HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-02, Page 14Greeting Cards Unsealed 2 written messages not to exceed 5 words "NA Loa cola nlikteimaq, clottao?" H.J...CORNISH & Co. Certified . Public Accnuptunts H, .1, Cornish L. f, Cernitth D. Mit0e11 294 DUNI:MS ST. LONDON, ONT.: ARMITAGE'S nu, eeea.erd Men's Wear Ready Made Clothing Ladies' Hosiery PHONE 172 WINGIRM , 0 0 ft? 114111N111011. Ur. and Mrs. 4-rormil3 1#0411eqt, or T4olidon, Miss:MaryFoster, at Xit'cue41. and Bill Fisher, of Melton, were visi- tors at the home of Mr. and •lYfrs George Fisher over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Prank McDonald, of Stratford, spent the week-old t the- home of her brother, Leslie Wight- man, and with other relatives in thin district, Mrs, George Fisher has been under the doctor's care during the week- end. Mr. Jarvis, of Knox College, Tor- onto, had charge of the services in Calvin and the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday, Mrs. 3. J. Tiffin Spent the week-end at the home of her son, Mr. George Tiffin, of Kinloss. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott, of Rip- ley, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Airs, Wallace Conn. Misses Margaret and Florence Moir, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of their sister, Mrs, Jas. Rich- ardson. Robt, 114e0lenagban and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan and children, *Pent Wednesday at the home of her sister, Mrs, Arthur Gow- die, of Kitchener, Jas. Pettapieqe, spent a few days last week at the Winter Fair, Toronto, and visited with friends at Nebleton. Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Barbour stayed at the farm during, his absence. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moss and fam- ily, of Bright, visited last week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ben MeClenaghan, and all visited on Sun- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin MeGleargtan, of st„ftonas.misiahie4,fI ;iheld a plastic demonstration at the time of Mrs. Donald Ross on Wednesday last. Seventeen tables of euchre were played on Friday afternoon at the Memorial Rail, with Mrs, Frances St. Marie, winning first prize, Mrs. Gor-don Cioditin„ second prize, and Mrs, Thos, Nichol low prize, Mrs. Miles Mc- Millan wen at the pedro table. Lunch was served and all enjoyed the social time together, Mrs. Irepe Paterson, Toronto, anent the week-end at the borne of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mrs. Will Conri spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stewart Scott, of Kinloss, Mrs. Walter Pocock spent Friday last with Landon friends, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Malley, Lynn and Kathleen, spent the week-end at Sarnia, with his sister, Miss Bridgetta O'Malley, who is superintendent of Sarnia Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker were in Stratford on Saturday and visited with Miss Vera Hail, Mrs, R, G. Greenharn and son, Bob, of Leaside, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Walker, Kenneth Carter, who bad been, visiting at the Greenharps' returned to his home here with them. EV Roe. Farms Seryice Dept, orf ilaukia® C o chGroil DON'T PUT AU THE BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, B055, YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYING EGGS FOR HATCHING NEW A SPECIAL FEED. WHE-E-W i AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU, DOC. YOU'VE. SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELLTHE BOSS ABOUT YOUR GOLDEN 466 INESIERPOSIL WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, BILL'? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER'S FAULT. A FERTILIZED E.`GG MUSTCONTAIN STORED.UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATESTGROWTH FACTORS 'TO HATCH A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWIN5. \ LOOK AT THIS FERTILE EGG, BILL. IT )6 MADE UP OF THE SHELL-ALBUMEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE. EGG BEFORE SHE•5EALS IT IN THE, SHELL. IN 21 DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUSTGROW A 0,16 HEAL-THY CHICK AND KEEP IT GOI N6 FOR NEARLY 10 DAYS AFTER HATCHING. TNATt A BIG JOB AND 1T NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH. COME AND GET IT, 61 RLG I ROE GOLDEN 666 FOR GOLDEN EGGS. THERE'S SORE SENSE IN WHAT YOU SAY, DOC,. ROE GOLDEN EGG MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET-AND IT'S ONLY A FEW CENTS EXTRA FC)R THIS SPE.CIALLY MADE BREEDERS' MAS Howson & Howson, Wingham Belgrove Coop, Belgrove Ross Anderson, BelgrtIVe Bloevale Milling Co, Oluevaie , e ralarteeft WIIITECHURC11 (Intended for last week.) le`arm Forum Meets Wiliteelttlreh Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. land Mra, Ap'hert Purdon with an at- attendance of 21). The broadcast, Rut.- and *Urban Tenaions, was very in- teresting and the discussion exeeed- inglY so. The feeling was that the urban group paid very little attention to the wants pr problems of the rural -people at any time, The groups felt that there had been very little information re the June- set-aside for publicity Purposes and thought the two price systems would be effective, if there were a floor price for emergency, Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mr, Aldin Pardon held high score in the euchre games and Mrs. Currie and J. D, Beecroft in the crockinole. Lunch was served and the social time enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be held W,11.1,S, Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Watt& of the Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday of Iasi week in the Sunday school room of the church. The president, Mrs. Jas., McInnis, was in charge. Mrs. Robert Ross read the Scripture lesson end gave a talk on Elizabeth, a woman of the Bible. Mrs, Wm. Dawson led in prayer. Mrs. Earl Caslick had charge of the current events from the Glad Tidings and Mrs, Albert IVIcQuillha had charge of the chapter from the study book. The treasurer reported that the al- location of $151 had been exceeded and the bale of quilts and clothing was sent to Toronto. Mrs. Fisher presided for the elec- tion of officers and Mrs. McInnis was again appointed as president with the following officers: Mrs, Dawson Craig, 1st vice president; Mrs. Earl Caslick, 2nd vice president; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Mel3urney; treasurer, Mrs. Johnston Conn; Glad Tidings secre- tary, Mrs. John Craig; Home Helpers' Band feeder, Mrs, Jas.. Wilson with Mrs. Donald Ross as assistant. The officers were duly installed by. Rev, R. D. A. Currie. Life certificates were presented to Mrs. Jobe Craig and Mrs. Frank Coelter and the ladies voted a, donation be sent to their mis- sionary, Rev. Angus Mackay, of Twist, India. Rev, Currie closed the meeting with prayer. WKS. plans :hale The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church Was held on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. J. G, Gillespie with 1* ladies present and with the president, Mrs. James Falconer, presiding. The theme of the meeting was, "The Church, the Body of Christ", Mrs. John Purdon read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. Ezra Seholtz led in prayer, Mrs. Falconer and Mrs. Mil„. Ian Moore gave a short report of the recent Presbyterial at St. Helens, Mrs. E. H. Groskorth read an interesting chapter from the study book and Mrs. Albert Coultes led in prayer, Mrs. Scholte gave a piano solo, Plans were made for the different committees to serve at. the bazaar to be held on December 5th in Lucknow, The meeting was closed with prayer by the president. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purdon attend- ed the funeral of the late Torrence Elwood Anderson on Monday. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph An- demon, of Lucknow, and formerly of West Wawanosh, he leaves to mourn him, his wife, formerly Hazel McIn- tosh, and one daughter, Mary Jo, who has been training for a nurse in a Toronto Hospital, and one sister, Mrs. Wm. Blue, of Detroit. Interment was in South Kinloss cemetery with Rev. Baulehe officiating. Country Curlers Elect The Country Curlers' Club held the annual meeting at S.S. No. 9 in E. Wawanosh on Wednesday evening of last week, Eleven tables played euchre and Mrs, W, J, Peacock and James Dickson won the prizes for high score, Leslie Bolt, for lone hands, and Mrs. Bolt for low score. Mr. Lawrence Tay- lor was the retiring president and 3. D, Beecroft was chairman for the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, W. 3. Willits; 1st vice- president, Leslie Bolt; seretary-trea- urer, Gordon Mundell. Two directors for each township, Turnberry, Morris and E. Wawanosh, were elected. A delicious lunch was served and all enjoyed a social time. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galbraith, of Wingham, visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gordon El- liott. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott moved into their new home on Wednesday of last week. Ales McKenzie, Thos. Gaunt, Robert Golley, James Currie and Russel Gaunt attended the Winter Fair in Toronto on Thursday. The Y.P. Society of the Presbyter- ian Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer this Tues- day evening, Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Irwin, Mr. and Mrs, Burns Ross, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, of Toronto, visited on Saturday at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Herson Irwin. Mrs. Clarence Chamney was able to return home from Wingham Hospital on Thursday. Mrs. Gordon Naylor and Harry Cook held high score at the first meeting of the 9th Concession Euchre Club last Tuesday evening. Betty Jean Woods and Murray McDowell held low score. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods are entertaining the club this Friday evening in the schoolhouse. Mrs. Sam Reid, of Lucknow, spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer, of Blyth, visited on Sunday with 1VIr..and Mrs, James Falconer, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Emerson were in Blyth 'on Sunday, His sister, Mrs. John Haggitt, who had been visiting with relatives in this district for the past week, &turned to her home with them. Miss Oates and Miss Clark of the Salvation Army visited on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs, Mary E. Chapman, of Aurora, has been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of her son, Russell Chapman. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Mudford, of Burford, spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and children spent Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lawson Majury, of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Orval, Newby, of Pros- pect Hill, visited on Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens, of Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Shiell and Prank Thompson and Sidney, spent Friday at the Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes, Douglas and Grant, were at the clin- ic in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Susan, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, spent Thursday in London and Miss Eleanore Wightman, who had been home for two days, returned to her position in Victoria Hospital, with them. Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Carruthers and two sons of Holyrood, Mr. Eldon Lowry and family, of Lurgan, Mr, and Mrs. Evans and Teddy, of Langside, ri When you need neap in a hurry, you reach for your telephone ... Think of the difference it makes just knowing your telephone is , there, ready to serve you in any emergency. No price can measure its usefulness.; THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Tice Wil iti><tn Advancoqiimps, .WednefAIW,. ,Zn.d, scoeretary, Mrs. James Leidlaw; wel- - comer and welfare secretary, Mrs. R. at Ross; At , seeretary, Mrs. Earl thc home of Mr. and Mrs. .John. McGee. CaSlick supyly, Mrs. Dawson Craig; e. Skilled Aircraft Technicians are the "line backers" in the expanding Royal Canadian Air Force team: Without their "OK" a plane isn't permitted to take off. LAC Eric Craig was a garage mechanic a couple of years ago. Today be's a fully-trained and skilled Aero-Engine Technician. He's an expert on all types of aircraft engines — from single-engine planes to four engine transports. What does he think of the life? "Ive gat as emftaleaae 4*d imeeteda,,,,,, goe.,- ecteect, "It'd a Id t'oed a pewee. itsa.4eire Put lie de ,46 Vence coulee T 444e 4e4eged 44 wawa& as autateo* Ptaera4r9.',' If YOU want -an aviation career with opportunity for advancement, adventure, good pay and a pension after 20 years, enrol today to train as a skilled Aircraft Technician. • SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT THE ADDRESS IN THE COUPON — OR MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! • • 0 "4- &like a caieee4., ewevaiv't YOU CAN HAVE ONE, TOO!. ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE e, 117 jr COT' t 1. .1 CY „, NAME (Please Prim) R.C.A.F. Recruiting Unit, 343 Richmond Street, LONDON, Ont. Phone: 41314 & 44815 .Please Mail to L ine, without obligation, details re enrolment requirements and openings available he the R.C.A,11. . (Surname) (Christian Name) "*"." STREET ADDRESS . . CITY PROVINCE ...4. EDUCATION (by grade and province) AGE a a LAC,ERIC CRAIG 25, of Carp, Ontario, doesn't get enough of planes in his RCAF lob as a skilled Aero• Engine Technician. In his spar„ time, he mokes mod el aircraft. He, his wife and baby live in married quarters at RCAF Station Uplands, near Ottawa. I R.C.A.F. Mobile Recrititing Unit *Ingham Town 116111 — 12 noon till 9 pm. Wednesday, December 2nd