HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-11, Page 7Jack Ames lives with progress!
ow in 41Ni kily tablet
to guard your family's di_e_t
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WIlagbean Advance-Tinseat FRENCH LOAF Wodatitlitt, &OS anr,U, 1080 frimi about 18I years ago when Mir-
Wright; invented his machine for
spinning yarns, These machines were,
Chiefly operated by unmarried women
and as spinners they Were known in
the trade as "spinsters". Hence the
term :game to apply to all unmarried
Three years ago Miss Starr wrote
to Prime Minister,_,St, Laurent: sug-
gesting a change in description, and
he replied that the matter would' be
looked into. There has been no re-
sponse since,
Origin of Spinster
:Accord/0g to the St, Tlloreas, Times,
Journal, Miss Leonora Starr, a resi-
dent of Newmarket, Ontario, dislikes.
the Word "spinster" in regard to an
unmarried Woman, Oho says the term
pekes her shudder when she sees it
on the voting lists, She suggests the
Word "lady" or "gentlewoman", oSpins
liter," she says,, "labels a woman as
something from another cehttiry.",
Miss Starr is, right, Its origin dates
Place, peeled apple's in it WW1 ot,POid, 'lihtly salted water until yeti are re to'serve or use them, Old *Y. will 401
Earn brown and soft.
This m
ddielgievi!!:YOlool: *
The "tween-age" girl between 11 and
16, witose blue jeans and'dirty saddle
shoes were the despair of her mo-
ther, has become quite a yoUng lady,
according to all reports.
This sudderi change has started at
the feet of all places and is slowly
working upwards, It is reflected in the
fact that today's "tweener" owns
several Pairs of leather sheep and
buys five new pairs a year, according
to a sniveY just completed by a na-
tional research group. Three pairs are
for dress-up, and two pairs for casual
and sports wear.
Mother, it seems, isn't the domlnent
factor in this picture. The survey re-
veals that the youngsters themselves
determine the styles they will wear,
the brand they buy and to a great
extent, even the price.
What's more, the girls know just
what they want in the way of com-
fort. Most 'of those queried replied
that they wanted shoes for both school
and dress which provided more sup-
port than the ones they had been, buy-
ing. Therefore, a brief guide on how
to buy tween-age shoes has been pre.
pared by foot health authorities for
the girls and their mothers:
For adequate support the feet
should be shod in all-leather shoes
with supple leather uppers that keep
the toes from cramping, with a flex-
ible, resilient leather sole that bends
freely with the feet, yet provides the
needed support and protection.
In your last loving tribute, you will want a service
of quiet dignity to remain forever with you as a cher-
ished memory. Thii quality is our primary concern.
Patrick St.
atker ifuntrat onte
Wingham Phones 106, 189
Housewives, businessmen,
teachers, and students •all over'
the world read and enjoy this
international newspaper, pub-
lished doily in Boston. World-
famous for constructive news
stories and penetrating editorial*.
Special features for *le whale
During national holidays the French
revel with dancing in the streets,
wine in the outdoor cafes ^ and, of
course, the wonderful French cuisine.
Here's one French delicacy that can
be enjoyed any day of the year in any
home where good food is appreciated.
It's hard-crusted, 'delectable French
bread that can be served as the' fea-
tured part of any meal. Even the
novices at bread-making will have no
difficulty following this fascinatingly
simple recipe. And once you've nibbled
the crust of this super-crusty French
bread, we'll wager you won't be able
to stop.
This French bread adds interest and
variety to the menu and •it makes a
plain meal &Ace, Your baking ability
is sure to win the praise of family
and friends. It tastes so good and is
so easy to prepare you'll want to
bake it again and again.
with a mixture of slightly beaten egg
white and two tablespoons water and
bake until loaves are cooked, approxi-
mately an additional 20 minutues. Cool
breakin a draft, by an open window.
(This, gives a crisp, hard cruet to the
loaf.) Makes 3 loaves.
0 . 0 - 0
The family and friends, too, are
Impressed .with favorite foods that
are given a new twist. The addition
of an orange to this muffin recipe
imparts a flavor the whole family is
sure to rave about. These muffins,
sparked by the tangy orange flavor
are the ideal accompaniment for mid-
morning or evening coffee and after-
noon tea. They're a wonderful lunch-
box treat and an easy way to give
sparkle and pick-up to even the most
humdrum meal.
Ala Christian Science Monitor
One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass.
Send your newspoper for the time
checked. Enclosed find my check-or
money order,
year $16 0 6 months $8, 0
3 months $4 0
French Bread Name
Silk linen is due to emerge as
one of the big fabric 'favorites of
the coming season, having estabt
lished itself firmly in the resort
picture. Gray silk lir.en does up
smartly into an attractive suit)
nicely set off by twelve white
buttons in double-breasted array.
White piping around the collar,
down the front panel, around
the scalloped hem and pockets
of the jacket carries out the good
locking gray and ' white color
One-Orange Muffins
1 orange
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
V4 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons brown sugar
6 tablespoons, shortening
1 egg
1 cup milk
City' ZciAir State •
Preheat oven to 425 deg. P. (hot).
Grease twelve muffin pans. Remove
seeds from orange and coarsely thop
orange (rind included) in food blend-
er, or grate orange rind and finely
dice orange. Sift together flour, salt,
baking powder and sugar. Cut in
shortening until the mixture has con-
sistency of coarse meal. Add orange
rind (if gritted separately). 'Beat tn-
gether egg and milk and add diced
orange. Make a well in dry ingredients
and pour in liquid mixture all at
once and stir just- •enough to blend.
Batter should not be ,smooth. Pour
into greased Muffin pans and bake
in preheated oven 20 to 25 minutes.
Turn out on wire rack to cool.
0 - 0 - 0
Multicolored Pearl
Necklaces Are Latest
Vogue in Britain
Jewellery of great interest to fash-
ion-conscious Canadians, including
multicolored pearl necklaces, will be
featured in Britain this year. Some
of the loveliest jewellery is the new
enamelled metal, made into brooches,
earrings and necklaces, which has
been made for the first time in the
United Kingdom. This will retail for
less ,than one-third the Price of simi-
lar jewellery made in silver. One firm
has also developed a method of rho-
dium plating which will produce cos-
tume jewellery that is indistinguish-
able from silver but of course, of
considerable lower cost. It also re-
quires no polishing since it does not
Marcasite jewellery is coming more
and more in favor with fashionable
women everywhere. Its price is com-
paratively low and yet it has all the
cachet associated with real jewellery.
Many of these lovely pieces are hand-
set with all the craftsman's skill as-
sociated with costlier gems. Some of
the settings are of hall-marked silver,
while the less expensive ranges , are
carried out with equal success in
When buying shoes insist that the
fit be correct, both in length and
width. She should try on both shoes
and walk around the store a bit. The
desire to be in style should not be
allowed to influence her to take an
ill-fitting shoe that she hopes will
feel better later on.:
Encourage the "tween-ager” not to
wear canvas or fake playshoes for
lengthy periods of play, and certainly
not for entire days at a time. For
playshoes, all-leather loafers or flats
are best because of the needed sup-
port they afford for the delicate bones
of the feet.
Despite a desire to look grown up,
dress shoes should have medium
rather than high heels. While high
heels- are all right on occasion, most
young girls tend to be awkward in
them and develop bad posture habits. Qoteektgat
Time and weather can't mar the
perennial good looks of alumi-
num screen cloth.' It gets star
billing among builders and home
owners both because it lasts so
much longer and because it
never stains or discolors stir-
rounding woodwork.
It is also the lowest-priced
non-rusting insect screen on the
market. And that adds point to
the happy fact that Canada is
the world's most efficient alumi-
num producer. And that fact,
in turn, means that people who
make aluminum screen and
window frames, roofing and
hardware for Canada's active
building industry can do so at
prices that save a lot of people
a lot of money.
This is the time of the year for
old-fashioned skating parties. TherA's
nothing gayer than bright scarves and
tasselled caps flying against a snowy
landscape, flashing blades and skaters'
waltzes. And nothing makes for keen,
er appetites in the teen-age group
than a whirl across the ice, No matter
what time of day they troop back,
home, whether the sun is still above
the edge of the treetops or whether
the evening stars are shining—they're
sure to be ravenous. Here's a quick
way to keep everyone happy with
second and thirds at a moment's
56 cup milk
% cup water
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoonsjhortening
cup lukewarm water
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 envelope active dry yeast
43t cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 egg white, slightly beaten
2 tablespoons water
Scald milk, three-quarters cup of
water, one tablespoon sugar, salt and
shortening. Remove from heat and
cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, dissolve
thoroughly, 1 teaspoon sugar in half
cup lukewarm water. Sprinkle yeast
on top. Let stand 10 minutes. Then
stir well. Stir in lukewarm milk mix-
ture. Measure sifted flour into large
mixing bowl. Make a well in centre
and add liquids all at once. Mix
thoroughly, then knead slightly in the
bowl. Cover with a damp cloth, and
set in a warm place, free from draft
and let rise until doubled in bulk.
Punch down dough, cover with a
damp cloth and again let, rise until
doubled in bulk. Turn out on lightly-
floured board and divide into three
equal portions.' Knead each piece
lightly and shape into a slim loaf
about 12 inches long. Place well
apart, on greased baking sheets and
with scissors, cut diagonal slashes
in top of loaves, about 154 inches
apart. Let rise, uncovered, until double
in bulk. Meanwhile, preheat oven to
400 degrees F. (hot).
Bake risen loaves in preheated
oven for 16 minutes, then reduce heat
to 350 degrees F. (moderate). Bake
another 15 minutes then brush loaves
As a Chief Tat Engineer of Avro Aircraft Ltd., Jack Ames knows a lot
‘. about the spectacular progress of the aircraft industry.
"Engines of enormously greater power, together with advances ' in air-
frame configuration and mantifacturing techniques, have brought super-
sonic speeds within range today — and will help us break the thermal
barrier tomorrow," says Mr. Ames.
As a family man, Mr. Ames has had experience with another "Industry"
that has advanced in modern times ... life insurance.
Take the group insurance plan in which he shares, for example. Less than
*generation ago such plans were almost unknown. Today their benefits are
enjoyed by millions.
Ilbday, too, all forms of life insurance are more flexible. Result: people
sow use it for many other purposes than the basic one of protection for
the family.
Moreover, life underwriters today are better trained to help people with
the task of building tailor-made plans. - •
As thew and other ways, the life insurance companies in Canada have
progressed to meet the changing needs of people in all walks of life/
notice. We suggest Bean Burgers and
a huge tureen filled with savory,
steaming soup for the buffet table.
These Bean Burgers are tasty eating
—whether served at an after-skating
party or to the family for luncheon'
or supper.
Bean Burgers
6 hamburger buns
1 20-oz. can baked beans
12 2-inch pieces of side bacon
Ketchup or chili sause
Preheat broiler. Cut hamburger
buns in half. Place cut side down on
a baking sheet and toast outside sur-
face. Spoon baked beans on untoasted
side of each bun cover with bacon
pieces. Broil 4 inches from source of
heat 5 to 8 minutes until bacon is
crisp. Top each burger with 1 tea-
spoon of ketchup or chili sauce. Serve
hot. Makes 12.
Summer jewellery, made in sets con-
sisting of earrings and bracelet, with
a matching choker and rope of beads,
so that maximum adaptability is
achieved, will also be featured this
year. These sets are made in the
fashionable pastels which are very at-
tractive with lightweight summer
Pearl necklaces in a range of pas-
tels are the latest vogue and smartest
of all, are the multicolored ropes corn-
bining several pastel shades, YoU can't rush
the calendar
Only a thartcred bank offers a full
range of banking lowers, including:
Behind the Emblems
Discussing our national emblems,
the Book ,of Knowledge shows that the
beaver as an emblem of Canada dates
back to Charles I. He approved its
use on a coat-of-arms granted to Sir
William Alexander, who was a kind
of overlord of Nova Scotia.
Canada's present emblem, the maple
leaf, began as a particular symbol of
French-speaking Canada about 1805.
Gradually it made headway as a suit-
able emblem for Canada at large.
When the Prince of Wales (after-
wards King Edward VII) visited To-
ronto in 1860, the leading citizens
wore Maple leaves and silver maple
leaf brooches Were warn by the ladies
at the various balls given in the
Prince's honor,
The Canadian Expeditionary Force
in World War I had maple leaf
badges, and tlie emblem became of-
ficial when it was adopted as the chief
element in the re-designed Canadian
coat-of-arms after the war.
For building your home under
the terms of the National
Housing Act.
rot many Worthwhile purpose*
adding to progress, efficiency
and the ebrefoltbf farm NIL
important minerals including calcium, phosphorus, iron and iodine.
ONE TABLET gives you more than 2 capsules provided
before, the result of Rezall's exclusive new process that maintains
the potency of these food elements even Own combined ut 1 taideg. Wife Preservers
To send money anywhere In
Canada or throughout the
tor travellers on extended trips
or to Ananec business trans.
actions at a distaato,
Nature takes her time in yielding the farmer
a return on his investment of money and effort.
Meanwhile he may need cash for feed or
fertilizer or implements; or to re-roof his barn;
or buy livestock.
Bank loans let"him go ahead with his plans or
improvements without waiting for harvest time.
Across his local bank manager's desk he talks over
the purpose, amount and repayment of the loan.
It's a simple, straightforward business transaction
involving the use of bay.k credit to
promote enterprise.
In big city or rural areas the local branch of your
chartered bank is a convenient banking service-
centre. Staffed by friendly peoples k is ready
to help you with your saving, borrowing and
other banking business... all under one roof,
To eleas hart brttali, &pit labs w (Safl''. water to *deli You have added a itt4f,dt00 Of household ammonia. Rinse in eleat wort» watch, theft in told Wateh Shake end plate on the side in as airy pleat