HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-04, Page 9AP:
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Sarnia, Ontario
Phone Di-4-8708 152 Victoria St. N.
Mr. George Baird, of Turnberry, tives. •
The Huron County Council will meet in the Court
House, Goderich, on
TUESDAY, JANUARY. 17th, 1956, at 2.00 p.m.
All accounts, iioiices of deputations etc. should be
in the hands of the County Clerk not later than
Saturday, January 14th, 1956.
A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk,
County of Huron
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PhtthC. 139 Wingham
Mission Band Members
Receive Certificates
RIMEYALE—The January meeting
Of the Mission Band of the United
Church;' was advanced one weeir so
that it'could be held during the
Christmas holidays,. It was held On
Wednesday afterneon, December 28th.
The president, Shirley Johnston,
conducted- the Meeting. The seoiutary,
Anne. Peacock, rend the minutes and
"the rellleell was answered by paying
fees. PetsY Taller gave the Scripture
reading fand,Susan Sellers the Prayer
for missionaries.
Rosemary Nicholson and Douglas
Bail+~ ;Billy Hetherington and Keith
JOhrlton. 'Were the "Work and Wor-
• ship Twins."
Marie Johnston gave a summary of
',chapter in the study book, Mrs, W.
• 3, .10/titatoO 4old the story of the fel::
lowing chapter.
At--0 the ,viclusion of ithe meeting
-the.leaders, Mrs. Johnston and Miss
.Margaret Curtis, presented- certifi-
eatekra'fer regular attendance, The
ftwattlaweere.giVen to: 'Ann Peaceck,
:Mae', jehnsteni Shirley Johnston,
.Kay Johnston, Susan, :Sellers, Grace
4.1fatheri,„ Ruth Mathers, „Nanny' Tay,
Patir` .Taylor, "LloYd Peacock,
'Terry Johnston, Bob Mathers.
The leaders gave the children a
=Christmas treat.
The of the United Church
held a social in the schoolroom of the
.church on December 27th, With good
attendance. games were played under
the direction 0 the president, Jack
Horton and Miss Joyce Hoffman, and
refreshments Were served,
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed in the Presbyterian
and United Churches on Sunday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Gallaher,, Bill
and Berva, of Wroxeter, spent New
Year'd Day at the hoMe Of"Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Elliott.
Misses Mary and Rtiby Duff and
Mrs. M. L. Aitken were Nev Year's
Day 'visitors at Mr. Donald Street's,
Mr, and Mrs. William Paterson, of
Toronto, visited friends in the village
and in Wingham during the holiday
Mr. Howard Brook, of Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brook and daugh-
ter, of Galt, were New Year's visitors
with Rev. R. A. Brook and MrS, Brook.
Mr, and 'Mrs." Charles .Boinnanspent
New 'Wiles Day at Ingersoll with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Bosnian and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil MalcEachren and
family, of Clifford, hid New Year's
dinner with Mrs. R. F. Garniss and.
Mr. Mac Scott.
Mr; and. Mrs. Allan White and
Candachie ResIdeio
Was 'Mize 'Winner
BLUEVALE—The Women's rnsti-
tlite held a euchre party in the corn-
munity hall on Wednesday evening,
Prize winners were.; High scores, Miss
Dorothy Greenaway, Allan Brecken-
ridge; /QW,eceves, Mrs. Robert Powell,
Boss Abraham:
The birthday Prise went„sto Miss
Emma Johnston while the prize for
the player coming the longest.distance
was won by Mr. Trethewey, of Cam-
children, of Clifford, spent New Year's
Day with Mr, and Mrs, Jon Horton,
Mr. Charles Garniss and his daugh-
ter, Mrs, Helen Scott, of Wingham,
visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Burns Moffatt
the hofiday,
Visitors at the home of • Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Darling at the weeicend
were Mr. and Mrs. Clare Newman
and three daughters, of Harriston,
Miss Siebye Jouvvirna of
Harry and Donald Darling, of Tor-
Mr. Donald' Darling has returned to
TOronto 'after two weeks' holiday at
his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Darling, Donald,
Jim and Mrs. Stanley Darling visited
friends in HarristOn,
Locarairi. ,P*ItUred
Qn TV Program
rg,M191V414B---$11ftron Grubbe, Blue-
vale school girl, daughter of Teir,, and
Mrs. Arthur Grubbe, was featured on
Margaret: Bophy's prpgrane "341.,ady"
on Wingham TV, during the lielidaYe•
Sharon received many compliments,
and telephone messagea praising her
fine exhibition of dancing,
Eightieth Birthday
Mrs. Joseph Curtis
BLUEVALE—Mm Joseph Curtis
celebrated her eightieth birthday at
her home during Christmas week
when members of her family were
Celebrating with her were Mrs. John
McKee, Montreal, Mrs, Harold Proc-
ter and family, of Belgrave, Miss
Margaret Curtis at home and her
sister, Mrs. James Kirton.
Six Tables Play
At 2nd Line Euchre . BLUEVALE:74t the:second line of
Morris euchre held at; the homd
of Mr, and -.Mrs: Rpsi. Turvey, six
tablesqVrehe! m,.play and .prizes were
won by Mrs. Bert Garniss, Mrs. Frank
Shaw, Mrs, Charles Bosman, Messrs.
Ralph Shaw,. Jim Elston, Frank Shaw,
TO Hold Meeting
On January 12th
13rAJB V./04-1%e 13ineVele Wo-
Inen's Institute will hold its regular
meeting at the home of. Mrs; jos.
Horton on TheredaY, Jannary .12th.
The roll call` will be answered by
giving an item pf interest about any
Canadian town or city, Mrs. M,
Aitken will speak on the topic., "West-
ward to the Mountains," Mrs. ..Spar ,
ling Johnston will give a reading,
Leonard James had a birthday party
on Monday. The little boys of the vil-
lage went to the pond of ice, for a
skating party in the afternoon and
then to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter James for the birthday supper.
Misses Margaret and Florence Moir,
pf Toronto, spent a few days last week
at, the home of their sister, Mrs, Jan
George Conn spent the week-end at
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Ronald
Coultes of E. Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and
family, of London, spent Monday with
his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laid-
Mr, and Mre. Ed. Nicholson and
Colleen, of Thamesford, spent Satur-
day with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hutchison.
Mr. and Mrs. Canieron Simmons
and Nancy, of London, spent the
week-end at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Martin and with
other relatives here and at Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer left
on Saturday to spend a few weeks at
Sarnia, while Mr. and Mrs, Relison
Falconer take a trip to Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Angus falconer Mid t
Alan spent Sunday at the home of her
uncle, Mr. Harry Jackson, of Wing-
The young people of the Presbyter-
ian Church held a social evening in
the Sunday School room of the church
on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan has been
under the doctor's care during the
past week, suffering froth pneumonia.'
Gordon Mitchell, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Wayne Henry.
Mr. Jas. Snowden and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Snowden and children spent
the New Year's Monday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Humphrey.
of St, Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul and
children spent Sunday at the home
of her brother, Mr. Gordon Caldwell,
of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Webstet Jacklin,
Maxine and Nora, spent New Year's
Sunday at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mtn Archie Purdon, .
Mr. Tupper Cunnington, who . spent
liStinoeth at the home. of his daugh-
ter, .Mrs.' Chas. Robinson, left on Fri-
AttOto ',spend -It few weeks with his
nieses„misses May and Elva Pearson,
Misn,,Jupe.,McCorniick, MisseLaur-
etta LeVecque,,of Wyoming, Miss Pat-
;'r' la Winchester, 'of St. Marys, 'arid
MiftM,40,Yn Shiell, all of Whigham
1 1:70spigi,. spent the ,New .Year's,0n
Monday at..tha; home of the - letter's
parents,' Mr: and Mrs. Charles Shiell.
and Mrs. Donald Martin and
faniily spent New Year's pn ' Sunday
at 'the borne of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Mark Johnston, Holyrood.
The folks of the E. Wawanosh No.
9 school held their euchre last Wed-
nesday evening, when nine tables
played, Mrs. Gordon Cristin and Mr.
Robert Scott held high points and
the; mystery prize went to Mr. Roy
r'attison. They expect to hold another
on January 8th.
Mrs. George Kennedy had the mis-
fortune to fall on the street in Wing-
ham last Thursday and broke her
right wrist.
Miss Mary Fisher spent last week at
See Moving Pictures
Of Trip to West
people of the United Church held a
social evening in the Sunday Scheel
room on Wednesday and 'J. D. Bee-
croft entertained the gathering by
showing moving pictures of places of
interest in the West, which were
taken when Mr, and Mrs. Beeeroft
made the trip, last year. He also
showed some local pictures.
Arthur Laidlaw was in charge of
the games and contests, Sandwiches
and Christmas cake were served.
Wedding in Toronto
WHITECHURCH—A marriage of
interest to this community was sol-
emnized in St, Clair Avenue United
Church, Toronto, on Wednesday, Dec-
ember 28, at 3 p.m., when Rev, 3, Ash-
ton united in marriage Miss Kathleen
Morgan, of Toronto and Charles L.
Gillespie, of Kitchener, with her
brother, Mr.. Keith Morgan, and her
cousin, Miss Muriel Morgan as at-
After the wedding luncheon served
by the bride's girl friends at her
apartment the happy couple left on
an extended wedding trip to Washing
ton and New York City.
and Mrs. Donald Gillespie and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald 13tishell, of
Molyrood attended the wedding. The
may friends of the groom in this
distriet &tend best wishes for a long
and happy wedded life.
" " . •". "
• the home of. her., Out, .44m, 'Told.
Jantsl, of Milverton' and Mr. and Mrs,,
Gee. Fisher and fanaily visited there
Mr, P. MeK. Paterson returned:
home froM Detroit on Friday after,
spending a •week at the homes of his ,
'Pons. Mr, Prank and Mr, Scott Pat-,
Mr. and Mrs. ',Tag, Falconer and.
X,,ois and Miss Mary nperit
MerldaY :at the hew of Mr. and Mrs,'
Chas. Falconer, ,of
Mrs, John Craig spent, the week-:
end at the. hemp of her daughter, mrs,
ftobt. Hall, of Wingham, and.
Craig and Mr. end Mrs. Dawson Craig'
and, children, and Albert Paterson .
spent New Year's there on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George .Coultes„ E.
Wawailosh, Mrs. Jas.- Leaver, Wing-
ham, spent New Year's on Monday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, and Mrs; Jas. 'Patetson, Kitch,
ener, spent Sunday at the home of his
brother, Mr, Albert Paterson,
and ether members of the 004
family received word on AandaY Pt
the passing .of their brother, Mex.
ander Paird, of Flint, MiChigan. Bet,
Aides his widow, the former Lyla Pear,
Wingham, he leaves brnthers and
sisters in Torhberry and'Wingham.
The :funeral will be held this Thera
day from the A, A. Currie Sono.
funeral tonne,' with ' interment In
Wingham, cemetery,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Diekison and,
Donald, of Teeswater, Mr. Jas. Got.,
don, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. McGee
and children,, Wingham, Spent NOW
Year's Qrt Monday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, John McGee.
Mr, and MM. ' Ne/SOn. Smith, of
Markham, spent a few days last week
at 'the home of his sister, Mrs. Russell.
Chapman and Mrs, Fred Bagg,. Wile
had been visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E, GrpSkorth, ac.
companied Mr. and Mrs, Smith back
to her home at Willi:m(1E11e..
Mrs. Willis and sons „spent Sunday
with Wroxeter and Gpertmstown rela-
The. Wingltant AdvalitotaimeM, Wednesid•Y, Olaitsfirr 40, Pigs 'Plflaa