The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-30, Page 6The Winghanz Advanee-TirileS, Wedn0fida,y#
10 ME
.rs-XxWiaokainira piparrnirtainiM'ailiniDae2rabli-DalkslaltDarDee,
To our many friends a
New Year's toast . .
May you enjoy all the
happiness and good
fortune life can, give.
• .. .... • . •
We wish you, our
many loyal customers.
continued good luck
and happiness during
the year to come.
Howard Fuller
to be given to
IN 1954
Infants to 6x
Exclusive Store for.the Wee Tots
has been organized to give
helpful specialized service for
the protection of
Be ASSURED — Consult—
Canada Life
11/4 byints *Mug to Alt
Smith Brothers
H. C. MacLean
It's nice
to extend warm and friendly greetings
to all you wonderful people:
nOliMiSitiCiC-441MCAMialetV4 111$010.010101WVIPIPIPPIPIPOININY
A trainload of good wishes for all our many loyal
friendsi May you all enioy continued hapPineas
id prosperity in the New Year, and all the
• Stainton's Hardware
Two Gorrie Couples Observe
109 Years. of Married Life
Detroit, and Mr. Clarence Grainger,
of Wallaceburg, spent the week-end
at the Same home.
Dr, James Hutchison, of Cleve-
land, returned an Monday after hay-
gsspenta fewnutdcrlay:917.ith his mother,
Mrs. Bertha Plant is spending a
week with relatives in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Stechly and Mr.
Edgar Eby, of Trenton, were Christ-
mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. Peter Gerkis, of Winnipeg, was
a Christmas guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sperling,
Mrs, W. H. Marshall left on Sun-
day to spend the winter months with
her son, Alex, in Stratford and she
will also visit with relatives in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dane spent
the Christmas holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Dane.
Mrs. Pearl Keine is spending the
Christmas holiday with her son, Mr.
John Kaine, at Brooklin, and will
then leave for the southern States for
the winter months.
is visiting
Mrs. Minnie Irwin and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Evers, of Toronto, spent
the Christmas holiday and week-end
with Miss Emma Irwin and other
Miss Mae Waters, of Toronto, was
a guest of her sister, Mrs. Clifford
Dodds, and Mr. Dodds on Christmas
Day and for the week-end.
Prize winners for the highest scores
at the euchre on Saturday night,
sponsored by the Community Club,
were MISS Minnie McElwaine, Ford-
wich, and Mr. Roy Strong. A dance
was held with the music supplied by
the Fordwich Orchestra.
Miss Ethel Bradnock
with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hockridge
spent the Christmas holiday with rel-
atives in Toronto.
Mac Hutchison, of Newtonbrook,
George Gregg, of Toronto, Miss Edna
Lawrence, of Toronto, Jim Walker,
London, Miss Marion Toner, Strat-
ford, and Miss ,Kay Cathefis, Toronto,
spent the Christmas holiday with rel-
atives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gott, Ste-
phen and Wendy, of Toronto, were
Christmas holiday guests with Mrs.
Gott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr, Wm. Stintson and his son,
Gerald, of Detroit, spent the week-
end With Mr. Sam Stintson. Gerald
has recently returned after serving
with the American Army in Korea.
Mrs. Robert Patterson, of Mount
Forest, Mrs. R. P. Nash and Miss
Alma Nash, of.' Toronto, and Miss
Margaret Nash of Pembroke, spent
Christmas with Mrs. Thomas Nash
and family,
Mr. Wm. Austin is in Guelph this
week attending a short course at
the O.A.C. for 4-H Club leaders.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold David have
moved to their new home which
they built on their farm just south
west of the village.
visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. The Belmore school
Wilfred Gedke, of Mount Forest.
Mr, Roy Bridge, of the Bank of
Commerce staff at Thornhill, spent
Christmas at his home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan Hyndman spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Young at Arthur.
Congratulations and best wishes to
Mr. Ernest King, who had a birthday
on December 23rd. Mr. King wag 88.
Miss Margaret Brown is spending
this week with her sister, Mrs. Jos.
McKnight, at Beemsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bridge and
family spent Christmas Day with
Mrs, E. Nesbitt at Kincardine.
Mts. W. C. King has been confined
to bed and has been under the doc-
tor's care for the past few days. Mr,
Bill Bennett was able to be home
frorri the Wingliam Hospital for
Christmas dinner With his family, but
returned to the hospital as there is
still infection in his finger and arm.
Miss Annie Murray has gone to
Comber, Essex County, to spend Sortie
time with her niece.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hp-id:Man and
family spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs, Merin Dilworth at New Dundee.
Mr. and Mrs. I', L. Marines spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and MrS.
W. Mannes, at Walkerton.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Short, Ron ,
aid and Carol, of Fergus, spent
Christmas Day With the former's
parentb, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Silent,
Mr. Win. Grainger, of Toronto, is
visiting with Mr. and Mra. 0.4011
Grainger, Mr. Howard Grainger, of
concert was
held on Monday night, December 21.
Mr. Clifton Ireland, music supervis-
or, presided at the piano and a splen-
did program; consisting of songs, dia-
logues and drills was given. The open-
ing numbers, "Elizabeth of England"
and "The Light that Came", in which
all members of the school took part,
were much enjoyed, the latter por-
traying the birth of Christ.
A dialogue, "The Sick Doll", in
which Dale McNce, Nancy Elliott and
Russell Press took part, was particu-
larly well done. A rhythm band, com-
posed of the juniors, Was much en-
joyed. Piano solos by Mary Elliott
and John Newans added variety.
Closing choruses and a reading by
Billy BOYd brought ,the program to a
close after which Santa arrived to dis-
tribute treats and gifts.
Euchre and solo
The regular euchre and solo party
was held in the ball last MondaY
evening with twelve tables In play.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nickel, Mr. and
Mrs, Alvin Fitch, Will Nickel, Myrtle
Weir and john Dickson were in
charge, The euchre prizes were won
by MiS. W. Merkley and Mts. Chas.
Gathers and for the men, Chits, Cab-
ers and Justin Will, The solo prizes
went to Austin St. Marie and Bill
Wells. Vernon Inglis received the
special prize for being the youngest
player present.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl 1VieNee and
rig spent-the holiday week=end' with
relatives at the Nile.
Mr.. and Mrs, Tiros, Short
Mr. and Mrs, Thou. Short were
honored by friends on Monday even-
ing, when a surprise visit was paid
them on the occasion of their 55th
wedding anniversary. They were pre-
sented with gifts in china, and an I address was read by Mrs, Geo, King.
A pleasant social evening was enjoy-
ed and old times recalled. Euchre
was played, Mr. Geo, King and Mrs.
Mel Gilkinson having the highest
Mr, and Mrs. Short were married
in Gorrie on a rather snowy day, on
December 21st, 1898, by the Rev. A,
B, Farney. They lived in Turnherry
until 1907 when they came to Gorrie,
where they have since resided. They
have two children, Lawrence Short,
Fergus, and Miss Myrtle, on the
Gorrie post office staff. They are en-
joying fairly good health but Mrs.
Short has lost the sight of one eye,
and sight in the other is very poor.
Mr, and Mrs, Nicholas Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cook, who
were 45 years married on December
26th, had their family with them on
Christmas Day for a joint celebration
and were presented with an occasion-
al chair from the family, Residents
of Gorrie for the past few years, the
greater part of their married life was
spent near Clifford. Their guests on
Christmas Day were Mrs. Peter Mer-
klMger and Mr. Carl Cook, of Kitch-
ener, Mr. nad Mrs. Melvin Greenlay,
Peter and Lynn, of Clifford, Mr. Bob
Nay, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Musgrove and Billie Nay, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Cook and family, of
Christmas Services
There were special Christmas ser-
vices at St. Stephen's church on
Christmas Eve and on Sunday after-
noon with celebration of Holy Com-
munion, the rector, Rev. D. H. T.
Fuller, in charge. There was carol
singing and Newton's anthem, "That
First Christmas Eve" by the choir.
A lovely Christmas tree was in the
church and cut flowers for the altar
were given in memory of loved ones
by the Rev. D. H. T. Fuller and Mrs
G. Foster, of Elmira.
The C.G.I.T. held its Christmas
meeting on Monday night, December
21st., in the church basement. The
meeting was opened with the Pur-
pose. Karen Michel read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Edythe Walker gave
a prayer. Games were played and
there was an exchange of Christmas
gifts among the girls. Lunch was
served and the meeting closed with
Eastern Willing Workers Meet
The Christmas meeting of the East-
ern Willing Workers group of the
Gorrie United Church met at the
home of Mrs. Harold Robinson with
a good attendance. The meeting was
in charge of Mrs. Buchanan, whose
theme was "Christmas". The meeting
opened with the singing of Christmas
hymns and the Christmas story was
read by Mrs. Russel Bridge. Mrs.
Buchanan offered prayer and read
an interesting Christmas story which
was followed by a number of con-
tests and an exchange of gifts by the
members. The president, Mrs. Thos.
McInnes, then took charge and the
following officers were installed for
the coming year:
President, Mrs. W. W. Strong; vice-
president, Mrs. A. Heibein; secretary,
Mrs. Russel Bridge; treasurer, Mrs.
Wes. Tremble.
- A vote of thanks was given Mrs.
McInnes for her very capable leader-
ship in the past year. The meeting
closed with a delicious lunch served
by Mrs. McInnes and Mrs. E. 3. Far-
t rish.
Yvonne and Wanda Sperling are
Mr. and Mr% Oliver Death, Barry
and Murray, spent the week end with
Mrs, John Inglis and family,
Mrs, O. McDonald, of Lucknow,
is spending the Christmas holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes, Carol
and Linda spent Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs, an MclEhlrneY.
A faintly gathering was held at the
home of Mr. Wallace Richardson on
Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cornish and
Danny, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday
with. Mr, and Mrs. N. Hunkin.
Mr. and Mrs, John Stokes and girls,
Mrs. Jas, Stokes and Bessie and Mr.
and Mrs, Fraser Haugh and family
attended a family gathering at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Bolt on
Christmas Pay.
Miss Betty Abraham spent the past
week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Thos. Abraham. Betty has been serv-
ing as a R.N. in the navy, at the
western coast and left Sunday for
Halifax where she will now be sta-
Among those entertaining family
and relatives on Christmas Day were,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ftich Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Merkley, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Scott, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce
Harkness, Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Dowdy, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Met-
calfe, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curie, Mr, and
Mrs. Adam J. Darling, Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Renwick, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Renwick, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dustow, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Stokes, Mr. and Mrs, N.
Hunkin, Mr. and Mrs. John Lane and
Mr. Wm, Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johann held
their fan2j,IY gathering on Thursday,
Dec, 24th., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Abraham on Saturday.
Mr. Roy Dustow, of Toronto, spent
Christmas with his parents, and Miss
Isabel Darling of Kitchener and Miss
Margaret of St. Marys are home for
the holidays. Margaret is recuperat-
ing, after ' spending a week in the
hospital with pneumonia.
Among those spending Christmas
Day elsewhere were, Mr, and Mrs.
Ross McKague and family, with his
mother at Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs.
K. C. Press and Russell with her
aunt, Mrs, Pattison of Wingbam;
Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell at Ray
Loutitt's, Gorrie; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Vogan, at Ross Vogans, Wingham;
Mr. and Mrs, George Harper at
Mount Forest; Mrs, P. Johann and
Wilfred at Teeswater; Mr, and Mrs.
Carl Douglas and Wayne and Mr. It.
J. Douglas, at Wm. King's, James-
town; Mrs, McNeil at her son's, Brus-
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffray and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmers Jeffrey
and Margaret and Mr. Robert Jeffrey
spent Wednesday with *Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Weitz and Mrs. Robert Jeff-
ray near Clifford. The gathering was
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffray's
38th wedding anniversary and Joe
and Marjorie Jeffreys' borthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Fleming, of
Palmerston, spent Sunday with their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew David-
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
GeOrge meritiey were Mr, and Mrs,
Dan Sehatte end Gary, of Simcoe.
Members of both the senior and
junior choirs took part hi the service
in Kilo); Presbyterian Church on. Sun-
day. A number of Christmas carols
were sung throughout the service. In
Virgin timber is being felled this
month at the south side of the
Ellice Swamp, to take out logs for a
lumber company in St. Clements.
Counts on the rings showing at the
ends of the butt logs show that trees
are being felled that are up to 260
years of age. Nothing is being cut
that measures lees than 44 inches in
girth, four and a half feet above the
ground, Eidt and Norman
Hoffmeyer are two of the men doing
the cutting. —MonItton Times.
School Entertainment
tie bymn "Who is lie in Yonder
sta.?" the junior choir sang the vorql,
PS with the congreption joining in,
the choruses,. The senior ehoir render-
ed the anthem, "0 Little Town of
Bethlehem," and Bruce Darling serg
the sacred solo "Nazareth." Rev,
Matthew Bailie gave a fitting address,.
on thoughts at the Year's end.
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