HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-02, Page 27rl iilteirded for last week) Thirteen Ming people, most of therm theological students at the Western Thdyersity,IPA, were guests of Me, and Mrs, .Harold. Sperling. at the manse for the eveele,end and attendee services in the United Church en Stine day, At the morning service Mr, Spare eh* was. assisted by William Keller. and :by Pharlie Raymond, who deliver... eel the sermon, In the evening, 4. Yeting. Peenle'e rally was 'held,. with a large. congrega- tion 'including giieets from the eiefere.- orgiemeationre of the. surrounding triet. and 4.00 Miller presided, 'Mare garet Mier read the Scrintiere lee, son and. Marion McDonald led M pray- er, Pen ,Parneren welcomed the guests and Mtrodnced the guest speaker, who gave a challenging aderess. ona ''Gcd in.Our Veleettion",. Musical numbers included Mess this Douse a WW1 Sling by Anne Todd, "May the Good Lord' Bless And Keen You", by Phyllis Bar"bour and a trio, "Lend Me to Calvary, hy Miss Susanne Sherwood, of London, Miss •Henel :Snarling, of Exeter, and M. Harold Jenne; of Charing Cross, Later, In the basement, Mies Spar, ling with lefte Hareld Snarling at the Meng, led in a rousing sing-rion The evening • concluded with lunch served by the joeal young people, W.I, December Meeting The December meeting. of the Wo- We also must reduce our stock 'of 1953 Meteors.. I/MESA-4 SERVICE MOTORS LIMITED WINGHAM,ONT. v 410.4.-45.9 TABLE LAMPS Modern and Conventional Styles ! Priced from $6.50 End • Tables Step Tables 4.95 up t 21.50 Coffee Tables 10.95 up mummitmer.insi-mir•imm. re. Smokers $5.95 PP ROBB'S PEACOCK Mirrors Brighten your roans. $5.95 $38.95 Clothes Hampers $8.25 $9.50 Bridge Sets For those wonderful card Wpm $26.95 up Platform Rockers For the room that really steeds a comfortable chair. Priced from $49,,50 This year,, buy your Loved One the most treasured gift of all • A CEDAR CHEST Men Only Come in and see our large assorttnent, Walker Home Furnishings (2) 1952 Fprd 4=door Black - with OVerdrive, Sunvlsor 1952 Meteor 2-Door, Nice Shape 1950 Ford 2-door, Black $1245 1937 Plymouth sedan Used Trucks 1952 Fargo 1/2-ton $1095 Very low mileage "Most widows are looking for a safe, short term investment that pays good interest. I found I could buy debentures for as little as $100.00 for terms of I to 5 years. For a 5-year term, debentures pay me interest which is automatically deposited *tr., my Huion & Erie savings account." MORTGAGE: CORPORATION -01cle'r than fhebominion of Canada" District Representatives listed below Ask for the folder 20 Question*' Wingham — Crawford & Hetherington Wroxeter J. H. Wylie Head Office — London, Ontario 411tArgaftatM~WAKM0111MWOWAVOWOWIWAVOICMP 9 ay CBS STARS GODFREY, BENNY and GLEASON TOP UM TheCHALLENGER-21-inch Studio Series. Challenges all comparison for performance and price. Stain- xesistant ebony-finish cabinet,, eNeeeeee itiMeeeieneee "" ese Peee.e .e‘.1kee. eseareeeee nseedAk#S Aees eerePeeN, CBS $439.50 AMERICA'S MOST ADVANCED TV SET,' N GIN F. WWII DV C13(„,04',M14.17 columbw LOOK FOR THIS MG.,— Vow. guarantee of anSinuarinft, Perform- *nee and styling by CBS—the greatest Same in TV . Elect:toles. "mass The MODERN 1.11110A- TRE — 21-inch Studio Series. Walnut veneer cabinet. $449.00 iteiteMAMILWMFebteeelitiNfigaillihrolMill1111111111011111111111111 THE WARREN HOUSE Open Friday and Saturday. Nights 10 p.m. Phone 475 me.zee4 Institute Will be he fit the. heleke .of Mrs, Fred. McQuillan On •Thureday,, Peeerieben Ord aLt. ZOO. Boll call will lee .9, Chrietrnap verse and, an exchange. pf gifts. Thorp will be a collection for the Wingham Hospital, Won Prizes at Rend Congratulations to Murray Gaunt and Xiarry McQuillan who won honors with tivir calves at the Royal 'Winter Fair. Murray wen first prize in the Shorthorn close and was niaeed third for the Queens guineas. Barry's calf was placed in the second class group of Shorthorns,. Attends. as Guest Mrs, Gordon McPherson, who is the leader of the Girls' Homemaking Club, attended the Royal Winter Fair as a guest of the pepartment of Agricul- ture, Among others attending were Mr. _PA .18frO, Fred Mccenilian .and Barry, Mr. John Meq4J1140, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Murray, Mr. W. I. Miller, rP., 41. r9442 gr. Durnin, Messrs. Bel am Evan McQuillier PereOnelti. Its many friends Were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of Mr, Torrance Anderson, Which pee purred early 'Saturday Inerning, Mr. and- Mrs. Frank MeQUilein and Terry were weekeend visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. Trine. McCabe at Wind-. eor. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John. Cameron, who visited with Mr, and Mrs. Callum Cameron in Detroit, Word was received by relatives here of the death of Mrs. Mary Mc- Bain in Kirkland Lake. Mrs. MeSlain, who was a ,sister' of the late Mrs. John MeQuIllin, was a frequet visitor here. , • r. and Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob Mu die, of Waterloo, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mre, R. Woods end Mrs, Murdie, FORDIVICH (ineended for last week,) Correction In the pordwieh news last week there appeared a report of the mem- orial service held in Fordwieh on No- vember 11th, The report said that Mrs. A. Wallace had placed a wreath on the Cenotaph on behalf of the Township of Howick. This report was incorrect, Mrs. Wal- lace placed a wreath for the Province of Ontario, not for the Township of Howick, as reported. A visit was paid to the Howick Beanch No, 307 of the Canadian Le- gion by Duke Thorndyke, zone com- mander of the Legion, There were visitors from Wingham, Clinton, and Brussels branches along with John Hills, of D.V,A., stationed at London, Other distinguished guests were Mar- vin Howe, M.P. for Wellington-Huron, and Elston Cardiff, ACP. for Huron, The meeting was opened by Owe- rade W. M. McCann, who then asked the zone commander to take charge. Comrade Thorndyke presented eight past presidents with lapel emblems and installed the officers for 1954. The meeting discussed at length the action of the government in cancell- ing the special grants which had been made to Her Majesty's forces serving in Korea• and passed a strong reso- lution which was given to the M.P. present, urging them to do all in their power to get the action rescinded as from October 31st, 1053. A delicious lunch was served by the branch at the close of the meeting. Legion Ladies' Auxiliary The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Howick Legion held its November meeting in the Legion Rooms last week, Comrade Nellie Allan presiding. Business and bills were taken care of and several thank you notes from members were read. The convention report was given by Comrade McCann. The mystery box was won by Comrade Jean Sothern. Birthday money was collected. e Plans were made to hold a Christ- mas party for the children of vet- erans and a committee was named to look after same, Twenty-five dol- lars was voted to the Hall board at Fordwieh, also $5.00 to the Legion for repairs on the rooms. The Legion and Auxiliary are holding a fowl sup- per in the hall at Gorrie next month, A committee was named to bring in a slate of officers for the next meeting which will be on December 14th. The Legion joined the ladies in a social half hour after the meet- ing, Mrs. Schaefer 'Hostess The November meeting of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ira Schaefer. Mrs Stan Bride conducted the service and gave the call to wor- ship. The theme of the meeting was "The Church, the Body of Christ". Mrs. Len Edgar read the Scripture. A short article was given on the study book. The president, Mrs. Brown, was in charge of the business period. Roll call was answered by 25 ladies with a thought on remem- brance. Several letters were read from shut-in members. Mrs. Stinson and Mrs. Ashton gave a report of the sectional meeting at St. Helens. Of- ficers were elected for 1954, The meeting closed with the bene- diction. Presentation Held The community hall was filled to capacity on Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mepann, newly- weds. They were presented with a chrome kitchen suite and some money. The address was read by Jim Robin- son. They both made suitable replies. Dancing was enjoyed and lunch serv- ed, Officers installed At the regular meeting of the R.B,P. No. 335, held in the Fordwieh Orange Hall, the election of officers was held. A. good balance was re- ported on hand, Robert Hibberd con- ducted the election. The following officers were install- ed: Wie, J. Wills; JP, W. A. Stinson; chaplain, R. Hibberd; treasurer, W. F Campbell; secretory, N. Harding and W, Montgomery; censors, A, Han, F. Graham;' standard bearers, Lloyd Jacques, Roy Nell; plissuwant, Geo. Baker; tyler, Stan Hayes; committee, Robert Dixon T. L. McGinnis, R. VVatters M. D. Irwin and Robert Graham. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. John Baylor, Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg and W. Boehler were in Perietanguishene on Sunday and visit, ed with the latter's brother, Mr. Chris. Boebler. Mr. and Mrs. John Gedche and Florence and Miss Lydia Fisher, of Listowel, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hibberd and Mr. and Mrs. W. Boehier on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pollock were Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Pollock and Mrs. lames Pole leek, of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pollock, of Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Fraser, of Lendon, 'Mrs, 13, S. IViaeN'aughton and John of Wroadter, were Sunday .visitors with Mrs. Hainstoelt and other rein- thee. Quiet a number from here attended thb Junior Farmers' banquet in Ger- rie do Wednesday evening. Miss Lenore Beswithorick was a week-enci visitor in Toronto. ' The many-friends of Mr. AU. Bast wilt be sorry to hear that he has been confined to bed for several (Iva, Mr, and Mrs, George Baiter visited in Toronto over the Week-end. Mrs. 'Mary Denny spent Sunday at the hOrhe of M. and Mrs, W. Poet, in Paris. Mrs, Anna Denee and M. Biaelte more, of Canibeidge, Mass., Mid Mr. and Mrs, Jadit Heinbeeleere of Water- loo, 'acre.. On Sunday at the hanie of Mr., and Recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs,.Boyden Devitt were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Letwiller, of Car- stairs, Alta., also Mr. and Mrs, Walter Harris and Beverley, of Kitchener, Mr, and Um Jock Brewei, aceonee Ponied by Mrs. W. Duncan and John, of Mount Forest, visited 'age week at Toronto and attended the Winter Fair. Mrs. Bessie Bennett is visiting for sonic time with Mrs. Q. Wade at Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Enda Patterson were recent vieitors with Mr, and Mee. George Wipp at Galt, Mr. and Mrs, Hoy Askins attended the funeral of a relative in Hesson last weelc. Mrs, Bert Wright, of the 17th Con.. cession, has been eenvalescing at the home of Mrs. Emma Williamson, fob. lowing her recent operation, The Fordwieh Women's Institute is to be congratulated on winning the third prize for its hooked mat in Toe mote last week. This was ,sponsored by the Salado, Tea Company. arid was province, Institutes in the prnce, Mrs, George Richards spent a day last week at the Royal Winter Pair In Toronto. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Petzniek, Kitch- ener, spent a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Ira Schaefer, Mre. Tom MeClement, Mrs, Albert Gallagher and Mrs, W. Sothern spent Friday in Stratford. e Mrs, Bob Holland and Teddy, of Kitchener, spent a few days last week with her parents, leer. and Mrs. Ev-erett Allen. Don Schaefer, of Toronto, epent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. George Trethewey and family, of Stratford, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Ira Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Small visited on Sunday in Hamilton with rela-tives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris spent Monday in London. Miss Isobel McCann, of Listowel, spent the week-end at her home. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Hargrave were Mr. and Mrs, Bari Hallman and Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth and family, of Listowel. Jack Seifert, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartman, Marlene and Ronald, of Gowanstown, and Miss Joyce Hartman, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, William Sothern, Mrs. Nellie Gamble is spending some time at Brownsville. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Richard Aldrich were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck and Linda, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann arid Mervyn, of Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibson at- tended the Ice Capades in Toronto last week. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Seifert were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Seifert, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Butler and Nancy, and Mr. Butler Sr., all of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Seifert and children, of Clif-ford, The •WInghoin Arlywncos lsrW040. Se114441" WOMete$ Mission Circle Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Harcourt opened their home to the Senior Mis- sion Circle 0 the Baptiet chneeli for their November meeting, The president, Mrs. J. Falconer, 'presided, After the 'Singing of the hymn, "When We Walk with the Lord," Mrs, R. Cantelon led in prayer. The roll call was answered with a Verse of Scripture. The reports of the previous meeting Were read and adopted after which t. Pogo Thltlest the president conducted the bushel /I period, Mrs, H, Collar had charge of tisg devotional basing her remarks oil John, chapter 3, verses I. to 3, After the singing of another hymn eorreei Pondence was read frorn Mr. andlgra„ WohVeod, missionaries in Northern SasiratChewan. Mrs, 3, Falconer, gave an account of their recent trip to British 0013M+ bia and the Southern. States, stitmin$ Pictures of interest which wore much enjoyed by ail, Mrs. Atkinson closed the meeting with prayer after Which lunch wee. eerva 1950 Mercury sedan Two-tone, sun-visor, overdrive 1948 Ford Club Coupe 1947 Mercury 118 sedan' 1947 Mercury 114 coach 1938 Chevrolet 2-Door 1952 Chev. pickup $1100 lis-TON 1951 Mercury 3.ton $1000. Reconditioned motor 1949 Chev. pickup $800 VS-TON, Nice Condition 1949 Mercury 3.ton $800 Completely reconditioned