HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-18, Page 8A r `',: - . . ­ I I : * 'I; AFFIF I . , Pi . . �nllt-:.tT-1� � tl�-11 ("I I'T: I:- N 'Irk1hol, f�,,X ,1,-? ,W z, I ­11�11�- —1!`!s!T ,I-- . ...-I----- -- 11 llvl� ipl­L , " ,tI,l #7z &"It -r- . r " ­ ­­­­ , I . . , , - "' �� M1, 7�­,,'­ �, �. , . ,� t�rtl f�-7' !�"�IF!"��1,74�.-�17,�4,�"�7?�, - I ,-11, -------� 1 I "' ,-a �,� �z � � " . �,:akal"'XioL� Not.* .. ��-- ­­­­ -- — �� I � 'TIL7411�,�W­!�!��i!­ !-�­' a,4 - - , , -, . .� . r. - I , ­ �t- I I lo� , * . . I , . ""I 4 . . - -4 . � . I ,�,�"at:",4-,Iaraik6�i,;imAtwm*�ti . SIGNA14 — GOD�CX ONT. . -1 �- — ii ,* ��j� , . I I� � I THE -of-way of talks, " k 'A � . . ­ -- f a road ur riglat , -, , — I , !., " icxl� sommo� --- - ­­- ---- - -- - r sload uu&r, CA I , . ( 0 M,%C�,, W1* " 'h: -4 , 4 , , , *:1VF1 "" IQ, 11tt -- I - �z A-Wrketrou � - F000llortaory -- .. -- - all; u"t tit width extending along the = tit 014!# - redil -ill - '� I , �. I.1 lw��-- - -- - � -- - - - -- - -- - --- The game won mtk.11 b,U,er Iliall the some" "42 mmot, ight month** limit of the mid liorthwes, -, I I, . "I , * a w4isan furnishing APPI'Oved I � 0 the front 0 1, � , , A . . - — . " front r the X:, ��,V, , -� I . - Tle implieo,. Young gcored the 41111111 KiIIA at the rate n mid block -1) I I ­�� rr I 11 ---- -..-- ---- of Knox Church 7ag counter for the All Stars early to Tuesday, February 23. ---Auction IK4w discount The SK i - I � Annual Meeting ' u* IK -r anuum sllt)%vd for caffill, said block -D- to the reer thereof OR " ,�, " I ., i4 � the firlit period. but Notre, tied 't, unia gale of faral stock and Implemeatil, 11 Ct the River Maitland. I - I � yid I I at amounts. the pur�i I -�,, �. In the property of Mr. (71IIarlev T. Edward. --Tea per cent. Of 1;� , � on aim I For Rept all. before the Period vu&A oll or, NVILY,. I TERMS � �, I . , .",,,, I C of.pWAIIII.; T. G V money to be paid at the time 09 f -t " , 1 4 I, wed -011d, frame F. Allison anti Westbrook lot III, concession 5, Ooderit-ta town- I Auctioneer. h !R� I A� 11 1! "I � se ,�,� I , - 41 ., - tallies for the ,&It Proprietor. - - ,�, 11 - I I Xishing and the -added two mort $hill, -- ILI' balance to be paid in thirty days �k� odical � ­ � 11 THE OPERA HOUSE I , i Z ­ - T 1'.� - mars. while the Itink -Were UM b I e tw4) Friday. February 28 . --Mor - --� , � - &",11,11-A �,.' "PI, I , 11, vp , F'Z (h, All - .).14 SALE Or FA � � , 4 I I , available for Reports Presented Show the Congregation to be Flotir ,=. I I Jim STOCK I The mile will N. subject to 0 reser%ed , I, 4.1 -ore. 11, the final period tTXN1- I , � � ­ � 11 is now1v any- Membership Increased -0-11M --.Trf"�, st 14a la of farm In the township of HOUSSHOLD F MIL �, . 7I, .. " , 0,W: III ficl�. see advertisement elsewhere on 1) rt �,11 , , , .., - � .t. b�k Holding rticulars and wbdill " � 1, "11""I r, �, . �,� - vi. , , , Stars put the game 013 it . � For foortbor Its I �Z� � 11 �� .: 11 one wishing to Tent for . ,,� A" , yIj & MAYS ":��"��'!�' ­V,;� I i 0 � � D'Ji,#. I - i -4- s,A ,� � - Apper 11 macdoll- . thho page. I liens at @a* apply w ILA F THE 0 1 . - For OPERAr _ - ER lao v I — Rep � -- I . A :H ' " I I I - a, able 0 U� I f fo wish � g to en n r I I � — . Lathes;, ­Sk II, r ,,, —� � ., � amateur a ,w , or concerts. three Mon, � '� WeduesdaY, Mart -b .l.-Awtiou ---- �;.,,At�, ate. T�--- L - �%; � amateur shows or conoerts. wall Earl Wevotbroo-k go ttilig onk safe I Haunt" @~, Godearkh, Ontario. " I to flonal Ineeting I viety. During the Ytsf V282 -2o aid suit Aillml, Out.. this Sth 1i 4� , 11 � or terms got. tht' of farm stock. Impiements and house- it wm. J. ANDREW DsUd ab Goodarrich, -1 J� _ rims app y , I &, 1. 1,4 For terms apply to Tile askilluil ('011grPgs noday ,..tit to) the general W -M -S- fund, a We each. while ai."Irre . u4 Ir- I ; I ItI 1 4 Knox church was held Wed'ut t to Maple goal of the gault' 011 a """' J It property of WI I of 9 %�lued hurt Ween ,*.I toy public (2 day of February, A.D. IM 11 � I W M � � W k :t &48.45 was aim ' G- 21, concession 3. :4. West Witwill----- -- , 60i *­ 1411, - 57.?oo wjk.� conte(- - .,.If rang. auction a SAPS, 11 mmmmm.--� I�^jr . easle y I everaing If last week• Then- wa nosh HAYS A ,,�'4­ t Ju.L •boofork the I .' U-1 u ti: 'i. . _ r�t! � a ree Ara:lro-'-, al I .iou ,t 140L IT.1 ,�� ( 4. A p , Mark.. and effort %ilivA6,11- I W, ,r- .�'. I'l'6 . ,; Wesley M. McLean good .ndant,e and the reports - -1 W- , , (, - MW of Auburn). 1-11 Hamilton street, Godericb, Oates t'll att* L miles north of Auburn) . P �� � IA'1)4-r Mission. Allison, Westhrtio,k; an - Ali la.- Mortgage Mortafa 1. ..��,gregutioll to Ile billed -rs for tilt S:=Y ,43ortia a I gee,Mrs. - I " . 0. Box 50 pented showed the cou � in varion. reptirts fit.. names of aid were the k"'ll lble), March 13. ESI)AY. MARVII 31"Solicitors for the WORTH)*I , � �'.� �, 4 P in a flourishlug 000luffi. I vale of va* bit, garden propertY and' I EDN I I � ,,, , _ , ,,(.five workers I Atwk: ­ I ,I _ - _ - -Ing at I tw't I Ella Flatter. ­ .,,.� - " -A -- - I , In' residence III the town, alf lkatli-rich. ,k kers Who lid'Ve passed to Stars, while LX)U9. Nairu vi a' 14 I Ile Out - I �r . 1� I Rev. R. c. McDermlol presided were esPeCialty 101- standing jolaycr for tilt* Joser.�- W lit =7.!=:=---------z= . I E I at I their reward .1 M - . ertitatement elmew re on this.4. a, ,lay M&re to years will: I black I , I . I � during tilt, first Part Of the mating. I tiou.4. Mrs. Win. Strachan an telling: -lice. I 1 ,4 years aid; I -are. filling - NUFArio � " W I ---- -- a the Rink 4ioal. M. .14nder-,011; deft a 0; I I , 0, ✓"., �� which notaillukti0ak were called for cert W. y clary are greLitlY Ilyboacd " WeI.W; wiligh. W. I ge, �-- I Retire rW,lg 11, years: I Dur- 4' �, V��1114VO� .1 Pleetioll of an Additional elder. .Mr. Notakell*b MIS- Spofford and F. I 1,,,, EDNA ROBINS,ON. VISITING ' .... ­ Aftlitaith school anti the 1 t,,w,: eft,re. D. — qo�.w. 6 ;-ii'm ilk]. due Me) In: ­ Archie Ilorton'ta was the only Dilm4t Society. and Mr. Samuel Bill, MR,,lonald and 4'. S &aft on FOUND 'Oo" r 1IM , I ary . I If let � I -, pa,eselited. and Mr. Horton, was de- Nairn: subs.. A. Stural.r. I. nurse. E*tpf terms. etv-, ; , ,;f, member . Robinson. I �,rhakz COW. 7 Years ""' suppo"ed I -,t - ... I L i :.1-tu for many years & faithful L ­ I ti, lit calf. due October: 1 11014 4 25, 11-Oderiell. L , I L - the Alm%'Idl I of the seiisioak. pas" 01, last summer C. Archer. ST.-IrM. itiTH, CHAIN FOR, " '.Va, vi; I It I I _ 11 ( �t �,' t " ­ / , i clared elected and will hot -, A yearit old., all - - 1.11, , � , I , Ive of the IA44rirn d1striet I Stars--GO90. J. W""d,3.= 'Reward It 0 --dielled; � , I V 4111 . repirrw.kital full of year% and honors. All 4 LO %,AM balloon tire. w X Test. ul,t just fri t I I .k' .- .b " L' mistdonary AASQ- E. W,albrook and A. in , I CIURTSBIRD, ACMUNTMM . -.- 1, . n the 111-9141021. 1 The report of the nold; left at SIGNAL OVVI(',% PMUPtlY. . 4 years Old. just, "g 4) - --- 11 , I Nairn ,.Imtlon was presented bY the trvasur, , wings. F. — 114-reford co-, 9 vests, � I . 3 - . for -r of the W. F. Sumiders. The offerings 1 4 -. 4* slitoo.. R. ST MA.N't; BIO LEAP Idlefeed; 1 .FRANK 11. GIBBS. CRARTERM. 1 M r. C. A. wit. thea votfil to Abi-ooll And W- M114L'(10 I SI'llouz lit (4)1%. . " I , . the chair ,he r,..I,,,i, -entrt .. Allison � it young. G. ,1; I liereford 4'Ow. " � - . I Joist fre�hrw unt&at. 102 Ontario streA � I I.- - � .1 ­ ­ I .,,­� I IV' -F - r 'tit THEIR 90tiOvOc mlltt with waakkol-ft7 - I Durham' 15N. Res. Inw. - -- I- �tll 11, I -- ted W $V`i�A­ - mathlesina. -- AX" . ­ I - - ka,tiv t)rgftI1IZ&tl0lI lit' i Referev-P. Turner. -- �- t' *;earn - . ' ' - . . - I IJ .e4r4 ,,o7I 1.111, I ., � , � lit -ted as secretary. . . 1,1d. joist freahelled' ,tubor; I Stratford. Phone 11�TVQ . - , . I'll . , . weeting. 31'. it. J. .t. mail -alli .-:'W.1 en.. _4 V) llludkie- Molise lationalke 0 old. due ill (it ) - I -" , W" of the 1.esoion %klls read r -pr~nteit till Interesting I ------ -- � ,; ten milt 08 'At, tiorrier. nod It. 4 yearn due afar: _ __ , , I k, � i, heir 4 i�- I I � The reporl - Arthairt-'ircle. ', - ,­, i: leave at THE SIGN I -k jrrw-v ,.,,v,. Aged. , � Rev. R. 4,.'Mcljtr , [ " . . I by Ilw moderator. report of the year. act In I OBITUARN � T roperive rewarod. ­ ,� I 1) am row. (; years 4LJIAI done 11�� �1, I . - -- VN � , I I of the erlAlia throolligh %-lmling Ill"diiiing tit a Win, limotintl 4 - --- I Durti, _-Ow. 4 years -. - - 11 - - L I . �_- k� , - ow - 1 - tirh' I AUCT10. ,,�, , - ­ I " I "I 11 � mid. soolLp - --- ­-­ Ran 4 . , .. ,Gt*f :.-T ; I ,E , which I . 'DRY, GODBRIC � , Wl�- - , - , .IJ "W, j Ia. It fell Kiln, church had pa -9141 during o ( $,,<r part of K . 11 I 'r ,.4o, till. great MARY 4,111811OLM M,SMA pued; I Durboui `0w. 9 GUN 41014"ill . ft,?P&,4�"1#Ao"t­ .-r, -V. (IIliI,kfU1I1IL 4 * I. just fresh ft" •.tl*,]: I red "it* I T"Lolkvttz STOCK A l,rD asci t, . •I . - WIM!'= 4ZD '4-, L the year and expressed & I% 11, %V.M.s. general fund. I A former resident ___ .4 ,pnt to tho, of this vicinity - r, G SINSIRAX **A*#"'-- 1 &llowl4m 4. . 1i�=',Ik, �:, � It -on orre" Uon emailled 10 'Phis report *84 read toy Ill...., Edna reality. ' aria old. just . Ili .Prs'l -nOV I , . , , thea tit, 4 bud rpalsied away at Dilation (Ili Thin STS FOR $41.E. -C E D . S.? . At*c . SER With adialltiot'S from %%11.) im pre-ide 11. in Ilk, person of Miss . ming 2 Yval"; !-I fulled Angus st" W.W� 04 I 'N lw­ ,,�"'k,,'Q�� I largely intact. %I no I: %k a at. February PO "A' 64141 -got, rado po your old; 6 Pulled Angola hPiferIi- I Telephone Na 119. , �,�t*�; 'Oel V Itt, •. .- ,�i'� ;Q.,� # I the Ill -burn diArict. togeth- %%'ill' - Cir,l­ I Mary Chisholm. daughter Of tIK' late Ft iRD, R. R. 4 G 2 ptelor calve` 1 '! !rifer Sol., attended to anywhere and ever* -- ; , . f , i " -, ,O � , MW uVing ROOM other preRbyterian families had I .%li­ Edith AViggirli. to, o:.,b'f:,I 1pho,im. The de- ,ear old; 16 white IA'9-' Ort made to 9tv'r GAtiffifactlals" �, 5611 % 4 - It Ile fit ALBERT M I'G . -, 1 I , in Goderich. the mo -111- , -If 312141iillivr Mr. and Mrs. Win. 00 CoThorne telephone 1-11;,.. Ill, � 3 Young efilve` i Pff ,- I" ,� I't IV . ay M owe. erivii. , * " :,,,,� A Mission I, of;oderich 4 - .- - I tee discounted. X -4m.,toiw� ' by eany, Yle 11184 .eam , *ikeer,aag Farmers' ..I. 12- . I " . � is toads all the cozier Idi come to rftlde Isesoient ort of this or- ,I was born In horn pallets; 20 ROck Pullo-II, .Ap Rack �fl * W a,.- bungs, divan or set* berillip was larger than It y,i,r ago' � iloind. fireSenti-d Ibc reP ship about fiftY-Six years &got. and -- IN .,to . ­­IIi t. -46H Melodious chairs, I tkening I ,h, year twenty ARM FOR SALE. -IN THE TO - ' fag g -e . I ' 0. . " :11 Vriugs There was. too. Fill 4"'Ident "'A; !;al1izL,tion. which during .t.ut ,years tigoi we'll to IA`n- IF 81,11, of Goderl,h, .am Prov """' you -`oI"`- I;' BERT RovERTSON. " ., ?�r birder, 6 -ft. cot -. I Deering an , � 1�"N,1,00 � f� tee. Piled with pillows, and with - - s' In - I I , � " that I ,give"- ownfortabiy, such quality ! of the Interest of fine la,ilol, in tbt, I r;ii.,.,i $1.,7 for WiMMODS" Ptlrlx)pe' (ion. where mille lived up too the t'mt* highway, fire miles from Goderich -k -Alitivator; I RO Qualified Andisamc. - - - I I me(Ill,rault I -`I-�V""W.j , I l) -t ­� - - ­ � - work of the Aturch. The AtlealdAnct I A brivil' refoort . (tum. the_ _at. And � of her death. She I" aurvirW by four six from Clinton. adjacent to c u f . -a," drin. Vt hOe', - - 91alen Shobilk GO&MW - I - , improl-d. and flub was orad by "I , 0 "i , " FUMffURE I I 1,.v%r'S Mr. Mi -Der- I bro,them &not three silit'": Austin and school. comprising thirty Ser m will conduct ally sale In tink, cousin , 4 - - - at clainrch services bad I the ing holy rokP! I tw"-furrow plow ; I TW� inerea-ANJ lll'(-rlllit3 in , nts npon -1 offers a brArty iselcoule t4i friend Of there was all i mid. who added ROMP ('011"we Chisholm, of London; John Chl"holm- first-elass land well e-dra ollver blow: I disc. borrow'. I tursip of Huron. For information Apply * bo*q "A ". I Ni �) stronger. See our den And --7 corner" - offering" for the suplowt of file . like work Which this illub JA doing. Churleg 1111bil"Am. (If XeTen-roo I vA,uffl,r; I wheelbarrow , P. J. Ryan, Hamilton SL, or ordemil, W# .r9i , :, , .1 � �, zt The alt,11111-111" a' the I Tile ,,a,M"* lid of Brantford; Good cement block ,,PoI (trill: � prompt All- t'Sliflim .I Kt -K 0-�4;.Z, ,;,. pkeep before purchasing. ()air stock , ,*hur,-b*,, work, Society ""'I'd I lipultall, "nil Willinm Ch'sh"It", of oank-bgarn 40x50; dri I mat pulper; I foinninic milt; I Pte' left with him will receive ��­ A. F. (;. Weir. house; N�N � � - - tion. - In h mary - house and giLroage 30z50; orchar - �"& ��,�,41,, ' attiierds splendid sph,c July'skad December 4-wautilli"" Apr' I , . Mf town: Mrs. J. V. `61RI-h. of M"lltretsl* orchar .1 gloop sleight, (new) ; terition. 1� i!,. , � - 4713 and 4.V) respectively. was I " raised Wit) during the ye" I I - 1. z, - to- Mm F. Kuntz. of Toronto 55 good winter apples', Heyer -fa I set Buick ,leigb­. I wagon and lool'.. --�--- � ',, � �, the history of the 4-- ontrihoutillig ;ell"T"us"' f Sault Ste. Mark'. - � � - ` I'd""; "", 1 ,otter: I all- I J M. STAIXYR, AUCTIONiZER .U. r k,". I , � � **­ the largoonoot In T pray. For further parlik I heavy walron gear; 111R, ,�� � 11% I � 11 : and Mrs. land rvoller; -� ' '­ E L �. ---�, v1Q!lk-11F -W-,10�9 I W is, r: ttv:%pellow of painting the 1 =t. T1h1W,eo;t,,.o to water on , - I ItIc remains viery torought farm ,toe 41100*14 I 11 - ,ars apply to OSWALD (;I.NN, - --r ketils. and stirrer I large I ;� for household offectil 0 *4-0!� �. Aok!uz "Amt�aav- ; TI,, pe4ijou expressed in hand a batAnCt (If Goderich and the funeral took. Place Goderich. Phone 1(i -M. ; Inapt.. -yrup pm it - I %MnII Milt"" A% r"P for the couaty of HQroIL I" =1 6 I I Ir .r .", I R. W H EA LE Val L ' - -K rpxa "on lilt sense ufi ,.I'll 1, i No bull I , . 1 Di" indebteItness towards thonot• who w nearly VW. from st. lleter's, church ,,it 1.4atai ay, --- -rv-- tank: 150 NP11- Audi Add,. all co�unicatiom to . I �:111 11 f, I , ,'r', Furniture Fun" ter Guild. although a to, St. t1voter's '"' I putt: I n.*. - AUCTWN SAIX , lauckel.: •'I I -Men, "Mn..; ;�:� 1�'�, I . I t;..O. Whi'.. All-, 1, 4' 1�� . 1 I I I ti.maton ter3. I , " J4; tj . I" Sarasota. Godsorldio. Oat, I carrying on till, work, In the KlIblatt The Woositmin 11 Kilo, ch �,.,h, morning at 9 O'clock t,lue; I itarare feed' @TALKZR. Auburn P. O. , , . . orbool, organization new orliantAkit Mass 4 ," ' - I - the ml%sionar) I.. In colih,)rno towl-bill, ' cooker %% -ov er ; I ,#, - . -, I ;oy;-i -- -- -- I an other I ill W I I-(- , � tractor. 14-:N 0.4 OP"METRV ­ .1- � I -,* t faithful -.ervit,- ret report. 7be pallbearers were Willi RX . 11 - 11..� 1 threo-fiirrijor, inn fur plow �­ � 11-1 - ideri-41 I I am VIAw _ (TION SALE OF HOI*SF work : 11 - - - I , -C 1. eery credi-swPle ePtake ith t er departments Of the a,, able I., present ft yet was q or LPM .unX by Iter. Father Campania. ---' �, I 6. ­ 14 -- . ;1 of of read by . . . I I f . A *ITITRE AND ]PURNIS11 �. W I - ­ r' - - ­ I I ch,.Ir under ill ership of the chldr was 1wile. John (*hisholm (Brantford), N and JAI"; I 'let I lAffis --- . ­ - . P lead, - - - -- , I - (; ifolso was mentloneot I *TV;- "" - ter anal WAIT fellow-,. - thr lonaldloof 44 MM W- F. .'ITT? cutter. 110% I- COLE., R. O.. A1.141 -r-- 11 F , . ' 44 = - donald I \t"" A-V the Henry Y,-unka And F. Kuntz (Torontol I toraw-111-11"It"' I teum horny a. new: 2 A. . OPTICIAN. ""VAN, t ."jAW . I marks of appreciation "I. Bayfield road. Godisrich 00 I OPTOMETRIST. J , !�� , ­ ­ pret-intloo. -V -OMor re I .. ATUROAY r I set sinrie harl'44w; I Ch. 1.1"- -7 7f iwe,X, report shoWeil 6 I _K,rvb-v which Is rendereat by thP 4,Wr I F]EBRITARY - � new collars: I set t,nni I,Rrl"-*t , West Street. Goderi silt" 094LY4 I - "falikkattil'al I MRS. JAMES MCBRIDE . 'clock '. I set pI..%% harnow,s: of the CkAll I fasherno the all at December 319t - I -A-. . ­­ ­ , *r: ­ r-, - , - THE - ----- I makeTh" In r week Io 14144. 1 -sok an old reIii- I ,.=XirkX a; 4 30 o, 14, hortio, PI)wer; I I Honor Graduate rooto . ­` " """ I � '-.,I I �., The number reported it, w4l front I nienteil tbkos report .After A 11fiffairins: ilint 1,1vitax room. dlidog roonkI, I 111i I gas; engine. 1. ophthalmic College of TO - ly.134V I - , I last. 6 Mr. F. 4.. Weir M of Colborne township plisSed , bench amined by the latest wells- I " D41 Announced garden washing mAt'hi0e w'th . I. Eyre Px , l - , - 4 " I and kitchen th.4 of thi. pinall, vowmittee a dent furniture: '� iw)wi-r -hurn S . 11-V was tm away ion Tuesday. February 9th. in -lit . I slid wringer: I I oil ismo� . - o. , ing of giassO -i� Tilt- ri-port of the . abblith I ,itrIN.14 1 A M-1144-4 I flint. though tile, fimuclai statement , : linoleum: dishes; 4 ods, and the proper fittl * I - 4% rind by The oil :1 ,bow,(1 *Ino still owing on tht' Piano. the in her � grarriophtme aim f Examiners Certificate Na873- _".. "4 1. ; W perinten(kill. Mr person of Mn. James McBride. I other articles. 1 vimidar slow and mandrel� I A4011- at moderate prionia Ontario Bear* , -1 , . .1 .1�A1C', 4.. K. Kan"th-ro The or. I chi., balance land 1*441 M*- . . . I ­,,� C�oderich erkage at WIPHI ont, by Who was . .venty-fifth year. Everything will be "Dial. 86 it •law Iowa, : I b"99F 1101": 1 1-111lz ladder; I 0 A I , I , - ,- - --A-, - ­ - nobler of the I ,,.- - - -*44. the -rA to urs. McHrldr, woo, t4- Jol - -�, 1 2:�-arkkl� ,-ill ,oil (,rural *. 4 - i tenitarave for the year was I the manmg4 - - �, I Abort ladder: I -on roick; Music , -jik,, , - �� . A14 2W. being on Jan- I the 4t. Andrew's Club. . A ]I I ,,,lItrlbut1oLr. .from Glavin Of IA rented' . I grain , ----..i ; 1 -late Mr. and Mr -k. Charlet TEUM14-4"21411. 1 11;13 rjwk� I highest Attendance. W A awalinot I lt,nrl.,." ,"tit separator. I � , " orgaulated 1-1 deal X, lived tboPre unlit I , ,b,IN.: 1 .,kio'airtneY fullkinsr in& .IA 14�, " * Ilary Lv;otb sell the IOW"t- 'arl, on SPW I The relmirt Of the 1'n-byt.-rian h. She wall I"Prik In T. 6 t'N DRY. Aft ' - roller; I I 41 011, I "Heat Folks I township anti OF. W. H. JACKSON. Org, I ­�:t, t pori . 9*41, ln�-�1.11;40,% 1XII!, I trmhosr dth. Retailer AlterldAuVe Ou; Church Atim-11111011. 'tier Marriage AIK)ut fi,rty.4.1ght years ORTGAGE SALE OF F. IN '. .111tivator %fill' ties" I, usic. Nortl& -­', 1,,�,,­, �L. - -�* , the part of the orholarot to stimulated' � with the crisis of union. Ravi, It Mum' If VN Ill hille: I turn I w -raper -. IM and Director of Bit*& - � . .HIP \Sil- I -,: ". � l ago. when she moved to' Colborne H . lf��3 ,�p� , . I of awirilp. A scholar I Mary Of U., operations. Thm. Aotpoi-lft- . lkar%-�sler attachment; - 11110 ,luck - street Methodist church. InKrUCtiom �-. I .. - 01 - , . .� , I . � ,�.wnpblli. Mr. Mit-Bride lwvtiqk-eawd .10 off. r o, Planet, .12, ttr.rf�iI ic in 011r twlyhqb "ItItMpn&tPm Over gets FIELD. - � nbnt 'AN) 11111011as: voice Cultur - -tii;A �I I - Tlere's no stat ofty Sunday$ or - tion I 4 flow 41J-ballded-� -r almoSit Pxs4*tly five year". in Feb- I hi,il, .4) tons. ppait; 5 bollO.'alfalfa givInteStudaI a dipl4outio If be k_lw up his regu The bard ,f limilikjaement reported lit con -w Pollak -Violin, Guitar, Theory. of M,i;;,�7 � \I ry 2ktll. lfr-,I, She leaveto, Pursuant tothe of - :.- hwt. timothy'. Inn IAVI boateaft -,4 � � qr'j";j, . otle - '41ped, . &I North ujisfik--I ­­� - --- I- - ---- - - - I -1101f, ,6W:1w, _A_1,re" year- a ;4.4eft,0a.ugk:1ba--�!1-1-rrt-yy. *r-_ A -4-!!!n Ill- --'-' .........=h0k, al-bi!- . - -- 11 - yards- ----�-A---z==­ --*4tend _ , 1 Jarviii Melivide. -tar tht, -- I Y1111111(" it. ... Is- , ---- --F.W�p.-H-qllanttry of good !soky. I - QR(-. reolde- ' "I" , Irp"latt.d. This xystptn ,if re- , J. I protioueell at the timor of I"t- I Al" MacKay. ­.. how h."ter store. nearly new*- 1 AMN - No interference With 001f --I lon Continues for _,in "ars.. ,. Weir. finameld saterel"If �Var!ow. 41?e Im survived also, by two there ,,, P - - -- - --kT( V! -- 4 - sal- r: r'. pribcool brothoo --T- - - - ,,,, .-I -tWr- , 1 1 elf-1*111, Mr. F. I, James, ary a * or Weill we 1, be .iferpill for an P i ,ng .to%,l.* 1 4,,,4k,ch; 4 ChAirs' CHIROMAGIM , I busine*89 of keeping ydiff WaM-; Those who, attended Ashbilth , Of the cimatregati011. lit ted that 4 -ton- .r% : Girvill. of Gott- t, t 'Illoge with reservoir. - 11 . 1. , .MzW.11 Standavot or more, Tribullono lad a WRI10.11. ,and Charlf- flow. at Rivett'it Hotel. at. , A " .;,�!fr�7!� �'!��!111'1 last Year for fiftr . come it. except, i - from . 26th leop llenol�.uiaf range X. ATKINSON ,0,r�, �. ! , L * ­ - it,,. numbror,, erloh. The fuuPr&l took 11141*1 of Dungannon, on Friday. Real] Jib Wood; mild coal grat"; I Crown R. A. . I , T T!�� I *Ian ?(r We have not gigned Off. I .,Ill the awards mail-- -0 -them were. well during tilt, Year. And tilt. home of bet Pon on Thurviday. day of February- Ify-41, at Clock range, . %%,,ill rp%cr%-,,Ir: I barrel D 471flRol'ItAcTOR ­ --,;�44�-*� ... I Huron ... h -year soont-111@111IIII I ,lope showed Ian I � M rlor tables: I Goderich. - - 11 - 'A "I . � I '. I an follows: St-velat . contributing IT Pnvk` -bruary lilt,. to Colborne --enleterY. I in the arternotma. the farm an �d P� a rilivailar: 21 sinal( Its dim- %14 rL41"$!T4A* for any strike S6 O. S. , I ofir- Chronic organic and nervous I strullov. 14Ixth-7e8T Avg' - Eye'" ' of about twenty-five per Ft I I Increase . Rev. W. It. Alp condueff4i tilt- funeral tile Pa ,'&If Of , 0 , ,,lack iriftb-prar aleal"Oke Tsykw-. eent I 1 IIIbw,4 (141mlwlf*41 Of town mower: I 8111110 Pan'ler; Offilm �1 I I - - -r- were ,be east b& re (51 Volvo- I I �. -- - I _ _ the pallbanin If of'Ind nuin -IM!t Cp,upultation free. I , P - . 0 pr ms - --gdleuwljt I,. � --,,I... anti --- platform -404- -Z1111--1411111dol !J- ___4__ -37 -7 - � I 1 4Q., daily -year �-- 711, general finnut" U4,.v Girvin. Win. t%lemur Fred ' bntf lw-ki mo- I ),ours - to , iiI54 7- to 9 P.M.. except► I '�,, .. Stanipy Taylot. Fourth AT and the north half of the • Ill 11 g,% Intel); I Ford car. I . I oallp,11 Slow,. Third. * f, lot numbovr mix (H). I In tile ME' . I armth and comfort are broad- Victor Fitioll, - the concroonzallon wool presented by the I M*--- Girviii. It r. 4.1kaino. I ,ho%,.I�. I% 1,iffle-, tag Monday and Thursday afternoolliffi, I . - w Noun Me- MlIll(lotir%. it I Anderm-n Anil Ernest 414-1. fork-,. ns and evening". and by appointment. "O" - ­ i-, � -in I -. t- Ikullop-ro 1� - I ­­ year I fill - Elvin M1.1,P041. . � treasurer. Mr. 4'. K. I Itiflot Polo � I. an ,if tile ,ship -It rvo-s I I r. , ,�, , ,� ", � 7'.";W st as usual. . prit, I Melvin Tyndall sang a -fit oemnil 1-4-ne~10111 'If tile and other articit -, ­ 11. - ca mitir, Wielfred 3kitirray. 6 ­­ and' . and idence and offire--Co , ".,.­ ". . I 1A."L Uwkert _ wa,&� a very 0-114­111`110"Ag statem e wrvior -044W 1 Almllpht. in Tile, emmethty'-of Res -- --- EaA .i*kgw� 1. fiWlr­i� -- -- , ­ " - - It just as, Jill, iti-epilit. IdsrrW a 0 #11IF"I'm church choir RIPAo not- her one hu k4t lic"` to fairliff.-fl. . ,aud Victoria streets. I 1"M 1 , , ir, ".� win; ite,tvild-year so, $I:UX). over 11I-14111) of this being In flat- Sullith's Hill Farna I% 00111. I lo� �44A, , - - Elliott.Fillitif. 111111t. Thfidp-- showing balam-PIt 4 - tit I 410litilloing topither 4 You als--Robert Stod- . � 'JAM,affifin, over 1�,alltirkll less. , ka ratio. ATI) - - - - - . � .rm of - ,4d-uukj­-more or - TFUM14 11-ot.,14"� . p -Mw ­�71 -keep your buildings- -- A -AA 3. - J -L.-]L— — ear! .. 4 1 ' nay w 4, 314-1. fear. lon"Intabl' W tile relief accionat. I -41 I. I A allion e OWWWAL ; t- . W 1,1 e i ilaTt. WN. - . florol tokli-11 �nM f good mail grams . I 19"" A X If. ill(. rittireme - . X"k We nee - I .4 Anil *0 suln-4 of $10 *not under. iTvp" . ,AJ& -1 (;,.,.,. Murroy. Thow. Ikortf y If men I nts from the John tion and in .light Months I -- , ",:v 'i supply of Poca I Owin ", ,full frienlik Mr. aril MrA. " -, *,4,V, warm wtth a -Un Hall- -9marY tiv I r,ee .Irrzu, t 1, fail liver that smolint. t . I 1�­ 11. I `* 4abbath% tword of manairpm It was neck -at still relati%#!- from except one Held. There '. al tlW q., ,,,a furnishing AP'- R. F. J. R. FORSTER - - result Of Young of tl:e oum.� •a credit will ]. -VI-ftJ � � C0011 or Wyandotte � tion: Forty-nine I., till ten vacancies. and till ' Wi lit ni tio. fun- ( 1. Irl I , � i 0. ,�" hontas ley. Graholl, Mell4insid. Henrietta ('ICT h D , . I t'j'I, - looreallples a frame dwell Wind- IMOTP01 point twfew M walk as rollowg: Elected for Other point% were P" i4l" as with -IY1I I)renuan. Jessie Mfttlli('- , -1 ballot a at - ,.,,.� Coke from our yards wen. Fri ' Prot. � frame harn. a allied. Pta Ilk, real. owf al per crol. per annum Sirgeon New York 0110111111. , I �� man Forty-eight gatillatliff - Donna , three years -ll. F. Black. Andrew I 9 .-A-mod ,,,,.J**,*4 I ., , Anthracite. -till Call. , porter. Jame" Bisset, Joseph it - milt witilli .a. I If � liewed for va-h fill 4 -wilt Amounts. is Ural Hospital. 1;1 -;A -.1.C- - -;r ­twp ....... F- e � 77 Ek -11. Kenneth (*nit. Ki (;. W. Schaefer'. I' W114-11 a girl buyli, a bll�iw-s 'Irrooks r conlit. In ittarmic and A I - - i � � oil for at- D, W Terms (it le: Ten T. GUNDBY- ---- There I.. at&, all honor r � .1111. Far two yean o mueh as sale .1 the bet-. WM- J. A*%")14FW' at Idomoorefle'd Eye Hospital so* - I- % . �, slip (*"Ii*t menal buslnes,s s CA Golden Square Throat HairpitaL Low I !, , Wh Phone in your order. church Pervit". I j W ersigip. W. F. Saunders, W. G. 1 4 A lot. 1926. prOprietor. Auctioneer. I r IN I . 111- $ . � feeflanee at ( "' W. For one year -Thos. , Geae_ %.,I,nl A I � d I . kui?�� I- .,top 1,11y% a wpdaling dre,,14.- anee (in or before Roo. 2. Auburn. Eng ­ - lipr�.,-.��.,-i, ljq&L Tit#- I . InIle perty wit _ _ _ _--- I nui Werloo St. a., strsdoarilt. Tdp F, ft report of the Adult Bible class- ! MrivEwan - gain. �Pov" �,W,lwt,ott I- I which told Of 8 Profitable year of J - try, T. H. Mitchell. Theme. With Brandon --- - without intertest. p - "Rte"" so read by the ' to and William I - . � - - - - - - -======-.== hoi offailroad "oh),iet to a ,rve bid.. No F, SALE OF VAIXABLE IP "4 �122M.4i"A",Z- . and discussion. W RTGAG I - I , , CALL THE '-"'iii'� � study Messrs. A. D. MCI" and condi- pRopF.RTY ' AND�41?1?1110111P-267- - '4,�,�",4:'u , ,-�' � .� f, �,,� � I printident of the Wallace, now c(;nxtltute the managing' BONN For tvirther partleuls M GARDEN I it Iford. Godewit'aa, on the V,:�,,-, I ' I ...- � . , �.h&lrmkoll. who lit also nit thP tea- Most of the retiring mernhers sale apply ton -raigned. IN THE TOWN OF " I " - $,Rob F I I F. (;. Weir W '1!11�1'14 � -1am%. Mr. Febrile 4*1z , I Itiolm"14 P1,111, I I board. I NIiIAAAN- --Ill Colborne township 68 t1011111 Of Sale apply to u February. RESIDEN01 ' ',Oi.1',"".r third Monday of swss�-i,.*�� ,jw;,vl�' 6 , Cher. wen, ,kwt(41 to the "notion during the Monday. February 1. to Mr. 'and Dated thin 3rd dkY . 60DERICH. ­ month. from 7 o'clock, till the foll(ow L ­­ ftft­'fW"FN t Folks" Bible class Te- I , 11111139. . TuMISY. ■at I P.m- l �, '. ea I � The Young JAIMPIC )r the year Rm? tild not wl*ll to bold the Mr". F.A. 111111an. 8 8`111- anuary W. BRYDO.'..'E. I toll, Ont.. I Ing (toy. WF*31w','�1;44 n- ft - virtue of tilt- power W*1471*1 , ==:=� . ............... I I IN wluk ,�­­ i I _I Ported all ava.rag, atte:ndalkk i thinl offlice. I NORMAN'. -On saturiley. J . ' T is Solicitor. Un(h-r anti b% wort- 71;�161 , " � A in a certain , I ­§ ,,, , I year of thirty. The report ­ , .. I ` ru 11 For Good Clean Coal was read I Mr. SaundPrip, pipresped his de%ire , 1 -,3rd. to Mf� and Mrs. Jos. Normall. o f Knit. containi LZGAL . . -- - ----I-- ry, Mills Cletft McCarrath. I the treagurprobip After daughter (.I*.nn THOMAS GI*NDRY, * t V, " R, � , It . 31� VI_ by the meerets rlt it,tige. which will Is' PrOduced at the ,�.,At k,cg . 1 $ " A4 - to retire from whiteellurcla. a 411111091114 - , " -u I drew -- --- time of sale. after*, will 6 I �4'1% lzm.�11-12 - 4e and Mr. An Auetiouppar. be offered by ", � .. I Al, excellent review of the Petit Year several yesaw forar I lotizabetb). I UDLEY E. IIOLMES .., "I � 10 No I W0942ito Itr - report of the porter waw named Wt blo'l successor. land, t'ebrunry ' ST(WK pele by public anction on Sat"rola) dD 't I; ,. T ! wens pre,waited .In the - MIT,T,ER.--At Owen SO' N, SALE OF RM Barrister. Etc. , ­­ .,`,"-�!�r lath. tW.Mr. and Mrs. George Miller IICTIO. A.P. IC126. I, 117� VM � Wont..11,, Mialklonsfy Society. which fill. l3th day of Mfln-b- Officii.-Ilamiltork street, (1,oderielt, �'Auo I I '4.1.�.. . nXtile; - A AND IMPI-NMEN . the boor of two o'cifArk in the after- I. I ­­ , -- W ­ is Be Mustard I we- rinid by the pirtirldent of the go- HOCIMY LEAGUE (nee Ethel Wootton). a 41 Sir June IM TO" . 4.migpq.� situate In the Phone 27. '11^9N , 4-Wy. Mr,. ReddiU. Since . I Verna Catherine. . . - ­ -- - X8 T. AND n4w.n. at it%. pr till._county -- ­ - I- - -- - ` � -h _cOunty , - I� ;;M1 , colunty I - , ; flat. memberablP "' 6 Junat I -­3URAND Ipmublic a On ont -11t­m first I I I . "ill, ja -86" I ro wn of (;(wk -04 . It, .1 - SEAGEM K.C, BARRIS"MR, I .. . w -Ing vtrmlse�ed Of- a" t: 1, ,� 44 Coal Company urpaised. until It no an ".Is .PP'..I. I it '-MOUNTAIN. - In Detrolt. Ip. on 11111 -ort. 311141 is .14 SOLICITOR, Notary Patine , 141'r n M DEAN a & Goderit towituall ,� !. 0 -hel,perp. Mrs.' 0 . olid"y night the All Stars too Katuarday, I February flitil. IN6. by cone"'do it ,,a ... In park and Marw"t none% � � ,,,q;!� mutely 70. with 24 borne half of I M.A. osee-court I I— " aloe first 9ATTIP of the *`"e""d TUESDAY. FED kRy 23RD. . owe (If Goderich.1 Couve:rascea- 11, -i trie Maloulk Allam, 4 - sold I I . ,Vi4,40 � E%om 98 - - . Godetich Wit "f Sultford has theth ill,- Ilidel,en(lent Town Ifockey ix -ague Rev. T. V. Abele. 141141"IP Ml rominefictuff at I . nrveY of ill* .11 acrem, Ile the "Raw Go6mileb. __- . "I , " I -M,em e7lafrrnom - of 6 I ; ' 1 beavY eontaininat se- I --- -� Is -Ing the first new Mfo Itink to -nn, to the tune - talo and James L. lietan- Horww--4)ne aged Am dly. the north-. - . " I " So- W. BARRIMR, ETO `� 5 N RA I I OX-REID.-On Saturday, February 0#. R. . ---- � , ­-;;.,­, = ­ tills ­ AnNillary In the reorganized ' from the - C - rv, 5 yen . 1 driving more or tells. Anil setoff to J. L. Killoran.- __ *10-4 -- I ­ -- - 13. by Rev. It. C. McDpmtd. Chris- i draught MR ---.-- wevat half Of block 'IV' In park and' F - - - -7�- -- - -- ­ Malt- 0 Race~ I " Owen ­ - ------------ -11111� - Reld of Iloamilion.1 mflr('- P cow, 4 Morwood'o Sorvey on the River . I 1�4`4�1�. -1 . !=�Ifpamo flans Watson i (,stille-Polled A the town of oodoerich afore- Phone 97- Sqnsre.' Ooderleb. ,.� , , IM ., - - - eldoxt daughter of Mr. Jflmeq 101d- dd. milking; by admenituremPut OfRoct-The ■�� I, t lell - W,;i - - . - I cow. 6 years land In , I - *1 - - to joll,L How-' Years ( conItaltalka ­ -­ I -- � 6 "­0`,'*%f1h Vatoifow, Scolland. �)w a year" old. Wald. - ­ --- f (I 11 r ,�, oamokamxwii�� ol,ox. only Pon of the late Mr. I old, (file In Mnrch; ; ;;Ar, old. (lilt. thfow And two fifth" acres tit 1111141- W"M " . . ..• 0 0 . and - (I'll" In May: I cow and which will parcel or , ­­ . John '(,ox and of Mrs. Col. of Ood e In more or tem. us" a IRS" O, 1. July ; I (4)XV. 5 ,.arm old. don tier known ,)-.�'�:I,'� .� . =;;w Prices for I Prieto township. - I I�r said I heifer. tract (of hand MAY tw' be 11, . "Mw,,�,.�,V,T­�­: ig Reductions in DIFID Jame; I fat "',xv. tot rand I belfer. 1 &nil i1coacribet? aq followq. otboat in to BARRIWrILRA, Firl% M N r� �,i� flaking 2 year.: I Post on the ,� I 1,7- 1. 11 t -At � year: 3 !fifer". " if. 3 ,my: (,nionarrocing at a AYQ,-R.C. HAYS, ill. - B.A. ""Y Nil 1, W, R YA N. I ,"Itayis, of,aliforniA. on helff � I ,nthq', I es the M.Itland rood. R.C.H 17"R , 0, - ­ ­.��7i . 1-11 - . .lanunry = Jame* S. Ryan, , northerly , Pd(IN' Of forty -AX Hamilton St.. ("firien � 11 ­­­­ ­., " n", Fri-Iny. ntio. . , " i',�', �,,, . I , 1W . '1114 ard Ryan .f Nile, Implaornents - le MR , Angle of J,lock "U'; --- , ,­� , - 1 � , h- in " ,.,,Ft: 3 gete"P. Amid post being (life north ,at innat . ,N, son FINAL CLEARANCE pw.tl of the late Mr. still Mrs. Ric ponkry-Figlity plapy-Harris degre" and twenty ardtantes West front 41S: , t, 1 14 1 1 vakiiii � in 13 'the Aoutbain't , , I � I i'115.1 - 's and Misses' Coats Dresses, (,lI1PJI0l,`l1.--At London, on Thurs- I WA*'.0 004'i" omen IIindo,r. 7 ft. rut; 1 N4&lww.v-Harr Joke: them--- (hip north forty-three degrees - ins of the season's stocks of W F(trunry 11. Mary Chisholm. ,plappy-flarrim d *11"Itlm All that remains All Win � liol, die (trill; I r mililite, cast fourteen ]INSUSANM L4DANIL N". r ­ ring fashions. in- day, fort " �.,iai;F Skirts and Sweaters. Clearing the wardrobes for the new spring O&Iliflater of the late Mr. and Mrs. I I lmyrnkv: I ,ult &for; I Fromot & anti , - '" I Colborne town- I (Witsbutt riding ebaltiR And a -half. more or Jew. to 8 is. I 4rlkw , 40011mg, ter Coats to clear at much less, than cost price. 4 Win. Chisholm Of Wood mower , of the River Alsit- KILLOP MUTUAL T'Ru 4i-geitts' . . wa11KIng plow; I Cock high water mark V I I I 111T'�Ilt IIIIIP6 plow -, I Fleur I wv%terly downfetrearn 111181TRANCT CO. -Farm Sind '-law Atr! , ' , - �,V!� �-;:",-'iti - ------.T!!� plow I 4-0ectlan bar- land ; thent,f . mark (If the red. V11 . 4441 M - , i I or; I fanning will following the high lvatef Wn PrOverty lean -4 , I rum NO"CE rolls pniper; said River Maitland for Is ,ft W1, P11 ----- '�g � 1 more or It -sol. to ill(. limit � 1IN - I Reakillpr; I rood , I '. �� �,� It, - � I and.,: -1: k sixty links. rich P. 0-: JAS S...A, Vleeprike"' , _f" with 6ands of brfiwn, and grey I -powder blue. 'r I ,f,�,•. war -11 'box and PtOe ,IT)"; tbPPeP men. \\ '­ with band -t of . I -ion ­(­ and c BeerhWood P. O.; D. F- * I eW i .,,,:!' 1";.b,:o o chains anti to nefolly. Prea.. i 'i- Women's Brushed Wool Chapple Coats, Officer"NA, 00' C" • W �,rt,) , J , 1, I '&'�,4'4 -'- beige w , 0 I I ,��A! ADIO.-WONDURIPUb OPPORor PI boxes; between blot I � ­ Find to rock: I bay rack 2 grey, P. O. '" . to ft.t radio at cost . " 4�t� 'I LAITY . I set of slings; . I do# ako,uth fortF-th a long the limit - proodfalot, R. IL It ' -""'# - %. 1199" � -P"" R fair POST 4 M4. ,JeXrP#-0 find See. Tresm., pestorth "t I, 4 "'L'a " , start bradamoloo ymrftif. hayfork kind cat - forty follintex wvqt Dinielam-A- V;X, 't io� , ! * I I It � ", ' - %I, 11 " L ,, , , I ,D." I John 0. Offers. I" A :k1 ,t 4ftt' '7 �', A�(,�p if,j�, j, �j�', Very Special at $2.75. -c- and - and silty - Jo , _ - ­ ---- , rn •. I platform; I tat A dis Ses' 0�11111mm Rise. R. R. , '44114litu'v", r , 1;0X No. a& Torminal A, holislelgh And to ­ -it" f ratta . � I;, I iii -- ---- -- ­ . - i ()VFI(,r fatiftif'. 1, rpbW- btf,tween, Moo ,Na & 10. 0MIX, -,k A I , wlill'� Vlk, - -wo. � ---- --- - -r ., I en -0 . . 1- f on-, of rhirtrieft challto Walton: ty, *. �. � ;j , Tot — rrtp merof blow : northerly 4. Will . `Bpranoilw1ole. leo"` , Vi, , 41*� � Q �4: , -==== tired 1,11XVY; I 't"el-fired are or If -pit, to the nor .,to th. job" W 41011041 -=- I load- links, in t� L , , - -:i==----Awr-----..= 1 2,2, 6( Oft ; " J� " , � - j'� M'�, - ­ - -- clip , 1 , " - of -y - " & 1, , �41i; ", *, 1,1 cutter; I cutter Pole � t gel� eo. MekCsrtn# R. R � b - Portilki "I forty road north eure Is ; 11 , I - �� HAIrS " on" . ft.; wagon tongue": 1 met single 14P of a It 'ek I , k �, taoftg, rte_ --- --- ler, U ; horse araml Trunk Railway track; th 'It Robert I"N'Tri.. R,A* K= . ­ -1 opt t.,kible harm"": I I L'I ­rr', I � shapes; and- twentr-fonr degrPa"' it . 4","�!p , t trimmed Hats, all brandnew. all smart and sepaiflonable, different To RMT, -APARTMENT ABOV1 111trIke­ 1; 2 due month . (7or jqrgrrn�y' ;0lbakoft. Bl"llef"I'l"lal' Joinkfail � .. blank, t. � I lin Indi Anil witty links.rare W *' '. 1 7, Smart irv, Jack; ]furl tin pA two chm mor: --,,W(X)d; Jam" �ftnnollyd Tpr W1. 4 Ing matrons' Hats. O'DrWsk. Apply ALEX. SAUX- ref- and neckyoke: beginning to I 1 colors, includ' it sets %thiffletr the pifire of I 1(94:dfin, B ft4 10 blip. early I sis I ?j � �L4 I - ilo A, -- looks. (;,,Id Coln l'ottatoet"; Irish go � 1411'" - 6'�'# ,IV ... � 2(i t07�4 bay; 4(A bull. ostler with a road or right -of I., , ,14 , limit of the AN 0 , ep o Ary � N, Man, I o Ir a y b . , M11 DUR& -1 lot AVntji---J. W. TOO, If~ . j � - - " "175 hit*. feed along the sontherly - lolteh. R. It '40- '- ('111 . . .... ��­ ,,I .Rw, -4 Come in and be convinced of the values. ' HOUSE " LET. whiteunit K,.d Oats; mid block -11)" A] �, a. Illasswear, ) , I'). � I � - NELSON1 . 0 "I AUV". X rthwept half of the x John Mairray, flPfififIrt ,. , , " F�N'j;�"t ,,� tl; -- - . pwly decOrsted; new as: A (Inaratik* Mixed grain; I Moil- no her half of the mid lot 0 I Polley -bowl an � W�',W, - "-11�4 . -- - conviobjeace. IL Inttv ,roam perRriltnr; 1A."der churn; (in the of Itfsaforit . 01118 Ay 49 I ftrbm; evilify tit of the Paid prillps... malt box; tprk,dinar from the fro k nail paympaiii and 90 "A""'T 'ardo an"Poolpf"' '*j 1 . py", 11 , , J. AMRSON. ________— 135 �np PA11111 And IRMPP land egrpet; block ,,,)*, on the orand Tr"n It ­ J. Moreeta's (lathing stw% � a,' Jk?, 0; -- em - Arms , is " , i I "" ( to the fear thereof on the ed 1 1 Grocery. " N I , �O���� ROOM&chilli�,"'Awol 0 RF,�'T. no , Ili ,�ii, XTBT,F , ikrticlf*. "It tract y' Readysisto-We. T CID it , nil other mid ""A or right (If Clinton: R. Ft ('"It*' 1,31 -�,W, " tfnrkit "O A d of, a" River Valtl8nd. I t7oodoirtla. cc L EL 11111111111 17M 1 � (17 unfurnished; b -::l F hit I width myod re @too a~. '10 . , '. . furnished , I . 'Ir'l.7thl kag nanot he ("RP~ way being ton feet in .J , - -T-, V, ., - EAST SIDE OF SQUARE : : GODERICt - . ~fir llortotit: One room hill ,low (;oft? I still-. saod& . . � -- ` ­1111-:A,4w-.�% . Ok 0 ,. I P!Are; cell r Ityl, bacated. Apply at the farm is F-14. name matItTing auto one John 111flop the ". I I 11 r O', � I. 0 1 TNRMR-lfAy- grialln and all 14" 1, - THE SIGNAL OFFIM 11 , I * Mil �1 I , W: ­­ 14 �, , - . 'w'. I � vpt , ,, 1, 31,ni V� 1� ,� I Mr - mo�� , I � - I I I, , � , ,, ,+r ..•M I � I - ,f5r4,01Z�7,,FZF,T I �',i1 V 1 1 . - , " ' I . ,& �; , I , ­, - , " �` � 7-�J;��,, ­ - , , W - 1- , . , � ­� "4,� ' I r, .-, , Alf, W 0", , , , "'. , ,, , 0 �4� •, _, , I ' 1 L"�� " ':­ .o I- ,� .PWFIF— . e� Pj r' ,";" A" �' 1- 41 lk * _ ­ , , I I I � I � I � � �11­ I ,; ", :,+'R•4 I I, 1 ''; , �qe., � o**"w­, . I It - IV # , f , � ,; : I " - I I ", � I J A �. , '! i, � f! 1141A !, li, , 'y ,m7k�y -- �W)ka,�#U*�, Ietem1po A 4*P L",F 'i, , k :k. � ;A a !r 40"4,;�� . � , , , — 0*1W, 111'rPlikInIalk Tah-AIN I g , ;: I � 4,�� ,,�, ly , " , ffq71 I , 9 L 41 loft ' ' ' I ' 6 a"I" 10 "' yews ' 0 rn - pallets: * , I I, I I , ", 8 F , f, , h - 'f"o'le' I .15 -ft. hol mw I I tog bay re kill ., A IF _ Ill"' 1'ePild'.11 � , I nowt r drollcr A ,_.. . ­­ - 'y-'� I ere 'ch* h b 8 - it ,ch! AU ,able = ­ _ w X : 'I by I_RF . . :aea. " I r ,he �, X , -,I'm . .* , -14it4,Mwa -is';.*, I V11 Al N q � M "X , i I � ,;, � ?X� I " P,,it ""I ,# 4, , 11 TIFW,'"U ;W;oi ! , It *V All; -_. �if'01;lWV4 " ^1 , , , ,i�,�%� . . ,'I;, Vr711R"%,;- 0 I jo-,i1f1,A4,,,4?,4- mr, , ., ­ : 0-1 1; ,1 AWViMAMV vt -IV' 1,14!#^- -, r""o., AXT" ,,,� 4:w ,� �'I 4�1, N , " ry�r"#F;P', - I ! , , A..", 410!m JW, 4,1, " - % ,.", 1`+,7­�7U,;fV'17 ,,, I �'e?101�` � M I, 1. I , r I , lk PA i,Ar r A �w",-'W'4,2 ., ) im�,�,��Jlwk*",fs"�,* , " nmPk", �� '",i, V=V, XK5r,f-*.Ii; c� , ,,4,00 '��­ I - �, � �f I �3#` 1-T IF' ,V- KfT,'OV *M-2 , I V I , A', ", ­knl - ot,f;l R 19 "A r " x , :,4! A d"" u4rA � V.' ;; I? � ru�j;.;�4'­,*W&A�;V 41­­ VIAA, �- � � I I I -1 -1 I . ­ .- �- , 1 �6 4r�­ 0. �, �A,j ""­ I � ,4 il L,",,��'l ' Al 4- I . I 04 � S , , I , � 1 L'�,,,,,�!.�­��11'9,r P , �­ , *V -',"',,:-i ­ , rt. � I ­ I Nl,ul - 1* J V111,14 I , I . 4"WAIJ-41v"N Ur li� �, m? �� (' V, I ,."" kf1*0 , ��#Xl;t:,�, ; 'Ai. 1, I qr,- , , 1 , �� 11 11 ,11� , I T 11, I 11* � Y . ,,, , , k , WWI .. 1, F0, , , I 0 , " ... . " , r �%i; '01i i 1, !, " . -1 4 1 1 " I%, 1h I � ; .j "�10 , 4w, I -1 11 �, 4 IN'% ,I , , I �,,, %3 ,� ! ; K' * ` " j �0 051, K , I , rm,w 4� ? I , , - � .T, 4, ", , ' M . � !, * " I i , ", t 5, 1. I 0 , Uwt ."A -� 1, ,.:, I ,�� � I—, � - , � I , ,0.WA,.�"Jr,*;Vftck'�"­,4 -1a IF. i '.1 9, �, -I. , & 6., fi,f,", I ,�-� t�,!,, I " ,,, e ;%� ,� ­ , lowleamok1k I 4 I I ... . (t .r�� . "I-, til' , I 61A- � , of ! , . 1"O& ­ ��� -A - �., 44asa""Imi,:1� 1- . I , " it I ,4� & I rIpowfl jfa� -- * ry I I . . 0,11� I � tt�L."­ - - - .. , 4� 1 I .�w -010 r . I I ­ I T, -- , 1� . , -., . � , , � , � � fith, 11 . ­ A � .11 0 ��,� -