HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-02, Page 21'WATCH REPAIRS
Owing to ;sok of space, am own"
gelled to. °online my repairs to
watches only,
George Williams.
][.orated in
o Hotel Brunswick COFFEE SHOP
The Business Girls' & Men's Luncheon is inexpensive
and served at noon and evening.
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
5 p.m. to 7 ,p.m. 0
o=o===1 = =0 =I I
Used Car
1951 Ford Custom Coach, two-tone - a real buy
1951 Ford Sedan, two-tone - smartest car in lot
1950 Dodge Coach, grey - good condition
1949 Meteor Coach,, green - in, excellent shape
1949 Custom Ford V8, grey k. smart throughout
1948 Pontiac Coach, blue, spotless 'inside and out
1942 Ford Coach, blue - a snap
1937 Plymouth Custom Coach - cheap transportation
1949 Mercury 1/2-ton pickup - good throughout
1-1953 Fordson Major - used very little
1-1951 Ford •8N Tractor, all overhauled
1-1948 Ford 81V Tractor, all overhauled
If you wish.
will hold any .item, until Christmas,
0 0 delivery ,christmas Eve.
All Appliances Guaranteed.
tends a welcome and best wishes Or
their success. This village has been ,
without a
for, the past six
Mrs. Gordon Gibson spent the week-
end in London visiting her daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Gibson were in
Parkhill on Saturday attending the
wedding of Mrs. Gibson's sister (Inez
PoPhy) now Mri: Fraser.
Lloyd, McMichael Toronto, was in
town over the week-end having been
called owing to the serious illneep of
his father Robert. McMichael.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Barlow, Ruth
Anne and Phyllis, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with mrs. James Sang,'
Dominion Bank
Reports Profits
The Dominion Bank's profits in the
year ended October 31 were the high-
est in its history.
Net profit for the year was $1,393,-
459, up $234,903 from the previous
year. This is equivalent to $1.98 a
share on the bank's stock as com-
pared with, $1,66 a share in the 1951-
52 fiscal year.
Reserve fund has been increased $1.'
million to $12 millions by a transfer
from profit and loss account:
The statement reveals a strong
liquid position. Cash assets at $108
millions are equal to 22.7% of total li-
abilities to" the public. Immediately
available assets at $233 millions are
48.7% of all public liabilities. •
Savings and other interest bearing
deposits rose $7.4 millions to , $282.6
millions—a new high. However, total
deposits declined $9.5 millions to $479
millions due to a drop in non-interest
bearing deposits, Included in the total
last year were a few large corpora-
tion balances on ,deposit for a tempor-
ary period only.
Current loans show sharp expan-
sion, rising by almost $52 millions
during the year to $257 millions. Near-
ly all of this increase occurred in loans
to corporations and individuals in
Call loans, on the other hand, are
down $11 millions to $17 millions,
most of the reduction being in call
loans outside of Canada.
With the expansion in loans, secur-
ity holdings, largely Dominion and
provincial bonds, declined from $16.4
millions to $107 millions.
An increase• of $265,000 in invest-
ment in bank premises to $8.1 millions
resulted from the opening of new
branches and the modernization of
Your support and . .
on Monday, Dec. 7th
will be appreciated
Walter Shortreed
Morris Township
for 1954
Electors of
Morris Township
I have served on your Council
for the past eight years and
have made every effort to seek
for you the _best
Municipal Government.
I now ask your continued sup-
port to elect me as
for 1954
Sam Alcock
Mille Electors of
Morris Twp.
Your vote and influence for
the position of Councillor for '
1951 will be appreciated.
If elected the best interests of
the Township will always be my
first consideration.
ausiness and
Direct ory
Telephone 23 Teeswater
WROXETER—Every Wednesday
afternoon, 2-4 p.m., 'or
by appointment.
Frederick F. Homuth
Carol E. HomuthR.O.
Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, xt,„,
10140arni, ingsibi AS
fr. agAWFOUD, Q4
B. 8. HEnnutoxiktoriti 41141,
Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc•
Money to Loan
Office — Meyer Block, Wingham
Insurance Company
Est. 1840
An all Canadian Company which
has faithfully served its policy
holders for over a century.
Head Office — Toronto
H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency
To the Electors of the Township of Morris:
Ladles and Gentlemen,
Having been approached by a number of ratepayers to be
a candidate for the reeveship, I have consented to allow my name to
be, placed on the ballot.
If elected, I shall endeavour to serve you in a fair minded
way keeping always the best interest of the ratepayers at heart.
I have served for the past six years as a councillor and
have a good knowledge of all matters pertaining to the Township
of Morris. AMMON
Your vote and influence on December 7th respectfully
solicited. 4141UM,
Wishing everyone the Compliments of the Season. •
Yours sincerely,
Baillie Parrott
Morris Council
For Reeve
Morris Township
Having served for thirteen years on your council, I
feel qualified to serve as your reeve. If elected I
shall continue to serve you to the best of my ability
and shall always use my powers in the interest of
the taxpayers.
To the Electors of the Township of Morris
Dear friends:-
Being nominated for Councillor in ' the
Township and decided to stand for office I would ap-
preciate your vote on Dec. 7th.
And if elected will do everything in my
power for the interest of all concerned to the best
of my ability.
Yours sincerely,
Your vote and influence
will be greatly appreciated.
Santa to Visit Wroxeter
On December Nineteenth
VV. x. il/braionas 140044011‘
The Meeting of the We,
Plen'a 4ustitute will be held at the
borne el Ivire, Jos, Curtis on Thursday,
pecernber 10th, The roll call Will he
anWered by, giving a family tradition
at Christmas and donations for the
Christmas Cheer, gra, Carl Johnston
will give a Christmas message. The
motto—"It's home and love acrd little
things that matte Christmas great"
will be presented by Mrs, Eldred Nic-,
hol, There will be a display of hand-
made Christmas gifts. Refreshment
committee will be: Mrs. R, A. Brook,
Mrs. E. Johnston and Miss R. Duff,
Children Busy •,
Children of the community are very
busy with Christmas activities at this
time of year. The Preabyterian Sunday
School will have a concert on Dec, 11,
the children and young people of the
United Church will present a pageant
on Christmas Sunday evening, the
20th. The Bluevale public school child-
ren are practising for their concert
on the 21st. The rural schools in the
immediate neighborhood will also each
have Christmas events.
Y.P.U. Presents Play
On November 27th, the Y.P.U. of
the United Church presented their
play, "A Close Shave," for the Worn-
men's Association of Blake United
Church, in Ashfield ToWnship,, near
Lucknow. The congregation has fitted
up a suitable hall for such events,
built in the top of the church shed.
It is roomy, well decorated, has a
small kitchen and an attractive stage.
W.A., W.M,S: Annual
Annual meetings of the Women's
Association and the W, M, S. of Blue-
vale United Church will be held on
Thursday afternoon, December 3rd.,
when officers for 1951 will be elected.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Peacock and
family motored to Ottawa to spend a
few days with the former's brother,
Mr. George Peacock and his family,
On a recent trip to California, Mr.
and Mrs. Eldred Nichol travelled ex-
tensively, seeing the, Yosemite Nation-
al Park, the "painted desert" of Alri-
zona, Salt Lake City and the wonders
of New Mexico.
Mr.. and Mrs. Ralph Brook and
children of Oshawa, were week-end
visitors at the parental home, with
Rev, and Mrs. R, A. Brook.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Trimble, of
Gorrie, visited Mrs. Wm. Nicholson,
Mrs. W. J. Johnston was a visitor
in Gorrie last week.
Miss Margaret Curtis is visiting her
sister Mrs. Harold Procter, of Bel-
Mr.. and Mr, Harvey Groves and
family, of Akron, "Ohio, spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, and
Wildon and Mrs. E. Wadel were Kit-
chener visitors on Sunday.
December Meeting W. I.
Rev. Douglas Fuller, rector of St.
James Church, will be guest speaker
for the December meeting of the. Wo-
men's Institute. Mr. Fuller will speak
on Christmas with our fellow Canad-
ians on Walpole Island. The motto
"Keep the Star of Bethlehem shining
for Christmas 1953" will be taken by
Mrs. J. N. Allen, Roll call to be ans-
wered by donations for good cheer
baskets. Mrs. John MacLean will be
in, charge of a display of homemade
Christmas gifts. Members are remind-
ed of the exchange of gifts value 25
cents for the Christmas Tree. Hos-
tesses will be, Mrs. Jim Doig, Mrs.
Harvey Timm and Mrs. Thos. Burke.
Date of meeting is December 2nd., at
2.30 p.m.
Candlelighting Service
is The Women's Missionary Society
will hold their December meeting at
the home of Mrs, E. W. Todd on Fri-
day, December 11th., at 3 o'clock. Mrs.
Gilbert Howes will be in charge of the
topic. Assisting in the programme will
be Mrs. H. Timm, Mrs. Frank Beads
and Mrs. James Sanderson, Reports
of the year's activities will be given.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson spent
the week-end in Detroit. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Harry Adams,
who visited friends,
Mrs. H, H. Mercer and son, Robert,
of Markdale, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Sanderson. •
, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coombs, Toronto,
spent the week-end with, Mr. and Mrs.
gilbert; Howes,
David Draper, local merchant, was
guest soloist on Miss Margaret Bro-
phy's programme CKNX on Thursday.
Mr. Draper sang two numbers "I Love
You Truly," and "Because Your
Mine," accompanied at the piano by
Mrs. Lyle Brothers,
Mrs: Thomas Peel,,,of Palmerston,
spent several days last week with Miss
Margaret Jardine.
,Mr, and Mr. Ken Orr, Byron, spent
the Week-end with the latters father,
Mr, George Lackie.
Mr. and Mrs, William Rae and sons,
Jack and Douglas, came from Han-
over on Sunday and with the former's
mother, Mrs, D. W, Rae, attended the
United Church service.
Mrs. David Anger returned to her
home on Satarday from Wingham
General Hospital, where she ,had been
a patient for some time. We are pleas-
ed to, know she is making a good re-
Mr. Robert McMichael, oldest man
in the village is very ill at his home,
with two nurses in attendance. Mr,
McMichael is in his 01st, year,
This week we welcome to the vil-
lage a new doctor, Dr. Mills, his Wife
and two ,children, from Oshawa ar-
rived on Friday and are getting sett-
led. Everyone in the community eX-
'rho Wischool A4vaneo-Volool, Wpdoomth,y, 11)04, Pido 141
aoroaa,0•44,401,,e41,4 "``
The Turnherry nominutlon meeting,
held on November 07th, was without
excitement, The members, of the pre,-
sent,council were returned t)3, acclam-
ation, There were two candidates for
reeve, the Pregent reeve, John Fischer,
and Isaac Wright, who was a foriner
councillOr and reeve, Both have quali-
fied. Hugh Mundell was re-elected by
acclamation as trustee for the Turn-
berry School Area. The 1954 council
Children of Wroxeter and commun-
ity are going to have a peek at Santa
Claus this year. On Paturday, Decem-
ber 19th, Santa Is expected to arrive
by train from Whipple, A Christmas
tree will be er',Octed on main street.
Moving pictures (free) will be shown
at the Towp gall and a treat will
complete the alternqon's entertain-
ment. Santa's visit is"being arranged
by the business men of Wroxeter and
they hope all the children will be on
hand to give him a welcome.
Visit London on Sunday
Mrs, Reg, Newton and Betty, also
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Newton, of 13rus-
gels, were in London on Sunday to
visit Mr, Reg Newton, who is a. patient,
in Westminster Hospital. They report
Mr. Newton fairly well and in good
spirits. Word from their son, Tom
Newton, at present at Esquimalt, B,
C., says he will not be able to be home
for Christmas this year and expects
his group will sail for Autralia soon
after the holiday.
Y.P.U. Meet
The Young People's Union, United
Church, held their meeting in the
church schoolroom on Sunday. even-
ing. Berva Gallaher played soft music
at the piano to bring the meeting to
order. President Donna MacLean pre-
sided and operied the meeting with
the singing of the hymn "0 Master
let me walk with Thee," followed by
the Lord's Prayer. Billy Hart read
the Scripture lesson. Shirley Reidt led
in prayer. "Rise Up 0 Men of God"
was the second hymn, Donna Cope-
land was in charge of the topic,
Christian Fellowship and stressed the
value of prayer in the life of the
Christian., Mr. Todd conducted a Bible
quiz and the meeting closed with the
Mizpah benediction.
Present Play Again
Members of the cast of Raggedy
Nan, the three act comedy which has
been sa popular, were in. Brussels on
Saturday night for the 15th presenta-
tion of their play. They were sponsor-
ed by Melville Presbyterian Church
young people.
W. L Euchre Party
Wroxeter Branch of the Women's
Institute held their first euchre of
the season in the Masonic Club rooms
on Friday evening. Eight tables were
in the play. Charles Cathers and Roy
Hunter won first and second prizes
for high score. Miss Jean Wilton and
Mrs. Thos. Parker took honours for
ladies. J. H. Wylie won the birthday
prize. Lucky tallies were held by Mr.
Wylie and Mrs. Wes. Underwood. Tom
Vittie won the special bingo, a pair of
embroidered pillow cases. Refresh-
ments were served by the committee,
Mrs. Allen. Munro, Mrs. Harvey Timm
and Mrs. Herb Patterson.
That Last Throughout the Years!
We're loaded with Christmas gifts for
every member of the family—everything
from a complete electrical kitchen down
to knick=knacks at $1.00
Drop in early for best choice from our
large selection. Make your choice now
and we'll hold•your articles until Christ-
mas. ,!„1
Christmas Tree
Large ,Assortment
Something Different?
Give. Electric
this Christmas !
Wingham Phone 474
AbO.W.3011. galMal.164/0."0"4024.5"030020,014140.4.010-445ieig."104