HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-11, Page 8is! TV Program 8.00 *Bishop Sheen 8,30 Fireside Feature 9.00 Kraft Theatre 10,00 Circle 8 Ranch 10.30 Paragon Playhouse 11.00 CBC News 11.15 News Nightcap 11.20 Pajama Playhouse - 0 - 0 The Huron COU:nty Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1956, at 2.00 p.m. All aCcounts, notices of deputations etc. should'e in the hands of the County Clerk not liter. tha Ir n Stiinrday, January 14th, 1456. A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Hiiron 00.1"1•011.••••••••••••••••••"•••'44=',1°'''.•••••••••4•;1•00111' 'Use Advance-Times Classified Ads for Results 1.4 'rirtrA4'I4 r. Lloyds' R. & W. Club Office, '2436; Veneer Room, 2338; Machine Shop, 2250; Boiler Room, 2076; Shipping Room, 1928. High single, Bill Johnston, 293; high triple, Bill Johnston, ,758. 0 - 0 - 0 Commercial League The fourth game of the second series was played on Tuesday night. The teams all held their Same posi- tions. Standing as follows-Cardinals, 20; Canaries, 18; Wrens, 17; Orioles, 11; Bluejays 10; Bluebirds, 8. High scores for the night: Ladies' high single, Mrs. K. Baker, 228; men's high single, H. Taylor, 282; ladies' high triple, Miss J. Bain, 586; men's high triple, H. Taylor, 619. High team score, Cardinals, 2847. 0 - 0 - 0 Ladies' Wednesday Night. League Queens, 45; SpadeS, 45; Hearts, 37; Clubs, 34; Aces, 21; Diamonds, 23. High single, Nu% Robt. Rovvsell, 303; high triple, Mrs. Robt. Rowse% 737, . 0 - 0 - 0 Thursday Afternoon League MrS. R. B. McKinney, 1470; Mrls. J. Kerr, 1422; Mrs. G.u Carneron, 1396; Mrs, S. MacIntyre, 1353; Mrs Nesmith, 1258; Mrs. W. Henry, 1139. High singles, Mrs. It E. McKinney, 232. 1 ",,ti,i1,:b;$i ;I' S •,' • :,,-.' -''',; ' 11011111111G E HAPPY CHOICE "Aren't yoii ashamed of yourself?" asked the refOrmer.. "Day In„and day out YOU are in a state' of alcoholic intoxication, Already you Oho* the del :Symptonis 'of Men on the Verge of tfetile a nt, -Arid uroleratend that some poor girl has been fo011ih eno4li to accept your proposal of Marrisige. ter her, end for yinit" 3 ""illtvot chap," renlied the hopeless cM.e. "the girl Fm going tO MOW ii a Shake oberMer." ST 01 WINDO WINTER'S HERE Better order riiirs now! INSULATION. Protect your home now, for winter comfort! BUILDING SUPPLIES EVERYTHING FROM CELLAR TO ROOF! Personal Service Prices Right CAMPBELL -and- GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Bee. NOM Phone 14 Res. 481 mr101•1111/0•W•01101.0W.SOW1.0,10,0101.0.16,11111•• pOlg iS \ THROUGH SNOW \, AND MUD \\‘ .11<c orestone TOWN at COUNTRY TIRES Here is the ideal winter tire... rips thiough Slush and mud ... rolls quietly on kart riatire !Ont. Put them 0n your. rear wheels, now sad forget winter driving worries. LEN, CRAWFORD MOTORS Phone 710 Wingharn CR( SSETT MOTORS LTD, Phone 459 Wingharn TOWN & COUNTRY TIRES r)rotrip in 3 TUBE r 11.WrEl 3 WHIVT a ir, F.114'1 â C. r ALL Used Equipment 616 Kodak $10.00 • Flash Extension. $6.00 Heiland Synchroriar r " StOCIL Cameras from $3.20 Enlargers from $29.95 Movie Titler Editing Viewer • Reg. $55.00 NOW $44.00 Gadget Bags from $3.50 Developing Kits from 00:50 Slide Files from ; PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS rice NOW $8.00 Flashgun ....... $24.00 Nikon nm Camera $145.00 EVERYTHING REDUCED 10% ret Tell sibs: 1 Mr rob • vs SC ,g or ,.t - .c. New Equipmesit Kodak.Camera and Projector Reg. $124.25 NOW$1 04:00 Kodak ShOWOrne.PrOjector Reg. $145.50 NOW $i25.00 Kodak 500 watt 35nr Projector Reg. $95.00 NOW $80.00 Come In - Look Around Stock Up at 'HAMMERTON WINGHAM _ Clearly ieftetts a way of life... .eftrern ,.)r. • 4. • .0°' • ;I • •,/ •• A. 1 r r %A- 4 See Chryger -finest of the Forward Look ... now at your dealeris Cloy& *n6024:660 sedan With 215-1442pidiro V-11 angina let you iitop Sinoothly, safely', 'Pledietably, with gentlest pressure. " Yes, it's Only a short steP op, And Ws a surpriSitlitly easy Step %/like.' Stop in 'and talk it over with your dealer, soon. Afunitietitoea Cdftailit69, tittplee Corporatio4 of Cern(fdd, Lii•zited • FO IR*.f lees lea only a short step to take-that step apt° a Chrysler. Yet it's like stepping into another world. And what a great new world it is! Here's everything you expect to find in a truly One automobile! Dramatic night-Sweep styling makes eyes turn for a second look: Andfthere's the Pure pleasure ot striving a Chrysler. With atuuch of your finger ,you control Chrysler's, push- button PoWerFlite mitomatio. transtniasion. Nith touteti of your toe Chrysler's Precision. built V,41 engine transmits. a sniooth flow of powerjake ifothing you've over known. before. Full.thhe power:steering is available to, take the effort out of turning and parking. Available, tao, are Chrysler power braked that CUNNINtiliA1111 moorblit ;r4:41. '3 4110 ,11A, ca, VASThe W1'4'11940 Athill""Thnes6 Wednesday, 'Iling4rY 11' 1.6. Marlon Williamson Howick Residents. Preparing For Centennial This Year CItannel Wednesday, JaniusET 11 3.55 Preview 4.09, Round, Round World 430 Take a Look 4.45 Folk Songs 5.00 Cartnonia 3.30 Howdy Doody 6.00:Buck Rogers 6.30 Fociii-Weather 6.45' Peells-Farin 7,00 Focus-Sports 7.15 Focus-News 7.80 Dangerous Assignment 8.00; Vic,Obeek 8.30 I love Limy 9.00 kit Pailide 9.30, iTsekle Rite Show 10.00 Big Town 10.30 Press Conference ILO!. 93c News 11,15 ,News, Nightcap 11.20 Pajama Playhouie 0 - 0 - 0 Thursday, January 12 3.55 Preview 4.00. M'Lady 4.30 Story Book 4.45 Maggie Mugging 5,00 Cartoonla 5.3011ewdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30' Focus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm 7.00 Focus-Sports 7.15 Focus-News 7.30 Hopalong Cassidy Of ficers'Elected During the year 1955, the Marlon Williamson Girls' Group held seven regular meetings, one of them in the SundaY SchOol, room of the church and the remainder of the Meetings In nleMbers' homes, There was a 'total membership of twenty-,threc and sn average attendance of sixteen. 4even members had perfect attendance. • The study book for the year was "Saris and Sandals." Miss Marion Williamion, for whoni the group is named, was the guest 'speaker at the January meeting. Other events during the year included a pot luck supper, a tea and a picnic. The following officers for 195a:were elected, Leader, 'Mrs. JaClc..1 Lloyd; assistant leaders,. Mary Msidifillansizut Barbara Merrick; president; Helen' Ford; secretary,; Sandra Smithli ,fegis; trar, ' Sylvia -Alexander;.',treasurer, Sharon Guy; press. -reporter,.. Edith Stiott; pianist Barabm Merrick; as- sistant pianist, Mary Rosa. 04TY1- ACKNOW,LEDH ES,:, FROM NlROV CITIZENS: The board and staff of the Chil- dren's Aid Society of Huron 'Cpuntir were Pleased with, the re-sp.:Mai of More then one hundred citizens and organizations at Christmas, Who were responsible for seeing that over 500 children -throughout the county were remembered at the holiday season. Special appreciation is given to the ' Clinton Radar School for entertain- ing •100 guests, and to the reeves who transported the children to this party. Some of the citizens and organi- zations from this district, who contri- buted, are listed below: R. C, Ireland, Teeswater, $5.00;‘. -Young People's Society of Blyth United Church, used clothing; Lloyd Ta.sker, Blyth, '2 doll cradles; Blyth. Lions Club, clothing, $50.00; Blyth. United Church Sunday School, white gifts, ,$12.15; Mrs. Alec Manning, of Blyth, mitts; Grant Sperling, Blyth, fire truck; Brick United Church Sun..; day School, white gifts, 50c; Belgrave Women's Institute, gifts; Mrs. Bert Gray, Blyth, doll, cradle, used cloth- ing; Women's Institute, Auburn, gifts, $3.75; Mr. and Mrs. A. RollinSon, of Auburn, gifts; Mrs. Empoy, Blyth, $10.00; St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingharri, white gifts; St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, white' gifts; Fordwich Women's Institute,' gifts and used baby clothing; Auburn' and Donnybrook United , Churches,' By A. W. N. Wade Howick „Towaship is -the scene of great, activity this year as its resi- dents prepare to celebrate the 100th anniversary -of its incorporation at the time of its first conned, January 21st, 1866, although the first settler, John Carter, arrived in 1851. A hundredth birthday is an event calling for a special celebration, and this its to take place June 29, 30 and July ist, 1956. Every effort 'is being made under the chairmanship of each committee already set up, to make this the, most outstanding event in the history of Howick• Township. Howick Council is asking every .citizen 'and visitor to join with them in Milting this a happy and memor- aide Year. owick Township has reason fer pride ands thpobegivhig in its cen- tennial celebration. When we leek over the 'Last- hundred Years, we may feel jneitified in callirig this the Ban- ner Township of Huron County. An anniversary celebration means invited 'gnats; nobody wants to have a party just for themselves. That's Christian Mission Theiiii of Auxiliary The' firit meeting of 1956 of St: Andrew's Auxiliary of the W.M.S. wad held on Tuesday afternoon of last Nireeic;kWith Ahe president, Mrs. Alex- ander Nimmo presiding, Cail to wor.: ship was follewed by a New Yelir's hymn. Miss Agnes Mitchell read the Scripture and meditation. Miss Cora Gilkinson led in the Glad Tidings prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting and correspondence were read by the secretary, 'Mrs. N. Finkel]. Mrs. H. Aitchison and' Mrs. T. A. Currie were appointed delegates for the annual meeting of the Presbyterial to ire held in, the church, on Tuesday, January 10th. The treasurer, Mrs. N. L. Fry gave her, report and reC'elved the of- fering. Mrs. A. Hastings gave the Offertory prayer. , Mrs. Fry read a New Year's Mes- sage entitled "The Journey." A- piano solo, "Song of the Alps" by Mrs. N. Pickell, was greatly enjoyed. The first chapter of the' study book "The Christian Mission" was present- ed in the form of a panel discussion by Mrs. W. Ringebse, Mrs. E. R. Harrison, Mrs. H, Aitchison, Mrs. G. Hastie 'and Mrs Wm. Ford. The mis- sion of the Church is to make Christ• and His work and His message known throughout the world. Church mem- bers should accept their share of the responsibility. • Friday, January 1.$ 3.55 Preview 4.00 Round, Round World 4.30 Bim, Bain, Boom 4.45 Small Fry Frolics 5.00 Cartdonia 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 6.45 FocuS-Farm 7.00 Focuii Sports 7.15 Focus-News 7.30 The Falcon 8.00 Wayne & Shuster 8.30 Hoeuestfully Yours 9.00 TBA 9.30 Star Stage 10,00 Cavalcade of Sports 10.45 Jim Coleman Show 11.00 CBC News 11.15 News Nighteili 11.20 Pajama Playhouse O. 0 Saturday, Jeatiary 14 3.65 Preview 4.00 Western Theatre 5.00 Wild Bill Hickok 5.30' Disneyland 6.30 Mr, Fix-it 6.45 The Clue 7.00 Burns & Allen 7.30 Holiday Ranch 8.00 Stage Show 8.30 Honeymooners 9.00 On Camera 9.30 NHL Hockey 10.45 King Whyte 11.00 CBC News 11.10 News Nightcap 11.16 Pajama Playhouse 0 - 0 - 0 Sunday, January 15 1,25 Preview 1.30 Window on Canada 2.00 Junior Magazine 8.00 You Are There 3.30 Climax 4.30 Plouffe Family '4.45 Plouffe Family 5.00 Perspective 5.30 Fighting Words 6.00 Exploring Minds 6.30 Father Knows Best 7.00 This Is the Life 7.30 News Magazine 8.00 Ed. Sullivan 9.00 Four Star Theatre 9.30 Show Time 10.00 CBC Folio 11.00 CBC News 11.10 News Nightcap 11.15 Pajama Playhouse white gifts; Mrs. Frank Tyreman, of The meeting was brought to a close Blyth, used clothing. with prayer by 1.1rs. H. Gilmour, why you, as a fernier lIeWlek resi- dent, have been Meituled in this special invitation to share in this, our Centennial. Of course, there must be good and sufficient reason for a honie- coniing. To renew old acquaintances and see the old home may be one, but there will be 'added attractions, such as school section pienics, a historical pageant, paredes depicting scenes of the past and the dedication of a cairn to honor our pioneers, etc. As has been said, let this be a time when we bend our heads in prayer and thanksgiving: straighten our backs from toil of the day, kick up our heels in song and dance and write down the acnieveinente of the past' century, so that future gener- ations may knoW something of the period of 1856-1956. Have you sent the names of your friends who have left Howick Town- ship to Thomas Edgar, Gorrie, so that they will receive an invitation? '„Jul ;3,1 ,,,At u"..10