HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-04, Page 7Ceci, Walpole
Custom Woodwork - Carpe,y - Building
Telephone 260-w Wingham
14:10111%114141 OTIAOPS
Di 014114P1411. CloWlf?
Tins turned scarlet serge serge of 0,
Royal Canadian Mounted VO/i09. Ma* 001 day adorn the proud .guards; at
ISO1410gbare Palace.
Reports from London have it that
Scots Guardsmen, .on Ole sugsestion
of the Duke of liklinhur0, will ex-
periment with BeW turtles Made ;Of the
same Canadian cloth need by the
R.C.M,P, The fabric is lighter in
Weight, but abgut the same color as
that now worn by the Palace Guards.
From Your Grain Bins
r.5.777-.17z tr, fi
"Boneless,smoked pork butt is was cooked, 4 cups fine-shredded,
Isolated in Saskatchewan's wilder,
floss 300 miles northwest of Regina,
children of the northern frontier
town of ,Hudson. Bay attend a nursery
school as medern as any in Canada's
biggest cities, it is reported in a cur-
opt issue of Liberty.
The school, financed by a commu-
nity of only 1,700 people, is the brain-
child of a 37-year-old minister, and
father of four children himself. It was
built by willing moms and dads work-
ing in their spare time, and for a cash
outlay of $352, It is probably the moat
unisple nursery day-school in Canada.
Rev. Harry Miller, minister of St.
Patrick's Anglican Church in Hudson
Bay, first conceived of the idea for
his school in 1962 when he became
alarmed over the lack of proper play-
ing space for the town's children, Ac-
cordingly, he secured permission from
the church vestry to build and con-
duct the school in the church parish
So the school would not interfere
with other activities for which the
hall was intended, Rev, Miller and
his helpers designed their school so
it could be completely folded away
and hidden from sight when not in
use. The quick-change secret is hid-
den in eight huge, hinged cupboards
along three walls; seven small tables
tucked in out-of-the-way spots and
32 chairs stacked, along the top of
the cupboards. The whole can be con-
verted into a play room in ten min-
Registration fees were set at $5
plus $2.50 a month for each child—if
the parents could afford it. On Oc-
tober 31, 1952, the school opened its
doors to 18 tiny pupils. Rev. Miller
was appointed director and all mo-
thers of the community are super-
visors. On play-school days, a pair of
mothers who will supervise that day
arrive promptly at 9 a.m, to unfold
the school.
In addition to constructing the
school within the church hall, the
parents provided a huge stockpile of
toys, movie projector, minature tele-
phone system, radio, record-player, a
sand table, and many other articles
to amuse the children and of educa-
tional value. To raise money for the
items the parents could not build
themselves, they sponsored baking
sales, dinners and recitals, The first
year's income was $352.42, expenses
$290.50. The budget now runs about
$800 a year, and the Adult Education
Branch of Saskatchewan's Depart-
ment of Education contributes $25
In 1953, the fathers of the commu-
nity added an outdoor playground,
which is rated as one of the finest in
the province, The home-made school
has received praise from newspapers
and various educational sources, but
perhaps the most rewarding comes
from the children themselves. One
five-year-old states "The school is
fun. I like it—'specially the eating
May beY/arning
Backache is often caused by lazy kidney
action. When kidney* get out of order,
excess acids and wastes remain in the
system. Then backache, disturbed rest
iir that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling
may soon follow. That's the time to take
Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate
the kidneys to normal action. Then you
feel better—sleea better—work better.
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51
Moppets can punch the pillows,
scramble the sheets and bunch the blankets,
but when the war is over Tex-made
is the winner. Long Wearing beautiful
Tex,made sheets are the Choice of
Canadian homemakers 5‘t0 1. Plain, fitted,
coloUred or stripedi in qualities to
it every budget. Every bedroom in your
home, a showroom, with Test-made
sheets —yours for years.
Sold" at better stores everyiebere
.4'..::..","7.??,77=#-Tztr.rtArr• T.-,
This nightgown is delightful
to give, a joy to own and a cinch
to launder and keep fresh and
pretty. Dacron and rayon mix-
ture in yellow, the gown has a
bib of nylon lace ruffles to give
it a demure air. In contrast to
the fitted bodice, the skirt is cut
on dirndl lines with a narrow
lace inset near the hem.
Etiquette is saying "no thanks"
when you'd really like another piece of
that homemade pie.
Tonight at 8.30 p.m.
".r.'0 ,.V.AVW0044,1t*I.v.gARN*41,14W
411.9 e/e0 *Ole
New fast train to Major Western Points
Convenient Train to Major and Intermediate
Western Points
• Wide range of modern accommodations to suit
every budget
• Enjoy economical meals or snacks on both trains in
the Coffee Shop. Dining Car service is also provided
• Inquire about the money-
saVing Family Fare PIan
Ticket agents catt have
a drive-yourself car
Waiting for you on
arrival if you wish
• For reservations and
Information see, write
or phone your load
Canadian National
Paateagat Altaic
11/4014110 Advolawnwo, •WittmoSirt ,441aolgy ,P440:i.100-5
He; "When .we arc monied,. .der,
we must have A hyphenated ASIASOi•
it's so much smarter, What would
go well with &ton?"
iunli brother (from 310./044 the
chesterfield; "Row about MOAT"'
roomm .rnmffinfoommwotwNom
Get the most from every bushel of grain you
harvested this year. By balancing it with
P. 'SHUR-GAIN Hogmix Concentrate, it will
go almost twice as far=-feed nearly twice as
I many pigs—and make you considerably
N more money.
N On straight grain, a hog will consume about 1100
pounds before reaching market. But just 550 pounds
N of grain and 100 pounds of Hogmix Concentrate
N will do the same job, do it quicker and do it better.
Let us balance your grain with
Hogrnix Concentrate
1. teaspoon/lemon juice
% teaspoon salt
M. teaspoon prepared mustard
Dash cayenne
1 cup grated shafp Canadian Cheddar
3 eggs
Combine liquid drained from salmon
with enough top milk or light cream
to make one cup. Combine with bread
torn into crumbs, lemon juice and
seasonings. Cook over low heat until
mixture is smooth and bubbly, stirring
constantly. Add cheese and stir until
Remove from heat and add unbeaten
egg yolks, one at a time, beating well
after each addition. Stir in flaked
salmon. - Fold mixture into stiffly
beaten egg whites. Place in a greased
casserole (6 or 8-cup size) and bake
in hot oven, 425 degrees F., 25 to 30
minutes or until brown. Makes six
servings. ' •
Powder Rooms
Relieve Congestion
How often do you face a "bathroom
crisis" at your house? Is the heavY
morning rush hour traffic too much
for present facilities? Are guests.
kept waiting in line of an evening
along the upper hall while junior prac-
tises for the channel swim, or big sis-
ter finishes prettifying to meet her
latest heart-throb?
If so, maybe you should consider a
powder room. It's something the whole
family, as well as your guests, will
Powder rooms, it has been learned,
relieve congestion at those critical mo-
ments when the demand is too great
for a single Wash-up and freshening
station, The Canadian Institute of
Plumbing and Heating has completed
a survey which shows that powder
rooms have enjoyed increasing' popu-
larity ever since the advent of TV'.
And the chief point in their favor,
most householders report, is the fact
that they give a casual, big time touch
to home entertaining.
As for location, two spots are much
favored: (1) Close to the living room,
Where most entertaining and faintly
program takes place. This is also near
the kitchen,'which means the lady of
the house will often find it mighty
handy. (2) Off, or in, the master bed-
pork butt, cook this with vege-
a good buy, Madame," said the
chef. "It can make two dinners
for families of four,"
tables to sortie one day a4 a, boil-
"For example, buy a 2-pound
ed dinner. With careful slicing
of the meat, in a family of four,
there should be at least a half
pOUnd left.
Use Green Cabbage
The liquid drained from
boiling the butt, together with
'some nice green cabbage and the
halt; pound of meat that is
saved, can be made into a fine
cabbage Chowder with caraway
All Measurements Are Revel
Bedtime' Proportioned to Serve
4 to 6
Smoked Pork Butt With
Soak a 2,pound smoked pork
butt 1 hour in cold water 'to
cover. 'Drain. Add cold water to
cover, bring slowly to a rapid
boil, Cover; simmer 1 hour.
Meantime, peel 12 medium-
sized, white potatoes; scrape and
halve 6 good,sized; carrots; peel
and halve 6 medium-sized onions,
Add the vegetables 4' to the
meat; simmer 35 minutes longer
Save the liquid.
To serve, thin-slice three-
quarters of the meat; arrange
overlapping down the centre of
a large platter.
Roll the potatoes in melted
butter or margarine and minced
pa:'sley. Arrange alternately with
the carrots and onions around
the sliced pork. Pass mustard
sauce. ,
A daY...or two later, serve this:
Pork Butt-Cabbage Chowder
In a wide-topped saucepan,
combine the diced remaining
pork butt, the liquid in which it
green cabbage, 1/2 cup chopped
onion, 3 tablespoons elder vine-
gar, 2 tablespoons brown, pular,
3/4 teaspoon allspice and 1 (1 lb.)
can tomatoes. cover and simmer
30 minutes.
Then stir 2 tablespoons flour
Into 2 tablespoons cold water,
Stir into the chowder. Bring to
a rapid boll
Drop in the caraway dump-
ling batter by half tablespoon-
fuls. Cover and slow-boil 12
minutes, without uncovering,
Serve in soup 'plates.
Caraway Dumplings
Slightly fry 1 tablespoon cara-
way seed in 3 tablespoons Matter,
margarine or sl.ortening.- Half
Sift together 2 cups enriched
flour,*4 teaspoons baking powder,
1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon
sugar. Blend in the caraway-fat
Add 3/4 cup milk. Cook as di-
reeted in the preceding recipe,
Tomorrow's Dinner
Tossed Salad. Bowl
Smoked Perk Butt Cooked with
Carrots and Onions
Mustard Sauce
Apple Custard Pudding
Jelly Sauce
Coffee Tea Milk
Mustard Sauce From The Chef
Melt 2 tablespoons butter or
margarine in a pint saucepan.
Remove froth the heat.
Illerld in 1 tablespoon enriched
flour, 2 teaspoons powdered mus-
tard. 2 teaspoons sugar, and 1/2
teaspoon salt.
stir in V2 cup hot water and 1/4
cup cider vinegar. Cook-stir over
medium heat until boiling.
R..move and beat in 2 table-
spoons mayonnaise, Va cup drain-
ed pickle relish, 1/2 teaspoon M.
basco and Vs teaspoon paprika.
for guaranteed
I i.
room, where it gives dad and mother
a break morning and evening, when
the younger set usually take over the
main bathroom.
A room 3x6 is usually considered
necessary to house wash basin and
toilet and still leave space for a per-
son to move about. By using a little
ingenuity, the same necessities and a
few trimmings can be worked into a
smaller area with charming results,
Many new homes, and most old
ones, have a clothes closet that can
be spared for this worthwhile project.
Some householders have partitioned
off one end of a blind hallway, while
others have made effective use of a
pantry that no longer serves its origi-
nal purpose.
Fish Fondue Helps to Restore
Budget after Festive Season
rounded out
salad and buttered carrots, hot
and deep dish apple pie, the latter two
— baked in the oven with the fondue.
Salmon Fondue
1 can salmon (1 lb. size or app. 2 cups)
Top milk or light cream
3 slices of day-old enriched bread
To the Swiss, a fondue is a rich
blend Of butter, eggs and melted
cheese, which is eaten with gusto by
dipping chunks of read into the hot,
semi-solid mixture. Some dictionaries
define a fondue as a souffle made
with soft bread crumbs. The follow-
ing recipe might well be considered
the Canadian version of the souffle
type, for it features canned saemon,
a variety of fish long-favored in this
country. This is a substantial and eco-
nomical luncheon' or supper dish, and
is full of flavor and appeal. For a
satisfying dinner, the menu could be
with a crisp cabbage