HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-18, Page 5am—
«° .�Aa
ith Penslar
c � W
Campbell's Dreg Store
Phone 90 God(
White Pine a
a r w
as x Sp>r'l1C.e Balsa
k old stove. i
Sold is 25c, Soc and $1.00 bottle&
The cough remedy to touch the spot. Build up
system with a good tonic to fortify y ourself sins
rigors of winter.
Campbell's Dreg Store
Phone 90 God(
1111409 8F PAIN"
3 Specials for .
.�, a•t++IF'�`i01,, u.:.•' r, .t 1�t1', ,. � rt ...-�i
v .w..
t F
.7. • �•y,y,, pR g 1 � .
�I u`�*`�(TM:. .��it::oa�_e�r(.:�:.�,�et'.."3. �+ .►""�ffa �J+ ..t �.,• ) r.,. ?^�
ttl ,{,. ++a•*j.., a0ltla Ll!'+iwtxa, : fla �.. ,..• MOO
I • a� .l'« Ilw(i J,P� .nal. Tkurviny February
We ., a e
'4 . (a x i, ,�tH SIGNAL. — ODERIC& ON
Good r frf
AN APPILAL nWM THR Ol�r'la1�111a ( ! We carq an up-to-date line of Men
a Hats. Gloves, etc. ��
TILWAL SIX( n BQ�%3>. Own Corner ; values in Shirts, Neckwear, Hose,
... and Pressing
.s ... , Prompt service in Dry-cleaning
Illy the rrraddent) l i • I
1 �� . � . Ito
The petit aeae"rn war s moat tryl�g ► r� 1Ra �r $i° `E r
Ian for ganlwtoing tlud maa7 of our __ -- r " W• C. Saazel
pet yroJewts did not Rice the succelw we EDITOSIAL I the first. three days of the cumlaipl 1 lit 1 i1, ►fit z', At es •
hoped Sur. The lie►clety, however, week has beau prominent they nW+d lbtte Uuadred dal ilk t.( a y�@ 4J �' •►''- a' sit
Thr! Past t �� 'at
made some progress, thanks to the ear in many tviumutlitirr In au far as fatb l Thelr oDMctive lar -19w tb Naloca (hA- I Haberdasher and Dry-C�►�r• a,l
ois'+ative work of our town couuell ars and twos are t•otur•rufd. F*ve�rsl I tars and the money rated alauce their W Street To
339 1
and cltborns. clt11•x and towns have t,eLbroted '-' I ■mow,rt will be used for a riper camp
Tbe'•llower show was a very rut(ess annual Farber and Nu[i N'aek. i:lt- un Lake Huron. I tLi' �
tut evert, with an luemaw 111 thea num ela•tler and Waterloo he tJ their', last r ' I 1 ,
later of exhibitors. It la hard to ima-Ik ,110 lu our own Hunan .aunty Thr. (leaver 'Rall hanger gruop o(I --- - _
Rine to what It w•oullf have attained wr find that ileaforth, li—etieLd and Knox ebureb of town ser•Ita to head
ha4 lite growing searou Leen normal. l)nngaunon have fittingly reau.•tuts•red the lua•al gtrru{ra In selling wu-`• Tkr i Ooderich. The ru4rral waA Urld •alSay It With FloY7trs
One lit our e111tf ales this year !n LO, + l'aroatlNM. `1
! the rr(r•aston. In an Miturial Isiah- uu•utur r•IprW That to ahs the bu7x {xbly, January SSW. ('boles Roses.
Iucrarte our t.:hibltr 101) la•r ern!.• IlrUevl in a l a.11hun pa{w•r we Iruru hove• raiserl arouraei twl•nh'ttee dollaar%. 1v"-' Fj•weriog Plants and Feeds. Pte' . ! E rye
until 1•crry fiaw4'r-gn,we► of town 1"` that this Father and Son Ida -4 origin- .1.1MF's f•rlrll'FIt eral and WfaMng Weft on slio'l
(ymrN a {wet of this allow land makes Gari to rile Y.Y.I'.A. of Prrrtlabnte. On TUrsalay t.ve1111ng tit' I.
tM Te' 79u•r• 1wwaY1 away in ('umber. (tole tn•ti,x. l 1 ';,
lkv organization a greater force for Rhoda• Island, in 1907. 'Thi• i11i•u has cumsftln 'Testi 1tauK..r votary of or
oil Sunday, Feblvary 7tU. r rea{asrtevi OEO. STEWART
the aelllevemeat of every cause• that "Pres d aerosN the arnitiuent wail to street chunk will hold their uuuuall rr*Itlerl1 fit the lwrstru of Sir. James i
1'bssts' lOS.
will ire of vuiue In Iajae•akfug the silent tiy the 1tWy1•nu.•lat taus ucttlally' Ix- Father and Huta banquet. A reparrt of r'IN.Is•r, at W.. alG�' •'f-rce•11ty years 1'lprist,
haugualp lar buaq►►tality to our -atw
come world -a Wr la Its lufiueue•• and ryais will Is• fu the next hwte. and elector nxmths. lair. (•x,lx•r tail
Iwrr tlslaas• se•nhe. The pur{Nux•- lit F:eth••r nod liven in ill health for about Lwu wreak^
• Make up your mind now t,0 IN, erl're" ;Gott Week have witiworl yearly &lilt will North Moron have- a Luys and 11tr de•ml+w was totally a& --
%-till :
w•utwl Isdb lu lwrxlm and your ,lode} a. follows:
_ an. well aatwwed 41 r:uup this murumvr'• last year uu ill lNruwL Ifk was IN•ru in XL .]lar>'s
flow 4'r+. 1 Tu L'aeia &lice t2tr r• ry Is�tt Calk- „•Inpt wu- mu,M• [" urrangr one. 1"tt and Ilya! practically all ills lite in Wanted f>"
\ rewdutllnt
wit" passexl :et our an adieu taenia life fear the l",\'. owlnl; to lM htuu•-r of the x•ale,0u it seaafurlU. removing to voml"•r fu I1r14 'bt)u y,A�
Built meeting 11"kIllg that oath RwoeP To K,t fasters to n•I"w their (later- w"a• thuuKUn Is•tU•r to wall till t1alN til, r.. -1d.. with his soil Joh,. His wih• fi t tI`ytl
flat erwld We n►rarl for beautitylult l'
own ►N a xent u,► the hospital east and revrnuar•rate 11a-mseicera to rear. Xuw shut we Uuc1• ]usl eup•rld pnrler•rnserl him thirteen yt.ur.. Ilii
the t 1 their lraterwal ubliguthd, the ,4'w yimr wr shotlhl IN •
thinking death but; brought a bitter • up lit sur
grounds. Thr tJJree•lurr wish W rtott• aro lend Nines l,0 dev;sv-rvry" t •laud alxnat it. unit Out put it off till the• hast r,ew lu the 1110 lit' friends uud rely
that lust year fill.9uyeruluent grant a r Irw iatiuu fur their Gather- :old fur tiduuu•, We -1tlstld Il►r hl hast• n tic.. Ile lad a heart of pure gold Thr Water 411d Light Coto-'
wns #Uta. 11'ith nu iwresaw of new their buw4's. LauKup one this rammer iaud sh,0w
tree -;nor of Nature'* w,44-lnrta in
,tte,tylx•r- unit other buslners. ate buy- To it -ad la,uh father- and '-I's til, other e,taI nh•ncie" ]est what we run 1 hs trur.t U•nse. Sir low{Iter leae•44 fo go(ollIM`t`allfili lilt Cedar IRA
iug your flower h1lTtrs: taalrlMal Feld' nrogni7w TTiiw 1;hu1g1F_-nnrrlhrraetKF -a„ m,prtrn-►+i' bsw axs�n �ltildren'_.lathn goatal.
Ibnawrh the et"•Irty. we• err ,ryittg to school as Oe,.essnry la fit.. tine••t tier••!-� -- fwt 1w►S
iuenv'w ,0ar Kraut t,0 S1W, which wfit i and 1i'iili»ta ,0f l'umtx•r: Vrs Tun JwJe1 thirty rt �
opWf•ut lit their rhurut•t,�r laud tel eau- •1'he launK&11uuTi I'.�.F.T. •'roup" with et bast acvt•n (.i Inch
Is• eapa•Bt. as liar resolution asked. In I►ul:.n au.l Stw. tfYm. 1►»tici lit ('cam ) s r"'
o x rate In lilt. work and aupjxrrt of • Fton :tuutMay teat r"
top-poM� to tete dclivrnd
rile mwautime upldy nrur Ra"l wishes Ill,- churvla in exteudiuK anti uaakfl'a werlield6theTluir F a,m�n{ngd+ie►cLe Naas teen- lax•krlih�, FllYrntuut utlJO and Mr< yards al (iodrrich.
in a pracHeul Manner b. ak•uttlnR n efe4.lhv ha everyday lit*• the will "y .1. t:. xtnrdy. ,0f Goderi•h; alw, two "y
du,•t•rl rurlrvgy be the l",ys, tine ud-
I Nt least nue new member. Your full (. NI, ,leers I vuheilig Rie't'u by file lax•+al Wena- br,0tht•1'r and one rltuer: John Jatw-. quotation- rr('tived Oil any
1o1Mr will Is• +prof un {rceIDlums To rwpha-[751 the owe--ify for tbt' of t'hicabr'. ltolrH rod Mrs. J. G.
which will 1N•,Is,ught w'Dulewale. s tU, l"'r. -A larer uu,uls•r of fano•r- x11'1 ,entity frOtu $v4' t0 -fifty.
hum, 1"yrUan11 it early Kitt' til sou• wa+ter to -4 Iiradle-y. of Turonto. The funeral 9 as x iwaa
We will vunlinue our Junior lar- trululuK In physical• wwntaal. geirittual•I *y,n«I;Grti look {Aute on Wednesday montlnR Fiat any further peftlCuiars 4,40
,reunizatiun and a meeting will 1N 001 41*4
ax ill end trouuwia• ,few o e+. (;j(�GLE.ti wrr t onaAwted by Iter. T. lA$sa,u. apply /o
-otic&! tu.rr•4rYauirx: rue ehllatn•P. you from lel. late n•sidrnte. where srnicrs
r These err t'hly a few or Ibe• orally �,ra„Y__rrYeJ�e A,laarlie. whirr_ �
,lint Ret yunraaeliea •live Gr tDp hal fur x,w•s. but Ony moreuaenl whGTa�-J.B. el{o �.� awx wf s.
flat Mr. M•"rrf•, 1•royincial hortleul• l l iufrrnu•i,l in nnuwl. t...wt•trrc, The .1 B lay
44111 Is• around with has ate Its ubJ.r•t- xut.h ar.mtal•11d:ll,lt ort9NarihtrKla:MrgdlyafontYhy.•r-ergo-I nil t. C.N.R.L.\".A. to ri'attmR. 'rot ivfftl� 6's
�urxl Itwi nrer, pur{"rs1•x 111 rrnre the general wlaport I pntlU•rnrers wire five rlar{tloyees uf-' f k� fit
1,175144 next film. of the puhlh. It i- 11 Ko•"1 IWU9 for the forest." �- til, szwaforth foundry. what Mr. Supt. r: SeC y wt tea re
11'hllr rile prvvaldeut attrudfrl the tile stens, (senate thing fur tile ``pderiC}1 ,u it IJ
F:alwurel was late fur r•h.N.l. After e'Nq<•r workrfi�ur-re•a►aN--attJ,b1"I Goderich *r a.am.
cuclnelu,l As*us•latiun wtetkig at Tur feathers. ' brother -f„ -law, Mr. A1loert StevOl'sun. • +.. »
he- dill arrive the Irxeh•., qur+(fonarl elill Ptah
ata hr had the lAru,wvr u[ Lt.srinR ,0f Go,4•ririn. To the sorrow ingyr
it. Sluon ,wy that at Galt.►lrh every- WE HEAR THAT him. +'11'han k1,1rt y"u late, t:dwant'!' -
t. M one &pea i t at (rx'attervrl Inc- dnsn anal, relatiee.v is ext,nata-1 rile --` —
ite{xtris true► variou> centra 0114' askfrl. -_ - r�1 Iiti+
kl41y ley mature. Tin tell I. well through the 1'nnture iurticatr flat thaj "Ypaw. wish, it wa! dgr[x•ry t11r.ix•-t sym{,thy.-1(ontribnUrl,.
sttt.4 forAuwrre arwb ss lilies. All throug till cnmpalRn is rar•ricinR s that every fill"- [ ttN,k u -rep forward! \leu are said to be yultfvatiul: aFae w+'
�° flus week at I ba,'k:'.
_ .nht of bulbs plauta, slid all ktuoMt Marty supplant front the Isrlplr to l ..lip{xd two Niels`oil Q� e
I t+ sne11 us Irises, {xrrniea. 1 ..Well. )now dill `un ul,t tsar•• at a11Y' Kai -n-. N'4' tpentlI t wmrthlaR itlar 1eQner's MOEI�. Store
laud :free stnrtarl (hat Nus happenhrg afN•r sw•lnK the'
talar rate . the I rut [" Iib: I ttlrnerl urn r -
Mull. t -an be RrOwn lit the very walk hums." +inter- ,;lit at a chafe• we nitutly
M ROBINS MODEL T_NEATR i trrt rite area, Bf. ►l utr- I -niter fh7. xlilx'tet*i^B"f-&L I►.•rltt-tto__ _ __ .. -_ - .t. __ _-- _ _
.011 Is not aw Kul for rns,+t inti. - - trmtvt 1 i erpuol Weekly
our dRnrlr turmlN•r of Ihr laic« 1•arllntsent. fur Poor J,0hu11y lours riU1leTFd Yin I Cas Youy1 ^
orolx•r, In+twf Rt. y Kiteh4suerh son-jjw, Mr.. the News, �erctcr myndl-� -
rllrly. 1)R4' day .hr met a man who
roue hat ls•w, extab►fsh•r►. with &tient fF,
WFA* OF I+T.RRI',hlil' !t TO 17 ( t lit. tale Ililyitslw"141 In- t: eel- RQ 1
5 desert mens i + flowt.r, u+ the will is latest IIIc N tl mem!"arse of w Dlrh til• "iwyr l/wu runs a w UIwI fur sn11b•n•rs ad stem Beat These •
r'ornrr" Is uhf•. IArInK� lit lith" bre tnrrt.rt.RIC��• tt4fl►
Monday and Tuesday "1'uur stlitterlur is a Rre•at hundirnp I E�..EGA OWIRC.
THOMAS MEIGHAN ARID LDIS i cnlrnn•, unit blooms wite•u our tarlmts parts of the i'rt,-re, r will is ,
Flannelette Work WIISO.4 Yrs are here. albllshwt each Werk. Her•• err a few ro you;' aldl i a�tx" {Aird the I } Westinghouse Ill p►.
IA, had clrrr tutor we ounld sue �rt them: I Y y y ! GEO. W. STOKE
in a romantic lighting story of a sou n , ha, for rile Itivr-n As a summer tit.- render of lad. ab srl for Complete. In Cabinet, con
$bl a tr; of Erin. Made In Ireland. r Allan T. van Et'eri. 1 vo»_+•c+•r wa,I X Newgate Steer• P.O. Boz 001
- la town. Why 11,01 Jd11 rep with the thirv{ rhttarla lt,y: Parliament. - lfiel tainlnf; all batt t�
�•> a;
fc,pf ,tete "tRIt1H IA7CK" u I :rt latl11ural !GN•fe Y and ,alter stammerers'! •, ,tel it OU
lid i1ltt
S t .. WALTER HIER8 a 1 who is Alit.. of the 1••sadluK:rowo amnnR ,i-1 .k a -u ill' I l d Speaker and A
Sizes 1410 17 nil and nxrre to the 1"•ci"tif"y' if Nf►atr. 1 ju---f ! •! -- - .u1 s
I wa.e in ,ro the (latter"fry lit T,0ro11to u11tleresinlu- oil til-r-t.-tnvt:' rt•pllfr► Johnny. $85.00
rt • to vontin,,,. as a { Knssitr 44,rs tcaa- Kha•u the honor of pmsidluR
79G"� �'G — i ate n:lan each nx•mlx•r sbunld re's- at Ibt• Vilrvity-Itritish bites debate at
�Peth„atd�y and Tbureeday aWer
, liz i+ as uaurlt n {sten of the in Toronto. Thr former premier filled l;tadiu F:ua� "1\'hut iN the rhurK+' I Westinghouse
M glCg�Rp D[X ND ESTHER RAL „lit' flat. tete. oily.. and rxerciw• hlx tuaigor 1xrNttfoo lu titer pleaslnx ' f.rr�lNrlr- i ur and n Unlf volts. �� pfm0at Of New
141) --Lea• •tl'urt In I►ir IN,wrr t,0 advant"' way wnl,•l. is all hit, owl'. Tdbe Set, CO
hair rrtvtrrd Radio Fail--Howmuchmfu h i [fiat in ISpt'd Goods 1Oft la
3 dozen men s - 13 Its r.•xta Yuur 4'1 { peratiou is 011 !Irrtlfn the. i"iyw above the moct 1R..tul
in a clean, kern farce comedy of taw• . the .- asked to r all, &Brit in such s{ in su suplxrrt from the la,rgrle, lu ('auadfail mune y'•"� t�.�
� o-9 t
Pigskin -fined Gloves Bern 1Se%tern runa•h
life .}1 a m ter that we may Is- able• to Nc•e - Heanrtih•h,rl I'illuw r'xw•s, statue three-tU10 flet e
"WOIHANHANDLED fTas -cha.l I- harl11K :n s,s•isU ail totenlhn,idrr=1.110,•,. $ t
i° Stoht• 14,marp j its ,lee in fnrtherf„K the tNalr 1 "'RtYI'OII 1daNnrday, wll••u ilfll WtnaWy 9 �, tete i ,xm
79Cj `till. ;t f Gaxlcricll. nca•Idl,ut hail ► / &error 1'itrvv un bn.wn lint., 0..1 •r
- sJISI A GOOD 1)OY” a tree bslR..it anal up coming down ••truing in the hall oil F'rlduy- ,azul whip- IK iota ZSe.
--� ` " '`` "` arnek Sl r. (aortas nmtNy. in]ur1nR Mis• f441lef t 1'onnK. of Muuktun. (halter rm11'alut� f- 2s�. I De Forest Crosley three- r�
WEgTIF1ELU N'iKllt (iuw•nx in ('n hid nnl
rF'rldac and flaturday ')'Jul to -urh all extent that ht. rwlulrett r{xnt the wt.,k-r11d with lace {xnreett«, tube set, complete as I�r `*rtP19.41"
y„ 50C men's ,g'� I 9V19LYN RRENT i lir. laud hese It. K. Yountl.
. _ 11'I. 'IFI p Fell, lei -Mr. F:IwaNi merllcat att..nnutt, Ile• fs imPnrving IGrinti(nl"litrl �pna.ls
I {n a isle of mistnkam tdrntlty • Slimes Julfn Young. of 11'luKhana. Nlx•ut Tlar 1, 11.00. above. Cabinet contains ilJ '�
1 Miami Ctnrk slaimr +t't•r fatmT&My. - --- the end of the week at hear ho,w M•r,• Nrw I'attrna- in l'nshiunN :wit A 1�` "
S Work Sox
I taken eriwk": Mistaken detrcthes• •&units • h hila leenvine Mr. morons ---- a4d'tia'e all batteries. This set ,�J `
f'.y F ft;lNtiI+KRII1liB tff'" i \ number of the MxsonU bry thn„ 1 I.nl11ch sets. 11 ]'
4 I Tawrs and laughter! 14athos and 1 lb lto , and their friends took iu til.• Maw.u1• i ,lona• it and lilt 11s Mart y,.0 •4'u combine6 gOOd apprar-
While they last. I eoroaFy: ll r. 11. Taylor r••turwrl home u11
"KIUNIGNT MOLLY ' s, .\. at -ileo,. tan G.NM•rich Tlntr••My ..f lu•' i s I,IeM- CffiCl
}� llulrw after xlx•aetinR n Yew day" FING�IIRII":F:. F..b, 1r{. Mr week unit r4'{s,rt :n KNNI flute.
3 pairs for Slbo THE TELEPHONE GIRL runnlln and Guelph. \nstlu taus rr•lunorl I- her hone.• :&torr __ __ - - n a
ante convenience. -
In ll r•. ttlr, sr.. n•h,n,IN n y C Cy red economy.1fnt
tisfting fr�-u1- u ' rj'O SMI'TEi AMT fl $125.00
For this week only. "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN xnding +•viral Mts rho+. Q1091 -•y unit r'hr � - � sls
TOWER" Inst after Alit.
11'(11 G
tcerkr t tae, daughter. 11yx llee'anrtLc left tort Werk for .►p•troil• ST \l'.\\\'.\Nrrcll GIFT STORE
I rATHB REVIEW old Medal -`
Caylor. te Itelru-. Mich. I_� 5 -tube
lixtunLty at 3.111 p.m. lllr< runney• of .1y r. i- clslt• 1)wiug to tin it"', talent w,mt)R.r till, 1littute" of l,,trali•i{ nx+•tl11it bold t't: 1:a.t �tn•ct. 1'L,nl,. 1!11 QUadrodyne.' Distance, f Ma
M. Robins "rk. :111: nee,nbers all pnr••nf
)Inllnee iuR Ler u, \tri. \1 niter crowd ret till• hall ,m fAontlay • Bixht ly,hntary
b nt Hem knotted _fvr the next .letatetlr ,r„„tel a w•ri•anrMutt1 M}i.-i- or I au tO'-et1OR wire• n•ad and I fyOWCf, .►pp J a
What ahs torr• l wit, nate ala IwrRe ►r , trJ ltl"• I t ummnnis atinn� frna'n rile '
eat 'L 1l('f
Night. per-wrt. howey,.r. Knmt)y r"J'• apprnvt.d.
--- --- _ ! $165.00
---- cntertufnnlrnt and !ht. &knee,. which I last 1t,Nl.tra Aawx:iatktu aqui !ht. r►u
,rd. tnrio ll llllic ll"/1 .1 +++N 1111,01,, 1/"((1111,
- \itsrr. To11a :u„{ Martin cunm►inv(thnt d••legnt•-e lop ap{xti11ttr{ to atlen'l I 4 -tube "Marconi:' This
i �•_ -«�
llylt.s ltlnn•uce laud Atubnrsl• Giblsms•,0nfere,lc,,s in '(bort„ IUs Inrf Fresh Bread Baked Daily sf t has the tune and VOl- see tr a
t " d St. AnRustfnr, ath•udevl at rile hall ww,k in Febrvtxry, rtrr•i-A and filer'
,0n�hn ui ht. Ur an a
ort M K Thr nu•litura prew•ulyd their rvgwrt Ume f o pipe Q r d
t s Jit *qtr f fr Jl� a�3;nx I That's tclts,l yl,st p;,•t when Q260.00
taw ii lAL
VALU I nr•1•ipf- and rclwndifnr.•I+ for til, {Niel I Complete 4'p pW r`s
wrxe's=r a raag WHITE('HI'Ril'" °'..
year. the uL+tract-tnn•nnut sbowirl_ &rami ist y
ti 4'r r sS SP ;frost, rlrr{pt- ..f +:YS.t1tl.7_ snit x11 t c{
x•ndl i Iur Ii1C1';Al► from
him, l W1tl'ITEe'11ritt'lf. Feb. 1:.- Mrs. lite•. of $_-•flea..(; ill 1!r_J. H•ntiuK til tt, It ('(,nittitt� tilt. purcrl in l.otldSpeakers pitied front
O Of F{xu•kmxn has ise❑ nursing lit. 111t.lcumG,r1„{,{,• Luh,a„•,, uY S4,lrr..TtS nuI aIn l0 $5
D S hnrpt. of Mr. anal Mna Kold. Nn'ith, of
tuned. Tilt. n•lx,rt wrr ndot,,t.d oil ill” gr,-dwnty knit-„ to Laker , I1.�)0. All fol i u,
Two Fin ]lay a loaf t,Nlay 1red tt tr 8izc.forthe
Vit. Heleur. it's a RMI. tion of 1'a»n,r- Walker snit 'Chum{xenu r
ay,r tea l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Naylor visited I The ruli•r•tur was pr,•s..nt anti stintwi fh1• aliffen•nce. 4� r Batteries, l Uhes. Aerial a3
a last Tqurxtla7 at the Dome r>t Yr• slid that all rile taxes had ►xen uceo„°t'rl pa -r+ Equipment all 1n stock•
r •: «� Mrs. it. S. Naylor.- I '1
ati for with the rxreption of there 6K”'
��- �� t Mr. - and l at t*- hole cif 11'aw-•k-a1., ORaUtst flu• s h.bt 4n erste-men.laud ip ' Vtu., ytsiNrl at the home lit lite TrneTj tills part lott7).l fur�t(1 T• Clevel�ndCornfield - Z' Mrs. Fraulk Ht.hry test wrwk. JJ tiler t.xN•n-1„n of lino to March t:nh !},•J • _...: Mr. J,tut Gau11t spa•ut for la`s two wa” KrauNrl this oflla Intl, it Iii -Ing r „
x lg
ilia Mt1•rs i:vrtyta atlsJll► tlu'flt•g�(�tW _..[
uald I e
_._ til: rlGis
ser s
Ow -r11 Sound.ik• Turf neons{rete "• o r
Mr. anti airs- Irvin.ileury, orf iS•1 fulb.w'iug . accuyt,ts w -err put d: ll' � tore
a e fast, s{rent S11uda,y art lilt. hnmr of Ids. ote}'. --heap destroywl by dolts. t l4. 1't{n•etea+k ReducIng ,,Till Mrs. Root. Puratim. W (.. Iteid, x•rvlars us shwyl value I'urulr 11 4 4'r y «
Na F:Iliott Fe11-sp1•Mt the work tor. tiY: W. H. 1'awplN•IIuuditor. :��. r .Stoc J. F:Ilf,0tt, nadltor and t,•L•idlon• tele /
end with Sic lielyfpe (tet -•tuft.
�1rs. lloltrien, who has tafru visit- 11_.4(): F. ,Anll• rson, l-,lu `fury '•> ats rKlttl
iuK wish her dantgtltrr, Mrs. l,a,ctatt nn•r, $TL'p. {sl h►Re• „f f,
lit 1'lintou, is xRrin ret hear hune here. rent dMcn-rlaB xs Pr ap{Nrintnit'nt •ff�n.
a1 r. x,pl Mrs. Adam .lulls-t•owlth iNttrolme11, which wn• Inl,l ,rete till �mfG�rt 1 n rsaar�a,r;ty.J"",li�wr5 r
We wish to thank you for your liberal patronage Mr. OUC Stock- 1 arrais 1'ornerN, r1Nret Friday neat mwal11g, sn,l oth,•r estreat•- Foot I . 1
Mr. laud Mrs. 11'. it. Farrier. e•olnntrttou with the 1)ntarlu IIIKhw+l of
V s
1 aliss Flun•laet 1'urdon, ,f Toronto. Act. ar.nncfl ad]onrtled on merlon pt Cold Weather t” t i19 «rpm ,�
Reducing Sale• and wish to announce that for the two, final days of t 1 sale-- and Mr. F'IKi11 I'atr,tm• a.r lh tr,0n. ,•xBt{rben xnd Thome+ten to ane,•t nKst+n f tStp if f "1fl
I a,K, Mar. h Nil h. ret I cls k. y ix1
lel Values in every line. sirnt till war•6 cud Wath their {sate un Ttit.nbay, a, Clerk. 1 ERMEN'S
' we are offering very spec a 11tH. Mr. 1111d ll:N
A. F.. PnnkW \, r(nr1 r:ltF IF ► 1 FELT BOOTS and SLIPPERS, La?1Gi8
Friday and Saturday-- _ - 1 -- --- x
r ". tit Z- oarxW. .._..- .. ,.«
• our values t' lite. Read Hex. JAMES S Its.\\
e o (\It1.t1W I,. t.. with ,tete. , t( aatPl ,
t; Itacld .t irl The t%•%th •Nrntr,rl at IAN.mis, 1 your fret W8TiT1 ant' CITY
l ttti
pp ' I' Come 1n and 34' suit 11 r+ IioRh HI'!, of Ilett miller. Everything to keepIflri s
i am
The lilt. 14wilif held in Zinc ehuecD Oalihlrtlla, fm Frida yl¢�ns�"�7Mty4wt, "C
w:aa a great sueewr• Jam^' m• ttJ""'' during the severe winter Weather.
1 llonrhty evening
1 9'hr proRr.+us w u u I we w•aN yMrit and rhewl snnnth e. Th, de • Club•'ba s. Suit-�t tt,J
&,ward wail •stern of the late Mr. anti A Complete stock of Trunks, g l
-._ RNFIELD__ " uu�lt�t[tM8'Tof�►,� Ilcau tri 1'ollnnm• town _ a - ...
!ilti?iTa• • •. Jlisa__ cDILtL piSTf�tw0a} �, �l C Il� with Mr. Rinner Wvl'ee,l MRA Iefl slllp. Hr m1.r,r1 Ur ti*ilir. GK' 71f1
x .ta►arry tlfty yip aK^
&Rel rv•sld•rl rh1•r• 11p T
rsssax.sre. A ,a• �f v
f* • f l T'n y 4`44 no 116rsi'TTi11�Tt1 TTit• ttrrm *>f'l+N► &Math .SnrvlylttF i
# n ,, err The yonnK 1 Wife. two dinght4'rs xnd S H A R M A N' S fs
Mrot 1'harle" W,N"lwarth.
you are invited to shop. ,,lir.,, ate, ITitar.. a to {IRi aR rite hlm rete tale
•'aiwtUer li - __ April. 1 "M' ""t"u anal Thunlns
Ib_' Pz a Shop where clay r "Tire Iw"i -. awe Stacy- 'o`t €gym' -
I Phoge 418 The r. F. la tl a lip Mon A Itym FU, ,
Ladies! and Men's Wear West Side of Square 3a ylyad w. h, .'Nit.► and 11or• hr,0 till
«, mnvtlnR In !ht. t. r•alay. with w1 Ityan. x I of r'a:Honn{a. Ile Is -war W Rte• BHAR�tAN (ivDBRiCH
fw' �,1 r tied stten,or_ of 1'o►11nud• phony iso �^
Ili ,I.a ntarl0 «..,« •tt:t" l vlt at` ty+';:' '"i' tar\tu 11'nns,rn f a .,'A ,the-+ car lherx trice. 'Jnl,kx.ln,
Tltotaax Ityan. of Alaska: wtxa
GOdILfICII, O lends sit fertlflxet. !Pill 101 hasrMr. Rk.bi" a and ]orae 1117sa.
pre tetra's elates K Nly's Richard R1•
I� The Young . --._......::.�«••,e.a�.;�ta�rrwtl.r>tet:atei:f°1fr�'�'g'b.":'�.iAl,w'#xltista�5:17�►� `
��.�— .R..... ... ,.r. _,..,,.._,_ ...,IIs
• • a a
k .... ;: ,
-,-.a.>.,...,,-,•*,...,,.•,.... «......-.. , ...._.»..-..�.-n,W. .,�., - c,.«. .: .,.:.. .�. ... ,« ,. z� ,. .,.. ma,.. .r.,... ...* . , . ,.�., .err
.p ,
r .
�• f l i t t a: � FI r T' r It
.1° .t, �... ..'� � "lit ��'�e��t�C�.E."°:.I,:.-� �.�„•�t� . ��,'t�.,,
f P t ...... x a ,. � t.�r c .
•welt-•' _'�
It's not too late yet
to change that
k old stove. i
see Harold Blackstone about
r -�
r, Prices are right.
This is your store, use it.
Apply Mlnard's at once. 1
Blackstone s F' umit11C C
wits the pain and stops i�n
Removes all poise
chas a
oil the Broadway of Goderiell
Keep bottlo on tth las"1•
tea r
1111409 8F PAIN"
3 Specials for .
.�, a•t++IF'�`i01,, u.:.•' r, .t 1�t1', ,. � rt ...-�i
v .w..
t F
.7. • �•y,y,, pR g 1 � .
�I u`�*`�(TM:. .��it::oa�_e�r(.:�:.�,�et'.."3. �+ .►""�ffa �J+ ..t �.,• ) r.,. ?^�
ttl ,{,. ++a•*j.., a0ltla Ll!'+iwtxa, : fla �.. ,..• MOO
I • a� .l'« Ilw(i J,P� .nal. Tkurviny February
We ., a e
'4 . (a x i, ,�tH SIGNAL. — ODERIC& ON
Good r frf
AN APPILAL nWM THR Ol�r'la1�111a ( ! We carq an up-to-date line of Men
a Hats. Gloves, etc. ��
TILWAL SIX( n BQ�%3>. Own Corner ; values in Shirts, Neckwear, Hose,
... and Pressing
.s ... , Prompt service in Dry-cleaning
Illy the rrraddent) l i • I
1 �� . � . Ito
The petit aeae"rn war s moat tryl�g ► r� 1Ra �r $i° `E r
Ian for ganlwtoing tlud maa7 of our __ -- r " W• C. Saazel
pet yroJewts did not Rice the succelw we EDITOSIAL I the first. three days of the cumlaipl 1 lit 1 i1, ►fit z', At es •
hoped Sur. The lie►clety, however, week has beau prominent they nW+d lbtte Uuadred dal ilk t.( a y�@ 4J �' •►''- a' sit
Thr! Past t �� 'at
made some progress, thanks to the ear in many tviumutlitirr In au far as fatb l Thelr oDMctive lar -19w tb Naloca (hA- I Haberdasher and Dry-C�►�r• a,l
ois'+ative work of our town couuell ars and twos are t•otur•rufd. F*ve�rsl I tars and the money rated alauce their W Street To
339 1
and cltborns. clt11•x and towns have t,eLbroted '-' I ■mow,rt will be used for a riper camp
Tbe'•llower show was a very rut(ess annual Farber and Nu[i N'aek. i:lt- un Lake Huron. I tLi' �
tut evert, with an luemaw 111 thea num ela•tler and Waterloo he tJ their', last r ' I 1 ,
later of exhibitors. It la hard to ima-Ik ,110 lu our own Hunan .aunty Thr. (leaver 'Rall hanger gruop o(I --- - _
Rine to what It w•oullf have attained wr find that ileaforth, li—etieLd and Knox ebureb of town ser•Ita to head
ha4 lite growing searou Leen normal. l)nngaunon have fittingly reau.•tuts•red the lua•al gtrru{ra In selling wu-`• Tkr i Ooderich. The ru4rral waA Urld •alSay It With FloY7trs
One lit our e111tf ales this year !n LO, + l'aroatlNM. `1
! the rr(r•aston. In an Miturial Isiah- uu•utur r•IprW That to ahs the bu7x {xbly, January SSW. ('boles Roses.
Iucrarte our t.:hibltr 101) la•r ern!.• IlrUevl in a l a.11hun pa{w•r we Iruru hove• raiserl arouraei twl•nh'ttee dollaar%. 1v"-' Fj•weriog Plants and Feeds. Pte' . ! E rye
until 1•crry fiaw4'r-gn,we► of town 1"` that this Father and Son Ida -4 origin- .1.1MF's f•rlrll'FIt eral and WfaMng Weft on slio'l
(ymrN a {wet of this allow land makes Gari to rile Y.Y.I'.A. of Prrrtlabnte. On TUrsalay t.ve1111ng tit' I.
tM Te' 79u•r• 1wwaY1 away in ('umber. (tole tn•ti,x. l 1 ';,
lkv organization a greater force for Rhoda• Island, in 1907. 'Thi• i11i•u has cumsftln 'Testi 1tauK..r votary of or
oil Sunday, Feblvary 7tU. r rea{asrtevi OEO. STEWART
the aelllevemeat of every cause• that "Pres d aerosN the arnitiuent wail to street chunk will hold their uuuuall rr*Itlerl1 fit the lwrstru of Sir. James i
1'bssts' lOS.
will ire of vuiue In Iajae•akfug the silent tiy the 1tWy1•nu.•lat taus ucttlally' Ix- Father and Huta banquet. A reparrt of r'IN.Is•r, at W.. alG�' •'f-rce•11ty years 1'lprist,
haugualp lar buaq►►tality to our -atw
come world -a Wr la Its lufiueue•• and ryais will Is• fu the next hwte. and elector nxmths. lair. (•x,lx•r tail
Iwrr tlslaas• se•nhe. The pur{Nux•- lit F:eth••r nod liven in ill health for about Lwu wreak^
• Make up your mind now t,0 IN, erl're" ;Gott Week have witiworl yearly &lilt will North Moron have- a Luys and 11tr de•ml+w was totally a& --
%-till :
w•utwl Isdb lu lwrxlm and your ,lode} a. follows:
_ an. well aatwwed 41 r:uup this murumvr'• last year uu ill lNruwL Ifk was IN•ru in XL .]lar>'s
flow 4'r+. 1 Tu L'aeia &lice t2tr r• ry Is�tt Calk- „•Inpt wu- mu,M• [" urrangr one. 1"tt and Ilya! practically all ills lite in Wanted f>"
\ rewdutllnt
wit" passexl :et our an adieu taenia life fear the l",\'. owlnl; to lM htuu•-r of the x•ale,0u it seaafurlU. removing to voml"•r fu I1r14 'bt)u y,A�
Built meeting 11"kIllg that oath RwoeP To K,t fasters to n•I"w their (later- w"a• thuuKUn Is•tU•r to wall till t1alN til, r.. -1d.. with his soil Joh,. His wih• fi t tI`ytl
flat erwld We n►rarl for beautitylult l'
own ►N a xent u,► the hospital east and revrnuar•rate 11a-mseicera to rear. Xuw shut we Uuc1• ]usl eup•rld pnrler•rnserl him thirteen yt.ur.. Ilii
the t 1 their lraterwal ubliguthd, the ,4'w yimr wr shotlhl IN •
thinking death but; brought a bitter • up lit sur
grounds. Thr tJJree•lurr wish W rtott• aro lend Nines l,0 dev;sv-rvry" t •laud alxnat it. unit Out put it off till the• hast r,ew lu the 1110 lit' friends uud rely
that lust year fill.9uyeruluent grant a r Irw iatiuu fur their Gather- :old fur tiduuu•, We -1tlstld Il►r hl hast• n tic.. Ile lad a heart of pure gold Thr Water 411d Light Coto-'
wns #Uta. 11'ith nu iwresaw of new their buw4's. LauKup one this rammer iaud sh,0w
tree -;nor of Nature'* w,44-lnrta in
,tte,tylx•r- unit other buslners. ate buy- To it -ad la,uh father- and '-I's til, other e,taI nh•ncie" ]est what we run 1 hs trur.t U•nse. Sir low{Iter leae•44 fo go(ollIM`t`allfili lilt Cedar IRA
iug your flower h1lTtrs: taalrlMal Feld' nrogni7w TTiiw 1;hu1g1F_-nnrrlhrraetKF -a„ m,prtrn-►+i' bsw axs�n �ltildren'_.lathn goatal.
Ibnawrh the et"•Irty. we• err ,ryittg to school as Oe,.essnry la fit.. tine••t tier••!-� -- fwt 1w►S
iuenv'w ,0ar Kraut t,0 S1W, which wfit i and 1i'iili»ta ,0f l'umtx•r: Vrs Tun JwJe1 thirty rt �
opWf•ut lit their rhurut•t,�r laud tel eau- •1'he launK&11uuTi I'.�.F.T. •'roup" with et bast acvt•n (.i Inch
Is• eapa•Bt. as liar resolution asked. In I►ul:.n au.l Stw. tfYm. 1►»tici lit ('cam ) s r"'
o x rate In lilt. work and aupjxrrt of • Fton :tuutMay teat r"
top-poM� to tete dclivrnd
rile mwautime upldy nrur Ra"l wishes Ill,- churvla in exteudiuK anti uaakfl'a werlield6theTluir F a,m�n{ngd+ie►cLe Naas teen- lax•krlih�, FllYrntuut utlJO and Mr< yards al (iodrrich.
in a pracHeul Manner b. ak•uttlnR n efe4.lhv ha everyday lit*• the will "y .1. t:. xtnrdy. ,0f Goderi•h; alw, two "y
du,•t•rl rurlrvgy be the l",ys, tine ud-
I Nt least nue new member. Your full (. NI, ,leers I vuheilig Rie't'u by file lax•+al Wena- br,0tht•1'r and one rltuer: John Jatw-. quotation- rr('tived Oil any
1o1Mr will Is• +prof un {rceIDlums To rwpha-[751 the owe--ify for tbt' of t'hicabr'. ltolrH rod Mrs. J. G.
which will 1N•,Is,ught w'Dulewale. s tU, l"'r. -A larer uu,uls•r of fano•r- x11'1 ,entity frOtu $v4' t0 -fifty.
hum, 1"yrUan11 it early Kitt' til sou• wa+ter to -4 Iiradle-y. of Turonto. The funeral 9 as x iwaa
We will vunlinue our Junior lar- trululuK In physical• wwntaal. geirittual•I *y,n«I;Grti look {Aute on Wednesday montlnR Fiat any further peftlCuiars 4,40
,reunizatiun and a meeting will 1N 001 41*4
ax ill end trouuwia• ,few o e+. (;j(�GLE.ti wrr t onaAwted by Iter. T. lA$sa,u. apply /o
-otic&! tu.rr•4rYauirx: rue ehllatn•P. you from lel. late n•sidrnte. where srnicrs
r These err t'hly a few or Ibe• orally �,ra„Y__rrYeJ�e A,laarlie. whirr_ �
,lint Ret yunraaeliea •live Gr tDp hal fur x,w•s. but Ony moreuaenl whGTa�-J.B. el{o �.� awx wf s.
flat Mr. M•"rrf•, 1•royincial hortleul• l l iufrrnu•i,l in nnuwl. t...wt•trrc, The .1 B lay
44111 Is• around with has ate Its ubJ.r•t- xut.h ar.mtal•11d:ll,lt ort9NarihtrKla:MrgdlyafontYhy.•r-ergo-I nil t. C.N.R.L.\".A. to ri'attmR. 'rot ivfftl� 6's
�urxl Itwi nrer, pur{"rs1•x 111 rrnre the general wlaport I pntlU•rnrers wire five rlar{tloyees uf-' f k� fit
1,175144 next film. of the puhlh. It i- 11 Ko•"1 IWU9 for the forest." �- til, szwaforth foundry. what Mr. Supt. r: SeC y wt tea re
11'hllr rile prvvaldeut attrudfrl the tile stens, (senate thing fur tile ``pderiC}1 ,u it IJ
F:alwurel was late fur r•h.N.l. After e'Nq<•r workrfi�ur-re•a►aN--attJ,b1"I Goderich *r a.am.
cuclnelu,l As*us•latiun wtetkig at Tur feathers. ' brother -f„ -law, Mr. A1loert StevOl'sun. • +.. »
he- dill arrive the Irxeh•., qur+(fonarl elill Ptah
ata hr had the lAru,wvr u[ Lt.srinR ,0f Go,4•ririn. To the sorrow ingyr
it. Sluon ,wy that at Galt.►lrh every- WE HEAR THAT him. +'11'han k1,1rt y"u late, t:dwant'!' -
t. M one &pea i t at (rx'attervrl Inc- dnsn anal, relatiee.v is ext,nata-1 rile --` —
ite{xtris true► variou> centra 0114' askfrl. -_ - r�1 Iiti+
kl41y ley mature. Tin tell I. well through the 1'nnture iurticatr flat thaj "Ypaw. wish, it wa! dgr[x•ry t11r.ix•-t sym{,thy.-1(ontribnUrl,.
sttt.4 forAuwrre arwb ss lilies. All throug till cnmpalRn is rar•ricinR s that every fill"- [ ttN,k u -rep forward! \leu are said to be yultfvatiul: aFae w+'
�° flus week at I ba,'k:'.
_ .nht of bulbs plauta, slid all ktuoMt Marty supplant front the Isrlplr to l ..lip{xd two Niels`oil Q� e
I t+ sne11 us Irises, {xrrniea. 1 ..Well. )now dill `un ul,t tsar•• at a11Y' Kai -n-. N'4' tpentlI t wmrthlaR itlar 1eQner's MOEI�. Store
laud :free stnrtarl (hat Nus happenhrg afN•r sw•lnK the'
talar rate . the I rut [" Iib: I ttlrnerl urn r -
Mull. t -an be RrOwn lit the very walk hums." +inter- ,;lit at a chafe• we nitutly
M ROBINS MODEL T_NEATR i trrt rite area, Bf. ►l utr- I -niter fh7. xlilx'tet*i^B"f-&L I►.•rltt-tto__ _ __ .. -_ - .t. __ _-- _ _
.011 Is not aw Kul for rns,+t inti. - - trmtvt 1 i erpuol Weekly
our dRnrlr turmlN•r of Ihr laic« 1•arllntsent. fur Poor J,0hu11y lours riU1leTFd Yin I Cas Youy1 ^
orolx•r, In+twf Rt. y Kiteh4suerh son-jjw, Mr.. the News, �erctcr myndl-� -
rllrly. 1)R4' day .hr met a man who
roue hat ls•w, extab►fsh•r►. with &tient fF,
WFA* OF I+T.RRI',hlil' !t TO 17 ( t lit. tale Ililyitslw"141 In- t: eel- RQ 1
5 desert mens i + flowt.r, u+ the will is latest IIIc N tl mem!"arse of w Dlrh til• "iwyr l/wu runs a w UIwI fur sn11b•n•rs ad stem Beat These •
r'ornrr" Is uhf•. IArInK� lit lith" bre tnrrt.rt.RIC��• tt4fl►
Monday and Tuesday "1'uur stlitterlur is a Rre•at hundirnp I E�..EGA OWIRC.
THOMAS MEIGHAN ARID LDIS i cnlrnn•, unit blooms wite•u our tarlmts parts of the i'rt,-re, r will is ,
Flannelette Work WIISO.4 Yrs are here. albllshwt each Werk. Her•• err a few ro you;' aldl i a�tx" {Aird the I } Westinghouse Ill p►.
IA, had clrrr tutor we ounld sue �rt them: I Y y y ! GEO. W. STOKE
in a romantic lighting story of a sou n , ha, for rile Itivr-n As a summer tit.- render of lad. ab srl for Complete. In Cabinet, con
$bl a tr; of Erin. Made In Ireland. r Allan T. van Et'eri. 1 vo»_+•c+•r wa,I X Newgate Steer• P.O. Boz 001
- la town. Why 11,01 Jd11 rep with the thirv{ rhttarla lt,y: Parliament. - lfiel tainlnf; all batt t�
�•> a;
fc,pf ,tete "tRIt1H IA7CK" u I :rt latl11ural !GN•fe Y and ,alter stammerers'! •, ,tel it OU
lid i1ltt
S t .. WALTER HIER8 a 1 who is Alit.. of the 1••sadluK:rowo amnnR ,i-1 .k a -u ill' I l d Speaker and A
Sizes 1410 17 nil and nxrre to the 1"•ci"tif"y' if Nf►atr. 1 ju---f ! •! -- - .u1 s
I wa.e in ,ro the (latter"fry lit T,0ro11to u11tleresinlu- oil til-r-t.-tnvt:' rt•pllfr► Johnny. $85.00
rt • to vontin,,,. as a { Knssitr 44,rs tcaa- Kha•u the honor of pmsidluR
79G"� �'G — i ate n:lan each nx•mlx•r sbunld re's- at Ibt• Vilrvity-Itritish bites debate at
�Peth„atd�y and Tbureeday aWer
, liz i+ as uaurlt n {sten of the in Toronto. Thr former premier filled l;tadiu F:ua� "1\'hut iN the rhurK+' I Westinghouse
M glCg�Rp D[X ND ESTHER RAL „lit' flat. tete. oily.. and rxerciw• hlx tuaigor 1xrNttfoo lu titer pleaslnx ' f.rr�lNrlr- i ur and n Unlf volts. �� pfm0at Of New
141) --Lea• •tl'urt In I►ir IN,wrr t,0 advant"' way wnl,•l. is all hit, owl'. Tdbe Set, CO
hair rrtvtrrd Radio Fail--Howmuchmfu h i [fiat in ISpt'd Goods 1Oft la
3 dozen men s - 13 Its r.•xta Yuur 4'1 { peratiou is 011 !Irrtlfn the. i"iyw above the moct 1R..tul
in a clean, kern farce comedy of taw• . the .- asked to r all, &Brit in such s{ in su suplxrrt from the la,rgrle, lu ('auadfail mune y'•"� t�.�
� o-9 t
Pigskin -fined Gloves Bern 1Se%tern runa•h
life .}1 a m ter that we may Is- able• to Nc•e - Heanrtih•h,rl I'illuw r'xw•s, statue three-tU10 flet e
"WOIHANHANDLED fTas -cha.l I- harl11K :n s,s•isU ail totenlhn,idrr=1.110,•,. $ t
i° Stoht• 14,marp j its ,lee in fnrtherf„K the tNalr 1 "'RtYI'OII 1daNnrday, wll••u ilfll WtnaWy 9 �, tete i ,xm
79Cj `till. ;t f Gaxlcricll. nca•Idl,ut hail ► / &error 1'itrvv un bn.wn lint., 0..1 •r
- sJISI A GOOD 1)OY” a tree bslR..it anal up coming down ••truing in the hall oil F'rlduy- ,azul whip- IK iota ZSe.
--� ` " '`` "` arnek Sl r. (aortas nmtNy. in]ur1nR Mis• f441lef t 1'onnK. of Muuktun. (halter rm11'alut� f- 2s�. I De Forest Crosley three- r�
WEgTIF1ELU N'iKllt (iuw•nx in ('n hid nnl
rF'rldac and flaturday ')'Jul to -urh all extent that ht. rwlulrett r{xnt the wt.,k-r11d with lace {xnreett«, tube set, complete as I�r `*rtP19.41"
y„ 50C men's ,g'� I 9V19LYN RRENT i lir. laud hese It. K. Yountl.
. _ 11'I. 'IFI p Fell, lei -Mr. F:IwaNi merllcat att..nnutt, Ile• fs imPnrving IGrinti(nl"litrl �pna.ls
I {n a isle of mistnkam tdrntlty • Slimes Julfn Young. of 11'luKhana. Nlx•ut Tlar 1, 11.00. above. Cabinet contains ilJ '�
1 Miami Ctnrk slaimr +t't•r fatmT&My. - --- the end of the week at hear ho,w M•r,• Nrw I'attrna- in l'nshiunN :wit A 1�` "
S Work Sox
I taken eriwk": Mistaken detrcthes• •&units • h hila leenvine Mr. morons ---- a4d'tia'e all batteries. This set ,�J `
f'.y F ft;lNtiI+KRII1liB tff'" i \ number of the MxsonU bry thn„ 1 I.nl11ch sets. 11 ]'
4 I Tawrs and laughter! 14athos and 1 lb lto , and their friends took iu til.• Maw.u1• i ,lona• it and lilt 11s Mart y,.0 •4'u combine6 gOOd apprar-
While they last. I eoroaFy: ll r. 11. Taylor r••turwrl home u11
"KIUNIGNT MOLLY ' s, .\. at -ileo,. tan G.NM•rich Tlntr••My ..f lu•' i s I,IeM- CffiCl
}� llulrw after xlx•aetinR n Yew day" FING�IIRII":F:. F..b, 1r{. Mr week unit r4'{s,rt :n KNNI flute.
3 pairs for Slbo THE TELEPHONE GIRL runnlln and Guelph. \nstlu taus rr•lunorl I- her hone.• :&torr __ __ - - n a
ante convenience. -
In ll r•. ttlr, sr.. n•h,n,IN n y C Cy red economy.1fnt
tisfting fr�-u1- u ' rj'O SMI'TEi AMT fl $125.00
For this week only. "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN xnding +•viral Mts rho+. Q1091 -•y unit r'hr � - � sls
TOWER" Inst after Alit.
11'(11 G
tcerkr t tae, daughter. 11yx llee'anrtLc left tort Werk for .►p•troil• ST \l'.\\\'.\Nrrcll GIFT STORE
I rATHB REVIEW old Medal -`
Caylor. te Itelru-. Mich. I_� 5 -tube
lixtunLty at 3.111 p.m. lllr< runney• of .1y r. i- clslt• 1)wiug to tin it"', talent w,mt)R.r till, 1littute" of l,,trali•i{ nx+•tl11it bold t't: 1:a.t �tn•ct. 1'L,nl,. 1!11 QUadrodyne.' Distance, f Ma
M. Robins "rk. :111: nee,nbers all pnr••nf
)Inllnee iuR Ler u, \tri. \1 niter crowd ret till• hall ,m fAontlay • Bixht ly,hntary
b nt Hem knotted _fvr the next .letatetlr ,r„„tel a w•ri•anrMutt1 M}i.-i- or I au tO'-et1OR wire• n•ad and I fyOWCf, .►pp J a
What ahs torr• l wit, nate ala IwrRe ►r , trJ ltl"• I t ummnnis atinn� frna'n rile '
eat 'L 1l('f
Night. per-wrt. howey,.r. Knmt)y r"J'• apprnvt.d.
--- --- _ ! $165.00
---- cntertufnnlrnt and !ht. &knee,. which I last 1t,Nl.tra Aawx:iatktu aqui !ht. r►u
,rd. tnrio ll llllic ll"/1 .1 +++N 1111,01,, 1/"((1111,
- \itsrr. To11a :u„{ Martin cunm►inv(thnt d••legnt•-e lop ap{xti11ttr{ to atlen'l I 4 -tube "Marconi:' This
i �•_ -«�
llylt.s ltlnn•uce laud Atubnrsl• Giblsms•,0nfere,lc,,s in '(bort„ IUs Inrf Fresh Bread Baked Daily sf t has the tune and VOl- see tr a
t " d St. AnRustfnr, ath•udevl at rile hall ww,k in Febrvtxry, rtrr•i-A and filer'
,0n�hn ui ht. Ur an a
ort M K Thr nu•litura prew•ulyd their rvgwrt Ume f o pipe Q r d
t s Jit *qtr f fr Jl� a�3;nx I That's tclts,l yl,st p;,•t when Q260.00
taw ii lAL
VALU I nr•1•ipf- and rclwndifnr.•I+ for til, {Niel I Complete 4'p pW r`s
wrxe's=r a raag WHITE('HI'Ril'" °'..
year. the uL+tract-tnn•nnut sbowirl_ &rami ist y
ti 4'r r sS SP ;frost, rlrr{pt- ..f +:YS.t1tl.7_ snit x11 t c{
x•ndl i Iur Ii1C1';Al► from
him, l W1tl'ITEe'11ritt'lf. Feb. 1:.- Mrs. lite•. of $_-•flea..(; ill 1!r_J. H•ntiuK til tt, It ('(,nittitt� tilt. purcrl in l.otldSpeakers pitied front
O Of F{xu•kmxn has ise❑ nursing lit. 111t.lcumG,r1„{,{,• Luh,a„•,, uY S4,lrr..TtS nuI aIn l0 $5
D S hnrpt. of Mr. anal Mna Kold. Nn'ith, of
tuned. Tilt. n•lx,rt wrr ndot,,t.d oil ill” gr,-dwnty knit-„ to Laker , I1.�)0. All fol i u,
Two Fin ]lay a loaf t,Nlay 1red tt tr 8izc.forthe
Vit. Heleur. it's a RMI. tion of 1'a»n,r- Walker snit 'Chum{xenu r
ay,r tea l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Naylor visited I The ruli•r•tur was pr,•s..nt anti stintwi fh1• aliffen•nce. 4� r Batteries, l Uhes. Aerial a3
a last Tqurxtla7 at the Dome r>t Yr• slid that all rile taxes had ►xen uceo„°t'rl pa -r+ Equipment all 1n stock•
r •: «� Mrs. it. S. Naylor.- I '1
ati for with the rxreption of there 6K”'
��- �� t Mr. - and l at t*- hole cif 11'aw-•k-a1., ORaUtst flu• s h.bt 4n erste-men.laud ip ' Vtu., ytsiNrl at the home lit lite TrneTj tills part lott7).l fur�t(1 T• Clevel�ndCornfield - Z' Mrs. Fraulk Ht.hry test wrwk. JJ tiler t.xN•n-1„n of lino to March t:nh !},•J • _...: Mr. J,tut Gau11t spa•ut for la`s two wa” KrauNrl this oflla Intl, it Iii -Ing r „
x lg
ilia Mt1•rs i:vrtyta atlsJll► tlu'flt•g�(�tW _..[
uald I e
_._ til: rlGis
ser s
Ow -r11 Sound.ik• Turf neons{rete "• o r
Mr. anti airs- Irvin.ileury, orf iS•1 fulb.w'iug . accuyt,ts w -err put d: ll' � tore
a e fast, s{rent S11uda,y art lilt. hnmr of Ids. ote}'. --heap destroywl by dolts. t l4. 1't{n•etea+k ReducIng ,,Till Mrs. Root. Puratim. W (.. Iteid, x•rvlars us shwyl value I'urulr 11 4 4'r y «
Na F:Iliott Fe11-sp1•Mt the work tor. tiY: W. H. 1'awplN•IIuuditor. :��. r .Stoc J. F:Ilf,0tt, nadltor and t,•L•idlon• tele /
end with Sic lielyfpe (tet -•tuft.
�1rs. lloltrien, who has tafru visit- 11_.4(): F. ,Anll• rson, l-,lu `fury '•> ats rKlttl
iuK wish her dantgtltrr, Mrs. l,a,ctatt nn•r, $TL'p. {sl h►Re• „f f,
lit 1'lintou, is xRrin ret hear hune here. rent dMcn-rlaB xs Pr ap{Nrintnit'nt •ff�n.
a1 r. x,pl Mrs. Adam .lulls-t•owlth iNttrolme11, which wn• Inl,l ,rete till �mfG�rt 1 n rsaar�a,r;ty.J"",li�wr5 r
We wish to thank you for your liberal patronage Mr. OUC Stock- 1 arrais 1'ornerN, r1Nret Friday neat mwal11g, sn,l oth,•r estreat•- Foot I . 1
Mr. laud Mrs. 11'. it. Farrier. e•olnntrttou with the 1)ntarlu IIIKhw+l of
V s
1 aliss Flun•laet 1'urdon, ,f Toronto. Act. ar.nncfl ad]onrtled on merlon pt Cold Weather t” t i19 «rpm ,�
Reducing Sale• and wish to announce that for the two, final days of t 1 sale-- and Mr. F'IKi11 I'atr,tm• a.r lh tr,0n. ,•xBt{rben xnd Thome+ten to ane,•t nKst+n f tStp if f "1fl
I a,K, Mar. h Nil h. ret I cls k. y ix1
lel Values in every line. sirnt till war•6 cud Wath their {sate un Ttit.nbay, a, Clerk. 1 ERMEN'S
' we are offering very spec a 11tH. Mr. 1111d ll:N
A. F.. PnnkW \, r(nr1 r:ltF IF ► 1 FELT BOOTS and SLIPPERS, La?1Gi8
Friday and Saturday-- _ - 1 -- --- x
r ". tit Z- oarxW. .._..- .. ,.«
• our values t' lite. Read Hex. JAMES S Its.\\
e o (\It1.t1W I,. t.. with ,tete. , t( aatPl ,
t; Itacld .t irl The t%•%th •Nrntr,rl at IAN.mis, 1 your fret W8TiT1 ant' CITY
l ttti
pp ' I' Come 1n and 34' suit 11 r+ IioRh HI'!, of Ilett miller. Everything to keepIflri s
i am
The lilt. 14wilif held in Zinc ehuecD Oalihlrtlla, fm Frida yl¢�ns�"�7Mty4wt, "C
w:aa a great sueewr• Jam^' m• ttJ""'' during the severe winter Weather.
1 llonrhty evening
1 9'hr proRr.+us w u u I we w•aN yMrit and rhewl snnnth e. Th, de • Club•'ba s. Suit-�t tt,J
&,ward wail •stern of the late Mr. anti A Complete stock of Trunks, g l
-._ RNFIELD__ " uu�lt�t[tM8'Tof�►,� Ilcau tri 1'ollnnm• town _ a - ...
!ilti?iTa• • •. Jlisa__ cDILtL piSTf�tw0a} �, �l C Il� with Mr. Rinner Wvl'ee,l MRA Iefl slllp. Hr m1.r,r1 Ur ti*ilir. GK' 71f1
x .ta►arry tlfty yip aK^
&Rel rv•sld•rl rh1•r• 11p T
rsssax.sre. A ,a• �f v
f* • f l T'n y 4`44 no 116rsi'TTi11�Tt1 TTit• ttrrm *>f'l+N► &Math .SnrvlylttF i
# n ,, err The yonnK 1 Wife. two dinght4'rs xnd S H A R M A N' S fs
Mrot 1'harle" W,N"lwarth.
you are invited to shop. ,,lir.,, ate, ITitar.. a to {IRi aR rite hlm rete tale
•'aiwtUer li - __ April. 1 "M' ""t"u anal Thunlns
Ib_' Pz a Shop where clay r "Tire Iw"i -. awe Stacy- 'o`t €gym' -
I Phoge 418 The r. F. la tl a lip Mon A Itym FU, ,
Ladies! and Men's Wear West Side of Square 3a ylyad w. h, .'Nit.► and 11or• hr,0 till
«, mnvtlnR In !ht. t. r•alay. with w1 Ityan. x I of r'a:Honn{a. Ile Is -war W Rte• BHAR�tAN (ivDBRiCH
fw' �,1 r tied stten,or_ of 1'o►11nud• phony iso �^
Ili ,I.a ntarl0 «..,« •tt:t" l vlt at` ty+';:' '"i' tar\tu 11'nns,rn f a .,'A ,the-+ car lherx trice. 'Jnl,kx.ln,
Tltotaax Ityan. of Alaska: wtxa
GOdILfICII, O lends sit fertlflxet. !Pill 101 hasrMr. Rk.bi" a and ]orae 1117sa.
pre tetra's elates K Nly's Richard R1•
I� The Young . --._......::.�«••,e.a�.;�ta�rrwtl.r>tet:atei:f°1fr�'�'g'b.":'�.iAl,w'#xltista�5:17�►� `
��.�— .R..... ... ,.r. _,..,,.._,_ ...,IIs
• • a a
k .... ;: ,
-,-.a.>.,...,,-,•*,...,,.•,.... «......-.. , ...._.»..-..�.-n,W. .,�., - c,.«. .: .,.:.. .�. ... ,« ,. z� ,. .,.. ma,.. .r.,... ...* . , . ,.�., .err
.p ,
r .
�• f l i t t a: � FI r T' r It
.1° .t, �... ..'� � "lit ��'�e��t�C�.E."°:.I,:.-� �.�„•�t� . ��,'t�.,,
f P t ...... x a ,. � t.�r c .
•welt-•' _'�