HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-02, Page 13ST. HELENS HELENS
(Wended for last ewd)
Thirteen young people, most of them
theological Students at the: Weatorn
University, London, were guests of
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Spalding at the
manse for the week-end and attended'
Services! in the 'United Church on Sun-
day, At the morning service Mr. Sper-
ling Was assisted by William Keller
and by Charlie Raymond, who deliver-
&I the sermon.
Ii the evening a Young People's
rally was held with a large congrega-
tion 'minding guests from the
organizations pf the surrounding dis-
trict and Isobel Miller presided. Mar-
.10es, W.Iii1Alw10, ftdo. PO V.:
the president •conducted the businedll
.24.1'rs, a Collar bad charg of AO'
Idevotional basing her remarks .0,0
John, chapter k verses 1 to 3, After
the singing of another hymn eurr*
pondeace was read from Mr. and WO,
Welwood, missionaries in Northam
Mrs. J. Falconer gave an ak09.4.$4
of their recent trip to- British --Celtird,#
bid and the Southern States,
pictures of interest which Were. much
enjoyed by all, Mrs. Atkinson closed:
the meeting with prayer after which
lunch was served,
The 'Winghtsin .dvan
Senior Women's
Mission Circle
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt
opened their home to the Senior Me-
Sion Circle of the Baptist Church for
their November meeting.
The president, Mrs. J, Falconer.
presided. After the singing of the
hymn, "When We Walk with the
Lord." Mrs, R. Cantelon led in prayer.
The roll call was answered with a
verse of Scripture,
The reports of the previous meeting
were read and adopted after which
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Wroxeter — J. H. Wylie
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Open Friday and Saturday Nights 10 p.m.
Musical numbers included solos.
"BleSe this souse" was sung by Anne
Todd, "May the Good Lord Bless and.
Keep You", by Phyllis Barbour and
a trip, "Lead Me to Calvary", by Miss
Susanne Sherwood, of London, Miss
Hazel Snarling, of E7teter, and Mr.
Harold Jermer, of Charing Cross,
Later, in the basement, Miss Spar-
ling with Mr, Harold Sparling at the piano, led in a rousing Sing-song. The evening concluded with lunch
Served ..1,b'st the local young people.
The December meeting of the Wo- vv4 December 'sleeting
.0.4ret Miller read the Scripture. .r.ion'S Institute will be bell at the
Ann 4/1d. Marion McDonald led in pray- mime of Mrs, Fred McQuillan on
or. Pen Cameron welcomed the. guests Thursday,. December .rd at .P.30., Roil
and introdUeed the guest .0Pealter,. whd call he 41,'.'qhriStrards verse and an
gaVe a ehallenging .address On, '100 efechatige Of 'fine. 'There will be, a
in Our Vocation'. colleetien for he Wingham 'Hospital.
Won Prizes at Royal
Congratulations to Murray.Gaunt;
and Barry McQuillan who won honors
with their calves at the Royal. Winter
Pair. Murray won first prize in the
Shorthorn class and was placed third
for the Queen's guineas. Harry's calf
Was placed in the second clogs group ,
of Shorthorns, Attends as Quest
Mrs, Gordon McPherson, who is the
leader of the Girls' Homemaking Club,;
attended the Royal Winter Fair es a
geest of '-the Pepartment of Agricul-.
ture,. Aldiong ethers attending were;
Very low mileage
1937 Plymouth sedan
Used Trucks
1952 Fargo )1/2=ton $1095
(2) 1952. Ford 4.door
Black - with Overdrive, Stutvisor
1952 Meteor LA
2-Door, Nice Shape
1950 Ford
2-door, Black
1950 Mercury sedan
Two-tone, sun-visor, overdrive
1948 Ford
Club Coupe
1947 Mercury 118 sedan
1947 Mercury 114 coach
1938 Chevrolet
We also must
Mr, and Mrd, Fred McQuillan .and
Darry. 2Viri jQhn McQuillan, Mr. and
Mrs, Andrew Gaunt and Murray, Mr.
W, ',E% .4%TciOcii• Ur. ;id 'Dernin, Messra, and ..Evan
7-44 MiMilriendal..kvere..Shodisect and
Sadd'eneti to' learn 'of 'the' sudden death
cout rMl.eia.,,,.:Lorrtri4etuArocizersolene,oWjto,1",1,,r-
- -Mr. and Wm, Frank Mcionnindand
.Terry were. .week-end .y itprs,.:with
and Mrs, Iohn Cameron, who visited
""Woad was recervccj by p rgiptiyes
Me.- ? arlkland Lake,
.John Megyillin, was, a "freguet ddIsftor
)314104' fi,c47t.;,.10:.:?3'1V1 179:
here,• ..
Mr,,, gird Mrs. l'46b
Uurdie, of Waterlop, were week-end
,visitors with Mr, and Mrs.,-,R,„ Weods
and Mrs. Murclie,
(Intended for last week.)
in the.-Pordwich news last week
there appeared a report of the mem-
orial service held in Fordwieh on No-
vember 11th. The report said that
Mrs, A. Wallace had placed a wreath
on the Cenotaph on behalf of the
Township of Howick.
This report was ineerrect. Mrs, Wal-
lace placed a wreath for the Province
of Ontario, not for the Township of
Howick, as reported,
A visit was paid to the Howick
Branch No. 307 of the Canadian Le-
gion 'by Duke Thorndyke, zone com-
mander of the Legion. There were
visitors •from Wingham, Clinton, and
BrUsselfi branches along with John
D.V.A., stationed at London.
Other/distinguished guests were Mar-
vin. Howe;. M.P. for Wellington-Huron,
and EiSton Cardiff, M,P, for Huron.
The meeting was opened by Com-rade W. M. McCann, who then asked
the zoile,' commander to take charge,
Comrade Thorndyke Presented eight
past presidents with lapel emblems
and installed the officers for 1954.
The meeting discussed at length the
action of the government in cancell-
ing the special grants which had been
made to Her Majesty's forces serving
in Korea and passed a strong reso-
lution which was given to the M.P.
present, urging them to do all in their
Power to get the action rescinded as
from October 31st, 1953. A delicious
lunch was served by the branch at
the close of the meeting.
Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Howick
Legion held its November meeting in
the Legion Rooms last week, Comrade
Nellie Allan presiding. Business and
bills were taken care of and several
thank you notes from members were
read. The convention report was given
by Comrade McCann. The mystery tiox
was won by Comrade Jean Sothern.
Birthday money was collected,
Plans were made to hold a Christ-
mas party for the children of vet-
erans and a committee was named
to look after same, Twenty-five dol-
lars was voted to the Hall board at
Wordwich, also $5.00 to the Legion
for repairs on the rooms. The Legion
and Auxiliary are holding a fowl sup-
per in the hall at Gorrie next month.
A committee was named to bring
in a slate of officers for the next
meeting which will be on December
14th. The Legion joined the ladies
in a social half hour after the meet-
Mrs. Schaefer Hostess
The. November, meeting of the
W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ira
Schaefer. Mrs Stan Bride conducted
the service and gave the call to wor-
ship, The theme of the meeting was
"The- Church, the Body of Christ".
Mrs. Len Edgar read the Scripture.
A short article was given on the
study, book. The president, Mrs.
Brown, was in charge of the business
period. Roll call was answered by 25
ladies, with a thought on remem-
brance.. Several letters were read
from: shut-in members. Mrs. Stinson
and Mrs. Ashton gave a report of the
sectional meeting at St. Helens. Of-
ficers. were elected for 1954.
The meeting closed with the bene-
Presentation Held
The community hail was filled to
capacity on Friday evening to honor
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc)Cann, newly-
weds, They were presented With a
chrome kitchen suite and some money.
The address was read by Jim Robin-
son. They both made suitable replies.
Dancing was enjoyed and lunch serv-
Officers Installed
At the regular meeting of the
R.B.P. No. 335,` held in the Fordwich
Orange Hall, the election of officers
was held. A good balance was re-
ported on hand, Robert Hibbcrd con-
ducted the election.
The following officers were install-
ed: WP, J. Wills; JP, W. A. Stinson;
chaplain, R. Hibbercild-treastirer, W.
F Campbell; secretary, N. 'Harding
and W, Montgomery;, censors, A. Hall,
F. Graham; standard bearers, Lloyd
Jacques, Roy Neil; pussuwant, Gee.
Baker; tyler, Stan Hayes; committee,
Robert 'Dixon T. L. McGinnis, R,
Wafters M. D. Irwin and Robert
Mr. and M. Roy Kennedy, Mr,
and Mrs. John Baylor, Mrs. Warren
Zurbrigg and W. Koehler were in
Penetanguishene on Sunday and visit-
ed with the latter's brother, Mr. Chris,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gedche and
Florence and Miss Lydia Fisher, of
Listowel, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hibberd and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Boehler on Sunday.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Pollock were Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Pollock and Mrs. James Pol.•
lock, of Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Pollock, of Windsor, Mr. and Mts.
Glenn Fraser, of Londoe.
'Mrs. D, S. MacNaughton and John
of Wroxeter, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Halestock and other rela-
Quiet a number from here attended
the Junior Farmers' banguet in Gor-
rle on Wednesday evening.
Miss Lenore 13eswitherlek was a
week-end visitor in Toronto,
The many friends of Mr. Alf. Bast
Will be sorry to hear that he has
been confined be bed for several days.
Mr. and Mrs, George l3alcer visited
in Toronto Over the week-end.
Mrs. Mary Denny spent. Sunday at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Ptiot, In
Mrs. Anna Dance and Mr. Black-
more, of Cambridge, Mass., and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Heiebeeltert of Water-
loo, Were guests On Sunday at the
hotne df Mr, and Mrs, Fred boner-
and Mm Ttoyden *vitt were Mr,.
and Mrs. Stanley Letwiller, of Car-
Harris and Beverley, of Iditehener. stairs, Alta., also Mr. and. Mrs. Walter
Ileeent visitors a he borne of Mr.
Mr; and Mrs.. Jack Brown, aCcora,"
parried by Mrs, W, Duncan and John,
:of Mount finreat, visited last week
at Toronto and attended the Winfer
Fair, •
Mgrs. Beaslo Bennett is visiting for
.89MP,,,tigte, with Mrs. 0, Wade at
.0Wen„Sgund, .
Mr. and Mrs. F,s.rld Patterson were
recent visitors with, Mr. and Mrs, George yipp at
:and ,Mrk+. BAY .Akins attended
this, tertil def a relative In Hessen-nn
lard Week
Mrs, Bert. Wright,. of) the 17th Con-
cession, has been convalescing at the
home of Mrs, •Emma Williamson, fol-
lowing her recent operation,
The Fordwich Women's Institute
is do be congratulated on winning the third -prize dor -ifst dioelted mat in To,-meta -last -week.-This was ,sponsored
by' the-Salada Tea Company. and was for- Institutes in' the province,
Mt. George' Richards spent a day
last week at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Petznick, Kitch-
ener, spent a couple of days last week
with Mr, and Mrs, Ira Schaefer,
Mrs. Tom MeClement, Mrs, Albert Gallagher and Mrs. W. Sothern spent Friday in Stratford.
Mrs, Bob Holland and Teddy, of
Kitchener, spent a few days last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ev-erett Allen.
Don Schaefer, of Toronto, spent the
Week-end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Ira Schaefer.
Mr. and Mrs, George Trethewey and
family, of Stratford,' spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Its. Schaefer.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Small visited ounvesSunday in Hamilton with vela-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris spent Monday in London,
Miss Isobel McCann, of Listowel,
spent the week-end at her home.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Hargrave were Mr.
and Mrs, Earl Hallman and Kenneth
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth and family, of Listowel
Jack Seifert, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hartman, Marlene and Ronald, of Gowanstown, and Miss
Joyce Hartnian, of Kitchener, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern.
Mrs.m Nellie Gamble is spending
some time at Brownsville.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aldrich were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck and Linda, of
London, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mann
and Mervyn, of Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibson at-
tended the Ice Capades in Toronto last week.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Seifert were Mr. and Mrs. fOotrtdo. Seifert, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Butler and Nancy, and Mr. Butler
Sr., all of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Seifert and children, of Clif-
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