HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-11, Page 4'Price Support • - • • .Discussed 'by Foru m ,Meeting of o, the, Bodritin Earn), met Sr , th'e hOnte'.iit ,Mt, and 7 VS,, Oar] Prot- 40;‘.00i*OP.iir ,34, After listening• t.O...thelPraaticast the groups,' disMisSe'd the topic "Who Benefits fro*, Price Supports?" SCOUT CORNER Without obligation pitast send' Mt the booklet "Canadian Regular 1,Artior" NAME StitIMer Ott BOX Haskins-Allan—That we re-appoint the Brucellosis committee for the year 1956, and that we appoint Win. Austin., as inspector. Carried, Gibeon-McMichael--That we appoint Gowdy and Arthur Gibson to the Gerrip Community Hall Board; Ivan Haskins arid H. Gowdy to the Bellmore COmpunity 'Cen•tfetBoard",;• -and ANSTray Cooper, Mrs. Wm. McCann, Harry Sangdm, Ken Grlditim, 'Hafold'Pelidelc," Mel Milan and Harvey McMichael to the Yordwich Community Hall Board. Cari2 lod. Gibson-HaskinsL,Th#,4e* advance: the Wroxeter Commupity Hall $2500.00. Carried, Gibson-Allan—That the road ac- counts as approved he paid. Carried. McMichael-Gibson— That the follow- ing accounts be paid, Carried. Underwood Ltd., typewriter, $250.00; Assoc, of Assessing °Meer's, member- ship, $10.00; Ont. Assoc, of Rural Municipalities, membership, $10.00; County of Huron, hospitalization, $47.25; Ontario Good Roads Assoc., membership, $10.00; Wingham General Hospital, grant, $8,000.00; Partridge's Service, relief, $13.04; R. H, Stephens & Son, relief, $13.30; Robt, Gibson, wood, $26.00; Win. Marriner, relief, $21.17; W, E. Whitfield, exchange on checpics, $6,05; Listowcl and Dist. Fire Area, share fire area acct. $44.87. Road',Aceount, transfer, $2,343.11, IlaAina-Alirtn --That we' do how adjourn to Meet again on February 6th, .or at the call of.. the reeve. Carried, , T. IL Pollock, H. Gowdy, Clerk. Reeve, i Tripe - Weddings Minerals I pHoNt Located on 40flephirio ht, North of Cat& Tr/kola itifEitil, Owner Taxi and Car Ti ittili 185- E By PL. Byron Adorns The 1st. WInginun Boy Scout Troup had its regular incetiog' on Friday, ;January 6th, 1956., The Boys learned a new game which was enjoyed by all, In instruction they were taug14 knots,, Tenderfoot.tests, and. 2nd' Class signal- :Ing, The P.L.s themselves were taught '2nd. and 1St, Class signalling, Scout Doug Lockridgo passed this Tender- foot and a few other ,boys, will soon have theirs, ..,• Patrol competition was „keen with the Swans and Panthers tied at 114 Points, The Wolves at 113 and the B, avers at 112. The Scouts -wish tb thank MreWirit- ney Grose for his kindness in allowing them to use a part of his basement for a, patrol den. •. Scouts Bob Bollenbeck arid Byron. Adams started to clean up on Satur- :day. It will not be long before it' is 'turned into a Cosy den. ;.I1 6 " FOR FIRE, LIFE AUTOMOBI LE INSURANCE Call Stewail A. Scott Phone 293 Minimal • REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Remeenting : Dudley IN. Pekoes petowet inn4•4=Dimmor••••••moom ill!••••••••15.111109,11/EMO 11.1.10.....MPOOM001111 0 Op!'" UNDYS' „ree Pelivery, Phone 82 1; Utility' find Seivich tihieg "1915 `. Save on these week-end Specials ) Vita B Cereal alikarger4p/Kg4014,. • , —A family party was held at the home, Of Mr,; and Mrs. Jack Hopper, 'London, In 40.0,00' 6i Mr. and Mrs. • W. J. ;Brown/ who.•beietirated their fortieth wedding anniversary Christ- rnas, w eek., 1 4 ,iingorim•miimaimoaDitiMioqwe .1mmeioNwoomeasmagr • Aylmer Cream' Style Corn .20 oz. 'tin 15c Eddy's Matches ':31iOkes 25c Aylmer Choice Pears 2-20 oz. tins 33c jM vour The ;Au ani AdYance-Times, Vedrleday, January 11, 1956 Fall in Barn Injures Child BELGRAVE—On ThursdaST 'little Mary Ann Wheeler,„7year-91!zi. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •Kennetit • 'X-rays showed she had a broken collar bone. It was set and • she...taunted' ,home on Friday. MEN l'ANTE04414 II Age 17.40 , If you are in good health, A Cattidlii.4 citizen or British sUbjeet, and dit+ prepared for a lab bt erit446 and travel i, there is an OPeitinig id* you in the 1-4 . SNOW REMOVAL .. . EQUIPMENT on band to remove snow. No job too big or too small. Immediate service. Apply to Harold Dennis, phone 658J1. - 11* FOR RENT APARTMENT on Josephine Street for rent, fully equipped with built-in bath and kitchen cupboardS..Posses- sion February 1st. Phone 141 or 186J. 11* WANTED , USED PORTABLE TYPEWRITER wanted with case. Must be in good condition. Apply to G. S. Moggach, Whitechureh, phone 404W4,. Wing- ham. 11* MALE HELP WANTED, . EARN $54.00 OR MORE A WEER Part or full-tinle opportunity in Huron county for a 'farmer' or ambitious man with agricultural background. Age 25 - 50 preferred. Car c'sential, Take orders in tex'- elusive territory. Be home every night. No investment. • Vt70 provide complete 'training at home office plus field assistance. Reply giving age and• experience in first letter to Na-Churs Plant Food Co., 2 Lan- garth St. W., London. 11:18:25b WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Huron COunty. Experience not necessary. A. fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- leigh's Dept..° C-453-163; Montreal, Quebec. . ROOM• WITH BOARD BOARD AND ROOM wanted by lady, or would share an apartment,*Apply to box 1, Advance-Times. , 11* DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD STOCK WANTED—$3.00 for dead horses and cows; higher prices for old; sick and disabled horses and cows. Phone Atwood 153 collect. ••... ,• , 3Orr Feb. 24.$ • TENDERS FOR WOOD EaSt Wawanosh Township School Board will receive Tenders for green cut lard wood, nothing less thin 6 inches to be delivered at the following , schools in quantities indicated, 14 inches long. Delivery to be made in June next. Tenders will he received up to and including January 16, 1956. ' No. S13, 15 cords; U7, 20 cords; S9, 20 cords; S10, 12 cords; U3, 15 cords; U11, 20 cords; U16, 15 cords. EAST WAWANOSII TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD C. H. Wade, Secretary Belgrave, Ont, . 28:4:11 WOOD TENDERS' THE TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP School. Area Board are calling for tenders for 60 cords, more or less, 1 hard body wood, maple and beech, 14" long,' nothing less than five • inches will be accepted, delivery to . be made in JunC1956, also .5 cords . ' of .cedar. Tenders to .be in' hands of 1 secretary by noon, February 15, 1956, 1 Alex Corrigan, secretary-treasurer. : 11:18b . TENDERS FOR. WOOD I West Howick School Area Board will i receive tenders for' 100 cords •of good, hard, body wood, 14 inches ] long. Delivery to be made to the different schools in the area. Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by January 23, 1956. James Inglis, R.R. 1, Clifford Secretary of the Board. 11:18h NOTICE TO CREDITORS J ALL PERSONS having claims 1 against the estate of Sarah Fiorito, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Widow, Who I died on or about the 23rd. day of Jent, 3 A.D., 1955, are notified to send to the : undersigned on or before the 28th day 3 of January, 1056, full particulars of : their deltas lo writing, Immediately after the said 28th day of January the assets of the Said testatrix Will be distributed amongst the parties en. titled thereto, broth* regard only to . claims of which the executrices' shall then have notice.' DATED this Nat'l: day of tItuittry:' A.D., 1956. CRAWFOnD & IMTIMINGToN Wingham, Ware; Solicitors tot the Exceuttiecs. . . Marlene Walsh.Takes Charge of Meeting BELGRAVE—The rein of the C.G,I.T. was held on Friday, t - tit sh evening. Marlene Walsh; Was in ,,,chr.rgek and opened the meeting wifh • Purpose" followed by prayer% The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were.giv.en, followed by the roll call, which was answered with "One of •My .NeW Year's Resolutions." Dorothy, Cook and were appointed to look,after.,tlre woe: service at the next meeting). acid Marilyn Pengelly to be In charge of recreation. . • . l ePatsy Logan, secretary, ''with t7ie pelp' of the Member's, PoinPlethd ,report to be Sent' td'. the' •Pri3Vincial office. ' i The group spent some' time ,Pra,ttis!, ing a new song, Mrs,Ted year 'assist-- ant leader, was in ;charge of the; worship service. The group started work on ,a scrap' hook about the life of Albert Sweitzer. Gibson-Allan---That .,Nye support: the request of Wallace Two. to meet the Minister of Ilighletayscirl regard . to, Wheeler met with an unforturateote- having the Town!lirtd" of ' eident, lShe fell through a, hole In, the. Minto, and.. Howick taken over ,as-'a ',barn, used.. for 'lowering. feed, to ,the Proviacial;Ilighway. Carried. " floor below. ,* • • 4,, Allah•-Thiskins—That 1,we• instruct 'She was taken to the •hosPital and the treasurer to pay off the baittnee of the, grant • to, Wingham 'General Hospital. I Carried. • • McMichael-Raskins-;-Thrilf we give the 'Huron -COliciitY' SOH' 'Mid Ci'op Improvtnient 4A'ssdeirition:-"•a' gr tint' of . • $10.00. Carried. , • Service's ridaf .•, Allan-Gibsen—That the tax, collec- tor's `-roll be retan6cct ai, the February Chas. It.- Willubson7i.• meetitig. CarrIed,- Funeral services Wilkinson; who died in ''SCIvitisePika Hospital, London, were heldon 'Friar ..1":14"1:1°2P-,:,;44MiOgY49,0**ArAlle4 was held Thursday night at 7.30, with Rev. A. Nimmo officiating. , Private service was held on Friday at 1.30 at R. A. Currie &SonsfftitrEO' home, thence to St. patilis 4,k -Aii'llicai't a" 'pub at 2 p.m. where pubtld,4er--:' vice was held with Rev. L: Parker. officiating.' • Honorary pallbearers Fells, Chas. Cathers,'Dr.•G4H.4„ W. A. Galbraith, W. VanWiek,,Acti4e pallbearers were W. T.CrUtekdiiiiiiii, Dr. W. A,, McKibben; Carl d;* Archie VeelAes';.. Ross. Interment ,was in Winglia.rd Come- tery) 1 0,0r r ,?! 41.107 114 ',FOis ;SALE THE' RUSTCRAFT 7 Valentines tirg,on display today at McRibbons. 11,18b FA.RMEASs:" Stan-Hoist Tractor Load- ers, Pax Hog Feeders, Continental StallMtitters, Post Hole Diggers & Field iSprayers, Booms Portable Feed Mixers and Ensilage, Feeders, PowerAfilide Chain Saws, McLean Sri Unloaders, New and Used Cream SePhrators. Our folders and prices will interest you, .New Idea Distri- butors, Goderieb, Ont, Phone Car- low,: 2821. 4:11:18;25* mEeTrilb WASHER for sale, $30. Late 4.•model refrigerator, Bronze I4LO,lies1,14 cap, Also, other , articles. good condliion. Phone 160. 111) ° 1' DINING 'ROOM CHAIRS for sale. eitlre0+seats, in good condition. 11b .0011IR ELECTRIC SEWING mach- ,- lriAfq4r:01,e,", Console„ model with •-..;:strifil and attachments, like • new, Plie '304.72. lib ,, . J4 AteTki.., VENETIAN BLINDS with .0tatiiiii. Wok filo! salo, only. used one F ytar,' six314134;,...2;borirer hot plate, 1-burne04W ,illate, General Steel • ' oil. burger, light oak kitchen buffet, all inn excellent condition. Phone 11115W. v. 11* ...,... ASON'.SEAL COAT for sale, mod- size. Moderately priced. Phone r•,437W• It E V McCrackin, after- ••'.•••• E. • 11b ALT:ALFA for sale, Grimm $18.00; or Ranger,. "$20.00; Red, 0.9,00; Tim:6th*, $7:25; White .•iOvect Clover, $7.00 per bushel. Grade I. R. Cramm, Pinkerton, ;'Phone 08W3. • lib LARGE COL*AN,SPACE HEATER for -sale, in goiSd condition. Apply to To"riny Thompson, Leopold Street. 111) TWO VIOLINS Or sale, in good con- dition. Phone 121W12. 111) ‘-• CI, AIttIO JEWEI1' enamel range with high oven for sale W.,good condition. =burns coal or woqdlt, Apply to Mrs. T, MeLeail, W-r-Orceter, phone .1111: 11* VALENTINE DAY is only a month .away. See the"*1956 Rusteraft as- sortment of Vaiehtines at McKib- , bens, 11:18b TAV, SIE9CKI,APOR'• SALE 147:PIGS ..teeltS /or sale; 4 pigs. 7,wee "to Geo, Fisher, Whites 'phone 747W11. lib 1-10,LSTEIN BULL CALF for sale. Ap- ply tb R, J. McMurray, phone 735J3. 11* BABY CHICKS BIG-1 CHICKS, Agli us i'or'pr'ices and information. Pullets bred for top egg production, Immediate or later delivery, Pilch White Rocks for broilers--top profit makers. Armes In-Cross. Standard vbreeds and • crosses. You get a sieeiar discount for delivery Januaryrrebruary and On. started chicks, Cariaclian Approv- ed; plus Hatchery's . wide breeding experience, Ask us, Mtevale Milling CO., :Bluevale, phone 610R21, Wing- ham, or 30R14, Brtissels. 1.11) MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly in- sured for all risk coverage? For Information phone 293; Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb IF YOU,,Ve.'"jsUying a car on time payment"' be sure to. get our rate on the IbiO1neirr; and insurance, Our Service Is complete and inexpensive, rhone now and ask Stewart A, *Ott, Phone 293. rrb „WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING • . ASSOCIATION ;.;.";Witere Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breed's-of cattle, For service or in- pititition phone Clinton 24 Or 11/11.141- ititty,,,1304.2, collect, between 7,20 and X0 :01/14,1n. bit Week days and 7.30 and Sundays, 9rrb • SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic titnicti, eesspools, collard, etc., pump- ', 'ed and cleaned, gulch aerVice, all Wirik guaranteed, Apply to Loins • 131ititti, Phone 4.2r0, Brussels, 15trb EADSTOCIC teneoVed frond your fittiln proMptlY for sanitary disposal. ordeishohe tOilei•t: Palmerston 128W,, IfltIihitii 888 Or Witighs.rn 818. Gott. Will OUNO 1...parrray. ittb 14 110 4,, ' ERVICE on all ftittlaces and di .4. .therS, Apply tilneler & Stniv Phone ..,08. lOrrb COMING EVENTS THE REGULAR. MEETING of the Women's Institute will be held on January 19th, at 2.30 p.m .*Highlights —A visit to the TV Station and High School. Hostesses, Mrs. N, Keating and Mrs. J. Schneider. CE11b • CARD OF THANKS ' We would like to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation for the many kind acts, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy extended' to us in our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. J. MacRae' for his services. —Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Alex and Katherine, 11* CARD OF THANKS Mrs, John Torvit, Wingham General Hospital, wishes to thank, her many friends for their kindness during the past year in sending ,her cards and treats. Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses. To each and everyone who remembered her, best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 1956. - , iv CARD OF ., THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who remembered us with treats, cards and gifts while we were patients in Wingham General. Hospital. Special thanks to those who did the chores for us and the nurses and 'staff of the hospital.—Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Wright, Gordon and Ray- mond. 1.1.:: CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our relatives, friends and neighbors for all: the kindness and sympathy shown to us during our recent bereavelnent and for the many remembrances sent to mother during her illness. —Robert Jeffray and family. 11* 03, CARD OF THANKS ' We •wish• to take this •opportunity to thank our friends, "rtlativeS end neighbors for their kindness and sympathy Shown us during our recent bereavement, also for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks , to Dr. W. A. MeEibbon, Rev. IL L. Parker„ Canadian Legion No..180, pallbearers and the R.A. Currie & Sons funeral home.—Mrs. Runs. Wilkinson - and Tom, Baskerville family. ' 11b CARETAKERS WANTED APPLICATIONS Will be accepted until February 4, 1956, for caretak- ers at East Wawanosh SchOols. Duties to commence March 1, 1956. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. East Wawanosh School Board, C. IL Wade, Secretary, 13elgrave, Ont. 11:18:2513 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of Frances Elizabeth Earngey, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the, said Frances Elizabeth, Earngey, deceased, are required to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on or before the twerity- ninth day of January, A.D., 1956, and after the said date the Executor will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he will then have notice. DATED at Teeswatcr, Ontario, this ninth day of January, A.D., 1956. A. H. McTavish, TeesWater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 11,18,25b ALCOHOL SPEAKS En the theatre, on the radio, On the signboard, in papers, and 'mag- azines, I say what I am paid to sayl En the laboratory, En the wrecked automobile, In the city jail, En the roadhouse, In the veins of the drinker,' I TELL THE TRUTH! 1 1.1b YOU CAN :GIVE your newly decor- ated kitchen a look of continuity, by , using leftover pieces of wallpaper to Over' kitchen canisters. Cut off short' lengths of scotch tape, roll One end back and tinder' to give a sticky sue, fate all around the tape.. Stick these bits of tape at interVaiii around the' top and bOttont of the -canisters And at the MIMS., Wrap the Wallpaper' art:Mild, pressing It tightly against the . . OOP HOWICK COUNCIL INAUGURAL MEETING H'owielt Township touncil met in the cleric's office according to statute on the above date for the inaugural meeting, The members cleat(' were all present and took the necessary declaration of office as follows; H. Gowdy, reeve; Art Gibson, deputy- reeve; Melville Allan councillor; • Haskins, councillor; and Harvey Memictiaei, councillor, Rev, V. Buchanan and Rev. F. Russell were present and conducted devotional exercises and offered prayer for success in the New Year. The ,business. pf council pro,ceeded with Reeve H. Gowdy in the chair. : • The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted- as read or, motion ''of McMichael A.9and Gibson,, Carried, • • - Allan-Haskins1-77bat v instruet ;the clerk to forward the. petition for a -drain d. of; Frank 'King to' the engineer. . • McMichael-Allan-HTfiat we job). 'the Ontario Association Mnoici- palitieS: 'Carried. - Gibson-Haskins—That we join the Ontario Good Roads As,sqciation. Car- ried, Haskins-McMichael,--That we join the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario. Carried. , Gibson-McMichael—That we in- struct the clerk to order nine copies of the Municipal World.' Carried, .,:i . • -.1 • e-• ..• , McMichael-Allan----That By-law No,. 1 of the Township of Howick for the year 1956, a by-laW authorizing the 1?°"701I441-kit o€019mioortippvit, expenditures, as 'read the third time be finally passed. Carried, Haskins-Gibson—That By-law No. 2 of the •Townsh3p of Howick for the year. 1956, a tree planting- by-law, as read the third time he finally passed. Carried. Allan-Haskins—That we appoint H. Gowdy to the Wingham General Hos- pital Board. Carried. The findiugs:of 'the ,FOrtim, are as follows: 1. (a)• Stalin:40 prices; (b) Price supports do not effect the tax-; payer; (,e,), Wage' ear8ers are columnar ors, . t 1" : 2, No ',greats-intmeYfis m elcin atiy, profit if •thePsilalt. SitpPort Etiehfk, vrtuk10iyed'4aithjytiritsed'rea going to•Diekl.',rocter and Violet Cook low 'to Core. • McGill and Charlie Coultea. , A done. (tits lunch was served by the o; ttess, • isSlon land Holds 1Pirst 140eting Of Year BELGRAVE4-The' fiist meeting of, the year ;Of , ihe":klappiI4a.rts missiod, Band', was held in 'United • Church; on; '.Sunday, '%,..rnotiling. Tint Ihicetini'ope;lied with the.inStallatimi J of; ,tile :new..'officerslior.1956 folloNireofr )3r • 6% 4 " RalutirrereportS from tne secretary - and itreaiinier*cre tkirfen, Twenty:, The; ibi4,irrigreht oriap ;rs ip''''figtn:s0.gted ,14t1t rollr e a 'Morris; gave' Sgtt. Mtisiqii,apinher-fplidlvet1 by 'iliedita leri i.given ..1)Y Lorna, ;Bolt. Scripture 'vas read "thy 'Ruth" Michie and'Offer:' 44 Wei ;•tiiken ,, by :Marilyn Pengelly. Marlene Wain led "In prayer follow- Per'IO;f:''vas ;1:41:1'eld• .and ` nurah.erh for the' ;next Meeting weietyld*eid'ed'i4i'4:Werid • Prieraii was distributed `b' 4` Donna Gd raaby'' '140 group and and , • The ;leaders :for .1955 'Mrs Our- don Besman; t•fr's,.':',:t.LeSlie," Bolt and, Mrs. 'Robert • -• •-. • -. y ,..Mrs."'" MuirraY,'"of• Street, was'- with l;NyOlcr her 7 sonS, Mr., (and. rs. rOrd MarlraY; ;and farnily;,'of 'Bra 'P'toriand. Bob , of..Maltsid; This Week • Mrs: Mu r-, My. 'is • holidaying with ;Mi.,' and „Mrs.' Walter iktirt:s.:'••..itndk.4',:atin Paid; 'of Rielittiond44i.-$7 ll.'• • . • '•- : • ' title e lefd in Toronto, a'11r 11_ • . Merle'.::Stithetlatidli Bedford, I. :bro of StkliflaY'ar.a Heart ranwof tm, Ationtivoilgokroit- Uriiked , -Toronto. ,• Born a r he WaS ;aigbn'8t;the.late P. Alfred and Mrs Beihford Ile had been a' ftin 7", §ril.diftAiiir"?'..fOr,:37;:yetirs',•,..ittdiivas 'a palt.,?tOaf4nt„Toejtkiellantairiti • ,$ce(=f0e; • E•t,PRIci?tol-(91.)al;I:e`d;k f irstfuneral IfOir...'s,11ii`ilVo*4i.6:6wiii:1)1.9'.aljd in 146 i;\ 0.2 t4 Toron to` Abel; Crawford;'thr'ee ~lvtrr .Mar-, jOrie; eta° id,: Of;Ito, Ana ,itee;V4ta: fk 11 111' at - toe ns Yit .11.',vo •, . r USE THE ADVANCE. TIMES WANT AD COLUMNS. BELGRAVE Personals and Mrs, Ocorgo' Jon0, and Susan, of Londe; spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, 40M' Meo'allann, Mr, and Mrs. Goldis Wheeler and family of Loodon, spent the week-014 with Mr. and MrS, Herb Wheeler, Itiblo Meetings 414 Everyone in the community is urged to attend the Bible class or Bible lectures which itev, K. Krug is holding in Kaox United Cluireh, on Sunday evenings, starting at 8,15 'pa Sunday, January 15. and - continuing. every Sunday evening' until' Lont. CANADIAN' ARMY REGULAR For further informatitM fill out the coupon Blow: ARMY INFORMATION OFFICER 468 RICHMOND STREET LONDON, ONTARIO 4r, 11nzoxRs41,3torr ''Ofs*En§ SMELTS SMOKED lirlIALETS KIPPERS . s ;1IOLILAN1) ,Winghatia :TOixes 1`4.1-)43;0`§..'iti&:6; make payiiielltS Oil aCCOttlit `el956,1taxes]jip .1:p 80 per' cent of 195 • 5 taxes. '1,14erest ,..aCtlie rate .Vour per eetit, per alumni .;allowed :61; such . prep ay'nitrllis. Pk.el*PileMs of taxes must, be made at the te reastik r Vown tall. • ofitmEr 'a riNG ` 'ARTreas . G ,'POWN OITY k urer,' • , , Town of Winghato tik". . •• ;