HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-18, Page 51111. DONN NTT IS PICTURED IN ‘rORCH PAPER WHITEOH URCH-• n the last issue of The United -Onarell Ob- server We noticed a picture, of the new 21,bed hospital, erected this year on Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Seen in the picture is Dr, W, Donald Watt, son of Rev, and Mrs. W. j, Watt of Wniteehurch, Or, Watt ban been working, at the mission for the past few years, and received a well deserved ovation at the official opening .ceremonies on November Many organizations and irides- tries have contributed to the con- struction nest. The hospital has been erected at the foot of a momn lain, on the same property as the houses, built for the two resident eloctorn. Donald reports that they have already bacnas many as eigh- teen patients and are beginning to wanner what they will do when the lumber mills open up, with, the roosts injuries neening hospital- ization. • Mrs. Watt is a, nurse and has helped out in this respect at the mission as well as performing the duties of church organist. Dr, , and Mrs, Watt have two children. Young People Bear Prom Missionaries WHITECHURCH—The yo un people of the United Church Met' last TUeeday evening at the home of Mr, and Mts. Clarence MeOlett- agliali, Mrs, MeOlenagnan. preSided: for the meeting and gave the call to worship and meditation. Jnek Coultes read the. Scripture lessen from Matthew and Arthur buidlaw led in prayer, Marjorie Coultes gave a reading "Partner- ahip" and Mrs. Groskorth told of "Little Country Churches," Clarence MeClenaghan read a letter from A missienary friend in, Jrpan, and Mrs, MeCientighan lean a letter from a missionary in•nrliin Both letters Were interesting, and told of the, work being' carried, on there. The meeting was. eleacti With prayer. PromotiOn Received At Mexico City WHITECHURCH—An item ap- peared in The Kitchener-Waterloo Record recently which stated that Max T, Stewart, a brother of Mrs, Harold Walker, has been appointed Commercial Counsellor At the Can- adian Embassy in Mexico City. • Mr. Stewart has been Canadian Trade commissioner, at Mexico City for the past hire years, He is a veteran thine and commerce ex, pert and in May will commence 'a, tour of Canadian industrial centres; YOU ON' PROVIDE YOUR OWN RETIREMENT PENSION THROUGH A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY .FOR FULL INFORMATION THE' DIRECTOR, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES, DEPARTMENT Or LABOUR, OTTAWA'(POSTAGE FREE) PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION SHOWING HOW A CANADIAN. GOVERNMENT , ANNUITY CAN Benic ME RETIREMENT INCOME AT LOW COST.. • ., • • .1 ' • MAK COUPON TOO AY Bedroom Slipper Sale All Reduced for Quick Clearance Priced from 99c up WHITEGHURCH , rersiouthi vritust c..Eowy;qp, who has been a Patient in Wingham. issue tal during the 'past six weeks after a 'heart Wick, was able to, rettirit' home on Sunday, but Must' atilf have another month's rest. - n„ Mr. Ross Erringten, teaeber Ferdyce school, has been providing a hot" vegetable or hot cliecOltite drink for his pupils at the mien hour since school opened after the Christmas holidays. His pupils all seem to nnPrePlate this very infant. Mr. John' Gaunt was able to re., turn home from Wingharti Hospital on, Wednesday last: Mrs.' Dawson' Craig and Mrs. Frank Coulter attended the annual W.M.S, business meeting of Mait- land Presbyterial, held in the. Presbyterian Church, Wingham, on Tuegatty. : Mr, and Mrs.,GordonnCaldwell, of Blyth, visited With mr, and Mrs. Wm,. Rintetil: On . Friday and -Mr, and Mrs. Mack Cardiff, of Brus- .sels visited there on SUnday, Nell 'Rintoul, 'who has been ill 'with rheumatic fever is steadily Improy- ing. Rey, and Mrs. Robert- Watt,' of Mitchell, -visited on ,SaturrlaY at the home of hts parents, ,.Rev. and Mrs. W, Want, .• Mrs Robert Struthers, of Luck, .now, is yisiting,nit, the honle and,Afts,';Hugh ,Simpson. •• Ceeil Coultes has 'been teaching at'GilmOttr'S School Since the New' Year , . , • Four tableh pf 'olefin, were '- ed on,Priday eyening at the hexed :nn,M.r.' and, Mrs. Magon KennedY, , and Levi Bininan. held higlinpeinta• and Mfg.' Clare-nee. •Kanna, and Olarence•Chaniney held neir .pnints,„Lanebnivas served and ay. enjoyed tlin getntogether again, Inelgrane Club 2Q, met that' evenhign WC the: home :or . Mtn and Mtn rolin•Vincentnon the'9th of 'E. Wan wanosiii• '''•ne. • ' Minntittl•Minntira•Scliciltn spent Sunday at thefherne of his brother, Mr :.Reg Seholtz;, of. Auburn. . nfranClitian,WoecEntint children, of Seafortlin spent a"' nfew' days last Week with, h.efi father., Mr. Gershom ,Johnston,' Mrs, 'Johnston, Whe spent theliat,"riacinth, W,inghant Hes- pita was able to return home on Sattirdak;int0 Mrs. Jas. Johnston, of- `Filiffiberrn is' Atanlingwith•henthi a: Mn.and•,1,,nrs, George Weber, of Kitchener,, spent Sunday at the ,home Of his brOther, Mr, •Cari . • - -Weber,' , • , . • Mrs. Harry Tichboutnn• of Goder-. leln.apent-a:-'foin days last week Witn.her mother, Mrs, D. Kennedy. Tommy, Irwin, who, has been staying with his irairchriether, Mra, W. , CerinelnL of Wirigharn,nnesited Callan's Shoe Store presents their .ranee `season Cleatance lvith large reductions on , each and every item. Lowest-,priceposAlve .9104/inter Footioar. Large reduc- tions on Men's, Women's and , childrere.q:,9,04vear 'of all types„ U a U a U 4 U U a U U a a The Winshare, AdyanceeTimel, Weiblea )41, •Will !ft* , MINN' A PERSON'S clothing catches fire, be. May become pan, ielty and try to rush foto the out- er-doors, If necessary, he should be tripped and Mane to lie on ,the ground face down, so that flames cannot burn his eyes or respira- tory organs, and a rug, blanket or other heavy ;Ogle should be roil, ed around him to smother the flames, fi, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingbio, Phone 770 teetettneeenemoteeteemententecneetleetteneeliteetiteeepeeeeee44 tresenesseeeneeneepeenternale WHAT DID JESUS. REALdi-Y. TEACH ABOUT GO D KARL KRUG'S BIBLE' STUDY: This Sunday Evening ateight,thirty TAXI FARE From Your Door to. Belgrave United Chum Z 5C If You Call Wingham 65 Now, gommmiummommmimummmilwommuummilimaimumm441401* WANTE We have buyers available for% FARMS and HOMES in..the-,; WINGHAM DISTRICT LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ROBERT E. I • I Write or phone 26 Mount Forest Phone Fordwich 60rI1 - mornings only WE GET RESULTS • • ": Wentioustiummiumunitimumosiiittlinamilitumniningnimmmilslital U uIMlIIilUitll/MillIlUIi1U11la111aIi1U111plIINI11111lilhitchIUitIilllil11•I11AlJIIlllrilItllIl ii U U 1 n U a a a U REAL ESTATE LIMITED Central Ontario Headquarters for ',FARM SALES EVERYDAY, LOW. PRICES GROCERIES ICA STRAWBERRY JAM 24 to, KAM NUCOA MARGARINE PURITY CAKE MIX Ngi,?x, BLUE OR WHITE BREEZE MEATS TABLEHITE, three-legged or triple-prcasteg (411A14 "A" EVISCERATED CHICKENS '2% p 3 lb. ;ice, 43c • er lb., TABUCHI ti BONELESS PLATE BEEF POT ROAST lean Ailk!"4" 29c In Oz. I lb, 39c 35c 2c : /1'01t 45C -11- ,U tiCiicantOISTze 711 Os TABLEIUTE •p BONELESS 'STEWING BEEF. tenderrits lb. 39c TA DLERITE Delicious, eeotion knit lb. BEEF RIBS FOR BRAISINfi 27c — LEAN MINCED BEEF 29c I PAIiLIdR '1'96 Prepare in patties, Wrap with haeork alp, a TABLERITIG 1 ll); Cello, MA FRANKFURTERS 35c cREM1NGTON'S WE DELIVER .11mtommummlemmolommwmfflommillimwohnimoutimimmosmatiomoM AGE WHEN ANNUITY TO START TELEPHONE I undorotantlhat information givon tai.;ove confidential. T • ; DATE OF All Rubber Footwear RACKS of WOME 1 ;DRESS SHOES ' Sale Prices $2.98, $3,98 and $4.89 A selection of shOes in Black, Brown or Bin e, in cuban,, Itigh IhkIs and !aril heels. LESS THAN HALF PRICE SALE piki) 9 to $4.39 $5,49 and up Men's grown and Black •...4„61,98, $5.98/ Women's, High Quality Shoes Sale Price $6.89 and $7.89 Regular price to St1.96 • • .4•00,M11.••••••••••••••••••••••••••, g • .. WARMLY. UINVD .1: • OVERSHOES The popular.,.ntieltleVershoes • with :inside .shearling cuff. • SALE PRICES kll Frances Henry Is Hostess 1.0 Group WHTTACHURCH--The C,G.Tav girls met on .Thursday evening at the home of Frances Henry with pima present, Karen Groskorth was in ,charge of the opening pro- gram and roan the Scripture lesson from Matthew 22. Mary -either led in a sing-song and Marilyn Morrison was in charge of the .gantes. The girls worked on gathering .material fer worship services to put in a seinnp. • book, for use at their meetings. Maine Conn .and Marilyn Morrison Will be in charge at the next Meet- ing to be held at the manse, The girls closed the meeting with the C.G.LT, Taps, and Marilyn Morrison. moved the vote of thanks to the hostess. The girls enjoyed: lunch of sandwiches and Christmas cake. On Saturday at the home of Mrs, George nifeCienaghan, • Miss Margaret Taylor returned home from Wingham Hospital re- coe tly Mr,and Mrs. Albert Moody, of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E; H. Groskorth. Many in this community were interested to see Dr. Donald Watt and his now hospital at Queen Charlotte •Islands, B.C., on TV on, Sunday evening. It was on the !'Happenings in Canada" program, • Mr. Albert Jacobs, of Toronto, :Spent the weelr-end with Mr, and Mrs. George Currie. • Mr. And ,Mrs. Ed1 Robinson and sons, of, St, Augustine, visited on Friday ith' her father, Mr. Ger- ahom• Johnston. ..The Upper Canada Bible Society reports that almost.$69 Was ed in this eommurilty, fast fall by lot4.peOple. Alt, the work of the Bible Society.; • Brnem, Snowden was able to return' home from Vietotia tan on Thursday last. ' Mrs, Archie • Montgomery, of Blyth, is spending a few days this week at the home of her niece, Mrs. Angus Falconer, Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Scott, of Ripley, spent SinidaY 'at the home of 'her sister, Mrs. Earl Caslielt. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran and Nancy, of St, Helens, Mrs, Gordon Rintoul and Gail, and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purcien spent Sunclay'at the home of the latter's. daughter, Mrs. Flnyd Batt, of Belwood. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Snell and children, of Londesboro; Visited on 'Sunday with her ,parents, 'Mr. and: Mrs. Ewart MacPherson. MT, and Mrs. Jas, Irwin, Hamilton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. lIerson, Irwin. •• Local talent are putting on a MRS A ROPERTSON INSTITUTE SPEAKER WHITEOITURCH—The regular monthly 'meeting of the Wometini Tristitute was hold .on Tuesday last, at the hnine pf Mrs. George Fisher, Who - Presided for the meeting, P..47,140(114 ladles were present, After the opening exercises, the ladies decided to hold the one-tray short course, "An Ounce pf Pre ventton," In the memorial nab en January rah, 'commencing at t0 Ann; with Miss. Grace litimutom or the .Department of Agriculture, ,Voronto in chargeand to, invite: the ladies of St, rielens Institute to attend. Each will take a box lunch' for dinner and tea will he provided at the hall. Mrs, Albert McQuillin gave a humorous Irish reacting anti Mrs, Alex Rohertson and Mrs. Gordon.. Megurney sang, "When ,the Moon Comps over the Mountain," Mrs. inuaseil Gaunt read a spleitunt reading on the motto, "Facing the innure on a farm takes courage and a strong right arra." She stressed the idea that by work one can do many things to change and beauti- fy one's surroundings, and live a fife of helpfulness .and pleasure in any community If one is willing to work at it. 'The time to start is right now, at the beginning of the New Year," said the speaker. , Mrs. Alex Robertson gave a very Inteeestinn. talk, on "Canada to Me," telling et the many industries in title wide Dominion and noieting out how fortunate we are to be liv- ing, in a land of beauty, oPportnnity and investment, and great power projects bringing wealth, comfort and livinin ' 'The roll call was humorously answered by.. Canadian, animal sounds and Mrs. 'Wallace onn read a Japer on. •:current events. The National Anthem. Closed, the • meet- Mg, the next •meeting to he held at the. Home of • Mrs., Garnet Farrier, • . • Scottish program in the memorial hall here, this Friday evening, to make dp a contribution. for the Iota library board,-'All arc invited to attend.' The Belgrave Softball 'Club boys motored to Toronto•on Saturday to see the Maple Leaf-Ranger game in the' Maple Leaf Gardens, Among thoge wind -aren't' were, Jack Caul- tes, Paul Groskorth, Jack and Mur- ray Shiell, Bill Irwin, George Mc- Gee, • Ivan •Dow, Jim Coultes, Gor- don 'Smith, Gordon Fisher, Ruth, erford Reavie and -his son, Win,, Gordon Wclwood, Ross Robinson.' Mr. George; McGee when in Tor- Onto, visited his mother, Mrs. Leask McGee, who has been there for. Some years. ; -Mr.'• and. :Mrs. Norman Coultes motored to Toronto on Wednesday and Douglas, who has been a pat- ient in the Sick Children's Hospi- tal, , was able to return home with them. Winter has been, hard on our elder nfolk, Mrs, David Kennedy. has been poorly for •seVeral weeks and Mrs; Jas. Wilson Sr., was tak- en to Wingham Hospital on Saturn, day after being ill at home' since Christrxias. Mrs. • Rome has • been ill with:pneumonia for the past three Weeks at the homd of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. McInnis, and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin has been quite poorly for many weeks, also. We wish their), all a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. HarOld Currie spent a feW days last week at the home of their .daughter, Mts. Kenneth Inetts.place, .of • Tceswater. • Chan, Shiell, Gershorri Johnston, James. Johnston and Alex Leaver motored.to Toronto on Monday on a business 'trip. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Nicholson and daughter, Concern of Thamcsford, spent' the week-eM with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchison and with Goderich relatives. The Mission Band of the Pres- byterian Church met on Friday evening in the Sunday School room of the church, with Sara Caswell presiding. After the program, Mrs. Jas. Wilson showed slides on "The Baby Moses." Mr. and Mrs. George Meinague, 'of Turnbcrty visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas, Melninis, Prick Church• is holding its annual meeting on Monday, Janu- ary 23, and the W.M,S. met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Her- son Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson and children Visited on Sunday with her father, Mr. Jas. Forster, of W, Wawanosh. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church met this Wednesday at the home of the president, Mrs Daw- son Craig, and the United Church congregation holds its annual Meet- ing this Wednesday evening and the W,M.S. meets on Thursday at the horne of Mts, .L 0, Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Coulter visi- ted on Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr, John Pardon, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Faleener and John, of Giamis, visited on Sunday with his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Falconer. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Mason and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of Exeter, visited for a few clays this Week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason, Mt, arid Mrs. Gilbert Beeereft and children visited on Saturday with het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Watson, of Btlicefield, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moss and children, of Plattsville ittul Mr. and Mrs. Melvin MeCleenghtni and soh, Miehttel, of Ritchener, visited on Sunday with their'' parents, Mr, and Mrs. on Mcatentighain Albert Sityth, of 11.1seter, spent Sunday -with with nis parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ed., SrhytBfiritoof, WaWariesit. SW158014.7-0/1 Wednesday, brill- aty 11th, 195d, to Mr. and Mrs, IIu 11 Sittipson, of Idnioss, a son, WriirraY Willial11, 'Young People Meet Sunday Evening WHITCOHtlaCH TIM young people' of the PreshYterian .Church met in the SlintiftY 'c col room of the church on Sunday evening with the president, Lorne relater pre- siding and giving the Van -no wor- ship, Albert Phillips read the Scrip* ture lessen from. Matthew g, and Marilyn Morrison led in prayer, Mr. Jan Infclireth has charge. of the topic and spoke of the differences between the Protestant and 'tile Roman Catholic faiths, Walter Elliott gave a reading, "What Then?" nettling with the futUre. Lorne and Erma Foreter sang a duet, and the Mizpah bene- diction .cloaed the meeting. • APPOINT OFFICIALS AT MORRIS MEETING The council met in the township hall on January 9 with all the members • present. Rev, Lane of Brussels TJaited Church conducted a devotional Per- iod. Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Walter Shortreed that we give Rev, Lane a vote of. thanks for coming out and conducting a devotional period, Reeve Bailie Parrott, arid Coen- enters Wm, Elston, Walter Short- reed, Stewart Procter and Ross Duncan signed the Declaration of Office. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Ross Duncan and Win. Elston. Elston-Procter—That the engi- neers 'be instructed to stake and make a report on an extension to the Mustard Drain. Carried, Shottreed-Elston—That Addison Fraser he nired on,as assessor for the township 'at the salary of $600. Carried. Shortrced-Duncan -- That the treasurer's salary be raised to $400 and the clerk's salary to $600, Car- ried. Procter-Elston—That the reeve's salary be raised to $00 'and the Councillors' salary to $175. Carried, Shortreed-Duncan — That the road bills as presented by the road superintendent be paid, Carried, Procter-Shortreed—That By-law No. 1, 1956, appointing township officials he passed as read the first, second and third times. Carried. Elston-Duncan—That.By-law No, 2, 1956, allowing the treasurer to borrow up to $60,000 from the hank be passed as read the first, second and third times. Carried. Shortreed-Procter — That Scott Fairservice he given a rebate of $3.00 on his dog tax, Carried, Shortrned-Elston That the Hur- on COunty Crop Improvement As- sociation be given a grant of $15.00, Carried. • Procter-Duncan •-That the meet- ing adjourn to meet again on Feb- ruary 6 at 10 a.m. Carried. Officials Appointed The following officials were ap- pointed by By-law No. 1, 1956: Clerk, Geo., It/fart-le; `tr'eas'urer, Nel- son Higgins; assessor, Addison Fraser; pouncikeepers, Carl John- ston, Stewart MeLenna.n, Frank Shaw; Robt. McMurray, John .Bow- man, Stanley Hopper, Roht; Yuill, Mervin Pipe, Robt. Grashy, Wm. McCutcheon, Ernest Michie, Robt. Bird, Bernard Craig, Ross McCall, Albert Nesbitt, George McArthur; livestock' valuators, Bert Garniaa, Thos. Miller;' fenceviewers, Harold Procter, Milo Casemore, Bert Hast- ings, Chas. Anderson, Wm. Pea- cock, Frank Sellers, Albert Nesbitt, Bruce Smith, Jas. Phelan, Clarence Martin, Leslie Beirnes, Harvey McCutchcon; weed inspector, Robt. Michic; gradermen, Jos. Smith, Jack Lowe. Accounts raid • The following accounts were paid Hydro Electric Commission, Belgrave and Walton streetlights, $156.75; County of Huron, indigent fees, $43.25; Howlett Fire Insurance Co., insurance on ball, $10.00; Geo. Radford, Sellers drain, $320:00; On- tario Good' Roads' Association, fee, $10.00; Ontario Association of Ru- ral Municipalities, fee, $10.00; Sam Fear, brucellosis inspector, $21.60; 0. Campbell, brucellosis inspector, $72.60; relief account, $30.00; Scott Fairservice, rebate on dog tax, $4.00; G, W. Montgomery, grant to Crop linproVement Association, $15.00; government grant on Smith drain paid to the Township of Grey and ratepayetS in Morris on drain, $1,451.44; government grant on.:Ro- bertson-Mathers drain, $660,36. Bailie Parrott Gco, C. Martin Reeve Clerk FORUM DISCUSSES . FARM PROBLEMS WHITECHURCH — The Farm Forum meeting was held on Mon- day evening at the hems of Mr. and Mts. Charles Martin with 19 present. Two groups discussed the way farmers may solve their agricultur- al problems and decided that to be- long to and support one farm or- ganigation was most important, Mrs. •George Risher and Aldin Purdne held high points in euchre and Mrs. john ?urdon and Jaines Falconer held low points. The next Meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Got- doe Elliott. FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call , Stewart A» Scott • Phone 1O3 Winglinin • 041AL L'S'PATE SMAISSTANT ttorotenting: btOtey linlato tist.owti • MY NAME Is , .„. (Mr./Mrs./Miss) PLEASE. PRINT' I LIVE AT WOMEN'S NYLON OVERSHOES Warmly lined arid fits heel heightsn for many of them ' Nioommiontloote;m:ipiiimiewieeminolotwit..11i4airm 4 Ail CALLAN S Phone 12 Winghatn CHILDREN'S. •51-10ES, DRESS. 'STRAPS or, STURDY -OXFORDS Salo Pi'ice $3.59 $3.98 $4.49 Matte Of ,Strketly calf leather, up-to-date styles Sale Prices $5.89 & up ..,....„,.. .