The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-16, Page 4TAX/ Under New Management 's TEST THE NEW PA -NE L fi EASIER %, TO ENTER k EASIER TO HANDLE EASIER TO LOAD SEE THEM TODAY AT FOR SALE FOR SALEr—No. 1. cob corn or shelled corn from Kent County. For the best in feed value quality and the lowest in prices contact Clarence Gibson, phone 45r11, Fordwich. rrb PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking RIJMAQAPS, Reeornmended b thousands of thankful users, Ask 0 your Druggist. 31.3rr FOR YOUR WIFE or Faraily's Christ- Mas needs, e complete line of Stain- less Steel Waterless Cookware; car- ving sets, kitchen tools, food cutters, chests of flatware in solid Stain- less Steel. Your Aristocrat Distribut- tor, W, H. Keil, phone 3703, Ford- vvicla 9;16* FOR SALE—Weather Stripping, al- uminum with fibre, per set (1 door) $2.50. Call Beaver Lumber Co., Wingham, Phone 66, 16b PRICED FOR QUICK SALE—Home on Concession 11, Lot 9, Howick Township; one acre of land, barn, five-room house; hydro. Half mile from school; two miles from village. Immediate possession. W. H. Keil, Gorrie, Ont. 9;16* FOR SALE—No 1 cob corn from Kent County. Delivered in 4 to 8 ton lots. Buy direct and save. Apply Calvin Kimmery, Iviorpeth, Ont. Phone 2765, Ridgetown. xab30* CRF.SS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve, wear stylish shoes soon. FOR SALE—De Forest Crosley cabin- et model radio in good condition. Apply Geo. R. Scott, John St. 16* FOR SALE—Tube skates and boots, size 6, good condition, $2.50; hockey gloves, good as new, cost $8.50, for $3.50. Phone 298-R. les FOR SALE—Beattie automatic Wash- er, excellent condition, Priced reas- onably. Apply K. 3. Hueston, Carrie. Phone Wroxeter 35r6, 16* FOR SALE—Budgies, female $8.00, male $10.00. Phone Fordwich 32r23; Frank Gibson, R. 1, Fordwich. 16:23b FOR SALE—Oil Space Heater, good condition. Phone 608-3-12. 16* MEDIUM SIZED MeCLARY Oil Burner in good condition. Phone Wingham 654321. 16b REBUILT ELECTROLUX Cleaners— some with new motors from 29.50 up. R. Ruttan, phone 654321, Elec- trolux Sales and Service. 16b FOR SALE — Combination Doors, glazed, each $18.95; Canadian Ce- ment also available '$1.25 per bag. • -Call Beaver Lumber Co., Wingham, Phone 66, 16b ---- • FOR SALE—Lime, three types, at half price to clear up, few bags .firckeni three harrels. Apply Andy Warehouse, phone 283-w. Farmers here's your oppor- tunity. 16* IDEAL GIFTS for Christmas—plants, cut flowers, wreaths, door knock- ers, corsages, floater baskets, pot- tery. We also have new supply of Gloxinia bulbs. Lewis Flowers, phone 101, 16b FOR SALE—Essex Coupe, with excel- lent, tires. Apply J. Paisley Sr., Glenantan. TURKEYS—All sizes. Order now for Christmas. A luxury meat for less. Laidlaw's, phone 366-3. 16b FOR SALE—Christmas trees, Scotch pines and spruce. Phone 92. 16* MISCELLANEOUS FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your Cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the Ifrited Co- operatives in Wingham. 25rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at Its best for all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding AssociatiOn be- tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 amr. on Sun- days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130R12, 13:27;10:24rrb BRA SIDE REST HOME—Corivales- q cents, Elderly people. Main St. Mitchell, Merle 11 Mrs, Bryce, 16t23:80b DRIVING FROM TORONTO 1 p.m,, December, 24th, to . Wirigharti, re- turning / p.m, Deceniber 27. Leave Toronto' 5 p.ire, December 31, re. turn 7 p.m. .lan, 3, Phone PL5-5375, after 0 p.M. 16k LIVESTOCK FOR MLE FOR SALE-4 Hereford bulls of fin- est quality from 14 to 16 months old, sired. by Ringwood Del 'Return the 8th, Apply Bert Hohnes & Son, phone 632-W-17 PIGS FOR SALE—Eight choice Yorkshire weanling-s. Apply Ira Wall, Phone 747-3-1, 16b alithP WANTED FEMALE GIRL OR WOMAN for general hoesework. Must be fond of child- ren, Phone 764. lab EMPLOYAIENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED as domes- tic, Eaperienced. Call 250, Harris- ton. 1.6b HELP WANTED—MALE OPPORTUNITY to establish your- self in permanent business selling nationally advertisedproduct a for home and farm. No investment ne- cessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-W-2, The J. R, Watkins Company, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. 29182330b APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE received until January let for the position of Caretaker in each of the eleven schools of Morris. Inquire of any member of the Board regarding the duties. Applicants state salary. Duties to begin February 1st, 1954. R, S. Shaw, secretary, Bluevale. 9;16b TENDERS TENDERS FOR WOOD—The Morris School Board is asking for tenders for supplying about 120 cords of Maple and Beech body wood, cut 12 to 14 inches in length, also 20 cords of cedar, to be delivered and piled before June 15 at the various schools as instructed by the Board, Send tender for all or part of this contract to Ralph Shaw, secretary of the Board, before January 1st. 16b APPLICATION FOR FIREMAN Applications will ,be received for one member of the Wingham Fire Dept. Applications must be in by Dec. 28, 1953. C. W. Caslick, Sec.-Treas., Wingham Fire Dept. 16,23b WANTED DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham= 398• or 'Wingham 378. GOR- DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb WANTED-25 year-old hens, meat birds. Phone 632-J-2. 16b WANTED—Second-hand child's piano, in good condition, Phone 4193. 16b LOST LOST or TAKEN HOME BY MIS- TAKE—Black crepe skirt. Reward will be given even if skirt has been worn. Please leave at Advance- Times office. 16b REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE in Belmore. Ap- ply Karl Steinback. 26:e:9:16b FOR RENT FOR RENT-4 aeons apartment and 3-piece bath, available Dec: 26th. Phone 668. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS - IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN COULTER All persons having claims against the Estate of William John Coulter, late Of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the third day of Novefnber, A.D., 1953, are required to file full particulare of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executrix, on or be. fore the 19th, day of December, A.D., 1951 Immediately after the bald date, the assets of the deceased, will be distributed, having regard •only td claims of which the Executrix shall then have had notice. , DATED at Wingham,Oiltario, this thirtieth day of Ncivemberh AD,, 1953 J. W. Bushfield, Q. C. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exectarlit. 2:9:16b CARD OF THANKS I wish' to sincerely thank everyone who was so kind to me during my ill-, nese in the VC/Ingham 110epital, also thote that sent inc flowers, cards, gifts and visited me, they Were deeply appreciated. Mrs, Peter Watson, 16b to all my friends and neighbors, Who sent me flowers and gifts ,and visited me during my stay in the Wingharn General Hospital Special thanks to the management and staff of the hos- pital, Dr. B. N, Corrin and Dr. palm- er, Mrs, Norman Well 16* CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. 'Keith Thompson wish to express their thanks for the shower of pretty gifts they Were given, and for the good time they were shown on Sat. Dec. 5th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garnise of Wing:, ham. 16+ CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all those who sent me cards, flowers and gifts and to those who visited me while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, also since my return home, Mrs. Ann McPhail. 16* CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to Dr. Crawford, Dr. McMurchy, Mrs. Money and the staff of nurses for their kindness and consideration while I was a patient in the hospital. I would like also to thank those who kindly remembered me with visits, cards and gifts. • Mrs. Wilbert Procter 16* CARD OF THANKS Mr. • Joseph Cumming and family wish to extend their sincere thanks for the beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy, and all who help- ed in any way during our recent be- reavement also to Rev. Mr. Boggs for his comforting message and to Mr, Watson Brown for his lovely solo, 16* CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. McKibben and Miss Lambertus and staff for their kind- ness shown to me while I was a patient in the hospital, also friends and relatives for cards and gifts. Mrs. Mel Keating. 16b IN MEMORIAM WELSH—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs, Walter Welsh, who passed away 3 years ago, Dec. 10, 1950. Memories is a treasure no one can steal, Death is a heartache none can heal Deep in my heart a memory is kept, Of a darling mother I will never forget. Ever remembered by husband and family. IN MEMORIAM STOKES—In loving memory of a dear husband, William Stokes, who enter- ed into rest December 15th, 1947, Not just today, But every day. I remember, Harriet. 16* AUCTION SALE ..,...a+1•11••••• of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS OF THE LATE WALTER DAVIDSON BLUEVALE on FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1953 at 1 p.m. at his residence Burns Moffatt, L. G. Bryce, Proprietor. Auctioneer. A. D, Smith, Clerk 10b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Graham, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 18th day of Novem- ber, 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 19th, day of December, AD. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Immediately after the said 19th day of December, the assets of the said testatrix will , be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to' claims of which the' executor shall then have notice. DATED this 1st day of December, AD. 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON WINQHAM, ONTARIO, ' Solicitors for the Executor 2:0:16b HERE'S A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTION Thd ideal gift for friends who are interested in this locality would be a copy of "The Early History of Hove- ick Township." This Most interesting book, Compiled by R. N. W. Wade, of Gorrie, is priced at $1.25. Copies may. be secured by calling Mrs Wade, phone Fordwich 13r31, or :Writings to him`akGorrie. The booke Will be mail- ed out to any address you wish." 16" There ate 13 birds which have. as their specific name, "Carolina",,or its clerivativet. 0 0 - 0 One of the craters on the Meet, Tycho, is estimated to be 16,600 feet deep, BIRTHS MaoThITYREa-In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, December 9th, 1953„ to Mr. and Mrs, Mervin ligacIntyre, Teeswater, a eon, WALDEN—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 9th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Glen Walden, R, 2, Lucknow a daughter, McBURNEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, December 10th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack MeBurneY, R, It, 1, Wingham, a eon. HOHNSTBIN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, December 10, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hahn- stein, R. 1, Clifford, a daughter, EIEINHART—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, December 12, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman Rein- hart, R, 2, Mildmay, a deughter. THOIVIPSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, December 14, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, William Thompson, Wingham, a son, STEFFEN—In Wingham General Hospital on Monday, December 14, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Paul Steffen, R 1, Holyrood, a son. WHITEOURCH Young People Meet The young people of the Presbyter- ian church held their meeting in the S. S. room of the church last Tuesday evening with the President, Walter Elliott, presiding. Mr. Ross McGregor read the Scripture lesson and gave the meditation talk and Lorne For- ster led in prayer. Miss Isabel Elliott gave a very interesting talk on the missionaries and their work in Africa. Kathleen Fisher played a piano solo, and all enjoyed a sing-song of Christ- mas carols, The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. A lot of local Christmas concerts are slated for this week and next. W. M. S. Annual lifeeting The regular monthly and annual meeting of the W, M. S. of Brick United Church was held on Wednes- day last at the home of Mrs. Berson Irwin with a good attendance. The Christmas program from the , fission- ary Monthly was in charge of 'Mrs, Cecil Coultes and Mrs, Lawrence Tay- lor, and Mrs. C. D. Cox led at the piano with the Christmas carols. She also gave a very interesting talk on special Christmas greetings. Mrs. Cecil Coultes led in prayer. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft presided for the election of officers and the fol- lowing slate of officers was duly in- stalled for another year: honorary president, Mrs. Cox; pres., Mrs. Law- rence Taylor; 1st vice, Mrs. McRitch- ie; and. vice, Mrs. Cecil Coultes; 3rd. vice, Mrs. Norman Coultes; secretar- ies, Mrs. Geo, McGee, Dorothy Patti- son and Mrs. Lorne Scott; treasurer, Mrs. Leslie -Wightman; Christian stewardship, Mrs. W. Dow; temper- ance and citizenship, Mrs. Cecil Coul- tes; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. R. M. Shieli; community friendship,• Yrs. Alex Leaver; literature sec,, Mrs, Gil- bert Beecroft; supply, sec., Mrs. Her- son Irwin and Mrs. George Coultes; press reporters, Mrs, Frank Thomp- son, Mrs. R George Walker; organists, Mrs, Noman Coultes, Dorothy Patti- son and Mrs Cox; Mission band supt , Mrs. Leslie Wightman; baby band, Mrs. McRitchie, Dorothy Pattison. Group leaders for the programs were: Mrs. Allan Pattison, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Ronald Coultas and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft. The hostess served lunch. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Chapman, Shirley and Gary, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lorna Johnston, of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. AleX Coutts, of Wing- ham, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Ross. Mr. Carl McCienaghan spent the weekend at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jim McIntyre, of Ridgetown, and his brother, at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, of Pal- en.erston, spexa.a Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin, Mrs. Sam McBurney was able to return to her home in Wingham' on Sunday, after spending three months in the hospital. David Beecroft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, and Gary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson have been out of echoed with an attack of Mumps, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Purden 'end her sister, Mrs, IrWin Henry, Who have been visiting here, Spent Sunday at the home of the latter's son, Mr. Ross Henry, of Ashfield, Mr. Norman Pocock, of Whitby, made the trip front there to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pocock, on Sunday and took his children, Marion .and Stephen home to Whitby. Norm Is or{ the police force in that city, Mr. and Mrs, 'Will Redmond and family, of St. Augustine, spent Thurs- day with her grandmother( Mrs, las dornelitik —Mrs. John Rogers Scott St., came home on Sunday from London after spending several weeks in a hospital there. Her condition is very much irn- pioved. 0 o rormer Howick Man Thos. ftoperoft Dies. A one-time resident ,of Howich Township, Thomas alpperoft, died on Thursday at his home at Dashwood, where he had resided for the Mitt 22 years. He was In his. 65th year. Mr. Ileperaft was e. native of Woodbridge, coming to Howick Tewnship over forty years ago, where he lived in the. Lakelet and. Orange Hill district. Ho . was later in the milling business at Wroxetor. His wife, the former Alma .1-fops, survives with three sons, Robert, of Ridgeway; Fred, G.P.O. at g.m.c.s. Stadacona, Halifax; Russell, of Dash- weed and a daughter, Ruth, in, Lon- doe. Funeral service was on Saturday at St. John's by the Lake Church, Grand Bend, with the Rev, 3, E. Houghton in charge and interment was in the Grand Bend cemetery, - Gaff Santa Visits. Gorrie Saturday was a day to be remem- bered by the children of Gorrie and district, when Santa accompanied by Mrs. Santa Claus arrived in town and was met by the Listowel Clown Band, accompanied by a large number of children, who paraded through town to the Community Hall, where an hour's program of music by the band andtalks by Santa and the Rev. W. J, V. Buchanan preceded the handing out of the treats to some 235 children A beautifully lighted Christmas tree has been placed at the main inter, section of the village. All these ar- rangements for Santa's visit were made by the business men of the vil- lage. Personal Mrs, W. Ward, con. 2, has her right arm in a sling having broken it while cranking a tractor, • Mrs. D. O'Callaghan Passes in Detroit The death occurred in Detroit on Tuesday, December 8th, following a brief illness, of Mrs; Daniel O'Cal- laghan in her 89th year. Mrs. O'Callaghan, formerly Nellie Desmond, was born in Ashfield Town- ship on September 23rd, 1865. One of a family of eleven children of the late Patrick and Martha Desmond, pioneer settlers of Bruce County, Mrs. O'iCal- laghan spent most of her young life in Kingsbridge with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Desmond. In 1890 she was married to the late Daniel O'Callaghan in Chepstow, by the late, Msgr. John Donnelly. The couple farmed in West Wawanosh un- til their retirement to Detroit 24 years ago, where Mr. O'Callaghan passed away in 1936, Possessed of a kindly, cheerful and unselfish disposition, Mrss O'Callaghan was beloved by all who knew her. She was a devout Catholic whose exemp- lary life will be remembered. She leaves to mourn her passing two daughters, Mrs. Ed. Monaghan (Helen) and Mrs. Frank O'Shea (Ma- deleine) of Detroit; and three sons, Joseph and Frank, of Detroit, and William, of Ottawa; thirteen greed- children and five great grandchildren; also surviving are three sisters, Misses Margaret and Catharine Desmond, of Pinkerton, and Mrs, Roger Clancy (Hannah) of Detroit. Two daughters, Mary (Mrs, Sam Jamieson) and•lVf.ar- garet and her eldest son, John, pre- deceased her, Mrs. Joseph Brophy and Mrs. James Gibbons of town, are nieces. Requiem high mass was. sung in St, Augustine Roman Catholic Church on Saturday morning by the pastor, Rev. Stephen Toth. Rev. M. J, Dalton, of Windsoia•vvas present in the sanc- tuary and officiated at the grave. In- U • U U U U 1 U U ternient Was In St, Augustine 90)11,0* terY. The pailboarers were; Ted Smith, Joe Sullivan, Ol4 Redmond, Gerry Brophy, Chas, Martin and jas, law. AID PROMISED BLIIEWATER GROUP Meeting Monday night, Kincardimw Chamber of Commerce members at the Windsor Hotel heard Mayor Wil- liam Walsh report on the recent Blue, water Highway Assopiation meeting. The mayor stressed the need for keeping alive the. association so it may continue aS a vital link in tourist promotion. The meeting named a, com- mittee to have charge of relationships with the association.. Members are George Lampinan, Harry Chapnia.n and Joseph Chilvers, Final details in connection with Santa Claus day, so far as it concerns the Chamber, of Commerce were worked out.—Kincardine News. FOR Crawford Motors Dodge - DeSoto Dealer' Wingham Classifieds Are Diversified,'Inexpensive and Fast-Actin Pe rout rout 13/0 WingIlani Advance-Times, Wednesday, Dee. 16, MS CA4,111) OE' TlilANKS I wish to express ray sincere thanks LOST—a red tricycle almost new FOR SALE—Ready-to-lay pullets.1 with a bell on it in front of Burke's. Apply Box 66, Advance-Times. 16*1 'store. Phone 535-w. 16* LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis- abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stelae Sons *Limited, Ingersoll, 28rrb loving wife, WESTFIELD W, M. 5. Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the W. M.S. was held on Wednesday after- ;Woe with a good attendance, The meeting was led by the pregident, Mrs, Chas. Smith, who gave the call to worship after the carol singing. The opening hymn "0 Come Ali Ye Faith- ful" was followed by the reading of the Christmas story frem Luke 2; 1-16 by Mrs. Howard Campbell, A season of prayer followed by *Mrs, F. Camp- bell, Rev. C, Q. Washington, Mrs, Marvin McDowell and Mrs. pas, Smith. A solo which was much apprec- iated was rendered by Mrs, Russel Cook, "I'd Rather have Jesus than ,Anything." The Christmas message was given by Mrs. Glenn Beach, of Bleth. which was very interesting and much ap- preciated, Readings were given by Mrs, Alva McDowell and Mrs. John Buchanan, Dept "Silent Night" by Mrs. Gordon Smith and Miss Lois. Campbell, The roll call was answered by 25 present. The -special Christmas offering brought the year's offerings to $277.00. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch was served, Sunday School Annual The annual meeting of the Sunday School wassaeld on Thursday evening. The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer by the pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington. Mr. Norman McDowell was elected superintendent with How- ard Campbell and Marvin McDowell, as assistants; sec. treas., Graeme McDowell, assistant, Franklin Camp- bell; pianists, Graeme McDowell, Win- nifred Campbell, Arnold Cook Violet Cook, Ruth Cook, Lois CAripbell, Gwen Mcpowell, Jeanette Snell; missionary convener, Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs, Alva McDowell, Mrs. Ern- est Snell; cradle roll etipts., Mrs. Howard Campbell, Mrs. Hugh Blair; representative to offical board, Mrs. Marvin McDowell; temperance, How- ard Campbell, Lloyd Walden. The teachers were appointed for each of the five classes. Ninety dollars was donated from the Sunday School to Missions: It was decided to sponsor the care of an orphan child in Korea, The meeting closed with prayer by the superintendent. • . Personals Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman visited on Thursday with Mrs. Wesley Stack- house and Miss Eva, of Brumfield. Messrs. Douglas Laurence, Franklin Campbell visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Comber. Mrs. Russel Cook was a London vis- itor on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boak and family of Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Beak and family, of Crewe, visited on Sun- day with Mrs, Fred Cook. Mrs. Norman Wightman is visiting her brother, Mr. Mac Wilson and Mrs. ,Wilson, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook and fam- ily, of Belgrave, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Patterson, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Garth, visited on Friday With Mrs, Earl McKnight, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Brown, of Comber, spent the week-end with the former's sister, Mrs. Frank Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers, Mrs. H. Mathers, Miss Hattie Gallagher, of Lucknow, Mrs. Bud Scott and sons, of the 6th concession, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Plunket, of Au- burn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell visited on Saturday with Mrs. J. Youngblut and Mrs. C. Walper, of the Base line, Auburn. Several of the ladies of the West- field community met Friday afternoon at' the home of Mrs. Frank Campbell and packed 45 cheer boxes for patient s in Byron Sanitarium and 8 cheer boxes for shut-ins, The response of the community was much appreciated. and. Mate Ronald Taylor of the Cor- don C. Leitch is visiting his parents, Mr .and Mrs, Bert Taylor. s DAY OR NIGHT I FOR QUICK SERVICE I PHONE 65 I NIXON'S MUREX WILL "SAVE" YOUR CALVES! . SCOUREX WORKS FAST Removes infection from the in- testinal tract overnight. The "combined sulfas" in Scourex. work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid re- covery. Save Every Calf This Season G'et Nixon's Scourex at : ' K err's Drug Stor E Skates Exchanged We take in Old Skates on New, Trade Used Skates, Boy or Well, New or Used. Bring in your old skates and we'll make a deaL Stainton's Hardware 01111111111111111111115111111111111111111111111111111.111111151101111114111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 O.A.A. Junior B I U Hockey Game Saturday, December 19th I at 9 o'clock a Wingham Arena - -Admission 50c 'Children under 12 Free tinitiailimmontiotiatitiotommismaimmonflanimomommooleamosal SARNIA JUNIOR SAILORS vs. " Hanna's WUNIGHANI TOWNE HALLERS