTIRE STOCK BOYS' SWEATERS Values to $3.49 $1.99 BOYS' DRESS PANTS Reg. $5.95 value $3.99 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Values to $7,50 $2.99 .MEN'S SKI MITTS 'BOYS' GAUNTLET GLOVES Values to $3.95 $1.00 MEN'S DRESS PANTS Values to $14.95 $7.95 $8.95 MEN'S WINTER JACKETS Values to $27.50 $7.99 $9.99 $14.99 MEN'S DRESS SOCKS Values to $1.50 89c MEN'S DRESS SCARVES Values to $4.95 99c = $1.99 BOYS' WINTER. JACKETS "r Values to $19.95 $7.95 $9.99 $12.95 Men's Wittier OVERCOATS 'Values to $69150 Fleeces and Scotch Imports $19.95 UV Complete Stock St Bogs' Wear 10% Reduction During January Men's • Wear Hanna and Co. Lids • Ladies' Wear "WHERE QUALITY SPELLS ECONOMY') 6.k:* ' mune; are Llrttri, evelaren The survey in May will be eon- dueted on S three level organiza- tion with the county being divided into five distriets and each nis- triet divided into five eves. Over 0000 volunteers, all Huron County residents, win: recruited to plaY en all-important part in the survey, The district survey chairmen ap- pointed are H. C, Lawson, Clinton, who 1$ the beriorary treasurer of the county TB Association; Mr. Madill, county president; Fred Snow, Scaforth, the association's immediate past president; Harry Ford, Goderich, and E. R. Hopper, Exeter. Melte:led on the County Training Committee Are-Crown Attorney Glen Hays, Qoderieb, as chairman of speakers; Rev. Glen Eagle, Clin- ton, chairman of clinics; Alex Alex- ander, Goderich, chairman of in- dustry;G. C. Brightrall, Seaforth, chairman of supply; Edwin Ches- ney, Teekersinith, Township, eimir, can of canvass; P. D. McConnell, Seaforth, chairman of high schools, and Mrs. C. A. Trott, chairman of Publicity, •-•-- Small boy to father playing with his Christmas train: "What this railroad really needs is a good retirement tilla WHIRS AT PRESBYTERIAL MEET At the Annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial of the WM.S. held in St. Andrew's Church, Wing, brim,- on Tuesday of last week, presided over by Mrs. Morgan Hen- derson of Lucknow, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Morgan Header- Son; 1St vice-president, Mrs, Leslie Fortune, Wingham; 2nd vice Presl' dent, Mrs. Varrish Moffatt, R.R, 3, Teewater; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. John Fisher, Lnettnew; .4th vice- president, Mrs. George Sutherland, R.R. 4, Rilpey; 5th vice-president, Mrs, W. L, Speir, Brussels; trcas-• urer, Mrs. D. R. McKenzie, R11, 3, Lueknom Secretaries appointed were as follows: Recording, Mrs. Alvin Mundell, RR. 2, Winghem;•.corre- Wilding, Mrs. Allan McAuley, Rip- ley; senior auxiliaries, Mrs. Allan McAuley, RiPleY; evening auxiliar- ies, Mrs. T. English, Wingbarn; yoeng women's and girls' groups, Mrs. Bernard Thomas, Elnevale; children's, Mrs. Perry - Hodgiois, R. H. 1, Holyrood; home helpers, Mrs. S. Robinson, Gerrie; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Frank Maulden, R.R. 2, Holyrood; literature and library, -.Mrs. D, Graham, R.R. 5, Lucknow; Glad Tidings, Mrs. M. 13, McLeod, Lucknow; press, Mrs. D. C. Matheson, Brussels; supply, Mrs, C. Steel, RR, 3, Teeswater; life membership, Mrs. 'Reuben Wil- son, R. R., Goderich; historians, Mrs. A. 'IVIcIntgre, RR. 6, Luck- now; Miss Iva Carr, Dungannon; members withbut portfolio, Mrs, Guthrie Reed, Teeswater; Mrs. Bird, Kincardine; Mrs. George McDonald, Molesworth; Mrs. John Campbell, Molesworth; Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Biuevale; students, Mrs. R. C, McKenzie, Kincardine. Officers Installed At United W.A. • Reports of the 1955 activities were presented at the annual meet- ing of the Woman's Association of Wingham United Church on Thursday. The Association had an, active year and took care of several im- provements in the .church and the parsonage. The church .parlour was redecorated and new furniture and drapes added. The Volunteer Students' Fund of the Church and the Five Oaks Training School at Paris received financial assistance_ Christmas baskets were taken to those who are shut in and during the year many cards were sent out. Mrs, J, H. Crawford presented the. report of the nominating com- mittee and Rev. D. J. MacRae in- stalled the officers for 1956;• Co-presidents, Mrs,--,0einnitcheel, Mrs. W. -H. Edwards; vice-Presi- dents, Mrs, A, Lunn, Mrs. Alan Bennett; rec. sec., Mrs. Gordon Buchanan; ear. sec,., Mrs. W. A. Heughan; tress., Mrs. George How, son; devotional sec,, Mrs. F. Blake- ley; literature sec., 'Mrs. G. Bu- chanan; visiting comae., Mrs. Chas, Lloyd; Mrs. Geo. Howson; parson- age comm., Mrs, A. W. Irwin, Mrs. W. B. IvIcCool, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. A. 13ennett, Mrs. Grose; serial convener, Mrs. Roy Bennett; pian- ist, Mrs. W, W. Currie. Industrial Meeting-- (Continued from Page One) the, plaMMr; Potts:;,said that ,.pos- sil 'renehlrig rdgkon's objecti4p' of $10,000 seemed: quite goioq,,ti Several of , the delegates spoke in favor of the association, including WinghaM's mayor, R, E. McKinney, who urged fullest possible co-op- eration with the province in this "scheme which deserves the en- dorsement of all", Appreciation was expressed to th e speaker by Mel Crieh, Clinton, first vice-president of the board. Other speakers were Clinton's mayor, W, J, Miller, and the bwird's second vice-president, R. Y. Hat- tin, also of Clinton. It Was annonneed that a din- ner meeting Will he held in New. Hamburg on February 8, at Which delegates from all concerned' mun- icipalities would be asked to ap- point three men aS interim direc- tors to assist in getting the organ- ization started, Budget $24,300 A suggested annual budget of .$24,300 has been set up by thd deg partrnent for the Upper Grand Re. gion, Of this amount $14,300 would he collected from the municipalities participating and the balance of the fund would come in the form of an Ontario fiovernMent grant, Wirigharo's share in this amount on a ,per capita basis, would total only $105 a year for a Minimion of three years, 'Under the organizational set-tip there would be thirteen directors on the hoard of the association, three appointed front each of the four zone in the region, Iglus a rep, reSentative of the department of Planning and DeVelOpinent. In ado clition there wentd be a manager and seeretary-treasurer hired by the regional board Of directors* and approved by the minister of Piano. nine Ond Developroeht, Bach of the Tour 7,ories WOW have its own executive of 1.2 "nett. here, sh from elected representa- tiVea and six trait Chamber pf titsfratiore ineeribership or Wee- ested W. M, ---Mr, and Mrs, Arnold NrillidaY were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harry .Qawdy, .Gorrie, on .Saterday. -Mrs. Webster R.R. Wingham was the winner of Belove wrist watch at Frank Brother4n4aw • Dies in Midland Mr, and Mrs, Stafford Bateson left on Thesday morning for Mid., land, where they will attend the funeral of Mrs. Bateson's brother- in-law, Bert Madox, who died in the lylidlantl• Hospital on Monday, after a heart attack last week, The funeral will he today (Wed- nesday). A resident of Midland all his life, Mr. Madox served in the Royal Canftdien 'Air Force during World War IL Surviving besides his wife is one Son, Edward, of Midland. CLOTHES PT UP, OFFER NUT SAFETY --.Mrs, Byrnes Fleuty, Mrs, HerrY Amos and Miss Patricia Miller, all pf epelteville, were visitors at tile home of Mr. William Fleuty and Mrs, Maude Dodd at the week-.end. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shias at- tended the lOth wedding anniver- sary eelebration for Mr, and Mrs. Addison jacenee at Cerrie on Tues- day evening of lest week. .,..:Relatives and friends from out of town attending the funeral of the late Mrs, David Hamilton were the following; Mr, W. Byrnes 1Vfr, Harry Amos, of Cooke- yi/le; Mrs. Leland Procter, of Col- borne; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. William McCutcheon of Brussels; Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, Mr. Robert 'Ar- buckle and Miss Alice Arbuckle, of Torento; Mr. and , Mrs. Lowland, of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Icimbal, of Torento. junior institute Tours TV Station The regular meeting of the North Huron Junior Institute was held in the Wingham District High School on Thursday, January 12th, The meeting opened with the ,Opening Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Two special guests were present' at the meeting ire the Person of Mrs. Bob .Allan and Mrs, Art 1301. toil' Ken Carter directed' mnmberS of the Institute through the CKNX television station, where they were able to watch the live television show "Circle 8 Ranch". The girls enjoyed the tour immensely, Following the tour the girls held a joint meeting with the Junior Farmers, followed by recreation and lunch. If your wife wants to learn to drive, better not stand in her way. ,'Plant 500 Trees As Punishment For Stealing Three Ari °Went .ln •eltizenship was given by • Magistrate .1, A. gir4pAtrieit when he dealt with a man found guilty of stealing three spruce qtbristmas trees from, the Waterloo County Forest .0*.4.st .1),,x1kciav season. The gPillY Poo was, sentenced to seven days in sail, hut in view of the peculiar nature of the offence, he was given sus. pentled ientence for six months provided he plant iii that tin1e, five hundred trees in a COnntY, • forest, Thp ma wbp ait and tenk the trees is not poor and needy nor a habitual thief, probably be never stole before nor will again, Tt was a case of thenglitless action. He had been hunting in the county forest and bad noticed the lovely little trees-just the right .eize for Christmas trees; he didn't realize they had 'been plAnted for a pur- pose; be didn't epn.sicier what wquld happen to the plantation if every- one came in and helped themselves. He returned to the forest one night and tut the trees. Two hours later he was roused from his bed and charged with theft. Since that- time he leas • had very little sleep and has died a thousand deaths from shame and worry, but he has learned not to cut trees he noes not own, He Will learn .more truths in the spring at tree Plant- ing time, The theft, of trees- is an annoy- once to 'peblie egenciee and private Planters, SoMe private people hit+ had- their entire plantations cut and stolen, tree by tree. it costs money to pay watchmen so theft is a real threat to,the forestry pro- gralin in 'the heavily populated sec-. tiens. Twenty-eight. to thirty are prob- ably the best ten .years of a wo- man's life. "Your hair needs cutting badly," remarked the barber: "It does not," exclaimed the .cus- tenter, sitting down in the chair. "It needs cutting nicely, you cut it badly the last time as fors • The sheath and capelei; prere-: ises to be a popular- sartorial Spe- cial this sprint This pretty,Pair Is in navy or black 'faile. The: sheath dress has a small. white band collar notched, in front and there is 'a white band to finish the sleeves. White novelty braid trims the cape and deseribeS a front, band down the ,dregs, PERSONAL PENSION !POLICIES 'ASSURE .R.OMFO1ka'.1}13PT.: RETTRENERINT FRANK C, HOPPER -Representative-,-. Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. ,31 Reports from the United States tell of clothes that seem to light up when an auto headlight shines on them, The purpose is a practical one-for pedestrian safety. The garments are like any others in appearaneb till an auto head- light beam fells on them, Fle.cton. yarn, made by Minnesota Mining and ..Manufacturing Company, haS been woven into the fabric. It il- luminates a garment in a silvery white, no matter what its color. I Tests show that a child wearing a Flectonized snowsuit, matching cap and mittens, can be seen by a driver 945 feet away under a high beam headlight. Garments made of this fabric incinde women's and children's raineoats, jackets, snow- suits,'.caps, boys' sport shirts and mittens, Irwin, 14 Sons' Jewelry Store in liarriston. visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. --Mrs, Jas. Smith was able to return to her borne in Turnberry last Wednesday after spending the past two months in 'hospitel here, suff+ring from a heart attack, -Mr, and Mrs. Archie Hertel and children, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, And, Mrs. Hugh Sinnernee, Minnie St.