The Signal, 1926-2-25, Page 2ls�
$--Thursday, February 23. liras.
£$TA.t Li all E1) 1848
tlewher of Canadine Weekly News-
papers elaus.
Published er; Thursday ttaoratag.
Subscription price $2.00 per year. To
United States and Foreign Ooua1rMa.
$2.50 per year, strictly m advance.
Telephone >K Gaderka. Otsi.
t% . it Robertson. Editor and Manager
Thursday. February .'2:r, 1926.
The last week of Februar.
• • •
The State Legislature of Kentucky'
has entitled an anti -gossip law. This
looks like an unwarranted iuterfer-
take with a popular Mark -yard sport.
•• •
The good old summer -time la coming.
The Brussels Poon reports. a well at-
tended meeting -sr the village of Ethel
for the reorganization of the soft -ball
• • •
The Loudon Free Pr.•se publisher a
despatch from 1'stradgpnlais, wales.
We don't like to be crithal, but
shouldn't there be another "y" In that
Parkhill cot•ncil will -Lan' the town
twit rung eaeh morning at 7 o'clock for
one month. as an experiment. If 1t
wake. anybody up within the month.
the experiment will is. continued.
• • •
Before the smuggling inrepttgatlon
at Ottawa Is concluded. something
should h e placed 00 record as 16 the
ditties imposed on the classes of goods
in which the smuggling has been'go-
ing on. High duties are au incentive
to smuggling. and if there Is a high
impost on the ktuds of Roods in which
the %muggier have been dealing the
The Fresh Flavor
�.�t-e 1 rx �'ataaw
of delicious
Mn. James.lid1aV. of Clinton. Han
Iliad Swat Hatable Experiences
(From The Clinton New iv -Recent 1
tin %V ditetelay. February 11Rh.
Mrs. Jams Limbety of 1'rintese street
telPbrtexl her eighty-sixth tartlets)
It was . a quieteelebration, one
which Dul
ty the y p urticiptd.
lir. I•Indsay and Miss Lindsay of Lou-
don came up for it and the other tp•o
molls, lir. T. of the latntbn road. and
Mr. Charles Lindsay, rhe Betel with
his mother, wen- right
at hand.
]lanky congratulations and good wishes
were offered her and she entered tato
the festivities with enjoyment. her mar-
Miss Anus- Churchill. She was
born In !.oudou. F:ngland February
10th, IA). the day on which the late
Queen Victoria was married. "heap
printing my aunt." sbe remarked.
who wished to go out and see the
ice Queen going to the church. Instead of
staying home to mind me." Four years
stet her father mut hew sante to
is preserved in the air -tight SALADA
packet. Finer than anyJapan
Gunpowder. Insist upon ALARA.
Sinclair and Raney Make Dalai
Railways and canals to strnrteaton h► Pronoltnortnrnta l tall
the lion. George Y. Graham. who Is Toronto, Feb. 10. --The first week of t'unada with their little
retirlrg from the active politk•al arena 1 real work In the Ontario Ir*telaturetafter au eight -wet -Me ocean voy-
jhas sero the Government under tannin-. age and a. wearisome loud trip, (dining
after' a Teiak and dlstivratgihed career. 1 nous seen
Govern trot-- under
I all lite way from liaiuUtehn In a wag
EssexGraham Wait defeated in South tart the attack has been guested at on, they settled In l;oJerk'h township.
Essex at the October election and has the liquor polity, or rather tack of Their first farm was on the lift. the
dace retained Dolce only at the par- liquor policy. of the Ferguson Admin- farm now owned by Mr. H. Graham.
The Government has re- hater they moved to what is known
ltaslatchewan. has definitely cast 1n
hit lot with the Federal Liberal part
and bat joined the Mackenzie King
Government with the portfolio of
fused to take a definite declaration of
Ocular request of Premier ging. As Istratiou•
a member of the Privy Council he will aMibuuRb-�tcep e•verJ upportu
retained In the Cabinet as a Minis- nity to do so. The 1'remler er'n re'
ter without portfolio and his advice fused to matt the challenge of W. E. N.
will still be available to his sltecemor Sinclair. then ib Ills ral Ie/der. who,
-the-heat fpr of
and to the Cabinet-IsnFena whole- stated his policy to the liquor ques-
tion I. an FnRliafiioan�rito Dime tion in .de.finits terms that he who
at the Witte homestead, the farm now
owned by Mr. l'. M. Wise. The day
they moved to trite farm. when tbe)
arrived. the fire which had been left
on in the tlet'ptaee had gone out and,
matches owing an unknown luxury in
those days, Mrs. Lladaay'a slater, a
young girl. was sent off about • mile
through the woods to a neighbor's for
to Canada :It tile age of seventeen and rani may Telt d•
rt staada by the
quickly "made good." He 'bowed ex- Thr Liberal party
expressed at tae a
teat, which she carried home in a
vole of the people small Iron saucepan.
(rept tonal buslner:" capacity iu his anti tong as the vitae stands People were very Indept'nrlettt in
k t hewan grain -
b tthr
et thirty, w•as elor''l
l'stchrwa❑ lw•glalanln•• - pre. ,'realer Ferguson la a was not y y
dolls a as famil rew its
we stand by Ilan rote:' said the LtM tlhdaa• days. Lrvety y g loran
woTi: with the• las -5 e
rral leather. lir repeated the assn own grain, when the laud had
grow-os•a and n•n years ago. at the ate o could hr uu possible Stared but for grludinR they sad to
to the Roar tion talo t w e
In 1922 he misunderstanding. take It to Godrrich, and white flour
t1 hour h ao means as common as
M. Martin AP
iSue,wrlwl Hon. \t . ) . • speech spoke vaguely o
I joining the Id satisfy the "sane' "P'e all their own wool. getting it worm
sally and prostata)
t • liquor policy it is Malay. Tbrn they grew and spun I. ---- —�— --
• Mr. - .unduly l
ttoa of oar t)hriatmas .a)' going out
Women's Winter Coats $10.00
Coats $5.00
A new low clearing price for some handsome, splendid Coats
Pillow Cotton English
40 inches wide, extra heavy
bleached Pillow Cloth. Free from filling.
��CRegular 45c value. February sale
Heavy, soft, white. 28 inches wide. 20e
On sale per yard ... • G
"Bitex Hose," all colors and black, the
popular double stocking for women.
Perfect goods, in sizes 8 1-2 1. 10.
Regular $2.50. This sale
Floor Covering -
Heavy quality floor Oilcloth m 2. 2 1-2
59eyards wide. New patterns, at per
square yard ...... • .......
4 only 3 x 4 yards British Axminster
Rugs. Quality guaranteed. Regular
value :?60. Sale
Largest double -bed size crinkle white
Spreads, launder beautifully, and ry of
very even weave. Value $3.75. $ 5
Each • ,: •
Penman's and Stanfield's for men and
women. All sizes. On sale clearing.
Curtain Material
36 to 38 -inch Curtain Net with double
lace edge. Ivory shade, neat pat- 35c
terns. 50c. Oa sale
mice of that 1'rocittco•.=. n that ooze
King Goventmeut at this juncture. he of Ontario. That was as tar as he on a band loom. and then it bad to I
and people are still p up Into garments for the
left to imagine or t y sehrre of aH whole etc bur to
W. E. Raney. for Frrlgr testfield.
comes nut of the Rout with reference amendment to the reply to
° get and the House made shows courage and ► 1llfhtlnR spirit. ., f hrmlwive,l what H 1 f14.-1•- Sete• when tLtly.alt b
for his Itu.,t fate rows.
A is anytthat this cure-all for the liquor problem is Men Lindsay did ber down and the pa
to Its. thin work. She assisted a 11* has- walk some, wrapping Ile,• b;ankPte
hut a heti of rose's. A story that Ptbive leader. about them to keep them
• and In the sugar bush. where .term.
the trees were often tapped In Feb -F ikangern wore not to add
suers and "sugar making" betted about ,
Ii so int mately. made such a coo
motion that they were glad to turn
role bre out again to talc herchewer.
edgy sod'
arae did earry off a pig
on being chewed by the heti and
,logs, dropped it and the poor animal
came running home with its shoulder
kuawed off Anil hall to Is• kilied.
quickest way to atop the unlawful tet him is evidence that be Is not nyespeech from the Throne to the rf-
traffc• might tie to lower the duties. lightly daunted. When be was furca' feet that the Ontario Temperance .pct
• • • \ he was appdnted n the statute
"'four year of age must stated inviolate ups tie by
The 1'ixrelec Fhttrrytrix• has atelia that delegate - tar ---th•- Torkton__l•vel WokeofOntario until the people Men. it [Fila of a young man In to attend the graln•growerti enliveO' their cotes pronounce igafndt tt. the
' mire later moved au amendment
town who when I11 of pneumonia took
a turn for the tetter when his doctor
Hon at Prince Albert. and he tot
to the amendment which in a nstnere
loan with him the ratter wealth elf mere
declaration that re and
a his keep
sugtplayed him an air si the vmigh end in the treasmi7• $i7.:e). to pay govermm•nt must be
watntarl through
1... or that phys,ort i might go In the city+ for a week. At the end of the will of the people respected
111 The
for more of this wort of thing. he i the week he returned with the money their nctted r'e•pr.
lot t•onw•rative amendment' Is obviously role
GalAatt t just exactly fancy any of the k� �*i� foe Aew nie * �oe_> gen-
t in hid pee ,nrpn+t T.�":amamtR" lfl 1 1* c whteh'
musteich b luso in the of bedside
slept in a cellar. Mow he Rot his real election on the liquor gen F
arutk'iau' but tf the thea develops wr ttIpt+ the Rtlny doesn't ea). The }s to 'satisfy everyone in the 1'rovinee
rtieemrul' 'Ike (Maw* Promise a).The le to ' isfy everyone
thexta. Telt'•
may expect fo udt'gAvr ConaervaNvea sit thin: 10 accompany
good irnmhante gena when ht, gets the f'ume's declared, m are ethbut tatttngr
on hie make It hot for ,h rctdegets
not for the guest of temIwr lW eon tinvem-
playrr to actnmpauy i>r--- 1herP, but as Mr. Thinning I the defeat of the Fergu
smolt." has a punch of his own the fighting went.
„ • • Tho Howse witnestt•d the undignified
wilt not be entirely one-sided. The
The bachelors dawn rY. Ath way new, Minister of Railways will be a speetaele of the l'riwe Minister mak-
ing a hitter attack on mew. many of
Tact to life In the early days and Mee
a mouth. She spent the autumn •loin' Lindsay remembers Doe night when
nog, then the hurry was winter get tng her father was obliged t' climb a 1104'
cloth wore. so the saill h tet_ jest away from a 1st• k of wolves
er done: Mrs. Lindsay still has whish-urrunuded the mor hours.
-her wedding h•ndhrnhiet, a 1leauti• but toward daylight were frightened
fully embroidered bit of cambric. off and he cot hoar. It was a coo
which came from England, 'tamped. mon thing to hear the DeiceA howling
and which she worked herself. Yrs. at night. She remembers one night
�. ro home
cuneNdrelC.for the Regina er,nt' ltuemt?. "them clergymen. prominent in the pro-
have rim a great aleatory. A debate ;
was belli,i1 re a few nights alto on rid -
!illation mnremetlt, Ile accused them
pts. Mr. ihtrkr, the member far that rid ref dragging the !hitter question tutu
pro -
the n a 1 that battle
bachelors argument
uld Ing. having rpelgtud to make was for John
t. and the' battle of keen , politics and refe red to Rev.
i Riney a ._.._'hard-builtd Presbyterian
and wit and eloquence was keenly litho. - 1 grit:' leaving the Inference that fie
wags -i. itturdy blows were given •n411 :\ Vistas d I could not therefore be slw'e•rP In his
tart sturdily returned. and it one time 1('hegiley )tnterylrisrl tedtpernce activities.
I 1 hors might t ting the town eoun Uthough the Progn tester leads• trrh-
O e
urs.• slant
de. isi'n bele furor, and ttlP single Bruce ick au t w'
smm�ae•r txsurt n•turns are expected tel the fact that there are other impxl
i•1. are again breathing matters In Pr.vinctal politic.. Sir•
mill of s come hark a thouw►nd•fold at least
freely. for that grant in the way of atippHen Sinclair ecored the Government for
',unthawed In the town. When the disfrnnehhting 1115.01101 Ontario people
hilae Water Highway la built right up by its refugia' to hold leye•election. in
1 with fine crossroads stere„ rutin, now vacant..He .hawed
Life was simple in those early days.
1 and Iivtd simply and frugally. The
men and womep who peopled this
young laud. hewing homes out of the
unbroken for'est. and building It up
11110 the prosperous. eomfortablrt we•Il-
orok•red eountry it a today. deserve
the gratitude of all those of u4 who
have eome after. Alt honor to the
Lindsay was married in 1M6•her hos when her father war absent f m
band passing on several years ago. ! aad her mother had lnIr bring 1n
They did not lack for pleasures a young heifer. for' •:lr the wolves
however. 'et eh family making Its own would get lc > t'" aaittetl" mot k Isn't Autumobllcfl that uteri tour-.
IL laik.••I A' If the' tarts At Its MNL mer
� 1- for their sitlRie blessed- til of Merton made a grant of 1!1:111 Bawl him'wlf to A d1w•usson " t e
Highway.,,,As gnrsthm only t11P Liberal
re•, n pay" e, Water temperaxe
TI 0nnl result, however'.
onto f the Has ill become s fatuous,
leader %hewed keenspina-elation of
fun, and occasionally meeting with
neighbor, and the days passed pleas being nerd to mingle _ 0ttb the fain- w-hw•ird brak't. hnt
Farm Property Active
-indications of the Improved finau-
clal condition of farmers is shown In
the number of farms chaDRtog owner T„
at present: reports R. B. Stothorts---t -
Clinton, "Jost off -hand we know of 1111
ten different farms that have ebanged
hands. None of three have been at ex
ctgltiuoally high prices', hut I believe
ht tno't ,atlas the prices were fairly
satisfactory. it 1% an indication that
ns ?sr as farmers are concerned things
are getting hack to normal. and with
good crop. and fair prices we can look
for Boit lderabi.• improvement yet."
New silk see -kings are so thin that
It is possible to read the newtfalt'rt
through them. Moat men. however.
are content to glance at a few Ilnem.-
l.ondon Opinion.
• •
t-appt. 11.11.5 M.P.P. from. Lambtnn.
tvitn a:empaigned ! r the defeated can-
didate in the 1'i -i1 a Albert bye -Pier -
;thin. Yat Pe pogo 4 rreeptton from his
.-4'.l--rtntivi• o lteago••'- at Turonto on
ort:return fr..t, the fight that'idle Tor-
onto Telegrtuu . I rabid 4'uuseevative l
Nue "Ontario Torie* sh..ntd be
ashamed .of their Wadi Pt- la the
01,11 'e
T' legram ay.:
Ip_Lap t 11.11 :,,a had has it the pr"'
pricier 1 f n .0 atnttid-
ment. or a Pauloe • eiI.kiter trying to
carry oft the 11 mains of Outarhi s
tinllo r, _ mineral or water power r'•-
nolrr•m. lie- would have been Welcomed
mire-a-imndinS VOW of ,the !n•gista•
1*11". Hon. Hoear'l Ienelson would
-„have serambl.ii ewer the bowed lack%
'orf W. E. N. antidote. K.t' . and ilrntt.
W. E. Roney. 1,, limit theta to it with
the glad hand tor 'hint."
• • •
a Tory ,i.i'r fourteen is eager for
further eduentinn and is willing to
atnwiy. ole 1lsruhh he Rini ti til ortessnry
fllleuaragement : but, on the ether
-balite ti efr-lar-tads who have no de-
sire for Bork -learning.. and who will
only wast.• time if ',impelled to remain
'fit .rhes'. Nr..1. J. Kele t. orf the 1'r0-
vinelal f:hiidreu'r Detainment. in an
Interview on 111191 .041100i .favors the
gppedutineut of vnratimtnl officer* to
gr14141 1hetP boy% to find sni'ahb• em-
"' jRr} nn 11t-4P-t44h- _ w n114. lament_ ail
evmeern., "-Tornntn • Elul'•. Agrer-
ling - with the "•Aliments expretw,ed,
one of our weekly .,lhtempo,rarles asks
how Mr. Ketals suggeetieal eel, he
carried nal ender 1114. existing .\dote•".
cent Art: Sikhs ntielher. Lith a heal-
thy dislike for paternalism. hells In see
the necessity of eppn.lnth,t %'sntenuel
elflle,Prs. '
We 11:11 r 1 41114.1ebnud411re
of alb inls of nee kitnl and another.
Permits, t.•chere, employers. sail lite
hay himself should he able to der td'
tie matter with fair eitisfa,tinn. a%
ham been heretofore"
Hon. Merles Dunning, 1'r1•inle•r of
the center rood
leading to like Huron and h stylish
roant'initi, fiacrthat
of a law whtwestatee,
Bay, er red ofis flA Atlantic teach elyand that they should be filled by a ce•rtblu
Bummer resorts or o gerosis the At: time.
Palm Keech or going
!antic to Brighton. Torquay. Riviera, Ptt
millionaires and naires a
o rthe heir A life of Interrogation
wives and families from United. (New York Times)
States, weary of society life with all t Thomas A. Edison enters today
its vanity and ennui. will get hnck to li the asp syr of fn enters
Ire in the forest where, AN Shake- upon gen no living man. pe year.
speure says. they e•an throw pltysle to --of life•
the dogs and revel in God's clear sun- has labor }xinTer* lticntotlm Htw d*yw-
light, or under the treatment of those have he with bean soar long inan iocreativerhut
O filled
mere ►•thJc doctor*. the roods ne
awned and hack to aynlwill be a• con- His "wizardry" that his labor has been as
been .that recreation.
an in -
Lake and Bay from (Miring mind. asking gtif#tlonn and
the pine
long de as the Was to a lateao d in the nnnwerw to human uses.
Ilam Rooth. The summer Piopulati'n An old prnfe•srt'r 15 Princeton tined, It
of tied Buy. How,lencale. Tamarac is said. to take off his hat when he
lslaurl Stokes Bay. Jnhnoton's Harbor performs' s' an experiment. flaying that
and Tntermory w111 make these pact's he was about to ask God a question.
thriving towns In the course of a few I Mrs,1�Rriaol'4 lit in ,a Teel one of
year- and the Peninsula will grow in
wealth and influence when it becomes 1 ----
itlerre extensively advertised as a sum-
mer nwort that weft morn than offeet
the lost of timlwr wealth. We see
gri prm.thilities for- irn'e Peninsula
le- the ndyent of summeY • to11uvrr
mule pmedhle by nein traffic
giant rands, fat away from bustling
railway communication.
1n a little while now, big slater'('
things can he named nn to her young-
er brother.- ihtlwth Herald.
1f 1'oultney Bigelow woes damages
for being called a ':tori. a lot of poo-
p1P are in darter for their remarks.
Torslto Globe.
Carry if
Introduction of the improved Ford closed models in colors has substantially
increased the demand for these popular cars. In line with the policy to
give its customers the benefit of all reductions in production costs, the Ford Motor
Company of Canada, Limited announces substantial reductions in all closed
models except the coupe. These reductions effective as of February 11th. -
New Price Old Price Reduction
$755 $895 $140
695 755 - 60
325 i335 10
Added refinements in the new model runabout, touring car and light delivery
have necessitated a slight price increase. These prices are now as follows:
New Price
Ne Was Walled In
The night wa' hark soil the boor
late. when the 1 • merry -maker ad-
vanced unsteadily toward the eonerete
lamp -butt Gingerly tnnthing the
neigh onrfaiss, he felt about until nn
.thud of a solid supgatrt and then
11.1111,4 beet. rest Inc. After a few
Wants". devilling Again to perique his
aleoholr path. he ,Inrnod and felt
earefnlly oboist the surface of the Inst.
Round and round fie walked, never
taking his hands off the concrete.
Amazement gave stay to despair
and at %ant sinking down on the neve-
nasal, he gasped :
"My God. I'm walk{. 1111." ca.•
�t e....
'Light Delivery �`
tri+Gs'w � �?aa
The truck chassis and coupe remain unchanged.
^a.� t Cou
i*��ae �rtirr•
Keeps teeth
clean, breath sweet,
appetite keen and
digestion good.
great after
+ Equipped with starter $85.00 extra
All prices 1. o. b. Ford, Ontario ---