HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-25, Page 4i e _tvissvat P:r:a'n r 122. j ;a 4 --Thursday, February 25, 1026. Window Smashed Prices Cut An unfortunate accident happened in which one of our large windows (one of the largest in town) was broken by some unknown person. In this broken window will be found CUT PRICES in men's and young men's Suits at a fraction of their real value. Bine Serges, Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds. A Sizes 35 to 42. Cut Price Sale $18.50 Also Cut Prices in Boys' Clothing. p$`A- Terms Cash Come early and get the best choice. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR PHONE S7 Car of Black Knight Pocohontas Coal expected shortly Reasonable price. I still have a small quan- tity of Mine -run Pocohon- tas Coal left. L FLICK Telephone 178 j Take advantage of our clubbing rates Bargains In Radio I have just two Radio Seta left, and to clear them out am offering them at greatly nduoed prices. No r•asetsailo offer rdwsed. rammowlait Anyone interested should not miriade opportunity of obCining a good Radio tet. w% F. R. MILLER Service Station Corner Elgin Ave. I 'ISEand Victoria Street. GODEBICH TOWNSHIP R Ul anyone wishing to contribute fruit or pickle to the hospital. through the Goderich Township Hos- pital Auxiliary. plower levee it at Hutbrrfurd. Mors M. E. Balks -1(1'C Hayfield road. or has returned Lo Hyvlc• ume eftrr Mra. Wm. Edward'•. Huron road. by Mrs. spending a hasp re u[ neck's tater March WD? Empty relieve will be friends at Port Elgin. exchanged " Congratulations to Mr. loci Mrs. • GODERICH, ONT. THE SIGNAL, home of lir. Wu. ]lclbw$i on Tbttrt laterment was snots in St- Joseph day. 'cemetery. the .paUbe.ren, being tk- Word was received or Friday et the craaelrs two sons -In-law. Marrs. Win death of Mlsw eMIsa Woods, forttaerly d4, Yurhan. and Maurice Iwverwax. of this neighborhood. Who for the we en. four u.plwL4 Mesar$. Mt..h&e:. Iwo yearn bas resited with- tee -1W J -'hllip and Wm. liotr"n. R'•- yhcw•. Mr. Ferguson, of the loth cos- quiestat in pace' .e-ssluu of West Wawano.b. MAIL. AL•BERN HATFIELD ILAYl IELD. Feb. 2:1.-4)n Satur,tay• AI -III -RN. Feb. Si. -)lira F -iia Wag- February 11th, Fir. Wm. Ycottinmer. ner left last week for Stratford, superintendent of Trtulty ehunb Sun when• due will train for a nurse. day sehooL very Rearro u.ly treated Mr. and Mrs. John Fln.land, of the pupils null teacher* h, a o.leiglt- 1...1tl'sh"rti• .1..l,..L fri.uda iu the vII- ride to his home on for Bronson line. lege last Thursday. there hoeing about forty peewee prow ent. Mr. Fred Heard assisted his; noel.. by taloug his teas and sleigh and eonveytu( part of the untidier. Tlu afternoon was spent in d.asting. toloitgauhtg. ode.. and then :acnes were played In the Imola.. after which Mrs. So -too -tomer served :t very nota- rizing tea. The teams were then hie•h'•d and the visitors takeu :come. Mes•r'. A. Asquith. M. Allen uud 1.. i•.rtn .- II have each installed radios. Mr. Noah I'1a•tzer has sold his farm t.. Mr. J. 1'. t'lark. who obtains possession at Mice. The annual meeting of the Bible So- ciety will be held to the Baptist ehureli ou Mond.y evenlug, March 1st. rhe inte•rm.diate• 1111.le class of tired lout hrpp). All Tit.d Mr. are Knox i•hureh held a medal evening at Mrs. tkatchmrr a jolly Road couple the home of Mr. unit Mrs. A. Fergu- for giving them such a •pleodid. en - sou ou Friday eveolog last. The joy -aide aftertoou. meeting was held principally r,. or• The regular m•etiu,t of too• Y.P.S.ias maniac the r. or-1 lea T.4I iu the --basement of S1. We aro• sorry to report the death or" Andrew'. church on Yridey of this Mrs. Wm. Karr. of l)rtruit 1 formerly I Margaret Wiiw.nt. daughter of Mr. J. 1'h.• 1'n-sbyterivu t1'.u.'. observed Wilson. sr. Her brother. Sir. J. J.1 tp... wonien's Jay of prayer at the Wilson, left 00 Saturday to attend Lowe ..f Mrs. J. Fraser on Friday at - Ute funeral. - ; tern.s,u lust. after which Mrs. Fraser .aesraaae ' serveoi a dainty luncheon. «µ.seem... ST HEIS titR Service was held In Trinity church ou • Ash Wednesday morning at 10 o'clue•k. Throughout the Season of ST, HELENS. Fel.. 11: -Mics► tiladys l.tmt-thK.._will be a s. rvitr every Webb is home again efter spending 1Y,dnesday evening at ', o'clock. - tro drys visiting no Guelph. \Ire. .t. Erwin returned last week Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hyde, of Kin- cardine. are visiting with the former's pareutr. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde. Misr. Ethel ltobe•rtam, of Luelmow, is a visitor with Mr. suit Mrs. John BEVIOLLES • -tote. Elwood Harbour. We W+44.4111/.• Mrs. BENMiid.ER, Feb. 2't. -W a are sorry to report two rases of blood priaoniag. Mrs. 'neither Flatter and Carmen Stevens. Mr. Will Long also els tndlapnaed; cow day last week be bad to he aardsted to the house. The choir made a splendid showing at the morning service last Sunday m and helped very pterialty 1. er the am: vice. There was a Rood congregation. the church being filled. Mhos Gertrude Gledhill left on Tues- day of this week for Calgary. where she has taken a posttlon. On Monday evening of this week a number of the young people•gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. liledbill. as a farewell to Miss G.rtrede Gled- hill. A very 'pleasant . evening was spent in gaines''and musky, after which- lunch hkhlunc•b was served. tfF D WESTFIELI). Feb. 23. -Mrs. Wm. Meik,wrll returned boric on Sunday. after spen'litg a week with her cont. Mrs. Wm. Starkm/um% of Blyth. Mr. ,Maitland Henry has insta:l•d a radio Mra-_.I. Snell aMyth. .pent the latter part of the week with ber Mo- ther. Mr•. J. rook Mr. Y Hooper. of -Grattan. sad Mr. L, '•f nde•b•,r, . visited a' err Lplte r,f Mt. W. F. rams -i ••t: ti ednesday Mr. Stat.'ey o;tsl)rrpe• r✓nra„•; • Blytb Motlay to. work at the Niro*.*• «• ..hoop after two wks" vacation. Fd'irrt and visited theta from a visit to Toronto and Bingham. vottatazt A14IIli1ELD ASIIFIEI,D, Feb. 21.- A good at- tendau.e marked the regular meeting or the MittenMittenU.Y.W.11c.,.b +sleld on Wed- ueay. home 17th. at the homof Mrs. Din, Mneliouuld near Lox'halsh. The meeting was opened with Inn• Barbour to our community. vie,-presbb•ut. Mrs. Thos. MacDonald. in it s i 1'itr Wo- men'. ref -the Wo - me+ Institum te will be held .Lob 41h at !h.. hums of Mra. Geo. Webb. at eft tit :1044c., • Ito!► veli : An Irish joke. Soldier: -'t'itIzenship.•' The he will • lu charge "of Mrs. ('Umming. The annual nt•honw or f the Wo- men's inaitnte was held Friday even- ing in the .ommuuity hall. with a large gatberine of friends. .A good program was given. the prineilstl fea- Lure beiug a play entitled' "A Heavy Shower." by nee or our young people. Lunch w -as 'erred. moot all went home expressing their appreciation of the pleasant ...ening they had sp'ut. KINGSBRWDGE wati i I t.$1LltL1)UE. Feb. 'tel.--Ihie of the ;oldest residents of Kingsbridge. in the person of JohnBuckley. pa.s1d away at his home here on Friday evening. Thr deceased was in his ninety-fifth year. and was enjoying g fairly •asl•h.-alth until a weed: prior t to bis .lath„ Mr. Buckley was born in County Kerry. Ireland. in 1"32 and ,a ere out to tit. rnuntrv- with his par- .a.ts while still it scow in Lis tens. s:r•..• that Arne he bay always resided • •tie:d. .ser.- ht ,r.,n- D«--cr; ,'•' «hip, aid klt'i:y feeling of al:. Ili- wfife penes. -.sent him nineteen years. orf Lis family• there remain to moon. • :two •-w.r - sons-- sn4 tor'-..kaus:,- Mrs W to 1 F •.rban and M r s - 15 i'-.L.Wa.s s...b . a'•'i 1{.1' Pi- t3(Jossole. .r.rs a -hon.' Totee•to Requiem iii :,!'r W era re Mr. and Mr. ?'.ectal. daughter. of the Wtst Meet, M w. I.etc.re M. Lon_ a: 'iy v'r" a:N.t ■■�■■<1 U$ 111■■$1/11/1■ 1111*■ ■ �t acrest+ '2C .-,r.. '}.♦X'. y. ^.d'YIYNPt1!^AM�'.r�• WNW 14, ra s ■■ ■ • ■ • •■ • • ■ • 9 ■ • n Ave- +•kair. After velum tS nR- ing and the roll call mmunications from head office were read and dis- ru»1u'd and the business of the club talked over. Splendid pipers were read by \Its. Dan Meet/on/kid and by Miss boatel MacDonald. After fur- ther Community singing the meeting cleric with the singing 1f Auld long Syne. A dainty Innen, was serreti fmby the hoste. A numta•r from Klutall attended tis•danceplay and dantat Kingsbridge on Monday night. Thr service.' in Ashfield Presby- terian church un Sabbath tart. were well attended. Mr. Hottend. "f Tor- onto.-oa-copitd the pulpit and gave two good Sermons. Miss Mary Russ. teacher at Lets burn. will not be teaching lids wee#. ns .he Inas bad an attack of in grippe and is forced to remain at her home at Ls halms until she is better. Mr. 1'harles Stewert.is lousy tbresh- ine this w't•ek. A -lei-global!, from Kintall surprised ylr.. A. Iteekrat on Friday night. A very-ph•n•ent time wav-spelt. WHlTlsl'HL RCN I tiITF:11j1'It1'i1. Feb. 22. -Mia» Maude Poon. of Toronto. is gwendhug •-r holidays at her home bore. Th.•r• arc• quite a few in our tem - :nullity that are tinder the doctor's .:• iaa•h:diuK Miss Maggie Martin, Mrs. ylneticegor. Mr. Jas. Lal,llaw, sr • The social evening 10.41 in the 1'oit.sl .-:nre•h "n Friday evening wall , t.j.,y.tl 1.v all. The pr,µtrem was ex- ,. and itlneh and ti �t~ id pedals for Friday and Saturday Hose Hose m"u !1„atm Hose 50 pair of ladies' ribbed lisle Hose. Several shades.Regular 51.25 pr. Fri- day and Saturday- ; 95c pr • Ladies' all -wool black Hose. These are mostly sizes 8 1-2 and 9. AA pr. Clearing at Ladies' heavy ribbed wool Hose, in fawn. grey and black only. 65c pr. Friday and Saturday Ladies' silk and wool Hose.' in grey. pink, black, camel and coat- 89c pre ing shades. Clearing at We expect our new stock of ladies' and children's atiodE•t---44.--r..=A0 Hose about March 1st. 1.lam, z, urt;i i ra=g= 7 t,' Phone 86 F. E. HIBBERT Phone 86 dA1ca •: t' ••n1 :ue t the gam4 ,i,wmuuity singing were run '. nppre- cluted. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meluni• .,nd son left for their home at 5••o:•'Rased. Stook.. only ,lay last week. Mrs. Geo. 4'ottl••. of 1'a.c:tr'. in visiting with her sister. Mr- Joe Tlf- tin. and Mr. and Mrs. tJ4,r fettle, of our village. • .Mr. and Mrs. Victor Eneisnn, of Kinloss. spent Sunday 'Orli ht' par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Emerson. The marriage took pia;.• at the wane•. Wiugham, on Wtdu•+lay. Feh- riulry 17th, of Sarah- Aiher'a tSedlel L'ro:totem only daughter Mr. an Mrs. Herbert I'ettapdece ••f White- ebureb. to Mr. F:Iw.s.d liar' 'or. son of Mr. :Intl Mrs. Jas. Harbor •r.. of For- dyce. Rev. Mr. Macliatu.' olfl, hated. tit Monday. February _2nol. Mr. Jonathan Farrier.. form• r v of West Waw•anaah, passed away :r the home of his niece. Mrs. faro. T:thu, .•f Wing - ham. He had i.eedr count..+l to his bed over two years through seeping par- ody/O.. He was sixty-uin.• years old and was not married. Be leaves one sl+ter, Mrs. Wm. Sher '.R 'f Wing - ham. and nue brother. lir. W. R. Far- rier of West Wawnu,•-h. The fun- eral will take place on Wednesday to It..tbel cemetery, Rev. Ur. Me.luto.sh couducting the service Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bay- nard of Paramount. A pleasant afternoon sus spout at the home of Mrs. Max Baynard on Tuesday. February 9, when the Para- mount t-.F.W.O. held their regular meeting. After the opening exercises. a splendid program was given, inclOd- Ing an instrumental by Mrs. Melvin Raynerst humorous readings by Greta t'aml,t,ell and Mrs. J. James u. a to- per on '•Espiratlons" by Mrs. G. Mac- IA•rmid. and a report of the conven- tion held at -Toronto, by Mrs. Jame - .Yon. The meeting elneed_With tanl- mnnity singing. after which the hw- tess served lunch. We am pleased to learn that Mrs. nestle Ritchie. of Lothian. who under- went a **bus operation in Victoria ho"pttttt. Loudon. I* -steadily improv- ins - Mrs. Robb. of Lothian. visite., a few days Inst week with her sister. Mrs. Lockhart. of Lttrknow. Mrs. Margaret M.lro.L of Lochalsh. is improving after a severe attack of appendicitis. Miss Lyrics Finlayson, of Lochalsh. went to Wingham hospital last week and k•rwent an operation for the reooval of her tonsils. - vita tt- 1,1 P.4.1L43110LNT ititkiNr I'ARAMIII'NT, Yeh. Y3. -Mr. 'and Mrs. Eldon Henderson and Ramie. of Paramount. spent -$nnday with Mrs. Peder McDonald, of Moron. Miss Jennie Tuwl- of Look -now, is visiting with friend• n, I'.,ramount. Mr. and Mrs. Ju• Henderson. of Paramount. visited with friends in l.uckirnw during Hs week. Mr. and Mrs. It .'ld Ferguson. of Lanes. visited wit'. Mr. and Mr. Max Maynard. "f I'aratn•mat. recently. Mr. and Mrs. ('...'enc• train. of the Sud runeeasion. •tsnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1.e- Stanley of Para- mount - Mr. and Mrs. .t Stein visited with. friends at Lanes during the week. y1r. and Mrs. Jr.,. Drennan spent ■1■■/>t/// //R$11/ 1111/■i./1t11. 1111[I•111t/1r>rl•II)•1/..11 11\lt1■ • � ..� _ �ts•v-,.�a� INN ig era 1 on • The last two days will be even better than before. Here the splendid values we are offering on 'u.t•i' fa: t jF FR1 IAY4 .. F.. February 26th B Andersons Scotch C1rt�.er • Pure linen Towelling. . Crepe-de-chene. • e•r.* C..iitten Crepes In • i •411 l Nip ■ ot / 4 . • ■ a,. tt�ta.ar„t.t and Large size Flajanelette Blankets. White or grey. $2.19 pr. 14e LADIES' SWEATERS S1 14 Peare wool ter silk sod wool. Reduced to $1.95 and $2.95 T, Indies' wool Hose. Regular t 1 ">'"1 '" ;;$ Tilney coi�ori 3pectat� _ .. - - _140r, � �- __ MUC DRESSES. Regular from $9.00 SItnekiad Galatea. Regular 35c Ifo 111~ L 11117.00. Now $6:75 each. 0 Sur, Toy fa splendid cloth for Spring wnttr', 4t SMI AN styles of WINTER UNDERWEAR L edo:a' WA Hose. Special . , . , 4Sc, Ok aryl $14'i L.'s.'«caw...'. scutal at so° dMewwt. Sale are a few of t^ SATURDAY February 27th Black Duchess Satin (36 inches wide) for $1.49 yd. Bluer Charmeuse Satin. Regular $3.25 for $2.10 White Flannelette "'"'; • . 19c Heavy English Flannelette (36 -inch) .. a -': • . 2k Calomeal Dress Linen. Regular 85c for . • 49c yd Broadcloth Blouses. Regular $2.95 for . .1224 Heavy Cotton Vests row • Heavy Bath Towels. Regular 95c..65c A: CIRAY 'nt, e Co. 1,2 OSI4r1l0s, DUNGANNON ELECTRIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. GEO. W. STOKES Nowgat. Street. P.O. Bow 401 "Say It With Flowers" Choke Berea. Catnals's. etc Plowerieg Plasty and Fertsa. FIr•- olral mai Wedding Werk M sort maw GEO. STEWL&T Plselat. Pismo 155 I.1'NGANNI ON. Feb. 24. --ideal will-' ter weather prevails. The road• aro.. in ex.•ellent condition and mutrh traf• tic is M•lug .lune before the general break-up that is expetell. We regret to report that Mr. and Mr.. S. E. Sandi rson are los-ping very pao,rl,i at present. Mrs. S:u.•lers.0 particularly is seriously ill. Mr. E. It. ihlft will leave ou Mon- day f..r Leamington. F:swex .aunty.' where hr tele sr. -tired a -twwltkt. Ile' lea• a Nle of some household effects null "floor things nn Friday afternoon. 1'oekbarto. of W,o.IsNwle, epi to see his aunt. Mrs. S. E. Sander son. who is at present very ill. The Women's Institut.. intends hold- ing a progressive euchre In the parish haft on Friday' evening. - The contest in Alton': store Is nenr ing a .'Liar. The opportunity for +... oaring the prize will end et 12 ofeloo•k Saturday night. it will iwe interest ing to know who is the lucky pur- chaser. or who has the most friends. Mr. Harold Sproul hits been visit- ing hi. friend. Mr. Pretty. in Kit- ,•hettt•r. Mis. Clara Sproul. "f Stratford. visited with her parent. here Iasi i.atnd'.y. United ('hurrh Noteu.-Elie young iw•d.ple taking the teaeh,•r' training toner met at the parsonage on Wed. u day_ night.- Choir prnutioe also was herd tin Wwltu'sday night Inn - for Lague met on Wednesday nt t 4.15. Young Tropic' n meetiug will he held on Friday evening at v I o'clock . Ni-tt Solidity's servkes I will he held ns usual. Sunday w•hool1 at 10 a.m. and church sen'Ieiu at 111 a.m. snd 7 p.m The young pwar pie of Dungannon United chnreh will entertain the young people of the Ashfield circuit on llnreh 11th. rot s o'clock. The main f.alnre of the' evening will iw a debate on the sub jest: " R.'s•dved. that the church 1• Justified in attracting young people through entertainment." The Dun- ' Kennon debaters will take the side of the negative The Musico Circle will meet at. the home of Miss !Aura Savage nn Monday afternoon at '210. There will be an election of ofikers.l The members will please bring in their Easter offering and mite loxes. Car of Hard Chestnut Coal expected at McGaw Statists daria tke first wash of Marek. Priam will set bo othaw aw $14 M to Pinel. your order to Wm. McClure Telephone 42, Dungannon. RADIO SETS-. at very reasonable prices. I can save you money. Frank Mcllwain R. R No. 6, Goderich. Telephone Dungannon, 7 r 14. 1 eA :... THE GODERICH 'kkrAt POO tock T THE NIR -11411 ITS wb110E jtFu t KJND'OF Go IN ANY WEATHER G Everybody it talking about Florida Absent -Minded I But we have decided that we will Dentist (about to spank his young find (it) Tots cheaper at home. •don't hove the utter satisfactl 111sant--"Now this hex's going to bort a jlesi,lee the people in Florida hit" ion of Ttltin.)(-nn,tittd it --nolo lire, enjoying Zany to Atltaww r "My dear. If i gave you 250 for L the *Loring ,from the shelter of a j� frok'k. what kind would yin eltnoee " warm hoose. ■' "tine (Netting R1(If1-my lore" We can't sell you 1, ticket to Florida have plenty of 18 Jimmy May Knew ot. Snnday Sehl T,at•her-"Why dei teh build the ark?" 11I 'kJimmy--"Maybe he was going to 1 Florida to find his real estate" ■ R i Alt would be well at a bawls!'6� r Rath' If the umpire mold only We as as well as the fans in the grandams :�tt.� � ■ • I rev 41.404-• Rnaeian wwMing% are marvels of I la Ames II4 , „ Dry-Go� .,a,;' . Ili, .. Ready-to-Wear4.71,0%_.1,-,:"..m._-_2_..- *.'^ Holm Furnishings N■ nimplletty and economy. witbant J B. MUSTARD ANr �� any pomp or ceremony a Ark. omrtal SIMS total the knot for the modest sum of • s _ b / 1>)1/111////////////ERIVEN1 ails////ia///1♦IR///all/////////R1♦/lA//�1Ri18r//AIR $1441-"1"."? Pnniate. i Pbsas88 s• but w Genuine Pocahontas Coal to keep you warm here. Let us have your ore sr -CALL THE- W/SIM Fa Coal aeon Cool n t:s1 ^e:tt': Tr, . • 14147, •1•