HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-01-11, Page 1„. v ith 'Which isallnelgsmatedl the Gerrie Vidette .alpd Wroxeter News • • ALONG THE MAIN DRAG UNDETECTED CRIME —7 Pollee Chief Bert Platt,,Also known as Ma- jor W. Platt, ROA, is being, eon- gratulated by 'friends these days on being awarded the Canadian 'Ef- ficiency Decoration, for '20 years of service with tile anney., The award entitlee nim to wear the initials opno after his name, and represents lone and faithful service with he appal un- it. Bert, ho likes to be modest about these things, teas it was awarded for twenty years of undetected crime, Q - 0 - WELL DONE, SERVAN'Pl--One of , the geed and faithful nubile- servants finally got a little recognition around bete. lank ,Alexander; public wOrks ahairnaan, had someone phone only the ether day to tell blikaYhat a good Jeb the men. Were'clOing tniaa'Year on the tared% Jack says it's the first tittle this Year 'ha' hal heard, .anything but 'complaint% T.n'-fact It's the Mat time shine he tnek over the lob,rt year ago, WIDELY REGOGNIZED—. The -cha- ,Vel in Wingham Cetakitery is becoming via°, famous aa e model of what cem- etery chapels eheuld Ile, apparently, 'Recently,TeWri clerk W, A. Galbraith got a letter all the way from Kitimat, ac.. asking for. details on the enapel, how. it: WAS, built And Whatfacilities are available, '. • ' • , a - 0 - o , 'NOT QUITEaellarry Spry l is begin - 'Meg to doulit,aan Old' saying about be- ing as yountaitVainf,feel: .1,iAfter hear - lag 'a Itrierid' exPonima the jOys of On begganing. Harry was intelfeat to.get :out thefamily toboggan :and give it whirl. The ensuing ; events are ,elpthed'in seerac4y,nut'llair'y has been aaen around since that. time on crut- ches. , ;MINOR.INjURIE&ARE TREATI;O: AT 111)PITAL , . SeverarMinor..aiXidents' Were treat- ed at the hospital •.• during the peat' N‘Vii• 14^ on *Tharaday„ VValkee yeitt-old seitaof "Mr. 'nncl,Mrs. Wilfred Muter, 'RJR, I. -1'.-kigII•Ke.. mnjursi'1,118 lett Arm when •ne' "en tight it In hie ifietiter's "Wringer:, 'X-rays at the hoe- shewed' no "frattnit," but the • .1.19*;,wa4 .5eyerely, ;Warned :above ths. itilniVeiRtViiir alter' teknianent:. Ann 'Wheeler,. 18 -month-old: daughter. Or ,X1.•:" 'Snit 'Mrs: Kenneth Wheeler, Belgrave„ euffeted head in - in ries when she ,fell in .the• barn- at her :theme. .Sae, was taken to the hospital wbero'_it .was found that her eollar bone lArft fractured: She Wee kept in, hosaital. over nights after treatment.' • • t On Friday Mrs. la,naella: McGregor, 4, Brussels, :Sustained injuries to, her nighCankle. When she fell and eaasted it. • Sit;' waS., released :after .a strap had beari,applied at the hospital. afra: Nellie Cameron, of Wingham, wae ' also iliiinifed ;On': Friday, whent aim fell on the.ace.and', fractured: her left Wriat,.,S,IniaWas? allowed home after treatitelit: • . • . hlen Walker, 'It;Ra3, Wingtant, an alA,P.C. employee, was hilured On Monday while cutting trees with a hydro. crew, He .suffered a fractured right arm when, Ws arm got caught 'between some :He was allowed home after a cast had teen applied at the hospital. Kinetic Club Repair Sweaters The regular- meeting of the, Wfng- ham The, club • was held at the home ,of Mts. Cal Burke on Monday caening, Following the business sea- sioh the sateateire irons the Kthsinen Bantam hockey team Wete distributed .among the members and repaired. The neitt meeting; will be held at the heine of Mrs, Jitri Cameron', On Santa' ary 23td, Service Tuesday for Charles W Wright 1.4••rgiv••••• . ONTAitibia 'WEDNESDAY, lANIJAKY la, 1000 . Starting in for‘ ,seetind year ap, the ,aiie Standd4lik:4.., Couxplor,William E.,Conron, Deputy -Reeve Joe Kerr, nea, tonenaeonnell”, tare- .aerit „is ,alte the old ..,,,,ateeve Roy Aden., Mayer tt. E.. MeKinney alerk each anernb'er naVing' ae'rvea.: lea .Year,"onCoanelii IC ', 'pleture.:bf the-am/MeV. taken.,:a, year, 'ago. at the eii- laugaral meeting, and nieMbers hapPa..a.. after.' ^ Wilkinson, Jack Gorbutt, , Police ief T. Nae a yen; ecittaall,,.! Work: , to :right, feonterjw:•,' Platt. . • • n P • " .fa'ca Aiciander, .Earl Hamilton., . •Gieuraitki Counctliot W. ' BUrg" an. . Back taff Photo NEW.1110111FALIIED IN BRENDA FUND Tim foil -owing statement has 'been released by .the committee in.'ehargn of the 13renda•Vartqarrip...Fundson ,the receipts and expenditures of the fund. The Percentage teferSto..theeriuniher of people donating:bathe fund each line that was canvassed, . • 2nd :Morris, R. J. .MacMurray. a. Qarniss, $91.50, 95,per gent; 3rd Mor-, eis;;H, Nettle*, J. Higgins, $129.00, 90'; 4th Morris, .T. Langridge, Leslie' 13,51t,, a1a9:150,., 98; 5th Walk' Geo. . Michic; .$tewart Cloairea, $177.00, 100; 5th alcit:i• ris, Clifton Walsh, E. Noble, $110.0. !,18; lath E. Witwanbsh, R. Pattison. Ttobett Scott, $145.00, 99; 10th E. Wa7, Wancish, L. lvfontgernerya Harry Bryd-: :gee, 047.00, •98;" 9th- E. Wentanesh, H. Vincent; A. laieman, $210.85, 99; 0tle E. Wa,wa.neeh, E. Wightman, Waiter Scott, si.7:4,00, 65; '4th E. Wawanosh, S. Halialian, J. Buchanan, $71.90, 75; Village of Belgrave, IVIiss S. Netitery and L. Stonehouse. $322.00, '08; receiv- ed• by mall from out of town, $11,9732;' Liens, .Clen, ;p0M„inicin narn„.jarinarya6.tkJ4s.safLiopa Club: Bank of Commerce, Winganna Jan:a, ;'• 'Deposited in 'Bank ;,,bfr beennieree,' $2;119.90; 4. Lions Accenirit;" Batilaaof COninieice:$9a.on; Lions, Aec' L. Dernitt4 ion Bank, $386.85. Total., $2,59,8:75; EX-. ponses, '$3,77„. Net total, 2,602.52. -4 .04 Services for Charles W. Wright, /9, of Concession 17, Hotnick Township, were condemned in Gerrie at the Edgar funeral home, with interment lr Lakelet cemetery, Mr. Wright died ket..the home of his sister, Mrs. Archie aiitititle, of Brussels. Yet the Peet tilx years he had been ti?; resident of Wingbatri. He was on. *elided. On tied brothers, John r4id• Pert,,, or Howlett; 'three sisters, Nies, 'Maggie fliashins,;lifowick; Mrs, ArChLe Whittej: , *tools • and Mrs.: ,46164tt got TochAtik, ,zonitobA, PASSED CDECS HERE GETS SIX MONTHS • Ross, Ferguson, 35,?if„S0utnempt0n, Wet sentenceal to"-statitiontli'ai,eeneua-a rent on 14.:ehargeetif passing worth,. less cheeks. insGuelph poli�c wart, on Ph u rsd ay. , Evidence at the trial snOwed that hes had paased •two worthless .checks . in *Ingham on:becembee 'arc] and and Obtained cash and goods to' the value ar $60 on °eel). According to the evi- dence the checks had been Signed with the fictitious name "Ralph Kelly" and Wite linseed as 'wage cbeeks sup-' poeedly from a farmer in the Teeswa- ter•dietrieta The fraud was, reported to police here on December 22nd. '• Ferguson„ who was arrested in Mt.' Forest, pleaded guilty to 'charges aris-, ing from checks which had been pass- ed in Palmerston. Harriston, 'Mount Forest. Collingwood and Durham. police Chief Bert Platt, wasin Oaciph to, give evidence at the trial.. ',ilooitggt3tvs, tobtoA1 WW%IYrflI ie t Wr,..oxeter witirieres .thatittite holt1.• it • Pregfb3siVe euchre tjt, bYeethigy 34,0(tarY 12, at ,g40 oftwek In the Town aL Novelty &ORS", Ladles fotitta briiNg Ittnnh.• erne and bring • ur trt., fit Tickets.in 195 inie ecord Still Good • E ALLED INGHAM 1..11ifit • Wor Bro W S .VanWYPit offic- iated at.the,ennual:installation Of of- ficers at .the 1„Wiaghem, Ledge, A.F. & A.M.- No.. 286,- hilt' Week,' nt Which tlie ibiloWing,•Offieki: were Watalled 'for 1956: • • ; " Weraltinfel.-Maister, J. •G:i Leggett; itnniediate':-pitit".Indst&,;, F).' T,' Minor; sower:warden,: N. Keating; Junior 'warden, E,,.S.'.:Catiley.; chaplain,. Alex Robertson ; .treasurer., A. M. Pceblesc. Seetetary, senior deacon"; • ftese Viten; ',junior deacon, Robin ,,Canenbellakannet*,.,geard, Alex. 0,404t-w4.*Tot4141q.; senior atewara1;4;•• MeQ11,1;junier'aCtiteward,' Geie.'aQpnatl;.:tylet;•..R.,,A; Coutts; tors; :W B'tl.Ctintraii • IT, D Blakely- trulitees; Aa',Galbteith, W. J: Adams and W. VahWyek: • '&arunitteeS -Minted 'bpi" he year 19511. arc':PnaPOses; N.. Keat: ing,-E,S,•Ginileajae,,,Sitaton, Ti Miller; finance Wa...,a.;'Galbre,,itii, A. ,'.Peebles, Cenrciinpilek:isithig,' relief, w.' *X; Rod, :RP.-A.I.r.coutts, Sponge Sente,,LeSlie'Foati.inci'Clarence Medenegnan,'1. D.'Beegroft; 'property r and.mainet `•••nance/VIac h H. :; Percy , Clark; asonic.7eatie:ationaRosS Vegan, Rev. Parker,. •Jackpon. • , Tg:Take:Pos.gness courie to 'Toronto miss 'Mail, ito.sb, who has been on the staff of the 13 au Telephone in Wingimei;,left on Monday for Toronto, where: -she will attbnd the Canada 1.)silless College. _ , alias Apse Wthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Franklatits,,R.R. 2, Wingham. Hospital Auxiliary Reports on Active Year at Annual Meeting Highlights of the year's activities \Vete presented at the annual meeting Pr the Ladies' Maxillary to Whigham 'General Hospital, which Was held on &lantern 0th, in the Wingham Council Chamber, With the presideat, Mrs. R. E. McKinney in the chaff, Mrs. H. L, Parker opened the 'meeting with pray.' or, , Desides Making themselves Melton - ethic for the sewing, such as bedding, patients' gowns, draperies, nurse* supplies, ote„ the auxiliary was active Itt other direetions this year, at the „minding of the new wing was in pro, gross. sewing is required, end funeng Other things, the btlying e,otninittee Phithesed 836 yards' of Sheeting 331 Yariis Of bed spread material Mid 623 yard*, oi . flannelette and saersucker,,, TIMae are prepared bg the' *king teliiinittee, aini to do the iSeW,itie eleven volunteer groups Meet once each month. ,at• the hospital, They have.found it a �y to work in the, ileit,•giutSillary feint, Wftete large cut. 'thin` 'table's' ectMitediOs atiboards, Plearie sowing headlines and suitable lighting .are proVided, A. total Of 1511 attlelett were inade; end it reserve. louPPIY is always 'toady against Joiner. Ihrktal. Offieo wilL .014:011titi the mid of • An increase in traffic offenses in Wingham during the yea -11355 *ea 'recorded in the annual pelicealeport preSetted to council on Monday night by Pence Chief T. W. Platt, end' other breaches Of the criminal cocid; showed eft increase during the Twenty-eight instances of offenses against the highway traffic act, to- gether with 12 parking tickets, were reported during the year, as' corn' pared- with 11 Cases in 1051. Aecidenta showed an increase Item 44 to 49 and there were 28 persons summonsed fon traffic offenses in 1955 as compared with 10 in 1954. Warning tickets for parking jumped. from 111 in )954 to 152 in 1955. Three persons Were, in- jured in traffic accidents in 1955, at compared with none in 1954.. Pollee recorda 'hover:a ana1410 con- :Viaioris were obtained' :undat the highway traffic' act, with enlY 8 in • 1951.' 'Offenses under the criminal code also showed an increase during 1955. Seventeen charges were laid under the criminal code, from which 15 con- victions, were, obtained, as compared to 111.,'etiargee and 8 convictions in 1954.- The,. crithe.. record was broken down as follows, with .1951 figures in brackets: Breaking and entering (2) 3; disorderly condtibt; (3) 4; de- serted wives and children, (0) 1; impaired or drunk driving, (3) 2; gelieleta. Addad to this,: two groups are keg belay With the piles of mend- ing, Seaetiq a'rejects To Mende work, the auxiliary his several iirtliebts. Marathon bridge parties are held (hiring the winter months ena provide' a good source of revenue ;at Well as pleasant social intercouree Deriations Were grate- fully tecalited trete the Ladles' Bowl- ing Club, 'the Ministerial Association and !rent several Women's Institute lrttbo itrea, The malt revenue, comes from the MO rtinimage Which ere held spring„andfall hi the Wing - hart 'Aritontries. TheSe attratted large erOwds arid this ,Ypar realized More that $1706.06. In .cofinection with the spring runimage ludo, sliccossful lag days WerthOld In WItighent and the Sett tottilding towns, fraud, (4) 4. : , Total value of stolen articles jump- ed from $mite in 1951 to $6,498 in 1955, but value of articles not re- covered Went down from $1,113 in 1054 to $666 in 1955. In spite of the increase in crime during the year, the report stated that Wingham's record has always been amongst the best in the proyince,' "due to the very excellent type of citizens in .this community." The re- port said that in altiost all cases of people charged under sections of the Criminal Code, it has been noted that persons were not citizens Of this town. During the past year Wingham pollee officers investigated 386 cotn- plaiiite, mostly of a minor action, and very few required police action, Four Persons were convicted for the three eases of breaking, entering and theft front business places, and on one occasion the culprits were arrested and sentendedwithin twenty-four hours of the commission of the crime In his report Chief Platt paid high -- tribute to the work of the officers on the department, and reported that no time had been lest by police officers due to illness during the Past Yea.r. Recommendations "seVeral recornmenclationS were made in the report. It Was recommended that Constable .Gerden Doyen' be named Deputy Chief of the depart- ment, a tetotimondatiot carried out that tight, by the imvti council it, was also recommended that con. Sideration be &en to arranging for pailting lots for cars in the, vicitity of the new high school and the new: television station, Other recommendations 'were that cqnsideratioti be given to trading in the ttnten cruiser, and that a new edition of the Criminal Code be put - &aged; „DOCetribaty rt long 'Limo ti ream 'Caine Attie' •Wlien, the iteW' tO bed ehrotile patients' Wing was Opened and the auXlilitrY. serve'd lunch to ,500 atlaltere in the new staff' dining,rroono, Another. prolett undertaken by the auxiliary ittenalietsaVas thesetting'tip tUelf, Shop.in the' Walting,polii) Of the nOW wilug, This, together with pi' page ietti .V point Same.._,Committe-ei. for 1956. ,• • . •. . t Inaugural .Meeting ' •of .TOWit • STUADy .0.1Sl0ivuot ; Several travelling fiebees were town .ever the week -cad. • Dee :gentleman of the, road, nflor being , refused a meal at a private home, .,reterted, "rye been 00MiXtg.to Winglnani ler oyer 35 years, and '„Ititva never been refused a moo at home before." MIXED REACTION TO SATURDAY CLOSING Wirigharres open Friday night, bold for the first time last week, met with a mixed reception from the merchants of. main street, with many of them doubtful Whether it would be possible to tell, this early in the gable, if the new' closing hours are meeting the approval of the customers. Of ten businesses contacted, three reported that their business was down, and attributed the slump to the new closing hours. Three admitted that business was not good, but said that the weather and the time of year ,Might have been coetributing factors. Four claimed that business over the Friday and Saturday was comparable to the same time last year; and were of the opinion that the new closing hours are working out all right. All of the merchants admitted that it was too early to tell as yet what would betheultimate effect of tne new closing hours. Complaints from the customers ,about the Saturday night closing were fewer than expected, and eeveral of the store -keepers reported customers ae saying they were in favor of the Move. Only Business Olnin Apart from places of entertaininent, the only business open on Saturday eight was MacIntyre's Bakery. Jack MacIntyre, preprietor of the snop, said he stayed open to enable cus- tomers who hed ordered baked goods earlier in the day to pick up their petal -lases, Lions to Form Local Cancer Society Here, The formation of a local branch of • the Canattian, 'Cancer Society, , Under the sponsorship of 'the Winghare Lions Club, is now proceeding and it is expected that an inauaural meeting will be held sometime in February to get the new organization under way, The Ideal branch, a part of the Perth - Huron Unit of the society, will serve the town of Wingliam, the TownshipS of Turnberry, Howick, East and west 'Wawanosh, Morris and Grey, and vil- lages in the area. Currently a Lions' committee, under the chairmanship of I. P. Mc- Kibben, is preparing a list of organ- izations in the district, to which a letter will be sent asking the appoint, ment of represerantives to. the. new branch. It is honed to contact all. or- ganizations in the clistriet,' ,such as service group, Onion 'grotiPs, busi- ness and professional groups and fra- ternal societies and to have them all send a 'representative to the, inaugur- al meeting 'next month,. Initially spon- sored by the Lions Club, it is hoped' that the branch will be self-inifficent after its organizational Meeting. Act- ual date for the first 'in.eeting,."htL4 not yet been set, , John H. Stratton, of Straftord, pre- sident of the Perth -Huron unit Of the Society, will be in town this. Friday to confer with the Lions' committee about the inaugural meeting, and Will himself be present at the meeting to show films on the work of the Society and to explain the functions of the Wingham District Branth, Mr. Strat- ton will also render assistance hi pro- ducing the letter which will be sent out this month, It is expected that an election of .officers Will be held at the first meeting, or that a nominating tommittee will be set up to bring in a slate of officers at a second meeting, NOWA Paityland will be. clesed Monday -Itna'Nada mornings only during the Months Of January und rebrunty, , • VIM ;Taal' .• EMS WEEK A.T ".ellal ARENA Wothiesday, January 18 ' 1,00- 5.30 Pubile Schou Skating 0.00- 8.00 'Figniai Skating 8.00 MOW Practiee • • Thilitsday, aiinuary 19 4,004 3.39' Public School Skating n.0040.00 'Mickey Prattice um- ,juvonlie; Ifeekey, Kincardinevs Wingindie Viedity, January 13 4,90, 11.30 Schee) Skating Saturday, olaitaary It 1,61113.00 figure Skating 340- 3.39 Public Skating 8.0040.00 Public School SlusThig Atoriday,, 411)11164 16 COO- 3,96 School Sitating tutay, ijanitary 11 .4416.. 3,36 1itibt1e :School Skating $40040,00 sPublic Skating • , Members of town council conunittees for 1005 were to -appointed for MO, at the irfaUgural meeting of the town council on Monday night, effecting an actual two-year term for members of the 1055 counoil. Mayor ./1, E, McKinney, in his- opening remarks to the - council, asked councillors to serve for •another year On the ceinrnittees on which they had originally been placed in the interests of enntinuity, and Without exception council members agreed, , The mayor spoke of the harmony and co-operation win* had been so evident during 1955 sessions of council. In reviewing tile. pest year be said that several important things had happened in Wingliam, citing the completion of the new Wingham 'District High Settee!, the new wing of the WingliainGeneral Hospital, and the opening of the new )(aliNaC. television - station, In an, outline of tasks Or 1956, Mr, afeleinney stud that one ..of the main objectives for the neW year would be the nttracting of neve in (battles to town. Other problems for the year will Include the completion sof town zoning in Wingham and .the building of a new addition tit'the Wingham Public School, Committees Nimted Wingharn Rinks in Tankard Playoffs Two rinks each from Belmote, Forest and Wingham competed in the District 13. playoffs for the On- tario .Curling Association s Silver Tankard on Wednesday, with the Wingbani rinks, skipped by Murray Rae and Harley Crawford winning the honor of attending the Ontario playoffs in Torente_at the end of the .• month. In the afternoon Harley Crawford's rink defeated Bill Elliott's rink, of Helmer°, by a score of 1.0-8; and Mar- tay, Ree'S 'rink defeated the Belmore rinkskipped by a Miller by a seore of 13-7. ,• In the' evening Murray ftne's rink defeated a Mount Forest rink skinned by Lorne Smith by a, 'sere- of 11-9, while Mr. Ctawfotn's rmlc was do-. tented 13-11 to even the score, wing - ham won the game on the extra endr Wingham players at the bonspiel were Murray Rae, 8kip, -Jack McKib- ben, Mac MiteWilliim, Stewart Scott; a Crawford, skip, I. Carr, A. Wil- son and L. McDonald. OFFICERS APPOINTED BY MORRIS COUNCIL a"nlvL net'Sary of the owisshi of Mortia was marked at the counclas inaugural meeting on Monday night, when. pines Welt din. cussed for the township's centennial belebrations, to he held on', Alignat 5th and 6th Of this yeite. A.\.kiut '3,s566. invitations.... to the celebeati?in tire being sent •out. „; ' A busy year is indicated for the council, with two bridges to be built, one on .the second line of Morris add the other on the 'ninth, in adidition to preparations for th'e' centannial. A cheerful note at, the first,, council meeting of the •year was a $4,500 surplus left over from 1955. At Monday's meeting the council made the following appointments: Wingham District High School Board, Charles Coultes;. Settforth District High Sehbol #Iaoard, 'Clarence:Martin; Clinton High Sc,h01, Mervin rich- mond; Middle Maitland ,Conservation Authority, Roes pitman; Wingham General Hospital Board, Bill Elston. Others appointed were Nelson Hig- gins, truant officer; Addison Fraset, assessor and He -Garniss nd Thomas Miller, livestock evaluators, The &lowing committees were named for 1956, the. first Awned out each committee being, EXecutive and pollee, Mayor ri„„.t. MeitinneY, Reeve I ROY Adair,: (.110,tiii- clittir Elmer Wilainstni; finance, Councillors IL Wilkinson, ,W, B, Con fon, Deputy Reeve. 3, Kerr; public works, councillors j, Alexander,. 'E. Wilkinson, W, le. Btirgmun; Deputy Reeve 3. Kerr; property, Reeve J: Roy , COuncillors Fh Wilkinson, W, F, Burginan; fire and, hand, Couneillors Garalitt, 'End Hamilton, W. la, Con - rote; cemetery, • Councillors W. 'le. Burgman, .J-.• Alexander, Reeve Jait. Adair; Welfare and sanitary, Deputy Reeve Joe Kerr, Couheillors E. Hann- liton, W. P. Burgman; industrial, Couheillore,E. Hamilton, .1. Alegender, J. dorbutt; recreation, councillors h. cenron; Earl 'Hamilton, j, Gorlititt= Conunuideatione A letter wet •read from the Whighain •Geaeral HosPital, aelitiewledging receipt of 'a grant of $400 made by the town to the itespital, Mayo!' Mc- Kinney announced that the grentet- iginally, Made to defray edge, of mdi gent patients atthe hospital; Would be disecintinued in future tit view 9f. the .fact'' that thek„.townoas;a, '$ot POff..* debenta're-at4;ra'aeeciiiiit of thehos- -An invitation to: the anntiMl inettitg. Of, the Huron County Industrial Pt -e- motion Board to be held oft January 11,th,.' was .received anti.. it, was decided tca;isentli, three representtai Ves from Wingatiev to the. Meeting, A letter fitini the y.Pper Gtand.Development aleatd„ asking Wingliam'a pat ticipiWon in the development schente,. was; 1iled0aftea some diseussion by the couneil. It was decided that WinghM did not ,geographically come the scope of the Unner Grand and that the. town't place would andra ;logically be with some form of 'devei,-: iminctie Oirthe,Maitland Rivet Iteauests for grants front the'lluten County Seed Fair, the Ontario Schoen Trtistees and Ratepayers ,Associati011 and the St John• Arafnualice Assoeia- tioii were filed Also filed Was a notice from. the Ontario department of health regarding a, course for sevenge Workeks. ' APPenited Again Teem ,Clerk W. A. Galbraith and „ Police Chief Ta.W. Platt Were te-s4)- • VOntinued front page one') . , • WDHS •• Sponsor Third in Series of Conceit; at School The Winginim District Ilign Scheel, In co-operation with the Ontario be - pertinent of Education; is pleased to ptereete nti Interest in music, On Jan:. nary 24th at 8,15 p.m, the following artists will present a musical prog,- tattinte its the school, auditorium: Mary McDonald, harpsichordist, piitn- jt, lyric septette; Martha' Thonieeti, mezzo-soprano: Vaclovag Verikaltis, 'bass; Zola Sadowity, Mary MoDenald was born HI Toten- to and retelved her early mindent training le her native' OILY', She re- ceived it scholarship for voice study with Barone:es:Von 'Kleenex' in New 'York city., where for four years she did advanced study and many •con, tierts, She Was the first, person to win three simultaneous scholatabips at Peabody Institute. in Ilaitlitore for Wee, opera and Plane' under the world famous pianist, Harold limier, Miss McDonald hall traVelledeXten- .siveTy as a concert artist and lecturer lit the United States, having just re: turned atter a three-month 'Mir Of American ;Otte& She resifts in Tin. *Vito mid is at present teaching and doliortizitlig tither native country, - Martha Thomson's voice ntotteed considetahle interest even nefoit She I1 01 finished se io jamestowii, Vottli t_ Dakota. Winin Visiting in NOW York a email loather Ireasti her, and his et- thusiatun prompted local business mon to sponsor her studies in .NeW I,Phe soon became a member Of 'The Robert Snaw Chbittle, -end sang tioder 1 such cernlue.tors as loscatini and Mitrepolous, she appeared In several Droadway musicals, including 6110 Dutton Shots" and also sang in Radio City Made Hall and the Itoxy Theatre, ' Mis$ Thomson Went to Italy 4!,0 an - &need on MAIO and television in Mi- lan, Vida and Count. Her itittetafy of tha latighttge and acceptance by the' exacting Lyric Cortitissiou Of 'the itadio Italia,* gave her prottin. elite iti broadcasts Mid concerts de. , voted to furtheting Jelatines. jpVebruary of last year she made her debut at La Scala In Milan hi "Dia Waikure4,. information concerning 'Vaciovas Nerikaitts' and' Zena Sadoway Will be &CO next week, 'helots may be had 'for this (One cert iron the high, school students Ot trent W: A, tialbraith, sentetary4teit. surer 'of theAoard. ii