HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-11, Page 10of*
r' q0040 Jr, .,
After a 4ieonseion on the eemPosjr
Lion of the .conohniiity centre hQerci.;,
council decided to write .orgipiziOlea
in town with representatives ttli. .04.
board, asking then' to confirm the '0,4
poinonent -of their repreotitativeo.'...,
Forking rroblion0
' Complaints about • overcrowd
.parking -conditions In the vicinity of
the high, school, at the time. of tilri
Christmas (.1174C,T, were voiced by JEOY
qorhott, .chairmen c)f the fire (4
band eonAnsittee, during .his' report::-'
Mr. Gorbutt said that' cars Wet; 4-
parked four .deep around the viretthq,'
entrance _to the high .i,ieheoi,• Aro:036V
it would he impossible for the- fiiii,
truck to gdt into the premiscs".14"eakl .
of a fire at the Mgt school. He sal4
that he intended to go ,to the neap(
meeting of the high school board •t4.
see if 'something eouldn't:bts ()ono A
alleviate the situation, • t '.7. A discussion followed on parking
problems at the high school, duriA
which the possibility of erecting '74 A4. Parking" signs on Victoria, -Carliruc
Terrace and John streets was dirt
missed. Both Mayor McKinney to il
Police Chief T, A. plot, voiced ti
opinion that a parking lot at the high'
school would he the way real solutiON•
to the problem. Vi .,s
03; members' fees, $57,00; church .col, terested in the hospital to attend. the
1:eel:Ions, .$148.70; proceeds of rummage meetings, .tiso first Friday of each
sales, $1760.37; proceeds of tag days, ( mouth in tine council chamber, and to
become members for the fee' of 50c a $370,30; proceeds of marathon bridge
parties, $237.45; donations, '$85.00; Year.
total' receipts, $34%75.
Sheeting, pillow cases -and towelling,
,.$1196,24; bed spreads and drapery,
$410.27; flannelette, .$303,80; nursery
supplies, $79.04; sewing supplies,
$42,97; gifts to hospital,. $50.19; dona-
tion to tuck shop, $50,00; waste paper meats for 1956 were; Library Board
baskets, $23,37; rummage sale ,expen- (for three years), Miss Kathleen
ses, $111.74; adVertising, $21.50; mi*,. Pringle; Public -Utilities Commission,
cellaneous, $29,22;, balance on. 'and, DeWitt Miller; community centre,
January 1, 1956, $120.41.; total, $3483.- Roy Adair and W. B. C,onron; recrea-
75.e 4 tion council, Earl Hamilton and Jack
(Continual 'on Page Ten)
pointed for the year 1050, Night Con-
stable Gorden Doyen, was appointed
deputy police chief, Other appoint-
f. On Wednesday, Betkanber
twenty-eighth, two curling teams
front the high school journeyed to
Owen Sound to compete in the school- -
boy curling bonspiel. Teams were
present from Mount Forest, Hilmar,
dine, •Saugeen, •Wingham and Owen
Sound to participate• in this annual
There were many close games but
the Wingham rink composed of Doug
Murray, skip, John Congram,
Jim Campbell, second, and Bruce
Lott, lead, with their well played rocks
and of course luck, defeated the rest
of the teams, They won the first
game from, ,Sangeerr, by the score of
8 to 6. The next game-was close and
exciting throughout and again the
Wingham foursome were victorious
'and the score read 'Wingham 12, and
Owen Sound 11; • In the final game
the boys defeated' Mount 'Forest by
the. score of."1.3.to4.
By virtue of their wins on. Decem-
ber the twenCY-eighth, these boys will
play in Cortina on January the four-
teenth in the air-Ontario finals, The
In STORE-WIDE n n January. • earance Sale!
Reg. 49c a to 69c yd.
- SPECIAL 3 -c yd.
WOLLETTE and.. -
Printed and Striped -‘
Reg. 69c yd.
':59 c ycL n
First quality in 01,pcNisulfi.f iw
Reg. 59c to 63elyd.
Get your `share of the
many unadvertised
Specials in our '
Dry Goods Dept.
, See the exceptional ‘1
values 'on our '''''''''
1?emnant Counter -
tt ,
Tin The W4i6heln 44/10040*** $14101i#4;' 11 /.' altrY *4
WIA.SCr.oWaTI-PAlrikon - That, Masen
rer eeverat years the auxiliary has
been building up ax Savings fund, with
a view to supplying furnishings fot,
the new hospital, Vow this fund pas
been spent to, (late; Dishes, ;),,,0 dozen
each of cups and saucers, frUlt. Pup-
pies, grapefruit ditilies,, soup dishes,
large plates, small, plates, 1080 pieces,
$74440; cutlery; 20 dozen viten of
knives, forks, soup spoons, dessert
spoons fold tea spoons, 1200 pieces of
stainless steel, $285.40; 50 blankets,
$322.50; a total of $1351.19,
The auxiliary wishes to thank all
who have helped to Make this success-
ful year, and to invite all women in-
ta411ey. COOlt Ise appelated for two.
yearn and 'Orval TaYiet and Clarence
• Hanna for on year as members of
ti o CO n It '0
E. 111,11WANOSII COUNCIL SteWart Praetor and Mrs, .• •
• • e grave Kn. y entre
Ifinde; corripon4in;
Mrs, W. J, Greer; buying committee,
MS'S. F. Blakely, Mrs, 0, Habiclrit;
committee, Mrs, Oodltio,
Mrs. Chas, Lloyd; cutting` committee,
Mrs, A. Peebles; rilatathOn bridge
committee, Mrs, W, French, Mrs,
W, A, MeMbbon; social committee;
Mrs, G, k uchanan, Mrs, B. Armitage;
Welt shop committee, 1\frs, W. B.
MeCool, Mrs, Jas, Hamilton, Mrs, 3.
S. Hetherington, Mrs. Frank Madill;
auditor, Mr, H. Sherbondy,
Financial Statement
Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1955, pm..
! •
winder of this bonspiel will, represent
Ontario ia1 the Canadian schoolboys'
The other Winghant rink also
brought honors to the sehool, 'They
won the consolation prize-ties. This
team was composed of Jim Bain, skip,.
Jack Elliott, vice, Bruce Robertson,
second, and Pave 'Stoner, lead.
The boys lost the first game to
Mount Forest 7-3. By virtue of a
bye they entered the finals and de-
feated ..Stusgeen 15 to 3.
This wasa successful and victorious
day for Wingham as they came home
with top prizes:
Doug Murray
O - 0 - 0
The Christmas Formal
"Aren't, the decorations bee-oo-tee-
ful? Look at the darling snowman!"
Such were the remarks made by the
many students who attended the
annual Christmas dance on December
22, 1955, in the school auditorium. It
was truly a gala event. .
The auditorium was artistically
decorated in purple and white stream-
ers attached to a !hoop in the
were of-the ceiling from which were sus-
pended silver stars. Gaily. adorned
Christmas trees with coloured lights
provided an atmospheric setting for
the festive season. A very eye-
catching' attraction was "Frosty the
Showman," standing on a rink sur-
rounded with • fluffy white snow.
Rudolph, the red-noSed 'reindeer ills°
added a seasonal touch. At the
entrance stood an arbour covered
with- pine boughs. An added feature
this, year was ' the lunch table from ,
which sandwiches and punch could he
obtained at anytime during the dance,
Maey of , us will remember 'the tasty
punch. • Many thanks are due to the
decorating and lunch committees in
their efforts in promoting the success
of the dance,
The Esquire dance band delighted
everyone with their lively and original
• I'M sure a good time was' enjoyed
by all. , •
Sally Slosser- . . •
councilcouncilheld' its first in
riannary 9th with the members
-,preSent, the reeve presiding. After
the council subseribed to the _oath of
Office, the Rev, K, Krug addressed
?tiree. members. and prayed that Divine
guidance be with the commit during
the coming year. The reeve thanked
Ur, Krug for attending .the meeting.
•. The minutes of the meeting held
Dec. 15th and special meeting were
read and adopted on motion by
H Buchanan and anna.
",'Pardon -1VU:Cciwan---That the council
join the Ontario Association of Rural
.Menicipalities and the Ontario Good
Roads Association, any members or
officials attending to receive $30.00 for
expenses. Carried,
,:Manna,-Buchanan-That Alex Rob-
,ertson be nominated as member of
ttm • •Wingham Hospital Board for
1956., Carried,
s, • imponal111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r., •
-Beard; Orval Taylor and Clarence
Hanna on the-Wingliain Fire Conamit.,
tee; Orval Taylor and Qrval Me-
GOAvan on the Fire 'Committee;
-Orval Taylor as Member of the
Middle Maitland ConserVatien
McGowan-Buchanan--That a grant
of $25.00 he given to the Huron County
Soil and Crop Improvement Associ-
ation. Carrfed,
Hanna-Purdon----That the Brueelloaia.
Act Committee . for MG be Simon
Hallaban, Harry Sturdy and Gordon
Elliott. Carried. •
Hanna-Purdon---That the road and
general accounts as presented be
passed and paid, Carried,
The borrowing -by-law No; I was
read the first and howl times,
Buchanan-McGowan-That by-law
No, 1 be . read the third time and
passed, Carried,
Purdon-Buchanan-That the collec-
tor's time be extended for one month.
Carried. •
• The officials signed the petition for
the subsidy on'the 1955• road expendi-
Hanna-Buchanan-=ihat.. the reeve,
treasurer and plrk , reeeive--$50.00 each
a year- raise salary and. the. clerk
prepare a by-law to ,confifin the same.
a tiny, light, r Carried. • ,t•
• Road cheiitte•:,?,.Stitart,„ Mel3urney,
fUll -powered-. ; i Dee• salary,:. $1'7300 `' ' • . •
iii eneral gracen4s,:„Town. of Clinton,
', 1 H eari n g Aid _.:,ap.r Debenture $348,21; Blyth Muni-
§ : • i; cipal ''''..Tetepbone, .rates , and - tolls, ,•.,
III . 5 • - complete! --E, $2,864.75; EiVeV r..elEtrid, ,Brudollosis ' * 0
= In spector cj.81,x20),. $14.20; !
'' • , , • '
are listed below ... so be sure to shop through- a
, •
• Yes! ! Our '00tStainiding -January 'Clea ranee 'Sale is now oiii . . . for real dollar
11 value shop now at Edighoffers, during this great store-wide sale '. . All.
merchandise'n the, store can be purchased at greatly reduced prices . .. Onlny
a few of the amazing values
• out the entire.store
. •
n n
Zip-in lining, wind antl19 showerproof. The ideal coat for
Associaition!..nt Rural, Mnaibipailties,
fees, $10:001(At Siii!f of M9Prig, Bel-
grave street lights, ;$43.72; ' Blyth
Ouperipr, Food Market, relief account,
'1.14;p8:94p.t:titior .434.d Associ-
atipn',' Beltiti4d •Commtiff:,
BotrrtI,' tent" *$1.007Wrir-KlinnedY.
refund over billed taxes, $5,00;
cipal World, subs'criptions,'• $24.15;
Huron County Soil arid Crop IthproVer
ment ASsoCiation, j25.04 • s'
4:he 4-transistor"511-XA
• Zenith's finest quality
U • • So it can hide under a
• man's necktie. So light it can be
worn in a woman's hair.
• Operates for about 100 a week
Ow :a single miniature battery,
available everywhere.
...• IQ-day money-back guarantee!
It you are not completely satis-
..fiea.. ..if you do not'find the
- "50-X" equals or excels the per-
•.formance of competitive makes
selling for $200 or more, simply
return it for full refund.
Complete for $50 with air coin
.. duction earphone, cord, stock ear-
znold, Otte -Year Wairanty and
. Five-Year Service Plan. Time
-Payments if desired.
• Also four other superb new
!.transistor models to choose from!
- - the Makers of World-Famous
zenith TV and Radio Sets
(Continued' front 'Page One)
a travelling cart, is . operated every
taternoon , a , service ' to patients,.
staff sand Visitors-The auxiliary re-
cognizes diva] of alt New Year
babies With !the ..presentation of a
sterling Silver..spodn. They also pro-,
vide treats and , decorations for the
nurses antiVatients tit-Christmas, and
this year gave ;, pi:12es for the best
'decorated .1•Szinclows at the hospital.
Describes New Wing
Mrs. Morrey'; hospitaladministratrix,
addressed the' meeting and congratu-
lated the ladies 'on their successful
year. She mentioned the fact that
Wingham is. purely a district hospital;
prepared to care.for all people in the
surrounding area. Explaining. that a
"chronic" wing, is ,designed to care
for these who are hospitalized for a
long time and whose progress may be
slow, she said , the word ,.is often mis-
understood. A .patient is not neces7
sadly there to stay; they are helped co
get away from '. the idea of sickness
and to help themselves.. Thereis a
small dining-room ,n this wing whigh
patients are -encouraged to use, as soon
as. they are able As there are 'pow 84.
patients in the hospital, Mrs. Morrey
hoped that many would soon be moved
into the new 'tang. Then the third
floor will be renovated and will be-
come a medical'"ai'ea 'as' it was origin-
ally intended...,
Another spryiee'. carried on by the .
hospital of the public knows
very little was :explained by Mrs.
Morrey. This is the work that is done
in co-operation with the Children's
Aid Society in caring, for children.
until such time as they are addpted.
This plah • stetted eleven years', ago
and since that time, 176 little babies
and 26 families of children, all wards
of the G A. S. have been looked after
by, thiS hospital. 'In fact, this is the
only hospital' in Ontario rendering
such a service, Fer example, 'Mrs.
Morrey told 'of a night when eight 1•1 children from one family were taken
in and given' care until such time as
other arrangements could be made.
The Children's Aid does all the legal
work, provides clothing and plans all
adoptions. Today, there, are seven of
these babies in the hospital. Mrs. John
McKibben thanked Mrs. Morrey for
her informative - talk, Following this,
Mrs. Wilfred Henry with Mrs. W. W.
Currie at the piano, sang the solo,
"The Sunshine of 'Your Smile."
W. I. Itepresentatlises Present
Invitations 'had• been sent to the
neighbotiring , Women's Institutes to
attend the meeting* and representa,
tives were there from Bluevale, Brus-
sels, Teeswater and Wroxeter, On
their behalf, Miss Ruby Duff, of Blue-
vale, thanked the Wingham ladies for
their hospitality.
McNitiney expressed her ap-
preciation td the executive and mem-
bers for thciir work and support dur-
ing' the year, She mentioned that, as
this atixille\y Was organiZed in Ode-.
her, 1906, this is the .50th anniversary,'
and' something in the fOrnt of a eelc-
bratien should be In order, She then
asked Mrs. Geo, R. Scott to take the
chair for the' elcetion of officers,
The report of the nominating coin-
s/lathe Was accepted and the following
are the officers for 1956.1 President,
keS, it. E. Meltitstiey; vice• presidents,
lVirS. W. A. Crawford, Mrs. Norinati.
eating, Mrs.. Wilfred Itenry, Mrs,
,Peter 11sher; treasurer, Mrs, W, 5.
AdttiThi; recording secretary, Mrs. C.
• year,round wear. Sizes 34 to 43. •
n indGroy ,or 'Taupe. Reg. $29.50 srimiAL $24.50
Flannelette Blankets
Size, 70 x 80
Reg. $5.50 line
SPECIAL $3.80 pr.
Size 80 x 90 ,
Reg. $6.95
SPECIAL $$;89 pr.
"At .Watith ,
The- Arthy"
The funny..antieS of Martio and
LetAls ! as they, take Oh, the
An assorted group of Men's Heavy Jackets. $9.88 Values, to $19.05: - SPECIAL . . -
MEN' ',JACKETS. ' . , , :
A second group of, Men's Jackets, windbreaker 0 02
stY16 Valises . Vaes fa' L ,' 4)3:95, .. SPECIAL.
Men's Suede Jaeltets.iri:Navy or time». '
Sizes 36 , to 40. "Reg. $22.50 SPECIAL . $5.00
- BOYS' JACKETS '. - '' . .
A very tine ;election, including Some Corvette
Cdats. Valdes to $13.95 SPECIAL • $6.8.8
A fine range, of docskin and raYon Sport 'Shirts,
Values to $5.95. SPECIAL ". $3•88 .
An outstanding range of Ties. Reg. $1.50 to $3.00. 'at
• . 2 for the. Price of One
Ideal as a scuff 9r.war4 That ' ' ONLY
Mon., Tues., ,WetL 10-i7-18
Ilumniiiey43ogarts :Aldo Ray
Teter .11stitopy
We e,.No 'Mier*
A dire Ling ,tiff 1a ~atd coine(ty
e ent *004 ft+ tiffPt5 .coriViets
tt ho'..obeaild r.")4v1,..K.IsitTd,i •.; PHOmE 53 WINGHAM HALE PRIcg TABLE Clearing
of .odds and ends of broken lines - while
they last ---- Shirts, Men's and Boys' Pants,
Sweaters, Sox, Ladies' Sweaters and
Blouses; Children's Unckrwear, Children's
Stockings,, Men's and Boyp' Underwear.
Becispreade, Ladies' Stipp; Etc.
,,On Parade! . by "Windy"
.!Tlie'RHQ- and. 99th Battery of the.
21st Field Regiment, -.RC.A. '(M), held
their first training night of 'the ntw
year ;•and lattendance. was at a low
ebb,. ueWto our disappointment. We
thoUght the boys would be full of
vim, vigor .,and 'vitality. Instead, what
haveweV,Lost, late and lazy, .•. •
O 7 0 - 0 -
Gun drill was under the direction
of those two master minds, W.0.2
"Buck" Sinnamon and Jack Black-
well. After giving the boys a run
through 'the gunnery the two rover
boys had a little competition between
themselves; with stop watch, no less.
It appeared that they were trying
to set a new record or break one. If
you arc out to break records, fellows,
I have a few at home you can break
(phonograph records).
n n n
n n n
• •
n •
n a, • • • •
n n
• •
• •
• n n
n a n •
n n
n •
in a RANGE 1 ,
• 0 -0 - 0 , . The Q;M. stores was a busy place
all evening, due to a few fellows ex-
changing uniforms. It appeared that
they grew outo of their old ones or
it' was too much turkey over the
hoikiays. Of course, they won't admit
it i5, the middle-age spread, will you
"Dinny"? Gm% C. C, Moore was on
hand but was engaged in paper work,
mostly a• correspondence course en
Q.M.,' work.. rie hopes to become a
storcman • clerk; you know, one of
thoSe mean ones that can only say,
"What size do you take?", . "We
haven't got any!", and "Close the 'door
on the way out." But C. C, Moore, or
as he is known around here, "The
Wheel", will be writing thi:;
column after old Windy leaves for
the 'west country, That's where men
are met% and women arc glad of it..
O - 0 - 0
Signal training was under the cap-
able direction of Gar. "Sad Sack" El-
liott, who by the way, is due for
proMotion to that dizzy height of
L./Bdr, Well, "Sad", that is a start.
Just look at the dizzy heights I rose
to. On second thought, don't--it might
snake you ask for your discharge.
Then we Would have no communica-
tions and I would be on the dead
run trying to get away from the
0 - 0'- 0
The M.T, Section was in lecture all
evening, given by Bch. "Pop" Arthur
on driving maintenance. The M.T,
section 'will he able to drive these
new trucks again, • as a course on
driving will be held ' in London for
the next two week-ends. Let's hope
they melte out alright, So We can
have these "Cadillacs" on the road
O - 0 - 0
This is All for this Week, folks, 'Un-
til next week this is old Windy sayihg
4 `So-long:"
Ladies' Winter Coats .= our 'complete
stock at 1/2 Regular , price
Group • 1 Reg. $39.50 FOR $19.75
Group 2 Reg. $49.50 FOR $24.75
Group 3 f6F: $59511 FOR
Group 4. -Reg. $69.50 FOR
Ladies' Dresses - Special Clearing
Prices on. All Dresses
Group 1 Values to $14.95 FOR .... $5.00
Group 2 Values' to $19.50 FOR .. „ $10.00
Group.3 Values to $24.50 FOR
A group of Ladies' Fall
Flats at Greatly Reduced
luxury big-range features in the Popular, compact ,t)" sliel Com-
pictely automatic oven cooking, With Single :Dial OVen.0ontrbl, and
Signalitc and Four-in-One Autoinatic dock and..Thtier.
'Sealed Oven is really King Site, with room, tWo Itititey$ ch. 'ten'
:be leaves of bread. For surface cooking coriVeniepec,•therc are Color
'Mance Controls and the "Super Corox'r firth ,that, get$,,ketl hot in 30
seconds. Plus features inellide Look-in Oven Door, Atitbitiatic
mice Outlet, giant easy roll Storage Drawer, Platform; 4111111m.
Porcelain Platform, • • - • 1, •
Width 30", Height •47441", Depth .
See it to,-day'! At
LADIES' SUITS - All at 'A Regular Price
Regular prices $29.50 to $69.50
Sale Prkes $14.75 to $34.75
A group of LadieBlolis..,
es in wont jerseys, pongees
and rayons at
1/2 PRICE ;
Reg. Prices $2.95 to $9.95
Watch, donated by 'Bennis of Canada 1111
vertised merchandise throughout the store,
Lucky' Winner
Mrs, (Dr.) K. M. MacLennan was •
Radio pand leketrie
ANNtillitSAlitY VOA*. " ,
OUR man Nyman- iS 171.
the Winner of the diamond-set Benrus NOW ONLY
PLEASE. NOTE:,---Vor year ghOpning convenience Store, hours •
for January, February and March are folloviss:--
WORE CLOSES SATURDAY ti $1.47 to $4.97 • Ltd., through its local distributor, 'W. •
The draw was made by Mayor P. E. NI e
McKinney. • • I vnirttcatmott • Whittehureli •
Varin Forum Met on Monday evening • "The Friendly Store" the homo ot on and m, myii8 IN
Ste,matte, with eleven present, r4111111110.1111.111110110111.11110.111111.1Mirgrll.0600000111.101011111011010110011111k , ..,...., 1 ' .• ' ' '1 iA•i
•1i ..t..•