HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-18, Page 3Superintendent Has Record Attendance Of 20 Years. at •S.S., WROXETER --Children of the 'Wroxelaw Sunday School were pre- sented with awards Or attend- ance on Sunday morning last, with Rev, W. J, V, Buchanan in charge, Assisted by Superintendent Ronald Those receiving' diplomas were Garry Chambers, Dale McLean, Jean Newton, Bandy Gibson. First year seals went to Wayne Sanderson, Elaine Sanderson and Betty Newton`, and year, Connie Clarke, Gail .Statia, Leona Cham- bers, Larry Snell; 3rd. year, David Grainger, Anne Douglas, Wesley Newton, Carol Newton, Carol 1400- Ott, Louise Edgar; 4th year, Gwen- neth Gibson, Daisy Gibson, John Magee, Helen Magee• ' 5th year, Catharine MacDonald, Catharine Edgar; 6th year, Murray 1VfeLegn, Barry Grainger, Davey :Edgar (perfect attendance); Bonny Edgar (perfect attendance); 7th year, Ronald Higgins, Higgins, Paul Higgins, Bernice Grainger, 'Shirley • Reidt; 10th year, Shirley Markt- ael; 18t1r year, Glenn McMichael. Ronald McMichael, super inteml- ent of the Sunday School lias a. record attendance of 20 years. 7 Pc. BEDROOM SUITE $179.00 3 Tawny Oak 8-piece Dedroem ,Suite, 48" double Dresser with tilting Plate glints mirror, Chiffonier With. all eenfre guided drawers, $197.00 and 4t--6" Panel. lied I 4'-6" 220-..coil M Spring attreas with $27.50 neiginn (inunn,sk •ticking 0-6" nigh rise ribbon. steel Spriag $ 2.-95 2 'Tawny Oak Bondoir Lamps with fiberglass shattes .. $10.95 Regular $248.40 During Sale 7 Pieces $179.00 3 Pc. BEDROOM SUITE .113y Fitton-Parker 1 ('oral Mahogany 50" Double Dresser with tilt.- tilling plate (;lass , Chiffonier. and 4,1 omo nonkense Bed . .. ............. ...... .1) 0 7 pc. BEDROOM SUITE $198,75 3 8-piece Iledroinn Suite-silver mink finished Oak, 43" 00/11/Je PreaSer With Plate ,glaaa co 1.ela 40,126708ri,neintligffmOlatiltat11:,e:s':02"201)acnoeolg,/teriediea' n damask licking . .„. .... . , ...... ipP, 4 I uu aligitriser ribbon steel Slaring". 2 Boudoir Lamps 1Vitk fibaralasa ••••=.".^1 Regular $268.40 $198075 CHESTERBED SUITE Pima COvered ia long wearling Grey Wool $1 92.50 Walnut or "Light Oak .. Arbotite. Coffee Walnut or 'Light Opk $209.00 3 Pieces During Sale ,,Regular $189,00 „$154.50 7 Pieces During Sale „ ..... frieze, modern (kale Arhorite Step Tables in either /fad Firewo• " taa ,on .P ,Pq Fit/ $16.00 Regular $248.40 • ....... 6 Pieces During Sale . • ... /tV4.1.4,. N OVELTIES TELEPHONE Al & t9i 7c ('i'IAlit. keg, $28,95 data LAMP TABLES /to iv] a MIMIC topped, Dunean 1/A MP TABLE Reg, $19.50 •- During Sale $1 3.95 OVAL LAMP TABLE OVAL LAMP TABLE Demean FA,: 4-6'" Marshall , SPRING 'MATTRESS'. 696 - cotton' pOcketed springs, White felt .and•'flexolator..• EEG, $qvdo Sale Price $57.50 OTHER MATTRESSES From $27.50 up GOSSIP •10-N.CH walped finish oha s)$2 3 .50 TV. 'CHAIRS Red wool frieze, rotating TV MAW Reg. $14..75 Plate Glass Mirrors All plate glass mirrors ' tni in stock REDITC1011 L Grey wool frieze rotating TV qiale :e3,11.$19.75 $4195 walnut; veneers Reg. $28,75 SALE $21.25 TEA WAGON TEA WAGON or solid walnut veneers Reg. $34.50 SALE .. $26.50 SALE BEGINS ON THURSDAY, 'JAN. 19th. OPEN FRIDAY NiTE TILL „00''' Save as much as- 30% OFF o,n Hnstess Chairs, End Tables, Coffee Tables,.Desks, Floor Lamps and Table Lamps Etc., in stock. FURNITURE 2 NVednesday, jaitiliary in 3,55 Preview 4.0Q Round, Round, Would ' 4.30 Take a. Look 4.45 Folk Songs 5.00 Cartoonia 5,311 Howdy Doody 8.00 Buck Rogers 8,80 Focus-Weather a..its Focus-Perm .7.011 Focus-Sports 7.15 Foy's-News 7.:30 Dangerous Assignmeilt WING II ii,14 10.45 -Jim Oalertiari, Show . 11.00 C130' News • • 11,15 News Nightcap 11,20 Pajama Playhouse Saturday, lamiarY 21 3.05 Preview 4.00 Western Theatre 5.00 Wild Bill alieock , 5,30 Disneyland 6 5.0 Mr. Fix-it .45 The Clue 7,00 Navy Log 7.30 Holiday Ranch 8.00 Stage Show 8.30 Jackie Gleason 9.00- On Camera 0.30 NHL Hockey 10.45 King Whyte um 0130 News 1.1,10 News Nightcap 11.15 Pajama. Playhouse Sunday, Januar .2,a. 1.55 Preview .2.00_ Junior Magazine 8.00 You Are There 3,30 Climak 3.55 Preview 4.30 Window on Canada 5.00 Perspective 5.30 Fighting W(irds 6,00 Exploring Minds 6,a0 Father Knows Best '7.00 This Is the Life 7.30 News Magazine 8,00 Ed, Sullivan 9.00 Pour Star Theatre 0.30 Sbowtime :leo or. Folio 11.00 CBC News 1110 News Nightcap 11.15 Pajama Playhouse There's a Future For You in the RCAF WROXETER • • Nineteen were present at the January meeting of the Buds of. Promise Mission Band which was held. on Tuesday in the schoolroom of the United Church, Mrs, Grainger was in the chair, The meeting opened 'With the singing of the h:VMh, "What Friend We Have in Jesus," 'follow- ed by, the installation of officers, as follows: President, Helen 'Magee; sec., Elaine Sanderson; vice-pres. Carol Loutitt; areas„ Brian San derson; pianist, Elaine' Sanderson; assist- ants, Carol Loutitt, Lyane Earl, Responsive rIeading, Prayer 'and the Purpose were said:The newly elected president, I-Ielea Mogeelook the chair for the program., Cath- arine Edgar gave a reading entitled "Bud's Resolutions." Members responded to the roll call 'with a New ''ear's resolution. Carol .Leutitt favoured with an in- strumental. The story teller was Mrs. Andy Gibson, taking two chapters from the new study book, I "The Boy with the Busy Walk." The hymn "Hear the Pennies Dropping" and the benediction brought an interesting meeting to a' close. W.M.S. Holds,First • Meeting of the Year. wRoxETER. •Mrs. J. H." Wylie opened her home on Friday after- noon for the January meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society, whoa sixteen members attended, The meeting was arranged by Mrs. Gilbert Howes, who presided. Mrs. Howes road the seaman's version of the Twenty-third Psalm, Psalm 700 was read in unison and the hymn of the new year was sung, "Standing at the Portal," Miss I.Z. Hazelwood read the Scrip- ture lesson and .gave an interesting commentary. Mrs. Grainger led .111 prayer and Mrs, 'Jim 'Sanderson gave interesting highlights from the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Frank Balla read a. poem. The hymn, "Take' My Life" was sung. His, Buchanan. thou. eonaueted the installation service for the new -officers and gave alr inspiring :address on steWardship. A letter, was read, which had been written from the minister at Ottnehurch, Where the recent bale Was sent' . Menthe-es decided in reply to his re- (plest to send further seippliea es- pecially boys' clothing, if available, The president, secretary and Mrs. Ken Edgar were mulled a eomthit- tee th plan for the World larty 'of brayer which will be held on Fob- Mary 1.7t11 In the United Church hail. The president expressed appee- dation to all who took nart and the hostess, Mrs. Wy1M..The ing closed with the singing cif ""Blest Ile the 'Tie "that Binds." soda bur was enjoyed' when Ike hostess served refreahinenta. • United. Church to. Make Improvements . WROXETER---Wroxeter United Church held its annual meeting in the church hall on Tuesday evem- ing with - an • attendance of 75,' A pot-luck supper was followed :by the blisineas ineetingiptesided'oVer' by the minister, Rev. W. .T. V. Buchanan, Campbell Brown was appointed secretary, Encouraging reports were heard from all organizations with a total amount of $6510.00 raised. The M, and M, fund showed an increase of 10% over 1954 with a total of'$401. Plans were made for some im- provements in church property. Howick Centennial mill- be cele- brated July 1, 1956 and in prepar- ation families of this charge are asked to lay aside 25 cents per day from january 1 to Easter Sunday, when a snecial service of dedica- tion will be held and the gifts pre- sented, A committee has been set up to study most needed. improve- ments. From the session, J. H. Wylie and J. Leslie Douglas; board of stewards, 'Charles Cathers, John 1V1aeNattghton, also the presidents of the three women's groups, Mrs. Wm, Hart, Mrs.. G. L. Dobson and Mrs, D, S. 1VTacaughton. Goiter:.; Elected The following officera.were elect- ed for 1956: Session;John Snell, Frank Earls, .T. H. Wylie, I]. Mc:111101nel, Stanley Gallaher, George Gibson, William. 13o11;, Allen Munro, W. A. Cathers, L. Douglas; board of stewards, R. R A, Hunter, Charles Gathers, Gil- bert Howes, M. Grainger, Ira 'Mc- Lean, Everitt Cathers, Charles Me- Cuteheon, Harvey Timm„Tolin 1VIneNautghton„ Stuart Higgins, William Taylor and Eldred Cathy M CHILDREN ME STILL °IN NEED OF CLOTHING WROXETER. The following let- ter will be of interest to those who donated new or used clothing to the bale shipped from the Mrornan'S MisslonarY Society, 'Wroxeter Un- ited Church, Duneburch, Ontario, January 2, 1950 Mrs, J. fx, Wylie, Wraxeter. Dear Friend; Will you please convey to the ladles of your Woman's Missionary Society, the pro/mulct thanks of myself and the needy families of my eight preaching points, We live in an area which at one time was prosperous because of the timber in the forest, But this was twenty years ago and ,many fami- ilea have had to leave. Those who remain.ed are• trying to scrape a I" living from mall farms, where the land is very poor and a little tour- ist trade, Many of the children who receiv- ed bedding and clothes were badly in need of them for they were atilt wearing their summer clo th es'and, it is Cold in this area aluring the Winter. You made sub a wonderful eon- NEXT WEEK-i-- "Whll Theo Behave Like Russians" DIAL K 1114 KRUG DAILY o . 3 • r11 ,5,34. CICNX • 920 at 2 - RADIO Vat- a head. start. on wi nter driviiig, and a SURif, start op. . those frosty mornings .. take a (-beck on ..yettr.cos'.s 'battery NOW I May need ree 'barging or even a' of V:itber Nyny, sec US t. V011. gna.rnte0;' on all .now' ba.vterieS. WINGIAIVI NMOTORS Winghana Relieve That Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. UNDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suffering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY,,Jan. 24 WEDNESDAY (morning), Jan. 25 CALLAN SHOES Phone 12 Wingham WROXETER Peirsoinas Mrs. J. H. Wylie. is spending this Week with her {laughter,. Mrs, Geo. Bradtey and Mr. Bradley, Toronto. Friends of Mr. Albert Gallaher will be pleased to know he has now returned. from Wingham General Hospital and is improving, Miss I3erva Gallaher, Mil's Mar- guerite Fora and Miss. Donna Cope- land, all student teachers at Strata. ford Teachers' College are practice teaching in Kitchelier this week, Donald Gibson, > Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Stewart Copeland, who has b(11-1 on the staff of the Dominion Bank at (lorrie, is now at Brantford, Bill Callaber and Don Hopper, of Winghitm, jolt hail 'week for a LOP to Merida. ithalt BOLT T» 'Victoria Hospital, Lon- doll, 00 Monday Janilary 9, 1906, to Mr, and Mrs, Raymond :Boll, a. son, Brine Raymond. Girls' Group to Hold Skating Par'iy WM./NETER Tire Canadian in Training held their mon- thly meeting at the home of Shirley Reid with an attendance of ten. Catharine MacDonald and Bernice Graieger conducted the, worship service. Ti le r oll call was answered with a New Year's resellition. Plans Were Made for a skating party on Tuesday,' January 17, when Gerrie and • Fordwieh groups, will ho guests, Mrs. Art Giason read from. the study book, "The Turquoise rse." .• Arrangements were made for tile next meeting to be held January 25th, at .the home of Catharine Mae] Nina Id. M (an bera and their leaders prepared the annual report. Till , nreet.ing closed Wilk Taps. Bridge Club • The bridge .players have eon rhid- M the ChristMas festive season for another year and were in attend- ance at Bridge Club-again in nor- mal numbers last Thursday. North and South: 1, Mrs. R. S. 1-Tether- ton and Mrs. D. C. Nasmith; 2. Mrs. G. Giver and G. Williams; 3. Mrs. W. D. 1-louston and W. H. French; 4. Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Mrs. D. 13. Porter. East and West: 1. Miss M. MacLean and Mrs..F,..A. Parker; 2. Mrs. A. R. DuVal and %I. Jackson; 3. Miss Y. McPherson anal Mrs. C. H. :Ross; 4. Mrs. (1., S. Cameron and Mass ail McCallum, Forestry Club Met At High School The meeting of the 4-1.1 Forestry Club was held at the Wingham Dis- that High School on January 11th. The members repeated the 44-1 Pledge in unison and Mr. .Jackson, leader of the group, was in charge of the meeting, Mr. Jackson . dealt with. ever- greens at this meeting, and in par- ticular, on the identification of the different: varieties, The date of 'the next meeting was set for the 23rd of January. „.. Sleeping Pill. Horrors Exposed On "Big Town" Whew Fred Welhy, a highly re- garded veteran reporter, staggers into the. city room and muederouslY attacks with editor Steve Wilson with the jagged edge of a broken pop bottle without provo- cation, • Steve gets his first intim- ation bf the seriousness 'or the sleeping pill inonaco. Welby's frenzied attaelr, com- mitted during' a mental blackout, SptirS Steve to probe into the bar- biturate habit, in "Sleeping Pills". The findings of repertera assign- NI Lo research the sleeping pill latbit shocking figures of aides and addielion, the latter al- Motion \vorso than Oven narcoiie addiction. Havilua eonvinced Welby of the seriousness of his affliction, which was brought; on by grief and sleeplessness over the death of his wife, Steve persuades the journa- list to commit himself to a hospital for cure and to do a aeries of ar- ticles on: his experiences as an encouragement to other victims. But when Weiby cracks wilder the withdrawal ordeal and flees the hospital in another =Heroes frenzy, Steve's "experiment" ends in a. spine-tingling climax. Mark Staveng produces, directs and stars as Steve Wilson, end veteran diameter actor William Cliallee 'gives a monlorablv per- rormitncce as tfic reporter ;addict. Barry 'Kelley 'plays gruff city edi. tm" Charlie Anderson and 1)m' Ave • don plays SteVe's girlfriend, Diane 'Walker. A. CLEVER LAT)Y, asked in a public function, was 0.5- 'signed a Place between it noted bishop end 'an equally famous rab- bi. It was her chance to break Into high company, end she meant to make use of it, "I feel as if were a leaf between the 01(1. and the New Teatitment," she said daring a, hill ui the eon- Versation, 'That page, Madare," replied the VIM "la usually ct blank." „lakge Thaeo• AtirAwakis,`,11'inaeii, WP111 004.0 14.1/ 4144, :0$., JiAq Buds of Promise Instal Officers • trlbution that you might Pot thank it' fair to ask far' more, but if any of your families have any mom ckaldrares plaknas, hays in. lonalC94. Jar from 0 to 14, I could atilt. male) good use of them. Thanks again for all your help and generosity, Yours M Iis Service, Douglas A. Muir, If anyone reading this has a con- Lribution to make, please leave it as soon as possible with any men'ta her of the Woman's Missionary Society. Members of the WJYT.S. will to thank all those who helped matte up this fine bale which has been appreciated by the minister and his people in one of the less fortunate parts of our province. NOT AN ANSWER TO A ritAynu. A woman, just leaving the church suddenly realized that She left her purse on the seat, When ale, re- turned, it was gone. She sought out the minister and found he hail picked it Up. "I felt I'd better hold ,it," he eXPiai O. "You know there are some in the congregation of`siteh simple' faith as to believe it might be the answer'to a prayer." Phone 139 . Channel 8 - TV Program FREE PANTS SALE By Bond Clothes! Prices from $39 75 ARMITAGE'S etecutetd „8.00 sic Cibeek • 8.30 I Love Lucy 9.00 Hit Parade 9.80 Jackie Rae Show :10.00 Big Town 10.30 Requestfully Yours :11.(!5 CBC News 11.15 News Nightcap 11,20 :Pajama Playhouse Thursday, •danuary 19 3.55 Preview 4.00 M'Lady 4.30 Story Book 4.45 Menlo IVIInggies 4.00 Cartoonia 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6,,30 Focus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm. 7.00 Focus-Sports 7.15 :Poeus-News 7.30 Hopalong Cassidy 8.00 Bishop Sheen • 8.30 Fireside Theatre 0.00 Kraft Theatre 10.00 Circle 8 Ranch 10.30 Paragon Playhouse 11.00 (1B0 News '11,15 News Nightcap 11,20 Pajama. Playhouse Friday, lamella' 20 .2.55 Preview 4,00 Round, Round, World 4,30 Looking Glass 4.45 Small Fry Francs 5.00 Cartoonia. 5,30 Howdy ;Doody 0.00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 6,45 Focus-Earth 7.00 Focus-Sports 7,15 Focus-News 7,80. The Falcon 8.00 Dateline 8,30 Plouffe Family 9.00 Ford Graphics 0,30 Star Stage 1.0.00 Gillette Fights r. OWN HALL Thurs. 26 Jan. Noon to 8 p.m. Your RCAF Career Counsellor will give you all the informa. tion about trades and trade training available to Airmen, Airwomen and Aircrew one of t h e ennntry's hukiesu, !Ind most poluilar vocalists is Wally RestCr who Nails up regularly on CBC television.