HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-30, Page 4BIRTHS
WILLIAMSON—At Pharnmer Hospi-
tal, Sault Ste. Marie, on Tuesday,
December 22nd., 1853, to Mr, and
Mrs. Nell Williamson, a son Ken-
neth Reid, a brother for JimrilY
and Morley.
CAIVIPBELde—In Wingharn General
Hospital, on Wednesday, December
23rd., 1953, to. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Campbell, Bluevale a son. ,
KLAAS DE YONG—In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Saturday, Decere-
ber 26th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs.
Klaas De Yong, R. 5, Brussels, a son,
DARLING—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Sunday, December 27,
1953, to Mr. and Mrs, James Dart.
ling, R. 1, Clifford, a daughter,
KING—In Wingham General Hospi-
tal, on Monday, December 28th,
1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King,
R. 2, TeesSvater, a daughter,
FEAR—In Wingham General Hospi-
tal, on Monday, December 2S, 1953,
to Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Fear, R. 5,
Brussels, a son.
PEASE—In Wingham General Hospi-
tal, on Tuesday, December 29th„
1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Pease,
Wingham, a son.
Knox W.M.S. Meet
The December meeting of the Knox
Presbyterian Church W.M.S. was held
at the home of the president, Mrs.
J. C, McBurney, with a good atten-
dance. Mrs, McBurney presided and
the meeting was opened with prayer.
The devotional service stressed the
Christmas story and was followed by
a business period. Reports were given
and matters of importance arising of
the reports were discussed and de-
cisions made.
The concluding' chapter of the study
book on Africa was taken by Mrs,
0. G. Anderson and Mrs. Bruce sum-
marized the Glad Tidings news. Of-
ficers for the corning year were elect-
ed. The meeting closed with prayer
and the hostess served a dainty lunch
and a social time followed.
The officers for 1954 are as follows:
President, Mrs. J. C. McBurney; 1st
vice-president, Mrs. Garner Nichol-
son; 2nd vice-presid'ent, Mrs. Ross An-
derson; treasurer, Mrs. Ken 'Scott;
secretary, Mrs. C. Purdon; sec. of Wel-
come and Welfare, Mrs. J. Dunbar;
Glad Tidings, Mrs. Alan Dunbar;
Home Helpers, Miss Mason; literature,
Mrs. Bruce; organist, Mrs. Bruce; aud-
itors, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson and Mrs.
Ross Anderson; press reporter, Mrs.
Anderson, Mrs. J. Dunbar.
The following committees were also
named: Program, Mrs. 1VIeBurney,
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs Purdon; sick and
shut-in, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. Mc-
Mrs. Keating Hostess
To U.C. Auxiliary
On Tuesday evening, December 15,
Mrs, Norman Keating entertained the
Evening Auxiliary when the Christ-
mas meeting was held.
Mrs, Alton Adams, who was in
charge, conducted a beautiful candle-1
lighting service. After the call to .
worship Miss Mary Love read the .
Christmas story taken from St. Luke.
"Angels from the Realms of Glory",
was sung and Mrs. Adams offered
Mrs. Adams was assisted in the
candle-lighting service by Mrs. Alan
Bennett, Mrs. Stewart Beattie, Mrs,
Frank Madill, Mrs. George Howson
and Miss Mary Love, 'representing
FOE SALE--No, 1 cob corn or shelled ,
corn from Kent County. For the I Lonp—Tire chain from
best in feed value quality and the grader. Finder please
lowest in prices contact Clarence Mundell, Wroxeter, 15r6,
Gibson, phone 45r11, Fordwich. rrb
. „ .• , „
( Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wilson and Phy” far As. St .qenlents by Mr,. and Mew,,
ills, spdat Christmas with Mr. and Irwin Witmer who spent the day with
Mrs Lorne Waiher, at .Gprrie. Mr. end Mrs. T. IsfiYer,
Mrs-Nellie Gamble and ..Tehn, spent Mrs. Bert Winston returned home
Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs..Ted last week from the Wingham General
-Uarria at Brownsville, Hospital where she has been -Pained,
Christmas visitors with Mr, and Mrs. .for the Past three months. Her .many
Fred_Haruhly wel): Mr, and 5Yfrs, friends hope she will soon be restored
Weldon Hainhly and Wayne, of Ter- to good health.
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Iiarnbly and The sympathy of the community is,
family, and Mr, Barton, of Fergtts, extended to Mrs, Albert Duke in the
antleMax Humbly, of Kitchener, death of her brother, Mrs, Duke .41
Congratniations to Mr. and Mrs. Dave left on Wednesday tor Sundridge
Joseph Helfer on the birth 44 a clan- to attend the funeral.
gheer, Thursday, December 24, paw,. Miss Florence Forester returned.
Pia Anne, at Listowel Hospital. home on Thursday from the Palmer-
nnd Mrs. George Richards and etop hospital following her recent
Billy spept Christmas day with Rev, operation,
and Mrs, John Stonson4 at Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. Ira Schaefer spent
Mr, Allan Freis is spending a week Wednesday in Toronto,
in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mann and family,
Mrs. Mary Denny visited Christmas of GOrrle, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
day with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Bricker, Johnson, of Listdwel, visited on Sun-.
in Kitchener. clay with Mr, and Mrs. ;Dick Aldrich.
Holiday week-end visitors with Mr. Mr. end Mrs, Fred Siefrert and
and Mrs. Everett Allen were Mr, and family, of Clifford, Mr. Jack Siefert, of
Mrs. Bob Holland and Teddy and Miss Toronto, spent Christmas day with
Jean Allen, of Kitchener and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Siefert.
Ms. Herold Hibleert and little daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Stan McRae and fain-
ter, of Goderich, ily, of Palmerston, spent Christmas
day with the latter's parents Mr, and
Mrs, Harvey Gibson.
tow Vow.
VOR SA-T,Z--149 1 cob corn from Kent
County, Delivered in 4 to S ten lets,
Eny direct and save. Apply Calvin
XinunerY, Morpeth, Ont, Phone no,
Ridgetown, rth30*
CRESS CORN SAL& E for sure re,
lief, Your druggist sells Cress Cal-
lous Salve too, relieves quickly,
Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago
Le over if you let RUMACAP$ help
you to relief, Ask your Druggist.
-- -- TO SETT.—baled hay, Alfalfa and
Clover. Contact Ted Moszkowski,
Telephone Wingham 71.3-W-2.
FOR SALE—G, E. Ironer, new,
used, $125.00. Phone 259W.
FOR SALE—Your choice of 3 pure-
bred York hogs, 6 months old. Apply
Harvey Timm, phone 4r1, Wroxeter.
FOR SALE-12 weanling pigs. Apply
to Cliff Walsh, Belgrave. 30*
FOR SALE-2 grade heifers, °uteri°
born, with calves at foot, freshened
last week, quiet to hand milk. AP-
ply Peter Grant, Teeswater, phone
89r5. 30*
FOR SALE—Three spring calves,
Durham; two steers and one heifer,
Call Wingham 628J2, 30b
FIND OUT how you can save mon-
ey and get complete insurance pro-
tection when you finance your next
car. Phone now and ask Stewart
A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb
SAVE MONEY by using our storage
lockers, available to town and
country citizens. Sell your cream,
eggs, and poultry to your Wingham
Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div-
idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream.
It pays to deal with the U-lited Co-
operatives in Wingham. 25rrb
cents, Elderly people. Main St.
Mitchell, Phone 11 - Mrs. Bryce.
16 :23 : 30b
FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its
best for all breeds, call the Water-
loo Cattle Breeding Association be-
tween 7.30 and 10,00 a.m. on week
days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sun-
days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or
Mildmay 130R12.
DEADSTOCK removed from your
farm promptly for sanitary disposal.
Telephone collect; Palmerston 123W,
Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR-
abled horses or cows removed free
of charge. For prompt and efficient
service phone collect, Wingham 561J
or William Stone Sons Limited,
Ingersoll. 28rrb
OPPORTUNITY to establish.
self in permanent business selling
nationally advertisedproduct a for
home and farm- No investment ne-
cessary. Man between 25 and 55
preferred. Write Dept. O-W-2, The
J. R. Watkins Company, 350 St.
Roth St., Montreal. 29162330b
Ages 17 = 40 Years
Tradesmen up to
45 years
Free Medical Services
Unequalled Pension
30 Days Paid Holidays
Per Year
To Get All This and
3.30 p.m, to 6.45 p.m.
rooms, one bedroom, living room,
kitchen, dinette and bath. Phone
65eVri, 30b
ROOM AND BOARD for yeerng man,
Phone 375J. 30*
ROOM AND BOARD—for respecta.ble
person, Apply Box 69, Advance-
Times. 30
call Win,
collect. 30b
wish to take this opportunity to
express my thanks to all those who
sent ree flowers, cards, gifts and
been at Geo. Mundell's and many
thanks to the staff in both of the
Alex Casemore,
301e Glanford Station, Ont.
Sorry I am not at present able to
reply to each one personally but hope
ray friends will accept my thanks ex-
pressed in this way for all lovely
cards, letters, gifts and telephone calls
received, everyone deeply appreciated.
Mrs. John Gowdy 30*
I wish to take this opportunity to
express my thanks to those who sent
me cards and treats and visited me
while in the Hospital, and to my
friends and neighbors who sent me
treats for Christmas. Also thanks to
the staff and Dr. McKibben.
Jack Porter 30 4'
UNDER and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain Mortgage,
which will be produced at the time of
sale, there will be offered for sale by
public auction on Saturday, January
16th, 1954, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock
in the afternoon, at the. Office of
J. W. Bushfield in the Town of Wing-
ham, subject to a reserved bid, the
following property:
"ALL and singular those certain
parcels or tracts of land and premises
situate lying and being in the Town-
ship of Turnberry in the County of
Huron and Province of Ontario and
being composed of Lots numbers 26
and 27 in the "B" concession of the
said Township of Turnberry, save and
except those portions of said Lots
hereto sold to the, Wellington, Grey
and Bruce Railway, °ca.:lining in all
197 acres more or less, and except also
those parts requisitioned oy The De-
partment of Highways 'for the. Prov-
ince of Ontario by Deposit 1211."
This property is en Highway No. 86
about four miles West of Wingham,
on which is erected a brick house and
bank barn. There is also a quantity of
standing timber on the premises.
On the North American continent
there are about as many cattle as
people. Suppose that every year $200,-
000,000 were spent promoting a com-
modity that had made 7,000,000 cattle
diseased and increased the number
of incurable animals by 250,000 a year,
What would cattlemen say? What
would the Governmental agricultural
departments have to say? Yet that is
exactly what the highly colored lavish
liquor advertising is helping to do to
human beings. Look over those statis-
tics again, They present a grim pic-
ture of modern drinking, It is not ax-
eggerated in the least, Alluring adver-
tising is definitely encouraging the
drink habit, Why not ask our Govern-
ment at Toronto to apply a little of
their liquor revenue to advertising the
harnIful effects of liquor drinking?
We already have 30,000 alcoholics in
Ontario, Twenty-two Clinics for the
treatment of alcoholics are being set
up in Ontario by the Government.
is admirable SALVAGE work,
What about at least an ounce of pre-
vention through advertising?
Inserted by the Huron County 'temp-
tranoe federation, 30b
—Mrs, Ehel Stewart spent Christ-
Inas with the Greenwood's in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs, C, W. Lloyd spent
the Christmas holiday in Toronto with
their son, Don and his family,
—Mrs, Roy Hastings of Turnberry, is
spending the holidays with her daugh,
ter, Mrs. Ron Newton, of Chatham.
—Mr, and Mrs. G, A, Pepler and
family of Kitchener, spent Christmas
with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith.
Mr, Cameron. Geddes of Chatham,
spent the Christmas holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Geddes, of Toronto
Frarmis Ste Marie, Doreen,
Lenora, Thelma, Robert and Joe
Dirksing spent Saturday in Hanover.
—Mr, Adam McBurney of King-
ston, is visiting at the home of 'his
aunt, Miss Charlotte Mel3urney.
—Miss Norma Coats of West Lorne,
is spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Coutts,
—Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Sinnamon
spent the week-end with Kitchener
—Mrs. A. H. Simpson and Marion
spent Christmas in Owen Sound with
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Manners.
—Miss Anna Shortreed spent the
Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Shortreed of Pickering.
Miss Agnes MacKay and Miss Ber-
tha MacKay, of London, spent the
week-end at the home of their brother,
Mr. Gordon MacKay.
—Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hertle and
children of Kitchener, spent the week-
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Hugh Sinnamon, Minnie St.
—Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fells of
Smooth Rock Falls, Northern Ontario,
were holiday visitors here and at Bel-
grave and Lucknow,
—Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Robertson,
Ruth and Bruce, of Stayner, spent the
Christmas holidays at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Field.
—Mr. and. Mrs, P. T. Field, Rich-
ard and David, of Teeswater, had
Christmas dinner with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. William Field,
—Mr. and Mrs. William Forgie and
Anna, spent their Christmas holidays
with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Forgie and
family, in Toronto.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MacIntosh
were guests on Christmas Day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nichol-
son, Goderich.
—Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Linnell and
Evan, were week-end guests at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J.
H. MacIntosh.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris of Sar-
nia, spent Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rintoul, Leopold
—Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Coutts and
son, Don, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Coutts.
—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Simpell, of
Toronto, spent the Christmas holiday
with Mrs. Simpell's of Mr. and
Mrs. William Reid of Wingharn.
—Misses Flora and Mary McCallum
and Mrs. Olver were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black, East Wa-
wanosh, on Christmas Day.
—Mr. and Mrs. Brian Groh of
Grimsby also Mrs. Elsie Cruickshank
of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs.
Roy MacDonald and family.
—Ralph R, M, Baird left for New
York City on Saturday, after spend-
ing two weeks' holidays with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. George Baird.
—Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Somers, Val-
erie and Gregory, of Midland, On-
tario, spent the week-end With Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. DuVal. •
—Miss Maxine Cowan, of London,
and Mr.-Roy Wilson, of Hamilton,
spent Christmas at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Centre St.
—Mr. Irving Elliott, of Beamsvillc,
spent Christmas at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott,
Bluevale Road,
—Mr. and Mrs, John Hopper, of
London, spent the week-end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopper.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowland and
family spent Christmas with his ear
eats, Mr. and Mrs, Rowland, of Erns
—Miss Anne Geddes and .Mr. Len
Bok spent Christmas Day with her
sister, Mrs, Joe Little and Mr. Little,
of Seaferth.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ewing and
family, of Collingwood, are spend-
ing the Christmas holidays With Mr.
and Mrs. R. G. Gannett.
—Miss Ruth Cantelon of Highland
Creek, spent Christmas wih her par-,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cantelon,
North Street.
—Misses ponelda and Mary Helen
MacDonald are spending the holidays
with Mr, and 'Mrs, Brian Groh, of
—Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Hastings visit-
ed their son, Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Hastings, at Toronto, over the Christ-
mas week-end.
--Holiday visitors With Mt. and Mrs.
W, A. Galtiraith were Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. D, Galbraith, of Kitchener, Miss
Helen Week of Clinten and Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Dickinson of bttawa.
Mrs. Fred Tuck was spending
few daye with Mrs. Cora Whitfield
of town. Mrs, Whitfield entered fir
hospital on Sunday night, and is eX
peeled to be there far some litti
—Mr, and Mete D. A. Elliott, and
son, Praci, of Exeter, spent the Christ
inns holidays wih their parents, Mr
and Mrs. W. T. Brawn and Mr, and
Mrs. A. M. Elliott,
--Mr. and. Mrs. T. Bildfell and
family, of Muncey, and Mr. Laurence
Bildfell, of Windsor, spent the holi-
days with her parents, Dr, and Mrs,
W, Davis,
—Mrs. and Mrs. Archie Holmes, and
two daughters, of Brantford, spent
the Christmas holidays with Mrs.
'Holmes' mother, Mm, C. R. Hender-
son, of Leopold Street,
—Mr, and Mrs, Ross Orvis and
family of Oil Springs spent the week
end with their parents Mr. and Mrs
P. Hogg and Mr, and Mrs, G, Orvi
and other relatives.
—Miss Doreen Ste. Marie, Mr. Jo-
seph Derksing of Guelph, Leonard Ste
Marie of Chatham Spent the holiday
with Mrs. Loretta Ste Marie and
—Mnr. and Mrs. W. D. Hobden and
son David of Hamilton, Mr. Jim Hob-
den, Toronto, Miss Jean Hobden,
Hamilton, visited their parents Mr,
and Mrs. R. R. Hobden.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Husband, of
London, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Merkley
and girls of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Merkley of town, spent Christ-
mas with Mrs, Merkley and Miss Bolt.
—Mrs. A. R. DuVal had a pleasant
winter holiday, previous to Christmas
motoring with three of Mr. DuVal's
sisters to Washington, Williamsburg,
Virginia Beach and Philadelphia,
—Christmas visitors at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. D. J. MacRae were
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. B Walker, Miss
Betty Armor, Miss Margaret Walker,
Mrs J. D. MacRae and Miss Kathleen
Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John '1Vfeinyre,
Billie and Grant, also Mr. and Mrs.
Hector Purdon and family of Sarnia,
spent Christmas at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Pardon,
of Lucknow.
—Miss Miriam Martin, of Detroit,
has been spending the holiday season
with her sister, Miss Belle Martin,
They spent Christmas at West Hill
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westney and
Miss H. 0. Martin returned to Wing-
ham with them on Monday.
—Miss Ruth Burgman, Reg. N., who
is taking the public health course at
the University of British Columbia,
in Vancouver, is spending her Christ-
mas vacation with a class mate, Miss
Heather Rose, at Pioneer Mines,
British Columbia.
—Guess on Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs. George Guest and family
were: Mr. Gordon Guest and Doro-
thy, of Denfield; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Guest and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Scotty Guest and family, of London;
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis and Mr. and
Keith and Miss Elda Keith, of Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keith of
Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Bannerman and Phyllis Ann of Green-
och and Miss Jean Keith, B, A., of
—Miss Verna Showers of London,
Mr. Fred Young of Lucan, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Taylor and boys of
Hamilton spent the Christmas week-
end at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Showers
also Mr. Glenn Showers of 0.A.C.,
Guelph is spending the holidays at
the home of his parents, Dennis
Taylor is staying up for the week.
Former Resident Passes
Mrs, Ethelinda Argue, 77, of War-
time, Sask., died Friday at Elrosc,
Sask, She was the former Ethlinda
Bricker and moved with her family
from FordWich to Wartime 42 years
ago, settling on a 'farm.
Surviving are two sons, Withrow
and Sheldon, at home; three brothers,
rrs: Bricker, of Scofield, Mich.,
Adam, of Flint; and Sheldon, of Kit-
chener. Her husband, John, predeceas-
ed her 10 years ago.
Interment was in Wartime ceme-:
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ettinger and
Shirley Antic, Mrs. Wm. Stewart and
Harris, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Kra'. Elston Speiran, near Brussels.
Mr. and Mts, Robt, Campbell and
family, Spent Christmas With the lat.
tet's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George
Moss in Galt,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudson and Mar-
ian, visited on Christmas Day with
the forrner's patents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ernmerson Hudson, at Hanover,
`Visitors Christmas Day with Mr.
and MrS. Marshall Armstrong were
Mr. and Mts. Irvine McDowell 4Uld
family, of Gait,
Teachers visiting at their respective
homes for the holidays are Mise
Maude Harding, of Toronto; Harvey
Bride, of Lucknow; Clayton Brown,
of Hearst; Miss Mariann Doig, of Kit-
chener; Miss Gwenneth Bride, of
Week-end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Ira Schaefer were Mr. and Mrs.
George Trethewey and family, of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Petznick,
of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Doe
Schaefer and family, of Toronto.
Miss Elsie McDermitt and Harold,
of Brantford, spent Christmas With
their Mother) Mrs. Clara 1-11eDermitt,
Mr. Eruee Williamson, of London,
spent Christmas and the Week-end
with his mother, Mrs. Emma William-
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sothern and
family, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Ott, Wallace Township.
Mr. 'and Mrs, Hoyden Devitt spent
ChristmaS day with relativelt in Kit..
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horton had
their family with them for Christmas
including Mr. and Mrs. Allen White,
of Clifford, and their two Children.
Under New
The concentrated, easy to Use
solutioh which combines the
effect of 4 SULFA DRUGS.
Complete, detailed dosage chart
for all animals on every bottle.
K err's Drug Stor E
Skates Exchanged
We take in Old Skates on New.
Trade Used Skates, Buy or Sell,
Now or Vsed.
Bring in your old skate* find
we'll Make a deal.
&elated's Hardware
Tiro Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Dee. 30, 1953,
never letters and also to the ones who
30e visited me while in Wingham and
Victoria Hospitals and while I have
your- TERMS: Ten per cent of the pur-
chase price to be paid down at time
of sale and the balance without inter-
est, within 30 days thereafter.
For further particulars and condi-
tions of sale, apply to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
29th day of December, A.D., 1053.
J. W. BUSH.Freni ,D, Q.C.,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Mortgagee,
L. G, BRYCE, Auctioneer.
leds do the Trick -4. No Matter what the Weath
. Joy, Love, Christ the Light of the
World, Peace and Hope, Each read an
appropriate item and lighted her in-
dividual candle. This was interspers-
ed by the singing of carols and a
chorus, "Love Came Down at Christ-
mas", by Mrs. Whitney Grose, Mrs.
Ken Kerr, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Mrs.
Emerson Shots and Mrs. Norman
At the conclusion of the worship
service the collection was taken, Mrs,
Alan Bennett read a fitting poem and
Mrs. Adams gave the dedication pray-
Mrs. G, W. Tiffin read a beautiful
and vivid story about the birth of
Christ, "The First to Kneel", a nar-
ratiVe poem by Catherine P. Newell,
a story which held her listeners
The president, Mrs. W. B, Cruik-
shank, took charge of the business
part of the meeting, The reports of
the 'various officers showed a grati-
fying year for the Auxiliary, Miss
Mary Love, literary secretary, report-
ed that the book shelf Was ready for
circulation for 1954 and it was to be
hoped that more members Would take
advantage of its fine selection of
reading for the enSuing year.
At the eloSe of the meeting a love-
ly lunch Was served and an enjoyable
time was spent SOCially.
• Mr, Ides. Browne and Doug, of Tor-
e onto, visited over the holiday with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Peter Browne.
Mr, and Mrs. Eminerson Har-
grave and Beatrice, Mr, and Mrs,
Wellington Hargrave and Douglas,
visited Christmas day with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Orth, at Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart, of Lis-
towel, visited over the holiday week-
end with Mr, and :Mrs. James Vittie.
Mr. Edward Doig is spending the
Christmas holiday with his parrots,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Doig.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Pollock and
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Fraser speht
Christmas in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Ruttan, of Wing-
ham, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Anson Ruttan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Doig and
family, spent Christmas in Kitchener,
Mr. Thos. Dunnington spent last
Wednesday in Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan and family
spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ir-
win Nelson at Mount Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bride, Messrs.
Carman and Harvey Bride, spent
Christmas day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Morley Bride, at Elora.
A, C. I, Allan Witmer. and Mrs, Wit-
mer, of Texas, spent part of their
holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
I. Witmer, also Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Witmer and baby, of Kitchener, were
Sunday guests at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and fam-
ily, of London, spent the holiday week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Baker.
Mr. Harry Samson spent Christmas
at Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Misses Letitia and Louise Matthews
spent the week-end in Paisley.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Woolcox and
Paul, spent Christmas and the week-
end in Aylmer.
Miss Esther Harding spent Christ-
mas and the week-end at Arthur at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Ridley over the week-end
were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and
Karen, of Orangeville, and Mr. and
Mrs. George Bolander and Keith Rid-
ley, of London,
Miss Jean Wallace, of Toronto, and
Mr. Maurice Wallace, of Port Credit,
spent the week-end with their parens.
Mrs. Earle Alverson and family of Miss Lenore Beswitherick is spend-
Strathroy. ing this week with her aunt, Mrs,
Gordon, in Toronto, —Visitors at Win. Keith's over the Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Patterson, holidays were Mr, and Mrs. Gordon yi of London, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wipp
Keith, of Toronto; Miss Grace Keith, I and son, Paul, of Galt, spent the boll-
R. N., of Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. Jack day week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earld Patterson.
Mr, and Mrs. Evan Faille and Eve-
lyn of Chicago, spent the week-end at
the home of the former's mother, Mrs,
E. Faille.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bride, Niagara
Falls, spent the week-end at the form-
er's home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt
and boys spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Fitch, near Belmore.
Mrs. Mac Corbett and family, of
London, spent the holiday week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Matthews. •
Miss Dorothy Campbell, of Hamil- ' sTop
ton, spent the holiday week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Camp-
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fleuscheur and
amily and Mr, Bill Johnston, os
Stratford, spent the holiday week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. James Warrell.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt and
David, of Toronto, spent the week-end
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Schaefer.
Mr. Mel Johnson spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs, Orton Chapman
near Listowel.
Miss June Cooper, of St. Thomas,
Mr. Allan Cooper, of London, spent
Christmas and the week-end wills
their parents Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan and family
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Allan, at Conn. Master Brian
remained for a week's holiday.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Messrs. Ira and Ward
Schaefer in the recent death of their
mother the late Mrs. Henry Schaefer,
who passed away in Toronto Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Morley Johnson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl John*
son and family spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnson in Lis-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mann and family
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed McCallums.
Mr, and Mrs. Barry McKnight and
Linda, of Listowel, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, Miss Linda
remained for a- week's holiday.
Miss Laura Donaghy, of Toronto;
spent the holiday and week-end with
her sister Mrs. Linnie Ellsworth,
Mr. Donald Doig is spending this
week with relatives in St. Catherines,
Mrs. Nellie Hutchison, of Toronto,
visited friends in the community
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells, of London,
spent Christmas and the week-end
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, Ashton.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr. .At
Freis were Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Fries
of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Freis and baby, of Streetsville,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Purchase, a
Toronto, and Miss Irene I3utchart, •
Clifford, were Christmas day guests
at the home of Mr, arid Mrs. Harold
chener, they were accompanied as le