HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-18, Page 4flew Wineirein ,Adviinee-Tineee, Wednesday, jeer, 18, 1956 .SVAIPAPANCey FOR BETTI LOST Pick up your prese,riptieri If shopping near us, or let us deliver• promptly without extra charge, A great many people entrust us with the responsi- bility of filling their prescrip,, Lions, May we compound yours? PRESCRIPTION commisTs 1:'Quotatton by Ralph Waldo Emerson (18084882) Copyright 1055 (11W2) SAVE MONEY BY PREPAYING ... k INCORTA' D 1!!.. ..... N Town of Wingham • 1956 Taxes L nips E. Taxi and Car Wash E Loctuoa on. Josephine St, North of 0,N,R, Tracks cificRun,, LEE, Owner S - Weddings PHONE 185 ei),,, V4101prals , E E S MEN'S ,SPOIWJACKETS All *ool loomed England MEN'S NYLO GAB STROLLER JACKETS Heavy Quilted Lined 36 to 42 34 to 46 $17.50 ; 0 $8.95 Ili Men's Dress Pants All shades - 29 to 48 Men's Combinations: Pennian's extra heavy ribbed wool Sizes 38 to 46 Skirts & Drawer's Penn1an's ribblid all Wool each Men's Sport Shirts Fhr, TOrinerly $4.95 .04 • $5.95 $5.95 $3.95 2.95 Ladies' Nylons ' 50c -Ti-.' First quality : Iiie.:Pto 11, Pair . ...... . i ........wset. — . Penman's Work Socks 796 „ ,„% Nylon. Pair is Men's Work Shirts Si Sanforized, heavy cotton 14 to 18 Rubber and Leather Footwear -for the entire family. Work Pants, Jackets, Towels, Sweaters, Men's, Ladies' and Children's. It would be too numerous to mention all. Conic andilsee and save at Half Price- or Any Price at $5.25 ?air Ibex Blankets 70 x 90 First quality. •A 35 to.44' SALE THE 1956 RUSTORAW Valentines are on display today at McKib- bens. 11;18b FARMERS: Stan-Hoist tractor loaders, Pax hog feeders, Con- tieerital stalk cutters, post hole diggers and field sprayers,. Booms portable feed mixers and ensilage feeders, power glide chain saws, McLean silo- unload- ., ers, new and used cream separa- , tors. Our folders and prices will interest you. New Idea Distribu- tors, Goderich, Ontario. Phone ' Cariceve282;' 4:11:18:25e TWO FUR COATS, Hudson seal and muskrat for sale. Priced real low, Two men's coats, one brand new, Phone 668. 18b BROWN COAL HEATER t warm air . circulator) for sale, almost new, 2 cords cedar, roll-rimmed kitchen sink with taps, galzaniz- I ed piping and 4 window frames with glass, Phone 3323. 181) • • PURDON'S GIANT Liquidation t- Sale continues this week. Up to 50% off on some items. Come itt today ar get your share of ; the bargity - 181) WITTED QUANTITY of 5 gallon halls for sale, Like new and l odeati.. Excellent ,for water or garbage pails. 25c each. Bete- l. son's Dairy, phone 74. 1$b ll'OR YOUR iiht ORkl;ING needs t see .the selection of new floor ;,.oieweeirig,,,ande wallpapers. Paint mixed to harmonize with every lelolur4''seleille.'.4 Let us help you. ?The Wallpapee, pop.- 18b • .., If HARVEY • R.R. 2, #Wingham, takes this page to the iLyceum Theitrel, iwilk 4)0 good for a pass, for self and compan- ion, to see i`The Sea Chase" on neither Thursday; FridAy or Satur- aday, January 10, 20'or'21.. 18 POWER SPREADERS 1 - 100 bus. 1141feala, ir tears etild 8225.; •le1-100 ..letCermiele, 3 years 11 '•old• 52 a ' 0 ; .lsrfi. new COPEY Spreaders. Ross Knight, 4 miles °South and lelecilde of of Brits- epels, phone 28-16 Brpssels. VALENTINE'S DAYonly a Urrierith away. See the 1956 Rust- ?craft assortment of Valentines at iiMeKibbons. " 11:18b ET YOUR SHARE of bargains VPurdon's Liquidation Sale. Drop eiin, today) ."••• • , 18b BABY CHICKS CHICKS—for top egg production , or broilers—Big-4 Hatchery has %them. Pullets bred for top egg oprppptinn—Pilele, ..White Rock Broilikeetop profit makers. 4"Ames In-Cross, Standard breeds rrtand lepeses. Special liberal dis- 4,044tie delivety di chicks and I started chicks, in January and d1 e1) Canadian Approved, elhaeltectkby Hatchery's own corn- e.plet,e 4 breeding program covering `A more than 30 years. Full infor-.• matietek from Bluevale Milling '4. CO Bin e vale, , phone, „,610R21 0,Wingham or 30R14 Brussels. 18h '1IISCELLANE'OUS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 203; Stew- ,. art A., Scott, Wingham, 2rrh ?A-HOUR SERVICE on all fur- .g naces 'and ell burners, Apply to HiSelee& Sore phone 426, 15rrb DEADSTOCk REMOVED from 1 your 'farm epeemptly for Sanitary diePosal. Telephone colic e t: Palmerston 123W, Durham 308 or WInghern 378, GORDON YOUNG lrrb SANITARY SEWACE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, pumped and cleaned, quick sezvite,' all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, • Brussels, 15rrb ''WATERLOO CATTLE 13REED- ' a. 'ING ASSOCIATION i'Where Better Bulls Are Used" ttifiehil Insemination 'service for all 'breeds of cattle. For service or hitoritiation phone Clinton 242 or ,,130r12, collect, between 10,00 AM. on week days avid7,80 and 0I0' tn. oft Sundays, sir'Iltrb Ilto YOU A1*:p1IYINd a. ear on tipe payttici0 be sure to get our 1114O'ibri theilnatieing and incur- s'orvice is complete and now and ask SteWart A, Scott, Phone 201 'W . rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 14 HEAD CATTLE for sale, weigh- ing 600 lbs. each. Contact Mel. Jermyn, phone • 53r12, Brussels, after 6 p.m. 180 19 GOOD CHUNKS for sale. Apply to Allen Griffith, phone 17r10, Wroxeter, 180 HELP WANTED—FEMALE BOOKKEEPER with shorthand experience wanted for afternoons, Apply in writing to box 6, Advance-Times. 18e CAPABLE GIRL; or woman wanted for housekeeping for elderly couple. Must be able to take full charge. Sleep in, Phone 251 in the evening. 18h WORK WANTED—FEMALE STENOGRAPHER wants full time work. Can start immediately. Phone 631w, 18e BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS wanted. Apply to box 4, Advance-Times. 18* SALE11AN WAIN rED ANXIOUS TO MAKE a place for himself and, family. Experienced In ealeswork is not necessary. The big qualification is that you must be willing to work. Your chances of advancement with out; Company are excellent. Please do not •anewer advertisement un- less you own a car. Write box 2 Advance-Times. 18:25b RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportu- nity. Full time, Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept, C-453-189, Mont- real, P.Q. 18b EARN $54.00 OR MORE a week. Part or full-time opportunity in. Huron County for a farmer or ambitious man with agricultural background. Age 25-50 preferred. Car essential. Take orders in ex-i elusive territory, Be home every night. No investment. We provide complete training at home office plus field assistance. Reply giv- ing age and experience in first. letter to Na-Churs Plant Food Co., 2 Langarth St., London. 11:18:25b' DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD STOCK." WANTED—$3.00 for dead horses and cows; higher prices for old, sick and disabled horses and cows. Phone Atwood 153 collect. 3Orrigil4e REAL ESTATE sale in Morris Township with, good gravel business. Apply to box 3 Advance-Times. 18,25,1,8b WANTED TO RENT , SMALL HOUSE or apartment with two bedrooms wanted immediate- ly. Apply to box 5, Advance- Times, 18° PERSONAL PERRIE HOLMES' truele;' will bel operating as usual. Phone 632w1 or 40331, 18 WOULD LIKE to go ' to Toronto Friday, January 26th, any time after 5 p.m. Anyone going phone' 2763 or 85, or contact Betty Collar. 18* I WISH TO apologize to tout Blyth boys for apparent deformation of character.-- Charles Scott. 18* GRAY GABARDINE topcoat taken by mistake at Royal T New Year's Eve. Will exchange if owner will call 663w. 18h If H, L. SPRY, Wingham, takes this page to the Lyceum Theatre, it will be good for a pass, for self and companion, to sec "Foot- steps in the Fog" on either Mon- day or Tuesday, January 23 or 24, 180 TENDERS FOR, WOOD THE TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP School Area Board is calling for tenders for 60 cords, more or less, of hard body wood, maple and beech, 14 inches long, noth- ing less than five inches will he accepted, Delivery to be made in June 1956; also five cords 'of cedar. Tenders to be in the hands Of the secretary by noon, Feb- ruary 15, 1956. Alex Corrigan, see.-tress. 11:1'84 TENDERS VOR, WOOD WEST HOWICIC SCHOOL Area ]3oard will receive tenders for 100 cords of geed, hard, body wood, 14 inches long, Delivery to be made to the different schools inthe area, Tenders to be In the hands of the secretary by Janu- ary 23, 1056. James Inglis, 1111. 1, Clifford, Secretary o t the Board. 110.8h NEW MOSS GREEN pullover with pearl broach lost on Di- agonal Road, Josephine or Pat- rick Streets, Finder please phone 493, 18* CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank all my friends, relatives and neighbors, who so kindly remembered me with flowers, gifts, cards and treats, while a patient in Wingham Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin, Mrs. Morrey, nurses and kitchen staff. Rev, ,Alex Nimmo and also Rev. MacRae.--Mrs. Jo- seph E. Smith. 180 CARD OF THANKS I would like to extenq my sin- cere thanks to all my neighbours and friends who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while I was in the hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Mclefurchy and Mrs. Morrey and the staff of Wingham General Hospital—Willis Walpole, Blyth, 18e TENDERS VOR WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Tenders for Warble Fly Spraying in the Township of Howick for the year 1956 will he received by the Clerk to 12 o'clock noon Febru- ary 4th, 1956. Tenders to state price per head for warm and also ordinary water. , Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 18:25b TENDERS TO SUPPLY POWDER, Tenders for supplying 1000 lbs. powder for Warble Fly Spraying in the Township of Howick for the year 1956 will he received by the Clerk to 12 o'clock noon February 4th, 1956. Powder to be stored and packaged to the instructions of the inspectors. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howick, . Gortie, Ontario.' 18:25b t • APPLICATIONS FOR INSPECTORS Applications for two Inspicetors to supervise the Warble Fly Spray- ing in the Township of Howick for the year 1956 •will be received by the Clerk to 12 o'clock noon Febru- ary 4th, 1956, Applications to state price per hour including transportation. Lowest or any application not necessarily accept- ed. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 18:251) CARETAKERS WANTED APPLICATIONS VVIDL BE ac- cepted until February 4, 1956, for caretakers at East Wawanosh Schools, Duties to commence on March 1, 1956„ Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. East Wawanosh School Board, C. H. Wade, secretary, Belgrave, Ontario, 11:18:25h NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Sarah Fin- en, late of the Township of Turn- berry, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 23rd day of June, A.D. 1955, are. notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Janu- ary, 1956, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 28th day of January the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shalt then have notice, DATED this fourth day of Janu- ary, ./,„0, 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices, 11:18:25b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of Frances Elizabeth Earngey, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County -of Huron, widow, deceased. TARE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate of did said Franees Elizabeth Earngey, deceased, are required to file their elating duly volt* with the unaersigned on or before $the twenty-ninth day of January, A.D. 1056, and after the said date the Executor will dig, tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he Will then have notice, DATED at Teeswater, 00010, Chia ninth day of January, A.D. 1956 A, I. McTavish, Teetwater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, li:18:25b BIRTHS SIMPSON- -At the Wingliant, Pen- oral Hospital, on Wednesday, January 11, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson, Whiteehureh, KM, ZIEGLER—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, Jan- nary 12, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler, R.11, 2, Brussels, a daughter, 17IALDENBY—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, Jan- uary 13, 1956, to Mr, - and Mrs. James Haidenby; Holy- rood, a daughter. MacDONALD—At the Wingham General Hospital on Sunday, Jan- uary 15, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh MacDonald, Teeswatcr, a daughter.. - APPLEBY—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, •Jante. ary .16, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Appleby, 13..R. 2, Wingham, a son. BOLT—In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday, January 9, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Bolt; of London, a son, Brian Ray-, mond, To Study Work Of Missionaries • BELGRAVE,--T he Januar y meeting of Knox Presbyterian WM.S. was held in the church. with Mrs. McBurney presiding and she opened the meeting with the Creed in unison, followed by. a hymn. The .reports of the secretary and treasurer were' received, as . well as the • complete reports for. the year just,ended, The, efforts the members had been, eressed in 'their contributions to the,great mission- ary cause. After some discussion it was de- cided to make the study of the work and life of Canedian mission- aries a part of Blip year's work. The . topic.. "The ,Mission of the Church", Wee. in charge , of the, preSident and took the form of a panel discussion which was most interesting. General discussion fol- lowed on the topic and Mr. Colvin contributed to this, bringing out much worthwhile information. Visits were reported and follow- ing the roll call the offering was received. Mrs. McBurney led in prayer. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. OFFICERS ELECTED AT TRINITY CHURCH . BELGRAVE—The annual, vestry meeting of Trinity Anglican Church, was. held ThUrsday evening in the recreation room. The rector, Rev. Bren deVries, opened the meeting with prayer and the minutes 'of the last meeting were .read land adopted. In his report, the -rdctor:l 'seas pleased to note an increase in' the average attendanceedild alsO ex- pressed his thanks te:the wardens. organist, officers of the Sunday School and other organizations for' their co-opetation' and assistance in carrying out 'the work -of the eht(rch. ' I The retiring warden, Clare Van Camp, stated he had enjoyed his term of three years. The people's warden, Robert Higgins, expressed his appreciation of the wonderful Sunday School concert put on just before Christmas, and reminded all of the highlights of the year and the rector's ordination as,a, deacon: The members voted to begin the' use of duplex envelopes. Richard Procter was asked to contact, for- mer rectors in order to secure one to preach at the Centennial service on Sunday morning, August 5th. The following were elected to office: Rector's warden, Robt. Hig- gins; people's. warden, Murray Bradburn; lay delegate, Lawrence Vannan; alternate, Melville Brad-r burn; treasurer; Martin Vannan; vestry clerk, Miss S. Nethery; hoard of management, Robt, Hig gins, Murray Bra.dbuen, Lawrence Vannan, Melville Eradburn, „Mrs., Lawrence Val-than, Albert Bacon, Miss S. Nethery, Tony Langricige, Herman Nethery, Copper Nethery, Glen VanCainp, Alex Nethery and Clare VanCamp. '- The rector closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served ] by the ladies. Annual, Reports at Auxiliary Meeting BELGRAVE -The regular meet- ing of the Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of Knox Untitted Church was held in the church basement on Tuesdely evening, January 10. The president, Mrs. Ross Ander- son was in charge and opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer, The roll call was answered and re- ports given by the secretary', Mrs. Ross Robinson and the treasurer, Mrs. Cameron Walsh, There were three hospital .and three home visits reported, Annual reports'were given by the following secretaries: Community friendship, supply secretary, litera- ture and Missionary Monthly, The group exceeded its allocation of $125.00 .and was able to 'send in 8144.67 last year. The leaders of the four groups were put in charge to send gifts to eight boys ranging in age from 10 to 16 at the Swan Lake Indian lVfisA sion, Indian Springs, Mantioba, It was agreed , that the' gift fund should be ineluded with the annual report, The worship ,service was under the leadership of Mrs, Norman COOk aSsisted by. Mrs, Cameron Walsh, Mrs. Clifford Logan and Mrs, Harold Walsh, Rev, X. Xrug was present arid Installed the new officers for the new year, Lunch Was Nerved, Euchre Winners mumAviil The regular week- ly eu.ehre party Was held an Wednesday evening„Janu. ary 11, in the community eentre. High prives were won by Mrs. Chris Nethery and Abner Nethery Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Richard Chamney and Bill Rlaek. FUND COMMITTEE BOLDS RHINO BELGRAVE A general meeting of the Brenda, VanCamp Fund Committee was held Tuesday even- ing, January 10th, in the commun- ity centre with 22 members pre- sent, representing all the religious faiths of the community. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. K. Krug, followed by the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer's report was as follows, receipts, $2,602.52; expenditures, $3.77, showing a, balance of $2,e98,- 7e, Simon Hallaban 'was appointed toe the executive committee. It was decided at the meeting that the treasurer, Martin Grasby and the secretary, Lawrence Van- nen be empowered to sign all. cheques on behalf of the Brenda VanCamp Fund, and that they be free to consult a lawyer as to the proper method of issuing cheques, for the payment or part payment eirch as the ease maybe, of the Medical and hospital expenses of Brenda VanCamp, ,from the funds collected for thet 'purpose. It was also decided to have Rev. •Krug, and Lawrence Vannan. appointed co-signers of -letters to be sent by them to the doctors con- cerned or take any .eteps•they may deem necessary with a vie* of having' the doctors be as lenient as' possible in their charges for Brenda's illness. • here last wcdk-end and is improv- ing, daily. Mrs. W. R. Hambly Was 'Former Resident A former resident of Wingham, Mrs. iDe.) W, R. Hambly, died at her home in London on Thursday, January 12th. Born in London, Mrs. Hambly graduated from Queen's University, Kingston, and lived in Wingham, where her husband had a medical practice, until going to London to live. 26 years ago. - . , A.„..p.i:pminent,. club. -woman, she.. was a past president and life mem- ber of the National and Provincial Council for Women, a past presi- dent of the Queen's University Alumnae, and a former treasurer and vice-president' 'o''; the :1,e;eical; (bouncil of Women irteLondon14•; As vice-president of the • Feke eation", ot Canadian University Women, she attended the 10th Conference of Le International''Federation -of University Women in Switzerland lei 1950, Slid was a fernier •peesi- dent of the London University Wo- Men's Club, Mrs. Hambly, was a member of 'he Women's Canadian Club in ondon and of the Nicholas' Wil-. son Chapter, " Imperial Order ipaughters of the Empire, and was M member of the executive of the usic Club. During World War II she was chairman of the Lon- don sub-regional committee of the 1 iVestern Ontario Women's Region- .1 Advisory Committee to the War- ime Prices and Trade Board. 1 • 1. Surviving are her husband, Dr. V. R. Hambly and a sister, Miss Cathleen W. McGill, of Toronto Funeral service was condii* 1 the A. MillardeGemge filn , O, ome, with enteeribreenf:.• •iki.tiee,,e. mausoleume et Ferest'Lawre •Cerhei-e lery in Tokinte.` , .• .. maittaiaansammow, "Life Is Not So Short , But That There Is Always Time Fm- Courtesy" Author% • name below The Code of jahics of. Pharmacy assures you that you will always receive the best and freshest of medicines, and got exactly what your Physician specifies. We also believe that friendly service is important. Therefore please expect from us courteous attention. We sincerely appreci- ate the confidence you show in choosing us to be "Your Pharm- acist", We always have time -to serve you courteously, 4 Neil `Wli`nlsrori Was Former: Printer With ,A.dvancejimes Neil M, Williamson, a former resident of Wingham„died sudden., ly at his home in Sault. Ste, Marie on Friday, January 13th, He was in his 4$th year, bil:GerrinuciantloWn llalhWaMini gh44.rll'elaceZel40 School and Wingharn. High School, He joined the staff of The Ad, vance-Times in 1925, and served for many years as a Linotype op, erator until enlisting' in the 99th Battery in 1941, ,Re served .with that unit until 1943 as a sergeant, and for the past seven years had been working for The Sault 'Ste, Marie Star ..as a printer. He was an elder in Westminster Presbyterian 'Church, Sault Ste. Marie, and was a member of the Canadian Legion, Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Jean Breen, of Wingham, and three sons, Jainee,.Morloy and Ken-, netly, all at home. Also surviving; are one brother, Archie, of Toron, to, and six sisters, Ann (Mrs, A. Klieg), of Portland, Oregon; Kato (Mrs, T. Yarringtort) of Washing- ten, D.C,; - Margaret (Mrs. J. Arn- ott) of Ingersoll; Alice • (Mrs. E. Zeigler) of Kitchener"; Misses Mae and Agnes Williamson,. of Wing- ham. Funeral service was hcld.on Sun- day at Westminster Presbyterian. Church, Sault Ste. Marie, With Rev. J. H. Williams officiating, follow- ed by a Canadian , Legion service at the R. A, Currie and Sons Tuner-. al home, Wingham, on Monday evening, Public service' was con- ducted from the, funeral home ,- on. Tuedday interment` iii Wingbam.Cernetery.. •!•' Pallbearers.,Were Andy• • .Sen4,, Alex Corrigan Franli leopper,'etail Glayr Clarence •Greere:and . Harold Tho.mpeleii. • • ••14 " • BELMOREt-in .account, -of Mrs. Robert ‘Jeffray's • death, -sub, U a a U U a ,9'01 INEYSTARKA COATS U • U a U Former Belmore Resident Passes Funeral .services for Mrs, gar- met Nickel, 95, a former ..resident of )3.eirnore, were held on Friday at rho Belmore presbyterian Church, Rev, Maurice McNabb officiated the .service, and burial was in Mc- Intosn Cemetery; A lifelong resident of the Belmore district, Mrs, Nickel is survived by five sons, Robert, William. and Rus- sel, of Howick Township; Thomas Culross and James of Toronto, Forgetfulness a virtue only when you target the grievances You have against other people. ILFALFA: for safe, Grimm'', $18.00; ikOntario or Ranger, .$20.00; Red ',Clover, $19.00; Timothy, $5.25 White Sweet Clover, $7.00 per b,ushel, Grade 1, R. Gramm, ,e Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68w3. . 18h ONE HUNDRED ACRE farm for a a U a a U U a • Belmore'- Brenda returned to her home MEN'S TWO PANT SUITS 6 , OP N ; 1 u 4 j COAT , 1,1 • clotti igia4a•vy 'Quilted Lining mated and published' in last Weelt paper, it 'was stated that -Mrs. jdf- iray was' a daughter of the late ,Tainbt Darling and" Annie: Allan. This was incorrect and should have said James Darling and Annie Sangster. gliMcamallmmamilmwmmaialhaRammummaiamanimmammommMaiMimemaMmlonamammilammMEMir, r• ,t ! Ill ,• . ..,-- '..-• 1 - . -:, . , .03ii),4(i ,ets'' 41.6,-,:.:Mti)..ce pay men t s .;OIL -accowit''' 1 .w).,.. .'itaN01410 to:'.,,30...tpc!r'.ce:iit 6.1;1955 ...t.ax.e$, irl1.?1, ' - ,': . cc:0'A.) -9iWit.i.41/4,4.1,1e,,.J.'te . 'Pi lik0 tif . .1)(2..1; 'ell t, e pvr )41:1iill3iiti4.11'!"fieI.1-441bN'A;eid:oit.;,.'..4'L'ii. j.)14.1•e).)it.)inipti.1.,4;,•,- ' 1 , i.,-• • ,, i , ,. • 4,,,, . • ,i!!ttlilli,ti,11$7,511iiiyill,$);,0:11,.trretir:,:).i!;:Iffaii76.ee,,,,,s 1.:110•111.\71..1,.b,....,iijleallil.litcle .Fit. .14e• A:',.GALBRAITH,*Treasurer, ToWn of Wingham U ▪ 'NvethaVe to till'kmds of sales' but you never have bftyiiiSe.)uie-"are selling out everything. "Nothing riSeiireif*,--dlrfitg quality merchandise. Not just a 1 clearing sale,. ffut thousands of dollars ,worth of fine every- !. 'day :rueful items. Here are a tew as a sample: a a U a BOYS TWO, PANT SOTS ........ 6 to 16 years iffiQ CPU All sizes 33 to 46 $24.95 > * lM in- _h Bargain Store !p- i fficimimpmilimimilmilmilmim000141.44imummimimimicifflowilmiconnommommimmommmo a 111 IA it aL-‘0 $12.50 $12.50 ; $12.50